r- ' - "---I - - - - rrW," September 12,;1913f. GIRLS! BEAUTIFUL, CHARMING HAIR, Frank Browne, Miss Dorothy Lee Browne. Frank Browne, Jr., and Rob art Browne all of Florida and Mi3s Lulu Harris ot Georgia. ;EJ. EQSHERT WILL TRY I CRSGARETS" RELIEVE IFF 25 : GENT , I ... I DANDHL DID ERIN E MEMPHIS FOUIILE. Miss Maybehe Blggart of New Tork is a guest at the Battery Park hotel. sick, m mm Miss Mary Tennent has; left for Greensboro to take her position as as' Try this!D0Uble3 beauty Of cesslve oil and In Just a few moments I Jstant registrar of the State Normal yu nave aouoica the beauty of your I -"ese. . .. . . . . . i.. . your nair ana stops it falling out. Your hair becomes liRht, wavy, fiuffy. abunilant and appears as soft, lustrous ana Deautuui as a young pirl's alter a Dandorlne hair cleanse." Just try this moisten and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one pmall strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and ex hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once, dandruff; cleanses-uurifles and inviu. dandruff cleanses, -purifies and incig orates the scalp, forever stopping itch ing ana inning hair. Hut what will please you most wil' De arter a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair fine ant1 down? at first yes but really new hair, growing all over the scalp. II you care for pretty, soft hair and Ion oi h sureiy get a 25 cent bottle o Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug' mst or toilet counter, and Just try it Associated Press Operator of Move acids, gases and clogged nxitxinnnnnDnnna OCIAL HAPPENINGS Personal Mention, Meetings ot Societies DnnnnnnnnnnDnnnnnnnnnnn Pulloso McDowell. i j On Wednesday evening, September 10, in Grace church, Morganton, Was held the marriage of John W. Mc Dowell and Miss Rainsford DuBose. The church was beautifully decorated In palms and white and pink flowers, pink and White being ; the color scheme. . The church was crowded with friends and relatives long before the appointed hour, and when Hardie Turner began the Lohengrin wedding march, all were eagerly awaiting the bridal party. First come the ushers Victor Johnston and, Neilson Falls; then the dame of honor, Mrs. Isaac Avery, In white, satin and pearls, car rying a bouquet of pink rosea and ferns; then Miss Florence .Miller of AsheviUe with Walton Avery, Miss Abbijean Miller of Florida with Rich ard Giersch of Raleigh, and Miss Elisa Pearson with Frank Brown of Jack sonville, Florida. Miss Lulu Harris of Macon, was maid of honor, beautifully gowned in white crepe metier and lace and carried pink roses. The bride's dress, was crepe metier and lace trimmed With peals and grace fully caught up with orange blossoms. The bride carried a beautiful shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and wore a bracelet of pearl lilies of the valley, a family heirloom. : She en tered the church with her mother, Mrs. DuBose, who gave her . away. Mrs. DuBose wore a handsome crea tion of black net and lace over ivory satin. - The bridesmaids dresses were of white crepe metier draped with pink roses, and pink slippers. They carried bouquets of pink roses and ferns. . The bride was met at the choir step by the groom and the best maji, McNeely DuBose, brothi.r of the bride. Bishop Junius Moore Horn performed the rrremnnv and Mr. Prentiss was in the chancel. Just after the ceremony the immediate wedding party returned to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Avery for the bridal reception. Delicious refreshment of chicken KKl.id, sandwiches, coffee, ice cream and cakes were served. The cutting of the bride's cake caused much ex citement among the bridal paTty. Be sides the bridesmaids and ushers, those present were: Mr. and Mrs. McDowell, father and mother of the groom, and Joe McDowell, his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Avery, Mrs. Johnston, Bishop Horner, Mr. Prentiss, Miss St. Pierre and St. John DuBose, and Stanley Avery, Mrs. and Miss King of Sewanee. X I), A. R. Membership. At the September meeting of the D. A. R. to take place with Mrs. Harmon A. Miller, many matters of more than usual importance will be taken up and a full meeting la anticipated. Among this year's enrollment of tho D. A. R. ore the following ladles of AsheviUe, all of whome are expected at the com ing meeting'.' Mesdamos Charles Will ing Beale, S. E. Bolton, Albert Bunn, .1. A. Campbell, R. F. Campbell, Her bert J. Cartwrlght, E. C. Chamber, M. K. Child, J. M. Oudger, Jr.. Edward P. Child. Tench Ooxe, F. R.' Hewitt, F. A. Hull, Thon.aa 8. Rollins, Emma J. Wiley, Lillian B. Cover, M. E. J. Messier, F. E. Mitchell, Harmon A. Miller, Lyon L. Lee, Charles A. Moore, Theodore 8. Morrison, Ell Mus tin, L R. Piatt, J. F. Ramsey, J. E. Raj, Thnmaa Settle, J. Ravenel Smith, M. E. Htocktop. I. C. Waddell, Jr., 'Thomas WooldrK'g . Joseph Tate, J. K. Sllversteln, and the Misses Emily Campbell, Laura Carter, Eugenia, Johnston, Grace McH. Jones, Eleanor V. Morrison, Ethel Itay, Hattle Scott, snd Connie Price. The state regent of this organisation la Mrs. William N. Reynolds, and the local officers are: Revent, Mrs. Theodore 8. Mprrl eon; vice regent, Mrs. E. C. Chambers; secretary. Mliw Hattle Scott; treasurer, Mrs. 8. E. Bolton; registrar, Mrs. C. A. Moore; historian. Mrs. M. E. Child: chaplain, Mrs. Thomas Wooldrldge; and honorary chaplain, Mrs. J. E. Ray. The board of managers consists of the officers and Mrs. John A. Camp bell and Miss Grce McH. JCnos.. - sV K Morganton Note. Correspondence of The Oaxette-News. ' Morganton, N. C, Sept It. On Tuesday. Mrs. Isaac Avery was "at home" In honor of her sister, Miss Malnsford DuBose. The entertain ment was a reception and linen show ' r. The parlor and hull were taste ' fully decorated with autumn loaves . and whits hydrangeas, .and lighted with randies. Tho library was dec- ted In pink and white, and the Misses Amy and May Carter left on Tuesday for Raieigh, where they will attend the Meredith college, Captain and Mrs. Graves and their laughter, Mrs. Gunston of Montgom- ry, who have been spending some time in New Tork, are expected from that city shortly and while here will lie guests at the Battery Park hotel. D. H. Murphy of AsheviUe and Miss Bonnie Baskette were dinner guests of last evening at the Battery Park hotel. ;, Corporation Commissioner W. T. Lee of Raleigh Is spending a few days t his home In Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Waddell, Jr. have returned to their home on Grove 3treet, from a trip to Michigan and Jther states. Rev. Father C. M. Hall will hold a mission for a week at Glendale, O., for the Sisters of the Transfiguration. . t ', ' Envoy Clifford Forbes of the Salva Hon army, who made many friends during his stay in AsheviUe, has re urned from the Toccoa Falls institute of Toccoa, Ga., where for the past year he has been a student. After a Gazette-News to Go With Commercial Apepal. wasts from liver bowels. and many and exquisite wedding present were aispiayea there. The square piano was covered with beautiful cut glass, while several tables held the silver and beautiful china. The din ing room WAR riaonrntarl In ntnl, white with centerpiece of pink brides' ve y ,Dr,el V1B 11 "e 6 " ruru wm Fall Shoes, All Styles Much to the regret of those with I Get a' 10-cent box now whom he has been' associated, E. A. I That awful sourness, belching of Goshert,' who fr almost a year has I acid and foul gases; that pain in the been handling the Associated Press I pit of the stomach, the heartburn, wire for The Gazette-News, leaves to-1 nervousness, nausea, bloating after morrow for Memphis to take a simi-1 eating, , dizziness and sick headache, lar position with the Commercial Ap-1 means a disordered stomach, which peal. Mr. Goshen is known as one cannot be regulated until you remove of the most .efficient, men in the ser-lthe cause. It isn't your : stomach's vice. He has made many friends In I fault. Your stomach is a3 good as AsheviUe who Will also reirrot that helanv is leaving. I Try Cascarets; they immediately I fftVOr 11 S W'itll a look, J'OU '11 remain to ljUV Mr. Gosnert is not departing rrom I cleanse the stomach, remove the sour. Our bag display of Full shoes is nothing short of a beauty show, the modern styles appeal to every woman, in fact if you Our cash prices Ash.evilte because he does not like the undigested and fermenting food and appeals to all who wish to keep Ul) appearances aild down ex place. On the contrary he is very well foul gases; take the excess bile from 11 1 1 11 tllunturi tlrlth IHA mnlltlttlln fnf 1rtnnll tlin nnJ .... nfV tV.A nnntnnt I J. r i i ..... . . . . -es .eclaliy With ihe basebaH amuse: waste ma ter and noison Trom the PmSe- L'nCCS 10 to SR.&O. ments: and were the season not ended I bowels. Then vour stomach trouble I I It is very doubtful if he would makeis ended. A Cascaret to-night will the stir. Despite the fact that Ashc-l straighten you out by morning a 10- ville did, not win the pennant, ?ir. I rent box from any drug store will Goshert will maintain with heat that keen vour stomach sweet: liver and bowels regular for months. Don't CASH SHOESTERS ON THE SQUARE luiHei uiv cmiuien men nine in sldes need a good, gentle cleansing, too. . . . ... ' . . Nichols Shoe Company door by Mrs. Ed Alexa.. Jeri and Miss Janie Pearson, and the dainty white packages were deposited on a table just inside the door. Several times during the afternoon the . presents were taken Into the parlor and opened amid acclamations- of delight. In the dining room delicious sherbet and enke were served. About 150 guests called during the afternoon. In the receiving committee were Mrs. Avery, Miss Du Bose, Miss Miller, Miss Harris, Miss Miller, Miss King, Mrs. MacDowell, Mra DuBose, Mrs. King. On Monday night. Miss Elisa Pear son entertained in honor of the bride- elect, Miss Rainsford DuBose, and the bridal party. About 50 young people spent an enjoyable evening at the ap propriate game of hearts. When the guests were ushered into the dining room they found the table decorated in pink roses, with a brides' bell In the center. A large cake decorated with a miniature bride and groom gave a wedding-like appearance to the decorations. . Mf, and Mrs. Settle Entertain, 9t X Dr.' I-lalstead, chief surgeon of the Johns Hopkins hospital, is expected shortly in the city for a Visit here and will be a guest at the Battery Park hotel. . Mr. and Mrs. S. Prieleau Ravenel, who have spent the summer traveling In England uml on the continent, have returned to their home In Balti more. Raby Tennent, .. Edwin j Hartshorn, and Allen Williamson left this week to attend the University of North Car olina. . Mother Deplanck, Madame Monk and several young ladies are expected to sail from Europe tomorrow and will return to AsheviUe, where St. Genevieve's college will open Septem ber 17. Miss Mary Alice Tennent, who has spent bIx weeks with her mother, Mrs. Annie Tennent, left yesterday for Greensboro to begin her duties at the State Normal college as registrar. Miss the Mountaineers were the best team in the league and will back his Judg ment appropriately on this point. Mr. Goshert, long before the season start ed, began vigorously kicking for a season pass to the games and he never missed a contest so far as the official scorers know. Toward the last of the season the umpires would not think of beginning the game if Mr. Goshert had delayed In getting there. How ever, he was never delayed. Of course they have reasonably good baseball facilities at Memphis, but Mr. Goshert is extremely particular about his baseball amusements; and if he should be assigned to a seat in the grandstand that he doesn't like, or if he should not be pleased with any considerable portion of the personnel of the team, AsheviUe fans will not be surprised to see him back here next season sitting in the press box and imploring the visiting pitcher to give Holland a "fence ball." HOBART STATON Hon, and Mrs. " Thomas Settle enter-I Tennent graduated at that school last tained yesterday at luncheon at their I MaV. . Her friends here regret that handsome home, "Orton" on Pearson I she is leaving. drive, in j honor of Mrs. Augustus! i St Shepard of New York, formerly Marie I Raby Tennent left Tuesday for Recs of this city, and In honor of Mrs. I Chapel Hill to enter the medical Davidson of Augusta, 'who is spending I school. Mr. Tennent is very popular part of the season In AsheviUe. The I here and his friends predict for , him luncheon table was decorated In a I great success. Frenctr-comblnatlon' of pink and Mm t " - ' W W ? beautiful flowers of these shades from I Miss Annie Tennent will leave in Mrs. Settle's gardens being used fori few days to begin her studies at the this purpose. Covers were laid for I State Normal college at Greensboro. twelve guests. The luncheon was I Miss Tennent graduated at the Ashe- Young Son of Mrs. E. S. Staton of East I Flat Rock Drowned at Christ School.' STATE CONVICTS TO GO According to information received I in the City late last night, Hobart I Staton, son of Mrs. E. S. Staton, of I East Flat Rock, was drowned Wed nesday afternoon in the Christ school lake at Arden. Hobart Staton was 16 I years of age and had been a student at the school for the past two years, only recently enrolling for the fall I term. It is said that he and another boy were in swimming, when Staton is thought to have been attacked with cramp and went under before lid could be brought. The boy was said to hnve been a. &ood swimmer. The funeral services will be held I this afternoon and will be in charge I of Rev. M. Shelton of the Methodist church and Rev. R. N. Wil on 3f the Episcopal church. AsheviUe Motor Club So Ad-I I vised by Governor Craig Meeting Last Night. very enjoyable and successful as a compliment to the two charming guests of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Settle's guests were: Mrs.. Augustus Shepard, Mrs, Davidson, Mrs., Tench Coxe, Dr. and - Mrs. Arthur S. ' .Wheeler, Mrs. Cameron Waddell, Dr. and Mrs. Ed ward ' Parker of Charleston. Dr. Charles Hartwell Cocke and Arthur F. Roes. Miss M. L. Snyder of Lexington, Ky., and A. H. Peak, also of Lexington, were united In marriage yesterday In the parsonage of the Christian church, Rev. P. H. Mears, pastor of the church, officiating. : The bride and her mother have been guests in Ashe' villa during the summer. After a few days at tho Langren hotel, Mr, and Mrs. Peak will return to Lexington, where the former is engaged In busi ness, being among the prominent man; ufacturers. . ; . W 'W A social event of the week of more than usual Interest was a progressive dinner party given by Mr. and Mra Philip 8, Henry; Mr. and Mrs. Duff Merrick, Mr. and Mrs. Lyon, Dr. and Mrs. Charles 8. Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Vance Brown. The party motor ed from house to house and the. last course was taken at ''Zealandla," the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry, where dancing was also enjoyed, WW Mrs. George Williamson, entertained at luncheon, at Grove Park Inn. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ty ran of Palm Beach; Mrs. T. B. Handy of of beth W W This evening the usual Friday night dance will occur at the Battery Park hotel. WW The weddlmr guests from the Du Bose-McDowell wedding of N Morgan ton, who accompanied Miss Florence Miller home and who will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon A. Miller at their home on Montford avenue for a brief period en route to their respective homes are: Mrs. vllle High school lost June. W W Relatives here of George Pennell have Just learned that he has beert elected president of the law class of 1913-14 at Wake Forest college; and he Is also a member of the students' senate of the school W W Miss Genevieve Thebold, who has been viBiting In Chicago, Richmond, Ind., and Cincinnati for six weeks or more, has returned to her home on West Chestnut street. W W Charles Mlllender has left for the University of North Carolina. WW . The AsheviUe Country club is being represented in the Knoxvllle golf tour nament by Clarence Hobart and H. B. Stevens, Jr. WW Miss Bessie Hinton of Raleigh Is tho guest of friends in AsheviUe. WW Mrs. W. S. Hyams has as her guests, at her home on North Liberty street, her two granddaughters. Miss Maud and Louise Green ot Old Fort. The Ashevlllo Motor club will co operate with the AsheviUe and Bun combe County Good Roads association In arranging a program of entertain ment for the visiting delegates to the Southern Appalachian Good Roads as sociation, which meets hero Outob'T .2 2 and 23. This was decided at a.meet lng of the ciub ttst night, when fres ident E. C. Chambers and F. Stike leather of the local good Toads orsan- Ization appeared and usked that this co-operation be given. The president of the club will appoint a special com mittee within a few days to assist in the arrangements. A letter, which was enthusiastically received, was read at the meeting last night from Governor Locke. Craig. The communication was relative to the work to be done on the Madison county roads, arid it was stated that state convicts will be put on the work Just as soon as they are available. It was stated further that the convicts would have been put there sooner but It was considered necessary to put them on the Hlcoky Nut Gap road, and there was not a sufficient number available for both, projects. Dr. Carl V. Reynolds and Dr. Eu gene B. Glenn were named at tho M. Webb Co's Opening. This week has ushered In the first I fall openings of the season. ' The M. Webb Co. had yesterday I their usual early display of fall and winter millinery. The variety of the imported models I and chic tailored hats was enthusias tically accepted by the most fastidious I buyer, who, with little, effort, found something particularly suited to her I own individuality. This autumn's showings indicate I that the hats are to be both small and I medium rich colored velvets and plushes holding supremacy, black the I reigning color and feathers the domi-1 nant trimming. One of the Btriklng things shown by the M. Webb Co. was a tete de negre velvet and fitch fur set, consist ing of hat and muff, which, together! with the many other novelties dis played, created great interest. It I M. WEBB CO MILLINERY IMPORTERS JL Lyerly Motor Co. AUTOS FOR HIRE by the day, trip or hour. Reasonable Kates For Stylish Togs Remember, please, that the HIGH ART Expert Tailor is with us for two days, Sept. 12th and 13th, with a superb line of large samples for suits made to order. He will give you his very best attention and guarantees an EXCELLENT FIT. The cloths and the many new shapes are most attrac tive; Also please remember our large line of Fine Clothing for men and for women HIGH ART for men Verite for wom en. The cuts and the cloths are those in favor with critical New York people, than whom there are none more exacting. Big Bargains in Men's Der by Hats and in Soft Hats: Knox $5.00 goods at $3.00 and the grades lately sold at $3.50 at only $2. Heywood, R. & H. Bert, and Reed Fine shoes in generous supply marked at a close profit on.. II. Redwood & Co. I NOW OPEN meeting last night as the membership Phone 1651 10 W. College St committee for tho coming month, and Wyatt Marsteller was elected to mem bership. Governor Craig was unani mously elected as an honorary mem ber. . . ' Cake and Candy sale tomorrow at Southern Ticket office, benefit Ladies Auxiliary of Y..M. C. A. IETETIC t TF.J.M Uiscui-x I The French Shop EXCLUSIVE GOWNS, COATS, ETC Woman's Exchange Rldfe. Haywood Street. SMOKELESS OIL HEATERS ' $3.45 and $4.75 each. perthTmboy n'y MuBEia! t take off the chill indoors in the cool nijrhts and mornings m winiamson.' " '' that are just upon us there is nothing better, nothing more economical than a good oil heater. Now is the time to get one, and enjoy it all winter. J. H. LAW, 35 Patton Ave. CLARENCE SAWYER REMOVAL NOTICE W. W. Young Is now located at 68 Patton avenue, opposite poBt office, I where he is better prepared to serve I I his trade. HAIR CUTTING 25 CENTS CENTRAL BARBER SHOP Children's Work a Specialty. Fall Hats SPROATS Oates Building. Credit COMFORT , GOOD HEALTH AND ICE Ice is tlie open sesame to summer comfort and good health Phone 72 for sup ply. ASHEVILLE ICE CO MISS CRUISE'S SHOP Manicuring, Shampooing. Hairdressing, Facial, Scalp. Massage and Chiropody. Com plete line of hair goods. Phone 16. 23 Haywood St ATCO LONG TIME CREDIT PliAN Makes Automobile Ownership Easy. AUTO SALES CO. No. 17 American Nat Bank Bid. SCHOOL SHOES The stout, sturdy kind that children admire and that please parents because good and re liable, 1.35 to $3.00. MUMPOWER 17 B. Mala M. Sells tor Cash, for Less Are You Building or Going to Build Soon? In either case ws would like to figure on your wiring. Wo'lt do It Just as cheaply as Is consistent with our quality of work. Every Job guaranteed. Olve us a call. J. M. I1EARN tt CO. Phone for Demonstration 1893 AMERICApvT JTjjl underslung NJ BLUE RIDGE MOTOR CO. 62 So. Main St. f Special; SALE 589 LUCKY OPALS 10 cents in between and '$2:25' Arthur M. Field Co. COOKING APPLES Tart and good size ones. 20o per peck YATES 6 McGUIRE Phones 1715 and 1716. : 37 Haywood Street Dutch Bulbs For Fall Planting We are now prepared to sup ply Dutch and Roman Hya cinths, Darwin and Mixed Tul ips, Freeela, Chinese Mly. Cro cus. Narcissus. . Daffodils and Jonquils. We Import our bulbs direct from Holland and In this way secure a bettor quality of bulbs. For Christmas flowers start now; for Rprlns; blooms plant after frost and the earlier the better. EVERYTHING IN. DRUOS AND 8EED3. ? y Grant's Pharmacy Lanareth'i Gardes SWEET POTATOES are plentiful with me, they are fine. B.J. JACKSON Phone 86-101. City Market AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT Kcw 5 end 7 pass. Cars jslglit-sedint trips to all point of Inter est In and arouml AsbevUle. AUo trip, to Blaolt Mountain, Hoo drmonvtlUs, Bunsot Mt nd other nearby points bl (Wffjl lU"d perUmcrri drivers. Rate reasonable by hour or P-fJl' day bight. " '4'im..-.... I OWENS UNION AUTO SERVICE HUGHES TRANSFER CO. Tt-nrilrc Quick Service .V, Phone 1405 l A UlllVJ 01 ' f

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