Thursday, Hay 22, 1013. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT - AgefablefttpanlionErAs-similatingtticFofltfaralReSula-ling Uk Stomachs andUowis of Promotes DiesttonQrtifi nessandRestlontainsneiitur Opiuni-Morphine norMiuecaL NOT NARCOTIC. jfotfetfatjjbBtmmim Biifia Sad- JIkSom ' r JkMUSMs- Aamlui Anerfect Remedv forConslto ttnn . Sour Shnmarh.Dlarrltoea Worms JConvulSKmsJevenso: ness andLOSS OF sLEEE laeStole Signature of,: las Centaur Compass NEW YOHI. sun W II Ull For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ' Bears the atnre of Exact Copy of -Wtappes. 1' A'lu" Signature AM w sr a ry In ffiX Use IX For Over Thirty Years fo doa surmising! (road tms'fnesr an the attic of tbe bouse Dext door to Mrs. Martin's was rented by a couple of In ventors who wanted to work secretly on a . new electrical appliance that would make a stir In tbe world. This new appliance was the dictograph, tbe greatest of eavesdroppers, which has already made a considerable stir in va rious quarters of the United States. This dictograph is a fearsome device. It is so smnll and unpretentious that It cau be concealed iu the. barest of rooms. It is a telephone produced to the nltl? mate power of sensitiveness. Placed lo a corner of the floor behind tbe dresser of a great chamber it will mr crNTAuH comhnv, Hivroimcmr, The Argyle Case A Noveliaatlon by J. W. MoConaughy of the Buooeaa-. ful New Flay by Harriet Ford, Harvey J. CHiggina and Detective William J. . Burns, In Whloh Bob art Hilliard la Appearing :: :: Copyright 1912, by Journsl-Arosrt-, . can-Examiner. - TJont think aoout that" she said bravely. "I'll do anything you say." 'Thank you." be said, and bis voice quavered slightly. "Mrs. Martin is here. Will you go now?" ,. ; The girl shivered slightly and a .frightened look leaped to her eyes, but paused in an instant . ... . "Yes." she replied. "I will go." He pressed a button and Joe Man ning slipped Into the room. "Joe, bring Mrs. Martin in. Have you plenty of money with you?" be fisked in a low voice. 'Yea," returned the girl in the same tone. Then suddenly with a little shiver. "Ob, I dread to meet her.1" Kayton. looked at ber in curious wise for a moment or two. .- , "1 must ask you." be aaid coldly, "to ahow no feeling of repulsion for this woman." "I won't: I won't" Miss Mazuret as sured him under ber breath m Mrs. Martin slowly wulked into tbe otnoe. Mary gripped tbe top of a chair by which sbo was standing and waited, rigid und erect The woman entered almost reluctantly, stopped and gazed at the girl with a mixture of dread, curiosity and something else. "Mrs. Martin." said Kayton in casu al, matter of fact tones, "this is Miss Mazuret" He resumed bis seat at his desk and bent over bis papers. Tbe girl looked it the woman and smiled slightly. Tbe woman looked at the girl and. moved sTowTy OVet" to Iter' and "beTB out Der band. . "My dear," she said gently, "will you come with me?" rs. I t jLA liii nmiiiiw liUSuWlD" TIRED OF SEEING ' ' HER SUFFER Procured Lydia E. Pinknam'i Vegetable Compound, -which made His Wife a Well Woman. ; CHAPTER XI. The Coanterfeiter's Den. FTT HE neighborhood of Washing' II . ton square, like one or two J' other older sections of New ... York, is essentially mediaeval. Individualism is its most salient char acteristic ' Even tbe many wbo live there to think thoughts of social broth erhood insist on adhering to their own particular thoughts, tvud thus, as in tbe middle ages, when a man enters his dwelling and bars tbe door be is free of all danger that bis neighbors may Intrude on his privacy. Mrs. Martin recognized that this com munity was tbe ideal one for her "rooming house." No one would, or could inquire as to the character or oc cupations of her roomers. No one cared. Beyond '' 1itt16 printed sign above the bell pull that protruded from the dingy brick wall by tbe door she mcde no ef fort to Heeure lodgers. Tbe few wbo came were told that tbe bouse was full. She had three lodgers all men. These three came when she took tbe house and remained always. No new lodgers were added to their number and these never left ber house.; They occupied rooms on the second floor. It was a two story and attic bouse,, with a dining room and kitchen in tbe basement They were not often In each ' other's rooms, but they met frequently in the garret which was scantily but innocently furnished. But by tbe manipulation of certain boards In tbe floor and sliding panels at the backs of closets and cupboards these men could Instantly avail themselves of tbe tools for a printing trade Indus try that is most severely frowned upon by tbe treasurer of the United States. But that there was no possible oc casion for her to appear in the upper rooms of tbe house. Mrs, Martin would never have consented that Miss Mazu ret should become a lodger. She bad a back parlor bedroom on the first floor in wblcb she lodged tbe girl and felt that she was as much out of tbe way as If abe bad been In a Broadway hotel. ' Immediately thereafter events moved witb great swiftness. An organ grind er began haunting tbe block at all hours of the day and night There was a new man at the newsstand oo the corner across the street Tbe sa loons at 'either end of the. block began Miss Mazuret Greattd Them With Nervous and Eager Relief. transmit over little wires to listeners miles away every syllable of a whis pered conversation in the opposite cor ner. ' " " ' ' " ' -' ' All of these changes In tbe neighbor hood occurred within a few hours after Miss Mazuret bad entered the' house in Greenwich village; also one or two men dropped in to call on ber in tbe course of tbe afternoon and evening. Tbe next day there were other call ers on Miss Mazuret and finally, early In tbe afternoon, the four Mrs. Martin and ber three lodgers left the house In a body. Thereafter there was no caller until nearly 7 o'clock in the evening, when night had fallen. These were unusual visitors. There were two of them, and, though they bad never en tered the bouse before, they produced a bunch of keys and fitted one into tbe front door. The younger of the two ven carried q woman's hand bag par tially concealed under bis coat Miss Mazuret met them in the ball and greeted them witb nervous and eager relief. Tbey were Mr. Kayton and bis irrepressible assistant The assistant bud shortly before clev erly possessed hiiuiuif of Mrs. Martin's bag and the keys while tbe party lei surely dined. . Tbe girl piloted them upstairs through the empty house to the attic, where Kayton unlocked tbe door with a key off tbe same bunch that had enabled them to enter the bouse. A rather large work table was be tween the door and the fireplace, and between the fireplace and the table but baefced against the wait, opposite PARISIAN SAGE Middletown, Pa. "I had headache, backache and such awful bearing down pains that I could not be on my feet at times and I had organic inflammation so badly that I was not able to do my work. I could not get a good meal for my hus band and one child. My neighbors said they thought my suffering was terrible. . " My husband got tired of seeing ne suffer and one night went to the drug store and got me a bottlpof Lydia E. rinkham's Ycgetabloi Compound and told mo I must take it' I can't tell you nil I suffered and I can't tell you all that your medicine has done for me. I 'was greatly benefited from the first and it has made me a well woman. I can do all my housework and even helped some of my friends as well. I think it is a vonderful help to all suffering women. I have got several to take it after see- , Ing what it has done lor me." Mrs. L.MMA. E3PENSHABE, uastMain St, Middletown, Pa, ;. , , The Finkhom record is a proud and hon orable one. It is a record of constant victory over the obstinate ills of woman ills that deal out despair. It is an es tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored health to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't you try it if you need such a medicine? If yon want ipecial advice write to Lvuia K. rtnknam meaicine to. (conn- aeutlal) Lynn, jnassw lour letter will t :almly lit the gas while Mrs be opened, read ana answered by a woman and held la strict confidence. T,ni-!inriti,d""it"ve heard ths t tiefo" Steady n were the great detective's nerves the word was wiped off his Hps. and be started Ilka a race horse as an angry buzz burst Just over bis bead. t"OhI Whiit's that?" gasped the girl, both hands at ber throat ' Kayton threw bis light above tbe door and dis covered tbe "buzzer." That's their warning." be explained softly, hastening her toward tbe stairs. They've, got . the front steps wired. There's some one at tbe street door now " '' ;' . ; . ' 7 Tbe girl h tin-led down distractedly. "What shall we do?" she whispered. "Bight Into your room!" he ordered. They were barely concealed from view before the other-four members of the household came in the front door. As tbey passed tbe door Kayton could bear them talking uneasily In undertones and now and then catch a word such as "don't like it" and ''all the locks." and be smiled to himself. Be knew tbey were discussing Man ning's theft of tbe bag. On the second floor tbe party broke up and their voices died away. The woman and tbe older of tbe three men went on to tbe attic, followed a min ute later by. the youngest member of the confederacy. : They were a strangely assorted trio. The lender and brains of the conspira cy against the currency of the land was the strangest of the three. He was a man of about fifty years, but one terrible experience had taken tbe stiffening out of bis spine and tbe col or out of bis face, though it bad not dimmed the hot fire of bis dark eyes. Tbe other man was much younger. flashily dressed In the extreme of masculine fashion. His face was flat and pasty. He was small boned and undersized anaemic, crafty, ratlike- He chose to be known as Simeon Gage. The older man was known to the secret service and a number of municipal police bureaus as Frledrlcb Krelsler. and with a certain heroism it crime be scorned an alias, v He Martin The Men You Want To Know Will Be There t Do you want to meet the men who hav successfully conducted the greatest advertising- campaigns In the United States and Canada the men who have built big- bualnesa In every line of manufacturing and mercbandiaing the men who have lifted advertising- out of the mire and carried it forward and upward to Its present proud poaltion? T)o you want to know- what Is be.lng done in your own line of business to improve advertising and merchandising conditions, and learn Just how and why tbe wtuers nlmt If so, go to the ninth Annual Convention of the Associated Advertising Clubs of America, to be- held in Balti more, 3 une & to 13. - Over one hundred and thirty clubs from all part" of the conti nent will be represented, and clubs in Great Britain, Germany, and other foreign countries will have delegates present. It is expected thiit 1O.O0Q members and guests will be there. There will be pow erful addresses by notable men and open forum discussions on all questions relating to modern sales and advertising. t -v , Baltimore has prepared a great program of evening entertain- the occasion a a business suc- menta to make social as well as cess. You do not have to be an adver tising club member in order to be welcome. Every business man ought to go and every one who goes will be made to feel that it is hie con vention that all Baltimore be longs to him. If you cannot go yourself, send your advertising manager or who ever is responsible for your ad vertising. Write to the address below for full Information as to the progrmc "'id hotel or other accomraodu t. jua. Associated Advertising Clubs of America s Convention Bureau 1 North Calvert Street Baltimore, Md. The Hair Grower Now Sold In America on Money Hack llun. It's a mighty good thing for the women of America that Parisian Sagt can now be obtained in every town ol consequence. No preparation for the hair hat done so much to stop falling hair and eradicate dandruff and make women's hair beautiful as Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage Is the only certain de stroyer of the dandruq microbe which is the cause of 79 per cent of hair troubles. ' These pernicious, persistent and de structive little devlfa thrive on the ordinary hair tonics. Parisian Sage Is such an extraordi nary and quick acting rejuvenator that Smith's Drug Store, who is the agent In Ashevllle, guarantees It to cure dandruff, stop falling hair and Itching scalp In two weeks or money hack. It Is a magnificent dressing for wo men who desire luxuriant, lustrous hair that compels admiration. And a large bottle of Parisian Sage costs only GO rents at Smith's Drug Store and leading druggists all over America. fbe windows,"' was a row lounge. A folding bed stood between the win dows. . To tbe right of the door was another door wblcb evidently opened into a closet ' Kayton tried tbe handle. It was locked. "I'd like to search this rat bole." be muttered. Then, "Where's that dicto graph, Joe?" be demanded suddenly, looking up. Manning produced tbe lit tle square box that bad caused one of bis pockets to bulge. "Connect it out of that window," ordered his chief. indicating the one that opened on to the fire escape. - " . Manning gently opened tbe window as Kayton shut off bis flashlight He groped around in the dark, and after much grunting and swearing to him self, reappeared from tbe outer dark ness with two little wires. Deftly ami swiftly he scraped the insulation off the ends and twisted them on to the wires that protruded, from tbe dicto graph. Then be fastened the little box securely in the angle of the window frame in tbe corner where it came out several Inches from the wall. Only n senrcb witb the foreknowledgp that the little betrayer was somewhere In the room could possibly have unearth edit When he hnd finished Kayton walk ed out into the. middle of the' room, and Manning again' thrust bis head out of the window. "If you get this." said the chief in a low voice, "wave out your window." A moment later Manning drew bnck. "It's all right governor," he suld. "They're waving." ., . At this moment a cat in the dark regions somewhere -outside tbe bouse walled plaintively. "Here they come, governor." said Manning, and he started to close the window, but Kayton stopped blm. "You. hustle right back to tbe other bouse by tbe roof." be ordered, "and get on tbe dictograph. Don't leave it for a second until you get my orders." "All right governor," nodded the yonng man. and tbe next Instant the darkness of tbe fire escape bad swal lowed blm up. "Aren't yon going witb blm 7" asked tbe girl quickly, speaking for the, first time since their entrance Into tbe room. "I'm going to stay here with yon." was tbe quiet reply. 'Miss Mazuret gasped and Kayton felt bis pulses quicken. , "Oh, don't don't !" abe protested in end terror. irew tbe curtain. The younger man; stood In tbe middle of the room and fidgeted. "Doctor, we'll have to have all those locks cbnnged. don't you think?" be Inquired nervously in a high pitched voice that was almost a whine. "We might as well go to bed with tbe front door open." "There was nothing in my bag to show what bouse tbe keys were for," Mrs. Martin reminded blm quietly. "I know, Mrs. Martin, but I've been uneasy lately ever . since that girl oame," he confessed. "1 thought I was being followed yesterday." ! ' "You're always being followed," commented Krelsler. "You must have a bad conscience." TO RE COXTIXCED. Theatre nncess TONIjHT n JOYOUS LIFE Mi-o-na for On t-of -Order Stomachs. Who ever heard of a Jolly dyspep tic? Merriment and indigestion re as far apart us the Nort' and South Poles. The dyspeptic should not be blamed if he is ' blue, Irritable, or grouchy he can not help it oN one who has a coated tongue, dizziness, nerves on edge, sour and gassy stomach, and knows that he cannot eat a hearty meal without stomach distress, can be sweet tem pered or enjoy life. Why allow this condition to con tinue? Ml-o-na, a specific for out-of-order stomachs, can be had from any drug store on money back if nit benefited plan. Mi-o-na is not only a digestive which gives prompt relief whether taken after meals or at any sign of stomach dltsreas, but contains Ingredients which strengthen the walls of the stomach, stimulate the flow of gastric juices, and restore the digestive or gans to a normal condition. The stomach must digest your food readily and supply the body with Its proper nourishment before you can be well, strong, or have life assume any thing hut a gloomy aspect. If you have any symptoms of a dis ordered stomach, begin the use of Ml-o-na at once today. Why wait stomach Ills usually lead to something serious. Always keep Ml-o-na In the house carry It when traveling. You have nothing to lose for money re funded if not satisfied. Smith's Drug Store and druggists everywhere. A large box 60c. GOOD PICTURES 3 ESSANAY Western Drama THE $100 ELOPEMENT Comedy-Drama'.' FATTY'S BUSY DAY ' Kalcni Coined'. MUSIC BY PRINCESS ORCHESTRA. ADMISSION ADULTS 10c CHILDREN 5c To contractor s Estimates wanted for additions and alterations-to Montford avenue and Orange Street School building. Plans and specifications can be obtained at the architect's offices, College street, by depositing $15.00, which amount will be returned when plana, specifications and bona fide bid Is delivered on Saturday, 12 o'clock, May 31st. . Smith 6 Carrier ARCHITECTS 84-3. M AJE8 TIG fl E A ' Today, Friday and Saturday, May 22, 23 and 24 From the Madges? t the Gross" 06 3 tf,- 5 REELS A REVERENT MOVING PICTURE LIFE STORY OP JE.SUS OF NAZARE.TH Produced in Authentic Locations in Palestine and E?gypt 5000 FEJLT THE WORLD'S MOST MARVELOUS, MOST CAREFULLY PLANNED, MOST EXPENSIVELY I'RODUCED PICTURE, REQUIRING EIGHT MONTHS TIME, AND COST ING $100,000 CstSTTiOT AT GAsOTtTTT. TTt TCTP THIS PICTURE WILL BE SHOWN IN THE AFTERNOON FROM 2:30 TO 5:30 , Ol.ilrfUlil,; OlVlvilrlJ lYlUalia .AT NIGHT FROM 7:30 TO 10:30. , . Prices: Children 5 cents, Adults 10 cents i Balcony exclusively for White Peop! i i i .

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