-" :' V" - 1 ' m . ' ' t -:: page Timr.-1 THE ASEEVILLE GAZETTE -NEWS. s Jv. November 18, 1913 22? SPIRITED YOUIiG LADY OF - . ; 1 WRITES HER AND HERP ICE w ladle, realize how much an un Few , rtntracta from their KHZ appearance. It also indl ' In undesirable trait Unkept CsUnpl shows that while they B k scrupulously neat in every jwr way. they are careless about Iralerarely. wispy hairgeneral indicates dandruff and dandruff s , Red by a germ. Newbro's Herpl u .in rortlrate the scale-like ac- irmulrtion and keep the scalp as an and healthy as can be. This Limits' the hair to grow naturally F.m " Tntiv. That terrible itch- U which goes with the dandruff kops wltn a"'"""- " tion. ; v '.'r;r "Substitutes or remedies said to be "filiate a fffind" nra intnAtlmtfa nffarAd. hut It la tt at t A linv tia "vamiinff original germ killer, Newbro's Herpl cide.'' There is no guesswork about fhfr preparation. A trial Isn't neces- Ot i 'ii i art Kntr a hnttlA on HM It The results are sure to be better than you expect. ' 1 Nawhra'i TTnmtrMA In Knn nnTt1 fifl sizes to sold by all dealers who guar antee It to do all that is claimed. If you are not satisfied your money will l-io tAun.?A1 : A nnl1n tlna rVitntnrt In the better barber shops. Send 10c In postage for sample and booklet to The 1 Herpiclde Co., Dept. R, Detroit, Mich PITERS OF CITY RETUH1RK The Strike, Which Began Fri day, Has Been Settled. Union Men Win. WITH DISTRICT IT APPEAIHHE HEARD Tbere Are 15 Appeab "on Su preme Court Calendar ., The Cases. of the most gratifying progress In this membership campaign and he wants ananfnl Affnrt 1n cnnnnntlnn with the Thanksgiving special meetings. Vmi art nnrrilnllv Invltfwl' tn B.ttnnd tna Avnnirnlltttln SArvfnAil hftlnff rnn. ducted by ur. LAira 01 Virginia, at First FresDytenan enure n. ztu-zt. reference to the health of Infants and the Infant death rate, and It was pointed out that there was no uni formity of . reports in the different states. "Let ua try .to Influence the mental attitude . of physicians and other authorities so that they will use statistics based upon fact and not opinions," was the plea or ur. Jose phine Baker, director of child hygiene in the department of health of New York city. - She declared ' that the need for better Information was grow ing more acute daily. . ' to The Gazette-News. pipleh. Nov. 18. Fifteenth and district aDDeala are to be I heard by the Supreme court this week tednning toaay, aim -v-neals on the calendar. The first ap ... i. .t. n. Tslev In which the iwue is whether criminal prosecution can be sustained in a case where the defendant procured shoes for himself and children on agreement to return and work on the farm to the value of . -v faiiAd tn do an and then re- fused to pay for the shoes. In the trial below Isley was sentenced to 80 aavs as on the roads. State vs. English, from Randolph ...tv la another important appeal, the prisoner being under 25, years wntence for the killing of John M. . uMnir wtin ta stated to have been a business rival of the prisoner in the leasing Of lands for nunung pur. poses. English claims that he was beside nimseu wim ui" !" ........ the killing occurred and that his mind was a blank for some time? prior to and after the killing.; ! . , - ." The appeals other than the state cases follow. Pruett 'vs. Southern Railway; Smith vs. Quarries; Lyerly vs. Peeler; May vs.. Manufacturing company; Shuford vs. pook; lowe vs. Hartwick; Abernethy vs. Railway ! company; In re Will of Mrs. I. E. Car ter; Montgomery vs. Railway .' com pany; Hooper vs.- Hooper; Abernethy vh. Slimes.- m '-,, ' . 1 . ' The secretary of state chartered the Charlotte Plating and Brass company of Charlotte, capital $100,000 author ized and $16,000 subscribed by W. C. u.. ur a Anthnnv and others. Muiyuy, ... v. Special letters are beiftg sent to the officers of all the Odd Fellow lodges in the state by Grand Master M. I Bhipman urging that there be held special meeting on ThankBglving night to close thet first period of the special campaign being, conducted this year for increase in the -membership of the local lodges. - The grand master says ' the reports coming in are indicative HOLD FIRST ELECTION r Voting for Mayor and Five Aldermen on Non-partisan Tickets Today. The first eleotion in West Ashe- vllle unden the new charter, granted at the special session of the general assembly in September, is being held today, and the residents of the town are showln no little Interest In the outcome of the voting. Over 80 per cent of the eligible voters have reg istered for the contest, 311 In all, and the voting this morning seems to in dicate that every man registered win no at ,la hflllnt before -the Dolls close. A mayor and a board of five alder- mAn ara tn hA selected. - Both tickets are supposed to be nnn-rvnrttfuin. one known as the "citi zens' " ticket and the other as . the "workingmen's" ticket. The men on both tickets were selected at mass mutinn of tho citizens of the town. when those present pledged them selves not to be swayea in weir sojou tlon by the party affiliations of the candidates. The "platform' of both sides is civic Improvement and the vote promises to be a ,01086 one. The polls opened at 8 o'clock; .this morn ing will close at sunset. , The nominees on the citizens' ticket (ire .v f " t.'n tnavntv A. t,. Brlcht: for alder men, W. V. Felmet, Dr. Q. G. An derson, W. E. Brltt, XI. A. oruwii and J. C. renrana. ., Those who represent the working men are: '; -'; ', ' ' For mayor. Rev. J. L. Crook; for aldermen. W. E. Brltt. W. V. Fel met. L. 3. Moses, R. M. Miller and W. B. Westall. . ! The strike of the painters of Ashe- ville is over, the members of local -No 839, Painters and Decorators of Amer ica, returning to their work this morn ing after being out since last Friday night. The agreement by which the strike was concluded was reached yes terday afternoon, and, although , the strikers won their point, everybody concerned in the' matter seems weil satisfied. There is apparently no ill feeling existing as a result of the strike. .. -- '. The point at issue was not one of wages or hours, it is stated. The con tractors in the city who cater exclu sively to painting and paper-hanging hnslnnsia had nskert that the members of the union include in their contracts with "turnkey" contractors a clause by which the latter should be charged 50 cents a day more for their work than was paid by the former. This the members of 'the union refused to rin and th strike was called. ; Accord ing to the agreement, the painters will make the same charges, to all, thus winning their point: . ' ,- : Clarence E. Swlck, fifth general vice-president ofthe brotherhood, of MAmnhi. vi n here during the strike. and for several days previous iq ma time that the men walked out trying to adjust the situation. Mr. bwick will he here for a few days yet before leaving for Memphis. : About 75 of the painters oi me cuy nrtntnntAil In the strike, which was, throughout, a very quiet one. REQUESTED TD ill Movement Started to Have British Government Parti cipate in Exposition. By Associated Press. New York, Nov. 18. The English government has been requested by a tiiih-pnmmlttn. nf the American com mittee for the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of- peace omnnff TCnffltah sneaklnflr neonlea to reconBider its oetermination not to participate in the Panama Faclnc exposition In 1915. The request was sent through the British committee of the peace celebration. ' ; A proposal , to conclude in Ban Francisco the peace celebration has been approved by Charles C. Moore, president of the exposition. The full committee will meet In Richmond, Vs., December 8 and 4, according to announcement by the sub-committee. " Governor Mann of Virginia will preside at the first day's sAaalnn mil Andrew Carneele on the second day. The Richmond confer ence will arrange for the ceieoration on special days or unoroken peace hptwAAn the United States and France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Italy and other nations. - Thanksgiving Offerings in Season able Ladies Wear $25 and $27.50 COAT SUITS .Select - from this unusually attractive showing of the very nobbiest of this Edison's best styles, to day at ;$13.95 $20 and $22.50 COAT SUITS Our greatest efforts toward "the best at the price" resulted in the strength of this collec tion. Good values at original prices now $12.95 $25 Silk Crepe De Chine Dresses V The daintiest frocks you ever saw at any price. For Thanksgiving reduced to f... $13.95 $12.50 SPORT COATS A complete showing of the styles ana colors mosi. warn ed now. Nearly half-price .... most want- $6.95 $17.50 Silk Crepe De Chine Dresses lively creations that are made for service as well as appearance. NowflQ 7C priced . ...... ...fl7 I O " "BEST. VALUES ALWAYS" SINCE 1887. THE ASHEVILLE DRY GOODS CO. i I : iiiiiiiillilllllllllH II III l" 1 NEGRO BASEBALL , LEAGUE ORGANIZED By Associated Press. rn.i.r Nnv. 18. A new baseball iaaoua xnniriattns' entirely of negro players will be in the field next sum mer. The league is controlled-hy Chi cago men, who announced last nigm that teams Will De organizeu iu cago, New York, Philadelphia, De troit Baltimore, . Cleveland, St Louis and possibly Kansas city. The new league was incorporated several days ago at Pierre, S. D., for $50,000, under the name of the Na tional Colored Baseball league, but its plans were not made known until last night. Headquarters will be here. ADVOCATE GREATER USE OF STATISTICS SUFFRAGISTS TRY TO ORGANIZE WOMEN INTO IjABOR Buy Tickets For The Benefit 1 j - 9 9 White By Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 18. Amplifica tion and greater use of all vital and social statistics were advocated at the closing session here yesterday of the convention of the American Associa tion for Study and Prevention of In fant Mortality. Special stress ixntnn th Immediate need - for 111. wiw.. more universal statistics with especial Nurse Proclaims Skin Cure Myrtle Halm Says D. D. D. Prescription is Worth Kockelellers Millions to Her. Pekn ii ii I , thrc years of tfcat time X could not appear tn public. My entire body wu covered with Ue disease. I eat I etuld not sleep. I oeuld not live, I have at last loans, the great Prescription D. IX U. My body is dean. siAooUi. If there were one bottle only f I). IX D. In the world and I had K. Mr, HockefeUer's . mllllona could net kuy the golden fluid." Vaise HrrUe Haha (In care Old La- ' ties' Home. Durham, N. C) , now anoui yvur If you have any ,eWn blemish or ; lltOe nurtv do not let It d.T.feplnto somethiog more serious. Remember VTA rx Preeorlptlon has be reooj nlaed for flfteen years as the standard, kin nmtr. It always helps. an If ueel atoordlng to directions. It ahoald sore in a short while. - All drussleta sell this staaaanl rem" edv. but if you oome to ua we will ? T yin the'llnit foil, slae bottle with guarantee that unleM it stops the itch ease we will refund the pur chase prloe. Ask also about the eaual ly efficient skin soap. D.D.D. rrtscrlpaoii--lor 15 years the staadard skin remeo SMTTH'S DRCO 8TORK. ' ' .' By Associated Press. Waahtnrtnn. Nov. t8. Mrs. O. H. P Belmont, Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst and Mra Ines Miinoiiana-Boissevain lpadlni other suffragists and mem bers of women's labor unions in an attempt to organize the employes of the department stores into a union. Tho nrtv descended yesterday even- ina imAn n. HiTtn avenue store nuu from their automobiles in the streets addressed some sou employes. . Druggists Banquet Rr Associated Press. ToVmnvlilA. Fla.. Nov. 18. The Southern Drug club, composed of ...mi VunrirAri mnnuriLRturinK cneiu- ao'ui v. - lsts of the south, jobbers and southern - l .Vah representatives or nouses ,m uiu Antinns In the country, 'held a ban quet Igsre yesterday afternoon- pre- liminary & in tumuM . v....... the National Wholesale Druggists as sociation, which convenes today. . s At the banquet representatives of Indianapolis, Ind., and San Francisco, Cal., launched campaigns to secure the next annual meeting of the Na tional Wholesale Druggists. i VA. METHODISTS DENY WOMEN LAY RIGHTS McFAU8 DOG AND MONKEY CIRCTJ8, AT THE JIAJiaTia At Galax am Princess Theatres Today arid Tomorrow Special Program at both Theatres 6 PIECE ORCHESTRA 6 NOW AT GALAX ""SsstMstwsssMsspMsBMMaMWKffBnBSMBsMEsMsssl By Associated Psess. ...... ir. xtv is After a de- xyanvuie. bate begun Saturday and practice ly absorbing the attention of the V r- f...... nt the Methodist K 111 lak UVlUt ve - Episcopal church south, that body at ll:$0 last nignt, Dy a vow u 111. defeated the proposition to ex- a iAU vio-hta'ta women. A peculiar phase of the vote of the conference to that the clergy voted by a majority of one in favor of the proposition but the adverse majority by the laymen ,t.A tyiqii fipncRi leau, wi. gvvruuuv fcww " . W. A Christian, chairman of the ... - - Mmnrlall Which TS- comiiiiLvru wu ' . ported the memorial adversely, closed the proposal, im raiui completed the election of its quota of iArinl,i dnlAratea to the general ...r.n efter a stubborn three . . . l . TtiA rural cimm uu uays viruBsm . . .i.. tt raiitum of the majority of the delegates, and made a vigorous .m Kt onlv landed two ei . "" is.. . seven. " ; STTTi'Ti'rIAOr.TTES CAUSE WILD DISTURBAHUJS By Associated Press. Ck.ffl.lrl Ulnir NOV. 18. A Wild suffragette disturbance occurred here last night. Philip Snowden, socialist member of parliament for Blackburn, attempted to address a "no comwru'- tion" meeting arranged by me laoor party but was howled down oy sunxa.- gettes. Stewards promptly took a hand and in the scrimmage were ..- tacked by male sympathisers wiia .m.n Soma of the stewards were kicked and badly bruised. In spite of the fact that many of the disturbers were ejected me uptwu persisted to such an extent that at the end of hair an nour me ueeuus abandoned. . Druggists Entertain Women. By Associated Press. . Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 18. Wom en visitors accompanying delegates to the convention of the National Whole i. nmninti Aaaoaiation were en tertained today with an automobile ride through ths city and at a luncn eon at the Country club. Routli v matters occupied the time of tl J morning session of the . conventio . . Following a short session this afte -noon, the convention planned to a; -Jpurn for sightseeing. A reception i President Albert t-iaui ana a um j were features planned' lor tonignu Com Rates Upheld. ' ) By Associated . Press. Washington, Nov. 18. The .inte state commerce commission todi held that a rate of JO cents a hundrt I . -pounds on corn and Its products fro. i Cincinnati and Louisville to Wllmln 7 ton, N. C, was not unreasonabl 1. ahlnnera hud romDlalned that as con pared with a rate or as cents iro 1 the same points of 'origin to Charle. -ton. Savannah, Brunswick and Jacl - sonvllle with a proportional rate c two cents lower, the no-cent rate wi unreasonable and discriminatory. Tou are cordially invited to atter I the evangelistic servloes being coi -ducted by Dr. Laird of Virginia, . t First Presbyterian church. 240-S . Jeff 1$ a Champion of the Gentler Sex a" By "Bud" Fisher : " j " 1 1 - - - 1 1 fAti ftDOKJBiS YHi fA6TlNs or uw.s cuus,, aho x wrvir fctr It- AAitX VtO trn AlB " wwisr WW tow M.r COKrtAfN(NA ABOUT HIS XaJICSC- BUT X WAHT Ttt A KVsiNT HCTB TMAT J HMtt Ttfl UWLTCST U"rrts WirW (H THE WOR.LD. 1 Ijtwe HfSfL . X THIN TNC WORUD Of HH DRAWsM Of L. HSR. . . r 1 . - - . 1 SH SOM MPQ SWT T HW'

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