III SUCH Fill!! WOMAN TORE HER CLOTHES THE SMART NEGLIGEE. GAZETTE NE,WS WANT ADS An Enchanting Mod al of Whita Crap. HAVE A "GETTING" AND "SELLING" POWER PECULIARLY THEIR OWN trv THEM Testifies She Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Malone, N. Y., " Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has cer- . tainly done me a lot of good. I first beard of it when I was a girl and I always said that if I ever had fe male trouble I would take it. "I suffered from organic inflamma tion and wvuld have spells when I would be in such pain that il would tear my clothes. One day my husband got the neighbors in to see wnat the matter was but they could not help me. My first thought was for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I sent my hus band out for it and took it until I was en tirely cured. I am a woman of perfect health and my health and happiness came from Lydia E. Pinkham's medi cine. You may rest assured that I do all I can to recommend your wonderful medicine to my friends."- Mrs. Fred Stone, Route No. 3, Malone, N. Y. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. , It may be used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from displacements, inflam mation,ulceration,tumors,irregularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling,flatulency,md!gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound is the stan dard remedy for female ills. The Black Cat at Sea. About twenty venrs ago. when I was living in north China, the Itritish squadron, then in fur eastern waters, was steaming out of the port of Chefoo when a little black cat fell overboard from II. M. S. Wanderer. At once the ship stopped, signaled to its consorts "Cat overboard." and the entire squad ron came to a standstill. A boat put oft from the Wanderer and rescued puss, who was swimming for dear life after the ship. The officer who told me the story said the sailors would have been furious if the little cat had not been saved, for not only was she a preat pet, but they firmly believe'' disaster would follow if n Mack cat was allowed to drown. London Mall. Dunns the summer months mothers of youns children should watch for any unnatural looseness of tin- bowels. When Riven prompt attention at this time serious trouble may be avoided. .Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami diarrhoea komoily is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over. Buy it now and be prepared for such an emergency.- For sale by all dealers. Plants That Eat Insects. That such plants as "Venus' flytrap" actually catch and squeeze to death flies and other insects iilighliuj; on their leaves has long been known, hut the discovery is comparatively recent Unit tin- plants dijiest the softer parts of their prey by means of a peptic fer ment secreted by the leaves. These, then, are real instances of plants feed 1 1 1 AC upon animals. tilt ANl LATKll KYEMDS CI The worst cases, no matter of how Ion:; standinsr. are cured by the won derful, old reliable Mr. Porter's Anti septic Healing oil. Relieves pain and heule at the same time. 2."c, 50c, $1 00 It Certainly Was Embarrassing 85 to David Kerr, boss of Bel mont, when his charming, motherless daughter Gloria ' unexpectedly returned from school and a European trip, which, combined, had kept her away from home for many years and deprived her of all knowledge of the occupation of her father, whom she supposed to be a real estate operator, high in society. But that was but the beginning of em barrassments. Kerr was a typical boss of the most brutal type, far removed from "society," determined to use his power to make a Elace for Gloria. Gloria's itterawakening to the truth, her falling m love with a young editor who opposes her father, and many other incidents make up a drama of absorbing interest and power. You will enjoy every instalment of our next serial in which the above is told, The Daughter c David Kerr Be Sure to Read It 11 j. 'A i A V8 Ik - ..' a PUFFINGS DECORATE THE NEOLKiEB. Lou;;, clinj.'in;.; jiues are yielding to frivolous piulinss. plaitini;s and frills in my lady's negligee, and this enchant Ins model of white crepe de chine with trimmings of plaited net and little moss roses is typical of the new styles What Not to Do on Vacation. Don't bathe the feet immediately aft er a meal. At least two boms should elapse before you enter the water. Don't bathe in strange waters, espe dally if you are a poor swimmer Swift currents and a heavy swell cause many accidents, while rivers are often thick with weeds. Don't start out on your holiday with a nisti. uo easy the nrst lew days or you will return feeling worse than be fore you went away. Don't try to cover too much ground afoot or on the cycle. Kest during the hottest hours of the day and do onlj as much as you can with comfort. Don't take friends out rowing unless you can manage a boat, and, above all. don't change places once you've started Don't let (he children paddle late in the evening when it may be gettius; chilly, as they are likely to catch a cold which will not be shaken off foi weeks. Don't travel with a lot of jewelry It is quite unnecessary, and thieves are not unknown iu boarding houses nnd hotels, while you may drop a valued gift In some unknown place. Don't read in the blazing sun. if yon lake a book with you to the parade 01 cliff seek out a shady corner when the sun will not full on the page or get in your eyes. Also don't keep up your reading too long. (Jive your eyes rest now and again. Don't go to a place merely bernus Smith or Jones went there last year It may not suit you. In Street Attire. This French gown of Dutch blue lansdowne and silver and blue braid trim tiling has a yoke nnd long sleeve: of gray chiffon mounted over flesh col OO wa OF DUTCH BLUS. ored net so that while actually not transparent the bodice has an effect of being decidedly so. The gown la a delightful affair for street wear during the warm weather. A Praetieal Lemon Squaexar. Lemon squeezers are needed In erery season, not alone In summer. A prac tical aqueexer for the kitchen la made of nickel and glass. The part over which the lemon flta la of glaaa, and the rtm Into which the 3 alee runs and the holder to catch the aeeda are of nickel. It Is priced at 2.23,' tint on that la really aa good as this may be bad for S3 centa. It 1 mad In the anint way. with a aeed rim and mouth from which to pour tha lulce. These latter are In Japanese Bedjl ware, the green pottery which la both durable and attractive. lyaenter!t It always aertous and often a. .dangerous disease, but It can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Choi esl nnd Diarrhoea, Remiity baa cured It t!Vm wirn malignant and' epldxmlw. For aula y all dealers, Kir ; A I M V'lKvMt SB WANTS FOR SALS 'OR BALE Good clean neitapapers, SO tor t cent. Apply at Qsett Newe office, tt COR SALE House and three acre In Weavervllle; good garden, chicken runa and barna; office building 13000. J. R. R.. care The Gazette New, dh PIANO FOR SALE In perfect condi tion; cost $550; has been used only a short time; price reasonable If taken at once. For particulars ad dress "L. A. 109," care Gazette News. 84-tf FOR SALE Tw 3 choice and de-dri'ile building lots In Canton. Size of both 60x141, being lots Nos. 57 and 5S, part of F. IC. May properly Just off of North Main pt., with "uod view. Will sell sanio for 17r,.10 s.not cash. Api'v to I. ft. L., Ciiwlte News office, for particulars. oS-tf FOR SALK One Reading Standard Bicycle, been used one week. V. V. llaynie, 25 East street. 98-1 f. FOR SALE Practically . new seven- room house, large airy rooms, sleeping porch, view; a real bar grain. Ready to move right in. Phone 12S1. Ray-Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood. OR SALE PLANTS Cabbage, To mato, pepper, sweet potato slips. M. A. Creasman, 6S Flint. Phone 31S. 101-fit PALMIST ONEDA, Palmist and Medium. She tells true. Advice on all the affairs of lite. If in doubt call. She tells your past, present and future. Bus iness, law. marriage, investment, travel, domestic affairs. In fact, she tells it all. Parlor tents corner French Proad and Patton avenue. Readings 2.'n- and 50c. lD '.-iit. A BOY WITH WHEEL Wanted for Saturdavs and Mondays to deliver packages. RANDOLPH MERCANTILE COMPANY ' hi; i).i(iiiTi:n OF DAVID HKKK Py MAURY KINO TOOTLE. The boss of a provincial town keeps his daugter away at school in ignor- mco of his doubtful civic status. She omes home unexpectedly when a lacking company wants a dishonest franchise, and when an independent ewspaper editor threatens the boss's upremucy. How the boss is beaten, nd the Independent editor wins the aughter form as graphic a story of nodern politics and society as has een written. We have secured this fascinating ory for our next serial. If you do ot read It you will miss one of th lost forceful piece of fiction writ- en in many a day. Watch lor the vile with the first Instalment to np- ear In The Gazette-News. tf tate of North Carolina, County of Buncombe In the Superior Court. foseph F. Ford vs Fenton J. Winans NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. Fenton J. Winans, the above named lefendant, will take notice that n ummons In the above entitled action as issued against the defendant on he 21st day of May. 1913. by Marcus .rwin, clerk of the Superior C ourt otif ,.i, ..,.. , .1,,. ,.f I lundred Fourteen and 65-100 ($414.- !i) Dollars, and Interest on the same nun the Mb day of May, 1913, due ild plaintiff by note signed nnd exc- uted by the said defendant, and In- orsed to the said plaintiff, which ummons is returnable to the Superior ourt of Buncmbe county at the term ; f said Superior court to be held In ild county on the 8th Monday befoi e he first Monday of Heptember, 1913, elng July 7th, 1913. The defendant will alo take notice hat a warrant of attachment was Is- ued by the Clerk of the Superior ourt on the 21st day of May, 1913, gainst the property of the said Fen- on J. Winans, the above named de- endant which warrant Is returnable efore said court at the time and llace above named for the return of he summons, when and where the dc- 'endant Is required to answer or de mur to the complaint, or the relief therein demanded will be irnted I Thla the 21-tv f Mav. 1912. m2r 7. r-"""?j viorn nupenor nun. We A. WARD Eas moved from 12 Church street to 12 Battery Park place ind loliciti your patronage. Summer School At tha Asheville Business College, Ho. I, North Pack Bquare, trd floor. Special Summer Courses In Double ntry Book-keeping, Shorthand, Type writing, penmanship. Henry S. Bhockley, principal. tf. Great Oo&Ttnlenci An4 ear bother to laare your ba rage checked trora your bona to Am Inatloa. Furniture moving a spa laity. Phone 111 liheviHi Transfer A ttcrtge Compiij .in, v .Al WANTS Phone Your TV. -c I 1 II I ' I ANY YOUNG man or woman can M II I ' Mr I Iearn enBravl"8, '"Auction at ; Wants to AdjJ Ad " I 'MB I1bV . I WANTED White laborers. " , . . I .day. Grove Park Inn.- 7 mnmBnmmmKBBmmmmniKammmmamnmmmKmmammmmmmKtMMUOm tvanted a young lady, f0r window 1 t . . demonstration, 4 to 6., 7 to 9 p m' ';. ' ; t-- ... - Address P. O. Box 665. ' WANTS WANTED J. H. McGINNESS, No. 44 Market street. Tailoring, steam dyeing, cleaning and repairing. Phone I860. . .' , . tt WANTED To lease for a term of years a furnished hotel in Ashe vllle or some point In the moun tains of Western North Carolina, Consideration would also be given tc a country Inn advantageously lo cated. Address "Hotel," care The Gazette-News. tf. WANTED A bCond band pool and billiard table; must be In good con dition. J. R.R., Gazette-News. 6-tf WE WANT YOUR STENOGRAPHIC Work. Our prices are reasonable; satisfaction given. Special prices on regular work. See Miss Pearl Hol mnn. College and North Main Sts., over Blom berg's. 61-tf WENTED To buy for cash, second hand books, (not school). E. E. Galer. 118 Patton ave. Phone 1674. tf. WANTED To please you. We please all others, why not you. Phone 377. Booze Electric Co. ; 88-tf. WANTED One hunulrd people to ride daily in a high, class touring car, driven by a most competent and careful chauffeur. To make en gagements call phone 1417 or 2023. .. 93-2Gt. WANTED To buy house and Jot or farm; state best price and terms. Address V Pox !C 95-tf. WANTED Three-piece orchestra, two vio'ins and piano, desire posi tion at hotel for the. summer; other Instruments supplied if wanted. Ad dress Dixie Orchestra, Box 97, Bam berg, S. C. ', WANTED I desire to rent a. piano for several months. Persons havina one to rent will kindly notify me at 124 Haywood street. Jas. M. Blob bitt. . 102-;it. J. A. TILLMAN Jeweler, 11 North Main 81 t carry a nice line of Watchea. Clocks and Jewelry, and make a spe cialty of repair work. BMtfrtla tiiHranterl. TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS la our specially. Money to loan on diamonds, watches jewelry, and nnvtliinfr of value. H. L. FINKELSTEIN . ais.. 23 S. Main St. JJuau vuiw) Phone 337. Asheville. Hollar Motor Co. 5G So. Main. Phone GT2 A. M. GOODLAKE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER utore fronU and buildings remodeled, .concreta work a speciality. 1 1 Rest Collage 8L 'hur.e it WANT TO BUY Two or three small (arms nut tat from Ashavll'.a. Western Carolina Realty Co. B 4. W. WOLF, feVm-rtMar) and TrraMtrr Phone 174 It N. Pack ouar WANTED 8 to 10 room Iioukp, lurniNli- cd to rent, long Iouh. Apply or phono ..BURN REALTY CO. II H. Park KoiiMro. Asheville, N, t. Phone 1346. CHICHESTER S PILLS WT(r-v . TMK IIMWIINI) linl. yk tWH-'l'rilli.-.IIlriM "SjV i I'I'la la It' I i" iiov y Jf In utnn iimni ft i.i , (. SOlOlllfDKUlilHVlKlHaiRt WANTS MISCELLANEOUS MCLTIGKAPHED LETTERS. MULTIGRAPHED LETTERS and Public Stenographic Service; ad dressing envelopes; typewriting; carbon papers and typewriter rib bons for sale. Miss F. S. Goode, 35 American National Bank Building. Phone 108. 83-26t TUB SAVANNAH INN SSI Patton avenue. Large sunny rooms, all newly furnished and home-like, with delicious borne cooking. Rates 17.00 to $12.00 per week, fl.00 to $2.00 per day. Si. 01 per week for table board. MRS. G. R. KESSLER, Proprietor. I66-tf EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING Soles sewed, ladies ..... . .50c ami 60c. Soles sewed, men's .. ..75c and $t. Soles sewed, boys' . . ... ,50c and 75c. Children's Sandals, bottomed 50c and 75c. Rubber bottoms, all sizes $1.50 Rubber Heels 4(lc and 50c Shoes called for and returned promptly. GILMER BOWDEN 31 East College. Phone 1817 98-26. , BOARDING The "Caroieen," No. 94 College St, large airy rooms, attrac tive lawn, and porches nicely fur nished, $1.50 to $2.01 per day, $8.00 to $12.60 per week. Phone 1248. 49-tf BEAUTIFUL NEW RUGS Woven from your old. worn carpets, , any size desired, In very attractive de signs. Write for catalogue. Orien tal Rug Co., Baltimore, Md. 7 1 -B 2t. SHOES called for, repalrod and re turned the same day. Phone 1641. P.. A. Vinlarskl, 30 West College street. 84-26t FOR NOTARY PUBLIC WORK ap ply at Gazette-News office. 88-tf THE INN, at Rlack Mountain Is now open and ready to entertain all the guest who are looking for pkmty of something good to eat and the best of views. John G. McGraw. Prop. 92-26t. DR. H. R. PARKER Suggestive Thera peutist. This Is the greatest system of healing known for chronic and nervous diseases. A trial will con vince you. No drugs or surgery.. Office C2 Spruce St., Asheville, N. C. Phone 2048. 96-26t AWNINGS MADE TO ORDER at rea sonable prices. All styles of window nnd door awnings for office, resi dences, hotels, stores, etc. Address "F. P." Gas Machine Co., Agts., 22 West College St. 99-2GI DETROIT OIL BAKER on sale at Sehank & Shuford's, 55 N. Main St. Phone 2087. 101-Gt LOST One pair bine serge trousers June 9th enroute from t0 Orange street" down Central avenue, up Woodlln and Hpruee streets to J. C. Wllbar'a. Phone 38. Finder will please call us and receive reward. 103-IU, SWAT THE FLY Screen Wire Cloth. 24 to 48 Inches wide, 12c to 24c per yard. Brown Hardware Co., 25 N. Main St. Phone 87. 103-10t LOST Bar pearl pin; reward if re turned to Citizens Transfer Co. 103-3t WANT TO FIND double-breasted blue suit left at wrong house on Juno 3d or 4th. Lnbel In coat pocket W. C. IlHtrmnn, 208 Montford Avenue. Finder will please notify Mr. J. C. Wilbur, or Mr. Matrman. Phone 38S, and receive reward. 103-.1t VISITORS Spend your summers profit ahlyvas well as pleasantly hv takinj? our special short cniirxc in Stenojrraphv or Bookkeen- inR. Our special price for either o" these courses is onc hnlf our rejrular rate. The only school in North Carolina which teachers Steno typy, tlio machine which writes shorthand.' Call and investi Kate. ..' EMANUEL BUSINESS COL LEGE Phone 1100, WANTS TOR RENT FOR RENT One neatly furnished room, all modern conveniences; near car line; also near good board- tng house, price reasonable. Phone 1730, 12 Jefferson Drive, .- i; Sl-tt FOR RENT-KIonnectlna rooms, com pletely furnished, for housekeep ing, 1 8 Grady, no tuberculous tak en, phone, 839, 69tf. FOR. RENT Two six room cottages,! Haywood and Montford, very desir able, unfurnished. D. S.-Watson. ; . ". ,- tf FOR RENT We have a few desirable furnished and unfurnished houses. J. T. Bledsoe & Co., 10 North Pack square. 100-tf. FOR ,RENT One large boarding house, centrally located, large ve randas, steam heat, two blocks from postoffice. One lovely 6-room cot tage, high location, large lot. Nice 6 and 6 room apartments.' Fur nished rooms for young men. O. D. Revell or A. B. Foy, 15 Revell Bldg., Phone 829. FOR RENT Entire floor three con necting unfurnished rooms with range, electric lights, bath and tele phone, refined neighborhood, for In formation. Phone 1812. 103-3t , v- - WANTED Salesmen to hnndle one of the best money-making propositions to be had. Quick sales and large profits. Apply BURN REALTY CO. ' 18 South Pack Square . Asheville, N. . To Contractors Estimates wanted for additions and alterntiqns to Park Avenue Scliool buildiii";. Plans and p;!tilica tions cnii lie obtained at the architect's office, 17 12 Church St. Bids to b3 handed in Tuesday, June 17, at 12 o'clock.. W. H. LORD 1 . ARCHITECT ( STREET CAR SCHEDULE JJLLICOA AND RETURN RIVERSIDE PARK 6:0 a. m. and avery 15 mlnut DEPOT VIA until 1:15 p. m.i then ever 7 I t 80UTHSIDE AVIHU1 JSXu Tb" DEPOT VIA 1:00 and everj H minutes until 11: FRENCH BROAD A VS.. p. . tr i un .00 a. m. and every II minutes tut JANOK n.ot p. , CHARLOTTE STREET T:00 a. m. than .vary II mJ.it- tU) TERMINUS PATTON AVENUE ,:09 Md r inuMa un tl:00 p. m. CAST STREET ' m- M Tr' lDUt- m 11:01 p. m. 6:00 a. m. and 1:30 a. m. Then ever; iVENUX 11 minute till 10:10 p. m. Then every 80 mUatea till 11:00 p. m. Mf Tirnnn m nd than every mlnu Ul MUJK.il Ull 10:10 p. m. Thea avary 10 win. 1 till 11:00. lat ear. ' DEPOT & W ASHEVILLE every SO liilnute'e until 1:00 p. m. aud VIA S0UTHSID3 AVE tnoB ,s iu- um" t:00, evevrjr 10 mln. until 11:00 p. m " car. nnday aohedula dlffara In the following particulars: Car leaves square for Manor at 6:00 a. m.. return 6:15. Cars leave Bjuaxe for Depot via. Bouthalde Ave. 6:11. 1:10. 1:00. l;00 and 1:10 a. m. Cars leave Bquare tor Depot Tta French Broad A :ll. 0:10, 0:45. Till. T:4I and :u, . Car tor Depot leave Bquare 1:41, hoth Bouthalde an4 Itaaek Breaa. rirat ear leaves Bquare for Charlotte street at 1:41. rtrat car leaves Bquare for Riverside 1:10, nest 1:41. Mrst car for West Ashertlle, leaves Bquare 0:11. 0:41. ert !: With the above exoeptlona, Soaoay schedule oommeoce al t a. as. aa vntlnua same a week tfaya. ,,;'. On evsnlngi when ntertaJamsnU are la proiraas at Auditorium tb aat trip oa all lines Will be from entertainment, leavlnt quar at rat fim and holding- ever at aanltoflum. Car leavee fwjnar t aiakt trala, It vipatae hUt aok4ai of anoicc! Mthal 1 WANTED Young lady as cashier and bookkeeper. Must be accurate j figures. , State age and salary ex. pected. Address Cashier, care fia. ssette-News. 103-3t WANTED FOR n. S. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between ancj 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write the English language. For information apply to recrulilnk of ficer, 801 West Trade street, Char- lotte; S South Main street, Asheville; 830 South Elm street, Qreeiixnuro; 313 Vi South Fayettevllle street, Rail , eigh, N. G, and 1522 Maiu atrvet, Columbia, or 167 H West Main street, Spartanburg, 8. C . WANTED 20 furnished houses for rent. If you have a fur nished house list it with us. : We have to turn off applicants every day. Phone 1668.- SOUTHERN ' REALTY COMPANY. 16 Sou tli Pack Sq. LOGAN MERCHANT XAILOK laal Bide fv't M. rhoa IIT. "Trade winds" always blow in the direction o the men who advertise in the Gazette-News. IN EFFECT MARCH 1, 1913 . ; - (:t0 and every 11 mln. vntll 11 p, m-