Saturday, Nov. 32, 1913. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS. PAGE NINE 1TIIE0 INOUSTRY I ISIEIfl Jl. C. hale-Clay Tile & Brick Com pany Chartered With $50,000 Capital , Stock. . LANT TO BE SITUATED IN MADISON COUNTY nstructlon Work Begins Monday Begin Operations January 1. Plan Big Ex- tension. The newest manufacturing company hartered (or western North Carolina the Shale-Clay Brick A Tile com knv of Asheville. The oompany Is in hrporated with an authorized capital lock of IbO.ouu, wun zo.uuv paiu in. L following Asheville men are the nicers of the company: D. Harris, tesldent; John I Jenson, vloe-presl-nt: H A. Lindsey, treasurer; and tmes E. Rector, secretary. These Ulcers, with L. F. Rhinehardt and I. wilford, compose the stocKhoiaers Ya directors of the company. This company will have a plant in ndlson county, two miles west of Hot brings, for the manufacture, at tne Laent time, of shale-clay building hi face . brick."! The-..material - Is Bapted to the manufacture oi roonng a. vitrified or paving brick and terra ftta, besides the building and face ick. and the plant will be extended fcr the manufacture of these aaai nnal products within the near future. 'he original output of the plant will t 25.000 bricks dally, and it is plan- A to begin operations by January l fee construction of the plant and the ack of the Southern railway to it ill begin Monday. The construction ork will be In charge of Mr. Knine lardt.- one of the stockholders. The plant is designed for emciency, Id the stockholders of the company fclleve that It will -be the most effl- pnt to be found anywhere. The teat and most modern improved ma- hlnery will be installed. There win six kilns, all down-draft, which ill Insure about 98 per cent of hard lick, with practically no salmon tick. All waste heat from the burn !K kilns will be utilized In drying the cen bricks, thus greatly reducing the st of production. Every movement the bricks, from the clay bank to he cars, will be by a gentle gravity ?;em. which will make a great deal ordinary labor unnecessary. The ur track of the railroad Is also on qentle grade, and about IS cars can p placed above it and dropped down I r loading as they are needed. The ack In front of the plant is 700 feet ng, In a straight line, the entire SHOCKLEY'S AGENCY Is conducted, primarily, in the tn- rest of the graduates of the A. B. C. it often applications come for men hd women of extended' experience in flee work. Such is the case now. We Ln place two office men, preference, Ir ages over twenty-seven, - salary 65.00 and 885.00 per week; places lit of to.wn. Applicants must be good tcountants, capable of taking entire targe of the office, dictate rood bus- ess getting letters and be a good liitler. Also we have some light aces ln the city, $6.00 to $7.60; eno. and bookkeeping required; not uch of either, only limited experl- fce necessary; also place lor one ung man stenographer, city $60.00 month. We will be glad to confer with ap- llcants any afternoon after three p. . We make a nominal charge for acing people who are not our grad ates. Also we desire thirty new stu- tnts to take our Guarantee book eplng and stenography course. Do t wait till AFTER CHRISTMAS. part no. ASHEVILLE BUSINESS COL- EGE, 3rd floor, north Pack Square, enry 8. Shockley, principal. - " 244-7t, STANLEY AYERS WORLD'S FAMOUS Clairvoyant A $2.00 READING 50 Gts. irr yotj Mr st bring this adv. WITHIN THREE! DAYS. AN HONEST PROPOSITION. I do hereby solemnly agree and erantee to make you no ehaire if fall to call you by name in full; o friends, enemies, rivals, whom hd when you will marry. I never I've fulling advice upon all matters f life, such as love, ceurtahlo. mar- ftge, divorce, business, lawsuits, spe- nations and transactions of all ""la I never fall to reunite the Parated, cause speedy, happy mar ages, overcome enemies, rivals, lov- quarrels, bad ha 's. stumbllns 'ocks and bad luck of ail klnda 1 ' you out of your sorrow and trou and start you on the path of hap 'ness and prosperity. 1 further guarantee and promise to lkke you no chsrse unless you find ' superior to any other clairvov- "i you ever consulted. There Is no "Pe so fond or wish so great that I ninoi accomplish for you. I guar- we success where all other clalr j "anta fall. lonmi tm m ... a .. i Hnnday rrlvato Parlors. 48 Spruce St. 144-2L track being about 1150 feet long. The plant will be able to run 1 months la the year, as the system of dryers wiu do away with loss of -time from .in clement weather. The kilns will turn out about 10 car loads of bricks at one burning. ...... . . v . , . i For the purchase of the machinery. the stockholders put 116,000 worth of the stock on the market and ther have been offers to take up more than twice this amount. This serves as an excellent Indication of the confidence in the undertaking that Is held by the men of money and enterprise in the section. The machinery has already been purchased and is ready for Im mediate shipment. ' A party. Including the stockholders and other interested parties, will go down to Hot Springs Monday to see the construction work begun, , It will only be a short time until the workers will be ready for the machinery.-' . -.. ..--- , -i The deposit from which the bricks, and later the other. products, will be manufactured was originally a very fine shale. This has disintegrated and has become mixed with clay in a pro portion that makes It, ideal for the purposes of this 'manufacture. The company owns or controls about. 100 acres, and the deposit covers between 80 and 90 acres. ' It lias been tested to a depth of ,100 feet It la not known how Wiuch deeper the deposit extends. . The deposit was first noticed by Mr. Rector1 about a year ago- . He asked the assistance of the land and indus trial department of the Southern rail way, and J. H. Watkins, geologist of the road, made three trips to the place' in thoroughly investigating it and getting samples for analysis. He was assisted in this work by Col. T. Gilbert Wood, local agent of the de partment, and a great deal of Interest has been evidenced in the develop ment by M. V. Richards, head of the department The Investigation has been thorough In every respect and the promoters were sure of their grounds before any steps were taken to develop the property. As a result, their success seems now assured. , Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Mon ey New York, New Orleans, Chicago and Foreign Market News. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago, Nov. 22. Hogs: receipts 16,000: weak; bulk of sales, 7.60 7.80; light, 7.2007.76; mixed, 7.36 7.85; heavy, 7.30(5)7.85; rough, 7.80 7.45: pigs, 5.006.90. Cattle: receipts 600: slow; beeves. 6.659.60; Texas steers, 6.607.66; stackers and feeders, 4.807.6& cows ana heifers, 7.25 8.20; calves, 6. 6t Wiv.uu. -Sheep: receipts 1600; steady: na tive, 2.805.05; yearlings, 6.16i6.25; iam os, native, 5.85 7.40. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Nov. 22. Cotton spjt quiet ana easier; middling fair '.81 good middling 7.60: middlinir 7.34: low middling 7,12; good ordinary 6,50 ordinary 6.16. Sales 6000, including 40u American and 1000 for specula tion and exports. Receipts 21,000 in cluding 6600 American. Futures closed barely steady: November , .. .. .. . 7.08 Vi rsovember-necember .,... 85 December-January. . . . ., ( January-February 6.9214 February-March ,. ... , (.(3 March-April . April-May . , 6.83 6.8314 May-June . . June-July , . 6.94 6.91H July-August August-September . September-October October-November . 6.89 6.7414 6.61 6.41 COTTON FUTURES OPENING, New York, Nov. 2 J. Cotton futures opened steady: December January ... .... 11.26 12.00 18.00 12.98 12.92 March. . , . ... , May July NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Close, Amalgamated Copper 68 Amir. Beet Sugar 22 Amer. Cotton Oil , 2714 Amer. smelt. Refining 62 Amer. Sugar Refining 107 Amer. Tel. Tel. ,. 11114 Anaconda Mining Co. ., 2814' Atchison , 92 14 Atlantic Coast Line 115 Baltimore A Ohio ti Brooklyn Rapid Transit 86 Canadian Factno 22 3 H Chesapeake ft Ohio , .... 6614 Chicago A Northwestern 124 Chicago, Mil. Bt. Paul 91 Colorado Fuel Iron 2614 Colorado Southern 2714 Dele ware Hudson 15014 Denver Rio Grande... 17 Erie 2614 General Electric 119 Great Northern pfd 122 Great Northern Ore ctfe 2114 Illinois Central 106 14 interborough-Met. .... - 19 mterborough-Met. 68 Inter Harvester .............. 101 Louisville A Nashville 180 Missouri Pacific 2614 Mo., Kan Tex , . 19 Lehigh Valley 14614 National Lesd ... 41 New York Central 9614 Norfolk A Western .......... 1 OS 14 Northern Pacific ............. 106 14 Pennsylvania ... 108 People's Gas 11714 Pullman Palace Car ;. 151 Reading ' 169 Rock Island Co. 14 Rock Island Co. pfd 21 Southern Pad no 19 Southern Railway 2114 Union Pacific 149 United States Steel .......... 14 United Slates Steel pfd 106 '4 Wabaah 1 Western Union 12 14 FiflMlCUL CHICAOO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS . WHEAT Open. December., v ,ti May ... 0 , CORN ; ' December ' , 11 . May ... 71, Oats i -.... ; - December 18 May '. . . . . 42 4' Close. .8614 ..90 7014 7014. 88 41 A - MB8B FORK per bbl. January .,- .i ...... .20.87 20.76 Mr ap.MVi' io,i7 LARD per 100 lbs. " January ... ..;.. ,.10.97 $4 10.00 May ... ... ........H.iB 11.10 SHORT. RIBS jier 100 lbs. . -January ,. .........11.00 10.92H May ,.. .j,v.,,.... ,11.12 ii.u , NEW YORK COTTON. New York, Nov, 21. Cotton futures uiuseq nrm. . ;, ..,.,.:. Open. ' Close. November December January ; r, February . March v. t 18.2125 11.26 11.93 13.2S0 13.07 008 1?.0406 18.08009 18.02 04 19.06907 iiiio. 12.88 "12.88 12.82 12.50 April .... , May . . . June July. ,, ll.0204 12.9899 1J.7274 -12.06 07 August ', October,. YTKIA1. HOME QUESTION TO BE FINALLY SETTLED Meeting of Pythians Will Be Held at Asheville Lodge Next Friday Night. At the regular weekly meeting last night of Asheville lodge No. 106, Knights of Pythias, it was decided to make the special order of business for the next meeting the consideration of the question of a Pythian home in Asheville. An oyster supper will be served and members of Pisgah lodge will be invited to meet with the Ashe ville lodge members. - There will be a general discussion of the possibilities of erecting the home, and plans will be considered. Every question will be considered in detail, and It will probably be. finally settled at this meeting as to whether or not the Pythlans of the city are to erect such a building. This question has been considered bv the Pvthlans of Asheville for long time and the sentiment all along has been ln favor of such an under taking. It is hoped that every mem ber of the two lodges will be present next Friday night to go over the mat ter and come to some final decision. WlG.Fi PICTURES TO DOT IT HUH Will Compose Fart of Program Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Moving pictures taken at the West ern North Carolina fair this fall will be shown at the Galax theater Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. These pictures show all the big features of the fair, including the appearance of Secretary of State Wll llam Jennings Bryan on Brotherhood day, and other big speakers; the varl ous parades, that were participated In by thousands of people from all over the section; the prize baby In the "Better Babies" contest; the horses being Judged, and other distinct (eat ures of interest. Besides these pic tures, the management of the theater has arranged for a change of three reels of pictures, additional, for each of the three days. The feature at this theater today is "Joyce of the North Wood," a two reel - Edison film that was adapted from the book of the same title by Harriet T. Comstock. The picture gives a true representation of the life of the people of the north woods of Mains. Special music will be render ed by the orohestra of six pieces. TRUSTEE'S SALE.' By virtus of the power of sals con talnad In a certain deed of trust made by Ellen Cook, unmarried, to the un derslgned trustee, dated Nov. 18th 1912, and duly recorded ln the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, In book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 90 at page 4 to which reference Is hereby made, and default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of truatt whereby the power of sals therein contained has become operative, said undersignea trustse, will on Saturday the 20th day of December 1911, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at publlo auction for cash, at the court house door In the city of Ashe ville, county of Buncombe and state ef North Carolina, the following lands and premises, situate, lying and being on Eagle Terrace being lot No. 17 as surveyed by A. A. Hamlet In January 1911, and bounded and more nartlcu larly described as follows: ' Beginning at a stake In the south era margin of -Eegle Terrace, the northeweel corner of lot N01 26 an runs with the line of said lot N01 south 11 degrees, 46 minutes east eighty four and five-tenths feet to stske; ths southwest corner of said lot No. 26 thence south 71 degrees, 4 minutes west forty-four feet to atske, the southeitst corner of lot No, 21; thence with the line of lot No, north 4 degrees, 46 minutes west about one hundred feet to a stake In the margin of Eagle Terrace as changed by the city of Asheville, In 1912; thence with the southern mar gin of Eagle Terrace on a continuation of the northern line of lot No. 21 south 71 degrees 10 minutes east about 11 feet to the beginning. This Nov. 11th, 1911. 'W. E. HHUFORD. administrator of $ugene Way, deceased. LIMEPLAflT IS II T i Virginia Concern Contemplates Suoh, Development In; . MadisW County., TO HAVE CAPACITY . OF 25 0TONS DAILY Capital Is Also .Interested In Pottery Quarts and Iron-Ores at' That Comity. There Is . Immediate prospect of a big development of ' a natural lime stone deposit Jn- Madison county by a Virginia concern. ' The headr of this concern has visited 'the deposit and has made a thorough investigation Into the possibility of the development, and he Is well pleased with the pros pects. He has given assurances that he will erect a plant that will nave capacity of 250 tons of lime dally, and It Is expected that the construc tion work will begin during the win ter months. This man has had a life-long ex perience in the lime Industry and has all the money necessary for the de velopment. From his personal inves tigation of the deposit, and from an alysis made of the limestone, he says that it is one of the highest grade denoslts to be found anywhere. . His company now operates the biggest lime plant ln the state of Virginia. His name is withheld, for the present. on request. The probable development of this natural deposit of limestone nas been brought the work of the land and in dustrial department of the Southern railway, the Investigation having been beeun bv Col. T. Gilbert Wood, local agent of the department. J. H. Wat- kins, geologist for the department, has gone over the proposition several times and believes that it is one of the finest deposits to be found anywhere in the country. This department has also been in terested for some time ln deposits in Madison county of pottery quarts and Iron ore. The quartz is said to analyse about 98 per cent pure silica, and ex perts have pronounced It to be of a very fine quality. The deposit of Iron ore Is a variety of hematite, and the deposit that has been investigated is about 80 feet across at the surface, Analysis of samples shows about 60 per cent Iron. The deposits of pottery quarts ln the section have lately attracted the attention of the experts of the United States geologlsal survey, and it has been felt that one or more plants for the manufacture of the product should be established in Asheville or the Im mediate vicinity. Such a course is now being contemplated by more than one company, It is stated, and there is a strong likelihood that there will be some favorable development within a very short time. ' Some experts have given' western North Carolina oredlt for the first manufacture of iron in the United States, and the quality of the ores here has long been conceded to be among the best to be found anywhere. No Idea Is entertained at present of the extent of the deposit ln Madison, but with such an extensive outcrop ping of the -ore. It is possible that there is a very great deposit below. Lime stone Is almost adjoining It, and with this combination there seems prospect for the future development of the Iron industry of the section The great value of the mineral de posits of western North Carolina have been known for a number of years, but until now the development has been small compared to the possibili ties offered. The development along these lines, however. Is being rapidly pushed by M. V. Richards, head of the land and industrial department of the Southern, and capital Is being In terested ln one or more lines at brief Intervals. The prospects for future development are now growing brighter dally. City News Rev. Mr. P. H. Mears, pastor of the First Christian church, will begin a series of ten sermons tomorrow morn ing on the life of the Apostle Paul. The first subject ln the series will be on the apostle's place ln history. Dr. Trenery, assistant secretary of the board of 8unday schools of the Methodist Episcopal church, with headquarters at Chicago, will preach at the First Methodist Episcopal church of Asheville, tomorrow morn ing at 11 o'clock. Dr. Trenery la one of the leading Sunday school workers of tha country and will doubtless be heard- by a large number of people. Deputy Sheriff Gay Williams left here this morning with Ira Dial, a young white man, who waa recently committed to the state asylum for the Insane at Morganton. Dial waa arrest ed several weeks ago in Aston park, a complaint having been sent the sher lffs office that he was trying to kill his mother. Since that time he has been In the eounty Jail. It la said that he has caused no trouble whatever. Httlt'11tttsisvllttltlt tt tt H ADDITIONAL SOCIAL AND t PERSONAL NOTES. tt Bt ttttiiitiiittiiiltltililkttt . (Continued from page 1) A call meeting of the American Women's league will be held at the Battery Park hotel, Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The purpoae of the meet ing Is to arrange for a benefit for the league, and all members are urged to be present ISP 1ANTS FOR SALE FOR SALE Good clean newspapers, 69 for. C cents.. Apply at Gasette-r New office. FOR SALE Evening dress coat and vest for young, man, size of eoat about 81 chest, almost new. Ad dress Post office Box S64, Ashe ville, N, C. 191-tf. FOR SALE Two choice and desira ble building Iota ln Canton. Size of both 60 by 141, being lots Nos. 67 and 68, part of F. K. May property Justoff of North Main St., with good view. Will sell same for 1176.00 spot cash. Apply to 3. R. L., Gazette- News ofCloe, for particulars. : 88tf FOR 8ALK 7-room nouse. Stamen; avenue, !800; worth $8600. Moale A Chiles. Real Eatate and Insuranoe, " 188-tf. FOR SALE Two pianos and 2 organs, Will sell cheap for cash. A 2350 wright piano will sell, for 1100 cash. One antique square piano 250 cash. Phone 1851. Asheville Furniture Co., 29 South Main street 240-6t FOR SALE 7-room house on Cum berland, avenue, large lot, garden, fruit, poultry yard. Will sell for 12700 If taken quick. Owner leav ing town. F. M. Messier, 26 Ameri can National Bank building. 241-4t FOR SALE 60 pullets, 3 cockerels from the best laying and exhibition 8. C. white Leghorns ln the south $1.25 each. C. W. Moody, Bilt more, N. C. . 242-St FOR SALE Tuxedo coat, sfze 31, nearly new. Address Postofflce Box 264 Asheville, N. C, for par ticulars. 191-tf. FOR SALE On account of removal to a city, I will sell at a sacrifice a lot of blooded poultry. Incubators, Ac. and household furniture. Ad dress or phone A. B. Eve. Phone No. 110L ' v 244-lt FOR SALE Six-room cottage, mod ern; lot 60x160, price $1600.00 $800.00 cash and $20.00 per month. Phone 849. Donnahoe A Co.. Real Estate. 244-St FOR SALE Seven room, modern. two-story. shingled cottage; this 1 place Is located on Katherlne place, Grove Park, fine views of the Grove Park Inn; eastern exposure, and has several nice trees on the lot If you are looking for a nice, new, cozy home, see Donnahoe A Co., Real Estate. ' 244-St SEARCHING FOB BODY OF BOY DRAWN INTO A DRAINAGE CONDUIT AtlanUo City, N. J., Nov. 11. A hundred men today searched for the body of Edgely Bowers, 21 years old who last night was drawn Into the. covered drainage canal that parallels the western side of the city from the Inlet to Chelsea, Long after he was drawn Into ths big conduit Bowers cries were heard and men ln boats risked their lives by entering the canal In the hope of reaching him ahve. Alter an all-night serach hope was given up that he would be saved. Bowers fell overboard at the Intake of the canal and was' swept Into It by a strong, rising tide. BURNED GETTING STOCK FROM THE BARN Correspondence of The Gazette-News. Forest City, Nov. 21. The barn of Dr., George P. Held on North Main street was completely destroyed last night by fir. The blaze was first dis covered about 1 o'olock. The loss will be near $400, partly covered by Insurance. Dr. Reld reoelved several painful burns on his head, feet and hands while driving the stock from the barn. The origin of the fire Is not known. ' N. 0. NUTS AND FRUITS TAGE SWEEPSTAKES Special to Ths Gaaette-Newa. Rilelgn, Nov. 22. North Carolina fruits and nuts again took sweep stakes In a national exposition of fruits through an exhibit Installed un der the direction of the state depart ment of agriculture. This tlms It Is In the exhibits under the auspices Of the American Pomologloal society In session at Washington. D. C. News of ths winning of the first prise, the Wiley medal, came ln a telegram to Commissioner of Agriculture W. A. Graham, from State Hortlculturallst W. M. Hutt who Installed ths North Carolina exhibit REPORTS OF WALK-OrT IN GENERAL IXHCTRIC UNTRUBj Schenectady, N. Y., Nov. 22. Re-i ports that the 12,000 union man and I women In the General Eleotrlo works : would walk out at o'clock this morning unlesa two discharged lead- J era were reinstated proved untrue. Representatives of the unions were In conference with James A. Smith, gen eral superintendent, during the morn ing, and there was hope that sn aralo able agreement would be reached. (Ml I, n 1.' mV ., 1. illlll!llllfi!ljllll!! H'1 ' I i ill U 4 (a MISCELLANEOUS. J H. McGlNNESS, TtUor New fall and wlntsr samples sow on display. Masonlo Temple, 44 Market street tf PIEDMONT POSITIONS ; GUARAN TEE 25D to $78 start; Bookkeeping, Banking, Shorthand, English, Music, Scholarship sold on credit; railroad fare from home. Piedmont Busii ness College, Lynchburg, Va. ' GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet Y 698 tells how. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. EXPERT SHOE MAKER Half soles and repair work done promptly at reasonable prices; work called for and delivered, J. H. Butler. 42 S. Main street 214-tf FOR NOTARY PUBLIC WORK ap ply at Gazette- News office. - 88tf CAT PAW rubber heels, 40o. Soles sewed, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Work called for and returned. Gilmer Bowden, 81 East College, phone 1817. , 17-26t HIGH CLASS automobile,, carriage, deliverv and dalrv waaon Daintlnar. Tiddy Bros., 26 North Lexington! avenue. We repair automobile and carriage tops, backs and cushions. Celluloid lights put in automobile curtains. Phone 1445 and a repre sentative will call. 239-6t MULTIGRAPHED LETTERS by the hundred or thousand. Fac-slmtls of typewriting at a reasonable charge. Try this for your circular letter or postal card. Names filled ln, en velopes addressed, copying. Public stenographer. THE LETTER SHOP, 68 American National Bank Build ing. Phone 2267. 224-261 WANTED People of Asheville to send their clothes to People's Steam Dye Works. Our process absolute ly odorless. Phone 2041. 226-26t B. V. VINIARSKI, SO W., College St., best work at prices to suit every- body. Shoes called for and re turned. Phone 1641. 226-26t CLAIRVOYANT ? '-.dame Reglna, 9414 Haywood. True life readings revealing present, past and future. Nothing is hidden from this won derful woman. Consult her, she will advise you for the best In all love, business or private affairs. Trial Readings 60 cents. , 216-26 RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. Carriers. Wanted. Good pay; fine positions; pay for instruction after you re ' celve position. Liberty Institute, Dept 148. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED RAGS WANTED Clean cotton rags. Inquire of pressman at Gazette News, tt , H. McOINNISS, NO. 44 Market street Tailoring, steam dyeing, . oleanlng and , repairing. , Phone 1860. tf. GRADUATE NURSE attends patients by hour, $1 first hour, 60 cents each uiceedlng. Phone 1844. 219-tf ROOMS WANTED Three or four unfurnished rooms for housekeep ing with sink In kitchen, preferably on first floor. Address, stating pries, "W. C." care Gatette-News. 228-tf. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, atesm heat; running water ln rooms; near ' postoffic. The Adelaide, A. D. McKee, Prop. 210-26t FOR RENT Two desirable ground floor offices opposite Langren hotel Western Carolina Realty Co. J. Xt. WOLFE, Sec''. A Trees. 19 N. Paek Square. Phone 9T4. Valuable Building Material For Sale At Auction Building for Sale. On Saturday, December 4, 1911, at 11 m., the Elk's Home Co., will sell to ths highest bidder, at auction, on the premises. the building materials contained ln the buildings located on Its lot at the corner of Haywood and Walnut streets, Asheville, N. C. For further particulars oommunloate with F. W. Thomas or 8. Sternberg, Asheville, N. C. Another Gar Load of BUCKS STOVES AND RANGES Just Received. Burton & Holf WANTS; tmmmmammmmmmmammmm PhoneYour Wants to : ; a :: : r. ' 1202 WANTS mmmmwBBBBamamamma FOR RENT FOR ' RENT Furnished, one of '.Ua best' homes on Montford aveno. $160; another 'attractive Montford avenue home at . $76. Moale- A . Chiles, Real 'Estate and Insurance, - ,ivv..-- lll-t. : FOR RENT-i-Two email cottages, fur- : nlshed, eacn $25 month; six-room bungalow on car' line, completely furnished, $60; also several unfurl nlshed houses from $20 to $80. Let us show you. Automobile service! Ray-Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood! St Phone 1281. .. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, souths east, exposure, central location,.-with or without table board. Flint ''.' . 827-26; FOR RENT Rooms furnished fo light housekeeping; gas for cook ing. Apply 76 No. Main St. 217-te CONNECTING ROOMS on first floor, well furnished for light house keeping. 18 Grady. Phone 839.'- B18-tf OFFICES FOR RENT Two nice of fices over Kress store. JJgnt, heat and Janitor service. See T. J. Har kins, 10 Harklns building. 232-tf. FOR RENT Second floor over 28 N. Main. Can be used for repaikr shop) or storage rooms. See B. T. Tiller. As I will be absent from the. city this winter and spring, I will leas my 9-room dwelling house Ith sleep ing porch, excellently located , on street car line at 137 South French Broad Avenue,, completely , furnished with all modern conveniences, . hot water heat, gas and col ranges, large lot, barn and servants house. Very reasonable terms to desirable party. Apply on premise 1. to J. M. Gudgef, Jr. 234-tJ. FOR RENT Large boarding hous;. known as Rock Ledge; best, loca tion in city. Also one 7-room cot tage, and one 6-room apartment. Apply to O. D. Revel!, or ... A. B. Foy. Phone 829. . tf 1 'imi.niii.w- FOR RENT Unfurnished-jv.liouses from $16 to $84. Furnished houses from $26 to $200 a month. If you want to rent or buy, see us, F.. M. Messier, 26 , American. National Bank Building, Real Estate and In surance. Phone 682. r- J44-3t TO RENT Cheap, to right party, a nve-room, upstairs flat either fur nished or unfurnished, as desired. No consumptives - taken. Address Miss Adams, Arden, N. C. 244-7 HELP WANTED WANTED Two experienced colored hotel maids no others need apply. Must supply recommendations from past employers, for five years. Grove Park Inn. 185-tf WA' TED White girl for- general house Work. Phone 1067 or call at 85 Central avenue. 24213t WANTED Party to Invest from $1000 to $3000 In an established business, centrally located ln Ashe ville. Will-bear close Investigation. L., Gazette-News. 248-lt LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES WANT ED No canvassing or soliciting re-' , quired. Good Income assured. Ad- dress National Co-Operatlve Realty uo., v 1215, .Mardan Building. Washington,- D. C - i BOARDERS WANTED LYNNHURST, 65 College St A se lect boarding house, convenient to) -business district Conducted by Mrs) P. J. Corooron, formerly of Rock Ledge. 126-26 THE LOUISIANA, 61 College Bt Private Board .first class table. No sick people taken. Phone 1777. 126-26. "THE CAROLEEN." 14 College St.. newly furnished; modem conven iences; will make special rates to couples. 226-let THE KNICKERBOCKER. No. T7 Col lege street Phone 161. Delight ful situation, central location, large shady grounds, appointments com plete. Terms aocordlng to loca tion of room. tf. ANYONE looking for a nice quiet place to board, will do well to call on Miss Belle Burnette at Bellvue, ' 141 North Main street 244-261 LOST LOST Ladles gold watch, hunting case, between Swannanoa and Bllt more. Reward of returned to J, C. Carpenter's Jewelry Btore. 241-lt a 1 IXIfm The gentioman who to-ik M . Cethey's dog from 13 Pearaun oVh will b kind enough to return It I like to hunt myself, 141-C