fitarday. Cc;'.c:..l:r 13, 1013 TZH ATHZTILtS GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE TTRIS""; r!rnt0Vhh;iT,!LhL"T!C-- CWU and Sweeney. Tlme.l enzo of Vh. 'er- i:4Z" Sheri-, wjcjb, ou reiers- dan. -, burr. Both thw fniB ....... m speak perfect English. i . .1- . Other slnmu.. in .v. I maiiuiu , wcvnunu i, . utner singers In the large cast are' Washington SeDt 13 With veater Joseph Parsons, Jerome Dalev. Sid. .'?-.?..? , Y "yf MONDAY, SEPTEMBER -22, Matinee and Night, - -The Little Millionaire." WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER "T.ItlA Rat TUiia w THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, "Robin Hood." r K It K ( K tt it K t It K R It K K K K K The Little Millionaire.'' Oeorge M. Cohan's fame as a play wright, needs no-boosting but when he wrote "The Little Millionaire" the mu sical farce, to pe presented here with Bert Leigh and Hazele Burgess at the Auditorium, matinee and night, on September 22, he again convinced his public and me cnuc as wen, that when it came to feeling the pulse of the public as to their amusement wants, he could come as near satisfy ing it as any native or foreign author who has operatea on tne American stage in recent years, A Cohan play is always good, clean, wholesome fun, interpreted with tne speed that makes the laughs it Inspires a continuous explosion of merriment from curtain to curtain; then too, "The Little Mil lionaire" tells a coherent story into which the many , fascinating song numbers are introduced and followed by logical situations. They are not dragged in without rhyme or reason on the contrary they help relate the play narrative and , thereby enhance the value of it. . "Robin Hood."- .. n is twenty years since "Robin Hood" was written by Reginald de Koven and Harry S. Smith, nfi jlnce then, both composer and librettist have written . .innumerable other works, but "Robin Hood" stands pre eminent In the affections of both ,the authors and the public. Although this operetta has been played more than h straight ,n four days, WaTh.nVon " i . "l "y. "'"noed to Within one game of Cleve- I u .,, , - " iism ivr second place in ,y line AmfiriOnn iPftTllA nonnant rar.a It Georgi the original Branson and Tillle Salinger. LIKE THE TOWER OF BABEL Thirty-two Languages Spoken In Bar nam and Bally Dressing Booms. R H IS 000 100 0001 4 1 010 301 01X 6 12 3 . Batteries: Blandlng, James and O'Nell; Johnson and Ainsmith. Time, 1:45. Umpires, Evans and Egan. Boston 18, Detroit 5. uosion, sept. 13. Boston was it Aw -Mi ' ' 'A ' $ H I - ' the long end of another big score yes terday, piling up 18 runs to five for Detroit. It was the second batting! carnival In as many days, Detroit hav ing won a big scoring game Thursday. The locals made 21 hits for a total of 30 bases yesterday. 1 Score: R. H. E. Detroit . . . . 001 000 031 5 13 2 Boston . . .' 250 601 04x 18 21 1 Batteries: Comstock, Grover; Lo- renz and McKee, Leonard and Carri gan, Thomas. Time, 2:09. Umpires, O'Loughlin and Hildebrand. as jonngons second victory over Cleveland during the series. He al lowed but four scattered hits, struck out seven and gave one pass. In the field he accepted six chances perfect ly. Milan got four hits in four times tlt . . , ... " u uc dacKBuo wna nurt wniie KO- No lesB than fifteen lnternreters are it, , t. . j...... ot .hi t P h performers f", and Was replaced by Ryan. His of the Barnum and Bailey circus on .condition is not considered serious. uou vi vummunicauon. A trip ' Score -down the little street of the hv niM,iJj grounds, which Is lined on either side Washington "iiu iii iiui ui me periormers, is like a visit to the Pike or the Midway Plalsance of World's Pair days. In that cosmopolitan street are the rep resentatives of thirtyrtwo nations. : One of these dressing tents is known to the show people as "'Little Italy." Anotner 18 called. "The. Streets of Cairo." A third is the "German Vil lage." At the far end of the avenue is found a pollyglot blending of no less than fourteen tongues under one canvas top. This tent is Jokingly re ferred to as the "The Crazy House." The performer who has only English at his command is doomed to silences on that. street, unless he occupies the smallest tent In the little city, where the American and British subjects dress. It Is an all-European show which the Barnum and Bailey management will bring to Asheville, Saturday, Sept 27. Over 300 of the perform ers are making their first trip through America. From Germany come the WIrth family i of equestrians, the Siegrlst-Slbln family of aerialists and Hans Faust, trainer of the great bell- ringing stallions. France sends Ber- zac and his mule and monkey circus, Les Deko and Les Jardy families' of equilibrists, and the Georgetty family of strong arm-jugglers. .v , In Italy was secured' the Fortunl famllyl of comedy bar performers, the four Balton sisters, the strongest and inost beautiful women In the world, and the Donzetti high air vaulters. Miss Bird MUUman, the world's best high wire artist, Is from England, and from Japan there is a remarkable company of fencers, wrestlers and Jlt- su experts The composer of the music for the great spectacle of "Cleopatra," which begins the regularl . perfor mance. Is' Faltls Effendl, an Egyptian and former bandmaster of the Khe dive of Egypt. He leads the orchestra during the enactment of the wordless Play. The Davenport riders are from Australia. . Herr ' Koenlg an his troupe ot sutua-bullding horses, the Derrick and Branda family of eques- tralns and the De Van family of aerialists are from England. In addi tion there are artists from Norway, Persia, Russia, Turkey, Prussia and Belgium, to say nothing ot a dozen Far Eastern countries. The cosmopoli tan aspect of the show spells novel ty In large leltters.' In fact,-, here is a circus absolutely new In Ideas. The forenoon parade is the most elaborate ever seen. . . . . -It lIllUIGIftl Stock, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Mon- ey New Tork, New Orleans, Chicago and . : Foreign Market News. . WEEKLY MARKET SUMMARY, New York, Sept 13. A strong showing was made by the stock mar ket this week under the lead of Union Pacific, which soared over 10 points. The exceptional strength developed by firsts 29 tg 30; firsts 2628. Live poultry steady; western chtcir ensl6417; fowls 14 H 16. Dressed steady. Fresh killed western chlcU ins 17&22 A; fowls 14 H6 19. . -j : CASH GRAIN PRICES Chicago, Sept 13. Wheat No. 2 red 93H; No. 2 hard 89',. H: No. 2 northern 9192Vi; velvet chaff 87 91; durum 87 91. Corn No. 2, 74 76 4 ; No. 2 white 75H76; No. 2 yellow 7676K. ; . Oats No. 2 white 43tt44U; stand ard 43 . Rye No. 2. 67. Barley 60 81. Timothy 4.505.25; clover 9.00 10.75. - Pork 22.60; lard 10.07; ribB 10 37 11.26. " 1 Visit the Always Busy this market leader was due to reports I Ampr. cotton NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper . . ... Amer. Beet Sugar ........ that a cash distribution would be made to shareholders from the proceeds of at I the company's sale of Its Southern Pa- Oll Philadelphia 7, Chicago 5. Philadelphia, Sept. 13. After pitch ing fine ball for six innings Benz weak ened in the second session ot yester day's game and his successor, Russell, Was no Improvement Philadelphia-de feated Chicago by 7 to 6. J Philadel phla used, four pitchers. Plank was taken out in the first inning. : Pennock was relieved in the third and Houck In the seventh. Bush twirled the last two innings. Score: , ' ' R. II. E. Chicago . . 201 000 2006 11 1 Philadelphia . 010 000 60x 7 7 0 naileries: : cena, nussen, ijatnrop and Easterly, Schalk; Bush, Plank, Pennock, Houck and Thomas, Schang. Time, 2 hours. Umpires, Dlneen and Connolly, ' . Buy your Home-Made Cake and Candy from Ladles' Auxiliary of Y. M, C. A. tomorrow, at Southern Ticket office. BASEBALL clflc holdings. The rise In this stock Influenced the market in general. . - Several other influences contributed to the growth of a more cheerful feel ing. The monthly statement of the United States Steel corporation, while revealing a turther shrinkage in un filled orders, made a better showing than was expected. The copper pro ducers figures Indicated that supplies of the metal on hand Were the small est in years. Thee rop report cleared up uncertainty regarding the extent of damage from drought and the ini dicated yield of corn was larger than many estimates.-' Trade conditions were little changed. Money rates held fairly steady with some stiffening of call funds. Bank ers looked for an Increased outflow of money to the interior, in response to the yearly demand at this season. Amer. Smelt & Refining. Amer. Sugar Refining.,., Amer. Tel. & Tel.. . . . ... . Anaconda Mining Co. Atchison Atlantic Coast Line...... Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit,. Canadian Pacific ........ Chesapeake & Ohio . . . . . Chicago & Northwestern Chicago, Mil. & St Paul. Colorado Fuel & Iron.,., Colorado & Southern . . . Delaware & Hudson i . . . Denver & Rio Grande . . Erie ..-v . ; Close. 79 29 44 70 118 131 29 96 122 ... 96 , 90 Vi . 232 . 61 . 129 . 107 . 83 . 29 .161 . 19 , 30 Store Tonight . Many "money saving" specials are displayed on our center aisle tables. Complete stocks in every depart ment from which to SELECT FALL CLOTHES at this time when assortments are most complete. : Oiir Ready-to-Wear Section General Electric ............. 1 4 7 CLEARING HOUSE STATEMENT. New York, Sept. 13. The statement of the actual condition of the clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows that they $5,430,850 reserve in excess of legal require ments. This is an increase of $799,500 from last week. 128 35 110 16 63 108 138 30; 23 157 International League. At Baltimore 4-4; Providence 8-4. Second game eight innings; darkness. At Montreal 4; Rochester 5. At Toronto 3; Buffalo 5. American Association. At Milwaukee 2; Columbus 6. At St. Paul 1; Toledo 3. At Kansas City 3; Indianapolis 7. At Minneapolis 4; Louisville 7. Virginia League. , At Petersburg 6; Roanoke 5. At Norfolk 4; Portsmouth 4. Called at end of ninth; darkness. At Richmond 3 ; Newport News 4. BASEBALL GAMES TODAY. V WALL STREET GOSSIP. New York, Spt." 13. Union Pacific continued Its buoyant .advance when the first time on. this movement On the first .few transactions it advanced to 161 , a gain of 11 There was an active demand fof other leading stocks and the tone of the market was strong. Steel, Reading, and . General Electric rose a point. Canadian Pacific added 3 points to its recent advance and American Tobacco Jumped 3 . Profit-taking sales appeared In vol ume after Union Pacific cross 161, and that stock reacted a point and became quieter. Interest spread more into other stocks, chiefly Reading, In w'lich the shorts seemed to be trying to g'it out. The price rose 2 to 166. Great Northern pfd Great. Northern Ore ctfs Illinois Central . . . . .-. Interborough-Met . . : . Tnterborough-Met. pfd , Inter Harvester . . . . . ; Louisville & Nashville . . Missouri Pacific Mo., Kans. & Tex....... Lehigh Valley ... ... i National Lead ............... 60 New York Central 97 Norfolk ft Western . . ........ . 106 Northern Pacific 114 Pennsylvania ... 113 People's Gas ... i ......... . . . . 124 Pullman Palace Car .......... 151 Reading . . :. ".. . . .... ... ...... 166 Rock Island Co. , . 17 Rock Island Co. pfd 27 Southern Pacific 94 Southern Railway ............ 2 5 Union Pacific i . 160 United States Steel 66 United States Steel pfd 109 Wabash ..: ' 4t Western Union 67 NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. American League. Chicago at Washington, cloudy. St Louis at Boston, clear. Detroit at New York, clear. Cleveland at Philadelphia, clear. Nnrlnnal League. . Brooklyn at Chicago, clear. New York at Pittsburgh, two, clear. Boston at Cincinnati, clear. Philadelphia at St Louis, clear. STANDING OP THE CLUBS. National League. Won. Lost Pet New York, ... . . 89 Philadelphia 78 Chicago '7 Pittsburgh ...... 71 Brooklyn . . . Boston . . . . . . 6 Cincinnati 68 St Louis 47 43. 49 69 63 73 73 80 93 674 .614 .563 .530 .443 .434 .421 .335 Department of Justice Agent Had Been Charged With Black-Mailing Brito. Lrnna Carman with the de Koven Opera Co. in "Robin Hood", Aud itorlum, Thursday, Sept.' 25. .-.(' .-'" 5000 times In this country, and On countable times around the world, It 1 only in the zenith of its popularity. It ii doubtful If ever again such voices , will be heard as are promised in tho big revival to be brought to the Audl' torlum on Thursday, Bepterober 25. The deKoven Opera company comes fter a remarkable six . months' en cagement In New York last season, followed by a successful engagement In Chicago, and a tour of the larger titles. Manager Daniel V. Arthur, han brought together a company of 80, Including many of the best known nr of grand opera of. this country and Europe, as well as several famous tars of musical comedy to interpiet " lighter roles.' Tne chorus was se lected from the grand opera organisa tion! of New York, Boston and Chi o, and the stage settings built on a tale never dreamed of in the days t the famous old Bostonlans. A special orctipntra, under the direction of Jos eph Sainton, Is a feature. Heading th east nf slneers Is En- rl THlll, dramatlo soprano from ths Royal opera, Genoa, who has sung in American League. ' Won. Lost Pet, Philadelphia Cleveland . Washington . Boston . Chicago . Detroit ,, . . St Louis . . New York . 87 80 78 68 70 58 52 . 48 47 67 67 64 68 77 87 84 .600 .684 .678 .615 .607 .430 .814 .364 RESULTS TESTEBDAY. Americas League. wv Vork 10. St. Lonis 3. New York. Sept. 13. New York made It three out of four from St Louis yesterday by a score of 1.0 to 2 , . m W 1 ka. The game was a pucners w - tween Caldwell and Baumgaraner un til the sixth inning, when, with tne score 2 to 2, the visitors' pitcher weak- a .n New York scored four runs. rnlrtwel! was steady In the pinches. Cree had a perfect batting average. Score: R - St Louis ... 100 010 001 I U T. Vrlr . . 106 104 04x 10 18 Batteries: Baumgardner and McAl linrn D XI. inursuay nigm, r , Tf, UVlilvailUU wa The De KOVEN OPERA CO. (Direction Daniel V. Arthur) In the MuBleal and Social Event of The Season ROBIN HOOD With ' ' 1 ' ENRICA DILL! , (Omiid 0H-ra, I'arU and nsgo) ' . - , MMiA Fi;iii:,(1 Ci)RiK J KOTHINGHAM ImpTlal (Iihtu, Kt. lVU-rlmr) (Orlglnni lWtonlans And a Jreat Cnt of Grand Orra Mngi-nt. Owing to the magnitude of this production, which comprises Ishly (rand opera singers, with their oan orchestra, ths msnags nnt win recelvs subaorlptlons by mall In advance. Blanks lor this "purpose win be mailed to the regular patrons Of ths theatre, but ir ou tall to reroive one. and wish to securs choice seats In advance, mak applli nilim fr l.hink at Allison's Drug Wore. the prices will be 60c to 12.00. No higher. Regular sale Pn B'lt U at AUisun a H4-IV ' NEW YORK COTTON. New York, Sept. 13. The buylns movement lri cotton which developed yesterday afternoon on reports that spinners were taking an Increased In terest was lri evidence again at the opening this morning. Reports from the domestic goods markets Indicated active demand ancT there were further complaints' of too liiuch rain on open cotton In the southwest- " ' The market opened steady; un changed to 9 points up, and sold about 12 to 15 points net higher during early trading. Hhere was : heavy realizing about 13c for December contracts. This checked the advance and the market became irregular. ' The market closed barely steady un der realizing with prices 10 to 14 points net higher. Estimated receipts today 44,000 bales. shows the beneficial results of our buyers' trip to the market. Every express has added to this BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION OF SUITS, DRESSES AND COATS. See window display. "J 1"THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU M0NY ( 77, Open. Close. September . .... 13.07 08 October.. 12.97 13.07 08 November . . ... 12.99S13.01 December 12.90 13.02 03 January . . .... 12.84 12.91 92 February ..... 12.92094 March . . ...... 12.94 12.98 13.00 May ... . 12.98 13.04 05 June 13.0406 July .. ......... 13.02 13.0608 CHICAGO GRAIN QUOTATIONS. WHEAT .Open. Close. September ... ...... 88 8814 December 91 90 May .., 96 .96 CORN September 76, 73 December ... 72 71 May ... ... 74 72 OATS September ... ...... 41 41 December ... 44 V4 41 May ....... ........ 47H . 47 MESS PORK per bbl. January 19.77 19.75 May ..: ... ....... .19.95 19.90 - - - - GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. Visitors to Asheville although ; not guests of GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect the building. . . , - Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Par ties, if notified in advance. ; Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m., 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. WM. S. KENNEY, Mgr. FILMS DEVELOPED , 10c PER ROLL MAIL OR BRING FILMS TO , ROBINSON'S K ODAK STORE t HAYWOOD ST. ASHEVILLE. N. C. 11.10 10.80 11.00 : By Associated Press. Washington, Sept 13. G. Raymond Matthews, special agent- of the de partment of Justice, arrested in New Orleans several weeks ago on charges of blackmail In connection with the Brito extradition case and later ro- leased, was dismissed from the gov ernment service today. Lack of Judg ment in handling the Brito and other cases was the reason given at the de partment of Justice for the dismissal which follows an Investigation by A. Bruce Bielaskl, chief of the bureau or investigation. . , The blackmail charges, which were later dismissed, grew out of the ar rest of Emmanuel Castillo Brito, pro visional governor of the Mexican state of Campeche, whose extradition from this country is sought by the Huerta government It was alleged that Mat thews and his assitant accepted $600 n marked bills to protect Brito from arrest CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago,' Sept. 13. Hogs, receipts 9000; steady to a shade undef yes terday's average. Bulk of sales, 7.85 38.S5; light, 8.258.80; mixed, 7.60 8.70; heavy, 7.45 8.45; rough, 7.45 7.70; pigs, 4.758.75. Cattle,- receipts 300 head; steady; beeves, 6.609.25; Texas steers, 6.70 0 7.80; western steers, .007.85; stockers Rnd feeders, 6.407.90; cows and heifers, 3.60 8.50; calves, 8.75 ii.5o. . Sheep, receipts 3009: slow but steady; native 3.40(4.75; western, 3.75O4.70; yearlings, 4.855.70; lambs, native, 6.25 7.60. LARD per 100 lbs. October .11.12 January .....10.87 May ... ... ........11.05 SHORT RIBS per' 100 lbs- October 11.02' 10.87 December ,10.40 10.40 May ... .....10.62 10.67 hi The Normal and Collegiate Institute ' ASHEVILLE, X. C. ' , Under the care of the Presbyter lan church, offers to young women x- cellent opportunities for thorough education. - A faculty of 16 trained teachers gives facilities for thorough Instruction in four courses of study. , ,r . , . , , Board and tuition only $100 per year. Tuition alone, for day pupils, only $30. For catalogue, address EDWARD P. CinLDS, Field Supt. The fall term begin? Sept 17, 191$ MARY F. HICKOK, Principal 147-45t ' -. ' ' . .rrr ,, , ,T -,. LL mrT T ' '. 7 s""! 'TIT" 1 L Weaverville and Lake Juanita SPECIAL NIGHT RIDES Round trio tickets, for these trips only $5c or 20o and a transfer. Tickets sold on Weaverville cars leaving Pack Sq. at 6:30 p. m., 8 p. m. & 9:30 p. m., returning from Weaverville at 7:15 p. m., 8:45 p. m. and 10:15 p. m. WINTER ADVERTISING Sitelldl um,. iiiui, iw "... 1Mkllnu Latindry Phone 70 Ws treat your laundry white. S. H. Hardwick Predicts OoodK.T- creasman, Pres-t. L. A. CREASMAN, Mgr. 1SI6 LONDON MARKETS. London. Sent 13. Money was easy and discount rates were steady today. The slock market ended the week quietly and steady with' Canadian Pa cific and Grand Trunk shares the feat ure on large buying orders due to the crop outlook. Otherwise the move ments were narrow and uninteresting. 1 American securities moved Irregu lar during the short session; The list opened lower but later Canadian Pa cific advanced 2 points and many shares were marked up lri sympathy. The closing was steady with prices ranging from 214 higher to lower than yesterday's New York closing. Season for Asheville The Summer Season. T 1 LEW THE CITY President Taking Short Rest- Secretaries Departing for Various Reasons. s'i: Sr Associated Press. Wahlnion, Bept 13. An exodus of high government officials marks the close of the present week in waaning. ton. With President Wi'ron enjoying 1 brief resnlt from official cares In Cornish, N. H., Secretary Daniels left today for Atlantic City to Join Mrs. Daniels and their two sons. Secretary Wilson leaves tomorrow for the west end south on a speaking tour. On Monday Vice-President and Mrs. Mar shall to to visit friends in Philadel phia, stopplpg at Atlantlo CIIX before returntna. Becretary McAdoo m spend- in. the week-end In New York. Sec retary Houston also Is absent on bust neAS. 1 Secretary Redfleld returned today and will resume control of ths depart iiient at commerce Monday. - Asheville has ths greatest woman orstor of America for Monrtiy tilHht a free lecture. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Sept 13. Cotton, spot dull; prices steady; middling fair, $.00; good mlfldlln, 7.72; " middling, 7.40; low middling, T.18; good ordi nary, 6.52; ordinary, 6.18. Sales 4000 bales Including 2900 American and 300 for speculation and export. No receipts. Futures closed quiet and steady: September. . .... September-October . October-November . November-December December-January January-February February-March . . March-April .... April-May May-June . . . June-July July-August .... August-September 7.06 6.93 $.87 6.81 $.81 (.82 6.13 6.(4 6.(5 6.(5 6.(4 (.82 (.72 Passenger Traffic Manager S. H Hardwick of the Southern railway la In the city today, and In an Interview with a Gazette-News reporter, he said that the fall and winter advertising campaign has begun for Asheville and vicinity, and that the prospects seem exceedingly bright for making this city one of the best fall and winter resorts in this section of the south. Hs says that thw passenger depart ment of the Southern, working in co operation with tho hotel men here, ex pects to conduct such a campaign as has neved before been thought of 1)? Asheville, and that before the end of the season It will be demonstrated to the satisfaction of everybody that Asheville Is an all-year resort city. Mr. Hardwick? also spoke again of the wonderful summer season Ji'st passed, and said that the late reports received from various sections of the south Indicate that the season here was even' bigger than ' was thought several weeks ago. It was far and above anything ever befor known 1n the mountains of western Norm caro. linn. Mr. Hardwick declared.- "But even at that" said Mr. Hard wick, "I predict that there will be twice as many people hers next sum mer than were here during the past one. This section is Just beginning to Biltmbre Plumbing & Heating Co. PLUMBING HEATING GAS FITTING Agents for Acetylene Gas Generators and Compressed Air Water systems - Valves, Pumps. Water Pipe. Terra Cotta Pino. Biltmore. N. C. Plaza Ride. Phone 47. SOUTHERN RAILWAY . c Premier Carrier of the South i fccbedalA Figure PnMlstird as Information Only and Not Guarantnwd EFFECTIVE MONDAY, JUNE , 1911. t i, Eastern Tims Arrlyes from Eastern Tims No. ( Columbia and Spar tanburg- 7:01 a.m. No. I Brevard and Lake Toxaway 11:1 am. No. T Brevard and Lake Toxaway :li p.m. No. I Savannah and Jack sonvllls .......... I:l( p.m. No. 11 Washington, New York, Norfolk, Richmond 1:4$ p.m. No. 1! Cincinnati, Louis- . vllle, Memphis, Bt Louts : P. No. 1$ Charleston and' Co lumbia .......... put No. 11 N. T., Philadelphia, Washington iq:s a.m. No. 1$ Murphy A Waynes- vllle .. : n. No. 10 Murphy A Waynes- , , vllle l:r P-n. Departs for No. 4 No. ( No. I Spartanburg lumbia ... . Brevard and Toxaway ... Brevard and Toxaway 4 Co- " ' 1:10 p.m. Lake ' ..... $:$ v-k. Lake ' c 0:0$ ajn. In the tourist travel for the next few ii,nu is golnc to be something won derful." k, ' : rhlciso fieDt. 18 Butter higher. FRANK PRESBREYi WELL Creameries C25 to 10 to si. Eggs unchanged; receipts " esses. Potato higher; receipts 1 csrs. Minnesota and Ohio, (0 0 6; Jersey, 96ll.0O; Wisconsin, 76186. Poultry unsettled. Springs 16; fowls U. NO. II Waynesvllls ...... cot am. strike Its stride, and the development J No. II. Ooldsboro and Ral No. tnv. hsvlna arrtvsd t.ere last nlitht Mr. Presbrey Is an , old friend of the h,m.-n v-n t-nra I uitv of Asheville. having r.ccn a rau new iorn, opih. ' " " ' ' . . ifi,i . . ... r, inn iiita 1 . 1 1 v aiirinir ins wiiitvr kwwh- -.r:..F r ho, ;. M, flnt rm hr. th u-hoi. SUtt" whole milk, fresh, whits .hd golf w?" j 1.. 1 c luh wai flh hd. And h Bthtefl toflny F.ggs sieady; receipts U.0 cass. that he will play ever It for ths first Fresh gathered extras Slips; extraMlme this aftrrnoon. KNOWN GOLFER HERE Frank Presbrey ot New York, who u one ef the best known figures in k miiir inlf circles of the coun 1. A.h-tit. vl.iior for s short No.101 Bristol. K-noxvtlls irj, " V . . .. . . It.ll m elgh ....J. 7:40 P- T Charleston and Co- . lumbia :$ (. No, 1$ Cincinnati and Chi- caco icis s.n. It Washington, N. Y. and Richmond ... 1:40 am. 1$ Memphis. Chatta- aooga and N, O... (;6( a.m. 41 Atlanta, Macoa aad Nsw Orleans . .j..,ll:l T:V0 a.m. t:0l p.m. I l a in. 1:10 ,7:56 p.m. 1:10 a m. No. 10 Savannah, Jackson- t t 1 villa :1 P-B No. 11 Cincinnati, 1 Saint Louis, i Memphis ' : " Louisville .,,...1. 1:01 p.m. No. II Washington, ' Ns Tork, NorfoP and r v- : , Richmond .J..f. 1:11 am. No. 14 Atlanta A Charles ton y. . No. 1 N. T.. Philadelphia, Washington No. 17 Waynesvllle and Murphy ... No. l Waynesvllls a h d' Murphy . . . No, II Waynesvllls No. II Raleigh and. Golds bora ......,..... No. 17 Chicago A Clncln-' . hut! t:(( P m. No. th Colunvbla, Charlei- ' ton 10:11 am. No. II Memphis, Chatta- nooga A New ii. , .10:10 p.m. No. K Washington. I'ch- ' ' mond and N, T-' i ... 7:10 a.m. No. 41 AtUnta. Mm'un sod New Orleans . ..1. :(( p.m.. No.101 Brlstoi, Knoxvllls A '', . ChSUftnootta 7;1 am. H n.t.I....t. .inln sra dail. to o d from New York. Philadelphia, Paltl- mors, Washington, Richmond, Norfolk, Charlcaton, Cincinnati, Memphis, Jacksonville, Savanah, St Louts, Uutsrllla, Atlanta, Macon, Blrmlnsham. Montgomery and Augusts, ' - Through obalr cam Uoldsboro and Waynesvllle, also to pansnburg an4 Augusta, ' '.' ' ' .. '1 Full dining oar asrvloo trains wot. s, is, 11, is, , "" I No. I No. No. tna ear Nos. 16 snd II. A. H. ACKER, City Pasa Tkt A U J. U WOOD, Dl. Pasa AfV 0