THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE - NEWS. ?AGS SEVEI C Children Cry for Fletcher's Friday. Octofcsr 10, 1913. HOMES ROBBEDIpfl 1 WEST ASHEVILLE y in. HID MRS.-BHYAN ED' r?' r"--r-r WITH PARTY TO PI5H - -j V 4 t . The Kind You $teve Always jn use lor over j years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-jood " are bnt ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. ; What is CASTORIA 5 Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Par-- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic (substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years It has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation. : Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend ' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (Bears the ThfrKind You Have Always Bought it v In Use For Over 30 Years - . TH CKNTAUR CMPN ma VORK CITV. . PRIZES AWARDED First Prizes Go to Robt. John son City and Harley BrooksMreCounty. Announcement of the winners In the Tetter Babies" contest of the West ern North Carolina fair' was., made yesterday at theValr grounds. Robert B. Johnston, nine months old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston, Grove Park, won the first prize of $50 In sold for a city baby; and Harley L. BrookShire, the young son of Dr. and Mrs. Brookshire of Leicester, , won the two prizes of $50 and $12.50 for the best country baby. The city baby win ner scored 94.7, while the country baby winner scored 92.8. The other winners of money prizes ind medals are: City babies Eugene Carfcind, Jr., two years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carland, 56 Chestnut itreet, second prize (silver medal) with a' score of 94; Mary P. Hayes, 15 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Hayes, 104 Asheland avenue, third prize (bronze medal), with a Mi, HO BETTER BABIES . GALAX THEATRE , "' , . ' . i - . ' TODAYS PROGRAM " ' . "B3NDO CHARM" . "Vltagraph Drama ' "STROKE OP PHOEBUS" Edison Photo Play. -. "THE MAN IN THE STREET" Bellg Drama. f ' ORCHESTRA - " TOMORROW 7 '-nA Bought, and which has been Has borne the Bignatnre of , ana nas been mode under his per " sonal Bnpervlslon 8lnce"Itt Infancy Allow no one to deceive von in this. . Signature of score of 92.8." Country babies Charles Morris, nine months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morris, Brankton, second (brone medal), with a score of 91.8; and Nellie Love Trexler, 29 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L Trexler, Ashevllle, route 4, third $12.6r). with a score of 87.1. . Of the additional prizes offered by merchants of the city, the following 18 are the winners, coming In the order of highest scores: v ' Juanita Lunsford, 92.7; Francis Orr, 92; Katherine Louise Misenhour, 91.5; Drue P. Lawrence, 91.5; Neill David Noland, 91.8; Carl Dewey Williams, 91.8; Edward Eve, 91; Mary Frances Ballard, 91.7; Jimmie Juanita Bailey, 90; Curtis Charles : Ebersteln,-89.8; Clyde Freeman, 89.3; William Fisher Corbett, Jr., 89; Margaret Ella Jump, 88.9; Susanna Artls,. 8 8.8; 'Graham Dale Gardner, 88.1; Pauline Taylor, 87.9; and Barbara K. Reese, 87.9. ; When the winners were announced the mothers of the babies entered were assembled in the educational building, and addresses for their benefit were delivered by: .'.Dr. I W. Ellas, Dr. L. B. McBrayer, Dr. Thompson Frazer, Dr. W. P. Herbert, ; Dr. Louise Merrl- mon. These addresses closed the con test, .which is considered one of the most vitally Important of the entire fair. There was moreInterest and enthusiasm shown in it than in any other one feature. Licensed to Wed. Nicholas N. , Beadles and Mary L. Stlkeleather, Buncombe, while. HI See FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN, in - "For Old Time's Sake" ' At the PRINCESS Today ! PRINCESS THEATRE TODAY'S PROGRAM "FOR OLD TIME'S S.IKE" Essanay Drama. "AN UNJCST 8U8PICION" Blograph Drama. "THE EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES" Edison Comedy Drama, ORCHESTRA. ' ' "SELF CONVICTED" TWO THE PRINCESS THEATRE. " , Houses of John Weaver, A. B. Bishop and Geo. Knuckles Entered Last Night. MONEY, VALUABLES TAKEN FROM EACH Samo Methods of Entrance Used In Each Case Officers Have , No Clue. . Between the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock yesterday, the honors of John Wea ver, A. B. Bishop and George Nuckles, In West Asheville, wore entered and robbed by unknown parties, and money and valuables were taken from each. Deputy Sheriff E. M. Mitchell went to the scene of the robberies a 6 o'clock with the bloodhounds. He was unable to find any clues, nor were the dogs able to get the trail, as tho ground was very hard and dry and the officer thinks that the robbers used something to throw the dogs oft, pre sumably pepper. .'. The home of Mr. Weaver was en tered about 2 o'clock. The robbers prized open a rear window, and se cured about $20; and from there they evidently went to the" home -of Mr. Bishop, where they effected an en trance through the kitchen window. They robbed Mr. Bishop of $17, the money being In his trousers and lying on the trunk near his bed. His trous ers were-found in the morning on a rocking chair, on the front porch and the front door was standing open. The lust house entered was that of Mr. Nuckles- he thinks about 6 o'clock. The robbers took an axe be longing to a neighbor and forced an entrance through the dining room window, afterwards entering his room and robbing htm of about $9, which was In his trousers near the bed. The trousers were found in an adjoining room, and the front door was standing open in the morning. The robbers used the same methods in robbing each home, In that the., entered by rear windows, went into the bedrooms and robbed the trousers of their victims while they slept in beds not more than three or four feet away and leaving by the front doors, all of which they left open. .... There seems to be no clue, -what ever, as no one saw the parties, nor wer,e any suspicious characters seen around the streets last night. How ever the county officials will make thorough Investigations. PATTON MEMORIAL - WINDOW COMPLETED .V The friends of tho late Captain T. W. Patton who. Joined in the fun for a memorial window to him in the new Trinity church will be glad to know that the window Is now com. pleted; and the vestry extends a cor dial Invitation to all to visit the church and Inspect the window. .The amount contributed was $506.- 53, and by agreement the members of Captain Patton's family contributed a like amount, and the large west win dow was put in as a Joint memorial to Captain Patton and his father, James W, Patton, who was one of the founders of the parish and for many years senior warden. -!& .' REELS AT $Qf n' Ik:." . . Left This Morning in Automo bilesWill Take Lunch cn Summit. Secretary and Mrs. Bryan, accom panied by Congressman and Mrs. J. M. Gudger, jr., Mr. and .Urs. F. L. Seely, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Powell, F."M, Weaver, president of the board i of trade; E. C. Chambers, president of the Good Roads association; Donald i Gillis and Mr. Beadles of the Biltmore estate, left about 10:30 this morning for the top of Mt. Plsgah. The- party wenb in three automo biles. It was planned to have lunch at Pisgah lodge and to return to Ashe vllle about 6 o'clock this evening. Stock, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Mon eyNew York, New Orleans, Chicago and Foreign Market News. ' WALL" STREET; GOSSIP. : New York, .Oct. 10. Prices barely moved at the stock market opening today. Reading and Steel were slight ly higher while the Harrlman stocks, Amalgamated and Smelting eased oft. Amalgamated moved widely of the active shares, sagging In response to vigorous selling. Texas company declined a point. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Oct. 10. Cotton spot In fair demand, prices easier, middling, fair, 7.94; good middling, 7.64; mid dling, 7.52; low' middling, 7.30; good ordinary, 6.64; ordinary, 6.30. ; . Sales 8000, including 7300 American and 500 for speculation and export; receipts 4000 including 1200 American. Futures closed quiet: October . V. J., . . . ... ..... . 1.19, October-November . , . . , ... 7.07 November-December .. .. ... 6.99 December-January ,' . . ..... 6.98 January-February . . .. .. .. 6.99 February-March .. 6.99 March-April.. .. .. .. .. .. 6.99 April-May .... 6.99 May-June . . .. . . .. .. . . 6.99 June-July . . ... 6.96 July-August .. .. 6.93 August-September .-. i . . 6.77 September-October ... .. .. 6.54 October-November .. .. .. .. 6.43 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. ' ' Chicago, Oct. 10. Hogs: receipts 18,000; firm; bulk of sales, 7.90 8.45; light, 7.908.40; mixed, 7.80 8.60; heavy, 7.708.50; rough, '7.707.85; pigs, 4.507.60. ' Cattle: receipts 2000 head; dull. Beeves 7.109.50; Texas steers, 6.90 8.00; stockcrs and feeders 6.257.75; cows and heifers 3.608.50; calves 7.fi011.25. Sheep: receipts 19,000 head; Steady; native 3.90(ff 4.9S; yearlings 6.00 6.00; lambs, native, 5.907.20. NEW YORK COTTON. New York, Oct. 10. There wjis re newal of selling at the opening of the cotton market today, and after start ing at a decline of' 2 to 5 active months sold 6 to 10 net. lower.' . Indifferent Liverpool cables, better weather in the eastern belt- and reports--of lower southern spot markets contributed to the early decline. Offerings were well taken and the market later rallied 6 or 7 on covering, and purchases in spired by the outlook for lower tem peratures In the western belt. COTTON FUTURES OPENING. New York, Oct. 10. Cotton futures opened steady: . . ' ' October , 13.30 December ... 18.12 January ... . 12.96 March 1301 May ... ... St.... 18.02 July ... ... .... 121 NEW YORK STOCK LIST. , Close. Amalgamated Copper 74 Amer. Beet Sugar 23 Amer. Cotton Oil 8 8 Amer. Smelt. & Refining '. 64 Amer. Sugar Refining 109 Amer. Tel. & Tel 124 Anaconda Mining Co. ...... i .. 85 Atchison Atlantic Coast Line 117 Paltimore & Ohio 93 Brooklyn Rapid Transit ...... 87 Canadian Pacific 31 Chesapeake & Ohio 67 Chicago & Northwestern 128 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul....... 101 Colorado Fuel & Iron 28 Colorado & Southern 28 Delaware & Hudson 165 Denver & Rio Grande .17 Erie - 28 H: Oeneral Eltectrle ...t. 142 Great Northern pfd 126 Great Northern Ore ctfs 81 Illinois Central 109 Iilterborough-Met. ... 14 Interborough-Met. pfd......... 60 Inter Harvester 106 Louisville & Nashville........ . 133 Mlesouri Pacific 29 Mo., Kani. & Tex. I .......... . 20 Lehigh Valley 168 National Lead 44 New York Central 7. 95 fNorfolk & Western 103 Northern Pacific 110 Pennsylvania 111 People's Gas 124 Pullman Palace Car 162 Roadlng 184 Kork Itland Co 18 llock Island Co. pfd.....:... t Southern Pacific .. v. ........ . 89 Union' Pacific ........ v ..... . 153 United States Steel 66 United States Steel pfd.,...,.., 106 Wants to . ;vUIS. Wabash . . . . . Western Union ........ 3 ....... 61 QUOTATIONS. CHICAGO GRAIN WHEAT December Open. Close. 85 86 V 91 9 Hi 68 Vs 69 70 71 70 70 0 41 44 44 . May ! CORN i December ! May ... ......... i July v I OATS ' ' December i May . . . MESS PORK per bbl.- January .......... ..19.75 May ... ......... . . .19.92 LARD per 100 lbs. November 10.57 : January... ......... 10.57 19.80' 19.90 10.65 10.60 10.80 10.85 10.47, 10.60 May 10.75 :. SHORT RIBS per 100 lbs.- October . . , ........ .10.85 : January ... .10.45 May ... .-..10.55 NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. Open. Close. October . . . , November . December . January .. February . . , March . .. . , April ... ... May ...... . . . ; 13.54 13.30 . , ... 13.28 13.12 15 ... . 13.37 13.15017 ....18.14 12. 990S13.OO .... .. . . 12. 993) 13.01 .. . . 13.22 13.0506 .... ..... 13.00002 .... 13.22 13.05 07'' June July . 12.97(5)13.00 13.13 12.9097 W. N. C. DAY BFIXG OBSERVED AT FAIR (Continued from page 1) IT. N. Alexander. . Mockernuts, best plate, C. P. Whit son, Swannanoa. Chinquapins, best plate, Glenn Mc Intyre, Asheville; H. N. Alexander. Best plate any other variety, J. T. Cathey, Candler. The best and most artistically ar ranged horticultural exhibit, not less than 10 varieties, product of exhibi tor's own farm or orchard, United Fruit Growers; L. R. Giles; W. L. Gash & Sons. ' , Flowers. ; , Best and most artistically arranged collection of greenhouse plants, E. E. Brown, Asheville. Best collection of ' blooming plants, E. E. Brown. Best collection of cut flowers grown by exhibitor, E. E. Brown. Best collection of cut flowers, grown by exhibitor, Dr. Albert J. Terrell, Black Mountain; R. T. Newton, Ashe ville. . Fine Arts and Hand Work. Judging has also been completed in the department for fine arts and hand work, the following being the awards, winners named In the order of prizes taken: Oil landscape from nature, Mrs. Mattle C. Lee, Asheville, 1st and 2nd, Oil landscape copy, Mrs. S. D. Pel ham, Arhevlile, 1st and 2nd. Oil painting, fruit or Hovers, Ada Lee Hutchins, Mars Hill; Mrs. Mattie C. Lee. Oil-portrait, Mrs. Mattie C. Lee. Water color landscape from nature, Dick Lee, Asheville; Mrs. Mattie C. Lee. , Water color landscape copy, Eu genla Le Compte, Asheville. Tapestry, Ada Lee Hutchins. Punch bowl, Glennie Anderson. Candler; Mary Webster, Asheville. Chop or tray, Margaret Atkins, Asheville. One cake plate, Margaret Atkins. Ashevile; Mrs. W. B. McEwen, Ashe ville One Balad or fruit bowl, Louise Kiibler. Asheville; Lillian Mlnnick Asheville. One lemonade Jug or tankard, Mar garet Atkins; Mattie Goodwin, Ashe ville. One three-piece tea set, Margaret Atkins. Six plates, different designs, Mrs. W. B. McEwen; Margaret Atkins. Six cups and saucers, different de signs, Margaret Atkins. One vase, Glennie Anderson; Mar garet Atkins. Specimen luster work, Mrs. J. E. Gudger, Asheville; Grace Frady, Ashe ville. Hest display hand-painted china, Margaret Atkins; Glennie Anderson, Charcoal drawing, Eugenia Le Compte; . Ysuelte Remington, Swan nanoa. " Pen and Ink drawing, Yseulte Rem ington; Troy Parham, Asheville. Pencil drawing, Dick Lee. BRENLIN WINDOW - SHADES won't crack, won't fade BURTON & HOLT . Selling Agents. NIGHT CLASSES IN SHORT HAND AND STENOTYPY Young men and women wish ing to learn , Shortland should enroll at once in the .Evening Class now being formed at the Emanuel Business College 43 1-2 Patton Ave. . Class in Stenotype also be ing formed. Stenographers investigate! . , . WANTS HELP WANTED Railway Mail Clerks, Carriers, WANT ED. Good Pay, Fine Positions, Pay for Instruction after you receive position; LIBERTY INSTITUTE, Dept. 148 Rochester, N. Y, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED No canvassing or soliciting re quired. Good income assured. Ad dress National Co-Operative Realty Co.. V-1236, Marden Bidg, Washing ton, D. C. WANTED A young man to solicit & sollect, from 15 to 17 years old; one with a wheel preferred; strong, willing to hustle and work; wages to begin with, $6.00 per week; chance of promotion; references re quired. Address Postoffice Box 364, Asheville. N. C. ..: tf REAL ESTATE MAN wants position with live concern where energy and ability will be appreciated. Box B. G., care this paper. WANTED Young lady for office work.with knowledge of stenography, Address, with references. Box 34, City. 204-4t FOR SALE FOR SALE Good clean newspapers, 60 for 5 cents. Apply at Gaxette News office. Jf . FOR SALE Tvo choica ad detdrable building lota In Canton. Blre of both 60x141, being Iota No. 67 and 68, port of 5. EC May property Just off of North Main ft, with rood new. Will cell same for $175.00 pot cash. Ap Vy to J. R. Ik, Oazette- News office, for particulars. tl-tf FOR SALE Five and half acres of land In West Asheville; can be sub . divided into 81 building lots If bought for an Investment. Will give terms if taken at once. Apply L. B Davis, Langren hotel. 174-tf. FOR SALE 7-room house. Starnes avenue, $2800; worth $3500. Moale & Chiles, Real Estate and Insurance. 188-tf. FOR SALE Evening dress coat and vest for young man, size oi coat about 32 waist, almost new. Ad dress Post office Box 364, Ashe ville, N. C. 191-tf. FOR SALE Tuxedo coat, s'ze 33, nearly new. Address Postoffice Box 384 Asheville, N. C, for par ticulars. ! 191-tf. FOR SALE 1 50.-.150 'lot in Lenox park, facing on two streets. Wat ter and sewer and concrete sidewalk in front. Price, $650 if taken at once. Also one house 5 rooms on Penland street, at tho small sum of $2000. Cash or time. B. T. Tiller, 23 N. Main street. 204-tf. WANTED RAGS WANTED Clean cotton rags. Inquire of pressman at Gazette News, tf. WANTED Roomers in pr'vate fam ily,, $1.50 to $3.60 per .veek at 68 Church St. 203-6t. WANTED; Furnished and unfurnish ed houses. If you h.ave property that will be vacant soon list it with us. We have several parties on our waiting list. J. T. Bledsoe & Co. 177-tf. WANTED FurnlsTJt-o or unfurnished houses. Big demand this fall. If you have anything to rent we can rent it for yuu. Kay-Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood. Phone 1281. 190-tf WANTED Ladies' delicate apparel to be perfectly cleaned. Odorless Asheville French Dry Cleaning Co. Phone 389. J. C. Wllbar. Perfect work. Perfect satisfaction. SECOND HAND PIANOS WANTED Address Harry Howell, Supt.. City Schools. 204-6t BOARDERS WANTED at 6 Starnes avenue. Rates $4.00 to $6.00 per week. 206-26t EXPERT SHOE MAKER Half soles and repair work done promptly at reasonable prices; work called for and delivered. J. H. Butler, 42 8, Main street. '206-26t Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINEELSTEIN . Loan Office. : 23-25 South Main Street v,.;- Phone 887. WANTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished, one of th best homes on Montf ord aveno. . $150; another attractive Montfor avenue home at $75. Moale A Chiles, Real Estate and Insurance. ' 188-tft. TOR RENT Offices In new Gazette Building on College street a num ber of desirable offices. Apply -Gazette-News office. . tf . CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT Unfurnished Attractive 14 room home, Cumberland ave nue . .. .. .. ..$ 60.00 8 room house, Charlotte St. . 40.00 . FURNISHED. 8 room house, sleeping porch .. r near Charlotte St. ...... . 76.00 8 room house. Grove Park.. 100.00 6 room house, Pearson Drive 76.00 12 room house, S baths and servants' quarter, Victoria. 250.00 10 room house, 2 baths and servants' quarters, Victoria 150.00 10 room house, 2 baths and servants' quarters, Mont ford avenue v. .. ...... 150.00. 8 room house, Montford.... 100.00 Manor cottages, $85.00 per month and up, with all conveniences. Many others, in different sections of city. ' . ..."...),; . MOALE & CHILES, 27 Patton Avenue. . : , 202-6C MISCELLANEOUS FOR NOTARY PUBLIC WORfc -- ply at Gazette-News office. 18-tt J. H. McGINNESS, Tailor New fall . and winter samples now on display.: -,M Masonic Temple, 44 Market streets ' tf :.1'- IF YOU want a good cook stove or range see us before you buy. We have the best that money can buy.. Prices right. W. L. Moore, 27 N. Main stroet. 184-tf. CAT PAW rubber heels, 40c, Soles sewed, 6"v 7;c and $1.00. Work called for and returned. . Gilmer Bowden, 31 East College, phone 1817 , 185-26t. J. H. McGINNISS, No. 44 Market street. Tailoring, steam dyeing, cleaning' and repairing. Phone 1850. tf. BIRDWOOD COTTOGE Sunset drive, an Ideal place for those wishing quiet, beautiful mountain views, modern conveniences. No sick taken. , Special rates for October and November. Phone 2195. Mts. A. McKain. 193-14t PIEDMONT POSITIONS GUARAN TEE $50 to $75 start, Bookkeeping, Banking, Shorthand, English, Music, Scholarship sold on credit; railroad fare from home. Piedmont Busi ness College, Lynchburg, Va. TRY THE MULTIGRAPH for your next circular letter or post card. It looks like typewriting and costs less. We furnish mailing lists. Envelopes address, folding and mailing. The Letter Shop, 63 American National Bank building. Phone 2267, 204-6t LOST Volume of Stoddard Lectures,' Sunday night; reward if returned to this office. 205-St LOST Near car line. Riverside park, Wednesday p.. m., locket; initials engraved. J. I E. & J. L. G.; photos Inside. FlndeF return to Union Art Studio, City, and receive reward. 205-3t LO.ST Long porlcetbook containing about $94.00 and M. O. rerPipt for $2.00; liberal reward. J. H. Cray ton, Biltmore, N. C. 206-lt LOST One topaz scarf pin. In the T. M. C A. gymnasium; finder please return to Gazette-News. 206-lt STRAYED My Jersey milk cow from . 149 South French Broad avenue; dehorned; fawn olor; reward. Wm. J. Cocke. 206-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE 4-room Bungalow,' fur nished or unfurnished, Overlooking Grove park. On easy terms. Fur nished $1,600.00. unfurnished fl, 800.00. We also have other de sirable property either for sale or rent. Burn Realty Co., KB. Pack square. tf FOR RENT " Two desirable ground floor offices opposite Lansren hotel. Western Carolina Realty Co. 3. W. WOLFE, Bee' j. A Trees. It N. Pack Square, Phone (74. V'