Thursday. June 12 TH2 ASHSVILLS GAZETTS-NET73 IT'S THE REAL . WORTH y Of M. & W. Indian coal that has won so many good housewives to its constant and regular use. Always uniform, clean and free from slate, dirt and clinkers. Merit counts. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company THEIR FEET And love as well, wear Guar antee Oxfords because they .EIHEI DIED AT 7:20 A.M.' iTurn for the Worst Taken at Midnight Masons . Will , Arrange Funeral. L halmersi9)3 The death of Dr. Frank Tryon Meri wether, one of the noted surgeons of the country, occurred this morning at i'T:20 o'clock, at his hospital, 24 Grove street, following an operation for ap pendicitis on Monday. His death tBEMMSBmKUmtmmmWtmB e()rnos as a shock to numerous friends, .but It was not unexpected. For the MEN WITH RESPECT FOR pust three "ays 11 was generally known ; that Dr. Meriwether's condition was dtsperate, and yesterday morning it was reported that he could not live through the day. A rally about noon gave a small measure of hope. This I lasted until midnight, when he began I to sink again, The funeral arrange- ; v merits will be in charge of the fit the feet to such nicety that; Masons. Alarming reons came irom ine nos pital soon after the operation was per formed, but until yesterday the friends of Dr. Meriwether hud some hope. He had saved so many sufferers of the .sin ne kind that it was hard to con ceive that his death could result from ATOW COLLAR Own. fwM! a c. in., iitw CITY NEWS they give the most perfect com fort. In tan and plain leath ers, the cream of the world's Lest, for $4 and $5. Guarantee Shoe Store 4 South Main St. NO. MORE BROKEN COLLARS Done the Nichols "Way they are ironed by ires sure, no friction any where. Saves collar in vestment, and gives great er comfort. The latest collar machine has been added to our equipment that irons by pressure in stead of rubbing. rhone 2000. Asheville Laundry J. A. NICHOLS, Mgr. 43 College St. Dr. R. H. Reeves brought to the office o? The Gazette-News today u ' very (ine specimen of head lettuce. ; , t it is stated that such a large num-jf ner or tne pnysicians or Asnevuie are contemplating attending the conven-l tion of the .State Medical society In Morehead City that they are thinking or cnartenng a car. Th RoiMina-PMldthoo imlnn meet tonight in regular monthly sea-.' slon at Bethel Methodist church. The ' meeting Will begin at 8:13 o'clock, and one minute reports will, be made by the ofilcers of all classes, II ; ii The fire department late yesterday afternoon was called to 173 Smith Main street, where some coals had appendicitis. His condition continued fallen on an ironing board. The lire, to grow worse, however, and late was extinguished before the firemen Tuesday night, Dr. Sloan arrived from arrived. Cleveland. Early yesterday morning Dr. Sloan reopened the abdominal ' There will be an important meeting cavity; and it was after this that the ' of the Travellers' Aid committee of reports that death was imminent be-Mile Y. V. C. A. at tho Henrietta this gun to reach the many inquirers. It 'afternoon at 4 o'clock. There will be was thought yesterday morning that " report submitted of tho work done it" Dr. Meriwether could live until this' at the recent Atlnntn convention, and morning he might have a chance tor . 'he work of ilie committee will be ill-. recovery, und his friends were much encouraged by the rally that began yesterday at noon and which contin used Into the night. Long before morn ing it was known that he must die. Dr. Meriwether was born in Ixiuls ville in April. 1S85. He was the son of William Meriwether, a member of one of the pioneer and leading fami lies of Kentucky. He received his medical diploma from the University of Louisville, and for a few years prac ticed medicine in lmisville. Then he entered the United States army at .u-sistant surgeon with the commis sion of lieutenant. In the year 1S96 he retired from the army on account MADE IN CHALMERS SHOPS. Come See the Chalmers "Six" The Maximum Car $2400 Every day this wonderful car makes a bigger hit. More people talk about, more people place orders for it. Of the many Instant Chalmers successes this is the most pronounced. What could you want In a motor cur that Isn't found In the Chalmers "Six?" The list of features includes every appointment for comfort, convenience and luxury found on the mo3t expensive cars and many found nowhere else but on this car. Chalmers owners themselves have named this a maximum car. It meets your utmost requirements not only In mechanical excellence, but In those qualities that make for motoring luxury, ease and sat isfaction. ' Maximum Comfort is built into the luxurious Turkish cushions; the 11-inch upholstery; the long wheel base (130 inches); the improved springs; the big wtieels and tires. Maximum Conveniem-o is to be found In the Chalmers self-starter; electric lights; demountable rims; dash adjustment for carburetor; ideal arrangements for all control apparatus on the dash. Maximum lk-auty is seen in the long graceful lines, the roomy, flush-sided body, the sweeping bell back, the nickel trimmings. Built in The Chalmers Shops. . Chalmers organization, manufacturing methods, and. the unexcelled facilities of the Chalmers shops make it possible to produce this car at $2400 and $2600. It was this combination which made possible the famous Chalmers "30", the popular Chalmers "Thirty-Six," ond only with such a combination, backed by Chalmers experience, could the 1913 "Six" be offered to you at this moderate price. x No matter what car you may desire to buy, It's worth your while to investigate the Chalmers "Six." "Thirty Six (four cylinders) ... ..... ... ....$1950 "Six," 5-passonger.. .,$2400 "Six," 7-passongcr..; ... , . . .. ..,.$3600 (Prices Include full equipment.) OXFORDS FOR MEN which satisfy pride and econ omy. Price $3.50 and $4.00. GEO. W. JENKINS ' No. 18 South Main St. J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing my Specialty No. S Pack Sqaara '. i I'.KKed. A'f monogram on hi twnator slondt Jor dk teuouoiimaoutBfoo Three men have recently been nam-1 ed us deputy collectors in the revenue, service to act under itevenue Agent! It. H. Sams, incliidiiifr one Asheville man, Reuben Mclirayer, son of Dr. U li. McBrayer. The other two are Bris coe Bouldon and George Crutchtield of Greensboro. These three men are ap pointees of the new administration. Through his attorneys. Fortune & Roberts, It. A. Ilussell has instituted suit against the Bee Tree Lumber company for damages in the sum of $3000, for injuirles alleged to ahve Asheville Automobile Co. of his health and came to Asheville, i.heen received while in the employ- i where he has resided every since. U was after Dr. Meriwether's coming ment of the defendant company. Tt Is alleged that the plaintiff fell from a "dock" and broke his collar bone and suffered other injuries. LICENSED TO WED. ! nwimwin WE WANT YOU TO KNOW this store simple as one that never charges more than the lowest prices. Ton can trade here with confidence. The I X L DEPT. STORE as Patton Ave. Phone 107 ;here that his broader and more useful I work began, and It was not long be fore he won an enviable reputation i among the members of the profession 'as being one of the most skillful sur 'geons in the south. Physicians bean i to send patients to him from all over I -,the state and from other states, fori j operations. The quickness with which Ale- fopeland of South Carolina he worked saved many lives. At the.""" Mlnle r-ieuiu jones or min same time his gentleness and kindness . ,-oml)e, white. to patients won for him countless last-! Frisco Gaspersnn and Anni? Range ing. friendships. An evidence of this or l-uncomhe, 'white, were the numerous inquiries that have been made concerning his condition Cram's Xn. 21 Onrpo (-nv.ntirt Grip. 25c caused. There Is a general feeling THE ELECTRIC STORE COXSTRtJCTIOX DEPARTMENT Why not Have Electric Lights On Tour Automobile? Sou can have your gas lamps easily converted to electric! Why stop when night overtakes youT Why suffer penalty when the wind blows out your last match? How much simpler to "Turn the Switch!" as the car speeds merrily along! Let ua figure with you on lighting your car. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. 64 Patton Ave. Phone 478. VERMIN-GO. $2.00 per gallon. If It does not kill all kinds of burs and Insects we will return your money. It is also a good disinfectant Phone 1628. L. R. STRICKER. New Stock of Just Received Call and tee these hand some new patterns, they are beauties, BEST WILTONS $25 AND TJP ASHEVILLE CARPET HOUSE tt Church Fre". rhone 2S CaT" snsttlnj laid with out eir;. that not only Asheville but the en tire country has sustained a distinct loss in the death of a man who was equipped to do such good. Dr. Meriwether Is survived by three children: Benjamin and William Meri wether, and Miss Margaret: one broth er, D. L. Meriwether of Asheville; three sisters, Mrs. C. C. Mengel, Mrs. Famuel Dorr and Miss Lillie Tryon of Louisville. Dr. Meriwether was a member of many medical organizations. He was u. member of the Masonic fraternity, one of the highest Masons In the state. The funeral arrangements have not been announced but will be in charge of the various Masonic organizations. There will be a meeting of Masons to night at the Masonic temple to ar range for the funeral. Tho Interment will be nt Riverside cemetery. Among Dr. Meriwether's distinc tions In the Masonic fraternity he was: Past master of Mt. Hermon lodge: past high priest of the Ashe ville chapter; past Cyrene commander. Knights Templar; member of Oasis temple. Mystic shrine: past venerable master of the Lodge ol Perfection; and deputy of the sovereign grand inspec tor general of the Valley of Asheville, hcc.msn true Masons, hie was also a member of the Eastern Star, and vice president of the Masonic building company. In charge of the construe Hon of the $50,000 temple for Mt. Hermon lodge. in addition to these honors as a Mason, ijr. Meriwetner was also a member of the following fraternal or ders In Asheville ,and had held high offices In each: Asheville lodge lOfi. Knights of Pythias; Blue Ridge lodge, I. . O. F.j II. P, O. Elks; and Jr. O. IT. A. M. He was at one time president of the Buncombe County Medical society, and wns an active member of nearly all the national medical societies. The funeral services will probably be held on Saturday morning from the First Presbyterian church. A detail from Mt Hermon lodge will take ! charge of the body this afternoon at 4 ociock and will remain In charge until the conclusion of the services at the grave. The honorary pallbearers will be chosen from the fraternal or ders of the city of which the deceased was a member, and the active poll bearers will tie members of Mt Her. mon lodge. Those desiring to send floral t.'ibutes are requested to send them to the church before 8 o'clock Saturday morning. Telegrams of condolence from friends all over the country have been pouring In this morning to members of the family. Asheville Paint A cttans Co. former!) The MIHpr.rtloei Plnt Co. !ipa Pulm WANTS MASON FRUIT JARS 1 pint, 40c doz.; 1 quart, 46c doz.'; Vi gallon, 65c doz.; 1-3 pint jelly glasses, 22c doz.; ! pint jelly glasses, 2!c doz. Caps and rings, lirown Hardware Co., 25 North Main street, phone 87. S9tf PnONE S 13-814 NO. 15-17 S. LEXINGTON AVE. Clean COAL MONARCH Coal clean in preparation, burns clean. Its nshes are heavy and gradually sink to bot tom", of fire box ' and do not fly everywhere, soil ing your home and clothes. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 1 N. Pack 64. Fires That last a long tiffie M. & W. Coal is the one perfect fuel. Phone 40. Asheville Coal Co. PHONE 40. . tlttttlttf If MM 1 HAIR BRUSHES Suppose you come and see tively i guaranteed to you. We, head-quarters for them. As Ion. I we have middle men, let us serve Asheville Barbers Supply Co. Pea-SeeaeaSMsaaaMajp MEN'S SUITS AT SPE. CIAL PRICES GEM PATTON AVE. ' 1 IF YOU RAISE A RACKET ' Raise a good one. Spaulding's Tennis Rackets nre best. All prices up to JS. 00. Gee window. ROGERS BOOK STORE. 3S Patton Ave. Asheville, N. C. Phone 254. The Home of Good Printing. Try Some of Our Fresh Home-Made NUT BRITTLE I A KTTV KTHTOIirKI haywood street KrXiiXj JL IKl 1 VLJLllll NEAR POSTOFFICE SHOES made to order, repairing done quickly. For service phone us. Champion Shoe Hospital, 6 Government St., phone 724. . 98-tf. SPECIAL This week while they last, a 7.ric long hundle round point shovel for 40c. lirown Hardware Co., 25 No. Main street, phone 87. 101-Gt Chambers & Weaver, Livery. Phone 1 NOTICE. I The county commissioners have .again extended time for listing prop , erty a few days longer In order to I allow those who have personal or real property io list, to, come in and sav the cost of penalty provided by law Many owners of automobiles an ooaruins nouses, ana other person owning no real estate, but havin per sonal tfTecta. have the Impression that they are not' required to list for taxe. This last extension of time Is for nch owners of per annul property nvrthe rust provided for delinquents J. II. VVKAVKK California Soft SHell Walnuts f Per lb. 25c E.C. JARRETT Store riionos 1920 & 1921 Market Phones 2058 & 2059 12 North Pack Square and City Market. Eoger's four piece tea set, quadruple silver plate $5.95 Lowenbein Jewelry Co. 16 Patton Ave. JIOSA-VILLAS None bettor in clear Havanna goods a trial will convince BAR BEE'S Cigars that's my business. Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK, 0, r. . FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Servici. Endorsed by V. C. T. and T. P. A. NICE, FRESH, FISH STEAK Order HALlfeUT Today ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY We Ship Fish muA Oysters by Parcel Post. PHONES 2S-280-S15 ' CITO MAHKET. ,OST Wednesday afternoon at' the station, an nlllKator grip contain ing medicine. Keturn to Mrs. E. W. Grove and receive reward. Corner liroad and Liberty street. 104-3t. OR SAKE Two new modern and handsome homes with attractive sleeping porches In Grove park, also two new modern homps with sleep ing porches on Flint street. We will miike a special price on these houses for one weel, part cash and balance on terms. J. T. Hledsoe & Co., 10 North Pack square. 104-fit. WANTED Position with reliable (Irm or individual. Two years experi ence In bank work. Two years In postotllce; alno 0 months In drug store. Heferences. J. A. Harvey, Wllllstown, Fla. 104-3t, 0-CEDAR POLISH 25 Cents 0 CEDAR POLISH IS A VARNISH FOOD. t The only polish that does not gum or veneer. Re stores the varnish to Its original brilliancy, bringing out the grain of the wood so as to give it that beautiful ef fect so much desired, O-Cediir Polish kills all germs and is excellent for dust ing, also for clcunintf and polishing autos, carriages, pianos, furniture and hardwood floors. Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 South Main Street. WANTED To paint your house makes the house Iook better, rent better and sell for more If you want n aoll 1i H I. FltvriHitrlfk Phono 157. WANTED Evening gowns dry clean ed and pressed, neatly packed and returned to you with the appearance of a new garment. Care and mod ern equipment "know how" -correctly applied does the work. Phone 380. J. C. Wilbur, pack Square. FOR SALrJ thoroughbred Scotch Collie puppies. C. 11. Moore, 16 Pack square. 104-31 SIX Mountain Bred Rcoteh Collie pup- plea The same kind we have been shipping all over thtt states at 1-5 and Mli will be sold at a bargain if taken at once. C. R. Moore, 16 Pack square. 104-3L 0-CEDAR MOPS $L50 Each The best quality is almost invariably the cheapest. This applies to Arab Horse Feed VISITORS Look up FOIl SALE Deautirul seven room modorn cottage, stone foundation, j paved street, close to ar line, this Place la a bargain, for Dries and I terms see Donnahoe A Co.. Real BLOMBERG'S CIGAR AND SPORTING GOOT3 Estate. 104-31. . Its on the Avenue. FOR BALE Eight room house In Orove park, opposite the Mapor, for price and terms see IDonnanoe & Co., Real Estate. 104-31. STORE FOR BALE Five room cottage, mod ern, practically new, 106 feet from car line, price 12500.00, easy pay ments. ' I'hone 141, Donnahoe & , Co., Heal F.tato. 104-21 iREAMLAND THEATRE TODAY , TWO ACTS TWO TEAMS Excellent Singing, Dancing and r " Interesting Monolague DON'T MISS IT , - YOU'LL ENJOi 1TI also ' TWO EDISON'S MUSICAL and . TALKING PICTURES ; - ' and ' -1 V" : , ; Two Reels of intensely Interesting Silent Pictures. ADMISSION NOT RAISED Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder New Perfection 0 Are the proper thing to take the chill out of the or these cool June days .Just phone ns and we will wn'' you one in a minute. ' ,1 $3.00 to $4.50. Home cured Hickory Smoked. &AM3, BACON, TONGUE AND HOG JOWLS AR MARKET PHONES 1017 1918 1919, .' "We are Hm sucrewifal Caterers to m Variety of Appetites." n Ouis GrccnHdwcCcf ) 11 v P--1- AA 4 l.w. I-.. u'-. , Chalrmin