Saturday. Nov- 22, 1813. THE &SHEVILLE GAZETTE- NEWS. PAC3EEVn.l 1$ DEMONSTRATION . I Vl.ii -rv-n r"- MON., TUES. AND WED., NOV. 24th, 25th AND 26th BILTM ORE PLU MBING AND HEATING COMPANY Come To This Big Sale and Demonstration Jewel Stoves have been in use nearly sixty years and have always been in the front rank! We can show and prove to you that the Jewel is made from the highest grade material and that it will save fuel and prove satisfactory in every respect. This sale is a special opportunity to buy a famous Jewel Stove at favorable terms and secure a valuable premium in addition. . FREE REFRESHMENTS SERVED DAILY FREE THEATRE TICKETS TO THE LADIES WHO ATTEND THIS DEMONSTRATION AND SALE: Tickets will be good for matinee performances at Majestic Theatre Saturday November 29th, when a Jewel Range will be given away. A fine six piece aluminum kitchen set will be given free with every Jewel Stove sold during this sale. This high grade set retails from $6 to $10 and is given with every purchase of Jewel Stoves during this demonstration. Positively no sets given away after sale closes. A valuable encyclopedia of infor mation free to every person (except children) visiting our store Nov. 24th, 25th, and 26th. ONE $40 JEWEL RANGE TO BE GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE it 'r-U! T' jewel We duplicate here one of the numbered tickets and coupons which explains in detail how you may win a $40 Jewel Range and get admitted free to the Majestic Theatre Sat urday matinee, Nov. 29th. DUPLICATE OF NUMBERED TICKETS COME AND GET ONE No. 1280 After signing name and address on this coupon deposit it in the ballot box during Jewel Range Dejnonstra- , tion at BIITMORE PLUMBING HEAT ING CO., BilUnore, N. O. Not. 24th, 26th, and Setta. If this coupon is drawn from ballot box you win the range, but you must be present at the Majestlo Theatre when the drawing takes place. ONE JEWEL RANGE FREE J280 KEEP THIS TICKET It entities you to participate in the drawing at the Majestic Theatre Saturday Matinee, Nov. 29, when one $40.00 Jewel range will be given away absolutely free by the Blltmore Plumbing and Heating Company, to the lady who holds the lucky-number. You must be present when your number is drawn otherwise another number will be drawn and so on until some one In the audience gets the range. i'. FREE THEATRE TICKET This ticket will admit one lady free to the matinee performance at the Majes tic Theatre ' Saturday, Nov. 29th after being properly signed at the store of the Blltmore Plumbing and Heat ing Company, Blltmore, N. C. . :- Name . . , Address . BILTMORE PLUMBING W;HEtMiS& pi III illLfflJ..ms71 Ij tmrnmmJk (Continued from, page 1.) . loot over my head and the floor un- cr my feet, the dinner that la being irepared, and the labor that la mak- hg it ready each and all hold mo nchalned absolutely In economlo re gions with the life and labor of the hole tolling multitudes of the earth. "King and peasant, master and lave, capitalist and workman, tarned and ignorant, saint and sln er, stand equally naked before this judgment seat of economlo necessity. Ike unto Qod, this relation is no re verter of persons. World Necessity. "Civilised life demands and requires ot only the necessities of life, but Uso the comforts of life, and still Wore the satisfactions of life. We seed not merely shelter, but also a pleasant home. We need not only pead and boots, but books and mu le and recreation. "The mind grows dizzy at the mere bought of the overwhelming Nlag- ras of human energy ell consumed in the economics of bread in the ompulsory, necessary, unescapable pattle for the necessities, comforts nd satisfactions of human life. The Supreme Evil. "The supreme tragedy of human Mttory has been the social misery, the industrial slavery, the ' untold depths of poverty which the tolling multitudes of eartli have endured be cause of the colossal and unspeak able Injustice in this very world of economics. The crim e of crimes in the life of the race has been the ex ploitation of human life and energy In the unjust and inhuman economic relations that have prevailed through out century after century. "All the sins against which the church has inveighed are mere tiddle-de-winks compared to this collossal inhumanity. No wrong in all his tory has equaled that of making men the economlo prey of other men. ' "The greatest sin -of mankind has been social injustice In the .use of the means of getting our bread. The sub Umest task of .Christianity is now conscious upon us to establish social justice on this earth in the adminis tration of the means by which we get our bread. "To overtflrow capitalism In bread getting for the sake of healing the hurt of the people and releasing them to lives worthy of men, who are the sons of Qod this is the supreme and Immediate first task of the Christian, the preacher and t he Christian church., i . r - ' i Always Enslaved. "Never in all human history have the tolling people who have done the work of the world received the prod uct of their toll. The great masses of the people have been eternally held in helpless servitude to the powerful and privileged classes. "But these millions must live, and they may live only on one condition, vis., by offering their labor for what ever It will bring as the slaves or serfs of the tew who control the earth. , "Be It distinctly, declared that dur ing all these long ages and down to the present moment there has been no poverty in the wonderful gifts of kindly nature; no poverty In the skill and muscle of the workers; no lack of equipment, no poverty in the actual products, of labor. But always and ever some small ruling and privileged class has possessed Itself of , that which they never earned. . , v. Slavery's Root.' "A" few privately own and private ly control for.-, private -profit- the sources of the bread and labor sup ply,, and the tolling .millions are In chains. The product of their "toll must inevitably flow into the hands of a class that never earned it. The workers, in spite of excessive labor, marvelous machinery and an enor mous product, are -reduced to com parative poverty in the midst ot abun dance. That is an plals as words can state It "Untold Intellectual, social and moral Segregations inevitably fol low.. ' . "No accleslastlcal organization. Roman Catholtfl or Protestant from the pope of Rome to the Salvation army, or to Dr. Aked's First Congre gational church, has ever aggressive ly sought, to guarantee the right of the people to live in freedom and jus tice on God's earth. Thy have never sought to organize men in relations or brotherhod In the use ot the earth's means of livelihood. "You may join any church ot Christendom today, even Dr. Aked's and Dr. Sawyer's and Dr. .Burling game's, without it being a condition of your peace with God or your ac ceptance to membership that you are to work for social justice on the earth. The religious world has no snllghtenlng conscience in terms of social justice. "Whatever righteousness, ethics, goodness, Chrlst-llkenesa or real re ligion is possible unto men on this earth it must now enter into this earth of economics and permeate it or reorganize it or moralize it Greatest Issue. "By all the eaerednees and possi bility of the soul of man this ques tion must now be confronted and set tled. It Is not a side Issue. It Is the supreme issue. Our Si"clal Task. "It often eppt-rs as if Providence had set special tasks for special epochs, as If to adapt the progress of the kingdom of God in the earth to our weakness. Our one task is un mistakably plain. The Invention of machinery, the development ot dem ocracy, the universality of world- trade, the wisdom of organization In Industry, all make plain the paths of our feet to the establishment of social justice in industrial democracy. The vision of a new social order is al ready disclosing the social signifi cance of the message and mission of Jesus. "The whole power and Influence of the Christian ministry should be ut terly consecrated on awakening the social conscience of the people and educating them ooncernlng the social wrongs and social Injustices of capi talism, in order that the total moral and spiritual energy of the people shall be called to a new social wis dom of a Just and brotherly and hu mane administration of the bread getting equipment of society. For there Is no evil In our time that la not fostered by capitalism; there Is no good that we can seek for the in dividual or the race that la not hln dered and thwarted by capitalism." NOTICE. By virtue ot the power of sale con tained In a certain deed in trust ex ecuted in a certain deed In trust exe cuted by Mattle E. Brooks and A. H. Brooks, her husband, on the 29 th day of November, 1(12, to the undersign ed as trustee, which deed in trust is duly registered in book of mortgages and deeds in trust No. 10 on pages 107 in the office ot the register of deeds ot Buncombe county, N. C, default having been made in the payment ot the Indebtedness secured by said deed in trust, by which the power to sell became operative, and at the request of the cestui qui trust, the under signed will sell at publlo sale at the court house door in the olty of Ashe vllle, in the county of Buncombe and state ot North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash on Monday the first day of December, 1913, between the hours of 12 o'clook. noon, and 1 o'clock p. m. the following desorlbed pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in West Ashevtlle, in said county and state, and being situated in West Ashevllle, and being lots Nos. 8 and 10 of a plat of land surveyed by A. H. Starnes, surveyor, a plat ot which land Is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bun combe county In Book No. 164 at page 57, to which reference is hereby made for full and complete description hereof. ' This 1st day of November, 113. , B. J., RANDOLPH, Trustee. TRUSTEE IiAND 6AXE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed In trust, exeouted on the 6 th day ot June A. D., 1902 by Minnie ' Porter and her husband, T. M. Porter, to R. P. Walker, Trustee, to secure the In debtedness therein described to A. J. " n ' Lyman, which said deed in trust im duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ot Buncombe County,-North Carolina In Book (Si at page 8 or records of Mortgages? and Deeds In Trust, and default hav ing been made in the payment off both the principal, and the interest on the note, secured by said Deed! in Trust and upon application and. demand of the holder of said note. I and deed in trust, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday the 15th day of December A. D., 1212 between thet,J hours of twelve and two o'clock, M. i and P. M., offer for sale at the Court House door in the city of Ashevllle,, said County and State, to the hlghJ est bidder, for cash, the following tracts or parcels of land, lying about one and one-half miles southeast ward from Blltmore and described as follows. First Tract containing seven and one sixteenth acres. See-. ond Tract contalng one and one sIx-J teenth acres. Third Tract contain' Ing three and one eight acres and fori a more complete description of the! three above tracts which are adjoin ing each other, reference la berebri made to book 55, page t of etc. of the Records of Mortgages and deeds In trust for Buncombe County, North; Carolina wherein the lands above de scribed and referred to are more fullyl described by metes and bounds. This the 15th day of November, Xi D., 1213. R. P. WALKER, Trustee. And Now Jeff Is Thoroughly in Sympathy with the Dogs e e By "Bud" Fisher JEFf, WRK GOIN' TO MGXICO AS llVMC.fnBBFPmttheju'rK 4un THS NEWSPAPER ORNISME i . -vinuvn -wr-. Je Vow J VI . TOO fc6Y (N THe XOG vMVK 1 3"r"-ts - SHUSH ! iYOU CKH .STAND fr TiU. GfcY ON TH TRAIN. THE FIRST CHfSNCG i&et I'll, let You our row .iNi, MOW SHUT "UWAHD-YOM CAN'T. see, A.T Aut f h,.nwr,i tVMrcei 1 r., ATW' rff J ssssSm I i mil fXB Pi JLLAAlu CAS. HAve .III l-ATtLY. eaTtMWt, Lixe a- nice GOOD nickt; 1-' .""mwm, . f .11 "T '""I,

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