day, December 8, 1913. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE - NEWS. PAGE ELEVEN IIIMICIIL tocks, Bofida, Cotton, Grain, Provlaionfl,. Money-New York, New Orleans, Chidago and Foreign Market News. SEW YORK STOCK LIST. Close. amated C6pt ''' .7094 23 y 39 Beet sugar Cotton Oil Bititlt. Refining Sugar Refining. .' . . i . J Tel. Tl. -. 102 118 tide Mining Co. ....,. 844 son ..... ...." 9c Coast Line.... ... lore & Ohio ..,..;.., 1yn Rapid Transit....... jian Pacific brake & Ohio . . to & Northwestern...... 0 Mil. & St. Paul ido Fuel A iron ......... (do Southern . .. , . .. is re A Hudson . , . 83 11 229 67 99 26 Vi 28 5t & Rio uranae....... 17 M, 28 Vt l Electric 139 H' Mnrthern pfd. . .-... . . 124 93 I Northern Ore etfs.-... Central jorough-Met, ;. ..... forotigh-Mel. pfd ..... Harvester ille & Nashville. ...... hri Pacific .... .... . . . (Cans. & Tex.. h valley ......... hal Lead ' 108 14 Boy, 101 H I 12 Vs york Central ......... k & Western jern Pacific .......... jylvaflla . .. J. 04 103 109 e's Gas ... ian Palace Car 118 161 163 Pig Island Co . . . . 14 Island Co. pfd..... 23 rn Pacific 87 jern Railway 22 Pacific ......... 163 67 B States Steel . B States Steel pfd. . 105 feh 3 irn Union ... 62 Blaven 78 NEW YORK COTTON. W York, Dee. 8. Cotton futures steady. Open. Close, fober .. ...... 18.09 13.03 try 12.86 12.8485 kary 12-81 12.81(83 h 13.00 12.9798 . 12.96 12.92 96 12.93 12.9091 12.86 87 12.81 12.68 14 BAH I fct , 12.66967 er .T.-.-11.98- "lt;9798 NEW YORK MONEY. York, Dec. 8. Call money firm, o. Huang rate b; closing bViW loans easier; 80 days 65; lys 65; six months 45. Luuile paper 6. Sterling Inge steady, 60 days 4.81.15; de- 4.85.46. ' Commercial bills 1; bar stiver 68. Mexican dol- 45. Government bonds firm; tad bonds Irregular. BUTTER AND. EGGS. . w York, Dee. i. Butter firm; bts 4266 tubs. Creamery extras, fc36; firsts, 37 83; seconds. 23 14; held extras 31 3 2, firsts, 37 M seconds, i3(&t. jeesa sieauy; receipts mi uu.xco. wnole milk, held white or col- specials, 1014 ; average fan- f. ss iirmer, receipts ini twra. gathered extras, Kj)l, extra (dent today urging him to appoint tlve Edwards, of Georgia, today In 3637; firsts, 3435; seconds, Allison Mavfleld of Sherman. Tex.. I,,, - hin .,,ii,n,i,inr ih. 13; refrigerator special, marks 2929H. we poultry firm; western chick U23; fowls, 12019; turkeys. 86. AGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS HEAT- Open. '91 70 . Close. mber . 88H 91 DRN rniber 71 . 70 '39 ITS mber 40 ........ 42 42 F-S8 PORK per bbl. "y 11.011 20.92 21.15 ' 21.05 KD per 100 lbs. v ry 19.82 10.77 11.1214 11.07 U P"KT ribs per loo lbs. I'T 10.97 10.97K 11.26 11.20 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Mcago, Dec. 8. Buttst unchang- kg higher; receipts 1182 cases; at k. cases lnclndffil ttnti- riii. nrste, 28 10; firsU, 83, laioes unchanged; receipts 60 nultry, alive, lower: snrlnrs. 12 t4: i turkey, 15. . I CH1CAOO LIVE STOCK. 'licago, Deo. 8. Hnir.:, r.elnl "v; sironr- hniu nt ..u. no u. - ' i.u W "KM 7. 1007. SS- ml.fl 1 KKfl h'avy 7.6B 8.00; rough 7.55 0 Pllt 6.60fl7.4O. "itUe: receipts 16,000; ,stady; I 6.6801.70; Texas steers 6.56 siocKors and feeders 4.80 ! cows and heifers 1.10 0 8.20; 6.60011.00. I1??; receipt n.000; steady; na I 4.006. 15; yearlings 5,1006,65; i1' nntlvt 6.107.70. I CHICAGO GRAIN. Mfo. Dec. -l.wheat price. nd upward today In response to t i.ih1 raln WM Mlltn Interfer- wn the Argentine harvest. Cold -her t,v tberk to the corn . nol1 ady. Provision with hogs . FORE HUG IS PROGRESS Young White Men Charged With Violating the Mann White Slave Law. v A preliminary .hearing In the case against Fred Fore, charged with vio lating the Mann white slave law, is being held this afternoon before Unit ed States Commissioner R. S. McCall. The case was called at 1:80 o'clock and will be continued after several of the witnesses are examined, owing to the fact that other witnesses are ab sent. Paralee Ledford. Llllle : Ed monds and Martha J. Llndsey, wit nesses for the government, were ex amined this afternoon. The Ledford girl testified that she Is 17 years old and that during the exposition In Knoxvllle Fred Fore bought tickets for LIUle Edmonds and herself to go to KnoXVllie for immoral purposes: that upon arriving in Knoxvllle they - In unnwnla nv I were taken to a disorderly house and that the Edmonds woman returned to Asheville the next day. She testified further that she stayed in the house nearly two weeks before she could get money enough to return here. She went oft to say that she met a man at the exposition who paid her may to Asheville and she returned home. She said that Fore visited her In the house in Knoxvllle nd that she beg' ged him to return her to this city and that he always said that he did not wr t.,fm ..-K-....-. ' Is not known Just what defence L Fore will offer, as his witnesses will nl be put on the stand until late this I'ore was arrested several weeks ago, warrants being sworn out against mm by the Knoxvllle white slave of. ncer and by the Asheville officer. He was on the Buncombe county chain gang at the time the warrants were i uul was reieasea on naDeas corpus proceedings and arrested by a united States marshal the next day, and since then has been confined In the county Jail. This is the first case of a violation of .the Mann white slave law in the state and one of the three in the south. " OF Renresentatives Take no Mat. teis , With President Who Is Much Better. Washington, . Dee. 8. President .Wilson had a cough today but other-I wl?.e ""l? t0 be. rcoy,ere? 'rom, hl com. , tie nas not nnaliy determined upon appointments to the Interstate commerce commission, where there are bdoik to oe mree vacancies. Representative Adamson and Btev- ens oi tne nouse committee on inter- state and foreign commerce, told the president they believed the entire committee would like to sse Judson C. Clements reappointed to the state commerce commission and that even though ,t mlgnt be the poUcy of the administration to appoint com- paratively young men, an exception should be made In the case of Mr. Clements. Practically the entire Texas deles tion In the house headed by Repre sentatlve Heyburn called on the ores- chairman nf th Tktcbm rnllrnari mission, to one of the vacancies on the interstate commerce commission. PROSPECT OF STRIKE SETTLEMENT IS GOOD London. Dec. 8. The orosnect of a strike of 100,000 employee of the Brit ish postoffice during the Christmas season Increases dally, A national committee of the employe union will meet this week to decide the question. The general - sentiment among the men appears to bein- favor of giving Herbert Samuel, the postmaster gen eral, an ultimatum Immediately de manding 15 per cent Increase of salary for all employes. ' LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Dec. 8. Cotton spot good business done; prices steady; middling fair 7.84; good middling 7.50; mid dling 7.28; low middling 7.0; good ordinary 6.48; ordinary 6.12. Sales 16,000 Including 10.900 American and 6000 for speculation and export. Re ceipts 9000 Including 2000 American. Future closed quiet December , December-January . . , January-February . . . February-March . . , . March-April . April-May May-June . . June-July July-August .. . . . . . August-September . . . 6.94 6.92 6.91 6.91 6.92 6.92 6.92 6.90- 6.87 6.71 September-October 6.(0 October-November 6.40 K-nv.mlwr.Dcimbcr 6.3SU December-January ,. .. ,. .. 8.84 January-February 6.14 . CAB1I GRAIN PTtlOES. Wheat: No. 2 red, 98ij97; No. 2 hard, 59090; No. 2 northern, 10 till! No. 2 spring, 90Q!0t . Corn, all new: No. 2, 71; No. t yellow, 78; No. 1, 7&70. Oats; No. 1 white. 41H2; standard, 413l42. Rye. No, 1, 64. Harley, 61071. Timothy, 4.00 H 5.2 6, Clover, 10.604 14.60. j Pork 11.16; lard 10.62; ribs 10.50 011.12- 1 Christmas Goods We are nearly through marking a great line of Fancy Goods for Useful Presents and Ornamen tal Presents. About Wednesday next they will be placed on sale. You will find many things to your liking. H. REDWOOD & CO. TRYON-SALUDA HIGHWAY Clnntvont m 4a UtrnVlvifY Vnnu of 110 Men and 25 Teams The Grade. According to information received here from Polk county, work on the highway between Tryon and Saluda is progressing very rapidly. This road is being built by C. D. Qeer on contract, and at the present time he Is working a force of 110 men and 26 teams. Be twen 200 and 800 yards of dirt are being moved dally. ,, K , ,.,o, w,. r.o,n,, formln(, . very .mDortant link in the Asheville-Spartanburg highway. A good grade will be had along the en tire route and cuts are being made now from six to 11 feet deep In order to secure the best grades, Several business houses in Tryon, urhlfth am altiiatftri nn rha moln Htrt are now changing elevations to com ply with the new grade of the road. BOOKER NSAXWELL HELD Sheriff . Williams Brings Al leged Assaliant of Hunter From Jacksonville. Sheriff C. F. Williams returned 'yes- 'terday afternoon from Jacksonville with the negro, Booker Maxwell, who is alleged to have shot Will (Sun) Hunter, colored, here about a month ago. Sheriff Williams received a mes aniTA from the sheriff at Jacksonville Saturrtnv anvlnsr that Maxwell was , hero in lall and would return here without requisition papers, and the .hRnfr lft the name afternoon to hrinir the nrisoner back. Sheriff Wll- Hams says that he had no trouble with Maxwell at all on the triD back ni v u now in th cnuntv lail where he will remain without ball until Hunter Is able to appear In cour, At the Mission hospital this mornlng it was stated that Hunter's !nter-lcon(iitlon was unchanged and as he U. h.n In. a serious condition for gome. t,me be,ng part)y para,yz(!d on his right side, it ts not known whether he has a chance to recover or not BILL TO INVITE NATIONS FOR DRAINAGE CONGRESS Wiwhlnnn. Dpp. TlnrwnbL. the world to attend the drainage con- gress to be held In 19.4 at Savannah, Ga. Our Prophecy Was for Cold Weather and It Is Very Much Here."' WARM ALL WOOL CLOTHING NOW AT A BIG DISCOUNT SUITS AND OVERCOATS for men and boys in enormous variety the newest shapes and cloths. Some of them bought since Nov. 15th. The makers are such people as HIGH ART people who fit beautifully and who make clothing: to last the purchaser and to keep, its excellent shape during its long life,' . At $6.50 and $3.50 we have a few left of the Whit " lock $12.50 and and $18.00 goods. ALL WOOL, mind you. H. Redwood & Co. I. El PE DFS According to a Compromise Judgment, Plaintiff Gets . $1750 Another Suit. A. compromise judgment has been entered In the case of W. G. Penland vs. Southern - Railway company in United States District court. Accord lng to this judgment, the plaintiff recovers the sum of $1760, the costs of the action to be borne by the de fendant company. It is ordered that the bill of. complaint be dismissed from the court: , . In the equity case entitled South' ern Railway company vs. W. G. Pen- land, a compromise has also been ef fected and the case dismissed from the court No terms of the compro mise are set forth, although it is stated that attorneys' fees are not to be included in the list of coBts. The orders to have these judgments entered on the. records of the court and the cases dismissed are signed by Judge James E: Boyd, on motion of Merrick & Barnard. HUNTERS OF LOPEZ PREPARED TO BATTLi. Finding of Blankets In Mine Indicate Bandit Did Not Succumb ; .v1. ' to Gases. Bingham, Utah, Dec, 8 Posses con tinue their search of the Utah-Apex mine today for Ralph Lopez. The dis covery of his blankets and his trail's yesterday indicate that he had not succumbed to the poisonous gases forced into the tunnel, last week to asphyxiate him.' ..t. Armed with shot guns,, the deputies explorlng. tne. wordings i. were pre pared for another underground battle, such as occurred November 29, when two of their number were killed. That Lopez had escaped from the mine several days ago was still a general belief. - ' ... v Lopez entered the mine November 27, after he had killed a Mexlron miner. , - James k. mcgcire enters PLEA OP NOT GUILTY Neva York, . Dec. 8. James K. Mc Gutre, former mayor of Syracuse, N. x pieadea not guilty today to an Indictment charging him with solicit ing a $6000 contribution from the Union Oil company, a California cor poration, for the use of the demo cratlc state campaign."' He "war given until December 22 to change or With draw his plea. Ball was fixed at $1600 and the bond was furnished. ' Shelbyvllle, Ind., Dec. 8. The state rested in the trial of Dr. William B. Craig, charged with the murder of Dr. Helene Knabe, at noon today with the completion of the examination of Miss August Knabe, cousin of the dead physician. After recess the de fense moved to take the case from the jury and dismiss Dr. Craig.. The mo tion was argued at length. Ira WANTS j . 11 ' FOE BENT FOR RENt Two small cottages, fur nished, each $25 month; six-room bungalow on car line, completely furnished, $60: also several unfur nlshed houses from $20 to $80. Let us show you. Automobile service! Ray-Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood St. Phone 1281. (, - FOR RENT Rooms furnished tor light housekeeping: ing. Apply. 76 No. gas for cook- Mtln St 17-tf FOR RENT- One or more rooms with heat, in Montford section, suitable for light housekeeping. Phone 1131. No sick people. (tf) OFFICES FOR RENT Two nice of flees over Kress store. Light, heat and Janitor service. See T. J. Har- kins, 10 Harklns building. 232-tf. FOR RENT Five room furnished cottage, piano, $40 month: ' Six r6om furnished bungalow, on car line, $46. month. Seven room house furnished, view $66 month. Ray-Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood, Phone 1281. (tf) FOR RENT Unfurnished six-room house, $21 month. Seven-room house $22.60. Nine-room house $31 month. Ray-Campbell Co., : No. 1 Haywood.' Phone 1281. 255-3t TWO OR THREE ROOMS for house keeping or sleeping. Furnished o unfurnished. 70 North French Broad. 257-3t KHKKItf ttKXX.-tRteKtKt t APDITIONAL SOCIAL AND . PERSONAL NOTES. H tt i 9. Xtl?,)iftXXKKKKKKKKKile (Continued from page 6) Miss Waddell Gillls gave a most de lightful picnic party for the children of the neighborhood at her home, 134 Montford avenue, Saturday afternoon. Quite a number of children were present for the entertainment and en joyed various out door games in the large grove . back of the residence. Those present were: Elizabeth Cobb, Julia Schoepf, Lucy Jensen, Katherlne Carr, Chalmers Carr, Margaret Cobb, Tom Cobb, Mary Selgler, Mercedes Alvarez, Louise Posey and Murray Fater. The party began at 3:30 ol- clock and lasted until the youngs ters could not see how to pursue the games being indulged in. Mrs: Locke Craig Is the house guest for the week of Mrs. John A. Campbell, at her home on Cumber land avenue. City News i - Defective flues have caused two fires in Asheville In the last two days, one yesterday at 11:30 o'clock, when the department answered a call to 64 Woodfln street, where the house occu pied by Clyde Carscaddon was blazing in a small place on the roof. The Are was quickly extinguished with small damage. At 10:18 o'clock this morn ing the department was called to 13 Roberta street, where a defective flue had caused a small blaze in the roof. The house was occupied by F. W. Bar clay and the fire had been put out before the' firemen arrived. SPEAK SOFTLY TO SUFFRAGISTS (Continued from page 1) dill McCormick, Mrs. Susan W. ,F1tz patrlck and others appointed to the committee of 65 by the convention to arrange for the meeting with the pres ident. The march on the White House was caused principally by, President Wil ton' omission In his annual message of any reference to the suffrage ques tion. Last week thevpresldent was suffering from a bad cold and could not see the suffragists, and after two attempt to make an engagement the suffrage leader were Instructed to wait In Washington until Mr. Wilson could see them. The White House engagement list was cleared for the reception of the women. Welcome Mrs. Pankhnrot London, Dec. 8. Militant suffra gette gathered in force to welcome Mrs. Emmetlne Pankhurit on her ar-. rival from Exeter. She was released from the Exeter jull last night Al though an ambulance and a stretcher were taken to the station, they were not needed, a Mrs. Pankhurst was able to alight from the train with the asKistance of a nurse and another companion. She looked very weak and wended her way with tottorlng stops from the train to a carriage. She wa taken to a nursing home at the head of a long procession of taxlcab containing her cheering supporters. I Killing Accidental. Columbia, a C, Dec. 7. The kill- lug of Robert Marshall, chlrf of a! ; club here, who wa shot by Thomas j II. Peeplea, attorney general of South Carolina, was declared an accident , by th coroner' Jury, which rendered , It verdict last night Following the' ! verdict the coroner released Mr, Peep 1 lea on hi own recognisance. I WANTS WANTED J. H. MCOIKOT8M, Sfo. 44 Market street. Tailoring, team dyeing, cleaning : and repairing. Phone 1860. ti. WANTED You to buy your Christ mas presents of Value from the Bar bers Supply Co. Why throw your money away on worthless articles? Our goods will please them. 23 N. Main . WANTED Send us your feathers to be cleaned; also White ' slippers, gloves, and the daintiest of silk or lingerie dresses. Odorless. Experts do the work. Phono 389. J. C. Wilbur. . WANTED People of Asheville to send their clothes to People's Steam Dye Works. Our process absolute ly odorless. Phone 2041. 263-26t WANTED .Young man or room mate, In steam heated building for winter. Address, H. Money, No. 87 College St tf GRADUATE NURSE attends patients by hour, $1 first hour, 60 cents each succeeding. Phone 1344. 21-tf WANTED Elderly gentleman desires room and board In refined family. Address "German-Skat", P. O. Box ; 1090, Asheville, N. C. 2o2-6t. I AM NOW LOCATED at 18 North Pack Square. When in need of Jewelry or repair work call and see me. J. A. Tillman, Jeweler. 250-26t TWO MEN ARE MISSING FROM DERELICT CRUISER Mobile, Ala., Dec. 8. Nicholas Gould and Edward Hogan of Mobile, and an unidentified man from Pensa cola are missing. They left here for Pensacola Wednesday in the cabin cruiser Beverly S., picked up adrift in the gulf Thursday, The Beverly S was In tow of the auxiliary schooner Nellie P. The day following their de parature the Nellie P., returned for repairs, reporting the Beverly ., an chored oft lower Mobile bay. BILBO AND HOBBS DEFENSE MAY ASK MORE TIME Vlcksburg, Miss., Dec. 8. When the case of Lieutenant Governor Bilbo and Btato Senator G. A. Hobbs, charg ed with soliciting a bribe In connection with legislation, are called today In the Circuit court. It is expected that the defense wbuld either make a plea for more time to make out Its case or ask for a change of venue. Attor neys for the prosecution have an nounced their readiness for trial. MR. AND MRS. SAYRE ARE SEEING SIGHTS IN LONDON London, Dec. 8. Francis Bowes Sayre and his wife, who was Miss Jessie Woodrow Wilson, pent their first day In London making a sight seeing trip around the city. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, County of Buncombe. In the Superior Court before the Clerk. Sallle L. Balrd, individually, and 8allle L. Balrd, ' Guardian of Wllburn A. and Mildred Balrd, minora, vs. L V. Balrd and wife, Jennie Balrd. W. A. Balrd and wife, Elizabeth Balrd, Molly Balrd. Catherine Balrd, Zeb H. Balrd and wife, Margaret Balrd Harriett L. Balrd and Harriett U Baird, Guardian of David E. Balrd, Ed. F. Baird and wife, Gladlce S. Balrd, J. B. Blair and wife, Eliza beth Blair, Mary E. Balrd and wife, Annie Laurie - Balrd and David E. Baird. Notice of Summons. The defendant above named, David . Balrd. will take notice that an ac tion entitled a above has been com menced In the Superior Court of Bun combe County, North Carolina, for the purpose of partitioning among the heir-at-law of William K. unini, ae ceased, certain real estate, situated In the county and state aforesaid, among the helr-at-law of the said W. R, Bnlrd. deceased; the said David E, Baird will further take notice that he la required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office In Asheville, North Carolina, on the 24th day of December, 1911, and answer or demur to the petition of the plaintiffs. now on file In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court or otherwise the plaintiff- will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said petition This the 24th day of November, 1913. " M. ERW1N, Clerk of the Superior Court of Bun combe County. , ; Another Car Load of BUCKS STOVES AND RANGES Just Received. Burton & Holt I ( SCO Phone Your Wants to 202- want: FOR SALE FOR SALE Good clean newspaper. 60 for 6 cents. Apply at Gazette- Newg office. ' "" FOR SALE Evening dress coat and vet for young man, size oil noat about 32 chest, almost new. Ad dress post office Box Sit, Astie Ville. N. C .. 191-tf. - iii i li-ii.', n mi lr t FOR SALE Two choice and destra ble building lots in Canton. Site tit both 60 by 141, being lots Nos. 67 and 68, part of F. K. May property justoff of North Main St, with good view. Will sell same for $176.00 spot cash. Apply to J. R. L-, Gazette- News office, for particulars. - 88tf FOR SALK 7-room nouse. Etarosa avenue. $S00; worth $3500. Moale & Chiles, Real Estate and Insurance, t . - 188-tf. MISCELLANEOUS J. II. McGINNESS, T.--:or ttevr 'all and winter samples now on display. Masonic Temple, 44 Market street. tt B. V. VINIARSKI, 30 W. College St., best work at prices to suit every body. Shoes called for and reT turned. Phone 1641. 254-26t. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get My free booklet Y 698 tells how. Write today NOW. - Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. " FOR NOTARY PUBLIC WORK ap ply at Gazette- News office. ; 88tf CAT PAW rubber heels, 40o. ewed, 60Cj 75c and $1.00. Soles Work called for and returned. Gilmer Bowden, 31 East College, phone 1817. ; 217-tf CLAIRVOYANT ?- dame Regina. 94 Haywood. True life readings revealing present, past and future. Nothing Is hidden from this won derful woman. Consult her. j she will ad vine you for the best Ui all love, business or private affai.rsi" Trial Readings 60 cents. 235-26, BOARDERS WANTED THE KNICKERBOCKER, No. 7T Col lege street. Phone 153. Delight ful situation, central location, large shady grounds, appointments com plete. Terms according to loca tion of room. tf. ANYONE looking for a nice quiet place to board, will do well to call on Miss Belle Burnette at Bellue.; , 143 North Main street. 244-26t i LYNNHURST, 58 College street Se lect board, near In. Mrs. P. J. Cor coran, formerly of Rock Ledge. 252-62t. HELP WANTED WANTED Two experienced colored hotel maids no other need apply. Must supply recommendation from past employers, for five yeara Grove Park Inn. - 115-tf EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, having been duly appointed, and having duly qualified. , , as executor of the estate or Lauretta Maddux, deceased, doe hereby notify- i all persons having claim against said estate to exhibit the same to him. or hi attorney, Bourne, Parker Morrison. On or before the 7st day of December, 1914, or thi notice will be pleaded In bar cf their recovery. All person Indebted to ald estate will please make Immediate payment to me, or to my said attorneys. Thl November 17th, 1913. H. C. SEXTON, Executor of Lauretta Maddux, de ceased. OUR NEW TERM COMMENCES JANUARY 5, 1914. We have the most complete curri culum of any Buslne College In th South, Including, In addition to scholurshlps usually taught In Busi ness College. 8TENOTVFE that wonderful "Shorthand" machine about which you have heard o much; Telegraphy, with new automatic end- " lng instrument. Multlgrsphing, etc., etc. Call today and talk th matter over with us. EMANUEL BUSINESS - COLLEGE , j 48 h Patton Ave. i ' : TOR LNT Two desirable ground floor offices opposite- Lanrjren hotel. Western Carolina Realty Co, i. W. WOLFE, ec. Tree jtZ N- Pack Square, Pnoaa ?T. 51 ""iS Ji.

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