.f 1 It -if a1 PAGE SIX THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE - NEWS. JUULJULLJULJnnnnnnnr iiiinni S' OCIAL HAPPENINGS Personal Mention, Meetings of Societies nrrTTTTT-nnnnnO Norman Hackptt to Lecture. Inn orchestra from S to 9:30 o'clock .vornisn uackett. me popular young " nignt, under the direction of C. p:av I r:nav- ntoht lo 'tf.i to a pear m the O. Henry Edwin-White. The program follows A .'Double Deceiver." here next I -"inrche Militaire. Vo . v. ill deliver a lecture on ; Ees Hrten- Klagalled Purl WOULD COM r!enr; ai:d hi? v.orss at the Eat- T?.:k Hotel Frhlav afternoon at : ? c lock Invitations to the lec he given to the six literary " l'hr!opi'i ot women in the citv. he Pen and- Plfite and Wrnnclers ;n incmoera ot me t-ivic Bet l 'i 'inent .league, the members of the I. trl U. D. C. and D. A. R.. the tench es in all the Asheville schools, to the fcleni body ol each sirls school in : city -i nd Blnghuni and Asheville fvhools for boys. The guests of the If.ulir.i; hotels will be invited to at-ti-nd and all admirers of the late O. Kenry are urved to be present. Following the lecture a recetpion will he (jtven Mr. Hackett in the palm loom of the hotel and in the receiv ing line with Mr. Hackett will be: Mrs Vi illlaui Slclnev Porter, Miss Margaret Porter, widow and daughter ol o. Henry: Mra Zebulon Baird ttmt Mrs. W. .(. Cocke, president of the local Woman s club: Dr.. and Mrs. Archibald Henderson of Chapel Hill, K. T. Orlnnaii and J. H. Hersey. It is espocinlly renucsterl thai nil nho attend the lecture come on time Ms Mr. Hackelt will be compelled to have a rest before trivlng the play during the ('vermis It is considered a rare treat to have one hue Mr. Hac-kptt deliver a lec ture on O. Henry and wherever he has .Pi ...n the lecture, which has been In mr - y every large town in the state, he has been enthusiastically received" An Appeal for tlio Poor. The officers and members of the Flower Mission and Associated Chari ties are calling attention to the fact that there are a number of famine in the city who are suffering from the lack of coal and warm clothes. It is asked that those who are arranging their purchases for the Christmas holidays, and compiling lists of pres ents for friends, will remember these suffering people at this time, and If they feel able to do so to purchase a load of coal for the alleviation of some of this suffering. It would be a queer sort of Christmas gift, but there could be nothing else so deeply appre ciated by those who have not the means of purchasing fuel. Anyone interested and desiring to help is asked to telephone the Associated Charities and names of suffering peo ple will be furnished them. a. A most Intertsting meeting of the Travelers' club was held the latter Part of the wee kwith Miss Ennis. The 'Literature of the Golden Age was the general subject under dis cussion, and one of the most interest ing papers presented was that on the "Iliad" by Miss May Alexander The Odessey" was the subject of another very interesting paper by Miss Sue Reese. Besides these two papers, oth srs on the program were: "The Art of Guido Reni," by Mrs Irthur Akers. "Kanova," by Miss Lieper. "Filippo Jior Dano Bruno," by Mrs. ration. "Garibaldi," by Mrs. Clara Akers. Oteher members present were Miss Samson, Miss Grant and Mrs. Walter S. Brltt. Following the program, a salad course was served to the members present and a very enjoyable social hour spent. ll 3t One of the finest concerts of the eason was given by the Grove Park Overture, Peter Schmon ; V ; C. M. Vo Weber Aieiome for 'Cello. "The Gentle Dove ' ' ' Bemllx -Mr. Wood Canzonetta ................ Qodard Serenade. "Through the Leaves'' . . ... . . ... ........ Schubert Grand Selection. Rigoletto (Arr b.y Tobr'he) Vedi Morjsnn-Witrover Announcement. The following marriage announce ment has been received: Miss Mae Morgan and Mr. Pincus Wltcover announce their marriage, which occurred Thursday, December fourth, nineteen thirteen, at the residence of Mrs. P. J. Corcoran. f-5 College Street. Asheville. r C At home after Dec. :uth r5 College Street. . Ashcvtlle. N. C. S Some of the new automobile coats inicK. sort, warm and beautiful are made of the new duvetyn and other velvet and plush-like cloths. In shape they come well up around the! neck, have belts of some sort, and! thft shnninp- ...Kit .v, I - ,.... .,,. im-Ie ,3 OI , ls done with the least possible number of seams. Such a suit is tho one shown here, or a rich dark red velours de lalne, self trimmed, and with anon oeits back and front that hold in the extra fulness. The beauty veil is half of plain chiffon veiling half of openwork mesh. It is tied over thehat so that the openwork part nmv be dropped down over the face. The hmau round, soft motor hat tits snug ly on the head. N. Y. Herald n m Fashion Notes. A Fresh fashion writer is quoted in the New Yor'; Herald, as say: 'These white tulle dresses can be made also in black tulle and be very pretty, as they form in this sombre tone more ouiet looking frocks appreciate. Each little rufile can be terminated by narrow white lace. A colored satin girdle striped with bright colors can brighten at will the en semble. "Wo have also seen n v niu gown of black taffeta, of which tv,. skirt, draped and tie-hfttnpH di u lower part, was ornamented at the top with three flounces; these ruffles were bordered with a flat piping of black moire. Another, in the same stvlc, had the ruffles bordered with a nar row band of fur; the effect was pretty in both ways. The corsage was a very loose kimono, large enough to SIT DOWN LDil'T GET UP And This Lady Would do a Little Work and Have to " go to Bed for an Hour. Columbia,-Tenn. Mrs. Jessie Sharp of this town says: "I was a sufferer from womanly troubles for five years, ad It got me down so, 1 could not do uny oi my worn, would nave to lie in would sit down couldn't get up, 'with-'Charlotte and out pulling at something to help me. i rk. rived in the city and will later be joined by his wife, -when they will be tucaiea ai xvo. i Aston place. H . ' Mrs. R. F. Campbell has u her guest miss winner of West VIrelnia: Mrs. W. C. Faucette Is in New York, where she is visiting friends. - ' Mr. and Mrs. 'William Henry Harri son have returned to their home in this city from "Brooklyn arid Rich mond, where they have been visiting for some time. Miss Stewart of Ohio is the guest of her cousin, Mrs, C ,S., Bryant, at her home on Cullowhee street KM Among the guests at Battery Park hotel are: Mr. and Mrs. George-A. Nolting, jr., of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rice of Atlantic Citv: A. Ryan of Akron, O.; Albert Redfern of H. U. Miles of New I would do a little work, and have to go to bed for an hour. I would have those awful trembly spells, and a swimming In my head. I surely felt that I had rather be dead than be in mv condtiion. I finally wrote to the Ladies' Ad visory D:partment,' of tine Chatta- nooga Medicine Co., and they advised me to try Card.al, the woman's tonic,! City Attorney Silas G. Bernard, who has been in Raleigh for the past few cays, returned to Asheville last night, t . .1. Sneed Adams .itts returned to the city from a brief business trip. ! Mr. and Mrs. Fergt:s SUkeleathcr hnvp na their 7imata ot thoif hfiiilA on Church street, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mal'loy. , R M -Miss Isr.belle Young of Dunn is .1 entertainment tonight The event promises to be a most enjoyable so cial function. One of the interesting events of tho Asheville High school the latter part oi me. weeK was the meeting of the Cooper. Literary society, when a very enjoyable program was carried out J list preceding the debate there was Scripture reading by Burgen Pennell. Thg subject of the debate was, "Re solved, that child labor should be abolished In the fTnltH fitarni ' K,.n t-obb and Henry Gudger took the afflr- mative of the question, while the negative was supported by Everett Wilson: anil TOanrinll o TJ .1 -( .wiiia. vcaiuca the debate, there were declamations by Burgen Pennell and Lawrence No land. Business of Imnortnncp to th society, was then transacted and a very vuju.tuuie oanquet was served for the members. (Continued on page 11) , Parents Give your boy a Y. A. membership for XMas. M. C. 2t. Annual sale of Biltmore Estate In dustries will be Tues., Dec. 9-1913. ln sales room at Biltmore. 265-ltf ror my troubles. I did and now 1! guest of Mrs. Duff Merrick on Mont am sound and well of all my troubles.! '"'"'d avenue The second bottle helped me so much as K mm i n i-, i,,,,.. , , ' , '"r. ana airs. J u. jen ; ns nave re- that I dklnt haxe to go to bed any j u,rnctl to the city aft,,r u stay with more. tv,rti,. ri.,,ln.ht.. . r ..i.. T..,.i.i..a ...... .i.u., t.fcc . u4.es LMji.i driiuiua. studying voice tit one of the i ,i,,i 1 who is si . ........... n.i mi.u wuuui is nunn . , . ------ . ,,.,,ii,, .,, .. , J loading conservatories in New York. weight in g-.-ld to every suffering its woman. If you lady reader, suffer from any of the ailments so common to wo men, try Cardui. For more than !0 vears CnMui has loen used with entire satisfac tion, by hundreds- of thousands of weak and ailing vom?n. It will sure ly help you, too. N- B Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn., for Special In structions, and 6 4 -page book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper, on request. f. K Mrs. Di worth Is visiting her sister in Tennessee, '..' Mrs. George Heywood of Arden has gone to New York to visit relatives. R K Miss Annie Goodfellow, who haa been visiting relatives In Pennsylva nia, has returned to her home in Edgeniont park. . . ! ? M. L Church was a visitor in the city Saturday frorri Marshall. :. , Among tho recent arrivals at Grove Park inn are: Mr. and Mrs. W. Pier- son Hamilton, Miss C. K, Harding end ! William Turnbull; Among the recent arrivals at Oak Hall, Tryon. ore: Mr. and Mrs To Cure a Cold ln One Day ', Take LAXATIVE EKOMO QUININE Tablet?. Druggists refund money if it falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box 25c. MONTGOMERY WARD ROSE FROM LABORER Chicago, Dec. 8. Aaron Montgom- er to the presidency of a mail order nouse, a lea yesterday at nia residence at Hiffnmno du-k. Tn miim-mii llonalre was 70 years old. Death resulted from a complication of diseases which developed after two tans. About two years ago Mr. Ward slipped qn the running board of an automobile at ' Pasadena, Cal., . and broke one arm and a shoulder blade. Six weeks asro he fell In hln hnmn and fractured his right hip. The kid. neys were injured and pneumonia set In. '.,-.'; . Mr. VVnrif was horn a t Pfcnthtm V .1.. Fehruorv 17 1R43 tho family nnm. ing west when he was eight years old. He. advanced himself by his own en deavors until at hia rieAtli hl TVAnlth is reliably estimated at $15,000,000. Parents Give your boy a Y. A. membership for' XMas. Parents Give your boy a Y, M. C. '. memDershin for YUni o. M. C. 2t. LEAVES NOTE TO WIFE, THEN SHOOTS i HIMSELF Chnrleatnn 'S. C. Daiv ft-Ronlom1n Westendorff, aged B5, of Brooklyn, N. Y shot himself ' through the - right temple here yesterday 'afternoon and Is at a hospital in a critical condi tion. A notA In hln wlfa who la In Brooklyln was foundfl on a bureau in the room. Physicians say ' that he probabaly will die but that If he sur vives he will be blind in both eyes. Monday, Decent. p , Cold Weather Shoes $3.50 warm, comfartable aw. . every membfir nf , i Your old shoes woS taken as 50c. on a newTJ costing over $2.50. ' Bargain Annex and trunks. Nichols Shoe Co, Xmas ShoestersOn the Parents Give your boy a Y. M. C. --...li.J. i. n. memoersnip ror A Alas. zt. I I ' 1 II r irw w v m m av mwr m ar i avo- ssr m mr s av avav' av - t? r be o-ather m ,u , .1'""'. ttn" son ol 1 """B", and on ;,.;, ,. . ,na "eneu Mrs, w. II. Pallou of North Attlcboro, front c,!,haPed sulmpe in the Mass.; W. M. Wheeler, professor of iront. The SlfHVes ivnra eh.., l.-u I , . I .. - - ukiii" ifi'Lijuiuiiiiry ttl HSrvnril on i.r-e nnrl FOB -THE BOY'S CHRISTMAS. Give him something he will derive lasting pleasure from a whui some of the new accessories for In stance: A Siren Horn at ii en ti n A Wild-Cat Whistle $10 . xooi nag complete, with tools, will delight anv bov i ci Luggage Carriers, fine for carryl ing nis dooics to school ti 15 Bicycle stands ti'! Locks en'l... And lots of other th Intra Via'11 ln,A - i, ... - tivc, ana mat win give pleasure for months, priced from 25c to $3.00. 3. M. HEARN ft CO.. Phone 448. Battery Park Place ened on the edges and bordered with tur. "The three flounced skirts are alo very pretty; they are still being worn but they do not appear so new. We have seen one, though, that was verv pretty, in rose pink mousseline do soie ornamented with live lint ruffies each one bordered with narrower pl?a:ins." Miss Rita Roes entertained a few friends at her home on the Biltmore road Saturda? evening with a dance An informal dance was given Satur day evening by the cadets of Bingham school in their club rooms at the bar racks. t M M. E. Cozard of Franklin has ar- lWrc Wheeler of Poston; Mrs. J. N. Jackson and two daughters of Chat tanoosa, Mr. and Mrs. R. n. IIow lnr.d of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Strops o." Sandusky, O,; and Geotjte M, Kritller, resistant freight trarrio manager of the Icko Shore railroad, Mrs. Krldler end two ''khildrcn. ' The Indies of tho Hi y wood S'.rsr't MethoJIst church will entertain to night (rem 8 to 10 o'clock at the hinic .of, r!ev...amJIr.E. M. .Hayje, !u. celebration ot-tha iiJntli anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. 'HOyle'a Wedding, The entertainment vill be for the members of tho church and friends r. tho city of the ;.n;:or art! his wlfi. They have made a host of friends nnce ocminir here .ant summer and a ir.rfto attendance is anticipated for the 16 Patton Avenue "The Store For Women Asheville, N. C. Who Know." ; This Store is a Won derland of Gift Goods for Women . . 0 ' The kind of things that the average woman of good taste will appreciate as a gift are to-be had here at moderate cost. t'-rrviceaM? thinfts that will give lasting wear. WE DIRECT yOVIt ATTENTION TO THE FOIIiOWlXG: ' Fur Sets, Odd Muffs and Neck Pieces, Silk Scarfs, Hand Bags Irf Leather, Silver and Silk, Klmonas in Silk, Messaline and Flan leleties, Shirt Waists in silks, Chiffons, Voiles, Crepe de Chine and Novelty fabrics, Silk Pott '.coats, Neck-Pieces and Fixings, Drec3C3, Separato SklrtsSand Tailored Suits. RFMEMBER: ANY SUIT OR DRESS IN THE HOUSE CAN ' BE BOUGHT RIGHT NOW AT A REDUCTION OF 25 PER CENT F.ROM THE ORIGINAL SELLING PRICE. DON'T FAIL TO. SEE THESE FINE VALUES. . ... YOUR INSPECTION. -IS . ALL- WE ASK Silver Picture Frapies Displayed Specially Sterling silver picture frames enhance the value of a picture and are very popular as gifts. The prices 35 c. 45 c. and up are exceedingly reasonable. On Dec. and 10 kindly look in onr show window and see the targe var iety of sizes and styles fully displayed. Please remember the days Tuesday & Wednesday Thursday and Friday, Dec. 11 and 12, our show window will be full of extra quality SIL VER PLATED HOLLOW WARE made for long service and constant use on your din ng table. You will surely see something you need and you will find the prices very reason able. OCT GLASS. Saturday. Dec IS, will oe cut rUaa day and the whole win dow full wlU make a very beautiful light. Evry day in the canter of our window yxm will find an article of very ipedal value. Arthur VL Field Co. W NEXT WEEK WE WILL HAVE THREE TABLES CHOCKED FULL OF REAL BARGAINS FROM ALL DE PARTMENTS. ALL NICE CLEAN FIRST CLASS GOODS. DON'T MISS THIS OPPOR TUNITY. '. J. H. LAW, 35 Patton Ave. Baltimore Dental Rooms Over Nichols Shoe Stars L.Phone 1581. Lyerly Motor Ca AUTOS FORHIEr hj, the day, trip or hour. Seasonable Rates ' Phone 1651 10 W. College Si Trunks,Bags AMD SUIT OASII H. L. ITNKELSTEX Loan Office. 23-25 South Main Street Phone 887. ATTENTION Ladles don't burn your hair comb. Ings; bring them Into my shoo tni let us make them up for yoo. Pompadours, switches and chlfsoni made up to order. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 23 Haywood St PhontK A MER1C A7U riUNDERSLUNG.il Laundry Phone 70 A 1' (a) Wi alt wo ask. We :rai your sundry whit SELECT FISH AND OYSTERS 4 , RECEIVED FRESH DAILY - Virginia Fish and Oyster Co. "AMEIUCAX CXDr.nKT.TtNR ; Two passenger. Motor, 4 cylinders; 30 horsepower. Wheclbnse, 1)5 inches; tires, 2(!xS4 all around on Q. D. de mourtable rims. FULL EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: $50 Warner 60-mile speedometer; handsome plsto glnss windshield; pos itive self-darter; fine mohair top, top boot nnd storm curtnlns: full ntrki trimmings; electric lighting outfit complete with generator; dual Igni tion systom with hr-h tension magne to, storage battery and single unit coil; one e??ra rim; horn; Jack; tire pur.ip; complete tool kit nnd tire re. pslr outfit ' BLUE RIDGE MOTOR CO. 62 So. Main 8t. Phone 189 SWEET FLORIDA ORANGES Cranberries - ... 10c. Qt. B. M. Shenherd Phone 1031 . . .41 College St. NOW OPEN The French Shop EXCLUSIVE GOWNS, COATS, mo, . Woman'! Exchange BU. Haywood Street 20 Per Cent off On ALL Trimmed Ilats ' Sproat's Millinery ' ' PARLORS ; Oates nidg. Pack Square Phone 220 S. A Specialty in Apples They are extra fancy red ' Jonathan's, son's, King's, Jillaflowcr (or Sheep nose) Ilubbord- B. J. JACKSON . imn m naruet House. . Pimvn ...... V n JONES DAIRY AND FARM MEATS? Are cured 1T1 ft TYin TIT) OF 1i fuilil ot1 it tit a i a i i j Z with hickory bark. Breakfast Bacon 35c. per pound Hams. 26c. ner Donnri. r '.T Yates & McGuire CITV .MABTTWT TV i I i-nonei 1715 and 1716. 37 Hivwr,ri Rt.t t Narcissus Bulbs The most popular of all bulbs for growing in water. They bear tall spikes of 6 to 10 sweet-scented flowers each . For best effects they should be massed In groups of six or more bulbs according to the ' slxo of the bowl and supported with Just enough pebbles to kPep ihem from toppling over. Pet the bowl m a cool , dark place until the bulbs are well' looted and then bring to the -M. it is very Important thai ihls root growth he made In the durk or very poor flower Ing will rciult Price J5c per Cm Sic per dot If by moll. Grant's Pharmacy Drugs and Seeds. I 1 ,4ChZk 11 lM eaanaa wtvm a mmw ietetic UlSCUlf CLARENCE SAWYER PHOTOGRAPHS Make the best BEST CHRISTMAS GIFTS. We make Artistic Photos at popular prices. , ' McOarrys Studio Pack Square Next City Hall RICH MOUNTAIN GEM COAL Gives PERFECT SATISFAC TION In HEATER, RANGE Of GRATE. It ls clean, free from slate and burns down to a line asu. ' We recommend RICH MOUN TAIN GEM because It Is of uni form good quality It doesn't vary. "EVERY TON'S A GOOD TON" We also handle WOOD and KINDLING and make prompt deliveries. , Asheville Dray, Fuel and Construction Co. Office: Corner College and H. Main St. Nichols Ehoe store Basemen! Annex. , GROVE PARK DIH : ' GROVE PARK DNN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 p;m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. Visitors to Asheville although not guests of GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and Inspect the building. Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Par ties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m., 7:30 to 10:00 p.n CHICHESTER S PILLS AT pALK'S MUSIC HOUSE The New Victor Records Come and Hear Them. , FILMS DEVELOPED SgdOcffi 5 R0BDj,S03'S KODAK STORE . ' sou sr vimsm . hat wood it.