7 "- PAGE FIVE Saturday,' August SO, 1913. THE ASHEVILLE .q GAZETTE-NEWS macxEnnDnnnannaxmapcxE OCIAL HAPPENINGS Personal Mention, Meetings of Societies DDDDnnnnrrinnDDDaaDDDaDDa: Mltw Canulohael's Engagement. The engagement and approaching 'marriage of Miss Eleanor Carmlchael of this city, to William 'Ellison, for merly of Asheville, wu announced to day at a luncheon piven for Misft Car mlchael1 by Mies Lulu Moore, at her home on Merrimon avenue. The news will come as a matter of much inter ust to the many friends of the- bride elect in Asheville, where she enjoys much social popularity and la a mem ber on both sides of her family of old families. Mr. Ellison waa associated for a number of years here In business with his brother-in-law, Claybrook James, and is well known and highly esteemed. MIbs Moore's luncheon giv en to announce this engagement was a beautiful affair. The guest list in cluded the personal friends of., the u'uest of honor, being given exclusive ly for them. -The handsome Moore home on Merrimon avenue was dec orated In golden glow, clematis and white hydrangeas, and made a lovely setting for this interesting event. The luncheon table Iwas arranged for iw Eiii'sis, and the placewcards were min iature marriage licenses tied with White satin ribbon. The guests were called upon to guess the bride-to-be among the young ladles present, and much interest was manifested in 4his Important question. After many guesses the announcement was made . and the date of the wedding stated as being October 1, the marriage to take place at the "bride's home on .South Main street.. 1 " In the center of the luncheon table was a large golden basket of white hydrangeas tied with tin airy bow of tulle, of p. golden shade. The guests who attended the luncheon were, be sides the guest of honor: Miss Anna Carmlchael, Miss Minnie Westall, Mrs. Herbert Cartwright, Miss Hettle Sites, Mrs. Jere E. Cocke, Miss Alive Devon ian, Mlsa Julia Harnard, and Mrs. Charles A. Moore. ," - At 6 o'clock this afternoon Miss Moore will again entertain for Miss Carmtchael and her Intimate friends, with a tea. " M the tea the punch bowl will be presided over by Mrs. Walter J. Ferguson of New Orleans, assisted by Mrs. Edwin Eberman of Asheville. - Mrs; Herbert Cartwright will preside In the dining room and Misses Elizabeth Cowan and Bessie McConnell will serve Among the guests who will attend are: Mrs. Har ry Courtney, Mrs. S. G. Bernard, Mrs. AValter Taylor, Mrs. George Wright, Dr. Louise Merrimon, Mrs, Charles K. lloblnson, Mrs. Charles WofTord of Spartanburg and the Misses Helen , Chapman, Thcrese Chapman, May Bernard, Bessie Ie, Byrd Henderson, Kllzabeth and Virginia Williamson, ; Eleanor V. Morrison', Nan Erwln, Mol lie Erwln, Georgia Dennis, Lucy Webb, Hcslop Purefoy, Susie Carter and Miss Tlmmona of South Carolina, a guest of Dr. Merrimon. At the luncheon souvenir for the guests wcrelarhall Gladstone bags filled with candy, and the souvenir for. the guest of honor was a miniature trunk liled with rice, and a hatbox for the groorri, Morgnnlnn Notes. Correspondence of Tne Gazette-News. Morganton, Aug. 30.--Mlss CamtUe Hunt has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. l. C. Pearson.j Mra DuBose, Miss Rainsford Du- Iloge and St Pierre DuBose have ar rived from their summer cottage at Switzerland, and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Avery. , - Invitations have been Issued to the wedding of Miss Ralnsford DuBose and John MacDowell of Spartanburg, on September at Grace church. A number of out-of-town guests are ex pected for the occasion; among them tire McNcely Duliose and Kichard Giersch from Panama, Walter Avery from Chattanooga, Frank Brown Jacksonville, Flu.: Clifton Malloy, Charleston; , Rene Boatwrlght, Savan nah; Mlsa Lula Harris, Macon, Oa.; Miss Ahbclean Miller. Crescent City, Kin.; Mlsa Florence Miller, Asheville; Mrs. and Mis King, Sewanee, Tenn. Mr.' and Mrs. MacDowell, Spartan burg. Morganton Is looking forward to a great deal.of social gaiety precd Ing the wedding. ' Mrs. MunUW.e has been visiting Mr D. C. Pearson. . - MIhh Genoise Cansltf lias been visit ing Miss Ruth McNaughton. Mrs. John Pearson has returned home .ufter a delightful visit to rela (Ives In Yorkvllle. 8. C. Mr. -Moore. Is visiting her. mother, Mrs. Prcanell, John Cansler of Charlotte, who has been for some time at . his ummer homo In Little Hwltiorland, came down to Morganton on horseback yes terday. He waa the guest of St. Pierre DuBose. '." Mra. Gordon la leaving horns for a two weeks' visit to her daughter, Mra. Johnron, In Wilmington. George A. Miller ha spent several weeks nt his new homo, Vln Ardent Mr, Mlltor Is a native of Anderson, R C, and Is well known for his charm ing personality and wonderful musical ability. ' Mra. Bloyle of Atlanta ha been the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Mum Bennett, H K . Mis WmtMilt K.ntcrtalns. Mlaa Jennie Fleetwood Westfeldt. t'ster of Mrs. Gnlllard 8. Tennrnt of this clyu entertained on Thursday WMh a Iwauiirul and elahnratn lunrh ' eon given at the hundaome Westfeldt v country estate, "Rugby Grange'' near Klil. hers. Many of the Westfeldt ' . family and a number of visitors from New Orleans and other southern cities are at the Grange this summer and the large dining room of this elegant old home never looked lovller than at the luncheon time . yesterday when these guests and a number, of friends and relatives from Asheville and other points assembled.' The luncheon table was beautifully decorated in Queen Anne b lace and ferns. -Covers were laid for 18. Miss Westfeldt's guests were: - Mrs, Gaillard S. Tennent; of Asheville, Mrs. Gustaf Westfeldt, Jr. of New Orleans, Miss Daisy Andrews of New Orleans, Miss Slater of New York, Mrs. 'George Haywood,, Miss Mulally of Charleston, -Mrs. Hemphill Mrs.. Wainwrlght, Mrs. Roberts, Miss Bernard, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Wetmore Miss Katie Western of "Rock Hall, Mrs. William Blood Mrs. G. R: West feldt, Mrs. C. E; Dameron and Mrs. C. C. Plnckney t It - -' 1. A. H. Meeting. At the recent meeting of the D. A. R. held In the rooms of the Wachovia bank on Patton avenue several im portant moasure.s were discussed and decided upon. Among other things It Was decided to Withdraw the scholar ships belonging to'the D. A. R. In the Normal college of this state, in Greens boro and to devote the money neces sary, to this purpose to the building of the marker to be furnished by the Edward Buncombe chapter on , the Boone trail to be laid : out this fall through the states of North Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky. This meas ure was put through, as the young lady sent to the NormaV college by the D. A. R. graduated last spring. An other important discussion occurring at this meeting bore on the history playing bridge, and there was also de lightful music. Among the guests were- many people from New Orleans who are here for the season. A fea ture was several vocal selections given byi Lieutenant PattcrBon; and other present also sang. Mr. Ray received many presents. Miss Robertson's Entertainment. The engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Elizabeth Robertson, daughter of Mrs. S. U Robertson, of this city to J. C. Donald of the Ashe ville Power and Light company was announced last evening at a dinner given for Miss Robertson by her I brother-ln-laW and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Heath Carrier, at their home on Broad street The wedding will occur on October 8 and will be a home af fair.. The news of the wedding comes with much Interest owing to the prominence of the families and the important business connections-of the groom. - Miss Robertson is a grand daughter of Bacchus Smith and a di rect descendant of James Smith, the first w hite child born west of-the Blue Ridge and prominent in the history of western North Carolina. The an nouncement came as a surprise to the guests present, and was made through the place cards, bearing the names of the contracting parties and the date of the marriage and being placed in sealed envelopes at the place of each guest. Mrs. Carrier's dinner was beautiful and enjoyable affair. The color scheme was pink and green, and the table was softly lighted by candles shaded In pink. From the chandelier , society to carry on Its work, Tennis results of yesterday, hi above garlands of clematiB fell In graceful festoons to the table below. Covers were laid for ten, those present besides the host and hostess and guest of honor were: Miss Ruby Robertson, Miss Dorothy Atkinson, Miss Jessie Wheeler, Van Buren Bostlc, Mr. Baker and W. M. Folger. C It Seldom has a more Jolly or congenial party of guests met in Asheville for I their summer vacation than that now at The Colonial. Twenty of the youngest et participated in ft straw ride and water melon party . Thurs day night, using a large automobile truck Those taking part were Miss Helen Burke, Miss Edna Maler, Miss annual tournament In progress at the Country club are as follows: Mist Helen Chapman defeated Miss HencK, 8-4, 8-0, In the ladies' singles. In the men's doubles Mr. Chambers and Mr. OatesNf Charlotte defeated Mr. Cow an and Mr. Rodgers of Knoxville, 6-4, S-S, 7-9, 6-4, 6-2. IS K- Mrs Charles" H. Cocke entertained with a luncheon yesterday, at her home on Pearson drive, in honor of Miss Betty Booker, soprano, of Con vent Garden, London, and Mrs. Mitch ell and Miss Martha Mlchell of Atlan ta, who are her house guests. Hon. and-Mrs. Thomas Settle will entertain next week, at their home on Pearson drive, in honor of Rev. Mr. Brown of Calvary church, of Tarboro, .brother of Rev. Wyatt Brown pas tor of Trinity church of this city. Mrs. Charles Hartwell Cocke Is planning to entertain on Wednesday of next week with a musicale in which Miss Betty Booker and Miss Martna Mitchell, both well known musicians, will take part. ':" Last night at the Colonial a musical and ice cream party was given In honor of Miss Mary Powers of Charleston, S. C. Miss Powers was the recipient of many presents ad con gratulations. ; l Mrs. Alfred Dunn entertained with I I Mls8 Virginia MoDnvld are guests at I the Battery Park hotel. ' " T"?u '.-h.' Tlllie Rhlnehart, Miss Cora.ee Abodie VI lt, 11 tlUllll ......... V 1 , ,., Ml T). fnr tht I ml Liaia oici iiinii, iuii . Arthur has been compiling past two years and which la Miow ready for publication. ArrangementF were perfected by the D. A. R. tor getting out this book this fall, these arrangements being most -carefully planned, as the publication alone of this work Will cost the organization about 1000. r. Arden Notes. Correspondence of The Gazette-News. Arden. Aug. 30. -Miss McVae ol Cincinnati Is visiting Mrs. Justice. Mr. Strun of St.. Petersburg, Fla. has JURt moved In his new home on Mountain heights. Miss Josle Rickman is spending a week with relatives In Asheville., Ernest Kamlner has' returned to Oadston, S. C. Mrs. Kamlner Is stay ing with her mother, Mrs. B. F. Ber nnrd. at Arden lodge. Edward Plnkney is visiting his cousins, C. C. and Francis Plnkney. Miss Craig of Skyland and Miss Carter of Democrat are teaching the Arden and Skyland school Miss Elizabeth Bernard entertains the next meeting of the Current Book club. ..... : ' a r - ' It -- , . I ? New York Hats. - The tam shapes are already being worn as a demi-seasnn nat in rnw York. Those that look like German student caps are very amusing and saucy and both brim and visor are made of velvet. Others are made of black velvet with a soft black velvet crown that Is posed over a small straw hat," almost hiding the tiny brim. The tam part Is posed an the hat in any thing but a-severe manner: It takes all sorts of Impudent and rakish angles. The wound turbans have not by any means disappeared and some are mar vels of graceful folds and must con tain as many yards of material as the Arabs'. Some are banded and havev a big butterriy Dow mop oi veivei standing up windmill lashlon at one side of the front. New York Herald K at '. Mr. and Mrs. 8. I Lazaron are an nouncing today. In Cincinnati the en gagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Mlsa Anita Ilannali Lazaron, to Dr. Charles Rittenherg of Port Chester, N. Y. Miss Lazaron Is a sister of Student-Rabbi Morris laza ron of Asheville, who during his vaca tions from the Hebrew Union college of Cincinnati, conducts services In the temple on Spruce street. Miss Laza ron possesses a rare brunette type ot beauty, adding to this gift a pleasing personality and charming manner The date of the wedding has not as yet been set. The Asheville Chapter. U. T. C. will hold the first meting, following their summer vacation, -on Thursday afternoon of next week at the home of Mra L. W. Jones on Clayton street All members are urged to attend as this meeting will be Important for several reasons prominent among these being the election of dclrgates to two conventions. The first of these conventions will bo held In Tarboro on October.! and will bo a state con vention, and the second Is the gener al convention to meet In New Orleans on November 11. M There was an Informal reception at the home of Claude Ry Thursday night In observance of his twenty-first birthday anniversary. The evening was pleasuntly spent in dancing and ers, Mrs. Almee Miller, chaperone, Mrs Estenl of Now Orleans, John Rhine- hart, Robert Kell, Amlle Maer, George Henderson, Mr. Burke Richard Ho ward, f ' '.':'.'.: It . The amateur play given by the young Country club set last evening at the Manor had, brilliant success. Mrs. Thompson Frazer as "Mary Woodby, Alan McDonald ' as "John Woodby, Mrs. McDonald as "Polly," Arthur F. Rees as "Bobby," the tame young man. Miss Luck Minor as "Hon. Mrs Darlng-Despard," Pcndloton King aa "Lord Reginald Venning," Georgi Stanton as butler and Thomas Pear son as the leading lady composed an all-star cast" which drew a large audience and presented this original composition of Mr. King In a credita ble way. ' H It Mrs. James M. Gudger, Jr., is enter taining a house party at her home on South French Broad avenue which will continue a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Langley will come from Ken tucky, September 1, to Join the party. Mrs. Gudger's guests here at present ar:' Mr.' and 'Mrs. A. TV. Patterson (ft Washington, Dr. Frank Shultz of Washington and Lieutenant Comman der Einmett Gudger, U. S. N. It at Miss Thorp was guest of honor yes terday afternoon at a tea given by the Misses Jackson, at their home on Cumberland circle, Mrs. Jackson and Miss Thorp, assisted the Misses Jack son In receiving, Mrs. Ottcrbourg and Mrs. Thorp presided at the punch bowl. The house was attractively decorated, and the tea was a delight ful affair. K K The Society for Prevention of Cru elty to, Animals will meet at 10:30 o'clock on Tuesday morning of next week In the Y. M. C. A. auditorium, the regular meetings coming on the first Tuesday In each month. The presence of every member and inter ested '.i.tor Is especially desired In order to encourage and enable the a supper party last evening at Arden lodge. The party which numbered 1 a-uests motored out from Asheville and spent a delightful evening. - : Miss Bonnio Kate Reagan of Wca- vervllle left yesterday for Mt. Airy fo visit for a few days Rev. and Mrs. R M. Tavlor. When she returns she will bring with her, William and Josephine Reagan, her nephew and niece, who have spent the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Tuylor, their grandparents. t Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston of Charlotte are guests af the Battery Park hotel. - t at Mrs. Frederick Pope of Augusta, well known In Asheville, Is spending part of the-season in Jamestown 3. n. Beardall of the United States navy and his mother, Mrs. V. Beardall of Orlando, arc guests at the Battery Park hotel. , K K '''Mrs. M. M. lliirrison of Augusta, who for many seasons has spent some time In Asheville as a guest at the Manor, is spending this summer In Jamestown. Mrs'. Dunn McKee and Miss Bonnie Mrs. S. L. Henninger and son. Jack. of Bristol arrived yesterday afternoon for a visit to relatives. at - William Daniel and Roy Batterham Lee leave today to visit their uncle, Ralph W. Lee, fos two weeks, at Cedar mountain.. Mrs Marie Batterham Lindsay left Thursday for her home in Highland park, Chattanooga, after visiting her slstor.iirs. Neil ljee, for two weeks. Among the Atlanta guests at Battery Park hotel is Miss Bessie Greenlee .-: r at Mr. and Mrs. David Montgomery ar rived yesterday and are guests at the Battery Park hotel. The ladies of the third division of the Woman s Missionary society ol Central Methodist church will give a Japanese lawn fete -on the lawn of tht parsonage on Church street next Thursday evening from 7:30 till 10. The young ladles of the junior society, dressed in Japanese costumes, will as sist In serving the refreshments; and the lawn will be gayly decorated with Japanese lanterns, umbrellas, etc. An attractive and unique feature of the evening's entertainment will be Klondike." The public is cordially invited, and visitors to the city will bi especially welcomed. It 5 - Miss Martha Michael, who has been visiting In Weaverville for a few days, has returned to Asheville. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wmteside, a son. Round-Up Shoe Sale Former reduced prices shot to prices for . next .week. All the racks nt $1.39. $1.5)8 to $3.3!) are to he put on .tucks av 98c, cheaper than. Half soles, quality of $3.50 to $3.00 grades. Don't miss Tuesday's big cut. Tuesday w uio ua.aiice ui week 98c, every shoes on the racks, 98c. BRGAIjN ANNEX Nichols Shoe Company ON THE SQUARE T PINED FOR TERM MISS CRUISE'S SHOP Manicuring, Shampooing, dairdressing, Facial, bcalp, Massage and Chiropody. Com plete line of hair goods. I Phone 16. 23 Haywood St. Judge Bragaw Goes to Curri tuck Criminal Term Be gins September 15. ALL $3.50 AND $4.00 SHOES, SPECIAL $2.50. UNCLE SAM'S The New Pawn & Loan Office 30 So. Main street. EVERYTHING IX HOME FURNISHINGS AT THE PRICE YOU WISH TO - PAY :.-' CASH OR TERMS BEAUMONT Fl'RNITTRE COMPANY 27 So. Main St. Superior court for the trial ot civil cases which has been In session here (or the past three weeks, Judge Step hen C. Bragaw presiding, adjourn ed today, and Judge Bragaw left im mediately for Currituck county, where he opens court on Monday morning. A srreat manv cases were disposed Reeves, who is Mrs. MCis.ee s guest ai , thlH ,rm nf cort. but the doc-k her summer cottage at Nonquitt, have ket waa g0 congested that many were gone over to .Newport twice recemijr ,eft over unt1 the next tcr m for tennis. Mrs. McKee and Miss A crimjnai term of Superior court Iteevea are both enthusiastic tennis wl beB)n on September 1 and con plnyera of the Asheville Country club ,,. fnr fwn ,PPu .rude Frank and enjoy greatly the fine tennis ad- carter will preside at this court. Fol vantages ai mewpori. . lowing the criminal term there will " I ho two more weeks of civil court, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lilpinsky leave lor TURKISH BATHS The Gruner Sanitarium 31 Haywood Street New Kork on Sunday for a visit of ten days or twO:"weeks. A. Xm Price of Biltmore leaves on Sunday for- Nef .'Vork. Mr. and Mr. E. V. runke of Chi cago are spending a short time here. S. GrosHberg and his daughters, the Misses 1'tinnie, Hattle, Mollle and Rosa, leave tomorrow for their former home In-New York city. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hunt, who have been guests of Mrs. J. U Bishop, have returned to Vloksburg, Miss. X It Dr. Cbarles II. Cocke has gone to Mississippi and will be out of the clly for one week. V. Im Seely left for Washington last night for a short business trip. Harry Henninger is here from Cin cinnati for a brief vacation trip, and Is spending the time with his family, ' Mr. and Mra Robert McDavId of Birmingham with their children and then an intermission of but a few days, when a term for one week will upen. making nearly five weeks of continuous court. . The Normal and Collegiate Institute ASHKVIIiI,E, N. O. Under the care of the Presbyterian church, offers to young women ex cellent opportunities for thorough education. A faculty of 16 trained teachers gives facilities lor tuorougo instruction In four courses of study. Board and tuition only $100 per year. Tuition alone, for day pupus, only $30. For catalogue, address EDWARD P. CHIIDS, Field Supt. The fall term begins Sept 17, 1913 MARY '. lTincipai 147-401. , LETTER CARRIERS MEET WITH 1000 DELEGATES National Association and Women's Auxiliary Will Consider Important Matters. For the Children Baby Plates ' Oatmeal Sets Enamel Cups Tea Sets Enamel Plates Sewing Sets Table Trays , Dolls, Dolls, Dolla. and many other sensible goods to please the children. . J. H. LAW, 35 PATTON AVE. , Are You Building or Going to Build Soon? In either ran we. would Ilk to I figure on your wiring. We'll do It Just aa cheaply as la consistent With our quality of work. Every Job guaranteed, (live us a rnll. J. M. IIKAKN A I'O. $1800 buys your Summer Home BUNGALOW 2 stories, 6 rooms Modern Conveniences Lot 125x250 5 Minutes Walk from Skyland station. ! Moale & Chiles AGENTS 27 Tatton Avenue. Phono GG1. Us ICTETIC IlR.A.r4 UXSCCI1T BE' 0LANCESAWYZ5 By Associated Press. San Francisco, Aug. 30. With more thun 1000 delegates and visitors here for the meeting, the nineteenth con vention of the National Association of Letter Carriers opened today, niticers and many delegates of the Women' auxiliary also are on hand for the! work. Two Issues which directly concern with the American Federation of Ui bor: policy of the association regard ing pending concessional legislation respecting the retirement of the letter carriers, and the policy to be pursued as to the bills Introduced In congress by Senator Kern of Indiana and Rep resentative MeUilllrudy or Maine, pro vldlng for compensation to curriers Injured while on duty. The convention will bo In scsslo for a week. both orders were to be considered to day. One relates to the re-ratlng of the older members of the postmen order: the other the admission women of the auxiliary to the mutual benefit association and making them eligible to hold Insurance policies, with the same privileges as the mall carriers. Other problems which will come be- fore thin convention are: Proposed affiliation of the carriers Fastball at OaWs Park Monday n 10:30 and 4:30. Y. M. C. A. vs. Mars Hill. M. WEBB CO. MILLINERY IMPORTERS Haywood St Phone 1044 View from Chimney Rock most beau ilful In western North Carolina. Mee Ksmeralda ad., page . Tor Ladies and Gentlemen Open Day and Night AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT Now 5 and 7 pass. Cars jslglil-scclns trips to all points of Inter est in and around Aslievllle. Also trips to Black Mountain, Hen dcrsonvillc, Sunset Mt., anil otltcr nearby points by carcfnl and ex IHTlenced drivers. Kates reasouiililc by hour or trip. Phone 41, day or night. OWENS UNION AUTO SERVICE HUGHES TRANSFER CO. Trnnto 9 Quick Service Phone 1405 1 1 Ulllia L JL Phone for Demonstration 1893 A MERICATKT jlJJL UNDERSLUNG IM BLUE RIDGE MOTOR CO. 62 So. Main St. SWEET POTATOES are ilentiful with me, they are fine. B.J.JACKSON Phono 8G-101. City Market Lyerly Motor Co. AUTOS FOR HIRE by the day, trip or hour. ' Reasonable Bates Phone 1G51 10 W. College St 409 Page Book Free Send name and, address or enll in person for a beautiful Hygiene Book containing 40!) pages. Viavi Office 201 Legal Bldg. Arthur M. Field Co. . i . t . ' Are offering special very uttrnctivo prices on a large; nsnortment of fine gold Kroach, Par and 15enu ly Pinf Pendants, and Hoiid Silver Novetlics. LARGE DISCOUNT STOCK REGULATING SALE i STUFFED OLIVES IN BULK , Thin in the most economical way to buy this delicious relish. . , . '. ' Pint bottles, 30c. YATES 6 McGUIRE , , Phones 1715 indiTl6. 87 Haywood Street COMFORT ' GOOD HEALTH AND ICE Ice is the open sesame to summer comfort and good health rhono 72 for nap- piy.v ASHEVILLE ICE CO r Farm Seeds -We can supply new seeds of Crimson, lied, SiiOling and White Clov ers. Also Itapc, Rye, llniry Vetch, Orchard Grass, P.luo Grass, Tall Meadow Oat Grass, Herd Grass and Timothy. Clov er is cheaper but Herd Grass is unusually high and promises to bo still moro so. Best seed al- y. I'JVA Grant's! Pharmacy lAndreth'f Oardea lk4a. MILLINERY SPROAT'S Oata Dnllillno. Credit ATCO IAINQ TIME CREDIT ITiAW Make. Autnmobll Ownership Eaay. AUTO SALE3 CO. No. IT American Nat Bank mt. N0W0PE1C JF The French Shop EXCIXBITB GOWNS, COATS, ETC. Woman' Iirhani Dlrifc. I la J wood etror.