the mum Evening1 News Publishing Co ABBEVILLE, X, G. tBscnn-now rates i - Asheville and Blltniora On Week 1 1, f Three Month. 61 Monthi Months ' .10 1.1S lit I. bo ' BY MAIL, Kf ADVANCE -jnree Month ,,j,,f 1,00 bjx aiontns S 00 Twelve Monthi 4.00 Any matter offered for nuhHutlnn that Is not classified aa news, giving notice or appealing or project Where n uumittance or other fee is charg ed is advertising and will be accept ed at regular rates only. The same applies to ca tfi of thanks, obituary notices, political announcements and the like. . n The Qazette-News is a mem- ! w or rno Associated Press. e s telegraph news is there- S lore comtileta ni r.ii.hia m t H kt t( k t t K n r. KKIt paid within one yean not Including those assessed against iocat benefits ft) Losses) B.tfWliA" . jt . tho rear Inenrrsa ill trad W arising irem nre torma M fchlpwrtes and hot eempehsatftJ fw L Worthless akd charged Off Within the rMiri W A rettsonable tllovun.. or m eanaustleo. Weir and tear of Property, Hlti out Its us, during ear T The amount r.ivwi as dividends Upon the stock of a Mf. poratlon, which la taxable upon Its net income at 1 per centra to h, .in ducted for the purpose of ascertain ing the additional tax. (8) The in- come, the tax upon which has been Paid or withheld for payment at th. source is to be deducted from gross Income for purposes of the normal tax (3) Interest a state or any of its subdivisions. and upon the obligations of the Unit ed tatea or their possessions. Tn ",lra are computed by the enl. ""'"r year, Beginning, however March 1. 1913, and thus for this year me tax win be only three-fourths much as any future year. ' TUS ASHEVILLE GAZETTE - NEWS. ERICAN 1DER 111 FIR SIBERIA United States Silver Delia? Preferred to Russian Qzte c, by Natives, ...iw.a at tn Fostofflce In Asheville as secord-class matter. Saturday, November 1, 1913. TIIE INCOME TAX. NEEDED ASSISTANCE The action of the Board of Trade an of the Edward Buncombe chapter D. A. R. in applying for associate mm. bership In the newly organized Ap palachian Park association is an un- mistakable and gratifying Indication of the general realization here of the Rarely, even with our notoriously reat ,mDrtance of the work which badly drawn laws, 'the fruit, of haste the aB8?clatlon purposes to further er more often of carelessness In leg- 01 tn9 necessity that the people islaiien, has an enactment trone Into and organization of this section and effect amid such general puzzlement the south Bhuld 8rat behind the move- as to ita provisions as the income tax ment That thls would be the gen- ni.t " ... ami i .ov-i.uii 01 ine new tariff law, which ""5 naa no doubt; and becomes applicable today. Wall street thes8 Prompt endorsements should Is mystified and the press dispatches reat'y lrt In the membership cam- indicate a deep-rooted belief thr pa!6n now under way. EerliW th that the treasury department, which shouI point the way to other slmi- 1s undertaking to interpret it, is as Inr or5anlzations. Every city and sea as to how the law may lnlB "Bion should get in line be made applicable as another. This for the park association movement. trouble chiefly is over the provision Ths parIt association contemnlatM for collection at the source, however, anIlstIn the aid and interest of of income from bonds, mortgages, every state anl c'ty in the south. The etc, and as to the general provisions ""torate and the remaining officers wid intent of the aot there is lees con- ar" f 09 80 chosen as to gain the at ; fusion, The Greensboro News thus tentlon and Influence of the south ' analyzes its general scope: "All citiJan1 th,s wiu 08 eaay if Asheville and sens er the United States, whether re- we8tern North Carolina do their part Biding at home or abroad; all persons Then thIs 'forest will bo ever-widen-. residing in the United States, whether lnfr and flna"y effect cannot be citizens or not, and all persons resld- 1norea n the federal department Ing out of the United etates having whlch has u w)th'n its power to make Business interests In the United States, oc lne 8outhern Appalachians a na '""J0" io me provisions of the section ana playground, new tax. Every individual Is allowed in entlr9 narmony with legislation al- an exemption of $3000 annual income r y pass9d bv congress. which is not subject to any tax. A married man, if living with his wife, Whatever may be the effect on the tiA "nai exemption of ruture of the case in the courts, the 1000, as Is also a married woman if declaration of Trial Judgo Roan that ....... ner nuscana; but only one not "thoroughly convinced deduction aggregating $4000 is allow, either as to the guilt or Innocence of Cd from t Vl A nPI-rmrntn Um, . m , tVi A M . n . ...u.uo wi nus- uo.wiuani ! rank, convicted of uu Wlle, wnen living together, muraer Jn Atlanta, will tend further . ,lo may Doth husband and to increase general doubt as to rullt u.uU,v .n, Mamonai uooo. All onaitlons in Atlanta were such incomes are taxed at the rate of one to make a finding on the legal merits per cent, less deductions; thus an un- of the case difficult. Irrespective of 'iKOOft an mcome of " BUllt or '""ocence of the defend .. va, u OI one per cent KIU lnero waa t0Q m linnn ft 9 AAA wm-i . . . .. . 'itv iUU ,-vv. tun in me language of Pt m the court room. . me siatute u the "normal rate of tax. By Associated Press. Petersburg, Nov 1. The ubi- quitous American trader aDDeara to nave discovered a pari; at leasU of northern Siberia and to have made It his own. So strong a hold In fact has ne secured upon the natives of that little known part of the world that while the American silver dollar is taken with avidity In trade, the R.n. sma trader who offers two Russian roubles for the same amount of goods woked upon with suspicion. Lieutenant Arbenlev, of the Russian navy, who was a member of the Rut slon expedition which nnnn it. ...i at St Michael, Alaska, a few weeks bu, reported having- found I-- body of land forminsr the ommt. part of Nova Zemlya, and enclosing a ora, in a DOOKotii th. tvi. expeoition in 1812, Just pub ", nmes numorous nhmii h American traders met with durinsj ....0 ivjnje, . nu . . . "";,"r natives conereeatrt h mere stood the tell.tai. i cabin, whence silver dollars, American uhu canned goods were doled out in return for the precious furs In which the land abounds. The offer of ruuoiee instead of one silver dol m many cases treated with , 1 ,.. . . , . roeniev argues that It nuuut ume tne Russian took more .. tneir own lands and peo T-r.' V 8 a Vlsit paU1 to the Taimyr and Walgatch, the two steam, ers of the expedition, when off f". Kln at the end of August oy iunguz, a chieftain styled Bobrovsky, which means beaver, who l""uu'' uispiayea a medal mnfri upon him by tho president of the United States for succoring the sur vivors or tne Jeanete Arrtin ovarii EatgrrLsy. i:c7eber 1 IDEAL TYPE OF" ROAD PAVEMENT i A Com&Inatlon Highway to Bs i Triad Jn Ksw Jersey. G30D UNDER ALL CONDITIONS tion. Incomes above ; auon. It Is the rate on all. Incomes ; not in excess of $20,000. The Income tax is a graded, unequal and discrlm natory tax. The gradation Is as fol ; lows: There Is a further additional tax ; of 1 per cent upon amounts from 20 - f AAA A A.. . T : vv w bu,ooo; an addition of 2 per I Cent on Incomos of 150,000 to $76, : 000; an addition of per cent on in- comes from $75,000 to $100,000; an Addition of 4 per cent on Incomes from $100,000 to $250,000; an addl ! tlon of 6 per oent on amounts from J $280,000 to $500,000; an addition of per oent on all ! $500,000." ne return of Income by taxable I person is to Include "gains, profits and Incom tiapiti.j . su uin salaries, wages : r compensation for personal service, of whatever kind and In whatever lorm paid, or from professions, voca ; , uu.,nes, trade, commerce or .. or oeaiing. In property, whether ru or personal; also Income grow , In out of the ownership or use of or I interest in real or personal property -ua .rom interest, rents, dividends I SSOUrltles nr h. .... ".uwciion or any lawful business carried on for gain or yrom. with certain exceptions. The income or property acquired by gift evise or descent Is to be re turned, but the principal 1 not Part ..riMoip pronts must be nucinur aiviaed or The spectacle of Sulzer nuHn.. winning campaign on a reform ticket Is ennticrh tn , v "lano unyuoay Dut a dyed-in-the-wool reformer laugh. That profession apparently finds no Incongruity In running for office on -n upnrt ticket a man whom every member of the Court of Appeal, of ,orK denounced as morally Un . .v. u..,v;B, ana pernapi ther(j Js not. roturned not. P..4. from life Insurance policies need not be returned. Person, receiving f,M tot professional services k.- to re turn .11 .c,u,, r,c,lpUl an(J ; PI1 cccounts eon.ldered collectible; ; any ,uch account proving uncollect able, may be deducted from a futUM; ; u,u. accrued Interest should b. ' Whether eollscted or not Th. additional deduction. Include, fl) Necessary e.p.n... : Paid In carrying on. any business, not Including p.r.on.!( ,, 0, f expense () All lnt.r.M wlthln eebitavm, (, X1, BtUon( taU I sad sneniaij,.! tues President Huerta should carry out his rumored plan of making a 15 Per cent, levy on all Mexican bank deposits, a knotty Internatlnn.i v. lem would be promptly solved. Has your Income shrunk since yesterday? mm! BRACE UP. Iw1,Umm,r man- ,n drags BLe.ary feet; and full of .lu prunes, and prickly hear hs grumbles and h. t,n . .:.18al.' ha hnll.t... . v. . k... m.u. : .. . co'iar.; . he'd give ..nun aouara to p a .t ..... ".ot mueh "na ln "vlng when I. mZiL . , . 0 HJ tor thenah. sun is giving caloric hv th. heat amases. and ..-...- , , : - ...n ...uiininu "-vwoccno crie. "By heckl iuYoiy is in. Autumn, nn it th... ta m Ni .. ' ' " ,'""' or- " 'here are, we swa . wun giao exultant orlesl We kick holes In the c.illna h.... Z , ." 7." lo """ir eyes. The blood Is coursing frsalv ihrn.k f v"" alook And .oon wi thlnh we're really much young.r than , scnooi-Doys ws are rao- Ing, ucon sur prrand. chasing; and WZ Mn Blbrac"n th. hired girl and th. cook, October, bright Octo ber, yo4 arc th. month, by jlngl The summer months paraded and left us TJtL r cam . i H4ing m your wing! WALT MASON, me influence of the alien traders, says le lieutenant, does not seem to have been physically harmful to the natlveB but quite the contrary '. so far as the appearance of the a concerned. They have however, been unable to alter the in. descrlbably filthy habits of the Siber ian redskins. The discovery of the new land by Caption Wllkitzky, the commander of the expedition which arrived at St. Michael, is the result of the endeav. w.o xvunBinn uovernment to render commercially practicable the isortnern sea routs tn h kv.. w.... The Captain is a eon of General Wil Kitzky, who died In February last and who as chief orographic Service signed the instruct lion for thf fmrvnv rtf U . ... S nor nn n-. M i ' lur wnicn tne present, The Taimyr and Wnii-ntr., ... Kl,. ..... . specially DUUt to nirfr.rM fl. ..urmern voyage from vi.-,,7i.v..i. t5..t- Petersburg, and Are equipped mi wireiess instl at on. v.v ,.- Ilnu 1A . . a. secuon or the coast has mirveyea, and an attempt was made to reach Etiropsan waters wlth- "U1 wintering.. Last year the expedi tion was unable to reach Capo Trhe Uuskln. Tho leader, General Ser geieff, who has subsequently Invalid ed declined to proceed northward and turned back to Vladlsvostcrk According to the opinion of hvdro graphers Captain Wllkitzky decided at I. w V m' westward, even If o nuu io winter in th. in thee circumstances he hodly mov ed northward and made the Impor tant discovery of new land, which he has reported ln a lncnnln rr, . the admiralty. After recounting that he put Into St. Michael for coal and because of .light damage received nwiu, us says, -vve con p i, i. . . "" far a Cape .v,.cuS,n wnere tne ice proved lm f'ov-ul-hum, we then went .north, ..-cuing iana extending over 200 ..iics as rar as latitude 81 north, long. ituao IS east Helng unable to get " wo lurnea Daclc . On Ben- net Island we took the collection left by Baron Toll, and In thn.t nniirht.A- iouu aiscoverea a new Island." Cape Tchelluskln, ln Siberia, Is the mo nonnern point of the mainland ui Asia, uennet Island Is the most nonnern member of the new Siberian uruup, ana lies about 600 miles east irum tape Kchelluskln. Th. Jean cue wo. lost in un, at a point 100 mlle cast of Bennet Island after uniting in a west-north-westerly dlr ectlon for two veara. In isoi u Jeots bellevcdto have been from wreck m mi jeanette wore picked up oi the southwest coast of Greenland, I was upon the current which rnnv... ed these relics thnt Nansen relied In .us expedition with the Fram dur ing wnicn ne achieved hi. farthest nunn in April, UBI. The pretence of land In these re- emns was not unexpected, although the expeditions of Nordensklold. sen and Toll passed through what re now nnown io Da comparatively nar row strait, without leavlns- anv t-uru ui any suon fliseovery. R. A. Meeker, Stat. Hiahway Engineer, Has Novel Plan For Making Service able Re.d. with $trips of Different Materials-Would Be Cheap. The question Is being asked on every side, "What la tb. best pitvement for our country roads, .specially those tbnt n subjected, to a mixed motor and florae arawa traffic J" The answer to the question embrace creral factors. These may be sum wnrfced under three genernl heads- uuiity. durability and cost.'-Tbr most useful pavement Is l.est described ny tne phrase coined at the close of tbi clKhteenth century by the framers 0 the orlslnnl turnpike acts-thiit i. U must be amootu. burd ami conveuleni for travel ot all seasons of the veur A fmremout thnt meets these req'uli ments leaves nothlne to be denlred. In New .Terser we lm va nn ihn. dunce of pood road matedal In certnln sections, while In others it Is lacklne. The jrrarel In some portions of nth Jersey makes an "excellent road for urn uiouius or the year If the travel not too nenvy. The trnp and dolo mite of the ceutral und nnrinnrn .. tlons make n good rond ot nil seasona. but they have two bnd onniiti..n. that they become duatv In drv wnntbAF the other that they break np and rut under henry travel. To combat tiuo two evils various bitumens have been used, and the results, when the proper materials were employed, hnve hponi sniisuictory. except thnt tha surface Is uppcry in eold weather. Io overcome this oblecflon it la nm posed to build our trunk Hhp i. lows: Pnre the twelve feet In tho nonir of the road with a mixture of stone and asphalt and on each side of thu ny a plain inaciidn iB wioo py rour Inches deep. Id slip GLASSES NOT MADE V FOR NOSES i Glasses are mad. far the cyec But th. noee must hold. lhm To hold the glass right for til eyes. th. mountings tout' b , made to fit the nose. Our ability id select th , right else mounting, the right stylo of guard to adjust the mounting to th. nose is why . SHUH-ON fitted by us help the eyes and give no, com fort . Tour, for eyo cas. and ' nose comfort CHARLES H. H0NIS3 OptomeMat and Optician 4 Patton Are. Oppo. P. O. CIMMmMtBtMMMMlMtHMMtMttt. Battery Park Bank ASHETItLEj N. A - " CaplI i;.. ,k i if 100,000 Sutplui fend Prbhta ciiiiviit $130,000 , ' " OPFIOEBS: James P. Sawyerj Chairman of the Board. T. C. Coxe, President. 'J; fe. Rankin, Cmahi. Erwin Sloder, Vice-Pre. O. Rankin; Asst. Cash! v 99 999 9 W9999tH ETGi WALKED THE STREET young Asheville Celebrated Hallowe'en Fittingly and ,.. Otherwise. - -; (fa s q 2r,;"'.'.?s-'' lktfUx A?.A.2...,.f. .?. ..Ah'? . r Last night was Hallnwa'an i ghosts, hobgoblins, spooks and white "1' walked A8hevill' rot. .n.i made merry with the throng that had COIrfe down town earlv tn wntK iv, fun of the young folks. All kinds of costumes were hrnueht out and one young fellow went so far as to come out in the chilly night .v.i iub uusiume or a clown. . "Some people seem to have such funny ideas of good times," a man standing nearby when this fellow had to beat It Inside, remarked, and then went on his way dodging the crowds that were bent on having the time of their lives. The fun lasted here until about the witching hour when It died out about a quick as It came in. Those who uvea in rne surburha ani . .... fortunato as to walk home last even "B.were tne ones that seemed to uo me special prey of the Hallows celebrators. They were hid behind all manner or tnmgs and Jumped out. weamea, yelled and did the ghost ur uance, or Whatever It was. fftK thn l.1 . - 1 . ' uml(!u peaestrian Who wan uureu nome. racK sauare ahnnf i Just when the crowd was largest the wis iouuest, and good times the goodest." a crowd of young bors spied a woman standing nearby, or uUy uressea bs a woman, as they evidently thought and at once vmueeaea t0 grab her and dance around on tho street She seemed to protest in a feeble nrt rf wow ... a th boys grew bolder and tried to tear m '"ivBMji i ana -oeooid, it was u.ouclcu mai ane was a woman a iicsio woman. It IS rCDOrted thnt nn.M... damage waB done over the .city by "J lore ud Dines. m in 01. gates, and other things that wer. loose uuuua tne nouses or streets. Imagine the Comfort you would be giving your family to have them know that their allowances would be perpetual Contemplate this sugges tion with seriousness and ' interview our Trust officers at your earliest oonvexu ience. "v; . - hi Trustee for Voluntary Trusts v ; ij ' POT TOUR MONET IN TRUST v ( - N P. Copyrighted, t:j. WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST ' COMPANY MACADAM BOAD r KKW naam. iMTgt PoiUlos Written. Copyright, l.IJ, b, 0.orf, uuthtw AaamA) Editor of Tho Qazette-News: The firm of Preoerick KmUri & v.uiiiimny nam secursa and wrltton possibly th. largest fire ai.d liability pollcle. ever written in the state, the premium pn the fire policy being ISvOO, and on th. liability Ijooo making a total premium of 111,00V. i Th. effort, of .mail U Mail oo ska ft 1 competitor, to injure us hav. helped us, not hurt us. Their puny uft. wun enmity and Jealousy hav. wounded them, not c FREDERICK KUTLEDQa : November U mi. pery weather on a rood of this sort the horses con travel on tha nn .,h side, allowlug one wheel of the wagon to run on the bituminous pavement If 7 "vcr so desires and leaving suffi cient room for aa automobile to run on tho center. By following this method three ends would be attalned-flrst the horses would be able to travel over the rood without dipping; second, mora satisfactory and wider pavement would be hud for fess money, and. third, there uum oe less Obstruction tn m i bltnminous pavement sixteen feet wide u.u cost more per mil than a com bination pavement twenty feet wide 0D0V cuceested. and as an added advantng. of the latter the traf fic woold bo distributed rrcr tba entire A pavement laid according to this vmu ,vouiu also bs fr. from tho dla agreeable and unsightly drop at the iaai ia ao orten seen on tho aides KOin"0" pnrement, particular ly if the soil of which the shoulders Is formed is of a light or sandy nature, Tola sharp drop at the edge of the lMt.uieni is also verr Jnlurlnna fv owing to the shearing off of the edge, of tba pavement by the wheel, of the "u,lIn wcn tuey arc driven off or on. Tula shearing or breaking of tbe edgf la most destructive to th. nr. pnv.meni. Tttt opening so formed admits the water Into tho body of the imTemeui, .na as a consequence dlsln tegratioo begins. The rfnrahiiit. tbo pavement la thus greatly leraened, - iut ureosuig or in. bond not oni causes the sh.itterlng of the pavement, but pennlte a movement of the etono panicies composing It Tbla attrition greeny the wear, therehv augmenting tba cost of maintenance. resuic tout tha annual ex penditure la much Increased. Tho nltlmnto cost of a eomhinnMnn typo of pavement constructed as sh-. described will be much less than tbat of tbe other kind, so thst whether messured on the bssla of first r main tenance coat tbe pavement above Am. scribed will be by far tbe cheapest . Cost of las' Roses. Too can add all your taxes roth and mnUlply the anm by three and It win hardly equal the tax yea pay' by LUMBER AND Building Material of any and nU kinds. Everything In Rough and Dressed Lumber. Citizens LumberCo. Phones, up town office' 60. " Yard office, 61. Asheville, N. J. ESSENTIAL TO COMFORT IN COLD WEATHER Blankets; Comforts and Heaters Wo have your Inspection. s large, well-assorted stock and win appreciate OOTTOX BLANKETS ll OOAIi 8EATXRS $2.50 and $3.00 $3.00 to $25 WOOL BLAXKETS WOOD HEATERS $4.00 to $10.00 $l.5Q to $2.QQ Comforts $3.00 to $25.00 BEAUMONT FURNITURE COMPANY 27 South Main Street. The Home of Furniture Values, r W. W. YOUHQ (The Barber) Invites his friends snd visit him at the new up-to-date ahop 8 Patton avenue, opposite nostaffm Everything New and Sanitary. Hair cutting. 15c: niin 15c; Olive oil. Crude nil n m.v' shampoo, BOc. Children. wnrV specialty. CENTRAL BARBER SHOP $25 Men's Suits $14.50 Uncle Sara's Pawn She ' OS. Main street, will .ell you thi fuil' l0 suits, fin. black thlbet. fancy graya. browna and dark mixed worsteds, all i,es, worth 111 fiso th"r t0re' our p,c"1 pTk VTfCIM SAM'S. 0 6. Ualn St. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Uen'a and Boya Clothing at Bam Fineateln's Clothing Store. 24 SOUTIZ MAIN STREET a r KIOSODA 0 lbs for 10 cents Bearch Light Matches, 8 boxes for 10 cent, 'HENRY J, OLIVB General Mechandist Smith's Bridge Phones 133 and 2131 i n GOAL HEATERS :Y $3.75 up ,: , J: L. SMATHERS & SONS Mammoth Furniture Storo " . . 15-17 No. Main St I For Rent Offices in The Gazette- News Building ...'.-.;.; SO East College Street We can oflfer a suite of two or three rooms, in the front, well adapted for any professional man. These rooms are very large, the light and ventilatl are perfect and aU rooms are supplied with hot and water, and steam heat Apply at Gazette-Newa particulars. on'. Cr'l

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