1 THEASHEyiLLE GAZETTE NWS Saturday ITovenfter l r !T AGE TEN .' 1 : .ALWAYS' THE CAKE : - - ' I "Whether you use half a 9 ton. one. twOj three, fire or tan tons of M. & Wk In- dian Coal, you will always r find it the same, lno varia- tionv Perfectly clean C'rcmpt deliveries, Phone ina : ' ; Carolina Coal '& Ice Company INNER GOODNESS Women of refinement always demand equnl care in the finish of their garments os in the lar jjer dotiiils, Such ' women' an? I'Quiek to recognize the perfect fhristfend delicacy of PATRI CIAN shoes. Perfectly smooth, five from knob, wax and rough' scams, just smooth (w a glove inside. .PERFECT in beauty outside. $3.50 and $4. Guarantee I?SIe 4 South Main St. INSIDE AND OUTSIDE IRONING That's the way do collars for men Iron them Inside and outside, as well as the top edge : and the lower edgB of tha col Irr Let's the tie slip easily and ir.TVits chafing the neck and 'TS! top, and prevents year of . a shirt at bottom of collar. ...rti while. Saves shirt bills j.;j collar bills too. .'hone 2000. ; shevifie Laundry J. A NicholsMe?. V. YOU DO NOT NEED U to be reminded this la the time to take care of your flowers. Tou need a lot of ,'lower pots and Jardinieres. We have just received a car load, prices ristt. THE I X L STORE 22 Patton Ave. Phone 107 The Electri Store. Go astruction Department What we do: Wire hor.-.-es. llf !.: ir ai.y kind of Electrical Api.arauiS. Hewo'.d o- repair Armatnrc3 ' r.r 1 '':.' (V-Ik Rebuild ami mako as pood as new Dymmo or Motors that have ::ie t.hniL-.fr.a lire. Xr.rta:t !? unu fc'date.l Elec tric Plants. V' do any thine that is to be dono in tho Electrical line. PIEDMONT Electric Co. 64 Patton Ave. Opposite P. O. Phone 47S ' '' " I 29DSBSSB vsmssmasoizm EXTRA GOOD D RO.O. M RUGS At meet any prbie yo-i wlrh iy. Thr are oPr tni tuttt teel rood on a nA momlor whea on get vp, ASHEVILLE CARPET HOUSE t Smrrt fMreet, Ptw.ne tit CarMa and MUn l,ui ith. vt um rliarte, GOOD ROADS ENDORSE A. P. A. Apply for Associate Member ship, Abo" Good .Roads Days" Are Considered. At a special meeting of the Ashe ville and Buncombe County Geod Heads association yesterday after noon, resolutions were adopted en dorsing the Appalachian Pari; asso ciation, which was licenily ori-aii.e.i hero with Governor Lock us president and Uecrsre S. I oweil us secretary. Application was also inailo for associate membership in tha as sociation. The resolutions adopted follow: "Where.-: Tb Appalachian'. Fark association, recently formed here with Governor Locke 'Craig as president, is seeking, .to .have the Appalachian for est reservation inai'-e available to- the people, for reervcti. , pleasure and hehth, and "Waereas, Tins .purpose;' If carried out, v. ill not only be locai, but na tional, in its benefit?, turning part of tntu lesutjful region into these uses which will bo of Ihe rre:;te.n benefit to tho nation; ' therefore, be it "Resolved, That the Good Unnds association ' of Ashoville anil linn combo county Rives its cordial sup port to tho Appalachian Park ,ifso eiation and heroiiy makes application for associate membership In same." Tho meeting was called primarily for tho consideration of this matter, but following its disposition those present discussed 'plans for observ ing Governor Craig's ",od roads' days," November' 5 find C. All pres ent pledged themselves to do active, work during these two days or employ workmen for the time. No definite action was taken as to whore their efforts are to be extended, although it is probable that improvements will be made on Sunset drive from tho end of the car line to the mountain. Before adjournment was taken the secretary of the association was in structed to write a letter of thanks to the owners r.rd management of Grove Park inn for tho hospitality shown to viFlthiK delegates to the Southern Appalachian Good Roads association convention, which was held here last week. One of the most enjoy;-hie social events tendered for the visitors was the dinner Riven on Wednesday evening, October 22, when the delegates Were special jsucsts of tho inn. BIG APPLE SHOTS mm mm mrnimm About 1CCC Bushels of Limber swigs Shipped During Present Week. Although there is a very marked scarcity in the western Wnrtli fn. I Una apple crop this year, a visitor to j Ashoville from Hlack Mountain brings I '.he news that the apple market In his I town has been very active this week. approximately 1000 bushels havlnc? j been shipped to out-of-town purchas ers. Lne bulk of theje apples were Limbertw bxs und went to E. 1 White i of Charlotte and Concord. Of tho 1000 bushels shipped, 400 bushels were t.U;on fr.im tho orchard ! of I L. Dougiuerty, and about D00 biiKhel!icame from the orchard of Al i fred Stevenson. Jt is slated Unit j thera are a number of huso orchard;) j th.;t havo not yet been touched and ; thnt the further shipments before tho end i f ihe season will be considera ble. - WANTS . Perfection Oil Heaters. . 51 .GO to $3 jo (hi Mnirlish i.'leor Wax. 1 Liquid cnoer. I Urooin.H and M' pr. C. ?. AI.I.IB'lV :i3-ut Ph(, and A P-AT-PJloi);.' .-STOfiE. If you buy groceries from me. you may feel well assured that no rati have over been near ihem. G. I). ALMSON 21l-12t Phones 31 and 35. Horlick's Malted Mlk, hospital alzo 13.50 Sjtup ft FiRs 25o unj r.c liromo Jlnlne -,, ColKile'a Tooth Paaie , 25i Nutrl-lax Cran Pismilt ,. Qe O. 1). AIJ.lsON'. 215-12t Phones 31 and 35. HTOVI-51. Perfection Oil Heaters... Wood Heaters Coal Hoators , , Mtove liotirds , , Coal Hilda , S3. 00 up 1.00 up XV5 up . 2, So -Jii '2:ta u n Andirons , , ( r,ou up Pdrtuhle Orates fj oa u Firs Hhovels Be up Tonn ,,, 25o up Pokci , , , , f joo up All atuvea put up by bxpert Free, brown UARDWAitH CO., Huio Aifhttiu fur Oenulne Cole's Hot hluat Heaters, II North Main. Phone 7. ls-tf. SHOI3 made t ordw, repairing , don Quickly, For service phone us. Champion Bho Hospital, Qovemmeut 8U, pbone 724. HS-lf. SAFETY RAZOR Blades CStaurpar.ad OllUtte. Sue per dos. Durham Duplex. .... . ,oa per dox. All other. 2de per dox BROWN HAKDWARB Co., t( North Msln. Phone 7 175-U FIVE 11 , IF IS 'Pape's Diapepsin" i3 quick est, surest indigestion cure known, . You.don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one --your stomach la too valuable; you mustn't injure It with drastic drugs, ' Pape's Diapeysin Is noted for its speed in giving relief: its harmless ness; Its certain unfailing action in regulatlnc sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in Indigestion, dyspepsia, Kastrltis and other stomach trouble has made it famous the world over. - Keep this perfe' t stomach doctor In your home- keep it handy- net . a large fifty-cent case from any drug store and then If anyone should eat something which they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms ?a; causes headache, dizziness and nausea; emulations of aeide and undi gested food remember as soon as Pape's i!apeisln comes in contact ivilh tho stomach nil such distress vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and .ease in overcoming tho worst stomach disorders is a revelation to those who try it. SUNDAY SPEAKERS FOR HEY. fyi. C. fl. MEETINGS Dr. Snyder at Building; Mr. Arlington at Depot Beys' Bible Classes. Dr. Henry N. Snyder,: president of Woffprd colicne, will he the speaker at the V. M. '. A. men's meeting In the auditorium of the association building tomorrow afternoon at 4. o'clock. His subject will be "Stand patters and Progressives," and his ad dress Is expected to draw a large at tendance. He has appeared here on many occasions in the past and has always been popular. He will begin the first of a series of Mr Sunday af ternoon meetings at the association bulldin.T. The musical program arranged for this meeting is an excellent one. There will be singlns by a male quartet, compose" of A. I. Ruby, A. D. Stoner. W. E. Collins and Dr. L. B. McBr-ayer, an a number of selections by the Poys' orchestra will add to tha at tractiveness of the program. Arthur Arrington of Richmond will speak to men at tho association ha'l in the depot section at 4:45 o'clock, his subject to be "A Crushed Foot," and S. P. I'.urton will teach tho Bible class fur men at the Riverside club house at the same hour. The first of the Iiiblo classes for hoys for tho winter season will be held at the association building, be ginning at 3 o'clock in' tho afternocn. All boys participating In tho basket ball leaKue are required to attend them. Muslo will bo furnished by tho Hoys' orchestra and there will be singing by a nuartet of boys, com posed of Kendrick Coachman, Ed. Galer, Oscar Steele and Charles Ten nent. FDH'nUflLLE Will Open Next Year at Old I Mountain View Lodge. Announcement is made to the effet i that tl!.- town of 1 IciHlersonville Is to'M iiiau aiiolher ivhcol next year. This ; fa i n to oo tin i:.b.uution for boys and 'will be condu.-ted by l';-. f. J. R. Sand I ifi-r and A. C. Ki.ndc lidi, who have recentl;. pun h.iseii li e Mountain lew iou-'e properly for tli purposes of the :i"h"(d. T'):'h property la sh unted on th" JliUievvlile road about a half mlla ftom I lenib rsonvllle. and Miier.) Is u lavgu building there already. I A good deal i.f improvement work will he dune en It to convert It Into a modern school bull ling. I'rof. fnnd!:'rr was nt one time con nected with an Important school at Woodbury Forest. Va,, and hns been lately Identified with the schools of Charlotte Mr. Ilandoiph, his broth-er-ln-l nv, has been superintendent of tho si honls at Monroe for several years. l:(,th uro uld to be highly irr.lned teaehers, nnd the penplo of Hir.iSi-.-Moavillo Will likely be much benelltc.i by tho establishment of the new school thoru. . J. D. NASH INJURED; FELL FROM SCAFFOLD While working on a Bcuf'oM In the market house. -J. D. Nash ynstnrday afternoon f!l and wn eerlously In jured, nnd J. It. Helton, who was working on Ihe scaffold with Mr. Naeih, r.lao fdl byt was not hurt. Mr. Nash who at once rushed to his home at S87 Houth French Kroud avenue, where ho wan attended by Pr. M. C. MlllendoF, who statud this morning that whilo Mr. Nafsh was very serious ly Injured ho did not think that tho Injuries would be permanent, Mr. NaMi has been In bad health for some time. About a year ago he underwent on operation nt John Hopkins hospital at ' Baltimore and was Junt. brorlnnlnar to regain his health and strength. . Chambers & Weaver, Uvery, Phon It Grant's Xo. 21 dues Cold and Grip. 85c AvIirvlTlo P!n ft 'flns Co, forrmxlT The MIlbT-Itlce Palm Co. Imcas Palnl. If not it will be worth vour while to come in tmd see I it. This car with the Master Motor o! Them All Asheville Automobile Co. FKONH SHS-S14 t'illlB BE SURE AND READ IN THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINS An intensely Interesting description of the scenlnpt wonders -of Wsstern N. C, and manuerlsmg ef our people. See window, 18.90. ROGERS BOOK STORE. 3 9 Patton At AehevlUe. N. C. ' Phone lit. Tb Home of Good Printlct. . ORDER ICE, CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER mot CANDY-KITCHEN S NEAR XSTOFFICE. PHONE 110. Extra Large Louisiana Soft Shell Pecans EER POUND... .. ....... ... ...45cts. E. C. JARRETT Fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. Store Phone 1920 & 1921. Market Phone 2058 The Merit System Wins Again It Is Interesting to noto the draft, and farm horses and mulet which are the hardest worked of any Btock, W. N. C. Fair were Arab fed teams. It dealer can supply Arab. Citizens Transfer Company Jt l.IAX WOODCOCK. Owner. , We give moving our special attention. Largest vans and most compe tent men in city. Prompt baggage transfer service. Endorsed fcy U. C. T. nnd T. P. A. Phone 25. 48 Patton Avenue. A Trial is all we ask. We Toys and Sporting Goods , Coming In dally. After store completed In remodeling and goods displayed It will be the largest line In this state. Ij. IlLOMBFRG SPORTING GOODS Toys, risnrg "d Smokers Articles 1 7 "Patton Ave. What You're Missing If You Never Cooked on A Modern ...... You'll miss the dirt, the soot, 'the overheated kiteh iii,'lho lira building, the nshes, tho. kindling and kitchen drudgery connected with other fiiels .. . IIAVE OUR REPRESENTATIVE CALI ' li I Asheville Power and Light Co. 12. PHONE 69. v. iKiMhsuin, rrcax u A CKEASHASf. Mgr Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Co PLUMBING nEATINO GAS FITTING Agents for Acetylene Gas Generators and ComprcBKcd Air. , ' Water Systems Biltmore, N. C. alvca, Pnmpa, Wm Pine, Terra Cotu PIp. Plasa BUlg, r,one til. Did You See the 1914 Chalmers Six I : HO, K-1T 8. LCXIKGTON AVU t ti'ittwi;u'.'jw.VMiAaw"iiiMiiiwtww!ii HAYWOOD STREET enU which took first prices at recent is wasteful to feed poor feed, your - Laundry Phone 70 treat your laundry whit. 'A I GasRange , .1 1 W10W ALL AKD WINTER SHOES Dr. A: Reed's $S:00 and 5.B cush ion hoe for men, comfort ease, rnilp and ecenonvy; warm end comfortable; t GEO; V; JENKINS . : 18 So. Main St. J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER ' -Watehea trad Fine Jewelry. Wfiteh Repairing nay Specialty 1 Kb. i Pack esjoare Fireside Cheer ' MONARCH is good eoal and burns with a bright warm fire making the homo "comfy." It has no equal, as a oloau free burning coal. . - : . k Southern Coal Co. Phone tti, 10 N. rack E. V - EXTRA FINE FRESH SPANISH MACKEREL FOR TODAY ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY We Snip Flab, and Oysters fey Pared Pout. PHONES 83-289-815 TRY A STAR QUALITY LARDED POT ROAST STAR MARKET PHONES 1917 1918 If II, "We are the successful Caterers to a Variety of Appetite.'' ; GROVE PARK INN .WWW. GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. Visitors to Asheville although not guests ol GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect the building. . 7 . . T Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Par ties, if notified in adyance. Orchestra concorts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m., 7:30 to 10:00 P .m , . -'.'-, ;:-:::;;-r''.-:-V:'--;i.,:6''V'. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Schedule Flnrpa Pnhllsliecl as Information Only and Not Guaranteed EFFECTrVK. MOX DAY, SEPT. 28, 1913. .rrlves from . Eastern Time o. t Brevard and Lake Toxaway 11: SI avm. io. 7 Brevard and take Toxawr.y 6:1S p.m. No. t Savannah and Jack son vi lie 1:10 p.m.' No. 11 Washington, N w York, Norfolk, v Richmond 1:41 p.m. No. II Cincinnati, Louis ville, Memphis, Bt. Louis S:0t p.m. No. It Charleston and Co lumbia 1:11 p.m. No. It N. Y., Philadelphia, Washington ...... 10:IS a.m. No. 18 Murphy & Wayne- - vine r.ei p.m. No. 10 Murphy te Waynes- ' vine 1:47 p.m. No. 11 Wayneavlll 1:00 a.m. No. 11. Ooldsboro and Ral- i elEh 7:40 p.m. No. 87 Charleston and Co lumbia 7:80 pjtu No. 18 Cincinnati and Chi cago .......10:18 s,nt. No. 85 Washington, N. Y. and Richmond .....1:40 s,m. No. 80 Memphis, Chatta nooga and N. O... 1:50 un. No. 41 Atlanta, Macon and New Orleau 11:18 a.m, Mo.101 Bristol. EnnxvUI ft Chattanooga 10:88 p.m. Throngh sleepins enrs dslly to more, WnshlnRton, Richmond, Norfo Ik, Charleston, Cincinnati, Memphi' Jacksonville, Savannah, St. Louie, Lo ulsrlrle, Atlanta, Macon, Blrmlnghsn Montgomery, Mobllo, nnd New Orleans. j Through chair cars Ooldsboro and Waynesvllle. I Full dining car service trains No . , 10, 11, 12, IT, 18, nnd Buffet ol Imt ear Nos. 11V and Id. . ALF.X II. AKFR. Cltv Pn. ft Tkt. A irt. n. WOOD. Dlv. Pa. A" Ca r'nentere' Tools AVe carry the best wo can find in Carienters Tools. Plumb's Hammers and Hatchettn, Stanley's Planes, try. Squares and Braces, E. C. Atkins Silver Steel Saws. Goodell Mitre Boxes. These- are all first quality goods. Call and let us show them to you. ilOttisGreenHdweGc. 11 W. t NEVER TROUBLED With rooks n y.. heater-, or clinkers or fit I unduly targe mass tf asliesii-jreu-iise ; J E A W.. COAL v Tbequifites8?ne of coal ' goodspBa. Always us; ; fonn. ... PHONE 40, i j 1 Asheville Coal CoJ W. A. WARD ANYTHING ELECTElOAl 13 Battery Park Plaoa Phone 449 iu.in iiiiiiiiiHtf v ytiMivm MEN S SUITS Latest Winter Btylej, y. $12,60 to m.m GemClothingStore 0 Patton Ave. ' CITY MARKET, Departs for Eastern Tint No. ( Brevard and Lake I Toxaway .......... till I No. S Brevard and Lake Toxaway 1:01 u No. 10 Savannah, Jackson- I vllle v 4:11 m No. 11 CIcclnnaU, Saint N Louis, Memphis ft I Louisville 1:01 p.i No. 11 Washington, New York, Norfolk and Richmond 2:11 Mi No. 14 Atlanta & Charles ton 7:01 a No. 1 N. Y., Philadelphia I . Washington 7:00 p. No. 17 Waynorvflle and Murphy 8:10 ts No. it Wayneavfll and I Murphy 8:10 pa No. 11 Waynesvnie ...... 7:04 P No. 11 Raleigh and Oolds boro 1:10 No. 17 Chloaco ft Clncln- ' I natl 7:60 No, 18 Columbia, Charles- I ton ,10:1J No. 8S Memphis, ChattA- '' i ' nooga ft New O. 1. 10:10 No. SO Washington, Rich- i roond and N. Y. ... 7:10 . No. 41 Atlanta, Macon and ' I New Orleana S:10 f- No.101 Bristol. Knoxvlll ft .. ! Chattanooga . ... T:l an a from New York. Phil i letphla. Da"'- Pack Squaro i r