ML ASSOCIATED PRS83. WHAT ALL TBS WORLD DOINO T0DA1. voLxvnv SULZER CEK Impeached Governor An nounces He Will Not Ex ercise Official Func tions until End " of ' : ' Trial. WOULD BAR EVIDENCE OF MISUSE OF FUNDS Claims Assembly Is Without Power to Impeach for Acts before He Became . Governor. By Associated Press. Aiiwuy, , Kept, 23. D. Catly Herrlck, counsel for Governor Sulwr, announced at the outset of today's bps. nlon of the high court of impeachment that, the governor would cease hence forth to exercise the functions of the executive office until the termination of his trial. r:-. Aioany, im. jr., sept. 23. Further attempts were made today by counsel for William Sulzer, Impeached gov ernor of New York, to, prevent the mory of the governor's alleged misuse of campaign contributions from being tom on uic witness stand. Defeated yesterday by a vote of 6 to 1 on their motion for dismissal of the Impeachment on-the ground of Its unconstitutionality, the governors counsel today offered a motion to strike out the three articles of the im peachment charging him with tiling a false statement of campaign contribu tions and with the use of funds 'for speculation In Wall street. , ine motion was prepared by D. Cady Herrlck, who argued that the alleged offense were, not lmpeacha hie on the ground that they were com mitted before the governor was sworn Into office. - Former Senator Edgar T. imickett waa appointed to reply in be hulf of the assemblymen. His brief held In substance that the lifts of a candidate for political office during a campaign and after he has become an officer-elect are so inti mately connected to the actual hold ing of the office as to be inseparable. It was believed today that the de cision of the court on this question whether affirmative or negutlve, would make possible the beginning of the actual trial of the case tomorrow un leu something unforeseen arises. Eugene Lamb Richards, of counsel for the managers will make the open ing address outlining the evidence to be presented. The taking of testl mony will follow Immediately. One of the leading Sulzer lawyers, Judge Irving O. Vann of eyrucuse, was forced to return home today on account of illness. His brief in sup port of the contention that the assem bly was without authority to Impeach for effenseswhlch occurred before the governor assumed office was read by one of the other lawyers. Nearly all the members of the court were In their seats when the crier, at the direction of presiding Judge' Cul- It-n, sounded the familiar "hear ye, hear ye." "The court having overruled the motion of the respondent," said Judge Cullen, "to dismiss the articles of Im peachment on the ground that the as sembly had no right to prefer the charges at an extraordinary session. It now becomes Incumbent upon the re toondent to make answer to the charges." ' , Governor Renounces Claims. Judge Herrlck, chief counsel for lovernor Sulier. then took the floor. He announced that in view of the fact that the court had refused to dismiss the proceedings, the governor would renounce his claim to the right to ex ercise the functions of governor pend ing the termination of the trial.-. "When these articles of Impeach' went were first presented." said Judge derrick, "the governor was advised hat there was doubt about the legal ity of the proceedings and for that reason he declined to step down from his office. Ever since the recent de- rldon of Supreme Court Justice Hae hrouek. Yullng that he had not the "xht to pardon a prisoner, he has ceased to exercise any of the functions ni offlcs. Governor Sulxer will Perform no function, of nvrnnF In 'he future pending the termination of "is trial." Big House Fired By Suffragettes "field Hon,,, xomr IJTcrpool, Suf fers HKl.noo Damage from the , "Amm Squad." By Associated Press. Liverpool, England. Sept. 2-t. Suf 'rsseltes set lire rrly to.lay to Sea nld house, at Heafroth. four mlh-s nnl"1""' of Il''l'"l. causing 1400,. ,," "smsge. The members of "rson mimd" 1, ft a quantity of tho lllf- the lltelHto n. : rewn shout The I i e-nv " i:., t I us, (1 un & 4 OFFICIAL WORK ATTTn niTxr LEAD FOR SIWkIbWN TO HOTEL Contest Is Likely to Be Close, ite-Legislators Frankly Freight Rate Special to The Gajsette-News Raleigh, Sept. 23. Walter Murphv and T. a Bowie will be the principal contestants tonight for speaker of the house to succeed Judge George W. Connor, with - W. H. Weatherspoon running third. Both Murphy and Bowie expressed confidence today, but indications are-that the Salisbury man will bo selected. - legislators here today frankly ad mitted their ignorance of the freight rate question and say they are waiting for enlightenment. Mr.nv of them .not anticipating trouble. -. . Governor Craig today Issued a re quisition on the Governor lof Tennes see for Wiley Black, wanted in Ashe ville for skipping out without paying court costs. , ' r Raleigh, Sept. 23. Governor Craig will.stand before fhe business men in mass meeting assembled tomorrow ttfternon and tell them what he thinks of the latest proposition submitted to Chicago "Trunk Mystery May Prove to Be a Hoax Detectives Spend a Night Trying to Trace Box from 'Which Groans Were Emitted without Success Puzzled ' : as to Strange Case. - . By Associated Press. Chicago, Sept 23. After a night of work by a dozen detectives, Police Captatln Storen reached the conclu sion today what had been expected to be a "trunk mystery" was probably a hoax, perpetrated primarily for amusement on Louis Bram, driver of an express wagon, but which acted on the hoaxers with greater effect. Bram last night told the police a stary of two ..mysterious, men wearing false muL'Uches hiring him to remove a trunk from a Westside alley to an CURRENCY BILL Complete Revision of Its t - framework Is Proposed Complete Revison of Its myer's Views. ' . By Associated Press. Washington, Sept 2. Complete revision of the frame work of .the ad ministration currency bill was pro posed by Senators Reed, Hitchcock and Prlrtow today during the examir nation of Samuel Untermeyer before the senate banking committee. . , Heed end Hltc'cock have vigorous ly assailed certain provisions of the house bill. Today Senator Reed ad vocated what he culled the Hitchcock plan, which would entirely eliminate from the proposed system the entire .scheme of regional reserve banks and substitute a government Issue of cur rency, to Individual banks on commer cial paper backed by a 60 per cent gold reserve up to 75 per cent of the apltnl stock of each Individual bank. That would be in addition to the pres- nt name note issue. Senator Reed, In a long speech ad- ocntlng the plan, criticised thb re gional bank, plnn as making the Indi vidual banks "subservient to a com bination of banks." Mr. Untermeyer optioned the Hitchcock plan as not of fering enough security to the govern ment for tho Issue of currency, The committee was unable to conclude the questioning of Mr. Untermeyer today and he will return Monday. - MONTGOMERY WARD IS IN SERIOUS CONDITION By Associated Prws. Chicago, Sept. 2S. Montgomery Ward, head and founder of the mall order firm bearing his same and for many years known as the "watch dog" of Chicago's lake- front, Is In a serious condition at his home In Highland Park, as a result of an injury sustain ed yesterday when he fell and frac- ured his hip while In the bath -room of his residence. The accident was ue tp a fainting spell. He has been In poor health for several months. Today he was reported to be In crit ical condition. ENGINEER IS KILLED IN 'HEAD-ON CRASH By Associated Press. Sanford. Fla., Sept. 21. In hesd- n rolllHlon of an Atlantic , Coast Un nnseriKer train sml a light enKlne thl.i lornlin,', nenr here, VnKlneer Hrysn !m mis Mlleil. He Is a son of r-uu ii,!, i, llh- Jns of the - Allan- I I lie of 11 Itoth !' pi ,IIV met ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 23, 1913. i but Sahsburv Man Is Favor- Admit Ignorance of the Situation. , . ' the corporation commission for a set tlement of the freight rate contro versy. This was his announcement yesterday. ; The governor would not even allow newspaper men to make a guess as to what he would say unless they guessod for themselves. He did hot appear to be as worried as-one In his position might be supposed to look,-and appeared not to be taking the thing too seriously; , v The governor Rnent mnot n ti- n.. r- ........ V' . but; UUJ u leviewing tne accumulation of opin ions received since the proposal' came to him- C. W. Williams, employed as nn expert by the legislative rate commission when that body was try ing its luck at securing an adjustment, went over the details with the gov ernor today. The proposition has as sumed greater proportions since that time, the eastern and northern In bound rates and western outbound rates having been Injected and now appearing as a part pf the agrement, automobile truck some blocks away. From this trunk Bram said he heard muffled cries and detectives were put to work on the theory that kidnaping or murder was being done." Enough evidence was discovered to point strongly to the work of practical Jokers,. Including the fact that' the driver of a blind horse should be hired to take a burden to an automo bile truck which could have done the work more expeditiously alone. j. The official investigation was order ed continued to save a chance of a serious mistake. SCHMIDT FEIGNS LUNACY SAY THREE PUIINS All Who Examine Ertwhile Priest Assert He Is Sham : ming Insanity. By Associated Press. New York, Sept. 23. Hans Schmidt, the erstwmie prfest and confessed slayer of Anna Aumuller, was visited in the tombs today by three physi cians. One was Dr. Michael Erlweln, a member of St. Joseph's church, of which the prisoner was assistant rec tor. The others were Drf John H. Branth and Dr. Charles W. F. Horn. All expressed the opinion that Schmidt is not Insane but Is shamming Insan ity. ' . New York. tSept 23. The aged father of Johann (Hans) Schmidt, self-confessed murderer of Anna Au mlller, has decided ' to come to New York from his home In Aschaffenburg, Germany, according to a dispatch re ceived here from the German town last , night. .The parents of - Hans Schmidt still hope to find that the accused priest Is not their son, ' Two alienists employed by District Attorney " Whltmun will examine Schmidt probably tomorrow. . It Is understood that one of the tests of the priest's mental condition will be In taking him to the morgue and asking him .to Identify the recovered por tions of the woman's body. Practically the entire case against Schmidt now rests on the question of his mental responsibility. CITY, MANSLAUGHTER Defendants Convicted of Kill i ing: Lee Wells Were Tried Three Times." Special to The Oasette-Newa. - Wuynesvllle, Sept 2J. After hours consideration of the case 24 of ttoberson Rogers and Waldo Mc Cruoken, charged with the killing of Lee Well at Clyde several months ago, the Jury today at S o'clock re tursed a verdict of guilty of man slaughter. Sentence has not been psssed. Wells whs killed st s school entertainment. It was reported st the 'line Unit he was Intoxicated end thai the tl-:,-n,l!tnts were trying to arrest t'i;n, Mrfnirken nnd ItoKi-rn rmve 1 n I I thrre times f,.r the kllllllk'. i 1 ( r- hi In in isi 1 1 , ' VVJV'.' H U U hfl , KILLED Indianapolis' Merchant Shot , and Gashed by "W. R. Anderson" Who Said, He Was a Salesman. ' jdNE OF SERIES OF , CRIMES SAY POLICE Similar Attacks Made Many Business Men on in ; Middle West Slayer ; Makes Escape. By Associated Press. ' Indianapolis, Ind.. Sept., 23. The bodyVjf Joseph Sehlanaky, a merchant, was -found late last night In a room at a local hotel which hud been occu pied W a 'iman who had registered as W. K. Anderson, Louisville, Ky." A strong cord had been tied around the merchant's throat and he had been shot through the . 'head. Anderson, who said he was a salesman, called at 'Scfilonky's store yesterday and asked him to go to his room In the hotel where he said he had some goods to show the merchant When Schlonsky failed to return last night his family notified the polloe. . After having killed the merchant the murderec washed his hands' in the lavatory washbowl, as it was filled with bloody "water. The merchant's watch and about $20 also were miss ing. '. The slayer '-deft two notes In which he said he liad started to rob the merchant and then killed him. , ."Anderson," Joseph Kills. , Louisville, Ky., Sept. 23. The mur der In Indianapolis last night of Jo seph Schansky,; a merchant who had been lured to a rotjm at a hotel by a young man gtytg the name of W.. R. Anderson, Is believed by the local po lice to be one of a series of crimes al leged, to have been committed recently in eastern and middle western cities by Joseph Ellis, alias Robert Duncan, son of a .arpet manufacturer of Rich mond, Va. - i . Two robberies In this city last week are charged to young Ellis by the po lice and a bloody suit of clothes which he sold to a second hand dealer here 'U being held by detectives. . . Ellis alfo has been Identified from a photograph as the man who recently committed a daring hotel robbery in Pittsburgh, where he gave the name of Fred Brokaw, alias Boley, alias White.-- Stickers on a suit case car ried by Ellis Indicate that recently he has been In Boston, New York, Cleve land, Columbus, Toledo and Cincin nati. ' " Young Ellis was taken Into the home of a prominent Louisville man when the latter discovered him cry ing because the naval recruiting offi cer here had refused to accept his en listment. "Why do you 'take me into your home?" Ellis aokod the Louisville man. "I am a stranger and how do you know that I may not get up In the night and rob or kill you?" l)es rlntion Identical. Mr. Raff, who was the victim of a hi sensational robbery In a hotel here I nftrnoon d.elar.rt nd,v i that a description of the mun who gave the name of Anderson In In dianapolis Is identical with that of Ellis who, he declared, robbed him. The robbery of a residence here Is charged to Ellis by the police, and the I finding of the suit case of blood stained clothes leads the officers to believe that the young man was in volved In a more serious crime before coming to Louisville. The woman at whose house Ellis had stayed for several days says that when she noticed the blood on the clothes In Ellis' room he explained that he had been In a fight with a man In a restaurant In New York city. While here Ellis spent much time In the public library reading princi pally books by Edgar Allen Poe and an English writer of detective s'orles. The young man who hud befriend ed Ellis here received a telegram from Jacob Ellis' of Richmond, Vs., In which the latter declined to send money to his son. "I had trouble with my boy In New York, California and Richmond, "read the telegram, "and 1 can't control him. He made me poor, I refuse to send money for ticket." Ellis Is described as about 20 years ef age, about live feet six Inches tall, 130 pounds In weight, athletic build, well dressed and of cultured manners. Ellis purchased a ticket to Indianap olis Saturday afternoon about an hour after the robbery of Raff was com mitted. Anotlicr Similar Murder. Louisville. Ky., Sept. 23. The slayer of Joseph Schlonsky In an Indianapolis hotel last night Is believed by the po lice here to be the same man that lured M. Raff, a local merchant to a room In a Loulelllle hotel last Satur day and at the point of a revolver, robbed him of 162 and a gold watch. The man who robbed Raff register ed under the name of "Robert Dun can, Cincinnati," and represented him self to be a traveling salesman.- He Induced Raff to visit his room en the pretext of showing him some clothing samples he wished to sell. When RIT entered the room the mun drew a volxer and ' forced the imn-hant to turn over sll his vIhmM . Then similiter cut the tei, i .? - v. in-n. , i (Continued ti i i Z ) 1 j . THAW SHEDS TEARS AS LAWYERS ARGUE Fugitive, His Mother and Brother Present as Governor Fel - ker of New Hampshire Hears Argument on Extradi " tion The Hearing Is Informal. By Associated Press, concord, N..H.,- Sept. 23. HariyJ l naw wept today as his counse plead ed1 with Governor Felker not'to ''sur render him to the authorities of New Vorkwho, are determined to return the fugitive to the Matteawam insane .asyium from which he escaped. 1 Seated only a few feet from William 1 T. Jerome, Thaw seemed to follow the arcrtimentu r-l.,ou.l v. . . . ... i. l ; . c uui wiioii iiih eyes were not blinded by his handkerchief they were fixed intemtly on the face of the s-pecial deputy attorney general of Vew York, as though the head of the opposing oounsel was the man to be convinced. By his side sat his mother and brother. Jerome opened the extradition argu ments by merely saying that the dutv of the governor to grant the petition for extradition was plain. .. - ; ' William M. Chase Of Concord1, for mer judge of the Supreme court, and William A. Stone of Pittsburgh, for- Mcfyor Gaynor's Dogs Still Seeking for Their Master ' . ' " ' ; - : ' '. ' ... :. Three Canine Friends Pathetically Follow Paths TheifMas- ter Trod and Ever Seem to Be Begging for Some Word of Him.' . YY By Associated Press. ' New York, Sept. 23. Pathetic in connection with the death of Mayor Gaynor have been the actions -of his three dogs on his country place at St. James, L. I. Ever since receipt of the news of thelr-master's death they have shown that they realized some thing had happened to him. They make frequent "trips "riverte': roads' and paths which, the mayor was ac customed to take on'hls long walks HERE OCTOBER 8 . - ... . . - i : , v- Secretary of State ; Will Be Present on Brotherhood Day of W. N. C.Fair, ' It is prdctlcally assured that Hon, William Jennings "Bryan, secretary of state In President Wilson's cabinet, will be In Asheville on Brotherhood day of the Western North Carolina fulr, which Is to be observed on Oc tober 8, the second day of the fair. There are. always probabilities that something may arise to prevent the secretary of state of the United States .,,,, ., . .... """" "VZ" n " oarring theBB Probabilities, Mr. Bryan will be here on. Brotherhood day. According to the tentative plans, Mr. Bryan will deliver an address at the fair grounds at 11 o'clock on the morning of Brotherhood dny, but no announcement Is made as to what his subject may be. . He will probably ar rive here on the Carolina Special the preceeding evening, and he will be extensively entertained while here.' Mr. Bryan's presence here would make the festivities of the day com plete In every detail .nd would assure the unqualified success of the first big gathering of the members of fra ternal organizations In - Western North Carolina, It has already been announced that John S. Rutledge of Cleveland, one of the foremost lodge men of the country, will deliver an address in the afternoon, 'and that there will be a big banquet In the evening. The coming of II r, Bryan will round out one of the best pro grams of the entire fair week, DANIELS MAY COME Navy Secretary Is tCxpcctcd to Accent ; Mr. Sccly's Invitation to Visit Grove Park. Gasette-News Bureau, " Wyatt Building, ' Washington, Sept. 28. Secretary of the Navy Daniels has been Invited by Frank 8eely of the Grove Park Inn to visit Asheville and be his guest at the finest resort hotel In the world, and Mr. 'Daniels In all probability will accept. If Mr. Dan iels can arrange his affairs at the navy department It Is expected he will go to Asheville the latter pert of October and spend a week of his Vacation with Mr. Seely. Seely Is an old newspaper man and did great work for Mr. Wil son during the last campaign. ' Admits Forgery Charge, By Associated Press. ' Pnvs'iniih, Oa., Sept. 28,-j-N. O. !arneyKa young Englishman Srrfst ed her a few days ago for secur ing cash by representing himself to be E. 11. AU'ns of Selnia, Ala., Tiss confessed (o 'the police that he Is wanted la Kultfleld, Calif., for forg BMWOiNG; ery. - mer , f p.ii.' ...J ' onw. iuey oecupiea an nour ami a half after which an ndloi.rnment until 2 o'clock was taken. This after noon was given to Mr. ' Jerome to "The proceedings were delaved tni,'SCHURMAN DELIVERS morning until thjfe arrival of' Mrs. Felker, who entered the .chamber with the governor and Attorney Gen eral James P.jTuttle In opening' the hearing. Governor Felker said that he was inclined to hear whatever the lawyers had to say and without strict regard to legal technicalities..-'. .''.- ; .,.-'... ' - Thaw's counsel waived the reading of the petition for extradition and Mr. Jerome addressed the governor briefly. He declared the documents asking for the extradition of Thaw spoke for themselves and there was nothing for the executive to do but to honor them. If any attack was to be made upon them it should come from the other side. with his dogs as companions. The most persistent In his search for traces of his master Is Ben, an Irish setter, that was Mr, Gaynor's favorite. Frequently Ben has been seen during the last week with his nose to the ground trotting along in quest of a lost scent, followed by the little Irish and Scotch terriers. On, meeting old friends pf Mayor Gaynor, wen siops ana jooks at tnem with ansfin evolutionary progression to aia expression they declare as if begging for some word from his master. TO PUT UP FIGHT ,G. Asheville Delegation Going to Raleigh to Insist on Better Rates. L. B. Rogers, president of the Bun combe county branch of the North firollna Just Freight Rate associa tion, accompanied by Archibald Nich ols, C. Sawyer, J. L. Smothers, S. P. Burton, W. Vance Brown. W. H. Wes tall and probably several others, rep resenting the ' association and the Asheville' Merchants' association, will leave Ashivllle tonight for Raleigh to attend a big mass meeting to be held, mere tomorrow nigni reiauve to me reduction rt freight rates for the ben ellt of North Carolina cities. This delegation Is going to Raleigh to put up a fight for western North Carolina and will rerjialn as long as necessary, although It Is not thought that they will be required to stay very long In the capital city. Mr. Rogers stated today that west ern North Carolina has never had a square deal: In the fixing of freight rates, as oota pared to other sections of the state, and that there Is still fur ther discrimination against this sec tion in the proposed reductions, only about one-half the reductions being named for the west as for the east end of tho. state. Mr. Rogers said fur ther that this discrimination Is prac tised against western North Carolina because ttie people have never put up any fight, about. It, but that this leth argy Is over and the delegation that goes to B alelgh tonight will see thut this sectlim Is Justly treated. There -was a Joint meeting of the freight rate men and merchants here laet night, when the question of dis crimination was discussed and It was decided then to send the delegation to Raleigh. The mass meeting there will represent shippers from all over the state and will be presided over by Fred N. Tate of High Point, president of the stat Just Freight Rate associa tion.. It Is believed that through this meeting pressure can be brought to bear upon all the railroads in the state to force fa rnrehle settlement of the freight rote question sconce. JUDGE EMORY SPEER IS ILL AT HIGHLANDS "t. Jurist Agslrutt Whom Impeachment tliargcs Are Preferred Suffer ing from ltomstlne TolHonlng. i , By Associated Press. Columbia, S, C Sept. 1J United States District 'udge Emory1 Speer of Macon, Ga., (tA.'nst whom charges of Improper conduct as a federal official are now ponding. Is reported seriously 111 from ptomaine poisoning at High lands, N. C, In ad vices received here today. . Members of tti jurist's family are said to hiive b,n summoned to Ills bedside. k - i -..... .. LAST EDITION Wetther forecast FAIR; LIGHT FROST. PRICE 5 CENTS MB EFFORT Tl Movement Against Albany Boss Is Pronounced in Re- publican Convention o t3Dm , at eW XOrK. "KEYNOTE" ADDRESS Predicts Return of Most of the Third Party to Republican ' Fold at Early Date. By Ase-iciated Press. New York, Sept, 23. The nomina tion of candidates for chief judge anu associate Judge of the court of appeals was the formal task before the repub lican state convention that assembled here today, but the party leaders plan ned to make the meeting one of wider Importance than this duty signified. It was the first republican rally since the last state election and sev eral hew questions confronted the del- ' egates. The answer to these will be embodied In the platform that will be adopted at the session of the conven tion tonight. It became ksown today that repub licans opposed to the leadership of William Barnes, jr., had held an ovei night meeting to urge the selection of Senator EUhu Root, as permanent chairman; an Job E. Hedges, as chair man of the resolutions committee. The delegates, 610 in number, met in Carnegie hall this morning to or ganize and hear the address of Jacob O. Schurman, president of Cornell university, as temporary, chairman, then adjourned until 8 o'clock tonight to give the committee on resolutions time to prepare the platform. ' Professor Schurman's address, an outline of the political situation, cul- i mi nated In an appeal to all believers , in restoring the republiqan' party to power In state and nation. "Evolu tionary progressive" was the term Dr. Schurman applied to republican doc trines to distinguish them from the Ideas of the progressive party. 'Ca tastrophic progressive," was his man ner of. describing the latter. " Regarding the present banishment of the party from national power. Dr. Sehurnyin said: ' "A term in opposition at Washing ton cannot but have the best effects oirthe republican party. The mem bers will have time to meditate on their principles, to formulate their policies, to select their leaders, to compose their differences and to con eecrate themselves anew to high and unselfish public service." 1 Dr. Schurman predicted the return of the state government to republican control and . declared that with few exceptions those who left the party In 1912-,"will be standing under the old banner." He took occasion to oppose the initiative, referendum and recall as negative and deterrent forces" and especially condemned the proposed re call of Judges and Judicial decisions. While approving a federal Income tax In principle, the speaker regarded the plan favored by the democratic national administration as unfair In that It favored the south t the .v. pense of other sections of the country huu purucuiany Kew yorK state. E Recently Appointed Deputy Collector Has Been Made Internal Revenue Agent. It Is learned here that T. H. Van derford of Salisbury, who received an appointment a few months ago as deputy collector In the United States Internal revenue service, has been pro- moted to the position of Internal rev enue agent. No announcement Is made as yet as to where he will be stationed. J. Lee Sams, who has been con-' nected with the department as a spe cial employe for the past three years and has worked In-the AsLevllle divis ion, has resigned his position to go Into business here. He Is a partner In the firm of Waymick-Sams com pany, which will conduct a grocery and feed store at the Hollar stand on Southslde avenue. Ilalhmn Kntries. By Associated Press. New York, Sept. 2S.Elght nations will have two or more representatives In the annual International balloon race that starts from Tuillerles, Paris, on October 12, aceordlng to a com munication of the Flench ollli-lals re ceived by the Aero club of , America and made public today, 'ine tutnl number of entries, the letter sintes, Is 21. Austria, France, Kv.ii-., Hum', Germany and the t:mt.l stMi. H i, , three emit pm f.iikI.-imI, H;iiy i-. I',i-H;hiin ' h. 111 MIES