Friday, Angusf 15, 1913. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE THREE Timothy 4.005.15; clover nomi nal. Pork. 22.00; lard, 11.00; ribs, 10.50 11.75. Colorado Is Bigger than Imagination The brush of fancy can't paint upon the canvas of the mind as wonderfully as nature's titanic hands have built here in the birth-spot of the mighty Rockies. But Colorado is a condition as well as a picture. You'll not only see a country different from any under the stars, but you'll be a different human the moment you stand in the shadows of her majestic ranges and bathe your worn and sluggish city-dulled being in the vital, sparkling, clean, clear, sweet air of the great American Highlands. Rock Island Lines through sleeping car to Colorado offers the best service to the Rockies. Electric lighted, fan cooled sleeper through to Colorado Springs, Denver and Pueblo, via Memphis and Kansas City. Dining car service all the way. The Colorado Flyer from St. "Louis and the Rocky Mountain Limited, from Chicago, one night on the road trains offer splendid service for those desiring to go by St. Louis or Chicago. If you can afford to go can afford a Colorado vacation Board and room $7 per week up. Hundreds of good hotels and boarding houses offer good board for as low as f 7 per week, and rooms at $3 per week. V Low Fares Daily, June 1 to September 30 Write or call for handsome Colorado bookj and let this office help you plan your trip. O. COLLINS, Traveling Passenger Agent ' Patten Hotel Building, Chattanooga, Tenn. Telephone, Main 2046 NEW YORK MONEY ' New York, Aug. 15. Prime mer cantile paper 8 to 6 M per cent Sterl ing exchange steady 4.83.10 for 60 day bills. 4.86.50 for demand. Com mercial bills, 4.82. Bar silver 6914. Mexican dollars, 47. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds Irregular. Money on call steady, 22; rul ing rate, closing - 2V424. Time loans firmer, 60 days 34 per cent; 90 days 4; six months, 5 CHICAGO GRAIN QUOTATIONS. WHEAT .Open, Close. September ... ...... 87 87 December ... ....... 90 90 H May ... ... ......... 96 95 CORN . September . .V ...... 73 V6 74 December ... 6814 May I...;... Hi 70 OATS - ;.. "' September ... ...... 42 43 Vs December .... . 4 4 4 5 VSr May ... ... ........ 47 48 MESS PORK per bbl. September ... ...... 20.B5 20.55 January '.18.75 18.67 LARD per 100 lbs. September ... 11.10 11.07 October ... .........11.12 11.12 January' ... . . . . .10.55 10.55 SHORT RIBS per 100 lbs. September . .., 10.92 10.95 ictober . . . ....... . .10.80 10.85 January ... . 9.87 9.90 Stock, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Mon ey New York, New Orleans, Chicago and Foreign Market News. Twin City Transit, Harvester prefer red, Vlrginfu Iron und Lorlllard To bacco, the latter rising seven pointa. Honda were steady. New YorK, Aug. 15. Some very sulistantial declines were recorded in the opening dculii. on the stock ex hange today. Canadian Pacillc lost over a nolnt with marked heaviness in Reading, Steel and Amalgamated Copper. The list as a whole manliest ed a drooping tendency. WALL STREET GOSSIP, New York, Aug. 15. Tho apathy of today's stock market afforded a strik ing contrast to recent days when deal ings were large and broad on a rising tendency. Trading In tho tlrst hour was perfunctory, the market being almost stagnant towards noon. Prices were slightly under the previous day's cloBe but there was no pressure, al though Canadian, New Haven and Rock Island Issues were down 1 to almost 2 points. Advances were restricted to minor railways and specialties, Including United States of America, Western District of North Carolina, as: In the United Stales District Court In and for said District. In the matter of J. W. and H. Chap man, partners, trading as Hrevard Steam Laundry, bankrupts. No. -. In Hankruptcy. PETITION FOR DISCHARGE. ' ' ' To the Honorable Jus. E. Iloyrt. Judge of the District Court of the L'nltuii States for the Western District of North Carolina. J W. and H. Chapman, part. nera trading . under the. name and style of Hrevard Steam Laundry of Brevard, In the county of Transyl vania, and state of North Carolina, in said district, respectfully repres Ms that on the third day of May, last pa. he w as duly 'adjudged bankrupt under the acts of congress, relating to bank ruptcy; that he has) duly surrendered all his properly rights and rights of property .and has fully complied with all the requirements of sold acts and of the orders of the Court touching his bankruptcy. Wliereforr, the said J. W. anil II. Chapman piny that they may be de creed by the Court to have a full dis charge from all debts provable against their estates under said bank ruptcy acts, excetit such debts as are exempt by laws from such discharge. Dated this August 7th, It 13. J. W. & H. CHAPMAN, Partners, trading as Hrevard Steam ' Laundry, by H. Chapman. Order of Notice Thereon. Western District of North Carolina. County of Buncombe, ss: On this 15th day of August, A. D., 1913, on reading the foregoing petl. tlon It Is : Ordered by tho Court, that a hear Ing be had upon the same on the 16th day of Beptember. A. D., 113. before V. W. Thomas, as special master, at his office, 13-84 American National Rank Building, In Ashevllle. In said district, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon; and that notice thereof be published In The Oasette-Newa, a neweisiper printed In said district, and that all known creditor and other persons In Interest may anoear at the aald time and place and show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of the aald peti tioner should not be granted. And It Is further ordered by the Court, that the special master shall send by mail to all known creditors copies of aald petition and this order nddrnased to them st tholr place of s residence as Hinted. Witness tna Honorable Jams E lloyd, Judge of said Court, and th seal thereof, at Ashevllle, tn said die. trlrt, on the 15th day of August, A. D., i.i. 1 Attest: J. M. MIJ.I.1KAW. fl-l of ConrU Clerk. I'.y W. H. HYAMS, "'' -'t jM'puty CIitK. LIVERPOOL, COTTON. Liverpool, Aug.' 15. Cotton mint, dull and easier; middling, fair, 7. U0 good middling, 6.72; middling. 6.40 low. middling, 6.20; good ordinary 5.64; ordinary, 6.30. Sales 4 000, including 3300 Amerl an and 500 for speculation and ex port; receipts, none. . Futures cloned very steady: August . 6.18 August-Septomlier 6.11 September-October 6.01 October-November 6.97 November-Decern her 5.92 December-January . . . 5.92 January-February . B 3 February-March . . 5-94 March-April 5.95 April-May ., B. May-June . . . 5.97 June-July ... 5.97 July-August 5.97 OPERATION ADVERTISEMENTS Banners and Posters Sent out Advertising All Fairs and ' Baby Show. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Close. ' 72i 26 42 66 . 109 Amalgamated Copper Amer. Beet Sugar Amer. Cotton Oil . Amer. Smelt. & Refining. . Amer. Sugar Refining. . . . . Amer. Tel. & Tel 129 Anaconda Mining Co. 36 Atchison ,... 95 Atlantic Coast Line. . ; 12 2 Uultimore & Ohio 96 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 88 Canadian Pacllic 218 Chesapeake & Ohio 65 Chicago & Northwestern 130 Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul 107 Colorado Fuel & Iron. 31 U Colorado & Southern 28 Delaware & Hudson 156Tb Denver & Rio Grande 20 Erie 28 cneral Electric 142 Great Northern pfd i... 126 Great Northern Ore ctfs 35 rt . at Illinois uenirai tnterboiough-Met 15 Interborough-Met. pfd 59 Inter Harvester 107 Louisville & Nashville 134 Missouri Pacific 31 Mo., Kans. & Tex 22 Lehigh Valley 151 National Lead 48 New York Central 98 Norfolk & Western 106 Northern Pacific .' 110 Pennsylvania 112 People's Gas 114 Pullman Palace Car 154 Reading ......... 159 Rock Islnnd' Co. . . .' . 17 Rock Island Co, pfd 28 Southern racillc 92 Southern Railway . : 24 Union Pacific 152 United States Steel 62 United States Steel pfd 107 Wabash '. . 3 Western Union 66 The management of the Western Norttt Carolina Fair' association is to day sending out the banners and pos ters that are to be used all over the section In advising the fair, which is to be held here October 7-10. The banners will advertise other fairs that are to be held in the section, as well as the Ashevllle fair, and the posters will emphasize the "Better Babies," contest, which is to be one of the bis features of the fair here. These pos ters carry the lithographed picture of a big, healthy looking baby and the words, "Boo-Hoo, I wanta go too, and enter the 'Better Babies' contest in the Western North Carolina Fair." Information is also given on the poster as to the dates of other fairs. The banners are the unique scheme that has been undertaken for adver tising the fair this year. They are about 15 feet long and two feet wide. One half of the banner is devoted to the fair here and the other half to the following events: Jackson county fair, Sylva, September 23-26; Haywood County fair, Waynesville, September 30 and October 1-3; McDowell County fair, Marlon, October 15-18; and Blue Ridge Township fair, Dana, November 5-7. The three points of extensive ex hibits, pleasing attractions and valua ble premiums are emphasized for all five fairs. ' ( This series of eventa is to be known as the Western North Carolina Fall circuit, and this year is the first that such co-operation has been followed in advertising. The association here has borne the expense of getting out the advertising matter, anil this mat ter will be distributed and put up by the other associations. The 22 coun ties of the section will be thoroughly posted, and the banners will be stretched across every Important road leading into every city and town of the section. The scheme is believed to be the best ever put In use in western North Carolina, and there is little doubt that such co-operative work will will produce good results. ' The management of the association here is now endeavoring to bring the various associations into further co operative work, and letters are being sent out to the secretaries of these as sociations asking them to meet with the secretary here at-some early date, next Friday afternoon being suggest ed, to go over other plans. . One or these plans will be tha proposed co-operation in securing midway attrac tions. Such attractions have always been one of the principal weaknesses of tho fairs of the section in the past, owing to the great -cost; but with proper co-operation it )s believed that excellent attractions might be engaged for all of them. Other matters in which the associations are mutually Interested will also be taken up and there is little doubt but that all th'' secretaries will respond to the call to meet here. Today Bargain Day at This Wide Awake Store! The Lingerie Dresses Shown In Our window are our Bargain Feature for today. We claim for these dresses that $30.00 would be the correct price, even this $10.95 late in the season, style and materials. at .... ........ New absolutely correct In While tlicy last, priced $10.95 Ladies' Fine Panamas $2.98 The Inst of these won derful values shown in window at ... . ......... Green Silk Parasols $1.69 In different shades. Also other solid i-olors. Up to $3.00 values. Now,....:. New Arrivals in Wash Goods Priced at Real Savings COTTON RATINE STRIPED VOILES HYDEGRADE GALA- TEAS White and colors, excel- White with black ltiven- lent value, dor and blue stripes, Solid colors and fancy. At 25c. Yard. At 25c. Yard. Very special, . ' At 15c. Yard. PERCALES DRESS LINEN rmnwZvi Light and dark, 36 in. GINGHAM wide; 12 l-2c values, Copenhagen blue, 3(5 in. The reguiar 12 ioc qua. At 10c. Yard. wide. Special ity. Our price, At 35c. Yard, at 10c. Yard. CRINKLE SEERSUCK- BLEACHED DOMESTIC pTJRE BROWN LINEN Very special, Soft finish, 36 in., 27 in. wide. Special, At 15c. Yard. At 8 l-2c. Yard. ' At 14c. Yard. ANNUAL AUGUST SHOE CLEARANCE Every pair of Low-Cut Shoes in the House Now Priced at Money-Saving Reductions. NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES.. Open. 11.58 11.20 11.12 CHICAGO UVKSTOCK. Ohlraco. Auk. 15. Ifotss, receipts 1R000 head; stronit. Hulk of sale 7.xoi M5: HKht H.:0h .: mixe 7.80 MO; heavy 7.36iH.ti0; rouKh 7.:ir. 7. bo: pik. 4.oofi7.90. Cattle, receipts 1800 head; strong. Beeves 7.noi'.00; Texas steers. 6. 751 7.70; tochers and feeders MG.tlO; cows and heifers. S.60f8.30; calves 8.00 ft 11.00. Hheep, receipts 4,000 head: Btron. Native 9.701 4.75; yearllnits. 4.85i S.75; lam lis, native 5.267.50. I .. NEW YOHK COTTON.' New York, Aug. 15. A private re port msklnit tho condition of the cot ton crop 78.4 against 81.1 two weeks ngo. caused a considerable coverlna movement this morning. The opening wns fair at an advunce of 7 to 10 points. Higher rubles were attributed to the game Influence !t the advance en countered a good deal of cotton and prices eased off 2 or I points. Private wires Indicated further light spattering showers In the aouthwt and selling wns supposed tn be In spired by a bearish view of spinners attitude. Colton prloes became firmer In the late forenoon on predictions for fair weather In the southwest. At midday prices were about 12 to 14 points net hlpher. Estimated receipts today 7000 bale. August September . October November ....... December 10.95 January 10.85 Kebruary . farch 10.93 May ... 10.96 Close. 11.69(fD70 11. .16 38 11.14W15 11.05 fa 07 11.07 08 10.97 61 98 1 0.99 iv 1 1 11.05 Iff 06 11.08fl'0t Ah to Mine. Talma. THE FAMILY STORE ESTABLISHED 18S7. naasai-THE store that saves you HaFo; aaisaiHi Us; SINCE 1887. MR. CARR PROMOTED Former Ashcvlllo Mun Named as Head of Heading Branch of Unit ed Cigar Company. Editor of The Gazette-News. Will you kindly let me thank Mr. Florio for coming forward with praise for Madam Talma and also ask at the same time why It was that the papers had no word of praise or ap preciation for the kind efforts this noted singer. AN ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. Under the head, "United Cigar Com pany Names W. B. Carr as Head of Reading Branch," a Reading exchange says: "To bo made manager of the United Cigar company's branch store on Penn street, above Sixth, after be ing in the employ of the firm but six months Is the exceptional good for tune of W. B. Carr." Mr. Carr is an Ashevllle boy, having been reared here and having done well In the business world after leaving thla city some few years ago. lie Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Carr. The United Cigar company is a branch of the American TVbacco company. GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. s . , , . , . . Visitors to Asheville although not guests of GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect the huilding. . Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Par ties, if notified in advance. . Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m., 7:30 to 10:00 p.rri. WM. S. KENNEY, Mgr. The advent of new stocks in a local store is always a news event of real interest to all people to whom that particular store is at all important. ; .f O STATEMENT Ceintiral Bamli (S Trast Co, At the Close of Business August 9th, 1913 1 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Chicago. Aug. 15. Butter higher; Creameries 21Vt to 27. Erbs higher; receipts 7038 cases. At mark, cases Included It W II. Potatoes unsettled; receipts 60 cars: Jerseys 90411.00; Mlnnesotaa 564)51. Poultry, -alive, lower; fowl 14; springs 18. BUTTER AND EOOS. New York. Aug. 16. flutter unset tled; receipts 79JJ; creamery extras K7 M2; firsts 28 fl 27. Cheese strong; receipts 1697 bojea. State whole milk, fresh colored spe cials 14417: white 14. Egns firm, receipts 14.827 cases. Kresh gathered extras 27029: fresh gathered dirties. No. 1, JIQlltt. Live poultry steady, chicken 18: fowls, 154T16H' CASH GRAIN PRICES Chicago. Aug. 15. Wheat, No. I red I7H88V4; No. I red 17 tr II: No. I hard I7mf8l; No. 1 northern imrillH: No. I northern 107 11: Mo. I spring, ilOtJIU velvet chaff I7H791; durum, II J 90. Corn, No. I, 75H4M4! No. I white, 76 II 78 i No. I yellow 78 Wi4. Oaten, No. 1 white, new, 4JV4; sism'tird new 4 1 4 V . Hull'', 60 "J "2. We Solicit Your Banking Business RESOURCES Notes and discounts $ 288,435.00 Overdrafts 63.62 -r-' . JIT" Furniture and Fixtures 4,775.30 Cash and Due from Banks 30,420.33 $329,694.25 LIABILITIES Capital $ 50,000.00 Surplus and Fronts 7,009.25 Rediscounts None Bills Fayable None DEPOSITS 272,025.00 $329,094.25 Departments Checking Savings Trust 4 Per Cent Compound Interest Paid on Savings Accounts C. W. BROWN J. R. OATES P. R. MOALK EUGENE CARLAND OFFICERS C. W. Brown, President; W. B. McEwen, Vice President; Wallace B. Davis, Cannier DIRECTORS C. N.BROWN DR. J. A. SINCLAIR .1. C. ARBOClAST J. W. RUTHERFORD J.M.ENUUSU JUDGE II. B. STEVENS W. B. McEWEN J. I). EARTil'i THOMAS S. ROLLINS VALLACEB. DAVIS It in tie aim of this Bunk to Rive its euHtoraerb every advautage of modru bauling, with fair and courteous trentnient to all. We hope to liflve the continued patronage of our customer, and invito new accounts. l