Wednesday, Aprii SO, 1913 THE ASHEVILLS GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE NINE TO -YOUR MR. To DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING AND SHIPPING BY PARCEL POST f jnth'.n the 150 mile one 0.06 jo .14 .18 J .22 ,26 .30 .34 .38 ' .42 .'46 Any article advertised here is mailable if not over 11 pounds in weight nor more than 72 inches in length and girth combined. If the article you order is very valuable it may be registered or accorded special delivery service on payment of the usual fees.' Such valuable articles will be insured upon request against loss. When ordering shoes, lings, hats, dresscs waists, coat suits or, anything requiring a perfect fit be careful and give your correct size. These Asheville merchants will be very careful to give you just the size you order., "When ordering dress goods, silks, colored goods or any article where a particular color is wanted be certain and specify the exact shade and the merchants will see that you get what you order. ' By conforming to these simple rules your orders will be sent out the same day received and in many cases will be delivered by the postman direct to your home the following day. Keep this page for future reference. You may not need any of the articles you see advertised in this issue, but they may prove the very things you need at a later date and the advertisement will aid you in making easy selec tion.' '";" : ' . This parcel post double page will appear in the Gazette-News as a regular feature once each week until fur ther notice watch for it next week. ' People's Department Store IT PAYS TO TRADE HERE Try Our Men's Department and You Will Find We Sell Reliable Merchandise at Fnces as Reasonable as is rossioie i f MEN'S CLOTHING , All wool Blue Serge Suits cut in the latest style, made to wear and will dress you nice ly at $9.75. We guarantee" this suit regular $15.00 value, all sizes, 34 to 44. All wool worsted suits. These are nice fancy' patterns,'., well tailored and worth $15.00, u special purchase by our buy er permits our selling this suit etr$8r75: All-sizes.--- ' .Order oue of our $7.50 worsts ed suits,' guaranteed wooLand well made. BOYS' SUITS 1 We are very strong in this department, showing many styles and patterns in Boys' Suits, sizes G to 15 years at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00. Send open order, stating size and price and we will surely please you.- MEN'S HATS We claim the best men 's hat in- the world for 50c. These were made to sell for $1.50. We bought the lot ad give vou the benefit, colors, black, gray, brown, Stetson blocks.try one at 50c fi 3-4 to 7 1-2. . . V Genuine John B, ,Stetson Hats, blark and gray at $J. fill sizes. . " DRY GOOD DEPARTMENT i Eegena Gingham, 7c quality at .5 1-2C Cragsmoor Gingham, 10c quality at... , 1 1-2? York Ginghams, 12 l-2c quality at .. ...8 l-2o 36 inch Percales, 12 l-2c quality at 9c 36 inch percales, 15c quality at ...... 10ft!-. Fruit of the Loom bleach 9o Figured Madias, 12 l-2c quality ..... .10c Lonsdale Nainsook Cambric 17 l-2c quality .. 12 l2c Standard Mills Toulon Waistings, 20c quality . .12 l-2c Fine imported '-white pique, 25c quality . . . . . . : .12 l-2o , Special woven flaxons, 30c quality."' . . ... ...... .20c Gold dragon Silks, nice for dresses, a beautiful quality, worth 50c at ........ ..... ... ... ... .. .. .... 30c : 3G inch ioplin, all colors.. We would like you order this ; us the vaUie is truly the 50a kind .at. .'L . . . 37 l-2c, CHILDREN'S DRESSES Bright. Ginghams and Chambrays, age 6 to 14 years. . v The little maid may be dark or fair, these dreBses, ages (j to 14 years, are equally becoming. This is good news for mothers needing practical spring clothes ,1 for the children, about 25 new. pretty styles, made of good ' quality chambray and gingham, sailor collars and robespierre collars, trimmed in embroidery, braid and pique, order are 75c, $100, $1.50 quality, you will be surprised at the value. WOMEN'S HOI SE DRESSES. -of chambray, percales or gingham, well made In neat style, some with bands of solid shades of self materlul, some with trimming of piping; others embroidery trimmed, black and whites, grays and whites and other-washable colors. 7.V, Sl.OO, $1.23, Buster Urown'v "DAUNLESS" Unuruiitoed UoHlcry nt Till Store. Unusual hosiery values for the money. Costs 25 per cent more to make than any other guaranteed hosiery retailing for 25c and it's the only 25c silk lisle guaranteed hosiery made. . - Vor nien, Women and Children All Colors. Styles, Sizes and Weights 25c Pair Four Pairs Guaranteed Four Months. ' Knit to fit elastic, sheer, smooth and comfortable. Made of fin est Egyptian yarn with toe, sole and heel heavily reinforred with 2-. 8-, and 4-ply strong linen thread, seamlessly woven into the thin ' 1 teal ft hod V " , ; We sincerely recommemd Buster's "DARNLESS" Guaranteed Hosiery to those mothers and bachelors who dislike to darn. We know it will outlive Us guarantee and retain Us color. You will eventually learn the bargain tenter, sooner or lutcr. Sooner the better for you. It's here. . ' "AS WE ADVERTISE WE SELL" People's Department Store Jg the kind of color or pattern yon de- TS AND STRAW HATS '''"( ' ' .'. ; .ats, got straw hats at $1, $1.50, $2.00, ' soffstraws, and in the stiff straws. -I'iih the kind you want. In wool hats '50 up to $3.00. This latter price in no'ley derby, hat, in all sizes. Also, the 'lium brim and crown for a -"crash ay, and with the bows of the ;ibbon 3 DOLLAR SHIRTS ' ''ad. Tn madras and percales; plain fTs attached. . Also iu v smatl . neat "rs. llcst dollar shirt in America. MEN'S UNDERWEAR In Porous Knit union suits for 50 cents and a dollar a suit. In lisle and balbriggin shirts and drawers at 95 and , 50 cents a garment. These are in both short and long sleeve . 8, long and knee length drawers. NECKTIES Of silk, perfectly woven in black, white, gray, red, brown, tan and other solid colors, also knit; also in mixed colors nnd combinations of colors. .Write us what you want and send the money, 50 and 25 cents each. SHOES Fashion Leader, duty bound to lead in quality, in leath, er in wear, in comfort, in fit. In tan, vici nd gun metal leathers, lace blucher oxfords, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. V v 7 'U l V. - V W - A. k Jh ft 4k 17 South Main St. Asheville, N. C. I I LADIES' AND 1A A TfllC 1 I GENTLEMEN'S VV a I Is II L J 20 year Gold Filled Case with Elgin, AValtham or Dextber llampdan movements. Only $8.95 cwelry Go. GUARANTEED REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. : . 16 PATTON AVE. DNE PRICE SYSTEM, EVERYTHING IS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURESr The Ideal Summer Game For Outdoors 4, C AND 8 BALL SETS, PRICES RANGING FROM .$1.10 to $5.00 Rogers Book Store "OFFICE APPLIANCES" 39 Patton Ave Asheville N. C. The Lome of Good Printing Phone No. 254 Send Your Spring Dresses and Clothing By Parcel Post To Be Cleaned "PaTcf Post has brought the services of our Clea ning and Pressing Club to the doors of those living in the smaller towns and the country, at no greater cost that those living in the city. V JSSaSJ -S'- Silk dresses, woolen suits, gloves, slippers, furs; men's 6uits and overcoats, all cleaned perfectly and returned quickly to you.' AH garments handled with ut most care. Cleaning Plant on Southsido Avenue, opposite Church St., on car line. Plant phone 326. ..... . -. WE PAY RETURN POSTAGE; WE DO DYEING IN ALL SHADES J. CVILBAR, Asheville, N.C. Merchant Tailoring; for Ladies and Gentlemen. . : . " ' ' Office and store 4 North Pack Sq. Phones No. 339. acL. . ; t t t t t f T t ? T t ? ? ? ? T ? T t t ? ? V ? V Y v V V V t t " V t ' t t t t t ? ? ? ?'. ? ? ? ? V ? T V 7 i