Saturday, November 8. PAGE SIX THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE - NEWS. 11 Jji 1 f 1 1 i 4 1 1 : ft li S j NEWBRO HERPICIDE ALWYAS CREATES ENTHUSIASM Thousands Thousands of ladles throughout the world are thankful for Newbro's Her plclde, because It Is to that wonderful hair remedy and scalp prophylactic they owe their soft, long, beautiful hair. Mary J. Terry, of Lovejoy, HI., writes: "My hair came out until there was just a scanty cover for the scalp, I tried everything I ever heard of or read about until I Anally used Herpicide. There is nothing like it. Aly head is now covered with new hair. I shall forever praise Herpi cide." Most hair troubles come from dan druff. Newbro's Herpicide removes this dandruff and prevents further ac cumulation. It also stimulates a flow of blood which nourishes the follicles. The scalp being healthy the hair does not come out and the new hair is allowed to grow. incxDnncrinnnnniJULJLJuancxin OCIAL HAPPENINGS Monument to Cncrals. The South Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution will unveil a monument next week in Columbia to j the memory of the partisan generals of the state. Among the young people i who have been selected to perform the ! unveiling, as being the direct descend-i ants of these Revolutionary generals j arc: Reid Johnson of Charleston, a : descendant of General Marion; Cal- hotin Shiver of Clemson college, a les- j cendant of General Pie-kens; Master Tisdaye of Sumter, a descendant of j General Sumter; and Master Rembei .. and DuBose. both descendants of Gen. Pickens. The unveiling will take place at the annual state convention of the D. A. R. and will iring to a successful consummation the wish of Mrs. Rebecca Pickens Bacon, the founder of the T. A. It. in South Caro lina. Mrs. William Cummings Story, president general of the 1). A. R., who has spent this week in Charlotte at tending the North Carolina state con gress, will be among the honored guests at the South Carolina conven tion. W Anion Notes. Correspoii'lence of The Gazette-News. Arden, Nov. S. Miss Yeaton is via- ; King .Miss W'estfeldt at Rugby Grange, j Miss Annie Martin of A-sluville j spent Thursday with Miss Blake, who is confined to her room from a severe hurt she had a week ago. i Mrs. YVctmoro gnc a delightful talk to the Woman's auxiliary Thurs- 'liiv. 'tejooon. about the convention a't New York. There was a very large meeting, including some of the mem bers from All Souls' of Biltmore. Tea i and rake were served. j Mrs. lleywood left for Aiken, S. C, Friday morning to be away for a week. Mrs. Justice returned from Char lotte Monday, where she has been visiting her mother, Mrs. ISynum. Mr?. Charity Craig is ery 111 at her home in Skvland. X Metal Tlireml Novelties. M tal thread novelties are adopted in various forms. Interesting in the extreme are the lovely brocades which show embroidered designs In combi nation with metallic threads, ltand- "n novelties having gold and silver tinseled rilling are listed with the new ! 'ormauy mis weeK, at ner home on i patterns. While these are oulte costly charlotte street, the occasion bclnr I in all-silk weaves, their beauty Is so given In honor of her birthday onnl-! marked that they are sure soon to be : vrrsury. A number of her younc -copUd and made up into less expen- friends were Invited for the event. tind five patterns so as to reach the desires thn celebration was most enjoyable, of the woman of moderate purse. ' I'nlike those of antiquity, modern; XI'SH Georgia Rankin, daughter oil silk brocades are supple and tine. ; 'ra- Alnnxo Rankin of Biltmore, left Combined with plain materials they illake a contrast that is not ton strik- ing and gives a subdued elegance!0, which is must pleasing. That this is a season of artistic Ideas cannot be questioned. Nowhere is this more noted than in evening fabrics. In this movement Paul l'olret, ut first recognized as a couturier, and then iiven the well deserved title of creator if Ideas, Is a leading spirit In the silk ield. He was the first exhibitor of the new printed fabrics, many of 1 which are to be chosen for this sea- t son's evening gowns and wraps. The! i!rH- Morgan V. Cress and her two Criterion. I children of Jacksonville, who have 9, 9, '"''n visiting in Ashevllle, were re nins Isabel Cooke entertained thJt-ent guests at the Georgian Terrace Friday afternoon card club of ' younger set yesterday at her home on Chunn street. The meeting was spir ited and enjoyable, the prize going after a long contei: to Miss Margaret IJnn. Following th game, a dainty salad course was served. Tha young Indies present were: Miss Irma Schu essler, Mine LI I lie Tryon Meriwether, Miss .Mary Mlllender, Miss Margaret Linn, Mlsa Alyne Reynolds, Miss Dor- Handsome Fine Umbrellas $3.75 and up to $10.00, 25 per cent Off. This includes our entire 1913 stock of Umbrella. They Are ' all of good styles and in perfect condition. Arthur M. Field Co", Endorse It. There are other preparations which they say are "Just as good" as Her picide. It is not advisable to try them Instead of doing any good they raa: do positive harm. No one is ever disappointed in Ne w bro's Herpicide. The results are al most always the same, highly sattefac tory, as is indicated by the fact tha Herpicide. has len sold for years am has thousands of satisfied friends. 11 is the only "genuine, original dandruf! germ destroyer." Thlre is nothiiv "Just as good." " Newbro's Herpicide in 50c and Sl.tK j sizes is sold by all dealers who guar antee it to do all thut is claimed. 1 I you are not satisfied your money wil ! be refunded. j Applications at good barber shops ! Send 10c in postage for sample an'1 i booklet to The Herpicide Co., Dept. It. 1 Detroit, Mich. Smith's drug store I special agents. j Personal Mention, Meetings of Societies j othy Randolph, Miss Kmily Bourne Miss Mildred Courtney, Miss Mar. Moore Wooldridge and Miss Cuthber. Dufour. ("liurcii Music, The usual musical sen ice will l given tomorrow afternoon ut A! Souls' church, TSiltmore. At the 4:."( service the following numbers will Ik sung: Anthem, "Seek Ye the Lord," by Perry, the soloist, Mrs. Marker and the quartet. Mrs. James (! Stikeleather, Mrs. 1 Flaxington Har ker, J. G. Stikeleather and John W Starnes; anthem, "Kvening and Morn Ing," by Oakley. After the evensong will come the usual organ recital. :v which the following program select ed from the famous French organist Th. Salome will be given: 1. Grand Choeur in G SaUmi. 2. Offertoire, Op. 8 Saloim 3. Cantilene in A minor Saloon 4. Grand Choeur in A Saloim Special to The Gazette-New. Raleigh, Nov. 8. Charles K. Mc intosh, chief clerk in the state de partment of education, was marrie.' Thursday in Newton to Mfes Llndc Lowe Shuford, daughter of A. C Shuford, and he and his hrldp w il' be at home in this city after Novem lit r 20. Another marriase scheduled among the clerical force of the staff department of education Is that of A F. lirower, clerk of the loan fund. who Is to lead to the marriage altar .Miss Kathleen Mathews of Cliftor Forge, Va., November 12. She is e daughter of W. C. Mathews. Mr. lirower came to Raleigh from Con- cord, UK The ladies of the Baptist and Meth odist Missionary societies held a quar terly union meeting on Friday after noon at the Methodist church in Bilt more. The meeting was well attend ed and most successful. Mrs. J. M Brookshire presided and Mrs. J. P. Carroll acted as recording secretary delightful address on "Education Ir Missions" was given by Rev. J. W. Campbell, after which a round tabk talk took place. Following these fea tures came several songs and a socia1 hour. I 9, Miss Mary Riddiek entertained in-1 mis week lor Montgomery to take part as bridesmaid In the weddimr ol i rrl,'no and will later go to Mobile i to attend another wedding before re- turning home. H .Mrs. Junius Smith of Lexington, Ivy., a former prominent resident of Ashevllle, is spending a few days here as the guest of Mrs. Currie Carr Mitchell, at her home In Aston place, en route to Florida, where she goes to spend Hie winter with relatives, BABY CARRIAGE HEPAIKS New tires put on, new spokes in old wheels; any kind of repuln to body of carriageeven to painting. New Covers put on. In fact we'll make It look like new at a nominal cost J. M. II EARN CO. .a Atlanta en route home. ... Miss Mary Follln of Wtnston-Salem Is visiting her sister. Mrs. V. R. Cooke, it her home on Merrimon avenue. ' tt 1 Miss Kate Wright, who for one year as been traveling In California and Jolorado, has returned to Ashevllle. Rev. Dr. Rodney Rush Swope, rec tor of All Souls' church, will ofticiate tomorrow morning at the 11 o'clock 3ervice in Trinity church. (Continued on page ) NIGHT SCHOOL OPENED if'. M. C. A. Began the School 'at Riverside Club House Last Night. The work of the Ashevllle V. M. C. A. has been turfher extended by the jpening of a night school at the Riv jislde club house for the benefit of .he people of the cotton mill section jf the city. Fred Felmet is the teach jr for this school and the lirst class as held at the club house last night. Jther classes will be held each Kri Jay night and it is believed that a great deal can be accomplished through this work. The night school that is conducted n the association building has been .nost successful for the past two years and Its work has meant a great ieal to those of the city who desire jn education but have to work dur ing the day. It is felt that the ex-1 icnsion work will prove of eijual ben- 1 lit to the poeple of the section Ion vhich it is instituted. ! S. G. BOYCE I'oriner Prominent Man of Aslicville Uted Yesterday in Jackson ville, l'la. A message was received here yes- i crday afternoon by W. C. McConnell mnounclng the death ill Jacksonville .-esterday of H. G. I'.oyce, formerly a iromlncnl business man of this city. Mr. Hoyce was at one time a member if the lirm of Rich & Hoyce. and had 'ieen connected with other business enterprises In the city. He left here i bout 1" years ago and had since made hi.? home In Jacksonville. The leccased was about 55 years of age inrl is survived by the widow and two hildren one daughter and one son. The son resides in Philadelphia and be daughter is married and lives in Jaeki.-onvino. The message stated that the funeral Hid Interment would take place to morrow morning In Jacksonville. I'irst Congregational Church Hun Jay School at a p. m. each Sunday in .he ballroom of the Manor Inn, Char lotto street, in the absence of a pas cor, Congregationalists, or others vis .ting or resident in the city, who un interested In the church work, are in vited to communicate with J. W. iJunn, 62 Button Avenue. Brazil to Participate. By Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 8. Brazil has ipproprlated $500,000 for representa tion at the Panama-Pacific and the Venezuelan government has caused a bill to bo Introduced In its congress cr an appropriation of $350,000 for ihe same purpose, according to dis patches received here. Lower the temperature of an oven onsiderably after the roast has been !n for twenty minutes, and the juices .vill be retained. R WAIXACK SILVER. AT YOl'R SKKVICK TOR 50 YEARS WE f'AKUY TIIUH: VERY NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE PAT TERNS (Three Patterns Displayed In Window) THE LAUREL PATTERN PRICE SIX TEASPOONS ... l,25 THE MARQUETTE PATTERN PRICE SIX TEASPOONS $1.50. THE KLOKAIi PATTERN PRICE SIX TEASPOONS $2.25 We and the factory stand back or the guarantee. The selection of tho patterns Is yours. The prices are ensy to compare. J. H. LAW, 33 Patton Ave. Virginia Fish and Oyster Co. Phone 2296. 8ave middle man's profit. Try our Flounder Fillets, Fresh Water Bass, Perch and nice Trout. Lynhaven Oyiter, 35c and 45c per qt. A Specialty in Apples Tliey are extra fancy red , Jonathan's, Hubbord son's, King'n, Jillaflower (or Sheep nose) B. J. JACKSON 10 Year In Market House. PIIONF.8 86-101. MMMMtMtMMMMMIMMMMIMMMMMMMMM FULL CREAM CHEESE This is as good as can be plea so the most fastidious. 25o per Yates & Phones 1715 and 1716. BE SWEET TO DIE" Thought This Lady, While Undergoing Frightful Ex perience, Here Told First Time Linn, V. Va. ' There is no doubt but that my life was saved by the use of Cardui,' the woman's tonic," says Mrs. Abbie Shacklelord, of this town. "Before using Cardui, I was very bad off would have nervous and shaking spells through my entire body, terrible sick headaches, and would tind myself gasping for breath. 1 often thought during those trying times that it, would be sweet to die. j I took many different medicines and j treatments, but they did me no good, i I got weaker and weaker every day. Finally, I decided to try Cardui and got two bottles. I was certainly greatly surprised to note the quick change for the better, after taking only one-third of the first bottle. The shaky spells and sick headache have entirely disappeared. Can now walk one mile to church and back, and not feel tired. Cardui also proved a blessing to my oldest daughter. Everyone thought she had appendicitis, on account of a bad pain in her side, but Cardui brought her back to good health. I will never be without Cardui in the house." Cardui will surely do for you, what :t has done for so many thousands of other women. It will help you. Get a bottle at the drug store, to lay. N. B. Write to: Indies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions, and 04-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper, on request. IAL MHOS" PUT RETURN El No doubt the announcement of a return engagement of the "Colonial Minstrel Maids," which has been given the largest patronage of any big tabloid company ever shown at tho Majestic theatre, will be welcom ed by ihe amusement lovers of the city. It was only made possible by a change In their bookings, their Chica go agents and owners having routed tho company over the big vaudeville houses on the Interstate circuit in Oklahoma, Texas, etc., which thea tres charge up to fl.00 per seat. The five acts of vaudeville, which are now appearing at the Majestic, will close their engagement tonight. 232-lt. made and the flavor will X pound. McGuire 37 Haywood Street X Ml GOOD REPORTS ARE HEARD1AST NIGHT Dr. J. H. Pratt and CoL Dell M. Fetter Tell of Bright Prospects. There was a meeting last night at 8 o'clock in the ballroom of the Lan aren hotel of the North Carolina branch of the Southern National high way association, when two very Inter esting talks on road work were given. Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt spoke on the Central highway through North Caro lina, which Is a link of the Southern National, and Col. Del M. Potter of Clifton, Ariz., spoke on the latter route and the possibilities of its early opening across the continent from here to Los Angeles. President John A. Nichols., of the local branch presid ed. Dr. Pratt stated that funds have been provided already for building all of the Central highway and that the only links now that need to be put in good shape are: That through Madi son county, and the link from the crest of the mountains to Old Fort. Work is going forward at present on both these sections of highway and Dr. Pratt believes that by early spring the road will he in good condition from the North Carolina-Tennessee lino to the coast. Col. Potter, who Is president of the Southern National association, spoke most enthusiastically of the prospects of the early completion of the high way and said that Federal aid can be secured If the people of the various states through which it passes will only work together with this purpose in view. He said that a great deal is being done now by the people all along the route and that much enthusiasm is being aroused over the work. He stated that he expects to start early In the spring on a logging tour of the route and will carry with him an expert road engineer and a descrip tive writer who will be able to tell in glowing terms of the beauties of the route. A story of the highway will be written and published by the Harper press in magazine form to be distrib uted to 250,000 owners of high priced automobiles all over the country. The expense will be borne by the states through which the highway passes. A FREE SCHOLARSHIP We will give a free scholar ship to some ambitious girl 01 boy, in exchange for one hour's work daily. No experience necessary. Must have com mon school education. CJal. Saturday afternoon, Nov mhei 1. EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 48 1-2 Dhrumor Bldg. Baltimore Dental Rooms Over Nichols Shoe Store Phone 1561. CLARENCE SAWYER PEONIES Should be planted at this season. We have four choice varie ties. Extra large undivided i clumps that we are offering al j 50c each. This size usually isell at $1.00 each. ! BROWNHURST ! Phone 497. MISS CRUISE'S HAIR SHOP i 23 Haywood 8t. Phone 16 Expert Sample Matching a Special ty. Orders taken to match any ahada of hair. Combings made up to order. Plant Daffodils In the Hardy Border or any position where they can remain undisturbed. By allowing the tops to ripen, turn yellow, the bulbs will multiply and yield an increasing bloom of rich golden yellow flowers. In time when too- crowded dig them up, divide and reset. The Eniperor, Empress and Sir Watkins are the larg est and most satisfac tory trumpet varieties and can be supplied at 40c per dozen. Grant's Pharmacy Drug and Seeds. ieJV( BlSCWl AN INCESSANT COUGH. Continued Dropping of Mucoa into my Throat. 'A severe cough is always a grav symptom. It may not Indicate or ganic disease of, the lungs. Even though the cough Is a functional dis turbance It Is of sufficient gravity to demand prompt attention. The dropping of mucus from the back part of the nose Into the throat Indicates nasal catarrh. Sometimes this goes on a long time before the patient pays any attention to It It Is stated on good authority that mu cus dropping into the throat In this way Is apt to excite catarrh of the stomach. At any rate, the condition ought to be corrected as soon as pos sible. Mrs. Bourland, of Frankston, Texas, found after using Peruna that not only did the Incessant cough disap pear, but the dropping of mucus into the throat had also ceased. Read what she says: "For twenty-three years I was a constant sufferer from chronic ca tarrh. I had a severe misery and burning In the top of my head. There was almost a continual dropping of mucus Into my throat, which caused frequent expectoration. My entire system gradually became Involved, and my condition grew worse. I had an Incessant cough and frequent at tacks of bilious colic, from which It seemed I could not recover. My bowels also became affected, causing alarming attacks of hemorrhages. 1 tried many remedies, which gave only temporary relief, or no relief at all. I at last tried Peruna, and in three days I was relieved of the bowel derangement. After using five bottles I was entirely cured. "I most cheerfully recommend the use of Peruna to any one similarly afflicted." i People who obieot to liquid medi cines can now obtain Peruna Tablets. If the top of a cake ls sifted with flour before icing there is less danger of its running over the sides. Adult Classes Asheville School for Girls. Adult classes in Domestic Science, Aesthetic Dancing and Conversational French are be ing formed at the Asheville School for Girls. For particu lars, address the Principal. Lyerly Motor Co. AUTOS FOR HIRE hy the day, trip or hour. Reasonable Rates V Phone 1651 10 W. College St NOW OPEN The French Shop EXCLUSIVE GOWXS, COATS, ECO, Woman's Exchange B144. Haywood Street, . it PATTON AVENUE CP r. 0. . ?j T Trunks. Bags Suit Cases We offer good trades j, trunks, suit cases & Etc., 0I the traveler, complete 'j well made, strong, stylish ls. gage. Our cash system ofo? attractive goods moderateli priced. ' : BARGAIN ANNEX of the Nichols Shoe C(j Cash Shoesters. On the Si Cabinet Portraits , $3.00 per dozen. High class work. TJnequi led at price. De LUXE STUDIO 31 Patton Ave! LOGAN MEIWMANT TAHiOB Ifl Bldg. Pack a Phone m. Fall Hats SPROAT'S Oatea Bull dins. TRY A TON OF OUR RICH MOUNTAIN GEM COAL Its clean and free tiurnlng and gives perfect satiBfactioj in range, heater or grate. VIi also handle wood and kindling. PHONES 223 AND Ml). PnOMPT DHAY SERVICE Ashevlle Dray, Fuel anil Construction Co. a South Main St. LADIES: We Want You To See Our Stock of Handsome Suits Five minutes of your time spent In Inspecting our offerlnf ' will convince you that we are showing the most extensive and best assorted stock of tailored suits ever brought to AshevlUt. The styles are authoritative, the workmanship, is of the best, ul e prices are reasonable.. Sample Suits at 25 Per Cent Less Than Regular Prices ricuuMi ASHEVILLE, Jf. C. "Apparel for Women Who Know" WE HAVE BARGAINS in slightly used Pianos. Cash or Installments at FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE tl S. Main fit. V.

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