Motif for End of Scarf or Small Pillow ialtltKHlt.ii t MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, It Matinee and Night, K "The Little Millionaire." It WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, It "Little Boy Blue." t THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25 K ''Robin Hood." n it it tt ? in t it st n n "The Little Millionaire.' George M. Cohan's musical farce, The Little-. Millionaire," last season's annual offerinB at the Cohan theater, ;s'ew York, conies to the Auditorium on Monday, September 22, for a mati nee and night performance. "The Lit tle Millionaire" is said to be a typical Cohurt show, full of whirlwind action, : alluring dunces, melodies thut liiiscr in the memory, a splendid cast and a picked Broadway chorus; we are told also that there is a story of real in terestit Is as follows: Robert Spoon er, son of a millionaire father, who falls In love with Ooldie Grey of the Y.ig Zug Folly company chorus. The yonnt? people have been introduced by TUH Costigan, a wine agent who is not averse to sampling his own goods, l ostigau, whose wife has divorced him because he only came home three nights in five years,' is paying 11000 a month alimony, and, fearing that his young friend, Spooner, may meet with a like fate if allowed to marry, de votes most of his time to breaking up the match, and, incidentally, to keep ing the audience in continuous bursts of laughter. Of course everything tomes out right just before the fall of the final curtain. The lovers are united, Costignn marries his ex-wife to save alimony, and his father an nounces his engagement to the aunt of the pretty chorus girl just as the Cohan chorus brings the performance to an end. George M. Cohan has given the theater-going public many striking examples of his skill as a constructor of musical plays, but in this, his latest effort it 'S said he has eclipsed all of his former cussesses. -4 DEALS IN DIRT. .lames M. Hamilton and wife to I rank E. Boynton, land in Buncombe ci-unty; $100 and other considera tions. Annie Greenlee to A. S. Nicholson, property in Hazel ward; considerations. Annie, Greenlee to A, property in Hazel ward; $10 and other S. Niebolaon, $10 and other CfiiiHideratlonH. 11. ( Flanagan and wife to J. A. Burton, property on the west side of Haywood street; $10 and other con siderations. J. Terrell Justice and wife, Eloiie Justice, to M. Y. Angel, certain prop erty located on Beaumont street; $10 $nd other valuable considerations. John McF.wen and wife. Margaret McEwan, to M. Y. Angel, certain prop erty located on Beaumont and Curve streets; $300 and other valuable con siderations. H. R. Reed and wife, Jane Reed, to R. B. Roberts, certain lands lying on the waters of Newfound creek; consid eration $200. E. C. McConnell to Harriet L. Kones, certain property fronting north east of Main street and known as Ful ton property; consideration $16:10. "You say he is credulous?" 'Very. He honestly thinks he can judge a summer resort by the picture on the postcard." Washington Star. JvlLK OK HEAL ESTATE KOK C ITY TAXES. At twelve o'clock noon Friday. Oc tober :.. l'13, at the court house door in AshevUle. N. C. I will sell at pub lic outcry to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the laws of the state f North Carolina and the city of Aahevllle, all the lands in the city of Aslieville on which the city taxes for I hi' year 1H12 remain unpaid. The list of lands to Ik- sold and the amount of taxes due thereon with cost of adver tisement to be added as required by law, is as follows: FIRST WARD. Abbott, Ijiura, lot No. l )0H Iluz zard street: tax $1.50. Aiken, Jane, lot No. rtreet; tax $2.75. Arlonil, Joe. lot No. street; tax $23.25. Hates, Kdgar A., lot Tlidge, street; tax $.1.47 Below, Katie, lot No. ttreet; tax $2.55. Kiai, John, lot No. 2- -12 Poplar 2 73 College No. TilOO 3 4 Huzzurd 4 If. Houth Beaumont street; tax $.".4 Brown, Julia J., lot No. 8 fiS South ,Ulievillc Alley; tax $1.65. church, J. D., Est., lot No Dundee street; tax $8,10. Clevenger, Kate, lot No. i:agle Terrace; tax f 1 8.60. I'lowney, Lewi, lot No. Knob street; tax $9.92. 1154 1 281 1111 Cook, Elisa. lot No. 11 Mountain treet; tax $10.00. Corpeiilnif, Harvey, lot No. 31 IB Sassafras street; tax $3.20. Doby, Amelia, lot No. 1156 Ridge street; tax $8.20. Downs, John, ot No. 6 125 Bouth HeflUmolit afreet; tax $7.13. Dnekett, Collier, lot No. 598 Max street.; tax $10.85, Duke, U. L.. lot No. 5175 ty Valley street; tax $11.62. Evan, Amanda, lot No, 4 IS Bouth Beaumont street; tax $4.55, Flack, Wm., lot No. 2 20 Hllde I tnnd street; tux $11.70. Foreman. Wm., lot No. 1123 Circle street; tax $4.65. Forney, Wm. C lot No. 371 Clem Won street; tax $1.87. i Uomllock, Cha., lot No, 16 Mountain street; tax $3.87, I Hall, BeMle, lot No. 1380 Eagle Terrace; tax $38.7. Jackson, Harriet, lot No, 1164 F.ldge street; tax $1.35 Jamee, Ed., lot No. 5 18S New treet; tax $5.00. Jones, Rose, lot No. 4 I Haixarrf street; tax $1.49. Jordan. Louisa, lot No. 1 1 Alley treet; tax $1.33. Ketch, Itettif, lot No. I 10 Moun tLln street; tax $0.30, Mnrkey Hamlet, tot No. 1116 Htlde atreet; tax $3.17. Martin. Caleb, hrf No, I 51 mountain street; tnx $4,14, Martin, Phoebe, lot No. 134 Pop irr rtreet; tax $.5S, MpftjHon. Andrew, lot No. $106 f blue street: tax $14.07. 4 .filler, lwiin, lot No. 6 1 pine . '!; tun $10 07. Moore. In K lot No. 111$ Has t4t d SUeet; tax $5 (8, , . This motif may be done In t he new Bulgarian embroidery. The work Is entirely solid and is done In bi-laht color reds, blues, yellows and greens. An outlining of .each figure I n black add to tho effect. Vie met i -eried cotton No, 18. DIRECTIONS FOR TRANSFERRING. In taking off these patterns, 'lay a piece of impression paper upon the material, place the newspaper pattern p pencil draw firmly over each line. If the material is sheer it may be laid over the pattern and drawn off with pencil, as the design will sliow throuh. Morris, Wm lot No. 2 17 Moun tain and Poplar streets; tax $9.30. McDonald, Thomas, lot No. 3 125 Sassafras street; tax $5.74. McDonald, Mary M., lot No. 244 Pine street; tax $3.57. AlcGlll estate, lot No. 1237 David son street; tax $23.25. Nelly, Lizzie, lot No. 3126 North street; tax $4.65. Neilson, J. R., lot No. 1--161 Ridge street; tax $1.64. Nichols, Lee, lot No. 2 29 Pine street: tax $9.76. Nipaon. Jno. W., lot No. 5 120 South Beaumont street; tax $11.24. Oglesby. Thomas, lot No. 1 12 Mountain street; tax $50.41. Pearson, Jessie, lot No. 2 45 Pine! street; tux $14.72. Petty, Ernest, lot No. 1139 Eagle street; tnx $5.83. Propst, Thomas, lot No. 3 80 Alley; ax Prysotk, W. M.. lot No. 4 32 'urve street; tax $3.59. Reynolds, Mattie, lot No. 1 162 Knob street; tux $2.32. Simonton, W. M lot No. 116 Mountain street; tax $3,20. Sims, Jaa.. lot No. 5 109 Ledbetter street: tnx $10.85. Hudderth, Dock, lot No, 869 Alley; tax $1.48. Todd, John, lht No. 1 200 Gibbon street: tax $12,63. Weaver, Bailie. Eat., lot No. 6228 Weaver street; tax $2.07. SECOND WARD Alkln, Mr. Margaret, lot No. 6 3 North atreet; tax $7.75. Arthur, John P.. lot No. 417 Mountain Road: tax $18.75. Atklni, Ella B.. lot No, 6 63A Hillside atreet; tax 78 cents. Haker, Mm. J. A., lot No. 10175 Hillside atreet; tax $49.61. Banks, Ule, lot. No. I 135A Mad' Ison avenue; tax $1.66. Beatty, Monroe, lot No. 1780 A! ley atreet; tax $5.43. Booth, Cara E., lot No. 16185 Chestnut atreet; tax $85.65. Brown, W. P., lot No. $1$ Merrl- mon avenue; tax $26.(7. Bunn, Mrs. Kitty, lot No. 2 65 Central avenue; tax $24.0$, Campbell, Rev. C. M., lot No. 661 unnamed street; tax $34.08. Davla, John Riley, lot No. 1627 Charlotte atreet; Ux $31.88. Dewerae, II. M. Est., lot No, 1640 Clyde atreet; tax $13.95. D Young, J. T., lot No. 16192 Crescent street; Ux $$0.30. Farr, Wm., lot No. 11 61 Beeley Place; tax $6.30 FlUgerald, W. E., lot No. 18 1 Arlington street; Ux $ 13.71. Flupatrlok, ft. L., lot No. 4116 Orange street; Ux $$1.00. Gentry, Mrs. U 8., lot No. 14$ Seney street; tax $17.11. Olbson, Mrs. 8. J., lot No. 645 Seney street; Ux $17.98. Havener, R. A., lot No, (11 Hill side street; tax $1 70. Hendricks, P. L, lot No. 6 $4 Hoi land atreet; Ux $15.00. Hendricks. Mrs., Laura, lot No, 6 $3A Holland street! tax $1.10. Hoover. Mrs. H, T., lot No. 836 Center street; tax $3.38. Krtcr. O. M., lot No. 1,6 1$ Cpea- cent street; tax $19. 31. ' '' Kruse, Anna, lot No. JO 100 Joe fhlnn and Merrlmoa streets; tax $11.00. , Letnmon. Mary lane, lot No. 1 Coleman avenue; tax $6.51. Leannrd, John, lot No. 5 57 EloUe street; tax $4.65. Llndsey. T. H.. lot No. 115 Wat son street; tax $17.05. Llndsey, Mrs. H. A., lot No. 1 79 Woodfin street; tux $12.40. Lindsey, Mrs. V. V., lot No. 11129 Louisa street; tax $8.60. Loders, R. H lot No. 16 132 Broad street; tax $6.34. Loomls, Mrs. Nannie G., lot No. 16 20 Charlotte street; tax $43.01. Malloy, Mrs. M. lot No. 326 Merrlmon avenue; tax $317.75. Martin, J. H., lot No. 4 19 Liber ty street; tax $77.50. Maxwell, Mrs. Bessie M., lot No. 3 4 Merrimon avenue; tax $24.34. Mitchell. T. J lob No. 6 146 East street; tax $8.14. McLoud. Mrs. Ella 8., lot No. 3 14 North Main street; tax $77.50. Penland, W. A., lot No. 5 144 East street; tax $27.51. Purefory, Dr. O. W. lot No. 186 Spruce street; tax $187.32, Reynolds, C. Q.. lot No. 2 86 Or- chard street; tax $17:05. Rhlnehardt, E. T. et ul., lot No, 476 Madison avenue; tax $4.65. Rhlnehardt, E. O. and L. F lot No. 17 40 Unnamed atreet; Ux $2.32. Robinson, R. P., lot No. 1143 Oak and Woodfin streets; tax $100.00. Sohell. Mrs. Axor, lot No. 1812 Woodfin street; Ux $3.97. Betxer, Mrs. Etta, lot No. 13 North Main street; tax $54.25. Bmlth. L. L. lot No. 6 131 Fulton street; tax $10.85. Smith, C. A., lot No. 666 North Main street; Ux $$$.35. Sorrels, Mrs. Mary E., lot No. 16 77 Charlotte street: Ux $39.96. Terhpleton, W. O., lot No. 1790 Furman avenue; Ux $9.80. Valentine, J. C. M., lot No. 10 S Coleman avenue; Ux $1.55. Weston, Mrs. Sarah A., lot No. 16 63 Charlotte street; tax $116.25. Whitesldes, Mrs. Jennie O., lot No, 10120 Josephine street; tax $5.81. THIRD WARD, Avery. Tempe, lot No. 9139 Pear son drive; tax $20.75. Baker, Mrs. J. A., lot No. 1163 Haywood street; Ux $116,22. Blomberg, L., lot No. 1 73 North Lexington avenue; Ux $271.25. 'Bourne, L M lot No, ( 60 Pear son drive; tax $38.76. Bourne, Mrs. Emily C, lot No. J 88 Bearden avenue; tax $48.50. Buckner, U M lot No. 4101 North Main street; Ux 75 cents. UU... - lot Nw, 7U Ccala str S3.$6. Collins. Cordelia, lot No. 194 Ocala street; tax $4.30. Cooper, A, V., trustee, lot No. 1 65 Walnut street; tax $37.60. French Broad Power Co., lot No. 10 6 Riverside drive; Ux $16.60. Glenn,. Mrs. Ellen, lot No. 166$ Atkinson atreet; Ux $19.3$. Oreenlee, George. L... lot No. JS iv mn si reei; itx ih,d(. Howell, Chaa T., lot No. 1461 Hill atreet; tax $5.64. Hawthorne. J. E., lot No. 314 Haywood street: tax $19.88. Hudson, Georgia, lot No. 16 i Hill street; tax ft 93. ' Jackson, Lee, lot No. 116 S Mud, Ison street: tax $$.86. ' . Jeter, William, lot No. -13' Cun.pbell strel tax 4f cents. Johnston, D. W lot No. $ $0 Cumberland avenue; tax $67.04. Kerna, Isaac, lot No. 1G 21 Atkin son street; tax $5v98. Llpsrombe, C. C lot No. 14 (59 Hill street; tax $19.69. Merrill, A. J.,; lot No. 11 10 Wil liams street; tax $0.30. Morrow, Lemuel E lot No. 9 Gfi Oray street; tnx $5.14. O'Karma, Clara B., lot No. 63 Montford avenue; tax $12.40. Penland, A. M. heirs, lot No. 1 104 rear of lor. Haywood street; tax $31.00. Penland, N. A., lot No. 1613 Wil liams atreet; tax $1.55. Priestley, Silas, lot No. 1311 Hazel avenue; Ux $3.20. Reynold, Mrs, Ruth, lot No. 4 143 North Main atreet; Ux $12.40. Bnhminke, Gus, lot No. 9 179 Un named street; tux $19,50. Shaw, C. D., lot No. 9 212 Pearson drive; tax $10.73. Spurgeon, 8. J. W.. lot No. 1529 Hill street; Ux $10.85. Sumner, F. A., lot No. 6 4 Mont ford avenue; tax $87.58. Tennant, Mrs. Annie, lot No. 2 78 Blake street; tax $12.79. Wagner, John A., Jr., lot No. 319 Soco. street; Ux $27.90. Wall, Watt and Charles, lot No. 1 5 30A Hill street: UX $24.01. Whitesldes, Mrs. J. E., lot No. 4 SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South ' fee bed ale Fig-urea Published aa Information Only and Not Guaranteed EFFECTIVE MONDAY, JUNE , 191. Antra, from Eastern Time No. I Columbia and Spar- Unburg 7:0 a.m. No. I Brevard and Lak Toxaway ....11:80 a.m. No, T Bravard and Laka Toxaway 1:11 f.m. No, $) Savannah and Jack aonviiia :1 p.m. No. 11 Washington, New Tork, Norfolk, Richmond :4 P-m. NX 11 Cincinnati, Loula- vlll. Memphis, St, Louis p.m. No. II Charleston and Co lumbia ,, $:ll p.m. No, 16 N. T., Philadelphia, Washington ...... 10:$6 a-m. No. II Murphy 4k Wayn rlll p.m. Ko. II Murphy Wayne. Ilia 1:67 p.m. No. II WaynatvlUa : a.m. No. IL Ooldsboro and Ral eigh 7:41 p.m. No, IT Charleston aid Co lumbia :! p.m. N II Cincinnati and Chi cago 1:H .m. No, 1 1 Washington, N. T. t and Richmond .... :4f a.m. No. II Memphla, Chatta nooga and N. O... :! .m. Ko. 41 Atlanta. Maoon and New Orleana ...... 11:11 .. No.ll Bristol, KnoxvUl A Chstunooga ,....l:4l p.m. . Through sleeving car daily 60 mora, Washington, Richmond, Norfolk, Charleston, Cincinnati, Memphis, Jacksonville, Bavaoab, St, Lout, LouWvllle, Atlaata, Macon, Birmingham, Montgomery and Autrusta. : , Through chair p"- Ooldshor ad Wsyneavlllo, also to Spartanburg roll dining car rvlo trains, Nat. I, II, 11, II, IT, II and BulTst din Ug or No. 18 eiil 1. ' A. H. ACKiiil, City Paas. Tkt. 4 gV J. H WOOD, Pit, PaJM, Act 108 Panola street; tnx $32.10. Whitesldes, Mrs. Mary C lot No. 4 107 Panola street; tax $32.32. Willis. A. H., Beatrice and Irene, lot No. 1 112 Hiawassee street; tax J23.25 FOURTH WARD. Alexander, C. H.. and G. H.. lot No. I 5 Patton avenue; tax $124.00. Alexander. Mrs. K, F., lot No. 1 4 Patton avenue; tax $403.00. Baker, Mrs. J. A., lot No. 982 John street; tax $13.95. Britt, Mrs. M. L, lot No. 6258 Silver street: tax $3.30. Buckner, Mra. J. It., lot No. 5 101 Fa Kg street; tax $2.32, Byerly, E.. lot No. 3 58 Depot street; tax $14.11. Clevenger, .1. P., lot No. 9144 Tlernan street; Ux $7.75. Coachman, Dr. Keys, lot No. 9 12 Victoria drive; tax $55.02. Cosby. B. H.. lot No. 2109 Depot street; Ux $18.83. Forney, Stanly, lot No. 6193 Blan- ton street; Ux $3.75. Forster, Mrs. E. D., lot No. 6 112 Roberts street; Ux $33.33. Forster, Mrs. K. D F. S. and J. 8., lot No. 870 Phlfer street; tax $12.40. Fortune, G lot No, 8 213 Choctaw street; tax $9.27. " Gudger, W. R,, lot No. 4 105 Park Paparta for Hajtsrn Tims No. 4 Spartanburg Co lumbia .......... 1: It) p.m. No, I Brevard and Lak Toxaway ......... 1:10 p.m No. I Brevard and Lak Toxaway 1:01 a.m No. 10 Savannah, Jackson ville 4:11 p.m No. 11 Cincinnati, Saint Louis, Memphla 4k Louisvtll 1:01 p.m. No. II Washington, New Tork, Norfolk and Richmond 2:26 p.m. No, 14 AtlanU Charles ton T:00 a. in. No. II N. T., Philadelphia Washington ..... , Till p.m. No. 17 waynetviii and Murphy 1:1 a-m. No. t Waynesvlll a a d Murphy 1:1 p.m. No. II Wsynesvlll T:ll p.m No. II Raleigh and Oolds boro 1:11 a.m. No. IT Chicago Clucln natl T:lt p.m. no. II Columbia, Charles ton 11:11 a.m. Nov II Memphis, ChatU- - nooga At New O. . .11:11 p No. II Washington, Rich- mond and N. T. ... Till a.m. No. 41 Atlanta. Maoon and New Orleans ..... !:$ p.m. N0.1I1 Bristol. KnoxTlll Chattanooga Till a-m. and from New Tork, Philadelphia, Ball! avenue; tax $3.60. Harper, Joseph B., lot No. 1183 Livingston street; tax $2.09. Harrelson, E. J., lot No. 8 4 Un named street: Ux 77 cents. Hudson, Istauc 8.. lot No. 8 62 Asbcland avenue; tax $12.40. Hughes. R. P., lot No. 1186 South- side avenue; tax $27.90. Jones, O. N, lot No. 6 314. Alley; tax $6.20. Klngsmore, I D., lot No. 7 48 Hamilton street:- Ux $7.85. Ledford. D. C, lot No. 4 18 Buxton street: tax $11.62. Ltttlejohn. 8. A., lot No. 11119 Alley; tax $2.79, Iockman, John, lot No. 11 102 Black street; tax $17.20. Love, Tom, lot No. 11 132 French Broad avenue; tax $4.65, Lyman, Dr. A. B. estate, lot No. 5 87 Depot street; tax $4.85. Miller, Albert, lot No. 11 134 French Broad avenue; tax $1.91. Miller, James V., lot No. 2107 South Grove street; tax $7.83. Moffltt, V. A., lot No. 8139 Un named street; Ux $6.97. Monk, Fred., lot No. 11 8HB, Black street; Ux $10.86. Moore, Arch, lot No. 10143 Curve atreet; tax $10.07. STREET OAR SCHEDULE IN E?7E0T JWE 221, 1913 ZILLICOA AND RETURN :oo. $i$. 131 a-m. Jj RIVERSIDE PARK l: and Try 11 win, " 1:10 - m. and Try II """j DEPOT VIA . unui 1:11 p. m.l Un 7 30UTHSIDE AVENUE TXtZi"' DEPOT VIA ''( l:0 and vanr II mlnuta uotilU FRENCH BROAD AVE. -m- J ajrAWrfD . :00 a. m. and then every i BLAUVa ' mlnutea till 11:00 P- CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS throuh. Return leaves end 01 , " ' M-rLvrrrm 0:00 a, m. and vry 1 nu-" PATTON AVENUE V , ii:Mp.. . EAST STREET , 9. M GRACE VIA MERRIMON -l.JT . m m II minute till 10:$ m AVENUE . ,v,ry It minute till !: "L 1:11 a. m. and thn ry J,,'i. BILTMORB tin io:io p. m. Th.n till 11:60 last eaf. DEPOT & W. ASHE VILLE fc m m4 w , .... VIA 60UTH3IDE AVE. line p. m . Sunday achedui disr la tk fallowing particulars: Car leave square for Manor at I 10 a to., return 6:16: . f Car leav Bquar for Depot tin. Southsld Av. 1:11. I:! 1 .fa, l:l and :l a. m. Car lat for PP0t VU roh Br0M ; t:ll.:$l.:46,t:l,T:4f and 1:11. Car tor Depot leave IVjuar lit, notk Sothid Xd rrM. srr ' First car leave Hquar toe Charlott street at :00 a. na minutes until l:$0 next 1:46. First ear leave Hquar for Riverside 1:80, next : .... First ear for West Aahevill leaves Squar 1:11, Til, With the above exception. Sunday cduls oommn at cootlnu tarn a wk day. ' . On evening when entertainment are In progr alto j. last trip on all Una Will be from entertainment, leaving "Br,Jt $$, lar Mm and holding over at Aadtiorlum. Car ! -tr0 , Igkt Uala, $ nilniaaa nature 'heul uf uiuuu d arrirat, over this, and with a hard, ebar. McMlchaet. Henry, lot No. !-! South Grove atreet; $24.02. Owens, John, lot No. 76 ChooU street; tax $3.24. Parker, Alex., lot No. 1 1 94 Alley, tax $4.68. Perry, C R., lot No. 850 BlantoB street; Ux $11.74. ; Philips, William, lot No. ll- Livingston "rtreet: tnx $10.46. Powell; Ella, lot No. 8 1 72 M Mc Dowell street; tax $6.20. Roberts, A. U, lot No. 4132 Ulrl wood avenue; last $10.69. ' Robinson, James, lot No. 854 Al ley; tax $5.69. Singleton. S. I. lot No. Ashelnrid avenue; tax $7.05. Smith, James, lot NV. C 13$ . -141A Curve street; tax $11.00. Spurlln. R. L, lot No. 14- -34 WMt Haywood street; tax $.11.00. Stroup, Mrs, U M.. lot No, I-'" Gaston street; Ux $2.32. Tyree. O. R.. lot No, 5- -89 Euit'M avenue; tax $10.85, . Werthers, P. P.. lot No. 7 111 vlc torla road; Ux $5.46. White, Mary, lot No. 8214 AUT tax $7.30. . ... Zelgler, W. R., lot No. 798 Italpn street; tax $6.98. C. H. BARTLETT,