Caturiay, Kay 24, 1013. Tun AEirnmL gazetts-nts o o o . o o -, o ; o o o , o Social Happenings 0 0 Personal Mention Society News Meetings 0 o o . o 1 ' - o o o o o . o - o Asheville Winners. -, eerinon tomorrow morning will be Asheville , representatives came roff "Moth-eaten Garments." ; t th recent horse show In Greenville H with many honors In. the way of-blue Correspondence of The Gazette-News, ribbons and, prizes. Tne last 01 me i Bear wajiow, may z. mrs. mur three performances of the horse show tha Myers of Madison county Is visit ima tcUnmiMi bv a crowd estimated Ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. ,.nunnitii-iiv 1 at some 3000 Deoole. ! Prvor. V the hest dav of the entire seventh an-I Burgln Conner has accepted a po nual exhibit The closing performance ' sltion In the mercantile establishment nf the show offered 11 classes, all of .of T. B. Carson In Hendersonvllle. them most interesting. The cham-1 G. W. Conner, who has been In ninr,cVin classes were the features of , Greenville. S. C.7 for a while, Is at tha Mmim dav. Class No. SO of this ' home "with his family, for the sum Fpries offering the coveted bankers' mer. " challenge cup, recognized as the grand v,ri of the entire contest, Henry If. Mill?, well known In Asheville, took this cup, driving ''Wellington," and has now gained it. as his permanent possession, having., won two years in succession. - This seventh annual event is considered undoubtedly the best occurring so fat;,' as more states were , ' represented, the attendance was great-y! er and an even higher grade of horses ; 'was shown., J. Rush Oates with his party motored home late,; Thursday evening, and others of the Asheville people who went down for this occa sion are-slowly coming In. The fol lowing are the Asheville ..trophies: '-' Blue ' ribbon winner , in Thursday event: ;i Bohemian- Boy, owned by J. C. O'Connell, Foal of 1911. .'.,', . Class No. 8-IJadie8' park horse; YelloW ribbon, won by Robin Adair, buy gelding,, 15. 3,-. owned "by J. C-. O'Connell, Asheville, Third prize, J10. Class No: 24 Combination harness ' and saddle horses: Yellow ribbon won ", by Prince Edward,owned by J.! C, O'Connell. Third prize, $5. ' . Class No. S3 Foals of 1911:. Blue ribhon,'- won" by Bohemian Boy; bay geld, owned y J. C. O'Connell. First prize, $12,80. . Cup winner in four championship classes: Nichalo, owned by J. C. O'Connell. Harness horse post en try. '-'-."'v.'.' .- r.1 t K Auction 1'urty. Mrs. M. H. Harris entertained last evening' at her home the Knicker bocker With a charming auction par , ' ty in honor of Miss Askew of Wash-: ington, who Is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Frederick l. Hunt, at their home on Hillside street, and of Mrs. Truman, who isa guest of Mrs. Harris at the Knickerbocker. 'The decorations . were green -and' white, these colors being used In a charming floral, plan In wh!h green baskets ot daisies and other wild - flowers adorned the rooms. , The party was given In the ' front parlors of the Harris' residence. Five tables of auction were played and the first prize was won by Mrs. Frederick 1 Hunt This prize was a pretty embroidered center i - piece, There was also a first prize' fOT the gentlemen which waB an attractively arranged bridge set. The guests of hunoryMlHS "Askew3''and.: Mrs. I-Tru man, were given each a pretty guest prize, these being two amethyst hearts. After the game a salad and an ice course were-scrved. The guests were Mrs. Truman, Miss Askew, Dr. . ' and Mrs. Frederick U Hunt, Mr. "and Mrs. Henry Penland, Mrs. Guy Carl ton, Dr. and Mrs. J. ,WJ"aucette, Mrs. M. Fltzhugh Teague, Miss Williams, Joseph Brandt, Wilson King, Mr. McClellan, R. R. Mulllkln, Mr. Grea- No Need Being Old or Wrinkled Before 75 Miss Belle Grant, who has been In Gaffney, S, C.i : the past winter and spring, is at home for an Indefinite timo. " ' Fred Grahtiof Gaffney, S. C visit Ins his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W Grant, this week. ' 1 ... Magistrate Oates is Spending the week In Hendersonvllle as a juror1 at Superior court. ' ' : ' - . m Arden Notes. Correspondence of The Gaette-News. Arden, May 24. -The Arflen ball team played the .Blue Ridge and Avery's Creek recently. The scores were: .Arden 6, 'Blue Ridge 4; and Arden 4, Avery's Creek 7. . ' A party consisting of William. Clay ton, Mr. Youngblood, Frazer Patton and John Reagan went to the Glou cester settlement for several days' Ashing. ' They caught lots of fish and had fine weather for camping. ' Miss Bertha Beale left for '.Rich mond to be with her grand aunt, "who is very ill. . i " - Ion Penley had a series of accidents a few days sine. In some way he was caught in the machinery at Bob Clayton's mill, breaking his arm and receiving severe bruises ...about., his head. , ;,'V .- Church Music. S i There will be special music tomor row afternoon at the 4:30 services' In All Souls' church, Biltmore, under the direction- of Fi Flaxlngton Harker. The anthems which will be given arc: "The Lord is Great In Zlon," by Best; and "Sing to The lord," by, Hadyn. The program for the organ recital fol lowing the. service is as follows: ' 1. Adagio (Suite for Orchestra) : .Bach 2, Allegro (Sonata da Camera)... Peace 3.' Romanza (Sonata da Camera, -No. 1).. .... ....'...... Peace 4. Allegro Vivace (Sonota da Cam- i era, No. 1 ) . . . ; ; ; Peace The Friday Book club was prevent ed yesterday by the inclement weather from holding the picnic . meeting which had been planned to occur with MrsIlAUis at her- home in Chunn's Cove. The meeting was held in town with another of the members, and a delightful literary program was given. "TJ1? pysf.'Wl Woman"- formed an interesting subJecV for rhe""nleetlng. and enjoyable papers along different lines in this study were given by Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Grace Jones, Miss Eliz abeth Bernard, Mrs. W. B. Meacham and Miss Agnes Rockwell, 1 ; The pupils of the Asheville School for Girls will give a lawn fete on Mon day afternoon, on the school grounds, at : 4 o'clock, . If : the weather Is In clement the entertainment will be glv IJlllan Russell says ' any woman who has wrinkles before she's 75 is herself responsible for them. Sun shine and fresh air she considers more valuable as complexion pre serves than nostrums and cosmetics. The chief objection to cosmetics is that at best they only temporarily cover up' defects. There are certain true aids to Nature, wlhch may be applied with directly opposite effect Ordinary mercolized wax, for in stance, actually removes a bad or oldish complexion, by gradually, al most Imperceptibly, peeling off the wornout scarf skin. Just one ounce, procurable at any drug store, . will soon unveil an entirely new and nat ural complexion, with an exquisite girlish color.- Of course cutaneous blemishes like pimples, freckles, fine lines, moth patches, liver spots, dis appear with the .discarded skin. To brevent or remove Wrinkles, face bath which also produces natural results, is mado by . dissolving an ounce of powdered saxollte in a half nint witch hazel. This Is immediate ly effective and gives no untoward af ter-effect. their party, which has returned from the . Greenville horse show, their daughter. Miss Frances Oates, their son, Fred Oates, and Marcus Marshall of New York. S. D. Spencer of this state register ed yesterday at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. and Mrs. H. U Danah of Chat ham, N. Y., arrived in Asheville yes terday for a summer visit and are staying at the Battery Park hotel. ' ' Miss Cora Lee Drummond will have as her guest, for the summer, her niece. Miss Cameron Drummond of Eastman, Ga who is expected here next week. , ' . Miss Nannie Stevens of the Ashe ville chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, expects to leave on Mon day to attend the Confederate reun ion to be hem in . nattanooEa. But for fifteen Long Years, Mrs. Dickson Could Not Stand on Her Feet for Any Length of Time. II FOR it IH OF JUNE i. son, Mrs. Ld. Martoren, Mrs. wu- en , on l uesaay or weaneaaay. alter llama. Mrs. Carroll and Miss Celestlne .noon, as the weather permits. The Martorell. Wort Asheville Notes. different grades of the school under the general supervision of Miss Ford will give a series of drills, songs and fclr. and Mrs.' M.' A.; Ingle or West- various forms of commencement ex- Asheville will leave eariy ounuuy ercises. morning with their two .msaU: sons, Ralph and DonaUU for Jupiter, where they will Visit Mrs. Ingle's parents! for several days. ' . Little Mlss Nannie Welch enter tained a number of her friends with a-birthday party Tuesday afternoon. Various games were played. A pea 'nut hunt was. enjoyed by the children, the prizes being won by Helen Kiser and Ruth Brown. Delightful re freshments were served. Those pre sent were: Willie-'- Jones, ' Mary Brown, Helen Kaiser. Ruth Brown, .Aretha Cowan, Evelyn Roberts,, Myr tle, Williams, Elizabeth Brown, Mary Katherlan Logan, Dorothy Jackson, Lula Plemmons, Margrete Hawkins. Ada Grace Elmore, Lillle' Plemmons, Lois Brown, Vera . Brown. James . Jones, John Kaiser, Ralph. Ingle, Donald Ingle, Willie Shelton, Arthur Shelton, Louis Lineberry, Carnegie Carter, Ralph Elmore, John Welch and Harry Elmore. i ' Everette Justice gave a party which wat very enjoyable. - I Games Were played and refreshments were served. - Among those present - were: Miss Ruth Falrchllds,. Roy Falrchllds, Miss Lula Johnson, 'Albert Justice, Miss Zula Falrchllds, Ml Estelle Justice, Arthur Fuller. Miss Annie Falrchllds, ,and Clyde Bradley. " v. .' K . , ' West Asheville Notes. Correspondence of The Gazette-News. West Asheville, May I4.WI1I Bal lenger hts gone to Greensboro to at "tend tho meeting fit the grand lodge. . I. O. O. F. On his return home he will stop at Salisbury to visit .his brother. ' Mrs. Mitchell and Miss Nora Wright are- attending the state meeting of the Rebeccas, which la being held , at Greensboro this week., , Miss Lulu Uallengei1 of Greensville. Tenn.,,la visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Balllnger. Mrs. Crapsey and ilnOr-in-Iaw, Mis Crapsey, are the guests of Mrs. Hlb " bard. Mrs. Delano Patterson Is visiting rel nllves and friends In Washington. United States Marshall W. E. Logan' leaves Sunday morning for Oreens ,' born. The subject of Dr. M. M. Wambolt's . v VV K It . . . ' Mrs. E. C. Chambers has left '.. for Greensboro to attend the Diamond Jubilee of the Greensboro College for Women, where she will 'make, the speech of presentation at the unveil ing ot the portrait of Tr. T. M. Jones, for twenty years' president of the col lege. Mrs. Chambers, ' while In Greensboro, will be the guest i Mrs. Charles W. Byrd: It Mrs. Charles 8.! Jordan wfM enter tain on Tuesday of next week with a luncheon to be given In honor of Mrs. Dunn . McKee of Washington and Asheville. ' Mrs. Hester Brown leaves this morn Ing for a two weeks' visit to her broth er,- X. 8. Patterson, of Governors Is land, near Bryson City, i H It ' ' Prof. H. S. Burdette, who has been teaching mathematics at Weavervllle college,' left this 'morning for Land ford, B..G, where he will spend the vacation with his family. . - mm Mrs. W. U Reagan of Weavervllle her daughter, Miss Bonnie Reagan ana grand-children go to Ivy tomor row to visit Mrs. Reagan's parents, v.. ana Mrs. j. 8. McElroy. .. J- mm Mrs. j. E. Smith, who has 'been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Lv Reagan at wtavervnie for several weeks, re lurns to ler home at Ivy tomorrow. - it n Mrs. J. D. Fender loft this morning ior a week s visit to her mother at Morgan Hill. it m Mr. and Mrs. William Augustus Wright, who are residing in Wllmlns ton where Mr. Wright Is In business, will come tp Asheville the first of tho season for a visit to Mrs. Wrighfi r.ornta Mr. and Mrs. Tnomas J Wnnlilride-e. Mr. and Mrs. Wrigh have leased thelf home in ArDorvaie park.' '-'.:'- ,.: V ; t ! - "Mrs. Harold Rees and her two smal (.hiiilren. Harold and Compton,. ar expected in Biltmore next week iron New York, to spend tne summer. it K Two late arrivals' at the Battery Park hotel on Thursday evening were T. M. Ruppert of New lorn an n. S. Ewald of Alcoa, Tenn. Cnl and Mrs. P. G. Bowman an exnected today by ' Mrs. Arcouet, a her home on St. Dunstan's road, from Greenville, a. C. ' ..,.-,' It It ; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Swift, whr snend ' much time in Asheville witl Mrs; Swift's sister. Mrs. Dunn McKee t her home on the Victoria road will spend the summer In Norfolk . st t F. C. Olds of New York, who Is e guest In company with his parents a' the Battery Park hotel, will remalr there two weeks longer while recup erating from Illness. ; Little Miss Frances McKee, the small daughter of Mrs. Dunn McKee, has arrived from Washington with her nurse and Is with her mother at Forest Hill. - -' It ..''."!: ' Miss Besle Bridgcrs and her broth er, Robert Brldgers, of Wilmington are guests of Mrs. Annie D. Martin, at her summer home, Reynolds Heights. j.,, . , it ac - H. C. Waddell 'of Richmond Is a guest at the Battery Park hotel. s s? Miss Margaret Brittain of New Bridge left this- morning to visit friends in KnoxVllle. . It It Robert S. Gorhaiu of N.-1 t Cullo whee street will leave Monday - for Chattanooga, where he will lait friends during the reunion. .-. . - at it ; Rev. R. F. Campbell, D. D., has returned from Atlanta, where he has been attending the Southern PreBby terlan assembly. Wilmington Dispatch: . Mrs. A. S. Gucrrard has returned. to her home at Asheville, after a visit of two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wallace, at the residence of the latter on South Second street. M Knoxvllle Journal and Tribune: " Miss Byrd Henderson left Monday for her home In Asheville, N. C, after a delightful visit with relatives and frlend, having been entertained by Miss Nell Coleman, Miss Elizabeth Knabe and Mr. and Mrs.- G. W. Bax ter. Miss Nell Coleman' left In April with a party of friends for the conti nent. After a tour of- the -principal points Bhe will join Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Culver Martin in Paris. mm John McClellan of New Orleans has arrived In Asheville and Is a guest at the Battery Park hotel. . ---' J. H. Schoolfleld Is a guest, at the Manor. ai ' Clarence English, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. English of 206 Chestnut street, 'who. has beon recently -graduated from Oak Ridge institute,, has returned to his home here. to it Mrs. Fred Hull, Miss Emily Camp-J bell, and Brewster Chapman have .re turned from the Greenville horse show. ..' . m m. : Mr. and Mrs. J. Rush Oates had In Rev. C B. Roach Speaks To morrow Mrs. E. Mears Will Be Soloist. ' mi IMS II I MOST ANYWHERE "A Saving Vision" will be the sub ect of an address tomorrow afternoon y Rev. C. ' B. Roach, pastor of the Irst Methodist church of the city, to nen at the auditorium of the Y, M. . building. Mr. Roach has only been Vre for a short time, but he has al ready gained a reputation as a very itrong speaker, and it is expected that he meeting tomorrow will be largely itWrtded. Mrs. J, E. Meares has been secured' as the1 so:oist for the meeting, md selections will be rendered by the Boys' orchestra. Reu Walter S. Cain, rector of the Jrace Episcopal church, will be the--peaker at the meeting to be held In he association hall on Depot street it 4:30 In the afternoon tomorrow. Bis subject will be "Excuses," and a nost interesting meeting is promised . special Invitation is extended to railroad men to be present. The management of the association announces that during June a very fine series of Sunday meetings han been arranged. Speakers of note arc Included and the full program for the month Is ; as follows: June 1, Rev Wyatt Brown, rector of Trinity church; June 8, Prof. J. Watt Ralnc of Berea college, Kentucky; June 1 5 Prof. M. A. Honline, secretary of rell gious education for the international y. M. C. A. committee; June 22, Dr. Charles W. Ke'nt,1 professor of English literature at the University of Vir ginla, and June 29, Dr. C. B. Waller pastor of the Flrst Baptist church here. . ,! '-..' Dallas, Tex. "I cannot recommend Cardul, the woman's tonic, too high ly," writes Mrs. R. J. Dickson, of 2907 Bryan street, this city. "It is the greatest boon to those suffering from vyomanly trouble, in existence. Vor 15 years, I was a sufferer from such severe pains, caused from worn anly trouble, 1 could not walk, or even stand on my feet, long at a time. also had backaches and headaches. 1 commenced taking Cardui, the wom an's tonic, and now I can walk any where 1 want to, do my own work, and feel better than I have for ten yearsj' ,';-."' -".'' I am so thankful that I took your medicine, as 1 feel like a new woman entirely. ' ."' .,: ' '-;, My advice to all women Is to try Cardui, the woman's tonic, when they feel they need a tonic, as it will .cer tainly" do for them, what it has done for me." '"-..- . ' , Cardui --joes to the weak spots and helps to make them strong. . It is for the weak,' tired, 'nervous, , irritable women, who feel as though everything were wrong, and who need something to, (luiet their restless nerves, am strengthen their wornous systems. Thousands of womqn now . enjoy good health as a result of taking Car dul. Why not you? Trytt. A druggists. . . N. B. Write to: Chattanooga Med iclne Co., Ladies' AdNisory Dept Chattanooga, Tenn., for Speciiri In structions on your case and S-l-pagc book, "Home Treatment for Women sent in plain wrapper. . Women's Strap Slippers $2-$3.50 If you want comfortable shoes for hot weather. Come here and try a pair of strap slippers, made of soft kid,;low easy heels, cool and comforta ble for hot weather. Cheaper shoes and ti;nnks in the Bar gain annex. . Nichols Shoe Co. Cash shoesters On the Sq BUTTRIOC FASHIONS SUMMER, 1913 lit ','.,-7V7TlJ -m ISA,-. -v. mm MKLUDMC Of PRO. 25 a NTS FilUCTlflTH EKGE TO Was Taken at Merchants Meet ing Last Night Commit tee Chairmen. E FOR THnpiENT Have Already Begun Training Him for Annual Races, at Wilmington. Bathroom Mirrors Best beveled edge French plate -glass' mirrors in white enameled frames. feize 11x11 Size 11x15 Size 14x16 Size 16x17. Sine 15x2 fe ..$1.25 . .$1.60 ; . $1.75 ..$2.25 ,.$2.75 BATH KOOM FIXTl'RES , All our fixtures are of solid brass, polished and cov ered with heavy nickle-platc fjnlsh, giving the articles a brightness and luhtre not to be found in other makes. Will preserve their freshness of appearance for years. It Is easy to compare prices. See window display. 1 J. H. LAW 35 Patton Ave. SHEPPARDS HAIR GOODS largest stock this side of New York city. ' t. 1,000 switches to choose from Latest styles in Back Pieces. 14 Government 8t. Back of Post office. 77-261. New HampleM or Umbrella Covers. . 1 Something over a hundred new ram plea of plain colored materials suitable for either umbrellas or para sols Helvetia, Carola, Gloria Bilk. Serge and Taffeta. New covers put on, BOc to $5.00. i. M. IIKAIIN X), Battery Park Place. Phone 44$. V Vance Hail on French . Broad River, for rent for the season. .; ,;'.. -.i .M ; .Vi'.r. $100.00 per month. ,;, 26 bed rooms, completely furnished. A splendid oppor tunity to make, money . this summer. For particulars Bee Moalc & Chiles Sole Agents 27 Patton Ave. - TUt CHACKSa WITH 7sr DitTETic Biscuit 1 IWM M. WEBB CO. MILLINERY ., IMPORTERS Haywood St Phono 1044 Lyerly Motor Co. AUTOS FOR HIRE by the day, trip or hour. . Reasonable Rates Phone 1651 10 W. College St FRESH PINE APPLES We are getting some fine ripe ones direct grovo. 15o to 25c each. from the The members of the Asheville fire department have purchased a horse to be used by them in the firemen's tour nament to be held this year in Wil mington. The horse is a handsome bay, weighing 1145 pounds, and he is being kept in a stall to the rear of tho station. The purchase money was paid by the firemen themselves, and the city will be put to no expense in keeping the animal. The city still owns the tournament wagon that was used before the motor trucks were purchased, and this wagon will be used in the tournament this year. : The new horse Is not an "exper ienced" fire horse, but his training will begin at once. He is seven years old and has plenty of sense and spirit, so no trouble is anticipated in his training. He has been given a few try-outs on Southside avenue and has shown up .well. As soon as good weather prevails again regular daily practice for the tournament will be begun, and all members of the de partment will have a chance to try for the team that will go to Wilmington., The A.heville boys and their horses have made some excellent records In the tournaments of the past, and they could not bear to see opportunities for more honors on the track slipping by and nothing to use bi't a motor truck, which is barred. With the new horse they expect to establish some more records and. If possible, arrange for races next year with the trucks. It is believed that this ran be done as Asheville, Charlotte, Greensboro and Kaleigh now have motor fire trucks nnd events with these would doubtless prove ery Interesting. oN definite action was taken at the all-members meeting of the Asheville Merchants association last night as to an earlier closing hour for the stores of the city, although the committee appointed a week ago made a report that was satisfactory except for a few minor details. The matter was re ferred back to the committee for an other conference with the other or ganizations in order that these details may be Anally arranged, and a fur ther report will be made later. An nouncement was made at this meeting of the committee chairmen who have been appointed by President J. W Neely of the association to serve dur ing tne ensuing year on the perma nent committees of the assocation. They are as follows: H. A. Dunham manufacturing? S. P. Burton, arbitra tion; H. Taylor Rogers, weights, meas ures and advertising; C. Sawyer, nuance; Archibald Nichols, legislative I). Harris, transportation ; II. W. Red wood, membership. These chairmen will nana two members of the asso ciation 10 serve wan eacn ot tnem on the committees. ' - President Neely represented that all who are able to attend tho state asso ciation convention, to be held at Wrightsville Beach, June 17-19, advise him of the fact as roon as possible so that he may Include them In a list of delegates. Ten delegates are allowed tor the local association and he Is very desirous that a full quota attend from Asheville as matters of much Im portance will be taken up at this state meeting. Ready! "Butlerick Fashions" Summer's Newest Styles Draperies ? Yes, lots and lots of them. Wonderful, smart designs in hun dreds. ' Everything complete for the season. Dainty summery dresses for all occasions. 1 Any Butterick Pattern FREE with every copy . 25 cents (10c extra by mail) BJ a copy at the pattm cornier to-day . A BIG SUPPLY OF FINE DRESS GOODS. Silks, Flno Wool Goods, Linens, Ratines, ' Poplins, Voiles, Pique, Half Bilks, Linens, Nrigcux, Fluxons, Di li titles, Kerclioncs, fcherettcs, ' Galatcas, Zephyr Ginghams, Cambrli s. Percales, etc. ' We are selling a lot of ' Dress Goods many more than we had ex pected to where at we rejoice certainly. Many complimants on our val ues have come to us. H. REDWOOD A CO. MILLINERY SPROAT'S ' Oataa BalkHng. OrangeslOranges B." J. JACKSON. 18 yean experience City Market Phones H-101. f COSMOS . Of easy . culture theso should be sown quite free ly as tbey , come into bloom in tbe autumn wlien most other flowcra have ccr"cd. They prefer a Bandy soil but not too rich. Topping the plants when a foot high makes for earlier blooming and a more bushy growth. In pnpers, 5c. By the ounce ilOc. In mixed colors. He Is No Hypocrite. Tom Are you going to wear mourn ing fur your wealthy uucle? Jack- Only a black poeki'tbook. . SUIT SALE, 30 CENTS Every third suit you buy you get for 30 cents; or every third dollar In every suit you buy, that dollar you get for SO cents. New summer styles. MUMPOWER Sells for Cash, for Less " 17 a Mala St. mm You will find in the record of the Marathon enr long lists of notable "achievements that were accomplished only by the utmost care in evry detail of manufacture. Graceful lines nnd comfortable riding quali ties aro things that can be readily determined. Reliabil ity is bomething that time alone will tell. Therefore it is better that you buy a car with nn establishedreputation. The record of tho Marathon car is iinnssnilnble it is unbeatable.! Investigate and be convinced. ANNOUNCEMENT J. K. Taylor practical sheet metal worker Is now associated with D. Trexler end we are better prepuru 1 than ever to do first class roofln;; work, guttering, furnace heating and skylight work. I). TREXtiKK SHEET METAL CO. 109 So. Main St. Phone 8U3 84-6. HAIR GOODS Manicuring, Shampooing, Ilalrdres sing, Facial Scalp Message and Chriopody. Superfluous hair and all skin trouble treated by expert Marl nello operators. Complete line of Marineilo Toilet Articles. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP. Phone 16 23 Haywood St. CREDIT ATCO IONO TIME CREDIT PLAN Makes Automobile Ownership- Easy. ' AUTO SALES CO. No., Zl,, Bldg.': 1 - 1 Sbrosis , Are the best lookers, the longest wearers nnd the most comfortable ot any shoe we know of. - ) ' I D D Boston Shoe Store 30 Patton Avcmio. :,oi;'!'" YATES U McGUJP.E Grant's Pharmacy ' land re Mi's Harden Seed-. rhc- 1 1715 E' l 1715. . . . ;. r:iCt. " Til" BARO AIN3 IN OU?. WINDOW 4 lUMuttiMtiiiKnou: