Monday; Jane 9,' 1913. THE ASHEVILLZ GAZETTE-NEWS 'm. 1 PAGE NH7E n logged Bowels a Menace to Health ionstipation at Bottom of Most Serious Illnesses Avoided by a Simple Remedy. Trace the origin of the commoner Is of life and almost Invariably you ,111 line! that constipation wag the ause. It i n"t to be expected that a lass'of fermented food can remain ,'he system beyond its time without itialing the blood and affecting the lervra and muscles. It congests the ntire- body. Th.. results aro colds, fevers, piles, i..ha nnd nervousness with its . .otivine indiirection and sleep Lsness. There is only one thing to , ,,i that is to remove the trouble; nul when nature seems unable to do t, outside aid is necessary. You will mo best of all outside aids a emedy that many thousands are now ising for this very purpose, called Dr. ...i.i,.uira SvruD Pepsin. Many hun- ilredw of letters are received by Dr. -alilwoll telling of the good results It.tiiined. and among the enthusiastic letters is one trom Doeia wooa ot yule River Acamedy, North Carolina, -h suffered with constipation and in digestion so badly that she could not .jeep well at night and everything she ate distressed her.- She writes that after her mother had given her Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin she "can now ate anything." : It has untol advantages over pills, Hilts and the various coarse' and purgatives, for while these do but temporary good, Syrup Pepsin cures jwrinanentlj;.-. The effect of Its action jONLOHE '" BEST" GOOD HOUSE FOR THE FOWLS IKK'IA WOOD. is to train the stomach and bowel muscles to do their work naturally agairi, and in a. short time all forms of medicine can be dispensed with. It can be bought without inconvenience at any nearby drug store tor- fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, the latter size being regularly bought by those who already know its value. Results are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. If no member of your family has ever used Syrup Pepsin and you would like, to make a personal triul of It before buying it in the regular way of a druggist, send your address a pos tal will do to Dr. W. R. Caldwell 417 Washington street, Monticello, III., and a free sample bottle will be mail ed you. Should Have Southern Front and Yards May Be Laid Off for In ' i dividual Pens If Desired. A good poultry house may, be built after plans shown in the drawing. Such a bouse may be made any length desired and partioned into six-foot breeding pens, 16 feet deep, which would give 7 1-3 square fee per bird for one male and .-, 12 females. The house should have a cement or board floor and can be so built as to make it rat, wind and rain proof. I prefer a floor of cement, writes William Scott of Abilene, Kan., in the Farmers Mail and Breeze. - The house should front south and yards may be laid off for the use of LICENSED TO WED. 1 $ Joseph Brown and lna May Jack son of Buncombe, white. II. N. Maxwell and Marie Ed nions of Buncombe, white. John Burgin and Nora Whittington, colored. . . ., ' : , . CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Power of Mind. "I was out motoring the other day." "So?" "Yes, and I came to a river, but could find no means of getting my ma chine across." "Well, what did you do?" "Ob, I Just sat down and thought It over." Sphinx. A Minor Part. "I didn't hear you sing or speak at the strawberry festival. Why don't you come forward and shovi some pub lic spirit at these affairs?" . "1 did play a minor part I gave the strawberries." Washington Herald. df David Kerr By HARRY KING TOOTLE Axhevllle People 'Give Credit Where Credit Is Due. People of Asheville who suffer with weak kidneys and bad barks want a kidney remedy that can be depended upon. Doan's Kidney Pills Is a medi cine for the kidneys only, and one that is backed by willing testimony of Asheville people. Here a case: Miss Emma Penland, 3:16 North Main street, Asheville. N. C., says: "I had sick headaches and got so dizzy that I was obliged to catch hold of something to keep from falling. When I got up from a chair, I could hardly stand and my back pained me. I used a great deal of medicine, but nothing did me much Rood until I took Doan'a Kidney Pills, procured at Smith's drug store. Before long they made me well," Kor sale by all dealers. Price ,"0 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. THE boss of a provincial town keeps his daughter away at school in ignorance of his doubtful civic status. She comes home unexpectedly when a packing company wants a dishonest franchise, and when an inde pendent newspaper editor threatens the os$V supremacy. How the boss is beaten, and the ' independent editor wins the daughter form as graphic a story of modern politics and society as has been written. We have secured this fascinating story for our next serial. If you do not read it you will miss One of the Most Forceful Pieces t Fiction Written in Many a Dot Watch or the Issue With the First Instalment Good for Several Uses. Individual pens If desired. This kind ot house is also suitable for. raising early hatched chicks. The upper windows are hinged so they may be swung open at any de sired angle or to be booked up as the weather demands. The lower front is covered with one-inch mesh wire and a drop canvas or windows may be used. " The window should be hung so as to swing In at any desired angle. Roosts are placed along the north wall. - A single roost runniur. the length of tho building and set out two feet from the north wall, may be made to serve the purpose. A roost shield for cold weather can be made of a frame the length of the roosts and two feet wide, to be coV' ered with sound burlap on top and sides. Place this frame six inches above the birds heads and let the burlap hang a foot below the roosts. This frame should be drawn up out of the way each morning. ' t If nests are place low enough not many hens will lay on the floor and it is often considered better still to place them right on the floor. A screen mude of burlap so it will almost hide the nests make them more atractlve to the hens and helps to prevent egg- eating. ' jyf ' istiif owe?" x iiiipl' js Fruit and Vegetable. Anty Septic is the pear tree's kindest relative. She should always be on hand when pruning out blighted branches. Let her -wipe the knife aft er every cut Corrosive sublimate is her best alias. Where the bodies of fruit trees are covered with whitewash composed of lime and soft soap with a little crude carbolic acid added, there is less dan ger of Injury from rabbits, suuscald and insect pests that may attack the bark. Allow the ashes to cool before using them as a fertilizer for grapevines; then don't put them right up agninst the vines'. In fact, it la best to dig a shallow trench a few Inches away from the roots of the vines ana piace the ashes In that. The ground for radishes should con tain a large amount of rotten manure and should be made thoroughly fine before drilling the seed. Planting may be done any time after the ground is ready, covering the seed with about one-half inch of soil, it is easy to sow too much seed, thus making it necessary to thin. American Agrlcul turlst A Luxury Once Reserved for the Rich Now Made Universal by Electricity For centuries n swaying fan in human hands was the only means of imitatim? Nature's cooling hreezes you had to he rich to he fanned. But now that electric breezes are made to obey the turn of a switch, this comfort in warm weather is no longer restricted to the few. Thus the ioiular electric fan today takes rank as another important result of Electricity's crusade to inT-rease human comfort with out needless human labor. The development of the G-E ELE(!TliIC FAX to the point where it can he ojierated for hours for a penny or two where it can be attached to any lamp socket, any time where it gives a lifetime of satisfactory service is the result of years of continuous effort in the laboratories and factories of the General Elec tric. Company. These years of effort have perfected also that modern . wonder, the EDIXOX MAZDA LAMD, as marvelously superior to the rude light that was once the lux ury of kings as the modern G-E Electric Fan is superior .to those first breeze-makers in the hands of slaves. The Edison Mazda is the most 'perfect small! lamp yet made by man and one of its chief wonders is its economy for it uses but one third of the current required by old style -carbon lamps. Light your home with Edison Mazdas. The current actually saved will not only run your comforting G-E Fan but also such time-saving and labor-saving dc yices as the G-E ELEOTlMt" FLAT IW)X an invention for which' one is particularly grateful in warm weather when its quickness, convenience and lieat-oncentrafiiig power, coupled with its "Kven Heat," makes ironing an eas ier cooler and shorter task. Call and let us show you the G-E Fan, the G E Flatiron and tli,-' various sizes and styles of the current-saving, money-saving Edison Mazda Lump, C lb. Flat iron :;..)(). ' ELECTRIC FANS 8-Inch Fan $7.25; 12- Inch Fan, $10.75; 16-Inch Fan $12.90 ASHEVILLE POWER & LIGHT CO. PHONE 69. A Comparison. When is a serial story like a bnnk deposit? When the Interest grows. London Telesirniili. Alpaca. Alpaca is the name of a species of llama from wliose wool the genuine fabric is woven. A Joyous Heart. A laugh to lie joyous liiu.t flow from joyous heart, for without kindness there can he no true joy.-C'arlyJe. xotici: or sua:. I'mler and liy virtue of an oidi r of sale of the Superior Court of Hun eomhc county, in a certain Special I'mieertinu entitled, "II. K. Kheu, Ad ministratrix of II. K. Rhea, "(IcceaHcd, etc.", appointing the undersigned coiu iniKsioner to sell the lands and real Purest a.n3 Best Ruiiifbrd Baking Powder estate of 11. K. Ithoa, deceased, herein after described, for the purpose of cro alliin Hsucts, to pay off and discharge, the indebtedness of said estate, and the costs of administration, I will, on Monday, the lltii (lav of July, 1 : 1 :t. between the hours of 12 o'clock, noon, and 1 o'clock p. m., at the Court I louse door, of Buncombe county, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following describ ed lands belonging to tho estate of the said H. K. Rhea, deceased. K1RST TRACT. Situate, bins and being in Buncombe county, North Carolina, on the head waters of Rig Ivy creek, and being pari of the Solo mon Carter Speculation lands, and be ing more particularly described as follows: Beginning, on liuckner's Knob and runs down Rig Fork Ridge X. :U dog. W. poles to a stake, .corner ol lot Mi. i; then f. M nog. . 7;I40 poles to top of Mineral Kidgc; thence S. SO poles to Mineral Creek; thence N. 2 deg. E. llii poles to the top of liuckner's Knob, the beginning corner, being lot No. 10 A. of the SULPHURING' THE HEN H0US Job Should Bq Performed at Least Once Every Month First Re . move All Combustibles. To burn sulphur In a poultry house first remove all combustible matter, Then put an old iron kettle into dlshpan and place on four bricks in the middle of the house.. In the. ket tle put some cobs which have been soaked In a solution of one part of pine tar to four parts of kerosene, sprinkle the sulphur over the cobs and set on fire. Be sure to have everything arranged so as to beat a hasty retreat from the room and close the door quickly as the sulphur fumes are suffocating. Sulphur burned in this manner will penetrate every crevice as well as covering the surface and aids won derfully in purifying the building and. In destroying poultry vermin. One pint of turpentine may be add ed to the half gallon of kerosone as, well as the pine tar with beneficial results. Once a month is none too often to burn sulphur In every poultry house. Division of the Carter lands. S10CONI) TRACT. Reing all the right, title interest and claim of the said 11. K. Rhea, deceased. In and to a certain boundary or tract of land situate on the North Fork of Rig Ivy ii Runconibe County, North Carolina, and on the Cane River side of th mountain in Yancey county, and known as the A. R. Roberts lands, said tract of land beginning on the Cedar Cliff knob and runs in an Easterly course through the Rig Rutt (lap to Yates' knob; thence a Northeasterly course to Peach orchard knob; thence a Northeasterly direction with the top of the mountain to Cane River (lap: thence with the Main ridge to top ol Ogle Meadow; thence a Westerlv course to top of the Coxcomb; thence a Southwesterly course, crossing Car ter's knoli to Cedar Knob; thence following tho, old McKinncy line a Southwesterly course to a stake; thence a Southeasterly course to tin; beginning; said tract containing Five Thousand acres, more or less. This the 7th day of June, lilts. 11. E. RHEA. Commissi' lOETKTNOTEC ' Never breed from Immuature stock. Ground bone la great for laying hens. Th,o first symptoms of roup swol len eyes. Dampness and chilling mean sura death to chicks.,.. . f Do not allow the fowls to bo exposed, to tho strong winds. I ttoU'Snenea eggs, are a sign oi iacs of lima or ot ovor-feeding. Scrub hens kept by scrub poultry, men make a bad combination. , Sifted ashes scattered under tho roosts make an excellent absorbent, r Try bard never to catch a hou by , V, n ..lna np f ,id t ), fi r frrnH ho hi the legs. A tittle granulated charcoal mixed In the soft feed Is excellent In cases, of diarrhoea. If there are cracks in th walls ot the, the chilly ti-inds are sure to create t draft. , The best way to run an incubator Is to follow the directions that comq with the machine.' The ben that will not scratch for ber living Is too, lazy to make you a profit as a layer. Leghorns make poor sitters. Bet ter not trust the eggs to them. Thoy are better layers and foragers than Ittors. MAJESTIC W. A. WARD Has moved from 12 Church tmt to 12 Battery Park place and lollciti jour patronage. THEATRE Beginning, Monday, June 9th OFT 1 B ELttf PADDOCK" A Rapid, Rural Racing Play in Two Acts and Three Scenes in P4 ft 03 "1 r , i r M 4.. V ,4 . - ; , i 7?Ks$l i i r b (J! o CO Country Boys,' Country Girls, Fauntleroys, Chaffeurs, Taxi Girls, City Girls, Jockeys, Etc. Beautiful Scenery, Pret ty Girls, Catchey Bongs, Georgeous Costumes. "A $200,000 Production. Matinee Daily 3:30 . . ' Night Performances 7:30 and 8:00 --18 and 20,cCntcri:""fr'-;- 'v " .....I W, ?o wq cemr.r: