Saturday, November 8, PAGE TEN THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE - NEWS. M. & W. INDIAN . COAL - Has for more than a de cade past been the stand ard fuel in this section. It has earned this1 reputa tion by its genuine good ness and perfect fuel quality. Phone 130. Carolina Goal & Ice Company INNER GOODNESS ' "Women of refinement always demand equal care in the finish of their garments as in the lar ger details. Such women are quick to recognize the perfect , finish and delicacy of PATRI 1 CIAN shoes. Perfectly smooth, free from knots, wax and rough seams, just smooth as a glove inside. PERFECT in beauty outside. $3.50 and $4. Guarantee SHOE STORE 4 South Main St. THE GOVERNOR SAID That Good Roads made for better education, bet ter morals and better fin ancial condition. BETTER LAUNDRY WORK 1 Seems impossible to at tain than what we turn out in our famous Nichols "Way laundry work. Try it and KNOW from ex perience. Phone 2000. Astieville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. WEEK OF PRAYER OPENS TOMORROW I you DO NOT NEED to be reminded this Is the time to take care of your flowers. You need a lot of flower pots and jardinieres. We hnve just received a car load, prices right. THE I X L STORE 22 Patton Ave. Phone 107 The Electrie Store. Construction Department What we do: Wire houses. Repair any kind of Electrical Apparatus. Rewind or repair Armatures and Field Colls. Rebuild and make as good as new Dynamos or Motors that have gone through fire. Install city and Isolated Elec tric Plants. We do any thing that Is to be done In the Electrical line. PIEDMONT Electric Co. 14 Patton Ave. Opposite P. O. Phone 47S Local 7. M. OVA. Has Prepar ed an Excellent Program for Entire Week. The "Week of Prayer," which is ob served by members of the Young Men's Christian associations all over the world, will open tomorrow, and arrangements have "been made by the management of the local association to carry out the program of the entire week here. Leaders have been secur ed for each day, and the opening day of the observance will be in charge of Dr. S. L. Morris of Atlanta, who will speak to the men of the city at the association building tomorrow af ternoon at 4 o'clock. The subjects for prayer for this meeting will be: The world's alliance of Young Men's Christian associations, 85S4 organizations with 986,131 mem bers in 47 counties, its missionary ac tivities, and the realization of tne program outlined at the Edinburgh conference in June, 1913. There will be singing by the Asheville male quar tet, under the leadership of Capt. C. H. Bartlett, and selections will be fur nished by the association orchestra. Dr. Morris is one of the best speakers of the season and a big attendance is expected. The following is the program for the remainder of the week: Monday, Rev. Dr. C. B. Waller Subjects for prayer: Faithfulness to the application of the Gospel in social and national life; that the associations may exert a penetrating influence on society in general, as well as a per sonal influence on young men. Tuesday, Rev. Wyatt Brown leader Subjects for prayer: The raising up and enlistment of leaders; association conventions, institutes and confer ences; special agencies for the train ing of secretaries, such as the schools at Springfield, Chicago and the five summer schools. Wednesday, Rev. P. H. Mears leader Subjects for prayer: The mainten ance of cordial and helpful relation ships with kindred societies; church brotherhoods, adult classes and the student volunteer movement; for work in the Balkan1 countries; and for the Moslem world. Thursday. Rev. E. M. Hoyle leader Subjects for prayer: The personal religious life of the members; the various religious agencies of the asso ciations; the volunteer workers, teach ers and committeemen; ami for teach ers' training classes. Friday, Rev. W. E. Poovey leader Subjects for prayer: The witness of our physical, educational and social activities to the spirit of Christ; the witness of the members by life and word as a means of leading other young men to Christ; and for classes designed to prepare men for personal evangelism. Saturday, Rev. J. C. Rowe leader Subjects for prayer: The growth of the missionary spirit in the American associations; the increase of system atic giving by young men, especially I in the enterprises of their own churches. . II CHILD'S LAXATIVE IS OF FIBS" Made from fruit Can't harm tender stomach, liver and bowels. If your little one's tongue Is coated, ft is a sure sign the stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleans ing at once. When your child is cross, peevish, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally; If breath is bad, stomach sour, system full of cold, throat sore, or if feverish, give a tfia. spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs." and In a few hours all the clogged-up constipated waste, sour bile and undi gested food will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, play ful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be cause they know its action on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. They also know a little giv--en today saves a sick child tomorrow.. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of coun terfeits sold here. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Com pany," Don't be fooled! ALDERMEN DEW THAT Many Matters of Importance before Board To Open Highland Street. ' 1 The Following Telegram Tells Its Own Story Detroit, Mich., Oct II, 1111 Asheville Auto Co., 17 Lexington Ave., Asheville, N. C, Shipped during October eleven hundred and eleven automobiles. Just two hundred and fifty one more than In any previous month of our existence. Orders continue at thirty-five to forty daily. I con gratulate and thank you and each member of your organisation for your part in accomplishing this wonderful record. HUGH CHALMERS. Chalmers cars are selling even better than ever. They are al ways leaders. You notice the best looking car on the street, that's the Chalmers. Asheville Automobile Co. PEORI SlS-Sls NO. 11-17 8. IiEXCTGTOJI ATS. 7 ALL AND WINTER SHOES Dr. A. Reed's $5.00 and $5. SO cush ion shoes for men, comfort ease, snap and economy, warm and comfortable. GEO. W. JENKINS " 18 So. Main St. J. K CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing ay Specialty Ha. S Pack Boar PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS MADE TO ORDER Drop in and see sample book of cards. Attractive designs. These cards give a personal touch and make excellent reminders of the Holiday s:-ntlment v ' .. ' : ' : ROGERS BOOKSTORE. 9 Patton At. Asheville, N. C. The Home of Good Printing. Phone 114. ORDER ICE, CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER Siw CANDY KITCHEN SK NEAR VOSTOFFICE. PHONE 118. HAYWOOD STREET UNFURNISHED RO.OMS FOR RENT rm k ? ? t m mn, k . a ? . Y. M. C. A. BOWLING SCOKES. H is n M ' "4 to to to to to to Vl to to to to to to to to to There was a match last night in the Y. M. C. A. big pin tournament be tween the bowlers of N'eoly and Kindel, in which the former won two out of three games. The Individual scores follow: Totals. Williams, J. S. 152 141 130 423 Koppleman ... 185 1F.0 145 480 Young 135 180 153 468 Neely (Capt.). 153 182 140 4-75 Grand totals 625 653 668 1,846 Brown, E. B 170 141 194 505 Melton 136 160 139435 Jones 133 133 134 400 Kindel (Capt.) 133 144 139 416 Grand totals 572 578 606 1,756 LICENSED TO WED. Marshall Gregg to Kntlc Brooks. Grant's No. 24 Cures Cold and Grip. SSc Chambers & Weaver, Livery, Phone IS WANTS Nothing Brightens Up a Room Like a New Rug It add more to Its appear , ance than anything you could buy Let us show some of our pretty room size rugs that are marked ' at such reasonable prices. ' We can save ' you money on floor coverings let us prove it ASHEVILLE CARPET HOUSE IS Church Street. Phone 92 S Carpets and matting laid with out extra charge. ; A P.AT-PROOF STORE. If you buy groceries from me, you may feel well assured that no rats have ever been near them. O. D. ALLISON, Phones 31 and 35. 227-lOt. STOVES. Perfection Oil Heaters $3.00 up Wood Heaters 11.00 up Coal Heaters .....13.76 up Stove Boards 15c up Coal Hods 2 So up Andirons SOc up Portable Grates 12.00 up Fire Bhovels So up ion . i6o up Pokers .. 10c up All stoves put up by expert Free. Brown HARDWARE CO., Sole Agents for Genuine Cole's Hot Blast Heaters. 21 North Main. Phone 17. 111-tf. At the regular weekly meeting of the board of aldermen held last night, matters of importance were brought before the aldermanic body, including the opening of Highland street to Ce dar street; the matter of taxing dai ries doing business in city; the request of the civic betterment leasjue, that trash cans be placed on the street corners to do away with rubbish .that accumulates on the streets. It was brought to the attention of the board that Carl Ward, the elec trical inspector, had stopped work without handing in his resignation. and as the board did not know wheth er or not they could appoint a succps sor until this was done, Ralph Hamp ton, the fire alarm inspector, was ap pointed to fill the place until such a time as a regular inspector would be appointed. The bourd voted to open Highland street to Cedar street, and the matter of assessing the amount of damages and benefits to. the property owners of these streets was referred to a Jury, with power to act. I'pon motion it was decided that all dairies doing business in the " city would have to pay the tax before No vember 15, or cease to operate their plants. At a meeting recently held. by the dairymen, they refused to pay this tax, stating that it was Illegal and the case finally went to the Su I preme court of North Carolina. It Is proposed by the board to collect this tax, and if the case is finally decided in favor of the dairymen to refund the monpy paid In to the city. A matter that was discussed at great length by the members was that of forcing property owners or tenants to make water connections, so as to improve the general sanitary condi tions of the city. It was brought out that a large number of tenants in the city had not paid their taxes and the water had been cut off. Then the question arose as to who was to pay for the water, and the city attorney held that the property owners should be held liable. Instructions were Is sued to the sanitary Inspector to so notify all property owners. To the sanitary committee with full power to act, was referred the ques tion of buying new galvanized Iron receptacles to be placed on the streets for the collection of rubbish. The building permits issued last night are as follows: Dr. A. W, Calloway, six-room resi dence on Merrlmon avenue;eatimated Cost, 13,200. McCary company, store room on South Main street; estimated cost 1200. Woodcock & Glllis, three room res idence on Herman avenue; estimated cost, $400. J. S. Foster, store room on South- side avenue; estimated cost, $6500. Forest Hill company, six room resi dence In Forest hill; estimated cost. $3,000. J. M. Acee, five room residence on Oak Park road; estimated cost $2,600. Ha rah E. Anderson, three room res- Ideneo on Cumberland avenue; esti mated cost $500. .Strictly Fresh Yard Eggs 40c Per Doz. E.C. JARRETT V Fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. Store Phone 1920 & 1921. Market Phone 2058 The Merit System Wins Again It is Interesting to note the draft, and farm horses and mules which are the hardest worked of any stock, and which took first prices at recent W. N.'C. Fair were Arab fed teams. It Is wasteful to feed poor feed, your dealer can supply Arab. DO YOU Like for your coal to . come nice clean lumps in specially prepared do mestic sizes T Then order MONARCH it 's care- fully sized to meet your requirements, and so ' you'll want more. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 l N. Pack 6 GOOD ROADS AND GOOD COAL Mean peace, happineBS . and prosperity; .where there is happiness there U peace and prosperity M& W. COAL Lead in goodness and makes the home comfort able and. where comfort is there is happiness. PHONE 40. Asheville Coal Co. W. Ae WARD ANYTHING ELECTRICAL 12 Battery Park Place Phone 449 MEN'S SUITS Latest Winter Styles, $12.50 to $22.50 GemClothingStore Patton Ave. CHOICE MILK-FED CHICKENS, KIND THE TENDER STAR MARKET PHONES 1917 1918 -1111, "We are the aaoceesfnl Caterers to Variety of Appetites." JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT BONELESS CODFISH Codfish balls are especially nice for breakfast, or creamed cod. fish makes a good supper dish. ' ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY We Ship Fish and Oysters y Parcel Poet. ', mONKS M-8-M6 CTTT MARKBT, ' PUREST AND BEST Rumford Baking Powder - GROVE PARK INN - GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. Visitors to Asheville although not guests ot GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect the building. Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Par. ties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m., 7:30 to 10:00 p .m ' It is FORTUNATE for a real merchant if his competitor is a live advertiser who, now a nd then, even tries to "set the pace for him. It makes store- making a task for MEN. . 8HOE8 made U order, repairing done qulckjy. rot service phone its. Champion Shoe Hospital, I Government 8t, phone 714. Il-tl SAFETY RAZOR Blades Sharpened " Ite per dot. Durham Duplex.. too per dos. All others lie per dos. BKUWN HARD WARE CO., 11 North Mala. Phone IT ITI-tf Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK, Owner. We give moving our special attention. Largest vans and most oompfr tent men in city. Prompt baggage transfer service. Endorsed by U. Ct and T. P. A. Phone 26. ; 48 Patton Avenue.- Laundry Phone 70 Jt Trial to all we ask. We treat your laundry Unite. Hot Crisp TOAST DEALS IN DIRT. J. 8. Holcombe to 8. D. Hall and wife, L. A. Hall, property located on the east side of Border street, 1 10 and other valuable considerations. B. George Barber and wife to Sam uel Finesteln, property located on the east side of Bouth Main street; con sideration $11,000. i Asheville Paint tk Glass Co., formerly The Miller-Hice Paint Co. Lucas Paint. EARN A SCHOLARSHIP The Oasette-News Is offering a full double scholarship in the Asheville Business college, to a bright young woman with good education who will work a few hours a day in their Editorial rooms reading proof, wHle taking the 6ourse, and may give per manent employment as soon as com plete. Call at the once of The Oasette-News where all particulars will be given. If, Can be made while you wait right before your eyes on the table. For Breakfast k If you use an Electric Radiant Toaster. It browns the bread just right, quicker and better than any other method. , Asheville Power and Liglit Co. PHONE 69. The formal opening of . my , store ,with my new line will be announced in a few days. Watch the daily papers. , ' i '. BLOMBERG'S SPORTING GOODS AND TOY STORE. ' ' i 17 Patton Avenue. TURKISH BATHS The Gruner Sanitarium 31 Haywood Street Tor Ladies and Gentleme .. . Open Day and Night. Wilson Heaters v Coal and Wood. . Let us put you up one of thei?e Wilson's. They give you more heat from the same amount of fuel than any other heater. The price is reasonable; the saving great Let us prove it to you. . . V. CREA8MAN, PreaH. I A. CREA8MAK, Mgr. Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Co v ' PLUMBING HEATING GAS FITTING Agents for Acetylene Gas Generators and Compressed Air . Water Systems Biltmore, N. C. Yalvesj Pmmps, Water Pipe), Terra Ootta Pipe, Flame Bldg., Pbone SIT. M UttlS U reen HdweCo. f 11 W. PackSquaro y

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