PAGE TEN Tuesday, January 6, 1914. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE - NEWS. 'I r 5 ' (5 : 'I f r .if -1 it It 1 ' il :!) M. & W. Indian COAL LEADER This famous coal en joys leadership for grate, stove or range. PHONE 130 Carolina Coal & Ice Company GUARANTEE THICK SOLED SHOES For the snovrv bad weather MONTHLY MEETING DF THE EDUCATION BOARD A Number of Matters Relative To Schools of County Taken Up Yesterday. II? WHO CARES? LISTEN! Tape's Diapepsin" Makes Sour, Gassy Stomachs Feel Fine at Once. keeps the feet dry and warm. .Waterproof.. (Jot a pair today. Guarantee StSbe 4 South Main St. BIG DISCOUNT ON ALL GOODS Tor School and Church entertainments, The I. X. L. Dept. Store. 22 Patton Avenue Phone 107 Many matters of Importance were before the County board of education at the meeting held yesterday after noon in the office of the superintend ent of county schools. Nearly all the matters brought to the board's atten tion were acted upon, although several of them were held open until the next regular meeting- ot the board, ; February 10 was the date bet for the local tax elections for the graded schools tn the Flat Creek and Mace donia districts and the following men were appointed as officers of the elec tion; V. H. Chandler.:, registrar, and Oscar Sams and Cecil McElroy, Judges, for the Flat Creek district T. M. Knight, registrar, and Have Tate and Henford Moore, judges, for the Mace-1 denia district. ." .-'.-. I The Ward . ordered -' Superintendent. W, II. lllpps and ti. P. Gaston to sell tho Miller. Hill and Luther Hill school sites. These sites have been -abandoned by the consolidation of the two schools. This is following out the plans of the present board to consoli date, two schools in the same district, where it will. work to the advantage of all concerned. The superintendent was instructed by. the board to give a certificate '.of Information in all the cases of school tax errors in the county to the county board of commissioners in order that the matter can be brought before the county board of education at once..' It was ordered that all lumber not UFed in the building of , the Irfieestcr : school building bo sold by ( tsear : Duckett,. The board decided to cover ' the new building 'at Leicester- with metal 'shingles, but left the mutter so that if the. patrons of the district wish to advance the money for a better roof it can !" done. The board ordered that $2 be paid out of the general fund in each school district for each of the teachers for two day's recitations. Time it ! In five minutes all stomach distress will go. No indigestion, heart 'burn, sourness or belching of gas, add, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloattng, foul breath or headache. Fape's Dapepsin Is not for Its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest and most certain Indigestion remedy In the whole world, and besides it is harm less. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear they know Pape's Diapepsin will save them from any stomach misery. Please, for your sake, get a largo fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store and put your stomach fight. Don't keep on being miserable K!'e is too short you are not here long, so make your slay agreeable. Kat what you like arid di gest it; enjoy it. without dread or re bellion in the stomach. . Pape's Diapepsin belongs In your home any way. Should one of the family eat . something which don't agree with them, or in case of an at tack of . indigestion,- . dyspepsia, gas tritis or stomach derangement at day time or during the night, it is handy to give the. quickest, surest relief known. Four Speed Forward Transmission One of the largest elements In the durable flexibility of the the NEW CHALMERS '"SIX" Is the four-forward speed transmis sion a feature formerly obtainable only on high priced cars, now this can be nad on the CHALMEKS "SIN" for S2.K5. Come In and see this splendid car. Asheville Automobile Co. niONE 312-314 NO. 18-17 B. LTESXNGTON ATE. Men's Rubber Boots $3.80 Women's and Children's Rub--ber Shos .. . . . ;50, 75, and $1.00 Men's Rubber Rain Coats $5, $10 and $1 $.50. Women's and Children's Rain Coats, $1.50 to $3.50. Umbrellas from 50c to $2.00. Geo. W. Jenkins. 18 So. Main St. J. E. CARPENTER JIWELEB i Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing my Specialty Ho. Pack Bfuuw .GET FREE TICKETS TO BUSINESS SHOW ' Globe-Wernlcke Business Show that will be of interest id, business . men, help save Tune , . - v.. . SOGERS BOOK STORE. .39 Palton Avenue. - Rogers Press. - - 30 Patton Ave. - - Phone 254 REMOVAL NOTICE. NICHOLS WAY WASHING WHITE LIKE THE SNOW FLAKES PHONE 2000- Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. Dr. L. W. Elias has moved to the Medical building. 2T8-7t, Art Pottery company, property locat ed in -Limestone, township; $3 and other good and lawful considera tions. T. J. Qv.-nby and wife to: Black Mountain Lumber: company, tracts of .'land situated ill Black Mountain; con sideration, $2000. . J. G. stikeleather atulWife foMyra r. Oardner, property on Livingston street; $1,0 and divers other consid erations. Forest Hit! company- to J. M. Par ker, property on the Arden road; $10 and other valuable considerations. S. A: and. Flora P. Lynch to Myra B. Gardner, property on View street; I $10 and other good and lawful consid- er.n linr Gay Green and wife to J. R. Ingle and wife, land In West Asheville; con sideration, $260. . Hot Drinks for Cold People CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE NEAR -OSTOFFICIC. PHONK 1 18, HAYWOOD STREET C.MTRXtSIIEI) RO()!S FOR RENT. CSSSSsSDBBC HAVE OYSTERS FOR SUPPER THESE COLD EVENINGS ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY CITY MARKET PHONES 1)0, 2S0-313. bee LITERARY SOCIETY IS Boys of Y.-M. C. A. Will En gage in Debates and Declamations. CHICAGO NATIONALS GO TO TAMPA FEB. 16 PIEDMONT Electric Co. WIRING AND REPAIR DEPARTMENT We repair anything Electric, al. Quick Service is our mot to. Don't got discouraged If any of your Electric Appliances get out of order, we nn furnish a man to make it go. If you have any Electrical Installa tions to be made let us give you an estimate. We carry a large stock of Electrical Goods, which enables us to give inter estlng prices and quick service. An Important decision of the boys' ovcrning board of the Y. M. l A. was made at a meeting of the board last night, when it was decided to or ganize a literary society for the pur pose of developing the debating pow ers of the younger members of the association. Tho methods of conduct ing the society -will be outlined by u committee which was appointed lnsti night, with Charles Tennent as chair man, and which will report at the next meeting. The boys will have the full co-operation of the management of the asso ciation In the conduct of this new so ciety, since the need of such an or ganization has long been felt. There will be declamations us well as de bates and It is believed that the work of the society will be a great added attraction for the boys of the city. It was also decided at this meeting last night to send letters of thanks to i I W. K. Collins,' director of tho orehes-1 tra; II. A. Dunham, director of the i Vlctroln. concert; and the members of I the Ladles' auxillury, whose co-operation helped in making the "open house" celebration such a decided success, Chicago, Jan. C The - nicago Na tional league baseball team will leave Chicago February 1G for spring train-1 ins at Tampa, Fin., President Murphy announced yesterday. Murphy and Manager livers went to Cincinnati last night to attend the meeting of the National commission, and Murphy i said he expected to make a few trades In players. ''.-'. The Nationals will play training! trip games as follows: March 12, 13. 14, Philadelphia Athletics at Tampa, Fla.; 17, 18, 19. Philadelphia Athletics at Jacksonville, Fla.; 20, Savannah at' Savannah, Ga.; 21 und 22. Memphis: at Memphis; 2B, 27, 28 and 29, Louis ville at Louisville; 30, Evansville at Evansville; 31, Terre Haute at Terre haute; April 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Indian- : apolls at 'Indianapolis. ; Ed Walsh's signed contract was re ceived at White Sox headquarters here today. .. 1 Sanitary Edible Bran put up in hmoi'lined, clean, sanitary dust proof pack ages. . E. C. JARRETT 12 N. Pack Square and City Market For Base-Burners And Underfeed furnaces use our "Schuylkill" An thracite coal in the chest nut size. It produces a fire of furious heat and wonderful lasting quality. Southern Coal Go. ' Phone 114 ' ! IT. Pmck B. MM I ; THE KING OF, -COALS. PHONE 40 Asheville Coal Co. LOCKETS AND CHAINS. Special $2.60 to 97.50 each. Uncle Sam's Pawnshop 30 S. Main Street SPECIAL SALE of Men's, Youths', and Boys Suits and Overcoats now going on. Gem Clothing Store, 6 Patton Ave. PURXST AND BEST Rumford Baking Powder Citizens Transfer Company JTJTJAN WOODCOCK; Owner. ' We rive moving our epeclal attention. Largest vans and moat compe tent men In city. Prompt baggage transfer service., Endorsed by U. C T. and T. P. A. Phone 5. ' Patton-Avonns. . REUNION PHOTOGRAPHS ' Tou will appreciate a good photograph of your relatives gath ered home for the holidays. Don't delay. PHONE 77S PELTON & HIGGASON, STUDIO - NEXT TO PRINCESS THEATER ' TAMPA STRAIGHTS SOLD BY ALL DEALERS CIGARS That's My Business. BARBEE'S LADIES! SECRET TO Bring Back Its Color and Lus- i ter with Grandma's Sage i Tea Recipe. laTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTI HAVE YOU TRIED OUR FRESH YARD EGGS NOT OVER 48 HOURS OLD THERE'S A DIFFERENCE HILL'S MARKET Phones 4 359. '"Ask Your Neighbor" lTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIII 1 , Passed Upon and Not Found Wanting The quality of STAR MEATS have been passed upon In the supercilious high court of public opinion and unanimously pro nounced to be super-excellent. To be fully convinced that this general verdict Is absolutely cor rect r.nd impartially rendered. We Invite you to make trial purchase STAR MARKET Phones 1917, 1918 and 1919 We are successful caterers to m variety of appetite. MRS. LOX TATE I Died Sundny Afternoon at Her Home J In Forest City Iiitormoiit Yesterday. Special to The Gazette-New. Common Kiirrten sugu breued Into a hiiivy tea, with sulphur und alcohol iuHcri, will turn ftrruy, fstreakod and , fiuled hair beautifully darkn and lux tiriunt; removu every bit of dandruff, Ntop Hciilri itching and falling hair. Mixing the fnge Tea end Sulphur re iipe at home, though, its trouble some. Anenxlcr way Is to get the r'-udy-to-use tonic, coHtlng about SO I cents a lurpe bottle, ut drug stores, i known fis "Weyth's Sutte and riulphur Hiilr Itemedy," thus avoiding a lot I of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair. Is not I.ox i sinful, we all desire to retnln our youthful apepnrcnoe and attractive npas. Ty darkening your hair with bsb Wycth's Suge and Sulphur, no one I call toll, because It dues it so natural-! IV K I We Have Added Forest City, Jan. 6. Mrs. Tate died Sunday afternoon at her j home on East Main street. She had j been confined to her bed only a few i weeks but became seriously sick a few j days ago and was tiot expected to j live. Mrs, Tate was the widow of Lox Tate, who died several years ago. The deceased was about 2S yearn ' Hmall strand at a time; by morning 'of ai,'e and was the daughter of James! nil gray Jialrs have 'disappeared. After I Mcl'anlel of this place. Khe was born 1 another application or two your hair i In Hutherford county and has spent i becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft i most of her years In her native roun-1 and luxuriant and you appear years ty. She is survived by two small i younger. Schedule of Delivery 4 Wagons for 1 I)im.tlont of Oil, v. Ix-avc store at 11 a. m. and 4 p.m. Hotter service can be given when orders are 'phoned In not Inter thun 11:30 n. in., 3:30 p.m. Will npprct'iute your co-operation SHOP EARLY ! CLOSE EARLY G. F. Stradley Fancy Groceries Phone 1902 - - 3 E. Pack Square I Sleds! Sleds!! Sleds!!! Nothing will please the boy or girl right now bet ter than a SLED. A complete 'line ranging from .... 75c up to $5.00 BLOMBERG'S Sporting Goods & Toyland Store ' ON THE AVENUE ly, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw j this through your hair, taking one YOU READ THE GAZETTE-NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND WHAT YOU WANT children. Mrs. Tate was THE Vose a member of the Methodist church and a consultant Christian, The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Meth odist church and conducted by her pustnr, Rev. J. A. Howies. The inter ment was made In the Cool Spring cemetery,. to our filrendy strong line of JMANOS. Our priees sre low on high grndw 1'IANOrt. Come and see thm, whether you wish to purchase or not. Dunham's Music House I I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS .. V. If, Smith end wife to Annie I Neu I. property In West Asheville; con I slderntlon $1.1,000. I J. M. Nicholson and wife end J. R. Nicholson and wife to J. A. Jiaker, ! tracts of land on the west side of (the French IJroud river; considera tion, (1)50. j J, I and Elizabeth Ilradham to n. S. (Jiirlnml. parcels of land in tilack Mountain; consideration, 1850. I Konconmth Art l'ottery company to I Walter II. Ktephen, land in Limestone township; $5 and other valuable con i sldsratlons 4. U. Schmldlupp to Nonconnuh Agents Smith Drug Store. WANTS You can hujr Sugar from ;. 1). AIIImmi, phone 18 lit !2ft His, for 11.25 20 lbs. Jup IT $1.00 end not have lo buy sny thing you do not want. 276-7t Stocks in t Money to Every Family. Head Tliee' Prices; 3 cans No. 3 Apples. .... .2r,o. A culls No. 3 lie IVuclics, ,2C. 3 cans '(, 3 lUackberrles. ,S5 3 enns No, 3 1,'jre Hominy, ,25c, 3 cans No. 3 Pumpkin . . . .2.V. 13 liravy mek T.nimtoc. ,$1.23 12 heavy pack Hcuns. ,, .11.2.1 S.I II is. best SiiEiir $1.25 CJ. U. M.UmX, Iliono 1013, . ' . S'.5-7t THE roMHIXEP STOCKS OP THE ASHEVILLE CARPET IIOl'KE AND THE FliOOIl COVERIi DEPARTMENT OF THIS HTOUE ARE NOW BEINO OI'II'RED THE l'EOPLE OF ASHEVILLE AT if ; Special Reduced Prices 1 .'.,.... - Do:Vt fall to take advantage of the reductions the saving 1 worth eohslderation and the assortment unlimited. J. X. Smathers and Sons Z. V. CREA8MAN, freat, , Ik A. CREA6MAN, Mgr. Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Co PLUMBING HEATING GAS FITTING Agents for Acetylene Gas Generators and Compressed Ail Water Systems Biltmore, N. 0 Valves, Pumps, Water Pipe, Terra Cotut Pipe. Plaza Dldg,, l'liono 2211 I Perfection Oil Heaters WHOLESALE AND RETAIL will' keep your pipta from bursting if left burning near tliera. ' , , ' ' Warms up Hie cool orners and makes life more tolerable this cold weather. Prices $3 to $5.50. chambers & weaver. i,ivry, phone ii ; I s Mammoth Furniture Store' 15-17 North Main St. Ottis GreenHdve Co. ( jl 11 W. Padi Squaro L. . - . .i-1.- II .V!-' 11 .J.'i.ll "i1"!1 ... '! (ram's No, 24 Coies Cold Sua Crip. t-K L. ..." 1 I

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