8 it, . :-' it '! V1' : i i. 3"Ml ,1 ! Pirns err v,' : - . . s . ........ .'-r m irtttvtt.t.ti! TETTE.NEWS t' Oh, What's the Use! Mutt Never Was a Dog Catcher II I I I-1 111 III II 11 I II ' llll ( SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR CITY - TAXES. At twelve o'clock noon Friday. Oc ' tober 3. 1913, at the court house door In Ashevllle, N. C, I will sell at pub lie outcry to the highest bidder for cashpursuant to the laws of the state of North Carolina and the city of Asheville, all the lands in the city of Ashevllle on which the city taxes for the year 1912 remain unpaid.. The list of lands to be sold and the amount of taxes due thereon with cost of adver tisement to be added as required by law, is as follows: FIRST WARD. Abbott, Laura, lot No. 1 108 Haz sard street; tax $1.55. Aiken, Jane, lot No. 2 12 Poplar street; tax $2.75. Arlontl, Joe, lot No. 273 College street; tax $23.25. Bates, Edgar A., lot No. 5 100 Ridge street; tax $3.47. Below, Katie, lot No. 3 4 llazzard street; tax $2.55. Dias, John, lot No. 4 16 . South Beaumont street; tax $5.42. Brown, Julia J., lot No. 8 65 South Asheville Alley; tax $1.65. Church, J. D., Est, lot No. 1154 Dundee strett; tax 53.10. Clevcnger, Kate, lot No. Eaarle Terrace; tax $18.60. Clowney, Lewis, lot No. -281 1-1 ll Knob street; tax $9.92. Cook, Elisa, lot No. 1 1 Mountain street; tax $10.00. Corpening, Harvey, lot No. 3 115 Sassafras street; tax $3.20. Doby. Amelia, lot No. 1 156 Ride street; tax $6.20. Downs, John, lot No. 5 125 South Beaumont street; tax $7.13. Duckett, Collier, lot No. 598 Max street; tax $10.85. Duke. B. L.. lot No. 5 175 H Valley street; tax $11.62. Evans, Amanda, lot No. 4 13 South Beaumont street; tax $4.65. Flack, Wm., lot No. 220 Hilde brand street; tax $21.70. Foreman, Wm., lot No. 1122 Circle street; tax $4.65. Forney, Wm. C, lot No. 3 72 Clem mnns street; tax $1.57. Gondlock, Chas., lot No. 359 Mountain street; tax $3.87. Hall, Bessie, lot No. 1280 Eagle Terrace; tax $38.75. Jackson, Harriet, lot No. 1 164 Ridge street; tax $1.35. James, Ed., lot No. 5 186 New street; tax $5.00. Joneti, Roue, lot No. 4 2 Hazzard street; tax $1.49. Jordan, Louisa, lot No. 3 84 Alley street; tax $9.23. Kelch. Bettie, lot No. 3 60 Moun . tuln street; tax $6.20. Mackey & Hamlet, lot No. 1186 TIaide street; tax $3,87. Martin, Caleb, lot No. 2 58 Vi Mountain street; tax $4.14. Martin, Phoebe, lot No. 3 24 Pop lar street; tax $8.53. " Mattlson, Andrew, lot No. 5 105 Ridge street; tax $14.57. Miller, LaWRon, lot No. 5 1 Pine street; tax $10.07. Moore, Jan. K., lot No. 1112 Haz zard street: tax $5.90. Morris, Wm., lot No. 2 17 Moun tain and Poplar streets; tax $9.30. McDonald, Thomas, lot No. 3 125 Sassafras street; tax $5.74. McDonald, Mary M., lot No. 2 44 Pine street; tax $3.57. Mcdill estate, lot No. 1237 David son street; tax $23.25. Nelly, Lizzie, lot No. 3126 North street; tax $4.65. NeilKon, J. R., lot No. 1161 Ridge street; tax $1.64. Nichols, Iee, lot No. 2 29 Pine ktrent; tax $9.76. Nipaon, Jno. W., lot No. 6 120 South Beaumont street; tax $11.24. Oglesny, Thomas, lot No. 1 12 Mountain street; tax $50.41. Tearson, Jessie, lot No. 2 45 Pine etreet; tax $14.72. Propst, Thomas, lot No. 3 80 Alley; tax $4.35. Prvsock, W. M.. lot No. 4 32 Curve street; tax $3.59, Reynolds, Mattie, lot No. 1 162 Knoh street; itax- $2.32. - Slmonton. W. M., lot No. . 118 Mountain street; tax $3.20. Hlms, Jan., lot No. 810 LHbetter Ktreet: tax $10.85. Surtderth, Dock, lt No. 69 Alley; tax $1.48. , Todd, John, lot No. 1 200 Gibbon B'rrt; tax $12.J. Weaver. Bailie, Est., lot No. 822$ Weaver strelt; tax $2.07.v, SECOND WARD Alkln, lire. Margaret, lot No. 3 "North etreet; Ux $7.75. Arthur, John P.. lot No. 417 Mountain Road; tax $18.75. ' Atkins. Ella B., lot No. Illllitlda street; tax 71 cents. 8A Maker, Mrs. J. A., lot No, 10475 Hillside street; tax $49.59. Hanke, Lizzie, lot. No. USA Mad ii" n avenue; tax $1.56. Peatior, Monroe, Int No. 17 $0 Al li y etreet; tax $5.4$. , - Mrown, W. P., lot No. $ It Merrl xiv, n yen lie; tax $26.17. Mr Kitty, M No. 1 15 Out raj. avenue; tax $24.08. i CnmpbeU. Rev, C M., lot No. -o I'tinHmKil etreet; tnx $14.0$. lvl, John Riley, lot No, 16--6 7 Clmrlotle street; tax $11.86. , newnrae, H. M. Eat., lot No. I It ( v., eireot; tax $13.95. i iounr, J. T.. lot No. It ltt (.'('tent ,.treit; tnx UO.JO. I nrr, "S m., lot No. , 11 5$ 8eley ! !"" filt fit "ill ikM V.'. I"t No. 1$ -114 tux ia.7, Fitzpatrick, R. L lot No. 4116 Orange street; tax $31.00. Gentry, Mrs. L. S., lot No. 6 49 Seney street; tax $17.82. Gibson, Mrs. E. J., lot No. 5 45 Seney street: tax $17.98. Havener, R. A., lot No. 618 Hill side street; tax $19.70. Hendricks. P. L., lot No. 554 Hoi land street; tax $15.00. Hendricks, Mrs. Laura, lot No. 6 33A Holland street; tax $9.30. Hoover. Mrs. H. T., lot No. 6 85 Center street; tax $2.32. Kruse, Anna, lot No. 10 100 Jose phine and Merrimon streets; tax $31.00. Lemmons, Mary Jane, lot No. 9 1 Coleman avenue; tax $6.51. Leanard, John, lot No. 5 57 Eloise street; tax $4.65. Lindsey, T. H., lot No. 115 Wat son street; tax $17.05. Lindsey, Mrs. H. A., lot No. 1 79 Woodfin street; tax $12.40. Lindsey, Mrs. V. V., lot No. 11 129 Louisa street; tax $8.60. Lodors, R. H.. lot No. 10132 Broad street; tax $6.34. Loomis, Mrs. Nannie G., lot No. 16 20 Charlotte street; tax $43.01. Malloy, Mrs. M. F., lot No. 3 26 Merrimon avenue; tax $317.75. Martin, J. H., lot No. 419 Liber ty street; tax $77.50. Maxwell, Mrs. Bessie M., lot No. 3 24 Merrimon avenue; tax $24.34, Mitchell, T. J., lot No. 5146 East street; tax $8.14. McLoud, Mrs. Ella S., lot No. 3 14 North Main street; tax $77.50. Penland, W. A., lot No. 5144 East street; tax $27.51. Purefory, Dr. G. W. lot No. 1 86 Spruce street; tax $187.32. Reynolds, C. G., lot No. 2 86 Or chard street; tax $17.05. Rhinehardt, E. T. et al., lot No. 4 76; Madison avenue; tax $4.65. Rhinehardt. E. O. and L. F., lot No. 17 40 Unnamed street; tax $2.32. rromnson, K. P., lot no. i us uaK inu vvuuuun airceis, ioa iuv.vu. Schell, Mrs. Azor, lot No. 1812, Woodfin street; tax $2.97. Setzer, Mrs. Etta, lot No. 1 3 North Main street; tax $54.25. Smith, L. U, lot No. 6131 Fulton street; tax $10.85. Smith, C. A., lot No. 666 North Main street; tax $23.25. Sorrels. Mrs. Mary E., lot No. 16 77 Charlotte street; tax $29.96. Templeton, W. G., lot No. 17 90 Furman avenue; tax $9.30. Vaitine, J. C. M., lot No. 105 Coleman avenue; tax $1.65. Weston, Mrs. Sarah A., lot No. 16 53 Charlotte street; tax $116.25. WThltesides, Mrs. Jennie G lot No. 10 120 Josephine street; tax $5.81. THIRD WARD. Avery, Tempe, lot No. 9 139 Pear son drive; tax $20.75. Baker, Mrs. J. A., lot No. 1153 Haywood street; tax $116.22. Bourne, L. M.. lot No. 8 50 Pear son drive; tax $38.75. Bourne, Mrs. Emily C, lot No. 2 88 Bearden avenue; tax $46.60. Buckner, L. M lot No. 4101 North Main street; tax 75 cents. Collins. Coraetla. lot No. 3 94 Ocala street; tax $4.30. French Broad Power Co., lot No. U. : Riverside drive; tax $15.50. Glenn, Mrs. Ellen, lot No. 16 58 Atkinson street; tax $19.38. Greenlee, Georgo L.. lot No. 15 20 Hill street; tax $13.57. Howell, Chas. T., lot No. 1461 Hill utreet; tax $5.64. Hawthorne, J. E., lot No. 214 Haywood street; tax $19.38. Hudson, Oeorgla, lot No. 15 19 V4 Hill atreet; tax $2.92. Jackson, Lee, lot No. 9 135 ft Mad ison street; tax $8.85. Jeter, William, lot No. 9 17 Campbell atreet; tax 47 cent , Johnston. D. W.. lot No. 180 Cumberland avenue; tax $67.04. Kerna. Isaac, lot No, 16 21 Atkin son street; tax $5.98. . LipucQmbe, C. C, lot No.,14 69 Hill atreet; tax $19.69. Merrill, A. J., lot No. 1110 Wll liama street; tax $9.30, Morrow, Lemuel E lot No. 966 Gray atreet; tax $5.14. r,, . O'Karma, Clara B., lot No. 6 3 Montford avenue; tax $12.40. Fenlaml. A. M. heirs, lot No. 1 104 reap of 105 Haywood street; tax JS1.00. Penland. N. A., lot No. 1613 Wil liam atreet; tax $1.55. Priestley, glla. lot No. 1311 Hazel aienue; tax $3.20. Reynolds, Mra. Ruth, lot No. 4 143 North Main atreet; tax $12 40. Schmlnke, Out, lot No.. 9179 Un named atreet; tax $11.50. Spurgeon, 8. J. W., lot No. 15 2 Hill street; tax $10.86. Sumn.-r, F. A., lot No. t 4 Mont ford avenue; tax $87.(8. Tennant, Mr. Annie, lot No. 276 Olnke atreet; tax $12.7. Wagner, John A., Jr., lot No. 3 19 Poco atreet; tax $27.90. , Wall, Watt and Charlna. lot No. 1 5 nOA Hill atreet; tax $24.01. ! Whltealde Mr J. F.w lot No, 4 101 Pannl atreet; tax $H1 10. WhltealUe ,Mr Marjr C lot No. 4 107 Panola etreet tax $32.12. Wltlla, A. H . Beatrice and Irene, lot No. 1111 Hlawaase atreet; lax $21.25. . . , rofHTH WARD. Alexander,. Q, H . and O. H ,' lot No. 1 r! Ffttlon .'avenue; tat $114 00. ' Alflsanuei,, Mr. K. F.. lot No. 14 Tia'ton avnue; tna $46t.B0, FHkrr, Mm, J. A., lot No. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, H S Matinee and Night, ? at "The Little Millionaire." . . t a? a? H WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, t a? "Little Boy. Blue." t at ' t THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, , a "Robin Hood." a? lKKa;atatlt:ati;atattlltBtat "The Little Millionaire," George M. Cohan's musical farce, "The Little Millionaire," which is to be presented here at the Auditorium, matinee and night, on Monday, Sep tember 22, is a typical Cohan show, in which there is action a-plenty, a line cast, and, as usual, a very attractive chorus; also there is a very Interest ing story, the opening scenes of which are laid at Huntington, L. I., where Robert Spooner, jr. "The Little Mil lionaire" is about io give a dinner to celebrate his engagement to a lady of the Zig Zag company's chorus. Mr. Spooner. sr., happens along quite un expectedly and as neither the father nor the son can penetrate matrimony without hte consent of the other, the son is sore perplexed until It Is shown that the father is off to lSurope, then the party proceeds and ditto the un folding of the plot. 'The Little Millionaire" is written In three acts, and whizzes along at the lightning speed usually found in Cohan pen products. It Is garnished with manv melodious sone numhers. the charm of which lies In the fact jthat to the usual fascination of his melodies Mr. Cohan has added lvrics that tell an Interesting storv. - - LICENSED TO WED. Charlie Dorld and Bertha M. Swann. A. H. Peck and M. L. Snydr. J. I Palmer and Mlnnlo Dickinson. John street: tax $13.95. Britt. Mrs. M. L, lot No. 6 258 Silver street; tax $3.30. Buckner, Mrs. J. R., lot No. 5 101 Fagg street: tax $2.32. Byerly, E., lot No. 358 Depot street; tax $14.11. Clevenger, J. F lot No. 9 144 Tiernan street; tax $7.75. Conchmah, Dj. Keys, lot No. 9 12 Victoria drive; fex $55.02. Cosby, B. H., lot No. 2 109 Depot street; tax $18.83. Forney, Stanly, lot No. 6 193 Blan tun street; tax $3.75. Forster, Mrs. E. D., lot No. 5 112 lioberts street; tax $33.33. Forster, Mrs. E. D., F. S. anil J. S lot No. 8 70 Phlfer street; tax $12.40. Fortune, C... lot No. 8213 Choctaw street; tax $9.27. Gudger, W. R., lot No. 4 105 Park avenue; tax $3.60. Harper, Joseph B.. lot No. 11 S3 Livingston street; tax $2.09. Harrelson, E. J.. lot No. 84 Un- named street; tax 77 cents. Hudson, Isaac S., lot No. 8 62 Asholand avenue; tax $12.40. Hughes, R. P., lot No. 11 86 South- side avenue; tax $27.90, Jones. G. N. lot No. 314 Alley tax $6.20. Mngsmors, L D' lot No. 7 IS Hamilton street; tax $7.85. Ledford. D. C lot No. 418 Buxton street; tax $11.62. Llttlejohn, 8. A., lot No. 11 119 Alley; lax $2.79. Lockman, John,, lot No. 11 102 1 iMHea, aireei; lax lll.iv. Love. Tom, lot JS'o. 11 132 French Proud avenue; tnx $1.65. Lyman, Dr. A, B. estate, lot No. 5 87 I pot atreet; tax $4.65. Miller. Albert, lot No. 11134 French Broad avenue; tax $1.91. Miller, James V., lot No. 2107 South Grove street; tax $7.82. Momtt, D. A., lot No. 1139 Un named atreet; tax $6.97. Monk, Fred., lot No. 11 888, RIack street; tax $10.85. Moore, Arrh,. No. 10 143 Curve r.trcet; tnx $10 07.. McMirhitel, Henry.- It No. 2 1 Couth Grove atreet; $24.02. Owena, John, lot No. 7 Choctaw atreet; tnx $3.21. Parker, Alex., lot No. i 194 Alley! tan $4.6$. Perry, C. R., lot No, I 50 Blanton t'-reet: tax $11.74. Philip. William, lot No. 1119 Livingston street; tax $10.40. Powell, Ella, lot No. t 172 H Mc Dowell trt; tax $1 20. Robert A. U. lot No, 4111 Gird wood ovenue, tax $10.19. Robinson, Jamoa, lot No, 1 64 Al-l-y; tax $3.69. . . . Alngleton, 8. L., lot No, t 1st Abclnnd avenue; tax $7.06. . Hmith, James, lot No. 141A Curve fctreet; tax $11.00. Spiirlln, R. U, lot No. 14 14 Weat Haywood atreet; tax $11.00, Htrotip, Mr L. M lot No, 1111 Cnston atreet; tax $1.11. Tyree, U, R., lot No, 6 80 Eugene avenue; tax 110.16. . Werther P. P., lot No. 7111 Vic (orla roafl; tax $6.41. White, Mary, lot No. t 114 Alley; ltt;: $r.:. Ze!ler, W. R , lot No. 7 tl Ralph street: tat $1.11. C H. BARTLKTT, City Tax Collector. TltAIX OVER MILE LONC. Woiulcrrul Home of Burnum nml Bai ley Travels in live Sections. When the Barnum and Bailey Greatest Show on Earth is packed away for the night and speeding over the rails to Its next point of inhibi tion, it lives In a rolling homo over a mile in length. This wonderful train is divided in live sections.' It is a con gress of nations on wheels, a Noah's Ark of animals and a world's fair of a thousand charms. When the show lies spread out for a day's business it covers fourteen acres of ground. Over it waves a soa of canvas, spotted with ten thousand Hags and banners.' No other show can compare with It in size, wealth or va riety. The spirit of P. T. Barnum, the greatest shovman(who ever lived, still animates its faultless - policy. The wonderful system of James A. Dulley, that has made the handling of' the gi gantic proposition possible, is still in evidence, urging it on from year to year to better and grander achieve ments. , This circus has spent many of its fifty-five years in touring Asia and Europe. This has kept It In constant touch with the lands whence come all wonders. Material for this year's street spectacle was gathered in this way. Agents have searched savage lands, artists and designers have worked for months in the foreign workshops of the show, experts have rnnsacked the art galleries of France and Italy, and the looms ot China and Japan have been busy since early last fall making the silks and s.-itins to clothe the people of the pageant. It has taken two years to turn out the equipment, and the management ha spent $1,000,000 on It. All strange types of the hu!i.,n fam ily are found in the three-mile proees. filon, together with their charaetorititlc costumes, weapons, war vehicles, their music, and their Idols. Rich and fan tastic carriages of state, BOTgeims tab leau floats, fairy chariots bearing the myths of childlore, richly draped how dah:;, engines of warfare pagan Im ages, Italian statuary, ;orse fairs, fuiry carnivals, brass bands, barbarian orchestras, tom-tom players, weird pipers, silver chimes, cathedral or gans, siren pipes, chanters, dervishes, Castanet ballets, kirmlss Scenes, fete day pictures, mardl gras pagentry and a thousand other spectacular sights unfold themselves before the eyes of spectators for an hour or more. The show carries Its own dynamo plant, where power Is generated far the various shops and for T000 Incan descent lamps, flaring arcs and a bat tery of spotlights. There Is also a circus postoftice, w here mail Is recelv ed dally from every country In the world. The circus grounds are a city In themselves, with doctors, lawyers, barbers, detectives and artists and ar tisans of every description. In the canvas hotel 4000 meals are cooked and eaten every day in the week. A MOUNTAIN MEADOWS DIN , , FAMOUS FOR 1TB RKACTY Aliunde S.0 feet. , Near A-dievlllo, N. C Located on a hlgb mouutalr aide commanding a .superb view of mountain and valley 1100 Ft. Hgher than Asheville Large number of rooine with private bathn. A delight (ul feature la th open s.'r dining room, overlooking the beautiful Swannsnoa Valley. Vou get the comfort of drat class hotel, with well cooked, treab vegetable milk and cream from our own farm. The house Is supplied with particulars phone 1171 or ad dree. - STREET CAR SCHEDULE ZILLICOA AND RETURN RIVERSIDE PARK DEPOT VIA SOUTHS IDE AVENU1 DEPOT VIA " ' " ':00 and every U minute unUI 11:00 FRENCH BROAD AVE. ' ' ' tinn 5:30, 6:00 a. m. and then every 14 IVLaaUifc --1, tnlntite till 11:00 P- -., 'PW APTlTTV RTPVTT 5:30, S:0 m' then every minute UllAKlAil IE bl&iT til 11:00 p. nv 11:10 cF come TERMINUS through. Return leaves end of Una PATTON AVENUE M " m"uU" EAST STREET -. V 0 ns ,T u mJ"m m GRACE VIA MERRIMON " - 'T ATrvxrTTV tl minute till 10:10 . m Thee every 10 minute till 11:00 p in 1 - 4 0:11 a, ra. and then every It minute BILTMORE ' till 10:10 p. m. Then every 10 mm. j till 11:00 last car, DEPOT & V. ASHEVILLE VIA S0UTH3IDE AVE. ' unday schedule diffet it, ( f. iToelng 'particular: . , Ctr leave quai' tot Mauiur l 00 a m. retura 0:11: ; Car leave Bquar (or Impvi "a Houihslde e. 1:16. 1:10, T:00, 7:10. 1:04 and 1:10 a. m. Oars e Kg' re for Depot via French It road Ava.. 0:16, 1:10, 0:41. t:l. f 41 aol I'll , , Car for Depot leave Kauar 1 both loutheide and frennh Rroed rtrtt oar leave Square for Charlnto street at 0:00 a, m. and every It minutes until 1:10 next 1:46. - ' '. . ' riret ear leave fiiuar for lllveraid 1:10, next 0:41. ' ,, jrirat ear for Went Aahevlll leave Square 1:11, 7:00, next 1:10. With the above exception. Sunday tchsdule commence at 0 a. m. and continue tame a wk d,. . , On evanlnK when entertalnmnnU are In proirree at Auditorium th last trip on all line rtll i from entertainment, liavtn; Equiire at rrtu lar time and holding ovr at Auditorium. Cnr lavre H'tui.re to mt IS. nljjrit tru'o. 10 mlnip ifor sf hflqia of announrfd t-r'-' corps of ninety chefs, cooks, waiters and kitchen helpers is carried, and 1000 people can sit at the tables at one time. The performance in the main tent begins this, year with a wonderful spectacle of "Cleopatra," enacted by a cast of 1250 characters, ballet of 350 dancing girls, grand opera chorus, horses, elephants and camels and a traihload of special scenery. The pro duction Is mounted on the biggest stage in the world. A program of foreign novelties and sensations follows the spectacle. There are many thrillers and a company of fifty clowns supplies the comedy. In the menagerie will be seen the only baby giraffe on exhibition in the world. The circus will be Been here on Saturday, September 27th. It Attended Her Funeral, as a Rule. Leave to attend his mother's funeral was thus applied for by a Lahore Ba boo: "By tho vicissitudes of tlmo my mother yesterday went to eternity, and as a rule have to attend her funeral ceremonies." Times of India. THE JARRETT SPRINGS HOTEL . Commercial anI Tourist. Rate $1.00 per day. Hot and cold Bath Bpeclal Rate by the Week or Month. B. F. JAKRBTT. Manacer DIUahoro, N. C. L. J. Epley, Proprietor. Conveniently located,, near depot Accommodations by . day, week or month. Rates reasonable. ': ' THE OLD TORT INN Old Fort. N.O. MISS ROSA PA1T0N PATTONHOUSI Murphy, N. 0. The best and most reasonable house lu town, good table, clean bcdi and home cooking. Rata $1 per day. WESTDALE HOTEL Bryion City, N. C. Near depot, all newly fur nished. Rates $1 per day. Hot and cold baths. Transit trade solicited. - t u V . L. TEAOUE. Prop. HOTEL EHTELLA ' BRTSON CITY. . Headquarter tot traveling men and lumbermen. Ratea $1 per day Special ratea by the month. Bath room. Free sample, rooms. Railroad eating house fronting- Houthurn depot. Livery In connection. . W. ALMA WTTKKLKR, Prop. wator from good mountain spring For MISS TEMPE HARRIS, Ashevllle, N. C IN EFFECT JUNE 22, 191S :oo. cit. :i . m. :I0 and every 16 mln, until 11 p. m. 6:10 a. m. and every 1$ minute until 1:1$ p. m.; then every T H minutes until 1:41 p. m. Then every IS mlnutea until 11:00. ' l: fc m ,n(J w, mln; ,oU) ii"o p. tl iJtr. By ' '" HOTELS AND LUXURY WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE Mngnificlent Fireproof Structure in the heart of the Business Dis trict. Conducted on the European Plan. RATES $1.00 UP Club Breakfast from $.25 to $1.00. Table V Hole Luncheon serv ed from 12:00 to 3 p. m., $.75. Table D' llote Dinner Served from 6:00 p. m. to 8:30 p. tn.i $1.00. A La Carlo Service at all hours.v HIGH IN ALTITUDE ONLY 2,250 FEET J. BAYLIS RECTOR - -. . Manager ; h - GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARE INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. ' - Visitors to Asheville although not guests of GROVE PARE INN, are invited to dine and inspect the building. - , t , , , Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Par ties, if notified in advance. . Orchestra concerts 3 :00 to 4:00 p. m.. 7:30 to 10:00 p .m . WM. S. EENNEY, Mgr. Battery Park Hotel " ASHEVILLE, N. C " Or EN THROUGHOUT THE TEAR .-i i, t. . TATE SPRINGS ; UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ; REMODELED AND REFURNISHED. No Sickness. Drink Tate Spring "Water for Your Health. -Reasonable Rates,' First-Class Service. v . Tho Sportiest 18 Hole . Golf Course in the Sonth. Come over. . , TATE SPRING HOTEL CO. 4Tate Springs, Tenn., S. B. ALLEN,. Managing Director. I G ANTON, N. C THE IMPERIAL HOTZL KM. GKIFJt, Prop. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED RATES M.0 HOTEL AETHELWOLD BREVARD, N.O. ; RateB, $2 per day. Steam heat. Hot and Cold Baths. Both commercial and tourists. Open year round.- . . CHAS. M. COOX Jr., Proprietor .i j.'il j j ih.,.ji..l i j l-j mmn ij-ju-j-.L-J.-J.''" S wannan o aBer Kel ey Asheville's Most Modern Hot and Cold Running Water or Private Bath in every room. GREEN GABLES ; WAYNES VILLE, N. C. . ' ' - 11 Now under manaKement of M rs. A. S. Keith. A select board inghouse. Closein. Rates A special low eicursiou rattj turn, wnonin, ieuqereonvule stop at t :;; THE ST. JOHN The modern, attractive, big orchestra. You Are InvIM to the Delightful BALSAM HOTE L, Balsam, N. C. : , , Wtuated on th creaenl of th cu luhratod North Carolina mountain, nearly 4.000 foet above level, ltsnurrouncllner are a eerlrs of "x scenlo beauty, and Its aipolnlment Quinine excellent. Rate moderate. Outdoor amiiMement of ell ain" An unrivalled .lac for vacation time In tha land of clear sky, brlak b eet and health In every breath of ulnar air. Kor Information and ratea addrew tirera Uarrts, I Baljm, N. C - BRYSON HOTEL Andrew, K. O.' Tnder nw manaaement. . . Commer.-lal Ileadnuarter Ideal location overlooking on of the mar fc.,eaut!ful valley lb mountain ot Western North Carolina. A modem, refined, homollk hotel Culslna nnxurpnaeeil. Tlntes 1100 pr day. " ' A. ti. HTV-S rr-P- rrt'Jay September -12, - jsn "Bud" Fisher BOARDING HOUSES HKV1LLE, N. C iUOVl THE TEAR EVery where KLECTRIO MGHTS FREE PATH and Up-to-date Hotel. - . . . " FRANE LOUGHRAM, Owner and Proprietor. t i. $7.00 to $12.00. of .C0o to Hondersonville and re ho lei of the town. A high class :.r ' ' are complete for unevcelled service.