7IIE AEI...7ILLE GAZETTE-NEYS Wednesday, April 1313 THERE ARE MANY KINDS OF COAL. This is, many grades, some will burn fairly well, some will hardly burn at all, but M & W INDIAN COAL ignites readily and possesses greatest degree of heating quality- it sat isfies in every way. Best for kitchen range, stoves and grates. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company DIRECTORS EXPECTING A BIS CROWD AT GAME CITY NEWS Merchants Will Let Half Em ployes off Tomorrow and Half Next Day. There Is to he a meeting in the Cen tral Labor union hall tonight of all the union men of the city to discuss the strike situation. Dr. John E. Barnard of Georgia will speak at the prayer service at the Firt Eaptist church tonight at 8 o'clock in the lecture room. The public are cor dially Invited. GUARANTEE Oxfords for men and women meets every occasion, the qual ity is always dependable, the Btyle is right up to NOW. Good judges of shoes and style wear Guarantee shoes. Those at $3.50 and $4.00 for -both men and women lead in all fea tures. All leathers. Guarantee Shoe Store 4 South Main St. Mrs. J. C. Wallace, aged 41 years, died at her home in W jAsheville Although the strike has called for this morning. Surviving are the hus a grreiit deal of attention, the fans of band, seven children, three sisters and the city havo not forgotten that the four brothers. Funeral arrangements Mountaineers and the Patriots meet have not been completed. here for the first game1 of the season! - . on the local diamond tomorrow; and' C. F. Ray has returned from the directors of the club are expecting FlorlOa, where he has been showing a big attendance. The merchant of his moving picture of the celebra- I the city, or the members of the Mer- Hon of the 4ooth anniversary landing chants association, have arranged to of Ponce de Leon. At St. Augustine let half their employes off for the "early 1000i people saw it. It was game tomorrow and the other half off also fhown at Palalka, Ocala and lor the game Friday, SUPERIOR COURT Divorce Granted Non-Suit Ordered lit a Damage Suit, Etc. Brookvllle, Fla. ' This picture was taken by Mr, Kay and may he shown here soon. WE WANT YOU TO ENOW this store simple as one that never charges more than the lowest prices. Ton can trade here with confidence. The I X L DEPT. STORE IS Patton At Phone 107 Edward grounds. E. Rembert on The session of Police court was very short his morning, only four cases be ing tried. J. H. Brad --haw, charged with an assault on J. S. Tennie, en In Superior court Christine Rem-l,wplt . . nf rnrm rnnviction unit bert has been granted a divorce from tne ca(te wu. dismissed. Annie Vaughn statutory waa trjed for an assault on May Lan- I nine nml f nllnH frmltv ' nravnr fnr In the ease of Hardy Chambers vs. judgment being continued until May Joe Ray, Involving a contract for work, 30. j v. Worlev was fined $10 anil the plaintiff was given Judgment for coflts for heing drllnki and w. F. $21.60. Jirown was given the same fine for A non-suit was ordered in the case drunkenness, of Henry If. Turner vs. Southern rail-1 , . ., way, a suit for personal Injuries ul ii?ged to have been sustained at Ly man's crossing sometime ago. The plaintiff asserted that the gate had been let fall upon him. It was eon tended by the company that he had driven Into the gate. In the ease of J. A. Gibson vs. A. F. Bishop, the plaintiff was given a judgment for $47.48. JUST RECEIVED .First Shipment of 500 lb. 500.00 dollar Chase Truc&s The car for the Butcher, Baker and - Candle-stick Maker. Let us 'show you one of these trucks. Cheaper to operate than a one horse wagon. Asheville Automobile Go. BILTRITE SHOES FOR MEN which satisfy pride and econ omy. Price $4.00. GEO. W. JENKINS ' No. 18 South Main St. J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER. Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing my Specialty No. Pack Square PHONE 815-314 NO. 15-17 S. LEXINGTON AVE. IF YOU CAN'T GET UP TOWN Phone 254 and we'll send you promptly anything in the GARS START; GITY QUIET way of hooks, periodicals, stationery, etc ROGERS BOOK STORE. 39 Patton Ave. Asheville, N. C. - ; ! . The Home of Good Printing. Phone 2G4. For Baking 'MONARCH Coal gives best results, because it is free burning, holds a steady intense heat , and leaves only small quantity of clean- red ash no clinkers.. Sold exclusively by Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 10 N. Pack 64. I COAL? The "coal that .makes less smoke, fewest ashes, with no clinkers or slate M & W Coal. ' Phone 40. 1 ' Asheville Coal Cc. Phone 40. 6. N. Pack -Sq. ' RAZOR HONES . You can't keep your razor sharp without a good hone. The barbers have made a life study of hones and these are the king we sell. We nave told you all. r ' 1 Asheville Barbers Supply Co, Extra special vahies in MEN'S SPRING SUITS GEM gorheing a PATTON AVE. ' Y. M. C. A. BASEBALL Hurt Defeats Jorduu and Soleman De I'catu Wheeler-. All of Class A. ALWAYS BETTER Washing done the NICHOLS WAY - $5000 worth of new ma chinery just installed, in cluding big new flat work ironer, steam heated iron ing machines for all ap parel, and a big Dry Room tumbler in which to dry bath towels and fab rics of like nature. Phone 1936-1937. Asheville Laundry 3. A. NICHOLS, Mgr. 43 College St. Hunt defeated Jordan, 3 to 1, In Y, M, C. A. Class A baseball' today. The batteries were Britt and -W. Hunt; Young and Tehnent. Hunt was the star performer STANDING OF THE CLCBS -W. U Pet. i Wheeler ........ ..2 1 .667 Hunt ............. 2 1 .667 Coleman .. .. .. .... 2 1 .667 Jordan ...... ..... 0 3 .000 On Friday Coleman will play Hunt and Jordan will piny Wheeler In Class I A. In class D. I.ee plays Rickert; (and DeYoung plays Mclnnemey. (Continued from page ) cial deputies besides his regular men, making 19 special officers. The merchants are complaining that the strike is hurting their busi ness. One said last night he thought the mercantile business in Asheville had been cut 50 per cent by the strike. GUMDROPS CANDY KITCHEN Butter Scotch, Rose, Lemon, Mint, Fig, Orange and Jelly HAYWOOD 8TREKT NEAR POSTOFFICE HELD FOR MURDER Wealthy Litlinninn Nobleman Accus ed of Kilting Prince Ijiiheskl Last Week. 1 KINDERGARTNERS HEAR COMMITTEE REPORTS Children's Play Festival Postponed un til Friday bocause of Press of Business. THE ELECTRIC STORE - - CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT A house wired for electric lights Is strictly up to date, provided the wir ing la installed up to date. Give us a chanoo to bid on your work. Give us a chance to install for you the Hills electric appliances that count to make your home pleas ant. ALL WE ASK FOR IS A CHANCE. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO By Associated Press). Washington, April 30. Delegate to the convention of the Internationa! Kindergarten union today settled down to routine committee work. A large number of reports were to be made and although the delegates had set asidu the day for less serious ef fort, they were compelled to postpone 'until Friday the children's play fes tival in the grounds of the National museum because rains of the past two days had rendered the lawns unfit' The visitors were looking forward eagerly to their reception later In the day at the White House, here they will be greeted by President and Mrs. Wilson and their daughters. I Later in the afternoon they will be I given a reception by local members of the organization und the day's pro gram will end with a night meeting in Memorial Continental hall, at which speakers will be Miss Susan E. Blow of Cazenovla, N. Y., Miss Patty S. Hill, and Mies Fannie Bell Curtis, both of New York city. By Associated Press. Warsaw, Russia, April 30. An ex traordinary sensation was caused here today by the arrest of Baron John Bisplng, one of the wealthiest land-i lords fit Llthunla, on' the charge of murdering Prince Ladlslas Druckl , Lubeckl, a relative by marriage, whose body was found pierced with two bul- j let wounds on April 22 In the park j adjoining his residence at Teresin, ' near Warsaw. ! Prince Ladlslas 'was a well known' Polish nobleman and president of the i Automobile club of Warsaw. He left his house on April 22 with Baron Bis plng for the railway station. When the prince did not return a search was made and his body was found in the park with his Carriage and horses standing nearby. MARY ANN DEAD Creator of the Ham and Erjes Sand wich Passes Away at Chicago. SOYBEANS $1.90 per bushel We also have cood stock Cow Peas and Velvet Beans. L. R. STRICKER. 2G West College Phone 1626 PRETTY Ma (turn Patterns A large and attractive as sortment In both Jap and China Matting. The most de sirable and popular patterns comprise our spring of fering. 20c Yd. Up. , ASHEVILLE CARPET HOUSE Cluiri h Street. Phone 2" t ,-,.( !,;! rtf'ii!s Inhl Willi- By Associated Press. Chicago, April 30. Mrs. Mary Ann ncham. said to have been the creator of the ham and egg sandwich, and nown to students at the University iif Chicago merely as "Mary Ann," died today. Twenty years ago she e.-tab-1 lished a small restaurant in one cor-, ner of the university athletic field. . She knew every athlete who was in training and always refused to sell pies o those who were trying to make the varsity teams. . . WAJNTB 12tt, 12-54, 12 Vi ' - Evaporated Apricots. . .12 He per lb, Evaporated Peaches. . .12 c per lb. Large Fancy Prunes... .12 ttfe per lb. Sun-dried Apples .... .8 lbs. for 25c. G. D. ALLISON, Phones 31 and 35 WANTED 600 Ladles. See samples Raclna Hosier)'. Ladles', Men's, Children's. All sizes, weights, col ors. One pair outwears four ordi nary hose. Ask your neighbor. Phone 51, 204 Woodfln, Asheville, E. L. BROWN. 47-S0t Shoo Repairing. For quality and quick service phono 724, Champion shoe hospital, 6 Gov. st. . Rubber-heels, 36c and 40c. W call for and deliver. FREE To each lady making a 10c purchase or over at our .. store, Thursday, one alulnum cream dipper. See our window. . Brown Hardware Co., 25 North Main St 66-1 SPECIAL All this week while they last, 20 cent Scrub brush for lOo See our window. Brown Hardware Co., 25 North Main Bt 65 ODORLESS REFRIGERATORS and Ice Boxes. Brown Hardware Co., 25 North Main street. 67-2t FOR SALE Cash or terms 5 room house. Depot street. 11600; 6 room house, South French Broad, $1800 i room house, John street, 100; room house, Or street, $1900; room house, Heney street, $2600; room house, Seney street, $2800; room house, Clayton street, $2850 6 room house. Orchard street, $3, 250; 7 room house, Cumberland avenue, $3760; rooms. South French Broad, $3500; 8 room house, Montford avenue, $4500; 6 room house. Edgemont, $4600; 1 room house. Chestnut street, $5000; hohse, Asheland sv., $5250; 11 room house, Haywood street, $5500. J. T Bledsoe & Co.. 10 North Pack souarer Phone 461. 67-3L NEW PERFECTION Ktoves, $3.00 and up. ware Co. , OIL COOK Brown Hard 7-2t FOR SALE Clone In, on paved street fleidt ;iMe 8 room modern houe. lot finvl. Forbes & Caiupi-ll, 1' it. n An I'boii.! 208 67-1 HILL'S QUALITY MARKET Ask Your Neighbor Phones 4 & 359 You Can Please the ; Graduates as well as the June Bride- with. -a .present, from the . Lowenbein Jewelry Co. 16 Patton Ave. WE SELL CIGARS That's my Business 12 Regal o hands gets a 50-cent score card. - BARBEE'S Smoked Salmon Nature, Machinery and Science- v r ' . '. Crowns, . '- ARAB HORSE FEED as their perfect product. " ", "Available at all Stores." Ciii sens Transfer Company JULIAN' WOOD COOK, Of, ,.-;m. i V.." PER POUND, 40c. ; FURNITURE MOVINQ ' Prompt Baggage Transfer Servict. Endorsed by V. O. T. and T. P. A. A Only a Few Books' Shelved Following are the . books shelved during; April 1 in Pack Mnn.oriul library: Fiction. 1 Chambers Gay rebellion Hutchinson Happy Warrior ' . Locke Stella Maris Richmond Strawberry Acres (2nd. copy) " Tarkinglln Flirt. Non-tiiU'on. Child Labor Bulletin. Comm Life and speeches of C, Aycock. Greeno Ohed Hussey.. Smlth-'-Earth songs. 4 Thompson Railway library 1911 B. C. JARRETT Groceries, Vegetables & Fruits SUMMER SPORTING GOODS. You don t have to order your goods away when you can get at less prices here at my store. I have the largest lines nf hnspl.nll. tennis: crouaet. fishing tackles, coif goods,' Everything for all out door sports. A.visit at my store will i convince you. , , , , ,,,, , , 5-, . - BLOMBERG'S CIGAR : AND SPORTING GOODS STORE. .v v 17 Patton Avenue. It's m Saving of money to trade at , I Levin ,s -rw aiore The Store of Ten Thousand Bargain!. S South Main Si. Former Stand of Bon March. TSevr Ilaggage llulcu Go Into Effect. ' By Associated Press. Clilcago, April 30. Forty-five inches is the longest trunk that may be carried as free bag-gage on rail roads In the United States after today. The new rules frown on the trunk with bulging side, or bottom, designed so that It must stand In a certain posi tion, so the gowns and hats Inside will travel right side up. It may be some time, however,' before the "freak" trunks can be refused. Notice Is re quired In. order to reject them law fully. Five pounds for each inch over forty-flve inches is the rate of excess charge that will be levied under the new baggage rules. . ; .FREAMLAND T Tent Me at Tobacco Hearing. BY Associated Press. . Washington, April SO. Competition is no stronger to foreign government buying American tobacco, according to W, O. Dunnington, buyer for the Italian government, who testified to day before the joint congressional to bacco committee. Until about three years ago, Mr. Dunlngton was also a buyer for the Austrian government. Tobacco Is cheaper now on ware house floors than It was three years aio, Mr. Dunlngton said, but he wa unable to give any explanation for the decrease in pfice. He expressed the opinion that the character of the crops did not account for It. Chambers A WeavM, Lwery. phone 1$ twTlMe Palnf 41 (mm Co. tormerl) 1 be Mlllrc.Kloe Paint Co. Iin Palm I rant's No. t4 Cur- Cold atwl Grip tft Sorrell FOR SALE mare 8 years old Riifkhonn!, liar no s etc. (j. !!. X. IJ.ix ZZ'X .SOFT SHELL CRABS A seasonable sea food delicacy. The "little" crabs, with the " big' ? flavor. ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY We Ship Fish and Oysters by Parcel Post. . PnONES 28-280-815 CITI MARKET.. Small Rugs $1.50 up Matting Rugs 40c up BEAUMONT FURNITURE CO. 27 S. Main St. !'The Home of Furniture Values." HEATRE VAUDEVILLE AND MOTION PICTURES TO-DAY . THE GRUNER SANITARIUM . jmerill, h 0 j No. t-81 Haywood Street.' ' Phnn. 84 QTORO-THK RMO-ELECTRO an. Ml'XJHANO-THKRAPT, DIKTIO. iir Mieciaa rases at Nervousness, Paralysis, Hayfevsr, Malaria, Asthma , tomnch. riheumiitlsm. Diseases of Women and other chronic dlMaMt. - . n . ,Tr. on ri-m Department of the Banltarlum It opsa The BA1LS AIiU MAaOAUfc ths public. BkllUul attandaau K oib LAJ1KM and JkM'riifcalfiKi. Ope. day. "! Night A lenoine, tr&rae-giving "ipadal sale" tnould make a hon f NEW FRIEIJD3 for a 'store. But a ipecial tale hw noNd Ttliina of farr tiDl. it is affectively advertised--of floor. ROBINSON TIIE KODAK MAN. JuPt opposl'e the post offloe. You inn gel any kind or I'll show you, by" to K't the best renulis. I'll exiilaln devulon. enlnri-c i i print for ynu iicdat: ctch 1 Haywood Ht. ny slis krlak. sveryttilug fcnrt V , N. C. a HOME CURED HAMS, I1ACOV AND TONGUES " JuBt out 61 our own smokehouse. They have a sweet delici ous flavor. - STAR MARKET PHONES 1917-19181911 "We are the ucosssfal Caterers to a Variety of Appetites," lipMil ' Pooh . Uj-KS- ' ' . YOU WOULD BE PLEAS ED TO SEE THE GREAT IMPROVEMENT THAT HAS BEEN MADE IN HAM MOCKS. 'VUDOR' IS DOUBLE HEAVY CORD WOVE OUT 07 FROM $1.00 UP. 'uaor RE-ENFORCED GREEN f T HAr.r.TO: " T ' f I

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