vDecember 20, 1013. - , , . . . THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE - NEWS. - . " - ' : PAGE FIVE ' i f- ii. 111 iniiriin i r n i i IN AMt Lit ectric Gifts 'Are More Popular Than Ever EI CHURCH ES Electric Shaving Mugs $2.75 Electric Flat Irons 6 lbs. $3.50 Electric Toasters $2.75 See Our Window Display Vsheville Power & Light Co. Phone 69 t: ,is uiinm iui a reai mercnam u jus competitor ifl e advertiser who, now and then, even tries to "set the for him. u manes store-making a task for MEN. - WA f -..inn -.feia I . .... . ,' 7 E rff Look for the TRIANGLE LOOK for this triangle before : you buy any heater. It is the trademark of the latest model of the Perfection Smoke less Oil Heater. It is the sign of the greatest im provements ever made in oil heat ing devices. ' - Perfection The Perfection Heater, at now made, gives more heat, holds more oil is better made and works better than any other heater on the market It has a wide, shallow oil font, which allows the oil to pass readily up the wick and insures reliable, unchanging flame and heat, whether the font is tail or nearly empty. . Tt-t Perfection Ii smokeless, because the patent locking flame -spreedef prevents the wick being turned up high enough to emoke. It ii easy to re-wlrk, becauM the carrier and wick are corrined Just turn out the old ami dip in the new. Indicator telle how much oil la In the font. Filler plug is pushed lo like s cork no screw, no thread to wear. . Attractive latticed window frame. The Perfection Heater Is Anished In vitreous turquoise-blue enamel or plain steel drume; looks well, Issts well, easy to carry wherever wanted. Deaere everwhere or wffe for dttcrlptirt oJrcmJar STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Mm Untf) . BALTIMORE "ahetas. B. C CWrfeX, H. C bWUms. Vs. QirkM, V.Va. Owb&.v,. CWftHk.I.C Bon Marche Store Closes at JO O'clock Son Dfiarche NOTE Pastors ana church officers are requested to send In copy ot changes In announcements by 4 p. m Friday. - First Methodist Eplsaopal church, corner of French Broad and Patton avenues, Rev. Charles B. Roach, pas tor. Sunday school at 10 o clock preaching services at 11 and I. First Baptist church, Rev. Calvin B. Waller, D. D., pastor, Altha Ira Ruby, assistant pastor. Sunday school 9:30 m C. S. Davis, superintendent; morning worship 11 o'clock; evening evangelistic service 8 o'clock; chorus and congregational singing. Strangers welcome. Central Methodist church. Rev. J. C. ftowe, D. D., pastor Preaching at 11 a. m, and 8 p. rrrs, Sunday school at :o a. m., F. M. Weaver, superintend ent; Bible study and prayer service Wednesday at 8 p. m. The public cor- Qiany invited. , . Seventh Day Adventlsta. H&vwond street; Elder G. G. lowry, pastor Services every Sabbath (Saturday) at 11 a. m.; Sabbath school at 10 a. m.; preaching service Sunday evening at su. , ....... v .. Presbyterian chapel, West Asheville, at the end of the street car line Sabbath school every 'Sunday at 3 o clock; preaching Sunday at 4. o'clook by Rev Dr. R. F. Campbell. Every body cordially invited to be present. Calvary Baptist church, West Ashe ville Services. at 11 o'clock and 7:30 by Rev. Dr. Millard Jenkii. of Geor gia. His subjects will be "Religion in Homespuns" and "With : Wings as Eagles." Bethel Methodist church, Rev. J. W. Ingle, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Trinity church, Church and Aston streets, Wyatt Brown, B. D.; rector. Holy communion, 8 a. m.;, Sunday school, 9:45- a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m.; mission service and Sunday school, 4:30 p. m.; eve nlng prayer and address, 8 p. m. (jlove and ftlerchan ; dise Certificates for Sale Many people prefer to let their friends , select ther own gifts. For those so inclined, ' jwe have Merchandise and Glove Certificates. They allow the bearer to shop the amount certified. . ' This would be just the pres ent for Spugs, the idea being that the one selecting the gift, would buy something that they needed. These cenficates may 'be bought in amounts from $1 to ; On sale at the flfHice third floor. at 7:30. Visitors will always be very wetaher and probably rain isindlcat-1 CUBAN WOMEN WANT aay with warmer tonight. T, R. TAYLOR. Observer. First Congregational church Sun day school, J. -W. Dunn. supeTrtnten- ters at the Manor ballroom, Albe-; JVlUKJii marie park. Strangers in the city specially Invited, .' ; Look for , th TRIANGLE A . , ,mx f : ':' rTT.imr1-.l. Christian church. Rev. P. H. Mears, minister. Preaching at 11 a. m. Bible school at 10 a. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday 8 p. m. The pub- lio Invited to all service. Lutheran church, the Rev. W. D. Peters, pastor, corner French Broad avenue and Philips street. Services 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Wei come to all. ' . . .. Methodist Protestant church. Ser vices held in the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A, Sunday school, 9:45 morning service, 11; evening service 8 Strangers cordially Invited to worship with us. ; Rev. C. W. Bates, pastor. 5. North Asheville Methodist church Chestnut street. Rev. W. E. Poovey, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., J, H. Weaver, superintendent. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor prayer meeting Wednesdays, 7:30 m. West End Baptist churoh. iiev. G. P. Hamrlck, pastor. Sunday school at 9:90 a.m., B. G. Hayes, superintend ent Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. m.; prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. All Souls"chureh, Blltmore, Rev. R R. Swope, D. D rector. 8:00 a. m Holy Communion; 11:00 o'clock morning, service and sermon; 3:00 p. m., Sunday school; 4:30 p. m., even song with special music; 6:15 p. m organ recital; Holy Communion every Thursday at 11:00 o'clock. Haywood Street Methodist church, Rev. E. M. Hoyle, pastor Preachln Sunday 11 a. m., Sunday school 9:4 a. m., H. A. Dunham, superintend ent; prayer meeting Wednesday 7:45 d. m., Sunday school at Riverside 3 p m. Preaching at Riverside Thursday at 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome for all who come. - Blltmore Baptist cnurch Preach ing every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday 10 m. Prayer meeting Friday 3 p. m, Kev. W. H. Moore, pastor. J. . M. Urookshire, Sundsy school superln tendent. The Salvation Army, Adjutant and Mrs. Routers In charts. Officers' Headquarters, I Aston park, telephone 1611; shelter and hall No. 1, J8H South Main street, salvation meeting very night at S p. m except Monday Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Hall No, 1, F,04 Spring 'street; salvation meeting Tuesday and Friday at 7:30 p. m.; Y P. I meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. and ) Sundsy at ( p. m. Sunday meetings : J: 30 a. m., dinner meeting 11a. m i nnllness meeting 1:10 p. m., salvation i nesting. Their mottof "Holiness unto he Lord." Their war-cry: "Sinner, nere Is Salvation for you." First Preabyterlsn churcli. 8er ira morning and evening; the hour 'or evening service has been changed from 8:15 to 7:30 o'clock. Rev. R. F. Campbell, D.D., will conduct both ser vices. Strangers in the city will be welcome to each service. Pews free. First Church of Chrlet, Scientist, church edifice (4 North French Broad avenue, near Haywood street Ser vices every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock; Sunday school at 10; testi monial meetings Wedneday evenings at 1:11. The reading room Is In the church edifice and Is open every day except Sunday, from 10 lo 13 and from I to I. All are cordially wel come to the services and to the read. Ing room. Oakland Heights Church (North Preabyterlsn) Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, pastor. .Public worship every Am day morning at 11 o'clrx-kt Siinday sc.hnol al :4. The pastor preaches at the farm school eexh Sunday night St. Matthias chj ret, corner Valley T. Kennedy, minister -.1 charge. Reg ular service at-11 a. m.; . Sunday and South Beaumont streets, Rev. J. school at 3 p. m.: evons'ong at 8:30 p. m. Prof. : W. E. Lc.tv. formerly of Boston, a noted tenor soloist, will sing at the 8:30 service. This is special rally day for the church and friends of the church are asked .for a liberal offering, to meet some outstanding debts. Colored Churches. Hopkins chapel, A. M. E. Zion church Rev. Dr. W. J. Lolland, pas tor. Preaching each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.: first and third Sun day preaching at 3 p. m. Only Jhree More Shopping pays Until Christmas tStore mil be open until 10 O'clock Jonight Shoppers have selected this Store again as their Christmas Headquarters. Never have Bon Marche GIFT THINGS been so ; greatly in demand. And never have there been so diversified assortments here. . - Don't put off your shopping until next week. Stocks will be broken, crowds heavier and varieties less. It stands to reason that today is the correct and psychological time to buy your Christmas needs. SUFFRAGE PRIVILEGE i REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 'SAFETY FIRST' New York, Dec. 20. Cuban women j want the vote and are organizing, ac- jcordlntc to a letter received here by I EDUCATION NEEDED iMrs' Ravmond Brown, president uf! ' . the New York State .Suffrage . associa- v,' 'v'. t . -i .. . tion. who in asked to lend her name flt" m ? t' "--lhe saiety to the movement by becoming honor- ! first movement has made consider-!flpv rp.,rtnt . , able progress in the United States, but ! IZl h-H ,1 Voi a . . , recent figures of the census show that t h ?u J '"M there is still urgent need of education & .tvm "T Partid" and training to cut down the number f1 " em.l'"8la . tvlth J ot of fatal accidents. ! equality m the relation , of the sex Steam railroad employes 'stand at an? 'th peaceful . Intentions and le th. f th. n-t i .v., .,.,....,.. iKal Procedure, the letter soys. i of deaths from accidents in the toty.l number of deaths from all causes in various occupations, according to the ' ' v latest .reports. Of the number of ; Br-v-T-Krri T ATir tupottt mo deaths among steam' railroad em- BOXING LAW RESULTS ployes who are in active service. ":i 1 JJJ $110 000 OF TAXES 4-10 per cent are due to accidents. ' This does not mean that more than half of the men employed on railroads The letter Is dated from Havana land Is signed "Kmelia Perez Mo'os- sey W. J. Beachboard and twife and T. ,R. Dillinigham and wife to James B. i Elkins, property situated in Bun Icombe county; $1 and other valuable considerations. 4. V. Foster and wife to James B. Elkins, tracts of land in Klat Creek township; consideration, $1,500. C. C. Dougherty and wife to J. W, McWilliams, parcels of land in Black Mountain; consideration, $450. Herman A. Goff to M. 8. Kennedy, property in Black Mountain; consid eration, $200. M. I., and Ave C. Maney to W. A. Gutherle, pieces of property located in Asheville; $10 and divers other considerations. tlOI,lS LUMBER COMPANY IS NOT LIABLE TOR FIRE LOSS N'ow York, Dec. 20. The annual; Norfolk, Vs., ec. 20. In an action Snmlnv . ale irum aceiaenis. -me figures mere-- . . , : i, uv,,u u.. u uai , 7..V . " .. ....u m llv pnniv tn tho n..mhvr of deuth slon ' sn lnal slm" "oxmg i works against the John L. Loper Conlev suDerint;ndent Xss meeting i "used while the men are actively oc-: law in 1H.: Lumber company, a Jury here gave a wJl" the operation of railroads : 10.000 has been paid int.. the , verdict in favor of the defendant " j ,.. e SI!IIe I'flmntni (TS nniCe. IlllS mnnPV hnMhw tc TnVin I. Dnjiv T.umKr. i unu aiies nui apply 10 ueains irom ... ....... uu,,,u, . I various causes alter the men have left : lje',,K the amount of five per cent tax company not liable for certain heavy ! the roads or have been superannuated ,on lhe E''oss receipts of all licensed , losses sustained by the Richmond . . ' ' ,' , operating: under the statute. There ' Cedar' works in the Dismal swamp " has been a falling off in receipts dur-; section., It was averred that the fires Texas could be twice lost in Ven-! ing the last year, due probably to the j were caused by sparks from the de- ezuela and still leave room fore; Ken-; poor quality of mtiny so-called . tar I fendant company's engines. The trial' tucky.and Tennessee. . bouts. had been on for 10 days. . i on each Wednesday night. lie are cordially Invited, THE DTHER ': lowest Highest last .night vest'd'y Aslitviile 30 45 j . Atlanta ... .' - it Rirmlngham ... . . . i'i f'l i Charleston 46' ' 50 ( Charlotte . 3 44 Jacksonville 68 72 Knoxvllle . ...... 2 -it 1 i Mobile -. 4 : 4 Montgomery ......... 4U 50 i New York 28' Raleigh . . .'. (T " . 46 Savannah . -46- 5 Tampa .., 5 8 T2 j Washington ... ..... 26 ', 42 .. i Wilmington ,42 50 J Normal for this date:- Temperature! 37 degrees: precipitation .J 8 Inch. j Forecast until 8 p. m. Saturday for) Asheville and ficlnity: Cloudy to- j night and Sunday, probably rain; ; warmer in the Interior tonight. Foi. North Carolina: Cloudy to- j night and Sunday, probably rain: j Warmer in the Interior tonight; light variable winds. , i General Conditions Past 24 Hours. ; A snow storm Is In progress in the j upper Mississippi valley In connection! with a disturbance that ' Is centered : near Lake Michigan. There Is also a slight depression along the gull j coast which has caused rain In Okla homa, Texas and .Florida. Preciplta- J tion has also occurred in the middle i Atlantic states, the i Pacific states, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska and Missouri. The weather Is much colder In the west and aero tempera tures are reported In Montana North Dakota and Colorado. . The following heavy precipitation has been report ed: Tltusvllle, 1.01 Inches, .cloudy U. S. Department of Agriculture. 0 WEATHER BUREAU. . - rl1t X I - r.Cl w.v s'Cte fr7k 3 6.3 i ! i-: cja,. , V'l'-. V Kta 1)1 - ft, 52. . ' f i , m Al Jil - , AM -L i J. Cf2& 6Wnr)pfe!t0 1 ssaA f"r" Sat. Dec. 20, 1913. U. . V- OK ZQ " - "WVOiJ HXPLANATOR'!' NOTES; ibi.r.tiont taken it s:m.TMth meridian time. Air pressure reduced to e level. -Ibm (Mntfnnoalinej'tai thmnrt peliiWj of eau.1 Ilr pre"2re I "ii mi (dotted Mne pi througa points of equ.l temperature: drawn only for lero. freeilnt. so", sad Wtf.; O clear Q partly cloudy; O cloudy; (R) rain; enow: QS) report mtuing. Airowsny wiipmewmo. . r im agurei. wroperawre; aecoBU. preclpltaUon of J01 Inch or more for part 24 houn; third, mmmum wina veiocuy. i wg .-.. . ... - " " j " 11 F MEN'S ELCO BICYCLES...., .....$25.00 JUEVENILE ELCO . $22.50 The Elco is recognized as the best machine for the price on the market equipment guaranteed. They are light, easy running wheels that stand up, well under con stant and hard use. ' FAMOUS FLYING MERKLE BICYCLES $30.00, $35.00 AND $45.00 i The $45 Merkls is double bar and truss fork 22 and 24 inch frame in motorcycle type. They are built for long, satisfactory service as well as looks. Call and see them. FULL LINE OF BICYCLES AND BICYCLE SUNDRIES. REPAIR WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE AT REAS ONABLE PRICES; INCLUDING GUN AND LOCKSMITH WORK AND UMBRELLA REPAIRING. F. J. NEVERCEL Bicycle and General Repair Shop, 47 W. College Street, near Haywood St. sr;. !