v. TH2 ASIISVItLE . GAZIITE-Nr, ' ' . ' i ,' . , ' " -,.". I , , ... ... .. " . - f : ' .. " i : : n- -r-. . . ,u i nm ' . i '.; . TOUCH ON YOU CUD CAT BUT tvt GOT TO tVCKt CXUiTRAV CAT OR DOfr HE SE55 - . I'LL. 11 f Dife i:iVAJfcn sac, on you this Te "r6 hold i v I I II l m r t.- .... y i St.- i mr - PTW: "a- NOV, IU GO U0& eVt? WT POR JCFF ' ANP GlVS Hll' SbNE CALL. DOWN' ....'' U. S. Department of Agricti'.turfr WEATHER BUREAU, -7 jm,wc . . I i. April 30, 1913 Of ObsnrvMlons taken at 8 a. m., 15lh meridian time. Air preaaure reduced to wa leTol. Isobars (tontlnuon rine) puaa turnugh points of equal air pressure. Isotherms (dotted linos) pass through points of equal temperature: drawn only fc" sero. freezing. 9(1", aud ICKr. O clear; Q partly cloudy; doudr; rain: snow; report missing. Arrows 07 with the wind. First figures, temperature; iccond, precipitation of .01 inch or more for past 24 hours? third, maximum wind velocity. . ..y .Gazette-News; Ad vertisingPays'.- THE WEfiTHER TEMPRRATURK . Lowest Ulirhest last night ycHt'd'y. anc Iirs moved slightly -eastward and tluflns HiP'lnat 24 hour! It hns causad snow In the northern Rocky mountain rcRtnfl. An ttrea of hlRh pres ire ex londs from tho Ijtkc rocinn ftout.h wurd to th gulf const unit (mother lilith pi'ppsnre area 1h entering tue Pa olllc. HlatoB. Slear weather prvnlla over the nouthern Ktates exropt In pouthetn Texar and temperatures are somewhat hltther. Fair weather is In (Voated for this vicinity tonight anil Thurmlny with, sllsht chanpo in tem perattire. ' T. 11. TAYLOR, Ohsener. edy. They cause continual laujifhter while they are on the tase. On the wholo It is a well balanced bill, and will come about. us near pleasing all flit.es as anyone theater hug had. Ashevllle . . . ' . . .....:. . ..65 Atlanta S, . ' AiiKURta v., . . . . . . . t . 50 74 nliltimore ... ... ... 48 . 08 Uirmlnghnm. . . . ... 50 ; 74 lioston . . . ... :. . . - f . 40 54 P.rownsville 50 74 Huffnlo ... i .'. 40 5 1 rharlcston 50 70 Charlotte ... ........ 48 70 t'hicuso ... i 4 S Denver.. 52 78 flalve ton ......... OH 74 .rackvonvllle . . 56 73 Key West "8 7 Knoxville . ,v 44 4 Lonlrvllle 4S Mobile ... , ; .... ;. . 5(1 70 . MnntRomery. . 00 70 .Vow Orleans ........ 02 70 New York ........... 44 C2 Oklahoma ... 50 8ft lialclgh '.. i.,:. 4S 08 .Savannah , i . !0 70 Tatjtpa . . 58 72 WsHlilnirton . ....... 40 58 Wilmlnnton .. . ' .... . 52 60 Normal for thL date: Temperature 5S deicrees; preclpltntlon .12 Inch. Foreeast until S pm. Thursday for Ashevllle'. and viclnrRT Ifolr- lonifjht and tThursday; riot-'much change in temperaturt1. - ' ' , It'or North Carol'na: F"'r tnnlR'b and Thursday; hot "much change In temperature: modgnvle north winds'. CeTfal C'or!('ltloitHVt: 21 Ilouv). . Ttirt AnCoKn .nlilvtMi in rr,nt imQclniV I tllPV. ITf Tll.MVlno- W Allllerf 111 1 V ltrMlflrtt ' nit to sea off the. Nf I?ns?land oo-is'.. ilhey. lishlen. the effect with novelty rfirnded by light fhowei On the rto-th stunts and sample melodies. A1Tantlc"coast;i ThtwWerff "tT'STtirr' I - Erjtl -ami flt. TIMr firrnl'h. til" com- O)iiiinro Your Baby Willi Denver's Host linby. In the May Woman's Home Com panion appears a report of a scientific baby show recently held In Denver at which chilflren were Judge! not for their beauty, but for their 'physical condition. Following is an extract: "The better to understand the sys tem of si.'oriiiK. reail the averages made by Denver's very best baby, tmr.iol Foster hurns. This Is a comT plele reproduction Of a score-enrd. 'Father Dr. T. Mitchell 'Burns.." 'Father's Nationality Amreican; 'Coloring of ("hild--lilond. 'Number i.f Child in Order of Eirth lb I id. , ' '' 'Aae :10 months, 4 days. 'WolKht at Hirth 714 lbs. ' 'Con litii.n :tt Birth perfect. 'Breast led two months, then nrtl llcally (condensed- milk) every 3 hours. 'Bleep 14 hours dally, alone and out doors. . ' . ... , .Score, "tteliiht 2 ft. . C inches . . 100 .. .. ioo Chest 19. . . 100 'Shape and sl-Trf"foreh!'V . . . ; "Shape .and patency of nose "Shape and - condition ... ol . . Jaw, hard palate, and tonsils i: .. "Number, rbtt'pe, ' p!kS apd ctnv ditton c" toe'h . ...... "Tinnnsition ... "Energy .... ..-., ....... "Ficlal and . ocular expression , , "Attention . . ... . . v ..... 100 i iiu 00 100 K0 The Majestic theater is now pre senting a delightful program. For the most putt it is of a hixher cluss than is generally seen In vaudeville. There is nothing sensutionul about t. It is just such amusement as a man likes to tnkq his family to sec. One of the most pleasing numbers of tho present bill Is the singing of Miss J4st, a baritone with a charming voice. "Weight 21 lbs . She sang two songs lust .night and , "Circumference of responded twice to encores. She would "Circumferenca of Abdomen-19 100 have been encored just so long us she "Svmmetn . r .. .. .. 90 cared, to Bing.' There is nothing rer "Quality of skin and fut 100 marliable about he;- voice, but it de- "Quiillly of muscles, hand grasp! ' , lights one with its simple appeal, ' rising, sitting, poisn, walkins. Then there is tho Catea aaxophone! ' running . .... ., . 100 band, consisting of ,four "brothers." r-'oim. of. . ftcir selections may be a tvlf.e too clnntir, perhaps, but it does not, lake a music, lover to tell that t tiih i?i" Ij hkcrkt or t. RtMlV:N.TIG THE FA (TV .n ? I , n K H R K P. - ( From The Clubwoman. ) . Bhe holcU the'true secret ol facia1. Juvtnatlon who has learned how lo re move the dead ski,n partkdes ns fast -is thev njipear. Jfs A peeret anyone Irpv possess. Tho aged, faded or iM-col-ored surface , skin may be graduall:.' absorbed, In an entirely safe and ra tional manner, by the nightly appU ' cation of ordinary mercollssed -.wax Within a week or two the. uwwrlyln ( skin, youthful and beautiful to nnholrY has taken the place of the tllscardc ' cutltle. So little of the old skin Is absorbed each day there's no Incon venience at all, and no one snsperU vou are putting anything on your face, The mercolized wax, procuraole at a:ty t), 1: "Bones of skull, spine, chest, limb and feet . , 100 "Length of he;l, width and, cir cumference .. .1 100 "Pupillary distance tirtd shape of eyes. . . i ..; . .' . . . . . . ... 100 "Shape, size and positlno of ears 95 "ytiape- ati'l ste(Swof-rlpti : .f 100 drusr store (an ounce is eufflcfent applied like cold cream.- In. the moira fng It is erased with soap and Water, It's the best thing known for freckle : blackheads, pimples, t moth patch.!., liver spots and line surface wrlnklcV. For the deeper wrinkles art excel lent recipe Is:; Powdered saxolito. 1 ounce, dissolved In Vi :, pint wiled hazel, Bathing the face lfi the solu tion produces quick and wonderful results. ill .1 .' -I ' II. Vi ... Ill IU HI., Mil II. HI t ...I. .1,' j.'.,.- IU' . ' ,, M ' "I.I.UH. I. . T"'.HM I I - I. I -nilU.il II. ,1 IIU..L,... , l.lij l.i$.:,..lt,:Z. 4Jt. .'AMIirii n(lt,CtV.'4'W1U(l.'. .-f . '!.'.:r-,11 .'rf.'' PR TV 4.-?. TODAY AMI) TOM r A Great Two Part Vitagraph Drama and A Lubin Comedy ,,.,., ...V w. -r. 'i.--a . -f '. '-y "i -r-.- . , r '. . . -.-5? " f-.'. . ji - v . . y : I I Special Vitagraph Production ' in two! Reel FEATURING MR. COURTNEt .FOOTE! AN?, MtS3 RPSEMARX THEBY A p susceplibi ' .', ...... . i an -.; u' - i A . e-1. t picture with a sHiUXull y woven plot, showing tht pbwct'ol'wtfinan'rt art h(f mnn's ibilitv to her charms it ou twines us in its rrnsp. -.A.rrreal, pjay, well aelea, 1 ; noi'i.i- ii,...,,r. i; (.t.; ..n.ii. m "THF. P AWMF.TD BRACELET I w, f H M. W -i , . I-, p A LtTBlN " A EI& LAUGH IVnturiuff AVthrtrMrthnon ittfr? groat ujirib proyokuig iColoiv i itSlunt pictures. Excellent Musical Hrogram Rr ncess Orchestra Admission, Adults 10c V K ! U i S 4 i A S. .v Children Sc . .,. ' "it-' ,e It )!! ' 1. ' " it" . a ii. -it 1 I