Monday, Jnne 9 l2l3 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS GAZETTE NEWS WANT ADS ft HAVE A "GETTING" AND "SELLING" POWER PECULIARLY THEIR OWN THEM -abs IB I & ! '1 , 'I ASHEVILLE, N. C. LUXURY WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE. Asheville 's New Up-to-Date Fireproof Concrete Hotel. European Plan. Cafe open from 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. Spe cial Sunday dinner and musical program, 6 to 8:30 p. m. Grill room open day and night. Music. J. BAYLIS RECTOR, Manager. WANTS TOR IALI 'OR BALE Good clean newspapers, SO (or i cents. Apply at Gasette New ofBo. tf. SwannanoaBerlieley AehevlMVn Most Modern e1 Up-to-dat Eotal. Hoi tati Cold banning: WaUr or Privat Bitb r mry room. fRA.Nl LOOGHXAK, Owner nd Froprltoi MOUNTAIN MEADOWS INN I'AMOt S FOR ITS BEAITY jj .V Altitude :i."00 feet. Near .lieillo. X. C. l.oe:tteil tin ;i high mountain side eommnmling a superb view of inminlains ami valleys. luUO Ft. higher than Ahpvilli. Large number nl' riiiims with private baths. A delightful feature is the open air dining room, overlooking the beautiful Sii;iiiii;iini!t Valley. Von pet the comforts of a lirst class hotel, with veil cuokod. fresh vegetables, milk anil rreum fre.m our own farm. The house i:i supplied with water from good mountain springs. For particulars phone ?71 or address, MISS Ti:.IPE II.MtltlS. Asheville. X. t f'OR SALE House and three acre In Weavervllle; good garden, chicken runs and barn; office building $3000. J. R. R., care The Gazetto Newe. dh y OWCH THBOVGUOCT TIM Famous Everywhere AN AUTO TRIP The automobile road between Ashe ville and 1 lemlersonville is In exrellent condition. A doubly pleasant trip, If you stop over at "THE ST. JOHN" for dinner. The managers cater especially to automobile parties. THE ST. JOHN IS THE HOTEL HENDERSONVILLE IS THE TOWN CANTON, N.C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL K. H. GE1 KR, Pro. IfRKU; SAMPLE ROOVI BTKAM HEATED CLKCTRIO LIGHT TUEM BATH RATK8 !. HOTEL AETHELWOLD BREVARD, N. C. Rates, $2 per day. Steam heat. Hot and Cold Baths. BotL commercial and tourist. Open year round. CHAS. M. COOK Jr., Proprietor. THE, LISBON 12 North Hail Largo airy furnished rooms with good home cooking. One block from Langren Hotel. MRS. FRANK ISRAEL 62 N. Main Phone 1950 FOR SALIC We have for sale the out tits of several private stables. The following are attractive bargains. Two one horse surreys at $7.1.00 and $100.00. Two iloycr Surries at $711.00 and $110.00 Two Top buggloss at $25.00 and $40.00. Two Buckbonrds at $115.00 and $90.00 One three senter $125.00. One horse wagon $32.50. Several har nesses and vehicles of every ries seriptlon. Apply at Patton & Stlke leather's Stables. tf. MANO KOll SAEE In perfect condi tion: cost $550; lias been used only a short time; price reasonable if taken at once. For particulars ad dress "I A. 10l," care Gazette News. 84-tf VOTl SALK Twi choice and iJe-iiriblo building lots In '('anion. Size of both 60x141, !) ins lots jNos. 57 and 58, part of K. May property just off of North Slain PI., with "ood view. Will sell same for $17510 h'iot cash. Ap )'y to .1." II. K, Gazelle News ofl'l"e, for particulars. SS-tf I Phone Your fh) Wants to . MoIm wants ' HILP WAKTXD v - j WANTS WANTED J. H. McGINNESS, No. 44 Market street. Tailoring, sleaui dyeing, cleaning and repairing. . Thone 1850. tt. WANTEI To lease for a term of years a furnished hotel In Aahe vllle or some point In the moun tains of Western North Carolina, Consideration would also be given to a country inn advantageously lo cated. Addresi "Hotel," care The Gazette-News. tf. HUH K Y.UI Koit SALE Mi Tues day, .June 10, 1!)1S, nl New Hrldgc, on the Wo.-ivcrvilb' ear line I will sell at auelion to the highest bidder all the equipment, and lixluivs be longing to the Ilcavcrdam Brick Company, eonsisting of niuehinciy for making and handling brick, dry bouse cars, track, bells, pulleys. t0 horse boiler, "5 horse engine, il -o 1 huge quantity of good building ma terial, lumber and brick. Here :s a chance for some one to get a big bargain. The whole out lit goes and the highest bidder gets the pile. This material is excellent for build ing small houses in or near Ashe ville. Write or sec Marcus Krwin, Asheville, N. C. flfi-lit. KOll SALE 2 S acres on macadam road, two miles out. This has mod ern 8-rocm house and barn. Also have other suburban properties for sale and a 15-room boarding hous. at railroad station, 10 miles out. V. T. H. Woods. Fhone 937. 96-0 WANTED A itcoiid hand pool and billiard table; must be In good con dition. J. n,R., Gazette-Newt S-tf 1VR WANT TOUR STENOGRAPHIC Work. Our prices are reasonable: satisfaction Riven. Special prices on regular work. Sec Miss Tcarl Hol man, College and North Main Sts., over Blomberg's. 61-tf WEC.VTED To buy for cash, second hand books, (not school). E. E. C.aler, 118 Patten ave. Thone 1674. tf. ANTED To please you. We please all others, why not you. Phone 377. . Ilooze Electric Co. 88-tf. WANTED The old Reliable, always with you. The Asheville Cleaning and Pressing club with the most perfectly equipped shop in the country and 1.1 years experience. Yours to serve. J. C. Wilbur, Prop. Phone 389. FOR PALE Two S-roovn, modern houses, $4500 each; 8 -room house, $fl.r. 00, and 10-room house for $6800 CASH. These are all modern and on pood streets. F. T. II. Woods. Fhone 937. 96-6t FOR SALE Handsome seven room shingled house with sleeping porch and modern in every respect, near car line In Grove Park. Will make price and terms right. J. T. Bled soe & Co., 10 Xorth Pack Square. 96-6t. HOTEL KENMORE . Waynei ville, N. C. Open All th Year Rouxd. Etr ictly High Clan Service Al wayi. i A. S. KEITH P roprietor VOIX .-ALE Attractive six room house with sleeping porch on Flint street. This house is close in and lias all modern conveniences. J. T. Pledsoo & Co., 13 North Park Square. 9G-fit. Foil SALE One Reading Standard liicycle. been used one week. V. V. Haynie, 2.1 East street. 99-lf. WANTED Phone 157 and let us call and make you prices on painting your house papering and calcimin lng your rooms. Make them earn you some good money this summer. R. L. FiUpatrick. WANTS MISCELLANEOUS M I LTI G It A PI I ED LKTTERS. MULTIGRAPHED LETTERS and Public Stenographic Service; ad dressing envelopes; typewriting; carbon papers and typewriter rib bons for sale. Miss F. S. Goode, 35 American National Hank Building. Fhone 108. 83-26t TUB BAVANNAH INN 111 Patton avenue. Large sunny room, all newly furnished and home-like, with dellctoua home cooking. R&tea $7.00 to $11.00 per week, fl.00 to $2.00 per day, $4.0 per week for table board. MRS. O. R. KES8LER, Proprietor. t6-tf KXPEKT SHOE Soles Bowed, ladies Soles sewed, men's Soles sewed, boys' iti:i.mix . . .50c and liOc. . . . . 7.1e ami $1. . . . ..'0c and 75c. Children's Sandals, bottomed 50c and 7.1c. Rubber bottoms, all sizes $1.50 Rubber Heels ! and 50c Shoes called for and returned promptly. IIOWDEX 31 East College. Phone 1817 98-26. BOARDING The "CaroTeen," No. 4 College St, large airy rooms, attrac tive lawn, and porches nicely fur nished, $1.50 to $2.03 per day, $8.00 to $12.50 per week. Phone 1248. 49-tf BEAUTIFUL NEW RUGS Woven from your old worn carpets, any Blza desired, In very attractive de signs. Write for catalogue. Orien tal Rug Co., Baltimore, Md. 71-52t. WANTED One hundred people to ride dally in a high class touring car, driven by a most competent and careful chauffeur. To make en gagements call phone 1417 or 2023. 93-26L SHOES called for, repaired and re turned the same day. Phone 1641. B. A. Vlniarskl, 30 West College street 84-26t FOR NOTARY PUBLIC WORK ap ply at Gazette-News office. 88-tf WANTED Second hand spring wag on. Mitchell's Transfer. Phone 338. 99-3t. WANTED To buy house and lot or farm; state best price and terms. Address W., Box 95. 95-tf. THE INN, at Black Mountain Is now open and ready to entertain all the guest who are looking for plenty of something good to eat and the best of views. John G. McGraw, Prop. 92-26t 50TIL IIOTLLA bryhoh crrx. Headquarter for traieUna and lumbermen. Rates $1 per das Kpeclsl ratea by the month. Btl room. Free sample rooms. Railroad rating houne fronting ftouUera itpti Livery in connection. S.. W. A ALMA WUEKI.U. frv. WESTDALi HOTEL Bryion City, N. C. Near depot, all newly fur lushed. Gates $1 per day. Hot and cold batha Transit trade solicited. S. L. TIAGUE, Prop. THE ItAK.IITF.ll of D.vii m;rr My HARRY KING TOOTLE. The boss of a provincial town keeps bis daughter away at school in ignor ance of his doubtful civic status. She comes home unexpectedly when a packing company wants a dishonest franchise, and when an Independent newspaper editor threatens the boss's supremacy. I low the boss is beaten, and the independent editor wins the daughter form as graphic a story of modern politics and society us has been written. We have ecured this fascinating Mory lor our next serial. If you do not read it you will miss one of the most forceful pieces of fiction writ ten In many a day. Watch for the Issue wilh the lirst Instalment to ap- icar in The Gazette-News. tf FOR SALE Practically new, attrac tive and thoroughly modern seven room residence, hot water heating plant, hardwood floors, living room, hall, dining room, kitchen and three nice bed rooms, lot 100x232, on one of the best streets in the city and within a block of two car lines. This house Is a bargain as owner has left the eitv. For price and terms see J. T. Hledsoe Co., 10 North Pack square. 100-3t. L, J. Ipley, Proprietor. Conveniently located, aear 4Uo Accommodations by day, week e oi Sates raaaoMhl THE OLD TORT XXX Old Port, X. C FOR SALE---Beautiful small home, close in, paved street, Just off ear Hue, large garden, house practically new and modern in every way, this place Is a bargain to someone want Inga home, price $3500.00, good terms, phone 649, Donnahoe & Co. Real Estate. 100-3 22 W. College St. Block from square. The MONARCH EUROPEAN PIAN 50c, 75c, and $1.00 , Special weekly and monthly rates. ' Thoroughly renovated. Phone 1112. 77-2. Just as Cheap. It doesn't cost any more to hope for the liest tlinn to expect the worst Chicago Record -Hera Id. The B.llblrd. The TOlce of the naked throated belt. bird can be beard at a distance of three miles. WANTED Salesmen to handle one of the best I money-making propositions to be had. Quick ales and large profits. Apply BURN REALTY CO. 18 South Pack Square Asheville, N. . FOR SALE New seven-room, modern cottage, southern exposure, two hun dred feet from car line, paved street, elegant neighborhood, owner leaving city, property must sell, this proper ty Is a good Investment aa well aa a home. Phone 649 Donnahoe & Co., Heal estate. 100-t WANTED Home on I-'airvlcw or Hen dersonvlllo road or near car line. Would consider city property for In vestment. T., care Gazette-News. 97-6t WANTED Three-piece orchestra. two violins and piano, desire posi tion at hotel for the summcj other Instruments supplied If wanted. Ad dress Dixie Orchestru, Box 97, Bam berg, S. C. Hollar Motor Co. 5(1 So. Main. Phone 07 PATTON H0UI1 Murphy, X. 0. Tks heat and most reasonable boast la town, food table, cleaa beds as home cooking. Rates 11 sr oar. MISS ROSA PATTOX LOGAN MXRCIIAJfT TAILOM Legal Bid. rok H- roM m. A. M. GOODLAKE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ritor fronts and bonding remodeled, concrete work a speciality. IT Vast College 8L Phono 7t Summer School J. A. TILLMAN Jeweler, IT North Mala SL At the Asheville Business College, U -T j".r . w. a .oT: I, North Pack Square. Ird floor. aV i S!I'SJ2 "J! guarantee. No. Special Summer Courses In Double entry Book-keeping, Shorthand, Type writing, penmanship. Henry R, Bhockley. principal. tf. TUM JAKRETT FKIHGa BOTXL Commercial and Towrla Kates 2.M per day. Hot and Co 14 Fatk. peclel Katto hy the Week Hewtfc. a. r. jAHRnmr, mm mm mm DUk0M . C Great Oonreolenc And ears bother to ae your ba- gage checked from your house to des Unatloa. Furniture snoring a spe cialty. Phono lit sVurierill TTamfer ft Itorap Compaaj TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS Is our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds, watches I jewelry, and anything of value. H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23 S. Main St Phono 337. Asheville. WANT TO BUT Two or three small farms not far from Asheville. Western Carolina Realty Oo. ' Bl I. XT. WOLF, Secretary and Treaawet Phono 174 i ! N. Pack Square WANTED Saleamen to handle The Buckley Automatic Machine In Runcombe and adjoining count Ira. Apply 1 UX KKAITV OJMPAXY 18 South Pack Square. Asheville, N. C. CHICHESTER S PILLS M V.J Tk s. it V 1 Iraa.l4. A.. f I II I.I II b .TV! S WANTS FOR RENT FOR RENT One neatly furnished room, all modern . conveniences; near car line; also near good board ing house, price reasonable. Phone 1730, 12 Jefferson Drive. 31-tf. FOR RENT Connecting rooms, com pletely furnished, for housekeep ing, 18 Grady, no tuberculous tak en, phono, 839. " B9tf. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished 9 rootn house, every convenience, large lot, nice piazza, shado trees, best locution In city. V. S. Wutson, agent. 72-tf. FOR RENT Unfurnished, No. 43 Chestnut steet, upper fiat, four rooms and bath, $13 month. Ray Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood street. Fhone 1281. tf FOR RENT Wo have a few desirable furnished and unfurnished houses: J. T. Bledsoe & Co., 10 North Pack square. 100-tf. "iW crrly sowur never borrows ol the late;'' nor dtes the early shopper often wonder way the "missed a bar gato." WANTED White laborers. tiTk day. Grove Park Inn. ,j w a is j. r.u a young lady, for 7; tlemonstrntion, 4 to 6 7 . , Address P. o. Box 605. ; 11 , st WAMTKD ftM rj. 6 AHMV" bodied unmarried men bZW and 85; citizens of VtV" of good character and hablta, who can speak. write the English langUT taiformaUyn apply to recruit j fleer, 301 'West Trade atreetT lotte; 3 South Main street tXkZ 330 South Elm street, QreZ?' 313 V4 South Kayettevuie ..Zf eigh. N. C. and 1622 Main stZ Columbia, or 17 V, West luT street, Spartanburg, B. C . porter. Union News Co., 373 AN YOUNG man or woman a, learn engraving. Instruction ,, night by a first class worknW Terms reasonable, is a g0od , commands high pay and is In stendi demand. P. O. Box 665. 101 j OjASSDfTED Al VERTISIJj places your ofTer before most of tk. people In this city to whom II wod WANTED 20 furnished houses for rent.1 If you have a fur nished house list it with us. We have to turn off applicants every day. Phone 16G8. SOUTHERN REALTY COMPANY. , 16 South Pack 6q, Phone lfi8 Drf. H. R. PARKER Suggestive Thera peutist. This is the greatest system of healing known for chronic and nervous diseases. A trial will con vince you. No drugs or surgery. Office 62 Spruce St., Asheville, N. C. Phone 2048. 96-26t AWNINGS MADE TO ORDER at rea sonable prices. All styles of window and door awnings for office, resi dences, hotels, stores, tc. Address "F. P." Gas Machine Co., Agts., 22 West College St. 99-26t Carolina Commercial School WE are giving at this time, special SUMMER RATES to all students purchasing scholarships on or before June 1st SCHOLARSHIPS in double entry Book-keeping, includ ing necessary English, 3 months $25.00, 4 months $33.00. SCHOLARSHIP in advance Book-keeping and Banking, with necessary English branches 3 months $25; $4 months $33.00. SCHOLARSHIP in Shorthand and Touch Typewriting; with necessary English branches," 3 months $25.00; 4 months $35.00. Any industrious young man or woman can complete either of the above courses in three months. Why not take advantage of this opportunity, and prepare for life's battle. We are constantly getting calls for Stenographers and Book-keepers, Students taking the double course stand the better chance of obtaining the best riavinsr positions. We guarantee positions to our graduates. We also give a special reduction on all Scholarships at this time. See us at once. n Miss Pearl Holman, or , Mrs. C. B. Campbell, OverBloomberg's, Corner North Main & College Sts. BAGGAGE, hauling trunks, 25 cents; furniture packing and moving gen eral draylng. Grading. Mitchell's Transfer. Phone 338. 99-:it NEW CLASSES In shorthand and typewriting will begin this week at the Asheville Business College. Sl'MMER RATES nf tultloTT for full courses. Please tall If you are Interested. College entire third floor No. 8, north pack square. 100-3t. STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MARCH 1, 1913 ZILLICOA AND RETURN ;M- :,. PALMIST FOKEDA. Palmist and Medium. Khe tells true. Advice on all the affairs of life. If In doubt call. She tells your past, present and future. Bus iness, law, marriage, investment, travel, domestic affairs. In fact. She tells It all. Parlor tents corner French Broad nril Patton avenue. Readings 25o and 60c. 97-6t tar aria! i A , Hit AM 1-ll.ija.P- a wH Vo4. Ks.AlWwMfte4.M SC1D IT DRUGGISTS mKIRt If Yon Want to Learn BOOKKEEPING Take the Practical Bookkeeping Course at the Emanuel Business Col lege. This course has been simplified to meet the requirements of the aver age business firm. It la clear, conclie A easily mastered. Our teachers are ail men and women who have bad prac tical experience, having, without ex ception, held high salaried positions In the business world. Call or 'phone ns for particulars. We will make oor terms to, suit your reqjlrtmenla. Phono 1101. RIVERSIDE PARK 1:10 and every II mln. antll XI rvw-Dnn ttts 5:30 m. and every 11 ImJ" DEPOT VIA until 1:11 p. m.; then every t 80UTHSIDE AVXXU1 minutes until 14S p. m. Then enrt uvvtuuiuaaiuva II minutes until 11:00. DEPOT VIA (:00 Md -TWT x, minutet until H FRENCH BROAD AVI. p. . . MANOR :00 a. m. and every II mlautei W 11:00 p. m. ' CHARLOTTS BTRIIT re fc m. the. every ll mltf lERMTNUi ll:M.m. PATTON AVIXUX :0t a, m. and overy II Ba 11:10 p. m. I AST ETREST ' : a m. and overr II mhwtei Iff . 11:00 p. m. iRACE VU MIRRIMOX COO fc m. and :I0 a. m. Thso iVENUS 1 minutes Ull 10:80 p. m- ' every 30 mltatea till 11:00 ? RTT TlfntH :ll a m. and tten OTery H BU.lB8.UlUi tjn lt:1 p nn ,Try II till 11:00. laat ee ' DEPOT & W ASHEVILLE VIA SOUTHSIDI AVI. th'D nt" 1t' evevry 10 mln. until ll:l car. . y Sunday aobedulo dlfTers la the following particular! Car leaves square for Manor at l:M a. a, return 1:11. . .. Cars leeve tquare for Depot Tla, jnthaldo Ao. 1:11. T: 9 n 1:01 and 1:11 m. Cars laare Bqaare for Depot la french Brow t:ll. I II. 141. Till. T:4I and 1:11. WtttftVV''Jli Car tut Depot leaves Bquare 1:41, both aoutislfls Tani, Freaeh rtrot car leavea Iquare for Charlott street at 1:41. i rirart ear leaves Square for Riverside l:lt. next I: U. . First ear for West Ash.vU.le, leaves Square 1:11. 1:41. Bert I 'J-. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedules oommeaeo at m entlnuo same as week days. 0 On ...nln.. alt.. . ... AMSItitflSBI " iimwmiinia mj m ra prog i s , ms sat trio oa all IIdm will tr . -.... Sniiare at rw. r r tlsne aad holding over at Auditorium. Car leaves Sqasre l avai uaia. it samutea before aoheesle of aanoaaoed arrrraa f "1

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