trday, December 20, 1913. TUP A QTTPTfTT T V flh 7t"rrnw wrTTTro . . , . AU Xllilil. I MIINIEIHI HHRlSTMi! IPHYQimiH TFQTincQ unRQniii HMWiiiiiyp m li . 4 MUNICIPAL istmas e.Wl BiLl'S IDEA it I fl n I I I I " ' " " iiiiwiuimi iluiii itu uuuuuii .uniiiLLinu IU .-- v ,, : aiv -H him :, .,- ' J... ' i : 1 I IN HANS SCHMIDT BSE DEBUTE IBSFNTFFISH : , mik ;r Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions,, Mon ey New York, New Orleans, Chicago ' and Foreign Market News. But He Tells Donovan He f 81118 -Will Meet Him on f 202 ' ' Another Question. 1 V . f JMMIMIM L I Former Asheville Pastor Tried Plan at Bakersville Many Years' Ago. ' i NEW YOEK STOCK LIST. flgamated Copper . Beet cue"' rntton OH . Smelt & Refining Close 70 23 37V4 62 Sugar Refining . . . . . . 108 , (Toi & Tel . . . fonda Mining Co Sison ; ; " ' Ltlr. Coast Line . .. i Imore & Ohio .. .. klvn Aapid Transit Wan Pacific .. .-. kpjeake & Ohio ... Ceo & Northwestern ago MU - ,' rado Fuel & Iron . , . rado & Southern....;-. o tnilflnn . . iware x . - Ur & RlO.uranue ml Electric . . . .. . vnrthern pfd ... . t Northern Ore Ctfs Lis Central. ,. . . . Met . .... Met pfd' .. . Harvester . . svllle & Nashville . , . . , uri Pacific . url Kansas & Texas : jgh Valley ... .. tonal Lead . . . . ; Central ..... .. oik & western , . ;hern Pacifio . , . hsylvanla .. .. tie's Gas .. .. .. bnan palace var . . mng Island o . . Island Co pfd hern Pacific hem Railway .. In Pacific . . . , . Steel Steel'pfd ....... ....... 105 lash . . ..." item Union .... .. . 60 Haven . . .... . . .... 69 117 34 93 115 92 87 215 ' 67 125 99' .26 28 151 : 17 28 137 125 32 105 ' 14 B9 133 25 ,.; 20 151 43 92 103 108 ' 108 . 117 149 , 164 18 , - 20 . 86 .. 22 1 . 154 67 Prisoner Described Murder of .' Girl as Sacrifice of Love ' And Devotion. Apropos of the community Christ mas tree that Is to be held here on the evening of December 25 this year, and uommunny unrietmas Idea that 1? to be carried out in many parts of the country. W. S. Hyama takeg issue with tnose who have - been giving credit lately, In the newspapers and maga zines of the country, to a young lady in isew York for the origination of the idea. Mr. Hyams says that credit for the idea Is dueto Rev. W. C. Bow man, Mrs. Hyams' uncle, who la well known among the older residents of Asheville, having been at one time pastor of Central Methodist church and a professor in the old Asheville Female college, Mr. Hyams says that In 1872, over 30 years ago, Mr. Bowman conceived and put into execution the idea 3 a .community Christmas tree in Ba kersville, Mitchell county. On that occasion anyone was allowed to place a present on the tree for a friend, and in addition to this feature, several good ladies, of the town raised quite a Bum of money to buy presents for the poor of the community. As a result, every man, Woman and child in Ba kersville, whether rich or poor, re ceived a present from the tree, and Mr. Hyams says that It was the hap piest Christmas ever celebrated In the little mountain town. He thinks credit is still further due Mr. Bowman for conceiving this idea since the town of Bakersville at that time boasted a population of not more than 600 people; was 34 miles from any railroad; and received mails only three times a week. It was altogether Isolated and was considered one of the- really characteristic mountain villages of western North Carolina. OTTON FUTURES OPENTNG. lew York, Dec. 20.-Cotton futures ted easy: (pmber . 12.35 nary 12.14 loh 12-80 , .. ........ 12.82 12.33 Proved It Was 8imple. a registration booth In San Fran- ki an old colored 'Woman- had Just lied registering for ttie first time.- km yon shore," she naked the clerjt, t I s done all I has to do?"' buite sure." replied the clerk; ,"yoo it's very simple." ; . 8 ought to knowed It." said the woman, "If those fool men folks in doin' It all dese yean I might V iwed it was a powerful simple proc- -Llfe. New York, Dec, 20. The first medi cal witness for the defense in the trial of Hans Schmidt for the murder of Anna Aumuller was called to the stand yesterday. " He la Dr. Perry Elchtensteln, physician . of Tombs prison. Two other doctors who, It was said will testify In Schmidt's behalf with out pay and because they believe him to be insane, were among the wit nesses waiting to be called. Dr. Ltchtensteln testified "that Schmidt had talked recently with him about the murder.. Schmidt had de scribed It the doctor said, as a sacrifice of love and devotion. '- The prisoner had shown no emotion in the tombs, except on one occasion. This was when .the physician called attention to a handkerchief, embroid ered with the -letter "A," which Schmidt had placed over an. electric light to shade it Schmidt said the handkerchief was Anna Aumuller's and wept. - On another occasion Schmidt told the physician that he would like to make money "so that it would not really be counterfeit." "Don't you know that is against the law?" asked Dr. Ltchtensteln. "Yes," said Schmidt "but what law Is It that prevents a nation suffering a little while an individual profits profits much? I would like to make enough money to build a church so big that it would hold all the poor people of New York." Owing to a death in the family of one of the jurors the trial was ad Journed until Monday. Washington, Dec. 20. Representa tive Donovan of Connecticut, who challenged Representative Hobson to joint debate In Alabama on the subject Of absenteeism- from congress, has announced that Mr. Hobson had not accepted his challenge, but had noti fied him that he would debate with him on the "question of criminality to Include appearances before grand ju ries on charges of Irregularities in the liquor traffic." . 'The genial captain" said Mr. Don ovan, "is side stepping as usual. He does not accept my challenge but evades the Ibsub. The issue between us is absenteeism and there has been no evasion on my part. If Captain Hobson continues to draw his salary congressman by remaining away irom wasnington ne win probably go past his record of the first session ot the sixty-third congress, v Instead of being present seven days, he is on his way to get his record down to seven hours." . TV' Mr. Donovan said that Inasmuch as no grand or petit jury ever had pas.iec upon any acts of his he had no knowl edge of the working of that branch of the judiciary and was not in a position to debate the question. IS SIILL1T A DREAM Orville Wright Says Its Pert fection Is Par From Accomplished. BANK RESERVE BOARD . IS BEEDRE PRESIDENT Has Been Considering Matter For Several Weeks Wants Big Men. s He Plagued Him. he catcher was having an argument lb tbe umpire. till fix you so you won't be an epl- bic any longer!" threatened tbe uni te, beginning to lose his temper. what do you mean by I won't be 4!demlc any longer?" asked the ber. -' i n send yon to the bench." return- '.he umpire, "and then you won t be, ictaln'." Pittsburg press. : New York, Dec. 19. The transfor mation of the aeroplane by means of a universal stabiliser, the dream ot many aviators, Is still far from accom plishment, according to Oralis Wright, who spoke teat night at a re ception given in his honor by the' Ae ronautical society. .Mr. Wright's statement, while It Is encouraging, does not hold out any hopes of a perfect stabilizer in the near future. Here la what he said: 'It is premature to say anything at present about a stabilizer. We have workod for years to take the work of managing the machine out ot hands of man and let the operator attend to the steering alone. We think weave a device which will accomplish this. It will take care of the collateral and fore and aft planes but it still has a few mechanical trouble to overcome." Caruso's Dinner Engagement phen the late 3. Plcrpont Morgan of- ed Enrico Caroso $1,200 some years s to sing at an evening party In bis Jisi the singer coolly answered that could not possibly oblige, as be bad flted his lifelong friend. Leoncaval- to dinner tbe same "night Boston irakL Nine Points ef Law. A good deal of money; 2, s good kl of patience; 8, a good cause) 4, a N lawyer; 5, a good counsel; 6, good nesses; 7, a good Jury; 8, a good m; 8, good luck. NOTICE. p virtue of the power and author- vesieil in the undersigned trustee. the terms of a certain deed in trust Kuled by O. H. Paddock, dated the "1 day of September, 191S, aid duly filtered In the office of Register of f ! for Buncombe count In book of jue mortgages No. 36 at page 246, I power of sale therein contained ing become absolute , by virtue of default In the payment of the neys secured by said deed In trust. the owner of said Indebtedness "t requested the undersigned so I will sell at publlo auction, to f highest bidder for cash,- at the s ntry court house door tn the city ! hevllle, county of Buncombe and f North Carolina, at tl o'clock. '. on Thursday, the 18th day of ivu, the following de "d personal nrouerlv. or ma muoh ot as may be nect-mary to satisfy 11 Indebtedness and the expenses of . " Of American Scout t pasnen. r M horsepower 4 cylinder, auto car No. X10SI. Motor 1041. nufactured by the American Motors iPMiy of Indianapolis. Ind. fl) AmerkVn Tourist 40 horse cylinder automobile. Car No. aioior No. 1105, manufactured f -TO-rican Motors company, of In "Mls. Ind. (1) American Tourist. 40 horse ''. cyllndor automobile, Car No. . Motor No. 10S, manufactured "irlcn Motors company, of In "&ulls, Ind. ,'Jr?.tn, the 2-lth day of Nevem- JUNIUS a. AIMMH WANTS FOE. RENT ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished for either sleeping or light housekeep ing. IB South French Broad ave. nue. Phone 722. 267-3t. FOR RENT Rooms furnished for light housekeeping; gas for cook lng. Apply 78 No.'"Ms.ln St v.r -v': --, i7-tf FOR RENT One or more rooms with heat, In MontfOrd section, suitable for light housekeeping. Phone 1131. No sick people. (tf) WANTS WANTED J. H. MoCHNr-Tres, Wo. 44 Market street Tailoring, steam dyeing, cleaning and repairing. Phone 1850. . . tf. WANTED Give memberships to the Asheville-. Cleaning and Pressing club, and have the clothes cleaned regularly. Clean clothes well press ed makes for good opinion in others; Good business asset. $1 a month, three months $2.50. J. C. Wilbar Phone 389. ' WANTS FOR SALE FOR SALE Ten room house; hot ' water heated; garage; servants' house; large lot, 85x260; best reel- .: dence section, . Montrord avenue ; : get price. D. S. Watson, Exclusive . Agent. , 263-26t FOR SALE Two gilt chairs, Singer family sewing machine, kitchen ta- ' bles and chairs. Bedroom frirnitiirj and other articles. Apply to 25" Haywood street. 2C4-tf. Washington, Deo. 20.-r-President Wilson came-to hie office today for the first time since he was taken 111 more than a week ago. He told friends that he felt practically as well as ever and worked on a mass of ac cumulated Oorrespondence, after which he met the cabinet. : The president has heen thinking for several weeks about the personnel of the federal reserve board created by the currency bill, and while he. has not fixed upon any individuals, he Is trying to get the biggest possible men for the places regardless of their po litical affiliations. Mr. Wilson indi cated today that he yould give the subject his most careful attention for the next few weeks. : When the cabinet meeting adjourn ed members said they had discussed their departmental affairs and admin istration policies, but no announce ments were made. It was stated that the Mexican situation was not touched upon.. FARMERS' UNION FOR RACE SEGREGATION Shelby, N. C. Dec. 18. Having en dorsed proposed legislation aimed at race segregation in rural communities, abolished its summer meeting, and re quested the state attorney general to prepare necessary forms for clerks of court in putting Into effect the TOrrena system of guaranteeing land titles Jan uary 1, and the secretary jot the treas ury to extend the time of his crop loans until March 1, the North Caro lina Farmers union adjourned its con vention here last night.- Reports of officers show better or ganization and more stable financial condition. But nine of the hundred counties of the state are without local unions now. Old officers were re elected with the exception of the ex ecutive committee. TheBe are as fol lows: f''' ,;. President, H. Q. Alexander; vice president, J. M. Templeton; lecturer and treasurer, E. C. Faires. C. C. Wright, W. C. Gibson, W. H. Moore, S. H. Hobbs and Editor Clarence Poe, of the Progressive-Farmer, form the executive committee. FOR RENT Five room furnished cottage, piano, $40 months Six- room furnished bungalow, on car line, $45. month. Seven room house furnished, view $65 month. Ray-Campbell Co.( No. 1 Haywood, Fhone 1281. (tf) NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, steam heat; running water in rooms; near postoffice. The Adelaide, A. D. McKee, Prop. . 258-12t WANTED Two experienced colored hotel maids no others need apply. Must supply recommendations from past employers, for five years. Grove Park Inn. 235-tf LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED No canvassing or soliciting re quired. Good Income assured. Ad dress National Co-Operative Realty Co.,V-1235 Marden Building, Wash ington,. D. C. DECIDE ON FORM OF GAYNOR MEMORIAL New York, Dec. 19. The Gaynor Memorial association has decided, In a, general way on, the form of the memorial should take. Robert Adamson, who was the late mayor's- secretary, suggested at a meeting of the association that there be an arch or pillars, forming a part of the new terminals of the Brooklyn bridge, across which Mayor Gaynor Walker almost dally. Mr. Adamson said that the memorial at the Man hattan end of the bridge should be to William J. Gaynor( mayor of New York, end at the Brooklyn end to Justice William J. Gaynor. Thlsplan was approved. ' , THINKS ' GOVERNMENT SHOULD GRAB RADIUM Baltimore, Md., Dec. Dr. How ard Kelley, a widely known Baltimore surgeon. Is convinced that It Is tho Imperative duty of the federal govern ment for the publlo good to take pos session at once of all radium bearing ore In this country. He declares that an Institution sould be ' established where radium will be reduced from the ore and distributed to physicians for tbe treatment of cancer. Dr. Kel ly and Alfred I. Dupont of Delaware are willing to surrender their leases of Pitchblende mines In Colorado for the purpose. , Triumph ef a Sausags. Westphalia, In Prnssis, is the borne of the a usage. There. It Is said, a trader will name no fewer than 400 different kinds of sansnge. A saiiaags eiblbltlon was held recently In Ger many; at wblcb 1.000 varieties of sau sage were shown. In tbls connection the story is told of s yonng Prusslsn who, tbongb be bsd received sa eipesslte training ss a chemist sbut himself up In bis lab oratory and Instead of devising a new dye, ssfety match, motor engine, ex plosive, aeroplane or photographic lens took pork, veal, olives, pepper, fennel, old wine, cheese, sffples. cinna mon snd berrl nits' roes and from tbm evolved a wonderful snd totally orig inal "wanC tbe best of its kind. He bss amassed a considerable fortune from Its la-nrlia Cor, New Tork Sun. d l.BRITT'5 PORTRAIT FOR P. 0. DEPARTMENT Will Be Made by Washington Artist at Request of Ex Governor Dockery. Ex-Governor A. M. Dockery of Mis souri, the able and popular third as sistant postmaster general In Mr. Wil son's administration, has urgently In slsted that his predecessor, Hon. James J. Britt of Asheville furnish his portrait to be placed in the post office department, which Mr. Brltt has consented to do, a Washington artist having been engaged for the work. Governor Dockery asks that Mr. Drift's portrait be placed in his lmme dlate office, a distinction accorded to but one other of his predecessors. A warm personal friendship is known tp exist between Mr. Brltt and Governor Dockery, the latter having on several public occasions lauded the ability, In tegrity and efficiency of the former. GEN. WOOD TO GO TO EASTERN DEPARTMENT Washington, Dec. JO. Secretary Garrison has announced that when Major General Leonard Wood leavea the office of chief of ataff next April he will be assigned to command the eastern department with headquar- u us iters at Governor's Island, N. Y. succeeding Major General Thomas II. Barry, who, will go to the Philippines Secretary Garrison made nn ah nouncement as to General Wood's successor as chief of staff. EIWKT8 GOES HO CLOSE TRADE FOR JOE TINKER ' New York. Dec. 1 1. Charfes K, Ebbets, president of the Brooklyn Na tlonal League Baseball team, left for Cincinnati today to close the deal for shortstop Joe , Tinker. .Ebbctts car rled with him a check for $16,000, the purchase price loss the $10,000 bonus for Tinker, which the Brooklyn club maintains It Is entitled .o hold until the plsr signs a rontrsrt with , TRUSTEE'S SALE. . By virtue of power of sale contained in a deed of trust made by Frank. Wll son and wife, F. Wilson, to the under signed trustee, dated September 18th, 1908, and duly recorded in Book No, 74 on page 368 ' of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust of Buncombe county, N, C, to which reference is hereby made, and default having been made in the payment of the principal and Interest due by the, note socured by said deed of trust whereby the power ot sale has become operative, the un derslgned trustee will on Monday, De cember 20th, 1913, between twelve and twelve-thirty, noon, sell for cash, at public sale, to the last and highest bidder, at the court house doori in Asheville, Buncombe county, N. C, the following described land and premises, situate, lying and being. on the east side of South French Broad avenue, Asheville, N. C, and bounded and de scribed as follows: , , - Beginning at a stake in the East margin of South French Broad ave nue, and runs with said east margin of said avenue South 3 14 deg. West (40) feet to a stake, .north west corner of lot No. 33; thence with line of said lot South 86 deg. East (70) feet to a stake In line of lot No. S3; thence North 8. deg. East (40) feet to stake in line of lot No. SI; thence North 86 H deg. West (70) feet to the beginning. This November 29th, 1913. W. E. SHUFORD. Trustee. WANTEDTou to buy your Christ mas presents of value from the Bar bers Supply Co. Why throw your money away on worthless articles? Our goods will please them. 23 N. Main.,; CAT PAW rubber heels, 40e. Soles sewed, BOc, 75o and $1.00. Work called for and returned. Gilmer Bowden, 81 East College, phone 1817. 817-tf HELP WANTED WANTED To send for your best Suits and Dresses that we may make them perfectly clean, correct ly pressed, and a joy during the Christmas holidays. Phone 389. J. C. Wilbar. GOVERNMENT Railway Mil Clerk, Customs-Internal Revenue "exam3' everywhere soon. Get prepared by former U. S. Civil Service Secre tary-Examiner. Free Booklet E 87. Write NOW, today. Patterson Civil Service school, Rochester, N. Y. It INVESTMENTS FOR SALE Good clean newspapers, 50 for 5 cents. Apply at Gazette- News office. . FOR SALE Evening dress coat and vet for young man, size oi coat about 32 chest, almost new. Ad dress Post office Box S 6 4, Ashe ville, N. C, 191-tf. FOR SALE Two choice and desira ble building lots in Canton. Size of; both 60 by 141, being lots Nos. 57 and 58, part of F. K. May property JustofI of North Main St., with good view. Will sell same for $176.00 spot cash. Apply to J. R. L, Gazette- News office, for particulars. SStf WANTED Pedpie of Asheville to send their clothes to People's Steam Dye Works. Our process absolute ly odorless. Phone 2041. 253-26t ! FOR SALK 7-room nouse. Starnse avenue, SO0; worth $8500. Moale ft Chiles, Real Estate and Insurance. ISS-tf. WANTED .Young man or- room mate, in steam heated building for winter. Address, fl. Money, No. 37 College St. ' tf GRADUATE NURSE attends patients by hour, $1 first hour, 60 cents each succeeding. Phone 1344. 219-tf FOR NOTARY PUBLIC WORK ap ply at Gazette- News office. . 88tf FOR SALE 1322 acres of mountain land, near railroad, schools and churches, Considerable timber, splendid cattle range. Fine sites for orchard great bargain; Jwlll double In value. H. Ltnd, Box 615. 266-3t.' FOR SALE-Chrlstmas trees, all sizes. Will deliver. Ardmion Park. Telephone 131. 268-6t NOTICE, State of North Carolina, Buncombe County In Superior court. - W. M. Koon, Plaintiff, vs. Elizabeth Koon, Defendant, The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perlor Court of Buncombe county, by the plaintiff above named to obtain divorce from the bonds of matrimony, now existing between the plaintiff and defendant and that the summons In said action has been Issued snd made returnable to the next term of the Superior Court of Buncombe County, North Carolina, and that she is required to appear at the next term of said Superior court of said county to be held on the eighth Monday be fore the first Monday of March, 1914, at the court house of said county. In Asheville, North Carolina, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint The plaintiff will ask for a divorce on statutory grounds. This the sixth day of December, 1913. MARCUS ERWIN, Clrrk of Himerlnr Court. PYRAMID YOUR WEALTH! A serial story with interest added every week which will grip your hold on the future is the intelligent investment of your funds. Ever consider owning your own home? And, while you are building, your money earning more money. Are you laying the foundation for your boy's education? And do you want to send the girl off .to school an other year? These are very Inti mate questions to the parent pf every child. They touch-the pocket! nerve. The basis of saving Is the cumulative profit plan. The easence of the Home Building & Loan As sociation plan is co-operative effort and its. policy is constructive. It gives you every incentive to save. It establishes your credit in a safe and sane way. It enables you to build when you have not the avail able capital. It scatters the rent receipts, the "kill Joys" of the bread winner. A new series opens Satur day, January 3, 1914. Begin the new year right Take time by the forelock and register for the lew series now. Are you a member of the Society' for tho Prevention of Useless Giving? What more accept able gift to the wife who dreams of her own home than a block of stock? Or, to the boy or girl who has a vision of the world work ahead? It's a blazed trail and the time to start is now. HOME BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. 48 Patton Avenue. Frank R. Hewitt, Pres. S. L. Forbes, Sec. and Bee. . 20, 22, 27, -28. AM NOW LOCATED at 18 North Pack Square. When in need of Jewelry or repair work call and Bee me. J. A. Tillman, Jeweler. 250-26t BOARDERS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS J.. II. McGINNESS, T: -lor New rail and winter samples now on display. Masonic Temple, 44 Market street. tf IMPORTANT YO MOTHERS A record of slxty-flvs years aontlnu ous use of "Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup" by mothers In all psrt of the world, Is the highest praise that any remedy for "children teething" has ever received. Every year tre young mother follows In the footsteps of her mother snd finds Mrs. Wlnslow's soothing Hyrup to bs the favorite, snd o It has gons on for a period of slxty-flvs years. Million of mothers have used it for their children while teething with perfect aucoeas. It sooths the child, softens the gums, altys all pain, cures wind colic and Is ths best remedy for diarrhoeas Sold by Druggists snd medlclns deal ers In all parts of ths known wor? Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wlnslow's soothing Hyrup snd taks no other. Advt FOR RENT Two desirable ground floor offices opposite Lanfrren hotel Western Carolina Realty Co. 3. W. WOLFE, SeCy. Trees. If) N. Psck Square. Phone 74. B. V. VINIARSKI, 30 W. College St.. best work at prices to suit every body. Shoes called for and re turned. Phone 1641. 254-26t. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS arfe easy tn get My free booklet Y 59S tells how. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. THE KNICKERBOCKER, No. 77 Col-. lege street. Phone 153, Delight-: ful situation, central location, larise shady grounds, appointments-aonb., plete. Terms according to' ioca t , a i tion of room. LYNNHURST, 58 College street. Se lect board, near in. Mrs. P. J. Cor coran, formerly of Rock Ledge. ; 252-62f BELLEVUE 143 North Main street.; Boarders wanted; no objection to sick peoplp. Miss Belle Burnetts.' 263-tf. OFFICE SITUATIONS City, steno. and bkkpg., man, $65.00; out tho city, lady, steno., $10.00 per week; also wanted, -twenty new pupils to enroll. BOOKS FFHE If you buy a scholarship, now. Asheville Bus ness College, No. 8 North Pack Square. 264-7t FOR THE . CHILDREN See E. U Brown for Santa Clauses, price 10c. each, $1 per dozen. Phone 51. 267-3t FOR SALE Monarch typewriter, al most new, at a bargain. The Letter Shop. 63 American National Bank Building. 267-3t CLAIRVOYANT Madame Regina, 85 H Haywood. True life readings revealing present, past and future. Nothing is hidden from this won derful woman. Consult her, she will advise you for the best in all love, business or private affairs. Trial readings 60 cents. 264-26t OUR NEW TERM COMMENCES JANUARY 5, 1914. We have the most complete curri culum of any Buslnes College In the South, Including, in addition to Bcholiirshlps usually taught In Busi ness Colleges, STENOTVTE that I wonderful "Shorthand macnina. about which you have heard so much;, Telegraphy, with new automatio send ing Instruments, Multigrsphlng, etc. etc. ' Call today and talk the matter over, with us. EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 48H Patton Ave. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the un- ( derslgned, who was convicted at the February Term, 1912, of the Superior court of Buncombe county, on the charge of burglary, and sentenced to a term of three years, will apply to the Governor for a pardon, JOHN HILT,. NOTICE. I hereby give notice that I will make application to the Governor of North Carolina, for the pardon of Homer McKee, who was tried and convicted of larceny st July Term, 1913, of the Superior Court of Bun combe county, snd sentenced to a term of nine months on Buncombe county chain gang. TENNIE McKEB. GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:C0 to 2:30 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m, Visitors to Asheville although not guesU o! GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect the building. Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Par. ties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m., 7:30 to 10:00 p .m t NOTICE. ReTerrlng to the above notice of sale, the undersigned being unable to secure possession of ths property de scribed in time to produce the same at the plane appointed for the said sale, the said sale Is hereby continued to, and will be msds at ths said county court house door at II o'clock, noon, on Mondsy the 22nd day of December, 1113. This the llth dsv of December, 1913. JUNIUS O. JTDAMH, Trustee. PHOTOGRAPHS YCLETIDE PORTRAITS msde within the next few days will be delivered before Christmas Make your appointment today at the new studio. PIIONT? 77- PELTOJf HIGGAKO.V Next to Prlmves Theatre. fl T TXT A T?fT IV FOR SATISFACTION JL U I A. T AND ECONOMY D.C. SHAW MOTOR CO. J. A. RICHBURO. Mr.. Asheville, N. C. Brooklyn. 1 la. Truatse.