.PAGE SIS TIIE ASUXVILL C 2STtE-NE73' Wednesday, April CO. 1213 Ivionuments 6h & Ltt ano'dat j r . t I M.-:i.tm'- "w. , ? i .j, ,' ' I " - - j " t I I . - t ' ,-t, 7 ' ' s ' , ' ' ' 1 !-"" i r f "j. . H sv, ; ; 1 ( ? Reading From Left to Right Top Row: Maryland Monument on Orchard Knob; "Georgia Monument in Chickamauga Park; Illinois Monument on Missionary Ridge; South Carolina Monument ' in r Chickamauga Park. Second Row Ohio Monument on Missionary Ridge; Carries' Battery in Chickamauga Park; Iowa Monument on the Side of Lookout Mountain near the Cravens House. Third Row Snodgrass Place in Chickamauga Park; Brotherton House on Chickamauga ,B attlefield; View oiSnodgrass Hill, Chickamauga Park. v ' k " 5 . . , OFFICIAL FIGURES GIVE HONOR TO CHICKAMAUGA Jroup of Monuments and Historic Points of Interest on Cfiattanoog3;'s Battlefields Made Glorious by the '' World's Greatest War Here Are Erected' Lasting r Tributes in Marble and Bronze -by a Nation to Its ;V Heroic Soldiery. " ; -. ... . .. 'v , r '- : (By J. Q. Mm, far PublloHy Cmml Chattanooga Raunion Ataoolatlon.) Of aompantWalr raeant yaara mora or ronreda that Gettyiburr n a harfler- leaa trlandlr rivalry ha azlatad batwaan tha Various writer! wbo hara turned their attantlon to tha ' battiaflalda of Chlckamann and Oattyaburft tha rlTtlrr beln aa to tha ralatlT Importanea of aach Wtla,' tha peroantaga of loa of aaeh. and tha eumbor of memorial! areeted on thoao flalda of 1ery. It la not enrprialnf. tharafora. that thla rl alrr baa ibown Haelf, fifty yaara after tha battlaa. clothed In new rarmenta of pitch, but containing tha aama arru Dienta. July t there la to ha a reunion on the field of Qettytbnrc of both blue and fray; tha orarnment bearing tha -penao of all veterana enrnrrd In tha lint tie and deelre to attend tha reunion. Tha Confederate veteran hold their re union at Chattanooga May I7-!" lncln. alva, thla being tha eamtaentennlal year of tha great battlee fought In and around the Mountain City. Champtona of Oettyahnrg. are bney with their oene, arguing that high tide f battle waa reached en that hlntorto field and claiming more monumenu and ti'tirkera for Gettysburg than any other buitlefleld In the world. All of thle la good, becaaee It creates Irtereet In fields of glnry and Immortal Ifpi American vnlnr, Chattanonaa w&uld nnt n h i i-n ft-Mi t th lens! of rp j iK'uiy 'l'!;i.(t) v.j tiiu.ii,a ihuie for ait k fought battle than Chickamauga, or that tha field of Gettysburg eontalna a greater number of monnmenta, historical tablets. markera and other memorials than tha battlefields --ound thlo city. rresiaent Lincoln. In his memorable speech at Gettysburg, set aside that field, to all intents and purposes, for special care of tha government. Mil Hons have been poured out by the na tional government and state governments for tha adornment of the field with mon uments and other memorials. Perhaps more money has been spent at Getty burg In beautifying landscape and em halmlng, valor In marble columns, but Chattanooga beats Gettysburg In both number of memorials and per cent of casualties In battle. Tha per cent of casualties at Gettys burg waa 20; at Chlckamauaa It was n Gettysburg, according to official fleures, has, all told, about l.00 memorials on her field. Tha official flgnros of the Chattanooga-Chlckamaiiga Nstlnnat Tark commission, published herewith, slio that this field has more than 1.000 me morial Gettysburg brats ChattannoRa In costly monuments, but not much. Thla field haa monuments to the number of a little under tno. Gettysburg has MO. Counting everything on both fields that run lie Inrhnled nnrter tha head of "me- oi.al i," Chattanooga la abuut 400 ahead '"Ufc ...... The roar of battle at Gettysburg was heard around tha world. The roar at Chickamauga shook the earth. During and bravery reached high tide at Get tysburg with Pickett's Immortal charite. but hlRh mark for dogged flKlitlne; and casualties In war was set at ChU-ks-fnauga.:' "War historians acres that, for one day's fighting, the per cent, of cas ualties at 8harpsbnrg or Antletam Is the largest in the history of wars, and j that for two days' fighting Chickamauga has that distinction. The late Gen. John B. Gordon, beloved Georgian, distin guished lh peace and In war. wrote as follows of- Chickamauga', , "An American buttle) tha auriiasfrd in Hs ratio of carnage the bloodlwl conflicts In history outside of this , country ought to be better understood by the American people. Sharpsburg. or Antletam! t believe, had larger proportion of killed and wounded than any other slnsle dafa battle of our war, and that means lanter than any In the world's wars. Chlckstnanga. however. In -.its two days of heavy fighting brouiht the ratio of iussee to the high-water mark. Judge.; by percentage In killed and. wounded. Chlckamaiifta nearly doubled tbe snn gulnary recorda of Marengo and Aus- ; terllts; was two and one-half times 1 heavier than sustained by the Duk nf Marlborough at M'.plaa.iot, more than double that Buffered by the army under Henry of Navarre In the terrific slaughter at Contrast nearly three times as heavy as the percent age of Ion at Bolferlno and Magenta; five times greater than that of Na poleon at Wagram. and about ten times as heavy aa that of Marshal Paxa at bloody Racoux." Or, if we take the averags percentage of loso In a number of the world's great bat tlesWaterloo, Wagram, Vnlmy. Ma genta. Solferluo. Zurich and Lodl we shall find by comparison that Chirk ' amauga'a record of blood surpassed them nearly three for one." . , Gen. Gordon Is dead and gone; his elo quent lips no longer sing the praises of the Confederate soldier; his pen has ceased to comhst prejudice, bnt his elo quent description of tha great bottle of Clili kamanga on the soli of his own be loved state wtll Uva ae long as people Jiea ln"-t In (pe-J lltrtur and State Monuments, Markers, .Tablets and Batteries. (Compiled by Col. 'Baxter Smith, Assistant Beeretary Chattanooga . Chickamauga National Park Commission.) ' V '- The following taole ahowa the numbeC of memorial monument and marUwra of marble, granite and bronze, erected. In the Chickamausa and Chattanooga National park. Guna mounwd on enrrlages In battery In Chickamauga park: ' - , ' " :- '' ' 44 Union hattrls IMguna :.JL.. M CnnfderatF baMerlea , Mguna In Chattanooga, tookmit mountain, Mia- - . slnnnrv rlilaa and Orchnrd knobl ' . . .- 10 Union hntterlea !9giina ' 10 Conferterata batteries gOgun Total , - , tit KUHM P,rnni hiatnrlenl tablets. Chattanooga at . Arm and eotoH headminriers shell rannumentl te Memorial shell wtnnnmenla: nrlpade commander; killed: S Union. 4 Confeedrates. Historical tablets total art 180 . , . . Chickamauga II Chattanooga " I ' Prk W "d Tlcmlty ' ! "' , ' Monu- Markerajj Mono- Markera ' menta- menta Alnhama " r CnrrertVcut ...; x t ' rm.d. M tillnnl' T M l It It Indiana I " i a ' 1 , . I rar , ; I tfert"pkv ,..,.,.. . nrvnnd " !,.-.rhmettS .' ' 1 ' . Tichlirnn 1 J . 1 imnnoaota ... Mlaaoiiei , 1 J ; New Jersey J New York , ' .. .. .1 Ohio-;.. i.; ' : " w - , PennsvH-snla , " , I . r - Tenneisea "J - ' Wisconsin South Carolina 1 tl Tofa'l '..i.TVTl I 1 I " I " TTnlted Bfntea, granite lo IJ. H. regular troopa, , Twenty-threa shell monuments; , s " ' ' l.sndrom, on i Carnes hatterv. ona -' Iron nhwrvatlon towers, 70 feet high to observatory, flva. , Wilder' rrmnnment observation toWes, S feet high, on. -Poulevnrda and aver's. 105 mllea completed. Number of ncres Ir, park. d.96. Erected by' Lndlca" Memorial association. Montgomery, Ala, to b dedicated during (infedcraia rrunlon, 1D1S, In course oi erection; to ba dedicated Juiing Contederat reunion, W7. 1918. ther'i bom waa not far from this field, and aa a boy ha fished In Chickamauga river, hunted In the woods that covered the plain, and passed back and forth with his father through the now historic community. However, no contemporary writer on war topics during den. Gor don's llfetltre successfully disputed any statement Vji made concerning that great battle.. Be passed to his reward firm In the belief that among the great bat tles of history Chickamauga was entitled to first place In point of deadly car nage, percentage of loea and herolo cour age on tha part of. the forces engaged in It .ill .the Field today. entertain repect for I posnlbl that Ova. It I enced somewhat by early associations In was lflvh!s eithpst of Cilok"ia" jo, - His fa lean valor. Chickamauga today i baa that quiet which . belong to all great battletelda. Tb visitor to tb bistort Held or th casual passerby la Impressed with tha lmprorementa that have bean made. Hundred of memorial dot tb Held and engage the attention of tbe thoughtful. Snodgraaa bill, where Gen.- Georga H. Thomas checked In tb federal army what at one time waa a disgraceful rout and mad himself "th Kock of Chick- araauga'" In history, la covered with monuments and other memorhila. One feela that ba treads upon hallowed ground at tola spot, if the Visitor be a dreamer be bears the roar of battle and witnesses tn dash of th contend ing legion aa thay cheerfully pay the lost measure of herolo devotion with their Uvea It I a melancholy thing to cuntamplate brav mas giving' freely their Uvea that valor . may by chiseled into marble years later. ' These monuments, historical tablets. markera and obaervatloa towera on th battlefields of Chattanuoga, and espe cially on the field of Chickamauga. out number tha memorials on any battle field In the world. If the decision of men who have made th topi a special atudy la baaed on fact They agree that th United State leads all countries In th matter of memorialising baltlefielda. That la to aay, In erecting monumenu, tablets and markera on its battlefield tbe American repubus spend 1 mor money than any other nation on earth. And If tha data aecured through Official channels eonoerninf Gettysburg and Chattauooga Is to b relied oa aa end ing tb argument, . UmW CVUanooj lead th world la thla homag to valor and courage. Col John P. Nnicholeon, chairman of tha Gettysburg National Park commi- , slon, hat furnished aome newspaper writera recently with data covering tha memorials at Gettyaburg. Various total are deducted from theaa data, but none are . higher than 1,700 and none lower than 1,600. Th aama kind of data aup- plled to newapapar writer during th present month by the secretary of th Chlckamauga-Chattanooga National Para commission and by Capt J. P. Bmartt historian of th park, plac tha ' total number of memorial on th Chatta nooga Bald at about 1,000. Thla aatlmat. of th number of memorial at Chatta nooga Include nothing la tha National cemetery. , t4- . The Coming Beunion. I Th . rial tor to th Confederate r. , union her on May 17 -B will hav splendid opportunity to view thea Bel da and enjoy th aaaoclatlan that sur- t round th great battlefields. These flalda bar ' been - reclaimed and. beautified against odd that at time seemed in surmountable. But Confederate and fed eral united In the work and tbe result are written In the hundred of hand some monnmenta, historical tablets, markera and obaervatloa towers that beautify mountain, rldgea and T alley and stir patriotism la every aouL Th outh baa a greater interest la) Chsttanooga battlefields than In all other combined. It th section of th United " States that Ilea south of tha Ohio river erer haa a field where coming geneiatlona may atudy American valor with object lessons before them. It must be at Chattanooga. The heroic exploit, of federal and Confederate are being preserved here In Imperlshsble marble1 j and bronaa, and th record must always' be elevating to generations yet unborn, 1 The national government and the go ernmenta of th states of th Union, now that sectionalism baa run Ita corns t and disappeared forever, are uniting their wealth sod brain to beautify the fields. A th year pass, aa genera tions com and go, thea fields with , Will oritur.. nie much to the piia tli I'ory, of t' Anieiicea 1 H !

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