' t 1 PAGE EIGHT -Friday, 'Settem THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS i l I I A CHEERY FIRE These cool mornings make for great personal comfort, and for good health too. The coal that will ignite readily, hum steadily and to small ash,. M. & W. INDIAN COAL. Phone 130. Cirolica Coal & Ice JUDGE CARTER TO I atyNews ! TRY HEAVY DOCKET There Are 177 Old Cases and ! 54 New Criminal Term Begins Monday. HEALTH AND FOOT COMFORT Are interminably interlinked the person with healthy, comfortable feet, always has a healthy body and an ac tive mind. GUARANTEE SHOES For ladies and men and child ren fit the feet naturally. I'p to $5. All leathers; some new styles being shown. Guarantee Shoo Store 4 South Mtim St. WASHING THAT WINS PRAISE Is the kind that is done well, washed clean, iron ed smooth, folded ca refill -fy in neat package and de livered promtply, That's NICHOLS WAY. Phone 2000 . Asheville Laundry J. A. NICHOLS, Me. l Colleg. ft It has been announced in a former Issue of this paper lhat Mrs. Armoiof Georgia would address the people of Asheville, on the evening of the lath. In the interest of W. C. T. V. state work. This meeting -will be h-ld in the Central M. E. church, and n large audience is desired. The Lowenbein-Rnttenberg com pany this morning filed suit In the office of the clerk of .Superior court lairainst the Cooper Lumber company I for damages in the amount of $1436. Superior court for the trial of cHm- it la clulmed by the plaintiffs that iual cases will convene hero Monday thov contracted with the defendant morning, tor a two wee ks' term. Judge company for fixtures to be placed In Krunk Carter win preside, he and Bo- a store trey are to open on Patton licitor Robert K. Reynolds arriving avenue and that they were not deliv- here Saturday nteht from Marshall, ered as ordered where they have been holding court j for the past two weeks." The docket that will be presented to Judge Carter is packed with cases. there being 177 old cases On the docket Theodore Lacy. Alleged Defaulter, Said FOOT COMFORT T.arlioa nnrl men's shoes for Fall and Winter. Comfort,'? N0W'S THE TCd Style and Economy, -GEO. W. JENKINS i 18 South Main St I IX IIOXDVRAS. was YOU DO NOT NEED to be reminded this is the time to take care of your flowers. You need a lot of flower pots and jardeneres. We have Just received a car load, prices right. THE I X L STORE 22 Patton Ave. Phone 107 The Electrie Store. Construction Department If you pre contemplating chiingl:. the fixtures In your old house, or If you have a new houiB to have fixtures Installed, we would be glad to have you call and Inspect our line of fixtures and get prices. We are prepared to Install them ou short notice. Dya.no and Motor repair work our specialty. PIEDMONT Electric Co. 4 l'at ton Ave. Opposite P. O. Phone 47S and 54 new ones up to 1 o'clock to day. This total of 231 cases includes nearly everything in the catalogue of crime. Probably the most important case Ihnt is booked to come up at this ti nil of court is that of A. M. West, who shut and killed lr. W. J. C'lontz at Alexander, on the afternoon of! 'August 11. At the' preliminary hear-l ing held before magistrate W. A. James, jr., the defendant was held for Stiptrior court without bond. Two negroes, Arthur Kobinson and Charles -Moss, are held in' jail charged with housebreaking, and their cases will be he ml at this court. Kobinson is alleged -to have entered the house of Clarence Smart on Starncs avenue and to have, stolen an overcoat, which was afterwards found pawn shop, where Kobinson is said to have carried it. Moss is accused of entering the house of ('. it. Watkins, on Spruce street, where he was caught i'V sev eral of the boarders of the house. At the hearing held in police court neither of the defendants made' any statement, and their line If defense is not known. ' Cicui-ye .Matthews, a White man charged with criminal assault, will be tried at this term. It is said that this is the only case of this nature to be in Superior court for a number of years. John Ramsey, a 11 years old white boy. is held in Jail on a charge of arson, it being alleged that he attempted to burn the store of the tllobe Furniture company, on South Main street, sev eral days ago. When Itamsey's case was called in Police court he waived examination and was held to Superior court without bond. Ramsey is well known in the criminal records of the Police and Sheriff's department, hav ing served a term on the roads, done time In the county and city jail and having been setenced to the reform school a number of times. The case against James Lattlmorc Himrod, for flashing checks, will come up for final judgement at this time. Ilimrod came to Asheville claiming to be one of the organizers of an industrial school at Whittier and afterwards proceeded to plan a "pageant beauti ful" which he was to pull off at River side Park during the last of August. It was here he was alleged to have given the bad checks, four in number, Himrod was only recently released from the county Jail on bond. Of the 54 new cases to come before the court, other than the ones already mentioned, are the following: Seven retailing cases in which the defend ants appealed from the Police court; four fuses of carrying concealed weap four cases of carryln concealed weapons, and 11 cases of assault with deadly weapons, Curtis 1 trunks will be tried on, a charge of cruelty to animals, it being alleKcd that he beat a mule to death. The case was tried in Police court, where Rranks received a road sen tence from which he appealed. There are seven cases of a disorder ly nature, brought up from the Police court on appeal, and seven defendants who were charged with iK'ing drui' who appealed to the "big" court. Three alleged violators of the city traffic ordinances will have their case tried at this time. The sheriff's office reports that the deputies have been having remarkable success In locating and summoning witnesses and that everything Is about ready for the opening of court on next Monday morning. The board of county commissioners will meet ill special session tomorrow morning for fhe purpose of arrunglng the jury lists for this term of court. to lie in Puerto Cortei. By Associated Press. Salem,' Ala., Sept. 12. Theodore lacey, alleged defaulting chief clerk of the Alabama state convict depart, ment, is in Honduras, according to a letter received from Arthur W. Don ner, of this city, who says he met Uicey at- Puerto Cortei. Lacey, who us cnurgen wun stealing 'JU,uuu cus appeared last spring. . CHALMERS MOTOR CARS REO MOTOR CARS CHASE MOTOR TRUCKS ALCO MOTOR TRUCKS Best in their respective class Asheville Automobile Co. PHONE S1S-S14 NO. 16-11 8. UEXTNGTON AVM. J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing my Specialty No. S Pack- 6quar ',' Whalers of Norway. Norway's whaling Industry began In lSliS. VIEW BOOKS FOR VISITORS Visitors returning home Bhould carry with them one of our handsome" view books of Asheville and vicinity. Also postcards albums so can illus strate the story of their Vacation in the mountains. Patton Ave. ROGERS BOOK STORE. Asheville, N. C. The Home cf Good Printing. Phone 164. WANTS TRY SOME OF OUR NICE, FRESH HOME-MADE Mason Fruit Jars. Pinw 40c per doz. Quarts 45c per doz. Vi llallon 65c per doz. O. D. ALLISON, 158-tf. Phone 35. CARAMELS THE n T.W TITr! Il?T CAFE AND i new Vjirvnii ivi i oucn STOVKS. Perfection Oil Heaters $3.00 up Wood Heaters $1.00 up Coal Heaters $3.75 up Stove fionrds 2 5c up Coal Hods 25c up Andirons 50c up Portable (' rates $2.00 up r'ire Shovels 5c Tongs 25c Pokers 10c All ttoves put up by expert Free. Brown HARDWAKE CO., Sole Agents for Uenulne Cole's Hot Blast Heaters. 25 North Main. Phone 87. 183-tf. NEAR POSTOFFICIS. PHONE 110. TEA ROOM HAYWOOD STREET up up up SHOES made to order, repairing done quickly. For service phone , I us. Champion Shoe Hospital. 6 Government St., phone 724. 8-tf. I MASON FRUIT JARS Quarts 45c per doz. j ft Gallon 65c per doz. udau-v tiinnWADi? en ! Phone 87. 25 North Main 1 1 175-til oct 1 SAFETY RAZOR Blades Sharpened Gillette. 35c per doz. Durham Duplex 60c per doz. All others .25c per doz. BROWN HARDWARE CO., 25 North Main. Phone 87 175-tf SEEKS POSSESSION OF AN AUTOMOBILE 13 THE TIME To buy yonr new winter carols and rugs. 'PRICES ARE '; REDUCED . ASHEVILLE CARPET HOUSE "f r iTwnn. art I t IM Willi. ' 1 i v Mrs. .Tcie V..W, Ijow filed in the office of the clerk of Superior court this morning a complaint against K. K. Soncrant, in which she asks to lie declared the owner of an atomohile that (he defendant now has In his possession, and she seeks to recomer the sum of $100 for damage which she claims has been done to the machine since the defend ant has hud It. The plaintiff sets forth that on June 10, this year, she delivered to the defendunt one 22 horsepower Hudson 1 automobile, to be hired In order ti pay some bills which the defendant said were against the machine, and the defendant was granted an option to buy the machine at $600. The plaintiff further says that the defend. ant held possession of the machine until August 23 had It for his personal use, hired same by day and nlghl and carelessly used and abused It to the amount of $100. She asks to he declared owner of the machine. STRAW HAT SMASHERS Mfly Youths Arrested and fined In New York for Awwlllng Offend. InC Headgear By Associated Presa. New York, Sept. 13. More' than fifty youths were arrested during the night for smashing straw hat to em phnslze their opinion that the straw hat season was over. In night court early today most of them Wers fined five or ten dollars, The youths for the most part ,worked on trolley ca re. (irent'e VrMt um rM a w fjrlp IV Aslwllle paint Cum Co, lrmrt llMiiiie.KkHlnlo. I, Palm J Chambers & Weaver, Uiy. Phooe II KRISP KRl'ST PIE PLATF.S. 15c each. Brown Hardware Co., 25 North Main St. 183-2t FRUIT PRESSES and Potato Mashers 25c each. Brown Hardware Co. Phone 87. 183-2t 'OR SALE Remember! that One property corner Chestnut and Mer rlmon, will be sold at court house at 12 o'clock, noon, Sept. 20th, by order of the court to the highest bidder!! D. S. Watson, agent. Log Cabin Maple Syrup , Quart, 50c, Half Gallon, 80c. Gallon, $1.50. E C. JARRETT FANCY GROCERIES . VEGETABLES AND FRUITS THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS Store Phones 1920 & 1921. Market phones 2058 & 2059 Citizens Transfer Company ' JULIAN WOODCOCK, Owner FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. Endotned by V. C. T. and T. P. A. The City's Finest Horses Picked In Philadelphia, for pulling contest. Loving Cup and first prize awarded to Arab fed team. '-- '. QUALITY WILL TELL 'OR SALE Eastman (Poughkeepsie, N. Y.) certificate of tuition three months, half price. Address No. 2 Carroll avenue. 183-3t. FOR RENT Furnished, six room , nouse; beautiful grounds, wooded mil, ten minima wulk from square, two blocks from car, $35.00. Or will reserve one room $30.00 No. 2 Carroll avenue, Ardmlon Park. 183-3U FOR RENT 9-room house near car- line $21 per month. C. O. Terhune, room 17, 4s Va Patton avenue. 183-3t VNTED Experienced saleslady. one that has experience In toys and fancy goods. Apply at once at Illombcrg's. toy department, 17 Patton avenue. 183-tf. - Ill OUR LIGH Autumn i; Breezes Whisper Stock your coal now and le prepared for cold Winter days. Too, be sure that you buy MON ARCH, it's the best that's eoal. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 10 N. Pack Bq. .To lay in yont , oi jnnte r eoal. It had now for lew T 'I-later cafe . ; a account of heavy railroad traS BUY M.&W. COAL NOW;:Phone40': i Asheville Coal Co A. M. GOODUKX '' CONTRACTOR AND BUILDIE 3tor fronta and building. ' :oncret work a speciality .'T East Collet. 8U ' ..; - .n MEN'S SUITS AT CUT PRICZS Gem Clothing Stori 6 Patton Ave. Lowenbein Rutenberg Co. '..'; ' : V':.! ;.. " ' - .,.' ' -,'. WILL OPEN SHORTLY IN THE FORMER STAND OF THE v LowenbeinJewelry Go. WITH A FINE LINE OF ' ' " :' ' ' ' ': :' ' Lad ies' Ready-to-Wear Apparel Watch for Opening Announcement TOYS AND FANCY GOODS COMING IN DAILY AT BLOMBERG'S v SPORTING GOODS AND TOY DEP'T. 17 Patton Ave. CHOICE TENDER LAMB MILK FED CHICKENS STAR MARKET PHONES 1917 1918-1111. "We are the successful Caterers to a Variety of Appetites." WORK WANTED Five, rood boya to carry route; big pay. 6 South Main St. l!!3-2t WANTED A competent cook, at once. Elbermar, Victoria Road. Refer ences required. Call between 10 and 1 p. m. 183-Jt XPERIENCED, SUCCESSFUL TEACHER will aid pupils during "study hour" In exchange for room In refined family; coaching pupils a specialty, Address, "Teacher," car. Gazette-News, office. It COOK WITH I WANTED Young lady with experi ence in office work; stenographer preferred. Ray1. Studio. 183-lt GAS REMART.E AGENTS can make 1B0 per month selling health and acci dent insurance. Illg company. Most liberal Insurance, for less money. Write O. H. Mrndenhalt, General Agent, High Point, N C. 111-lOt. rOUNGI MAN to advertise Rogers sil verware. Pay $52 per month. A. A. Cllne, Advertising Manager, 14$ N. Tenth 8t. Philadelphia. 181-81. Asheville Power and Light Co. ' , PHONE 69, CHOICE FRESH CRAB MEAT Large white flakes, fine for salad. ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY , w SWP Fish end Oysters fcy Parcel PosC PHONICS M-ts.m crrY MARKET. NORTH STATE FITTING SCHOOL J. M. Roberts, A. M., Principal Pibj boy. for work elth.r In collete or business. Three teacher, of perienc. Larre beautiful grounds at 167 Church street Three niof boys wanted to llv. at the sclool un der supervision of teacher. ApplT ' onc- Telephon. XIU tt THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Aalievllle, Tf.C - Nn, C9-81 Haywood Street Tlx llVDRO-TIIERMO-KIiECTllA and MtCII.WO.TllEIlAPT, WW1 " for .elected caeca of Nervousness, Paralysis, Hayfever, Malaria, Aflhm. Btomach Rheumatism, Disease, of Women and other chronl. dtoeaH. The BATHS AND MASSAGE toth.pubiio. ekiiifui attendant for both LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Department of the Sanitarium li f Open day and Night. WANTED Traveler: a beginner; sal ary; eorr.l.itsslon and expense mon ey, liberal offer and agreement. J. K. McRrady, Chicago. l3-lt The New Clnthinjr Store WANTED Position as teacher In publlo or private school; primary work and miisle preferred. Answer quick. Teacher. Klttrell, N. C. ' ' . . l8-t FOR BALE RarjnUn, general store, farraln 1f tsken at once; would oonnldir exchange for real estate. . Address,! C, care Caxotte-Ncwa 183-lt ALL SEW MKIK II ANDIKK Bteln-Illoch Bmart Clothe. Orlf fon lirand Clothe. . .,. . , .,. k . . Bates Btreet Hhlrts Boys' Suits ', , Bon" Shoes ', No trouble to show you. , ...18 to LIS $12.50 to g:o . . .IJ10 to ti. . .11.00 to 110. ...$1.75 to 12. .00 .00 no 00 ,75 IS N M (In NEIY-BRUNS CO. Green Bros. Furniture Store WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 45 PATTON AVENUE i TmM I ' HAIR V.-t-y.eV jUL Ostermoor's Dig Offer in next week's iSatimlay Kvening Tost Ye nrft tlie np;nts, nnd pell nt factory vices .,... V. .. ..S15-00 Make up your mind to have iVg.)ol bed. You onn't fli ford to stnrt the day's work feeling lad wlicn $l-rJ-fi() Wl11 buy nn "Ostomoor" EM I

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