iay, December 8, 1913. THE A SHEVILt.E '- NEWS. PAG3 SEVEW IH I CAROLINA Bill UR E lent People of State Will n Humane Petition for ; federal Pohibition. Ie delegation ll comprise 1000 ppear Before Congress president Wilson Wed nesday, Dec. 10. of America, the Spanish War Veterans association and scores of others- of equal importance will be In the Im pressive group at the doors or con gress declaring national war on a national- evil at the heart of the na tion. ' .-..-,"... .-.The representation from North Car. ollna will include Chas. 8. Wallace, Morehead City; VV. T. Parker, High torn by her hopeless passion for her JSC master nhose love for lone rcnd?rs him far more blind than the unhappy slav herself. That same spirit of aversion and wonder comes over us , when the wise Egyptian priest Arba- : ccs passes, rapt in his profundity and contempt of his surroundings. And when lone and Olaucus take their; Point: C. H. Ireland. Greensboro; A. j'r'l" ln "elr Vr decorated barge P. Ivien. Leaksville; Rev. D. H. Tut tle, Henderson; A. W. McAlister, Greensboro; Archibald Johnson. Thomasville; W. E. Dowd, Charlotte: J. A. Hartness. Statesville; S. M. Brin son, Newbern; Gov. Locke Craig, Ral eigh; Rev. H. M. Morton, Raleigh; K B. Broughton, Raleigh: W. T. Bost, Raleigh Rev; John Jeter Hurt, Dur ham; J. H. Brldgers, Goldsboro: Rev. J. E. Underwood, Goldsboro: 8. K. Fountain, Rocky Mount; C. C. Cov ington. Wilmington; W. B. Cooper, Wilmington; R. O. Everett, Durham; R. ,W. Glenn, Winston-Salem; John A. Gates, Fayettevilie; W.- T. Shaw; Weldon; Rev. T. C. Henderson, Que bec; Rev. S. B. Turrentine, Greens boro; Rev. A. Dixon. High Point: A. D. Ward, Newbern; Dr. W. P. Few, upon the Hay, you can almost Imagine you hear the ripply of the waters aa they splash agahist the oars and so through every minute of this awe In spiring drama..of life, you follow the thread with an almost personal note, until the dormant ' Vesuvius .rouses from lis slumber and vents Its potent rage in clouds of smoke and Are, pouring showers of- moltsn stone and lavaforever blotting out the rec ords of ages of man's attainment And when the final curtain falls upon the, picture of the beautiful slave girl Nvdla floatirie neacefullv uron the out Into world again dazed by the maddening sounds and feels as though he was awakened from a dream ln which he lived and moved more than president Trinity College. Durham; J. j seventeen centuries ago. Pictures B. Blades, Newbern: J, T, Bland Washington; Rev. L. S. Massey, Ral eigh; N. L. Eure, Greensboro: R. B. Boyd, Warrenton; R. U Holt, Bur lington; E. W. S. Dameron, Burling ton; N. B. Josey, Scotland Neck; W, L. Blanks, Wilson; W. . H. , Burton, Spencer; Dr. L. S. Blades, Elizabeth City; D. C. Moore, Wilmington; W. M. Cummlne, Wilmington; B. F. Hall, Wilmington; R. 1 Burns, Carthage; H. A. Page, Aberdeen; O. F. Burton, M Gileat ' H. Cla'kson, Chirlo e; Rev. J. M. Rhodes, Littleton; Col. j. S. Carr, Durham; A, W. Cook, Greens boro; J. Elwood Cox, High Point; J. A.,Seaport, Gastonia; Dr. R. H. Jones, Winston-Salem; Rev. H. K. Boyer, Winston-Salem; J. 1. : Moss, Creed moor; Rev. E. R. Nelson. Salma: II. F. Brinson, Tunis, and Frank- Gurley, High Point. Carolina will be actively rep at Washington, December 10, k the most important, dignified hlflcant demonstrations every L bv the American people, lire than 1000 men and women t .... t H -n.lll ,e highest wama ui juo before congress as a human nravlng for an amendment to jral constitution absolutely and prohibiting all tramc in aico- fcmprica. presentment will be made by St. Cherrlngton of Westerville, is admittedly me oest posieu America If not the world on t status of the liquor traffic Urts of the world. He was ed by President wuson as tne n commissioner to the great conference recently held at fttn.lv.- He is editor ' or tne kn issue, the official' organ of saloon league' of America and Is one of the foremost temper ivneates in the world. fprefesslon and most of the occupations of men will be lusly represented in this most . nmm rnminff demonstration.- senators ana wiu uuu-iiiu" wvunug that can do this with a spectator are no ordinary achievement. Last Days of Pompeii t ill be the attraction at j the Galax Theater. 3 days and nights, ' beginning Monday. December 15th. Performance from 10:00 A. M., till j 10:30 P. M. Admission: adults 25c; children 15c. i WmiWIm ft ilK';- 55-- ra" x s Ff ; X IP Jn Gift Buyers XH $12.50 to J65; Hat Racks, $11 j, X enports. lis r.n tn its- X L -X iWWm "."..w,- luraei, to S50; Turkish - X y X m li tin and upholstered, $2 to 2S. in- - V- XO! alnut, wicker, crex and fibre rush. X . X Store Open Evenings Until Christmas Helpful Hints for uesns, si to $50; Book C to S42.i0; Couches. $10 to $50: Tables, $1.50 to $20; Parlor an Kockers, $15 to $40; Rockers, eluding oak, maple, mahogany Cash or Terms ase Dav n ports, Rack upholstered Buying- Christmas Presents ln Home-burs. THE LAST DAYS OF Irs, 1 congressmen and capital- evmen and lawyers, -doctors rchants: were women and suf- s will be in the truly repre- fe gathering on the- capital nd at the White-House-when inmittt'e of one hundred calls resident Wilson.- fc- religious denomination, every hnd moral organization,, every I faith and those of no .r.eJlBl- bivlctions will be In the great ily. Powerful organizations, pf t magnitude like the Anti-Sa- tsue of America, the Independ- Ider of Gcjd Templars, the s Christian Temperance union. tlonal Reform association, the urch federation, the Women's kn association, the Y. M. C. A., Ivation Army, the . Volunteers Asheville Socn. The nosly rumble of this busy work aday world is all forgotten when one views the manifold beauties of George Kleins photo drama production of "The Last Days of Pompeii," the spectator again to live in th happy days of that lost city on the shores of the beautiful Bay of Naples. To ft! ones ' self a part and parcel of that chattering throng of pleasure seekers, scoffing at the nen sect of Christans so earnest and severe ln their mien, to revel in the gossip of the happy maidens over the handsome Greek youth Glaucus and his beau tiful Athenian sweetheart lone. One can almost feel that precence of the blind flower girl Nydia, her bosom In tho-December -American Maga-: zine George Fitch, the Illinois "funny i man," writes an amusing piece entitled "Christmas at HomeBurg," Follow ing is an extract: ' "There aren't enough 'people in Homeburg to make a Christmas jam,! hut we have our own line, of troubles, i The question ln Homeburg Is not how to keep from spending so much money but how to spend what we have. The storekeepers don't pamper us. In fact they are severe with us. .If we don t buy what they effer the first year, they store It up and we have to take It the next Christmas. When the Home burg storekeepers have had a bad season, it's up to us to go pack the next year and face the same1 old line of Junk, lenowing it will be there until we give in and buy it. There are two Christmas gift edition copies of Trilby .still on sale in Homeburg, and Dorllng the druggist has had a -ten dollar man icure set on sale for ten years now. He won't get another, either. Says he was stung on the first one and he's going to get his money back before he goe ln any deeper. It goes down about fifty cents a year in price, and last year Steve Larson almost bought it at four : dollars and seventy-five cents - for Selma Snood. We have hopes of him this year unless he and Selma quarrel or get married, either of which will be fatal."- Three Chinamen are among those studying forestry at the New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. .. .... - x X wm?h LUVB'irMaw w ki mm r x PhllrlfAn'a rM, t ti 1- ' Diners, $3.50, Cedar Cbests. $5.00 to $18.50 Rs ,,' $ 5 C zine Stands, li.Tj and up: Electroliers, $5 to Vm&!m?m $1.50 to $5; Dressing Tables, $12.50 to $75, With ehalra to match $5, up Card Tables, S2.50 to $10- Costumed to 1 !, Tables. $1.50 to $30; Pedestals, '$2 to Jc " Tj'pewriter Tables and Desks, $5 up: Office Chnr j , (1E. JZTi t0 R" T" Cat ... W,e have a full and complete assortment of match sets and af a rra'nge1 J. L Smathers & Sons . . luauiHiuui i ui uuui c oiure vV o. x io-i in. Mam Great Values Here i Street X if jm v y.-jk m& i A Gazette-News Want Ad. They Bring Results. H CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR: BS3 The selection of a suitable eift of ten proves a perplexing problem and, one that is difficult to solve with any degree of satisfaction unless you receive helpful suggestions that will aid you to decide. V We are prepared to help those who are in doubt about what to give and will cheerfully give you every assistance possible. For your information we mention here a few of the many things that we are showing in pieasmg assonmeni. lour inspeuuun is niviieu. Safty Razors, Toilet Sets, Traveling Sets, Military Brushes, Manicure Sets, Comb and Brush Sets, Work Baskets, Thermos Bottles, Alpine Flax Stationery, Mary Garden Perfumes, Parkfer's Lucky Curve, Fountain Pens, Also HOT DRINKS when you are uptown doing your Christmas shopping. v Fine Cigars (Fancy Boxes), Fine Candies (Fancy Packages), Fine Perfumes (Xmas Packages). And Numerous Gifts We Have No Room to List AGENTS Peter Kern's Candies. Adlerika. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy. Tate , Springs Water. Harris Lithia Water. 12 North Main Street CENTURY House Phone Connections DRUG STORE ASHEVILLE, N. C. i Phone 2004-2005 i ! i JO :