Saturday, Nov. 22 PAGE TEN THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE - NEWS. '- 0 0 EE Always clean, free from smoke and dust,,, and burns to almost no ash at all. About one third more bulk in ton of coke than in ton of coal, Dampen slightly and it ignites readily." Have a dustless and smokeless kitchen. v Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company THE PATRICIAN I For ladies is the utmost per fection in shoe construction. jThe superlative merit of de- sign, in making, and in finish, rail express those masterly i touches which captivate ladies I who KNOW what is correct I in fine footwear. All leathers, $3.50 and $4.00. ;-r $ SHOE STORE 4 South Main St. Guarantee THANKSGIVING LINENS . Think about the linens for the Thanksgiving table NOW. Send them to be done the , NICHOLS WAY and you'll be thankful you did so. "Perfect" that's the word and the only word which ade quately describes our work. Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. ROASTERS No anxiety about burned roast if you use an I. X. L. per fect roaster. Special priced for ten days. THE I. X. L. STORE. 22 Patton Ave. Phone 107 urn The Electrie Store. Construction Department !Wnat we do: Wire houses. Repair any kind of Electrical Apparatus. Rewind or repair Armatures and Field Coils. Rebuild and make as good as new Dynamos or Motors that have gone through fire. - Install city and Isolated Elec - trio Plants. We do any thing that Is to be done in the Electrical line. PIEDMONT Electric Co. 14 Patton Ave. Opposite F, O. Phons 471 JOINT BOARD flLDM MEET Quarantine Ordinance Passes Second Reading Other Matters Considered. MOTHER IS CHILD'S S NO SENSATIONAL . OFFERS Ours is a store of honest and dependable values In all kinds of floor coverings. We purchase our stocks with this one thought in mind that our customers give us their confidence, and rely upon our honesty and Judgment ' when . they buy the goods we recom mend. . . - When reliable, time-tested lines of carpets, rugs, ait squares, mattings, etc., are sold on a very moderate profit there's no opportunity for sen sational offers. . Our chief tlalm for a share of your patronago Is the fact , that we sell you floor coverings upon whli'h you may depend for yearn of satisfactory wear, and we sell you better goods for tens money. ASHEVILLE . CARPET HOUSE IS Churnh Street. Phono 2 . There waa a meeting of tho joint board of health last night, when a few matters of business were taken under consideration. The new quar antine ordinance passed Its second reading, but with the understating that It is not to be finally passed upon until December 19. This decision was made because one member of the board stated that there are certain clauses in the ordinance that he ob jects to, and that this objection Is held by a number of the citizens of the city. When Its consideration is brought up again, all who are inter ested In it will be given a chance to discuss any objections that may be made. There were several applications be fore the board from people who de sire to conduct places for tubercular patients, but these were also . . held over until December 19, when all licenses for such houses In the city will expire. At that time all of them will be considered at once. Immediately following the joint board meeting, the regular weekly meeting of the city board of alder men was held, when only a few mat ters outside of tho routine work were taken up. The chief question dis cussed was that of changing the grade of West Haywood street near the plant of the Asheville Milling company. This question was Intro duced by M. D. Long, who stated that the paving of cobble stones has been worn down until it Is hard for a team to pull any kind of a load over the hill. It was the consensus of opinion of the board that something should be done about this at once, and the street committee was instructed to confer with property owners affected and report any agreement reached at the next meeting of the board. It was unanimously decided to give the employes of the city a full holi day for Thanksgiving, and a number of small matters were discussed, after which the following building permits were granted: Henry Hood, 39 Grove street, repairs, $300; L. Blomberg, 17 Patton avenue, changing front of store and walls In rear, $3000; Merchant & Boyles, West Woodfln street, repairs, $800; Barber Brothers, Market street, 11-room building, $7200; Eugene Wil liams, Maiden Lane, lour rooms, $400; Brown-Miller Shoe company, 47 Pat ton avenue, repairs, $350; G.W.Hard ing, Clyde street, repairs, $200. If cross, feverish, constipated, give "Caifornia Syrup of Figs." Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. See if tongue is coated; this Is sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with sour waste. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn t eat, sleep or act naturally, has stom ach-ache, indigestion, diarrhoea, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the roui waste, the sour bile and fermenting food passes out of the bowels and you have a well and playful child again, Children love this harmless "fruit laxative," and mothers can rest easy after giving it, because it never falls to make their little "insides" clean and sweet. Keep it handy, Mother! A little given today saves a sick child tomor row, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bottle of "Cal ifornia Syrup of Figs," which has di rections for babies, children of all ages ana lor grown-ups piaimy im the bottle. Remember there are coun terfeits sold here, so surely look and see that yours is made by the "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company." Hand back with contempt any other fig syrup. HER m IT IS ILEDfGlI Soldier on Furlough Murdered Army Officer Makes Investigation. GBAI6 NAMES DELEGATES To Celebrate Hundredth Anni versary cf Ghent Treaty in Richmond. Governor Locke Craig has named the North Carolina delegates to the celebration that will be held In Rich mond on December 3 and 4, for the one hundred years' peace between English speaking peoples, under the treaty of Ghent The list includes Dr. S. Westray Battle of this city and Is as follows: Lleut-Gov. E. L. Daughtrldgo of Rocky Mount; Walter Murphy, speak er of house, Salisbury; Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes, Raleigh: A. U. Andrews, jr., Raleigh; Col. W. G. Lamb, Williamston; Dr. S. Westray Battle, Asheville; Gen. J. S. Carr, Dur ham; Major H.'A. London, Plttsboro; Capt. J. C. Mlchio, Durham; J. H. Currie, Fayetteville; R. D. W. Connor, Raleigh; Joseph G. DeR. Hamilton, Chapel Hill; Mrs. Annie E. Bailey, Wilmington; Mrs. James Sprunt, Wil mington; Mrs. ' E. E. Gregory; Salis bury; Miss Mary H. Hlnton, Rnleigh; Mrs. Marshall Williams, Falson; Mrs. T. W. Thrash, Tarboro; Mrs. Lind say Patterson, Winston-Salem; Miss Adelaid Meares, Wilmington; Mrs. Eugene Rellly, Charlotte; Mrs. A. B. Andrews, sr., Raleigh; Miss Julia Al exander, Charlotte;, Col. Benehan Cameron, Stagvllle; Major John W. Graham, Hlllsboro. ..Little Agnes came Into the house wearing a woeful look on her chubby race. "Why, what Is the matter, Agnes?" queried her mother. ',"" "Oh," she replied, laying her hand on her stomach, "I've got an awful headache under my apron." Nov. 25th and 26th, Eastern Star Bazaar, Y. M. C. A. Building. 240-4t Chambers ft Weaver, Livery, Phone II WANTS 90c saved on $2.00 worth. , $1.00 worth of Wrlgley's Spearmint gum $1.00 Bisque Doll. $1.10 O. D. ALLISON Phones 31 and 35 , 240-Bt I have bought the entire output nf the Rams company tomatoes ami beans, which took both prizes at the W. N. C. fair. The quality Is first class. I will make a special price for the next $0 days on these goods. Call and get my price, or telephone No. 11 or 36. O. D. ALLISON, H0-Gt. Phones II and 15 SHOES made to order, repairing done quickly, for aervtce phone us. Champloa Shoe Hospital, Oevsmmeot Bt, phone 724. Il-tf, The Beauty of the New Chalmers . i4Six". in Design and Finish Style, Beauty, Quality, 'Class" are . apparent in every line, in every curve of the new Chalmers -V Six." Placed alongside the most expensive automobile their ear is not merely unsurpassed, it is really unequalled in those qualities that delight the eye and satisfy the own er's pride.' Let us $koi7 you more superior points in this splen did car. Asheville Automobile Go. ' PEONS S1S-I14 HO. tS-M a IifiXESGTON ATM. TOYS, DOLLS, WAGONS, GAMES And everything imaginable that makes .for joy of boys and girls of all ages. Especially fine display, of BOOKS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ROGERS BOOK STORE. $8 Patton Ave. Asheville, N. C. ' Phone ISt. . ... The Homa of Good Printing. ,. ORDER ICE, CREAM FOR SUN DAY DINNER CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE NEAR 'OSTOFFICIB. PHONE 110. HAYWOOD STREET . ' , UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. , . . ' . '. According to a visitor in the city from Andrews today. Captain James E. Shelly of the United States army, stationed at Chlckamauga Park, Tenn., was In Andrews this week investigat ing the killing of Corporal Luther West, who is alleged to have been killed at a party in Graham county several days ago. It is said that West was on a fur lough and was visiting his brother, Walter West, who lives near Andrews. and that while there he attended a party. Two young men are said to have started a quarrel and West step ped up to them and asked that they stop the disturbance while the party was going on, when one of the men by the name of Jordan is alleged to have turned on West and fired three shots into his body, killing him in stantly. .. It is said that Jordan made his es cape and at the latest reports had been cuptured, although parties were or ganized to hunt for him. Officers all over western North Carolina were no tilled of the killing and asked to be on :ie lookout for tho man. The tragedy is Bald to havo caused considerable excitement and that feel ing towards Jordan has been very high. West was a young man and is said to have had a large number of friends in and around Andrews. . Just what Captain Shelly was able to learn in regard to the killing, or what steps, If any, that the war de partment will take in the matter Is not known. We Are Receiving nice ripe Grapefruit now. Prices 10c, 12 l-2o and 15c. E. C. JARRETT Fancy Groceries Vegetables and Fruits, the best the . . , . Market Affords. . - ; H FALL AND WINTER SHOES Dr. A. Reed's $5.00 and $5.60 cush ion shoes for men, comfort ease, snap and economy, warm and comfortable, GEO. W. JJLNJUJNS 18 So. Main St J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing ay Specialty " No. C Pack Sajaare ' MONARCH , Is just the coal you want for range or grate, because it kindles quick ly, burns steadily making an intensely hot fire. Every lump burns y clean no clinkers. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 19 N. Pack B thanksgiving ::" coal ;; phone 40 for :: 1 M.&W. .'r I - And you'll be thankf ; ; for the unequaled qC ;; of that coal. It - WAYS uniform, :: you tuy in one ton or t ; ; ton lots. :; . PHONE 40. :: Asheville Coal ft $25.00 MEN'S SUITS lUu Uncle Sam'. Pawn JO a Main street, win muL next 10 days 200 fall suits, flnol thlbet, fancy grays. broW, Z mixed worsteds, all sizes, iZv tn an other store, our sdmui J 914.50. , Stan UNCLE SAM'S, 80 Sonth Mm, MEN'S SUITS Latest Winter Styles $12.50 to $22.50 ' Gem ClothingStorc 6 Patton Ave. 1 BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING ' All Spring Flowering Bulbs Should Be Planted by 'tho Close of November. -Don't delay If you want your garden gay next"r-prlng; We have the best tn Hyacinths, Tulips, Nareissus, Lllltes, Iris, Etc. Also a complete line of Hardy Plants, Hardy Climbers, Hardy ' Shrubs, Hardy Evergreen Hedge Plants, Hardy Ornamental Evergreens thut Beautify and Make the Home Look Cherry during the cold winter months. All successfully plant ed in the autum. . Write today for catalogue and Special Prices on what you want. .' . VALDESIAN NURSERIES, , . . .. , . ' 1 Bostlc, N. C. PUREST AND BEST Rumford Baking Powder GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:31 p. m.;. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Visitors to Asheville although not guests ot GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect the building.': ';;;':'V..-; Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Pit, ties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m., 7:30 to 10:05 p.m.' -::; '.'"'-"- v. ! 1 fl WILL GO TO BLACK iUITi Members of Vance Camp Will Install New Camp at v That Place. It's to your Advantage to phons usi before .placing insurance on your automo bile we can quote you interesting rates. FIRE; liability, collision FREDERICK RUTLEDGE & CO. ' , :; : Phone 1478. ' -, Almost 100 members .of Vance camp, No. 13.344, Modern Woodmen of America will go to Black Mountain tonight at 7 o'clock for the installation of the recently organised camp at that town. Woodmen from other ' nearby towns will also go to Black. Mountain tonight, and It Is expected that at least 2G0 visiting Woodmen will be present for the ceremonies.1 . '. - . District Deputy I. O. Bagwell re cently organized the camp at Black Mountain and states that about 36 men applied as charter members and no doubt others will come In- tonight The new camp will be called Mount Mitchell, and It Is stated that some of the leading men of the town are among the charter members. ' After the ceremonies are completed tonight, a banquet will be served to all the Woodmen, and several promi nent speakers are on the program for addresses, among them Judge Thomas A. Jones and Solicitor R. R. Reynolds of this-city, and Dr. J. O. Anderson of West Asheville, 'besides several of the Black Mountain members will make talks. The Asheville woodmen will return to this city at t o'clock 1 tomorrow morning. , Qui, Being Tired l et I s Help You ' "Say, mother," asked Edgar, "when I grow up I'll 'be a man, won't IT" "Yes, my boy," answered the mother, "but If you want to be a man you must be very Industrious at schoo'f lnrn how to behave yourself. Ton must not be laxy." "Why, motherf asked the . little boy. "Do the lasy boys turn out to be women when thy grow up?" .. . . It yon are tired of kitchen drudgery.' ; . COOK WITH GAS. V ' If you are tired of building fires. COOK WITH GAS. If 70a arc lirod of rllltliifp kindling. COOK WITH GAS. : . If you are tired of dirt and soot,' ;" COOK WITH, GAS. V. . - If yon are tired of big fuel bills, :. ; COOK WITH GAS., , .If you are tired front overwork, ' . ' COOK WITH GAS. HUNTSMEN Will find my line of hunting goods the largest in the State. Everything in the Pun line. Ammunitioa Prices are right. Come in and let me show you through. BLOMBERG'S SPORTING GOODS AND TOY STORE. !-" . 17 Patton Avenue. , - , LOCATE The article of merchandise that is imitated most, and you have found the best. How does Arab Horse Feed apply to this! HALIBUT STEAK S ASHEVILLE FISH CO. We Ship Fish and Oysters by Farcel Post. . CITY MARKET PHOIVFS 2S-2H9-SI.V Grant's No. 14 Catra Cold and Grip. tiv A 1 to and rarrlngn painting. Mo Rary Co. CS S. Main street. 2IO-2flt Asheville Power & Light Co. PHONE 69. Citizens Transfer Compan; ; JULIAN WOODCOCK, Owner. 1 ' We give .moving .our special attention. Largest vans and most oon tent men In city. Prompt baggage transfer service. Endorsed by U. CI and T. P. A. Phone 25. ' 48 Patton Avenue. Laundry Phone 7( A Trial 20 all we uk. We tern your laundry whit 1 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY WHILE THEY LAST COUNTRY BACON, 10 TO 15 POUND STRIPS 17 CENTS PER POUND, PICNIC HAMS 12 l-2c , POUND, SWIFTS FRESHUM HAMS, 18c POUND. , ; MAR MARKET PHONES 1917 1918 - UH. , ' . . "We are successful Caterers to a Variety of Appetites." ; We have a special price on the Wizzard Mop. We can furnish you the mop, regular price $1.50 1 Quart. Polish $t00 both for $1.B0. They are convenient and sanitary Let us send you one. . V J6. V. CIIEASMAN, Prrsfs. I A. CREA8MAN, Mgr. Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Co PLUMBING HEATING GAS FITTING Agents for Acetylene Gas Generators and CoVipressed -Air. Water Systems Biltmore. N. C. Illdg., Phone 3211. Anhevllle paint GIsks Co., form.Tlj The Mlller-Ktce Paint Co. Lnoas Paint. V siren, Pomps, Water Pipe, Terra Cotta Pipe, Plata P Ottis G if . n ' recnndweLc. k- 11 W. Pac!:S nu-ra hp tics Of