L Kasiay, December 8 v fHB ASHEVILLE GAZETTE -NEWS. PAGE FOUR 1 M astasias . ' - ' 1 - . . j Ml 1 1: IEW5 TIIEMTTH " PUBLISHED BY Evening News Publishing Co. t ASHEVILLE, N. M . business." Further It Would indicate I "dropping into poetry. purpo to conserv. business that Quit. WPP" " 'TtuM i lltll ttiv w w SUBSCRIPTION RATES Aslievtlle and BUtmore One Week . . . Three Month . Big Months . . . Twelve Months .10 1.S5 J. 60 6.00 BY MAIL. IN ADVANCE Three Months ! Six Months Twelve Months 1.00 8.00 4.00 Anw matter offered for publication hat Is not classified as news, giving notice or appealing- or project where an admittance or other fee la charg ed Is advertising and will Be accept " ed. at regular rates only. The same applies to cards of thanks, obituary v notices, political announcements and the like. kn w i 5 t- St The Gazette-News is a mem W'' her of The Associated Press. sV Its telerraph news is there at fore complete and reliable. fcSitersd at the Postofflre In Asheville as second-class matter. , Is trying to become honest. Mr. McReynolds insists that, the New Haven has created a monopoly in New England which shall not con tinue, but he reiterates his intention of permitting the New Haven direc tors, co-operating With his office, to bring about cotnpetatlve conditions, if possible, without recourse to the courts. At the same time the head of the department of Justice Indicated that the policy would be followed in other cases where feasible. Obviously the success of these private adjustments of Illegal conditions will depend on the ability of the government's law officers and the good faith of both parties to tha transactions. It is policy which might be of great benefit or susceptible to criticism. In the case of tha New Haven It appears a wise co-operation -. with a property which has confessed its sins, busted the chief offender against the public, the government and the stockholders and appears to be really trying to be good. ' lowing effusion which comes from a friend in Kentucky. If " doe. not calm the distressed, some of tne thirst-stricken in our midst it may afford adequate expression to meir outward feelings: THE SOUTH HAS GONE DRY. Lay the Jest about the Julep In the camphor balls at last, For the miracle ha happened and the. olden days are past; That which made Milwaukee famous does not foam in Tennessee, r And the lid on old Missouri la as tight For the eggnogg now Is noggless and the rve has gone awry And the punch bowls hold carnations and the south, . v "By Gawd, Sir's dry,1 Ttv th still on the hinsiae in iven- tuckv all is still. For 'the old damp refreshments must ha dinned ud from the rill. N'th CTllna's stately ruler gives his Tola" rlnss a shove And discusses local option with the Smith Cllna Gov. For the mint bed makes a pasture and the corkscrew hangeth hlgn. And the cocktail glass la duty and the South, "By Cawd, Sir's dry." Now the argument is advanced that the federal Income tax is another rea son for votes for women. A suffragist leader explains: "To take part of tha money they (the women) earn and give nothing for it Is going alto gether beyond." This is very reason able. They naturally want to be in on the spreading of the Income tax; but think of the polgant distress of the 423,000 actual contributors to the fund and be comforted. They have little to do with the levy or the spend ing. Monday, December 8, 1913. ! JUEFOEMED REACTIONARIES, j The conference: of New York Be tjrahUcano Saturday wm notable for fhe rout of the reactionaries of that Organization. At least It was a rout icf reactionary Ideas and professions; end most notable of all the prooession toward progressive Ideals was led by ,6enator Ellhu Boot Direct primaries, th short ballot, workmen's compen sation, budget reform and the revision of the State assembly rules were some of the things unqualifiedly endorsed ,;This program would Indicate that the G. O. P. has taken a leaf from the book of the Progressives. The lesson r.r 1912 has been well learned ' and now it only remains to be seen wheth er the evident attempt to present something like a solid front to the Democratic party by luring back Pro gressives will meet with success. In concluding his advocacy of these re forms Senator Root thus expressed the hopes of the reformed old guard for the continuance of their party's There are many of us here who through all our lives have deemed the Republican party the greatest agency for good government, progress and the welfare of our beloved country that has ever existed. If we can do something to breathe Into this Bepub . lican States a little of our faith and ; hope and make the nation see that the Republican party . Is. a party of 1 Ideals, conviction, determination. progress and loyalty this meeting will ) have accomplished its purpose. The skeptical will note, however, ythat a threatened antl-Barnea nprls l 5ng was promptly squelched. There is The late if opportune conviction of Democratio members of congress that a "let up" In legislation affecting busi ness would be wise after the passage of the currency bill indicates an ap preciation of the possibilities to the r,r further unsettling nusines? )Jll L. V . in a year of drastic tariff und cur rency changes, tight money and short crops. Much can often be saved iy letting well enough alone. All th niirhtrflDs now have tassels and are worn upon the head; Not the night caps that were taken when nobodv went to bed; When the Colonel and the Major and the Oen'l and Van Jetigc Meet to have a little i.ip to give their RDnr-titcs an edfe. Now each can wiilk a thslkline when the stars nri in the fky. For the fiz-i silass now is flzzless and the South, "By Ond, Sir's dry." Thnu Eh sh still ha nteity women and her norses still Kie fast, "Otc KentucKy's" rrov nine glory is mem'ry of the past: Now the part:ans of 'straight goods' and the 'Ractitle-1' sivaks well. For what's the use of strapping when the business'? gone to h : In those lovely tasseled rf.'nllelds all the crows are lining nigh. Each distillery's a grpwyrd, for the South, "Bv Gawd. Sir's dry." SKLAI!. Asheville, Dec. 5. Every amnion is guaranteed in every part and particular. Every brie a masterpiece. All that we have sold have made friends for us. We also carry the move ments in stock and can fit them in any standard case Call and get our prices. We also do fine watch work and engrav ing. Chas. E. Henderson Manufacturing Jeyeler 52 Patton Avenue BEAUTITUL LORGNETTES FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS GOLD, SILVER, GOLD FILLED MARIE ANTOIN ETTE Snfl long handled etylee. Charles H. Honess, Optometer! st and Optician 54 Patton Ave. Opl. Poet Office !! Battery Park Ban1 Parents Give ynur loy a Y. . membership for XMiis. M. 2t. rTimiiBOlili- CUBES at the "dynamite trials." rne cnarge of explosive which he planted in April, 1911, was insufficient for his pur pose and- only slight damage resulted. Parents Give your boy a Y. M. C. A. membership for XMas. THE REBELLION IN CHINA. LUMBER ... AND Building Material of any and aU kinds. Everything In Rough and Dressed Lumber. , Citizens LumberCo. Phones, up town office Yard office, 1. AshevUle, N. O. PRESCRIPTIONS TEAGUE & OATES Phones 260-1996 ASHEVILLE, N. a , OaplUl ....' ..$100,000 Surplus and Profits. , . V. ..... . .$iss,ooo OFFicEaias- ," ; Jamea V. Sawyer, Chairman of the Board. " I. C. Ooe, President. Jf, E. Rankin (VIku. Btrtn Pludet, Vice-Prea, ; O. Rankin, AtstoJJ; BUY. A FORD lSpa D. C. SHAW MOTOR CO. J. A. RICHBPRQ. Mgr.. Asheville; R. c, I LOGAN I I MERCHANT TAILOR I Lfgal BUUr. Ick N B ' PhOM til. ; Being an Kxtract from a Irlvale Let ter to the Kutw of "Harpers Weekly" from a Chinese lYIcnil. Asheville Paint & Glass Co. LCCAS PAINTS, VARNISHK8, WALL PAPER, ETC. "57 S. Slain St. Phone 177 Select What You Want Now Do your Christmas Shopping EARLY, before rush begins. You'll have more, time to select gome- .a . i tit . ' - L-Mt mLZ -j - . thing tnat will give greuiwr o&ubiucuvu man n y0u wait and buy hurriedly. We will reserve what you select and deliver it ai any time you say. J. L. SMATHERS AND SONS 15-17 N. Main Btnei Mammoth Pnrnlture Store STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 22, 1913 )et time to talk of a change In lead ership, Mr. Root advised. And it will ao be noted that Mr. Barnes dom inates the cauoua of Republican as-iemblymen-elect. TIIF. STATION AGENT. Have you ever sat and waited for a railway train belated, have you hung around the depot half a day? Then you've marked the anKry pageant marching around the station aprent, and have ceased to , wonder greatly that he's gray. All the ruoes une m before him and denounce him and implore him, and ask the same old thing a millian times; and the agent, .till nolltely. Kivea the information rightly, in an effort to deserve his meiifcer dimes. roj miuiuu he answers all the snorters, and the prancers, and he never groans r whimpers o'er his task; there are fat and fussy strangers, there are sour bewhiskered grangers, and they all have silly questions they would ask. There are women with their babies, there are gents who have the rabies, and they gather round the agent In a ring; there are Jays of all descriptions throwing fits they call conniptions, and they all have fool conundrums thev would spring. And the agent answers plainly, answers patiently and sanely I admire the station agent for his pluck! In his place I'd rise In dudgeon, eleze the nearest wet elm bludgeon, and among the ques tion springers run amuck. WALT MASON. Copyright,- 11S. by George Matthew Adams. NOT BEEF ESSENCE Common Belief Shattered by Recent Report cf Agricul ture Department, - - Washington, D?o. 8. The belief of many people that bouillon cubes are concentrated meat essence and 01 hteh nutritive value, has been shat tered bv a recently issued bulletin of the Department of Agriculture which ;tys,' thnt while they are valuable stimulants or flavoring agents they have little or no real food value and ate relatively expensive In comp;iri son with home-made broths and soup. This bouillon (No. 27) compares the contents and fi'ud value of bouillon ubes with meat extracts and homo made preparations of meat The ordinary commercial bouillon cubes, according to this bulletin, con slst of from Vi to i table salt. As they rflnge in price from 10 to 20 cents an ounce, purchasers of thes cubes are buying salt at a high price. The cubee do contain a small amount of protein (muscle-building material) OMTTOTS MSVTELOPMENT9. The powers are manifesting further end fresh anxiety over the situation in Mexico as is evidenced by the re ports from Washington that they are snaking renewed Inquiries Of President Prof. Honllne's Lecture. Editor of The Oazette-News There are. I figure, about D000 ac tnal church members among the dlf ferent Christian denominations in the city of Asheville. and an equally large number who. while not yet members nrt, m. of churches, are nevertheless deeply ,.uu.i u u, wiih no proposes w no ,. . . . ,,,-. Tn one ! IJILLICBICH 1 U fctlO .tv.. - of these good people, who I to bring abeut the pacification of that ' country. Coincident with these ocean-ences, Iluerta snaps his fingers at the castlgatlon administration In res!dent Wilson's recent message and ' expresses the belief that regardless of the alleged financial embargo he will be able to maintain his government indefinitely. Another coincidence Is the sudden discovery of the Constitu tionalists that their victories in north Mexico are more apparent than real; and a realization that the southward advance may not be the unbroken suc cession of victories for which they hoped. . These developments of a week are fmlnouw. There can be little doubt t:-.at everywhere but in Washington, and perhaps there, the realisation has cone that the efforts of the United ? rsvs f.ir restoration of peace tn He 'ftp and Incidentally the establish it-.r-u of untainted constitutional gov i r-.-.ment promise no result within an -.1 r-rcLlaMe time. Huerta and the yrt!tut!onallsts, it la to be feared, will be at their rulnons werk longer than Mr. Wilson anticipated. a wilsow Tnvtrr policy. The attitude of the President and Attorney General McReraolds toward the distressed New Haven, as outlined by' the attorney general la aa lntsr . view Calurday la In line with Mr. ,'M'llsen's asmraaces that hi admlnls trallon purpose ta. Befriend, "honest I can assure ou that living , as I do among the people It has been as tonishing to see how rapidly the emp ty pretensions of the so-called "peo ple's pa'rty." Kuo mlng tans have heen rated at their true worth. Two years ago, at the revolution! . . . t . . .. ihotn Dn n.t infl Mancnu nuvtt iiiiieiiu . . . a ue., welcomed from tne soutn ana followed so obsequiously, and deferred tn n much as. being liberal ana en lightened. Now to a man, with the KTcentlon of their own paid party and a few enthusiasts, everyone wno anything to lose, whether Dusiness. land, or money, declares mat m t ountnC colleetfcety-Vd individually. has had enough of them, ana ae slres now to settle down to straight ening out financial and business mat ters and state organization: dui aius, alack, and well-a-day. we have some neighbors whose last desire is mat we DQ shall BUY A SUIT ON EASY PAYMENTS Tailored to Measure, suits 16 and up. Silver Dollar Tailoring Co 15 S. Main St ZILLICOA AND RETURN :oo, :is, t-.to a, m. RIVERSIDE PARK 1:1 and every 15 min. until DEPOT VIA SOUTHSLDE AVENUE 6:10 a. m. and every 15 mtnufci ' until 1:15 p. m.', then every ju minutes until 1:46 p. m. Then ney 15 minutes until 11:00. DEPOT VIA FRENCH BROAD AVE. W. A. WARD ANYTHING ELECTRICAL 12 Battery Park Place' -Phono 449, MANOR 6:00 and every It minutes until U;M p. ta. S:tA :00 a. m. and then ever U minutes till 11:00 p. m. i CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS 5:3, 1:00 a. m. then every II mbnui till 11:00 p, m.,- . 11:10 ear coma through. Return leaves end ot'llu PATTON AVENUE t:tt a. m. and evsry it minutes mi 11:0 p. m. ; rpxirMir WINTER IS I be consolidated. They keep up EB fcut whe the gooA weather Is EAST STREET V Anma nt harlv strife, both I . n T) rnm Anil I nd fan the flame of party strife, both openly and Becretly, till the presment is often driven to take a very different nn have vour Furnaces, Boofs and nnsmtinv looked after. I nave oesii 6:00 a. m. and every It mlnuUt tffl 11:00 p. m. .- Bee Ti TREXLER Phone 662 15 8o. Main Bt 31L.TiaU.KJ!. A V. nhnaruMt irtlOCA Oil Ul UK.AUJj I fl IT I i't m fall Iff stand from what ne wouio wish "u mftrket. Requires lew fuel than any ACTVWTrn. tr ! roaltv nnW A. fieht With JaDan U3- Jt . 1 v j ... . , ,Wrtiotner. Y b : i lng the disconteniea eienieuin v. conntrv as her weapon, the same old m that she Dlayed in Korea, wnicn the southerners are forwarding for personal reasons without regard to me rrmil of the country at large. This man. Chang, is a man oi mo nirf tvna of truuM under tne Dynas ties that have prevailed in China ana i cannot give a better idea than to' say he might stand for the original r-oo- 6:00 a. m. and C:t0 a. m. Then mm II minutes till 10:60 p. m. TkM every 60 minutes till 11:00 p. a. 6:15 a. m. and then ever II mlnnta: till 10:60 p. m. Then every 60 Dil ute till 11:00 last car. YtJZrXZJ: w-h"1 "SoSSE DEPOT & W. ASHEVILLE small "mascot" Images, of elephants, I VIA SOUTHSIDE AVE. monkeys, or other animais; snoe-1 horns; button hooks; watch charms; avail- 1:10 a. m. and every It mlo. ttl 11:00 p. m. last car. match boxes: all these are MiL.tn fvn. nnlv realistically I able, and most of them need not u,hiok t. nnt iiiMvtu Dlcturesque as I cost more than ten centa apiece. in . niv vtim followers never expect I Many coat only flvs. n addition to their stimulating pro- ve quarter, and while they are in I For mora money, the assortment perties, and the makers of most ot i aensa loyaj t0 him would feel griev- I spreads vjndeflnltely. Foldlag scissors the cubes make no advertised claim .. .nd out of their lmmemo-1 and knives with or without attach- that they are concentrated beef broth 1 r,al rghu privileges, were they 1 ments. melt the heart of the ordinary or essence. However, many nuune- , anowed 0 loot and pillage a iaiien ooy, ana aro not unw.'oyuwn w wives believe that tney are ena mai ltv Yat the man a 0yal to yuaniuter. A spoon, cup. or ni snd all did not atted any of the addresses given by Prof. M. A. llonllne, In te auditorium of the T. M. C. A. on Haywood street last week, I want to sav that you. perhaps unconsciously tihmtttnd vaurself to one oi I ne greatest deprivations through this ab stentlon. It has been a matter of regret that. owing to pressing engagements, have only been abl to attend one ad dress by Mr. llonllne, but I would not miss another. He Is a man of won derful knowledge of the Scriptures, and has a splendid method of Impart ing this knowledge. There Is nothing dogmatic In his teaching, ana nis tarn anneals to those even who ars not deeply Interested In matters of re lielnn. He la entertaining; out to those wro are hungry for deeper In sight Into the wonders of the Bible he Is as a well of crystal water on a hot and thirsty day. Had the Christian people of this town comprehended the intellectual and spiritual blessing freely of fered night after night during the oast week. I believe the auditorium would not have held one-tenth of those who would bave been anxious to be present Asheville, Deo. I. Sunday schedule differs In the following particulars: Car leaves square for Manor at 6:00 a. m., return 0:11. - Cars leave Bquare for Depot via Bouthslde Ave. 0.11, 6:60, 7:06, J:M, 1-00 and 8:50. Cam leave Square for Depot vl F ranch Broad AvOW 6:60. 6:41, T:ll. 7:45. and 6:16. Car for Depot leaves Square 0:41, both Southslde and French Bret First ear leaves Bquare for Charlotte street at 6:00 a. m. and ever M minutes until 1:60 next 6:46. First car leaves Square for RWsrsld t:tt. next 8:4t. . First car for West Ashsvill leaves Squars 6:11, 7:00, next 1:10. With the above exceptions. Sunday schedules eominenc at f A they possess high nutritive value, es- and" , all th, fighting his troops have I folk of his very own appeal to nearly ud e0BUnue Mm M WM aars peclally for invalids, inis is noi iae tna Drunt of the fight, so mat i every chlia. Hanaaercmeis, i Qn evenings when entertainments ars in prugrm i "- case. The fact tnai tne cuoes ecu ior t of ,he ten thousand that startea, it a,nd Ice ana roner sKaies re ami t trp on n imea win ne irom enienaininsni. teavms - from 1 to J cents each, and each cube l ,g there are but sevsn left. And popular. The latter pretty nearly nil tar Um Bno holding over at Auditorium. Car leaves Square w nw makes a cup of crotn, misieaos tne pie they ought to be killed tool I the stocking witnout iunner neip. iht train. 60 minutes bstors scnenuie oi announcen imw housewife into believing mat sne is To keep noia 0f ths doings or rengi tittle articles or jewelry, simple ana securing meat extract chaeply when Kuo cj,sjig. who la on ths new order ot showy, are allowable, even If they really she Is buying It in an expensive wltn tne new troops was sent downiare not "real. form. Itoo. This Is a fine man, stralghtf or-1 1 According to analysis of these Ward anj business-like and sines he i ITALIAN POLITICIANS FIGHT cubes, besides the common salt which I Jutt M kindly, and a good admlnlstra- I IN LO.NO RAPIER DUEL consttutes from to rj per cent, oi t0r, bis troops bave been weioomeo m i tne total weigm. mo nmuuui i th districts mat tney nave "Rome, Dee. s. tepuiy uimuwoi- i Arriva from extract ranges irara in-i inn. u goma dlnerences nave wwn i ta, a nnerai. was aiaaoieQ looay ot a i the poorest brands to but 26 per cent .ne two Mts but the president will set- I VOund In ths forearm Indicted by Dep- No. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier o( the South Schedule Figures Published as Inf ommtlon Only and Wot Guarantee! KFFKCnTE MONDAY, 8 KPT. tt, ItlS. Eastern Tims Departs fe Easier! T Is the very best. The third import ant Ingredient is plant or vegetable extract which constitutes from 3 to JO oer cent. This plant extract la useful because of Its flavoring pro perties but has slight. If any, nutri tive value. tie them after hs has Alvposed: or tns uty Giuseppe ds Fellxe-Oluffrlda, a more refractory ones. You win say .octailst. after the two bad fought 11 what a loss of life; In one sense, yes, I bouts In a rapier duel. ' The quarrel yet In another, no. The Americans Ijjose out of an Incident In ths charo- have found In their sealing wun tne i Der ot deputies. Moros for example, there is noining tr T Na. Lake -. -... .11:10 Laks RINQINQ CHIMES OF Drtvna to Poetry. Editor of Ths Oasetts-News: Ths highly sensational, not to say, earve-racktn to some at least per forroances In ths "moral uplift" I believe that Is ths latest and most popular phrass now commonly em ployed by ths ever prtsent upllfter) ta AshewlH recently. Inclines one to seek relief, as did Mr. Boffin, by Parents Olve your boy a Y. M , membership for XMas. C. St. else to do. It Is not possible to tame soms people any mofe than one can I teach a panther to plougn. HELP WANTED IN ASHEVILLE. Fining the Stockings (Kate Upson Clark, In Leslie's) Bright or soft-colored balls of twin. tlia no mucnt room, ana MTTNTnTP A.T. GROUP worthily. Fancy candy Images or Brevard and Toxaway . . . Brevard and Toxaway 1:11 Savannah and Jack eonvtlls 1:1 Ho. il Washtsston, Kit Ink, Norfolk, Biohmond 1:41 No. II Cincinnati, Louis ville, Memphis, . Leule : Aad rnrsJshed by the Hrto of Asho-I No. 16 Charlsstott and Ce- vDi people. i INS. IS n, M ., rnuwiiwiiK, vashlngt Springfield, nglng of el of tlie new "Municipal Group" Those who suffer with kidney back-1 " " . " . ...-.knlnn. I I NO. IS JMUTUUT AC TTUaW canes sr. n..,,u. K" Jrir,,' ache, urinary Uls or any little kidney ( Mass., Dec. I.-Th. and ars not resented i bags of ordl- of fc - dlaor0W( waot UoM, bIp. Murphy it' wiyn'ssl .klu 4. Iks WlsrVt Iaw.s nilT WnUI HMi w WW sss Issstf s fiAvladl I Dan fkAlffldil r.I.Kllfl U llllllie-W i Muy Sliiass w s I a. a . vills Whn batter advlas than soms nounced the beginning today of ft careiess . - fared, but has had relief. Asheville Na, it Ooldsboro and Ra two days celebration marking the miereeung i. loeople recommend Doan's Kidney) . ,1,1, f:40 dedication of a notable clvlo center, measure may ds iothu mr puis. Mere's ons case and there are w- si ckarlestoa ud Cs- lumtns, lit 1: 41 p. as. 0:00 The formal dedicatory exercises will to nneen 'im.ny others be held this evening with former even soy my u. "w Mr, r, o. Ray, II college. street. Prildent William II. Taft as the prtn- trays. 10 noiu wh wr v..,.. Ashsvllle. N. C, says: "I wss In bad clpal speaker. trifles, ars often coveter. especially If ,hap ,rora Sidney trouble. 1 bad The group, consisting of an admin-1 momer or n wu.r i.r v. dllny headaches ana nervous speiia Istratlon building, an auditorium and er has ons on her or his bureau. AMy baC ched, too. Seeing Dean's central tower 300 feet high was goio or silver uonar, or m com 01 wi-1 Kidney Pills advertised, I procured a Ko. I Brevard ud Lais Toxaway No. I Brevard and I-' , Toxaway Ml a No. II Sevan nan. Jackson- vlll No. 11 Clndnnatt Batnt " Louis. Msssphki LouUvUle 1.66 N U Washlsgton. NesJ Tork, Norfolk ud lUchmoad " Ns. 14 AUsnta Cbarlss. ton T-" " Ms. II N. T.. PhiladslpbJO Wasblagteu ...... '-w To, It Waynesvino Murphy .I.M No. 11 Waynesvlllo ft Murphy ""VSi No. 11 WaynssvUlo ...... ' f No. II Ralsigb and OoldV f bOTO .........' . HnMm. n it L.-nioau m v. ... - ... - - nan ........... No. It Cotumbio, Cbartse-. lorn No. il Memphis. Chatta- nooga Nsw O, .. " r fa. II Waahlagtoa, W . erected s t a cost of 16.000.000. Con- ed denomination, dons up careiuuy structlon was begun tn May, 1110. In a box or In leaves of tlssus paper The two large buildings are of clas- tied wun origm nDoon. wtoio bits mn arrhltactiire an dtha tower la oflPieasurel niuimnri stvle. Ths exteriors are I Cubes or other shapes 01 rancy of Indiana limestone, Greek marble "plnballs;" small boxes of prservrd has been need extensively In the ln-glngs or plnapple; figs, oates or terlors. The auditorium will accom-I prunes; pretty emerya; paper-knives; modate 4000 people. I pmwlpes, foldlngcups; bulbe or Chin An Incident of the construction was ess lilies; hyacinths or otnsr nrrwwrr. the attempt of Orlle McMantgal to I paper-weights; pencils; a compass, g blow up the lower, lis confessed this I small weatherhouse (with the lady supply st Smith Drug Stors snd Jused them. They made mi feel bet ter In every way. I gained In strength snd felt better In every way. I am grateful to oDan's Kidney Pills for this permanent cure. If wasniBswD, .... . s. mond and N. T. ... -w No. 41 AUanta. Masou a Nsw OrWns ' ' r No.101 Bristol. K-soxvU' ; rhsttanooca . No. II ClnctaDAU ud Chi cago 11:11 Ns. II Wsahlngtoa, N. T. - -and Rlchsiond .... f:40 cam. No. II Memphis. Chatta- nooga ud N. O... 1:11 No. 41 Atlanta. Maeoa ud New OTleaao 11:11 No.101 Bristol. KaoaviUo Chattanson 10:11 p.sv Chattanoogs g,,,. Through sleeping ears dally to an a from New Tork. rnu"""" MwnpHi HAvaa U7aahlti1Att MLoh Mnn m M jWT lis a risk rlasTinri. st. un. . k. . eft. For ssls by sll dealera Pries " II (Jacksonville, Savannah, SL Louis, Lo ulsvUle, Atlapta, Maeoa, rents. Foster-MHburn Co., BulTalo, Montsomery, Mobile and New Orleans. New Tork. sols agents for the Ualtsd Through chair ears Ooldsboro u d Waynssvflle. ( states. Pull dining car eervtco trslns Nos . ft, 16, 11, 11. 17. " Remember the nsnie Doen'e and lng car No II and 16. a take no other. 4XEX II. AKKIt, (tty Pass. Tk. A ft. 9. IL WOOD, Il- rw "... I i i,

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