September-12, 1913 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEW PACE THREE ' "' ' U. S. Department of Agriculture, wcAintK BUREAU- ' BUREAU- - September 12, 1913. insT ' v ; 3"WAnb 0r0,Do i&Snm I ELECTIOFI TO BE TESTED BY SUIT ind heifers, 3.60 8.50; !1.80. Sheep, receipt 18,000; steady to u shade lower. Native 3.40 & 4.15: western 3.6534.70; yearlings, 4.x5ft 5.70; lambs, native, 5.25 7.50; west ern 5.757.60. . W. N. Cooper Will Carry Bonds Case to Supreme Court of State. LIVERPOOL COTTON Uverpooll, Sept 12. Cotton spot. luiet and easier; middling, fair, 7.99; middlilng, 7.71; middling, 7.39; low middling, 7.17; good ordinary 6.61; ordinary, 6.17. Sales 8,000, Including 7200 Ameri can and 600 for 'speculation and ex port; receipts none. Futures closed easy. September i. . . . . . . . , order I September-October . '. MarchiApril I April-May ..... . . June-July1 . ...... July-August .-'.'. I August-September TEMPERATURE! Lowest last Bight Highest yest'd'y Asheville . . .... .....'53 78 Atlanta . . . . ' 64 'V 78 Augusta ........ rf . 64 80 nirminKliam ...... .. 62 82 Charleston T. 64 78 Charlotte .... ..... .. 68 78 Jacksonville .. .. .. .. 68 82 Key West .. . . .. .-. .. 76 86 Knoxville ... .. .. .. .. 62 84 Louisville . , .... . . ..68 88 Mobile .. .." .. .. V,, 72 86 Montgomery .. .. .. ... 60 82 New Orleans . . . . , : . . . 74 82 New York ...... .... . 66 ; 68 Raleigh .. .. .. .. .. 64 76 Savannah .......... 64 78 Tampa .. .. .. .. .. 68 86 Washington . . . . .'. . 68 , . , 78 Wilmington 58 76 Normal for this date: Temperature 66 degrees. Preeipltaiton ,12 Inch. Forecasts until 8 p. m. Saturday for Asheville and vicinity: Showers to night or Saturday, warmer tonight. For North Carolina: Fair except ihowers in extreme west portion to night or Saturday, warmer tonight in the interior, light variable winds. General Conditions (Post 24 Hours). Light showers have fallen in the eastern portion tonight or Saturday, warmer tonight in the interior, light variable winds. Light showers have fallen In the eastern Lake region as the result of a disturbance that is centered " over western New York. The disturbance that overlies the west Gulf coast has again caused general rains in Texas. Rains have also occurred in the east Gulf states, the central and southern Plains states and Colorado. Light frost is reported in northern Wyom ing. The following heavy precipita tion (In Inches) has been reported during the last twenty-four hours: Abilene, 1.28; Coitus Chrlsti, 1.64; St. Louis, 1.66. Showers are indicated for this vicinity tonight or Saturday with warmer tonight. ... T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. H. .Olmstead, a New York lawyer, ar rived here today to take charge of the interests . of Harry K. Thaw so far as action at the state capital may, be necessary. '.,, .;...'. Mr.- Olmstead' Bays that if Thaw Is taken' back to New York a taxpayers' suit will be brought there for his de portation to .Pennsylvania, " on the ground that in his case New. York is being taxed for the support of an in sane person whose legal residence is In another state. . -.. . CASH GRAIN PRICES. Chicago, Sept. 12.-Wheat, ; No. 2 red; 9394; No. 8 red, 9192; No. 2 hard 89 90; No. 2 northern, 90092; No.' 2 spring, 89 91; velvet chaff, -87 91 ; durum, 8791. Corn, No. 2, 768r No. 2, white, 76 (77; No. 2 yellow 76 . Oats No. 2, 42; No. 2 white, 43 44; standard 43 . . Rye, No. 2, 6768. Barley, 60 81. ' " Timothy, 4.506.25; clover, 94)0 10.75. ' ;".-: ": : " '.. Pork, 22.50; lard, 11.10 11.12; ribs, .10.75 11.75. FEAR A CLASH ' OVERH. K. THAW (Continued from page 1) Thaw battery of Counsel. . ,, Extradition Papers for Thaw. Poughkeepsle, Nr Y., Sept 12. District Attorney Conger of Dutchess cbunty, left for Albany this morning, carrying extradition papers asking for the return of Harry K. Thaw from Colebrook, N. H. As soon as Acting Governor Glynn signs the paper, Mr. Conger will take them to New Hamp shire. -To Get Him Into Pennsylvania. Concord, N. H., Sept. 12. William t V. CREASMAN, Pree't, Ii. A. CREASMAN, Mgr. Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Co. PLUMBING HEATING GAS .FITTING Agents for Acetylene Gas Generators and Compressed Air : Water Systems Biltmore, N. U fibres, Pumps. Water Pi pp. Terr Ootta Pipe. Plasa Bldg.. Phong 4U7. E PUT AT TIE FI Southern Railway Exhibit At trac'ted Much Attention Col. Wood Returns. The Normal and Collegiate Institute. ' ASHEVILLE, N. 0. Under the care of the Presbyterian church, offers to young women ex cellent opportunities for thorough education, A faculty of 16 trained teachen elves facilities for thorough Instruction la four courses of study. Board and tuition only $100 per year.. Tuition alone, for day pupils, only $30. For catalogue, Address EDWARD P. OHILDS, Field Supt. The fall term begin Bept 17, 1911 MARY P. HICKOK, Principal M-45t. . - ... f .. Laundry Phone 70 A Trial la all we ask. We treat your lonndry white. Weaverville arut Lafce Juaqita SPECIAL NIGHT RIDES Round trip tickets, for these trips only 26o or 20c and s transfer. TlcVetr sold on Weaverville" cars leaving Pack Sq. at 1:30 p. m., 8 p. m. ft ''"P. m returning from Weaverville at 7:15 p. m., 8:46 p. m. and 10:15 SOUTHERN RAILWAY V ' -Premie? Carrier . of the South ,. . fcchedale Figures PuhllNhed as Information Only ami Not Ouarani4 ' r ECFEGT1VB HON DAV. JCN'K S, 1911. - "s from Do. I Eastern Time Columbia and Spar tan burg w...... T:0 .m. Brevard and . Lake Toxaway ......... 11:19 a.m. Brevard and Jke Toxaway ;ll tro. Savannah and Jack- m. onvl i:10 p.m. U Washington, N w x i T o r k. . Norfolk, s. Rlchmond ........ 1:41 p.m. It Cincinnati, Louis- , , vllle, Memphis,, Bt b Louta ..- l: Charleeton and Co- lumbla .-, : it p.m. H N. y., Philadelphia, N .. Wah'nton ...... 10: a.m. U Murphy Waynes- vllle ., a-ii m.m. "Ml Murphyi w , . K. 11 nl .7 Wyneville . . ..... : a-m. u. Ooidsboro and IU1- Charleston snd Co- !!) '",nol t:IO pan, ! ? 'Cincinnati and'CW- l Washlnitton, N. T. N. i. !.n1 R,;hmond 1:0 s,m- Memphis. Chatt. Us .. "?.OK N. ... :! Departs for No. aiastern Time - 1 1 Bpartanburg ft Co lumbia i, l:l p.m. No. I Brevard and Lake t Toxaway p.m No. I Brevard and Lake Toxaway i... fcot .m No. It Savannah, Jackson ville ............. 4:1 m No. 11 Cincinnati, Baint , . 4 Louts, Memphis A Loulsvlilo !: P.m No. 11 Washington, New . t.Tork, Norfolk and RUhmond 1:11 p.m. No. 14 Atlanta ft Charles ton T:0 sm. No. II N. Y.. Philadelphia Washington T:M p.m. No. IT W.vnesvUls and Murpby -a Ne. t WatnesvlUs and Murphy 110 p.m. No. II Waynesvllle T:tt p.m. Ne. II nalelch and Golds boro 1:1 - No. If Chicago ft anola- - natl f:lt P-m. No. II Columbia. Charln - ton . .!:! a.m. No. II Memphis, hatta- nooga ft New O. ..10:11 p.m. No, II Washlngtot, ntrh mond and N. T. i 7:10 a.m. No. 41 Atlanta. Vaoan and , - New Orleans ..,..,1:16 pjn. No.111 KrtstoL KnoxTtlU ft 'Chattanooga T:l' m' from New Yora. Philadelphia, BalU Charleston, Clnolnnati, jiempnii, ' Between August 23 and September 8, western North Carolina received some ' excellent advertising through horticultural and agricultural exhibits shown by the Southern railway in the National Canadian exhibition at Tor onto, according to Col, T. Gilbert Wood, the local agent of the land and industrial department of the road who was one of the three men in charge of the exhibit:. Col. Wood re turned from Canada last night and his story of the part played at the exhibition by this section Is an inter estlng one. The exhibit of the Southern was an agricultural and horticultural one rep resenting the products of the states along its lines in the southeast. West em North Carolina, was represente by apples, grapes, grasses, grains and forage crops, principally, and offered one of the most unique features of the entire exhibit, which was a display of 0 varieties of Irish potatoes grown on one farm the Biltmore estate. This feature attracted no little atten tton and favorable comment from the Canadians. The representatives of the Southern there, who, besides Col. Wood, were J. Stephens of Atlanta and Charles Davies of Jacksonville, distributed large amount of literature about, the southeastern section of the United States; and Col. Wood paid some very particular attention, to western North Carolina. Two pieces of literature which he distributed dealt with this nectlon exclusively.,- One was a small folder dealing with the possibility for grape growing in the Tryon7 sec tion, along the "thermal", belt; and th other was a small card bearing on one side a photograph of Corbett Alexan der of Swannanoa and his prize win nlng pile .of-corn, and on the other some live facts about the opportunities of the section as a corn growing rn itlon. ' ' The scope of such advertising mis bo better understood when It Is state that the exhibition, during the 12 days that It was open to the public, was visited by 1,009,000 people wno paiu their admission. This number repre sents about, one-tenth of the popula tion of Canada, and a very large per cent of them viewed the exhibit of the Houthern and received literature about the section. This exhibition at Toronto in the largest annual event of Its kind in America. The Southern had a similar display there last year and aa a result many settlers were attracted to tnis section. The exhibit this year, accord ing to Col. Wood, was very much bet ter and greater results -are expecieu to accrue from It A display will 1,-robnbly. be, made again next year, and It Is announced that the exniDition will last fof three weeks instead of two. - , . . The . temporary restraining which was entered Bome time ago in I October-November the case of W. N. Cooper, on hehallf I November-December 1 of himself and other citizens of Chero-1 December-January ! kefl Cmintv: V t ha rtnnrn f .m. ..... I Innnam.rnV,.,,nrn commissioners ot that county has been I February-March vacated and the pllaintlfl has appealed to the Supreme court of North Caro lina. The case is one in which the plaintiff is attempting to stop the sale bonds in the sum of $76,000. which amount Is Intended for the Hlawassee Vallley ralllway. compiaini on wnicn the case was begun alleged' that bonds v had been authorized for this company In excess of the amount of capital stock authorized in its charter; and further that the election for the bonds in Cherokee was called and held illegally The hearing before the Sunreme court promises to bring out some very interesting points of law. Thecase, in fact,wiil be a leading one to test the election laws of the state. (Attorneys for the plaintiff wil attempt to show that not only was the special election for the bonds illegal, but that the regular election held in 1912 was ilega. As to the special election, it will be pointed out that it was called by the county board of elelctlons that was appointed for the 1912 election, and that the judges and registrars who officiated at the 1912 election attempted to hold the special election. The contention of law will be that the terms of of fice of these men -expired after the 912 election; and that for a special election they would have to be reap pointed, or new men appointed. It will be further contended by the plaintiff before the Supreme court that three men were appointed to serve as the county board "of elec tion in 1912, and that onljr two of them qualified. The validity of the regular election ' will, therefore,; be contested as well as that of the spe cial election, when it was decided to issue the bonds. -Although the order, which restrain ed the comhiissloners from selling: the bonds, has been vacated, there is little probability that the bonds will be sold before the "opinion of the Supreme court is handed down in the case. The commissioners may adver tise them for sale, but it la doubtful they could find buyers with the case in its present status. The decision of the court will be one of great interest to the legal pro fession, " since it will bring Up point about the general election laws of the state that hag never before been passed upon by the courts. 'V A'Unta, sod , "mm f"u,'' Hill ,, ""l Bristol. Ki.-,xvi:ie ft , . . Chattanooga 11:11 p.m. "in "V sleeping ears dally to and 1 lrL' """siun, menmona, nonoic, inanesiou, i.iduiuu", CiV m Bavnh." Bt. Louis, LoutavMv Atlanta, Macon, Btrmlnfbanv ni Augusta. '"rough chair cars ClyM.boro and, JVaynesrlllo, t0 to , prtaoburg t '.u."J"nl,, C" "lcs trains Nos. I, 11. 11. II. IT, II and Buffet din " Nos. 15 an i. L ACKEU, city rasa, ft tkU A I- J, U WUUP, H. l'e - . 86 H 6.81 6.74H 6.74 6.76 V4 ' 6.76 Vi i 6.77H ; 6.74 6.76 6.75 6.66 ! BUTTER AND EGGS: New York, Sept. 12. Butter steady 9347 tubs. Process extras 27. Cheese unchanged, 970 boxes.' Eggs firm 8788 cases. Fresh' gath ered, thirds and poorer 16(921. Dressed poultry trreguar;' killed western chickens, 17 fowls 14V419. V . , ,', Our Extensive Business During August so far exceeded our greatest expectations that it was necessary for our Buyers to make a second Fall trip to the market. They have been gone all week and already their success has been made evident by the number of Beautiful Dresses and Coat Suits ARRIVING BY EVERY EXPRESS Visit this store before buying know the value of your money. Fall Clothes if you "THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY" fcwaKw-- jr. If . "a; iNS'iJ "THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY" fcwJS;;"! fresh 22; CHICAGO PROVISIONS.' ' 1 ' ' Chicago, Sept. 12. 'Butter unchang ed' Bggs, receipts 6606 cases. -Potatoes higher; receipts 20 cars. Minlneapolls and Ohio, 7076; Wis consin, 70 85; Jersey, 93 95. Poultry unchanged. NEW YORK MONEY New York, Sept. 12. Money on call firm, 23; ruling rate, 2. Clos- ng, 2 3. Time loans, easier; 60 "lays, 44; 90 days 4; six months 3 Prime mercantile paper, 56 per cent Sterling exchange firm, 4.82.46 for 60 days, 4.85.80 for demand. Commercial bills 4.82. Bar silver 60. Mexican dollars 46. - ' Government bonds steady; railroad bonds firm. GROVE PARK INN , ' GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. v Visitors to Asheville although not guests , of GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect the building. , ... , , -.. Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Par ties, if notified in ad v ahce. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m.7:30 to 10:00 p.m. WM. S. KENNEY, Mgr. FILMS DEVELOPED SIZES MAIL OR BRING FILMS TO ALL H 1 PER 1UU ROLL ROBINSON'S KODAK STORE S HAYWOOD ST. ASHEVILLE, N. a : UnmicuL Stock, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Mon ev New York, New Orleans, Chicago and Foreign Market News. CHICAGO . GRAIN QUOTATIONS. WHEAT Open. Close. September 87 87 December 90 .90 May . . . 96 95, CORN .1 September 76 , 75 December 72-, 72 May . ..... 73 7S OATS September ... 41 41 December 44 44 May ... 47 47 MESS PORK per bbl. January ...19.85 19.87 Vi May ... 20 00 19.97 LARD per 100 lbs. October 11.10 ; 11.15 January ... 10.87 10.90 May .11.07 11.07 SHORT RIBS per 100 lbs. October HOB 11.02 January 10.45 10.45 Dreamland Theatre I May .....10.62; 10.60 I Amalgamated Copper Amer. Beet Sugar . . . Amer. Cotton Oil : . . WALL STREET GOSSIP, New York, Sept. 12. Technical con ditions favored the brisk advance in - .u. vwiw. stocks, which continued "u8n "lAmer. Smeit. & Refining forenoon, mere w "uunj ... dv' news to stimulate the market and the rise apparently was due mere 'v to lt stronir nosltlon. A considerable short Interest had hieh built ud" on the strength of the unfavorable Interpretation placed upon recent political, financial and crop conditions, and when these Influences hegapeake & Ohlo lost tneir potency uem woo pelled to retire their contracts with the tide of prices strongly against them. Investment demand kept pace with th improvement in sentiment, and the market began to answer to a re newal of operations by large specula tors. Outlook for a largs wheat yield was responsible for the broad demand for the western stocka Coppers in the- uD-swlng.- Gains of a NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Close. ; 78 .. 29 .. 44 .. 69 Amer. Sugar Refining 114 Amer, Tel. & Tel 130 Anaconda. Mining Co. 39 Atchison B Atlantic Coast Line 122 Baltimore & Ohio 96 Krooklyn Rapid Transit 89 Canadian Pacific ,227 . . 60 Chicago & Northwestern 128 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 106 Colorado Fuel & Iron 33 Colorado - Southern 2 Delaware & Hudson 160 Denver & Rio Grande 19 Erie 29 General Electric i Oreat Northern pfd . . Great Northern Ore ctfs. Illinois Central Interborough-Met. point were numerous and some stocks I !nterb0rough-Met pfd rose considerably more. Bonds were steady. ' New York. Sept 12 There was active buying of the Harrlman stocks, which lifted them large fractions at the opening today. Through the list In'ceneral changes were unusually small. Offerings were well taken and the' undertone was firm. Reading, which opened slightly lower advanced nearly a point on the first lew trans actions. Virginia-Carolina Chemical rose tw?neaaing Inter Harvester . . ... . Louisville & Nashville. Missouri Pacific Mo., Kans. & Tex..... Lehigh Valley ....... National Lead ....... Mew York Central N'orfolk & Western . . . Northern Pacific Pennsylvania People's Gas Pullman Palace Car . . and a half. Orlnjn ef Ragtime. . How dlJ we U'glu to rnctlmet Old. playgoers will , revolted' His Bollee' brothers, wlio mm over In lbs early cluutlus and san plantation souks In raKtlms to hanju sccompiinltueiiL And ears before this there wu the ramohs "Jluierow" sodb and dsnc bmuglil ova' bf' Dsn Rleu. lbs Brut "nlRirer" minstrel. Ths early plnntatlonf yoiijjs were at oos tlms, thought to be folk ones -brouKbt -frotu Africa, but th generally aetwtrtod theory Is that thej wers picked up by the oejrroe frou ths rerlvul preachers. But ths Curiously marked rhythm of the mclodjee-rag time Is of oudoubted African origin. London Spectator. Buy your Home-Muds Cake and Candy from ladles' Auxiliary of T. M. C. A. tomorrow, at Southern Tlckrt office, . NEW YORK COTTON. New York. Sept 12. The cotton market opened lower this mornlns, owing to lower cabins and reports thai southwestern ralhs were helping the Texas crop. Opening wns barely steady I Wnbnsh at a decline or 12 to n. r. Vi Western Union irreguiaruy ine mtrnv na;u i 10 net lower. Trade advices from abroad were considered unfavorable. Includ ing reports that South German weaves would go upon short time this winter. Selling was more or less general with the market nervous. Ktop orders were uncovered on th early decline, but after showing a net loss of 20 to 22 points tv martet rtiadted on the western belt forecast for colder weather and rallied 7 or 8 points toward midday. A New Or 1 rum authority estlmatos ths crop al 14.14 3,000. intimated receipts today 16,000. 147 128 35 110 16 3 109 138 30 22 165 44 98 105: 113 113 125 161 168 17 27 Hock Island Co, Rock Island Co. pfd Southern Pacific 4 Southern Railway .: 24 Union Pacific United States Steel ...... 4 United States Stel pfd ........ . 109 ., 4 NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. Open. Close. September 1M0 October i 1-S November December January February . March . May ... . IJune ... July ... . In 3 Reels In 3 Reels TOMORROW . , , a "THE BEATEN PATH" . v. ... Diary of , . . ' , CHESTER RANDOLPH THORNE . OAST: ' Barbara Lacalles Hall Miss Tennant Chester Randolph Thome O. A. C. Lund Randolph Thorne Alec. B. Francis His wife Miss Stuart George E. Lacalles Hall , Will E. The American Eclair company has again distinguished itself by producing a feature that is par-excellence from ; the viewpoint of scenic splender, artistic producing and most superior acting. MIbs Barbara Tennant has again demonstrated her talent as a photo-play artist and her interpretation of the part of Barbara Hall will un doubtedly bring forth many landatory" remarks from patrons who have learned to love this popular Idol of the Fort Lee Studio.' ! That no expense has been spared in the production of this most In tensely interesting picture Is most apparent when the first scene hag been reviewed. ! A series of sensationally thrilling incidents succeed one another from start to finish. ; .' 1 ' " " ,. 12.80 13.67 12.74 11.81 12.84 12.84 12.9H994 13.96 Si' 97 13.891990 12.8889 U.77W78 12.71080 12.87K9 12.92 n 12.14 OM 12.94096 ' ' CHICAGO LIVEfff OCK. Chicago. Sept. 12. Hogs, receipts 16.009, slow, mostly five cents under last night's prices. Bulk of llles 7.0!T'.40! light 8.3609.01: irlxsd 7.Mt9.06; hoavy, 1.4601.66; rough, T.467.70r 4.J6OI 60. Cattle, receipt 1600; dull and weak. Beeves (.6093.25; Texas steers, 6.10 W ".80; Western steers, 7.15; slockers, and ftedurs 6.407.90; cow ' Hsw They tews Cao 'Othei ' "Yes." said Miss Passay. ."he's, so awfully lndulRtUYf bore. Be Was try ing to find out my age' the other day, so I Just up Ind told blm I was fifty. That settled him.1 " "WeH," ''replied "MUe-'Peppfty, "1 guess It ta best-to b perfectly frank with a fellow like that '-PhlUdelphla Press. , j 1 ff M J ' ' r L '' '- AT CLASSIC TODAY , MME. REJANE In "MME. SANS GENE" A OENTOIE TREAT J