PAGE TERES v THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE - NEWS. Thursday, October 30, 1913 ' M ' I... .r-TT". ------- - - - . - . ' i u 'War -an AVegetIePreparaHonGrAs-' tlie Suunadis audOowus of UtiS iiBin Pmmntps nitfesHrmfhterfii- ness and Bratontalns oelttMr OpiiraLMorpMne nor Mima. NOT NARCOTIC. Amp' JUJmm A wimmtoei UamoAu fur rrmtft tton ,Sout Storaach.Dtottt Worms jConvulstonsJevms ness anil LOSS OF MJK IkcSnmle Signature of Outfit ' Jhb Centaur Compass; NEW YUKK-. JFor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have v Always Bought Bears Signature the Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years th etaraua aeHmnV, aiw to eirr. it 1 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 ! THE IStANI OF THE STAIRS Being a True Account of Certain Strange and Wonderful Adven '. lure of Master John Haropdon, Seaman, ana mimtcw i-ui.y j, ..-WJWorce, Gentlewoman, la $ ' the Great South Sea. : . " . 1 CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY 1 Copyright 1911 by Cynu Townsend Brady 5 'M ' KCONTrNJED.) They gave ua no time for further speech, for, urged by what promises of reward, what passionate "hatred, ' I knew not, they came on. The narrow antranca waa suddenly black with the Islanders, who thrust their spears at us. , Fortunately, my mistress had moved aside and was out of range, but I was perilously near being cut down. Miafraaa T.fiow had thA awnrrt which I h.d; thrust Into -her: hand, and I the erar" air which I had cast into the Inn.f rnVA ahaad of ma. . Those outside were even less able tn ma than va and nrhnDi thev thought we had withdrawn or been driven back, for they crept forward. While I had lived in the gardener's ' Indira of Wllberforca castle I had Kot down the heavy weapon on the first head, striking with Just enough force tn kill tha man und vet leave me able to recover myself without delay, and when three heads had been knocked that way In rapid succession with no more damage to me than a trifling near cut on the . ankle, the battle atnnnnd for a moment. I laughed . "Pom on. vou dogs?" I shouted. "I can play at that game until you are nn iw Tirmi fi r m "1 Mak0 This and Try It for Coughs This noaaa.KIa.aa Benaedy suae na Equal for rromp : ' Beaolts.' ' - ' - ' r: . -f .-J ...... - lth iixiA vw, piub ui grautua-vt-u ,")!' Vi pisf of warn water, and stir, lor 2 11 im nv, u i . ti m pin. w.w. , ha Siifrar Brrup. 'iaka a Uaspooniul I n minutes. Put 'Ifa ouncei of Pincx (fifty crata' worth) in a pint bottle; then add i 1 c a M 1 . A me ouaj w.. U.J u . nv w 1 .... w a.uuaw. . . TM. .nnl. 4.I.AA hnM nf a eoujfh more quickly than anything else you aver used. Usually oonouers an ordinary cough Inside - of 2 hours. Eplcndid. too, for whooping eough, pasmodto croup and bronchitis. It timulates ths appetite and is lichtly laxative, which helps end a xroh. Tbi make more and better court strop than you could buy iready mad for 12.60. It keep perfectly and taste pleasant. , t ' J'inex 1 ' a most valuable concen luted compound of Xorwsy white pin extract, and it rich in gualscnl and . i . , j . i -i. . otoer natural pine vienjrnia wuiuu aiv ao healing to the membrane. Other preparation will not work in thli plan. .. Making cough' syrup with Pinex and sugar syrup (or strained hnnry) has proven so popular throughout the United fetates and Canada that it is of Ua Imitated. . But the old, successful mix tur ha never been equaled. - A guaranty, of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, gnr with this nrenaration. Your druffuiit baa more tirnil of It than I." ' I spoke without thought, however, for those outside the opening drew back the bodies by their legs and thus flunrAii tha Antranne. I ludeed .that the outer cave, which was large anJ spacious, . was now filled with men. Thv wnra nhnutlntr and gesticulating In great excitement. But none made anv effort to enter. Finally l neara a human voice aneaK nst . linKiian. . ii was Pimball. - ' VA :' ' "Master Hampdon!" he cried. "Speak not to me, , you murdering villain!" I answered. "Now, this la madncsn," he went on. "You are trapped like rats. We have nniv tn wnll nn tha entrance or build a fire in front of it and you wm me. "It is better to ale even so, i re piled, "than to live' with men like you." "You are trapped like rats; Wo have only to wall up the smranre-Trrrtu!ld a tiro in front of -it and you will die." "It is better to die even so,"-1-replied, "than to live with men like you. , ' . "You are a fool!" he exclalmeu. He dropped down on his knees - as ha nnnkA and I could see his face in the opening, but too far away for me to swing my ax.) If it were my last effort I was aeiermineu mai x n ,,M t him. and aa I waited "Don't lose the swordl I crtea to my lady across the chamber, where her white face stared at me out of the UllUltbsn - I shall not," she answered undaunt edly. Then I lifted the ax and waited for Master Pimball and his mun to come Rut ha had a better plan, uuneis thev had in nlenty, and he knew from the fact that I had thrown mv Dlstols .t them that I had none left. With a . deafening roar .,nrm nf hnllp.ta from a dozen weap- nna sweDt into the cave. I leaped back. I had to or 1 snouia navo h..n .hot where I stood. Of the way thev , took advantage. uiu. . .... and under cover ot a seconu vunc, tbey entered. Well, it was ail up. All I could do wa to leap upon them OB I1'1- J i"vp ' - ... , n... .hot mnment tne aouu rocH beneath my feet began to way. It was as If I had been Instantly trans- lot.rf n tha deck ol a tossing niuu . stood rooted to the spot , trying, to .ini'.in a halance. Pimball had lift ed himself upon one knee ana was almost clear of the entrance, but he, annallad. . A sickening feeling of apprehension that all tne savage on eartn couia not insiura came over m. My mitres creamed fuiniiv The natlvea outside broke in to terror stricken shouts and cries; an oath burst from the Up ot me ieaa nf thA mutineers. The next moment, with a crash like a thousand thunder peals, th earth a. nt In twain. Tha aarthauake shook . that rocKy Uland like a baby' cradle. A great m.u nf rnck over the entrance fell. With another roar Ilk the first the cliff was rtvn in every1 direction. The nolsa ouatid eased. -The -men wn Pimball were ground to death. Upon hi leg lay fifty f et of r.. xen rock, nurknaaa. total and . absolute, sue- ,,..,1 tha dim HahL T rememt jt real ising that th attaea bad failed and then aomethlng (truck me. Down upon the wet, (till Quivering sand I fell and nn mora. Wmtmr in. oold. trickling UDon m from om spring, cpud In ,the frail by the eartnquaae preaenuj orvuim me to mylf. I lr for a memnt li tenlng. I could hear nothing at Drat v.... in ilttia while a dean groan and then a.falntwhlsprd prayar cam to me. ", " ' " v ...av, ilMnrit,lv tn eollact B1V senses, and finally I realised where I was the cave, the battle, th earth quake, rimnaii ana ina wiirami ; MI,tr,u I.npvl" 1 cried. "Oh. thank Oodl" her voice , cam thrnuah tha darkness hysterloally. "I ...... .-h,' tnn vara killed." Vn I anawarad. alowlv rising to my knee and stretching my member to ee If I had dontroi or tnem, wnicn fortunately. I scon dloovrd 1 had. "i mmm atunned but otherwise I be I'hunk rjcdl" Vnt hoAVAn'a ' aaka. Water." lner- upttd a trembling hoarse, anguished voice. . . ' ' "Vkn .n..k.t", I aaked. "T 'pimhail llim nlnned to the ground, my legs are crushed, my back is broken, I am dying. "Thara ahnnM ha a lantern here." I said. "I placed It let me think where did I place it 7" - "It was Just to the lert or tne open insp " anawarad mv mlatreBS. ' , I was turned around and giddy, but 1 managed to fix the direction of the entrance by Pimball's groans and by rnnri fnrtiina nreaently found the lan tern. . It would burn dui a iew nours,. hut We never needed a light as we did than. Mv flint and steel I carried ever In my pocket, and to kindle a flicker ing flame was the work or a momeni. if I had not nossessed It I would have given years of my life for that light which threw . a rami . iiiuminauon ahniit tha nlaea. - " ! There opposite me, where I naa sta tioned her, protected by a niche in the cave from the rain of rocks which had h..,.n ma dnvn. wm the mistress, safe an unharmed. I "stepped toward her and with a low cry. or inanmui- r..a aha fall Into mv arma. I soothed her for a moment and then turned to the other occupant of the cnamoer. blocked up. the rock had . settled down. Flmnaxi legs hrnlran and his back aS Well. It was Impossible to release him what lay upon him weighed ton ana ion-. "Vm, mtirnarlna hounar 1 crum. '.,n hiv. hrnueht this UDOn US." But hn would only plead for water, disre- ...itlnv mv ranroaches. I was for killing mm wim my uuv- lass, which I picked up, dui sne wouiu . v,a i. an Rh filled a half cocoa- nut shell with water and brought it to him. She batlfed his brow ana gave .i ..m. tn rirink. It gave him tem- porary relief, but his minutes were numbered.: His me was b'"b " j BUUU1IUO, h. nrtrl aa tils eyes CHUB"-- the gleam of the gold and silver; ''the . i .a a, 'Vila natlfl treasure!" He strecnea uui " a i. thn atnnned. "I am undone," he chotfked out a fearful scream. - "Mistress! . "Yes?" : , ;.., ,- - , - "Forgive" " f TnnnaH aha fonave him, I make no j ..v. ' v.... ka, fnrcrlvenaRS Came too UULIUL, . iii -" " " ' , , hia honi, droDDed he naa lULC) i. U 1 . i.u .. . - been looking sideways ana nis ia- burled itself in the wet sana. Ta ha dead 7" she asicea, awesiruuiv t ..nM NV, closer Inspection was needed to establlsn tne truin oi ... n,o tnn ahalt die." she said, shuddering.' "We are burled here in the bowels of the eartn, in mis ir U1B lllicu lu.u' "The earthquake which closed the mouth of the cave may have opened the other end." ' "It is possible,", she answered, but "And, besides, you remember the r.tnninir atream on me omer biub which we did not lonow : "Yes." "It must-run somewhere. jL'Were wate auna man and woman may follow." T -: '-. ' ' " . "At least it will do no harm to try. r-nma ivin." aald I. extending my hand to her and holding the lantern before me for pitfalls. Double Trading Stamps All Day Friday A Christmas Suggestion: Start saving totnorrow' for our valuable premiums two of them are here illu strated. We give 30 stamps to start your collection. (This offer is not made to customers who are now sav ing stamps.) - V- These premiums help greatly towards answering the Christmas Present problem, as many of our custo mers have for several years kept their stamps until they had sufficent to obtain beautiful presents for their friends. Our premiums are Rogers Plated Ware, the high standard of which has been proven by fifty years of service. A collection is here this year that far surpasses TWntiful and serviceable orna ments for the table and side-board, which make the most appreciated presents, and can not k. knr, !. ovnant nt. avfraVfttrant Dnces.-; ivemeuiuw . II' -s1, I : Bon Bon Dish $50 Premium m l Candelabra Set . . . . $100.00 Special for Friday & Saturday 75 Coat Suits go on sale tomorrow As always this store leads with special " values. These suits , are samples from the best makers and include every, good color and popular material. The styles are 'this sea-; - nt iifena in both fancy and plain tailoring. OVU W a-a-" - - A We-ain at $17.50. Our r price New Coats-Chic Models for a jui uccastons Every express adds to the wealth of.otrr showing of high grade coats. Full Lengths ; Three Quarter Lengths and the nobby Sport Coats are here that are . pleasing both in style and price: $5.95 up to $25.00. 'Astrakan Coats in blue and black. Cut on new Q 1 r CZf Lines, -Priced as low as. . ? J- : w w a a i i .lTiAg . r-rif.Hii hn iij w aa. i . .t ; ai ............. .. .... " " - - :- - - ; I I I - - , SERGE AND WOOL 1 ' SC0TC5,AID tSSSyX,1 H RATINE DRESSES ' 1 STf Shades- WMMSMMmih 1 All .ood styles' and de 1 Light and arVSha17 W!1 pIIXZXZZS: 3 colore. A few left to r AA I DraPed ahd plain tailored ef- faS be sold at - 1M I .fects. $7.60 values. QQ fjajaMtaaiaaai ... . - .. I "gggg I ss: I iTIIf TTnTTT : , I . 1 P.JjjJ Axi.a XJ iWnAWWM vvwaiM 1 1 1', i ii ' iii. i iia -n CANTON, N. C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL-. FRKE SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM ELBA riu K. M. GEI KR, Prop. RATES S1.04 ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE BATH SUYETA PARK HOTE.L Open year round. Modern and convenient for commer cial and tourist. Steam heated. Under Address WM. SCHAUITLE, JK. wnvx, . . Chapter XVII. In Which We Win Light, Life, Liber ty and Love. . nr. mm dnwn the cave. To find the ..,..,- u,aa uv. Rum enough, it led away through a narrow rift In what direction we could not ten. aimouisn its tendency was downward, and I i.n, it wnuld come out UDon a beach somewhere. It had not seemed to me as I examined it berore tne earm nuka that tha rift was more than enough to carry the water, but It had probably opened wider now ny me .hn.ii and an wa followed It. Although anmAt'imoa tha walls closed over the water course, making tunnels, we man. aged to, force our way through them. I went in the advance, for l Knew mat - BRYSON HOTEL ' , Andrew, N. 0. , . commercial ieauu.uui.. VW,!!?J?SSSt one of the most beautiful valleys , in .the raoTnUlnrofWe.t.rn-NormCaro,-a A modern, refined, homeux. no Cul-lne unsurpassed. Rate 3.0. per oay, . ppKARS. Prop. THKtt VV U f :1 r. TESTIFY To the Merit of LydiaEPink. ham's Vegetable Com pound during Change , .of Life. Til 4IT ahall alnrava nraiaa Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Com- pouna wnerever i ira. It ha done me so much good at Change of Life, and It has also helped my daughter. It it one of the ffrandeit medicine for wo men that can be bought. I shall trv to Induce others to trv iL" Mrs. J. H Campbell, 206 N. 3 V..: Second St. W. S.. Streator. Illinois. Philadelphia, Pa. " It wa at the,. nf Ufa1 that t turned to Lvdla T" Plnkham'a Vantabla ComDOOnd. using it a a tonic to build up my ya tcmr with Deiwnciw ruiu wn. k. .aa M mm Ma Sara HAYWAJU), 1K w. venangooi., rrinra Phil.. Pa. San rrancisco, CaL " I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Com pound for many year whenever I annM foal had t hivs cone through the Change of Life without any trouDie ,v.nk tha rVmnnunii for it. I fee- nmmand It to roonff girl and to women n all ..a 'C-Mra. C RaBSJC- 80C2 CHth St.. Ban Fr&noiaoo. Cal. a-V. annanaa nf T.Vdla K. FInkham 4 UV D"V'-" w J Vegetable Compound, made from root and herb, is unperaJelled. If to want iperfal adtlee writ M Lydia E. Pinihsm Medicine Co. (eonfl dentlal) Lyna, . Teer letter will ha ananad. aaa BBSweree or h,',iw could Dass would pre sent little difficulty for her. We won dered in and out among the coral un- ..I ,,,! tn ma that W5 HSU B" III IL O V. . 1 " i i miles, although in realty u couia u.c k..n h,,t a fw hundred yards. At last we came to a place too iu norrnor fnr me to pass, u-i- HIIU WV i.e.."" - though I might perchance, have thrust her throawh. .... .... " .. u . t.4 ,'.hla la the end I stllf had the ax with me ana mo sword which I had thrust into i ray Tha rnrk seemed Boft Lying down upon my back and covering my eyes with one hand, 1 struca ai u with the ax. thus enlarging the pas- Tha wnt.r neneatn 'iue dq n i "u - - deathly cold, the candle in tne lamem was burning lower ana lower, uui . knnn nn VVr did I. work so In all my life as then. At last I loosened a huge rock, which tell auaaeniy upon m Had T not sen it coming and dropped the ax and stayed It progres with both upralsea nana n mis," have crushed me As It was It reu iair- I.. ..nnn m hl-AIiat. I COUd UOt thrOW It J '"t . . . aida- tha wav wa to narrow. I heia i, n in mv hniuli and fore a my way although what I should meet or where I should bring up on the other side I knew not I thrust nara ana naruor with my .feet and preaently my way .n. .inn. inn i anuvnu iujbv,.. through the opening. With one great n.,1 affnrt 1 rn lad tne roca aaiue than lav on my back on the and. .VI ..h,.natad UIOIIIHCW, ' . K10 BE CONTINUED.) pt.ars -R TEAMS WERE SELECTED YESTERDAY 4 on..-. , a meeting ystrday at )...,. nf tha cantaln of th class B IVI isuvu vya w - ha.k.f hall teams of tb X. M. v.. a. I.. a,,a when th following team wr made up, tne nrat namaa in- wu being th captain: ' n m Vnnna j. A. BunncK. a. aui aton H. O. Young, C. MCt,aniea a t ti.. . M Tanea. K. Chambers a iiu a. , . - . u... n Uanrv. H Bourn ana n. Mlnnlck; C Thomae, J. Campbll, A. Raabe, I. Goldberg, H. nmun ana n. ... n filna W. McNall. R. Aah- worth. B. Branch. T. Oarmon and J. Martin; R. Fotr, b. toaton. v. w h- v Tnmiln. R. Rusaall and F. Thome; H.- Hartxog,' R Glenn, O. Mfara. 8. Petri and B. ynnu. rhara win ba a meeting thl after noon of the elaa C captain to loot .v..,. ni..ara Thasa caotaln are: E. in., - Wilkinson, J. Donnanoe, r. vmiow and D. Hodgea Hotel Sterling CINCINNATI, OHIO. Overlooking New Sin ton Park. Every room outside with bath, or hot and cold water. Milk, cream, vegetables from our own farm. American Plan, $2.00, $2.50; $3.00 and $3.50 per day. R. B. Mills, prop., for merly of Hotel Bennett Binghampton, N. Y., and Grand Hotel, New York .City. ' . Sixth, Mound and . . Kenyon Streets, LUXURY WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE - - Magnlficient Fireproof Structure In the heart of the Buslnes Die trict Conducted on the European Plan. RATES $1.00 UP Club Breakfast from .25 to $1.00. Table D" Hote Luncheon erv.. ed from 12:00 to 3 p. m., 1.75. Table D' Hote Dinner Served froMj 6 00 p. m. to 8:80 p. m., $1.00. A La Carte Service at all hour. ; HIGH IN ALTITUDE ONLY 2,250 FEET ' J. BAYLIS RECTOR - - . - - - Manager Battery Park Hotel OPEN THROrGHOLT THE YEAR. ASHEVUiLE, S. O. Famous Everywhere ' J. L. ALEXANDER, Prop, , " " T GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1.00 ta 2:30 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. Visitors to Asheville although not guests of GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect the building. : . Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Par ties, if notified in advance. . Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. ra., 7:30 to 10;00 p .m THE OLD FORT INN Old Fort, N. C. Conveniently located, near depot Accommodation, by day, week or month, .tates reasonable. L. J. Epley, Proprietor. MISS ROSA PATTON PATTON HOUSI Murphy, N. 0. sn . and moat reasonable house ki town, good table, eleaa Bed and heme cooking. Rate $1 per day. THE JARRETT SPRINGS HOTEL (Vimmerrlal and Tourist. ataa 11 00 Mr da. Hot and cold Bathe. Special Rat, by th Wk or Month. . R. f JARRETT , TUESDAYS A special low excursion rate or .60o to Hendersonville and re- turn. When in Hendersonville stop at THE ST. JOHN The modern, attractive, big hotel of the town. !A' high" class orchestra. WESTDALE HOTEL ;. Bryson City, N. C. Near derxt. all newly fur nished. Kates $1 per day. Hot and cold baths. Transit trade solicited. S. L. TEAGUE, Prop. HOTEL ENTELLA TlTt YROV CTTT TTaadnuartara for traveling men and lumbermen. Rate $t per day Special rate by the month. Bath room. Tree ample room. Railroad eating houaa treating Bouthtru depot HOTEL AETHELWOLD Rates, $2.50 per day. Steam heat. Hot and Cold Baths. commercial and tourists, upen year rouna. CHAS. H COOK Ju Proprietor Both MOUNTAIN MEADOWS INN FAMOUS FOR ITS BEATJTT Altitude SBOO fee Nee Ash-vine, X. O. Located on a high mountain side eommandlng a superb view of mountain and valley. 1800 Ft. higher than Aahevllle. Large number or room with private bathe. A delightful feature I th open air dining room, everlooklng th beautiful Bwannanoa Valley. . . . . . t k.,. . nnnlraJl 9 ..W Tou get tne comrong 01 a nri siaaw " - vegttable. milk and cream from eur own farm. Tha house la supplied with water from good mountain prlnaj. For particular phon 1171 or addrte. MISS TEMPE HARRIS, A aaVkaaVUlaV SU IZ. Swannanoa-Berlleley AaheviHe'i Host Modern and Up-to-data Hotel. siy Hot and Cold Running Water . or Private Bath in every room. . FRANK LOUGHAI!, ; Liver? In eawnt AUnn. . A. W. A3 MA WHEELER, IVopa, I'inex or will get it for you. Ii not, ' sum! to Tb rin Co., ITU Wayne, lad. lleve I am not muoh hurt. How la It with youl" ' , woman. aa held I strict eoa&deaee. i Haaager Dlllsboro, If. 0.

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