PAGE SIX THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE - NEWS. Tuesday, January 6, 1914. 4 : 1 1 . s N1!: it iinnnanDnoannnaxrixncn SOCIAL HAPPENINGS nrTTT'i i a t mni: For Miss Laseiter. Miss Lueile Laseiter, who has been the house guest of Miss Louise Arbo fast during the Christmas and Xew Tear holidays and who in company with Miss Arbograat leaves today for Martha Washington college in Abing- i don, Va., was guest of honor at a re cent tea given by Miss Eula Arbogust. ' Miss Louise Arbogast was also a guest of honor at this function given by her j sister, which was a delightful occa-1 sion, being largely attended and most successful. The handsome Arbogost home was thrown open for the event; and b utifully decorated In holiday greene., Mrs. Ralph Arbogast served ) punch, and Mrs. Prank Gudgcr poured tea, while a salad course and other re- I freshments were served by Miss Gall Kennett and Miss Katherlne Arbogast. The tea was the second delightful so cial function given for Miss Lasaiter by her hostesses. Among the gucsw who were present were: Miss Elsie Alexander, Miss Milfred Courtney, Miss Margaret I4nn, Miss Ruth Chat field, Miss Emily Bourne, Miss' Willie Carter, Miss Cuthbert Dufour, Mis? Ilsie Gudger, Miss Adelaide Merri raon, Miss Pauline Moore, Miss Eliza beth Merrimon, Miss Sarah McLoud, Miss Dorothy Randolph, Miss Miriam Reynolds, Miss LUlle Tryon Meri wether, and her house guest, Miss Robbie Porter, Miss Mary Susie Barn ard, Miss Edith Porter, Miss Josephine Carr, Miss Louisa Coston. Miss Alma Hawthorne. Miss Edith Holmes, Miss Louise Jackson, Miss Dorothy Jenkins, Miss Dorothy George, Miss Helen Meares, Miss Alyne Reynolds, Miss Helen Nichols, Miss Mary Frances Shuford, Miss Mary Sumner, Miss j Madeline Loughran, Miss Hortense Toms, Miss Louise Walker, Miss Dor- i othea Weaver. Miss Clara Roth. Miss j Katherlne Horner, Miss Mary Wiley, j Miss Helen Moore, Miss Marv Millen-: der. Miss Elizabeth Moore, liss Mary Moore Wooldrldge. Miss Beth Taylor and Miss Hannah Jones. e? 9. -j French Sport Coats. Tn the FYench sport coats there is a ' guest at Grove Park inn. new detail. This Is the fulness at the j . U s. back below the left. The seaming of! Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Moore, accom this is covered by a belt across thejpmied by Bruce Webb, leave during back of the coat. These coats stop i the week for Florida. Their daugh- etween knees and ankles. The collar ,s large and loose about the neck; of ten It is cut with a standing roll. The revere are made so they will lap over to make a double breasted effect that closes up to the neck. There Is also a godet coat that hangs from the neck. It seems in cut like a very full circular cape in the ui'3y part, and the sleeves are either set in or shape down impercepitbly from the body of the coat. These coats button up to the neck and have an Odd little sailor collar of fur or plush that starts from the side of the neck rather than the front. They are sometimes trimmed with ruffles above the hem. New York Herald. . Keinhurdt IiOiig. Correspondence of The Gazette-News. Forest City, Jan. , 6. Miss Bertha Reinhardt and B. H. Long were mar ried in Gastonia Saturday evening about 10 o'clock. Miss Reinhardt left here in No. 36, going toward Blacksburg late Saturday afternoon, and met Mr. Long on No. li going to ward Marion, at Earle. The cere mony was performed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ramseur in Gantonia. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Long caught the last car that night going toward Charlotte, where they expect to make their home. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Reinhardt, who have been residing here for several years. She is a charming young lady and belongs to the younger toclety set of this place. The groom at the present Is employed by the Southern Power company as bookkeeper at Charlotte. His home had been in Forest City for neveral years until a few months agn. He la well known here, having been employed in the office of the Flor ence mill, and as assistant cashier of Are You an Expert on the Chafing Dish. Nothing add more zest to the CT0iiing"s pleasure or rx premies more sin cere lioepltality than a siipimv nerved by the host ess from a Chafing DImIi, the symbol of goMl fellowship. TIicnc long evenings make oc casions In which yon ran tent your skill ami practice and make daw recipes. Chafing Dish Accessories Sjoon, Fork, Flagon, Egg Poacher, Hanger, Chafing Dish Tray, Omelet or Chop Dish Yoa will find In our stock the imist uricbratad and dependable make of Chafing Ittxhos end A memo ries at reasonable prices, Arthur M. Field Co. Personal Mention, Meetings of Societies EiairTTTrrrinrT the First National bank-, at thui place three or foar years. 9. ': The following announcoment was received In the city last evening: Mrs. Alfred Elliott Bates announces the marriage of her daughter Henrietta Kates McKee to Mr. Frederick H. Brooke on Thursday, the first of January one thousand, nine hundred and fourteen Lausanne, '.Switzerland At Home 'after December, the tin?: 1737 K Street Washington, District of Columbia. . ' ! ....... Miss Sadie McBrayer lias returned to the State Normal college in Greens boro, after spending the holidays with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. I IV Mc Brayer, at their home on M'ntford avenue. m Mr. and Mrs. D. 13. Burke were dln-i ner guests yesterday at Grove Park inn. 9, 9 Grady W. Lily has returned to Lin coln Memorial university at Cumber land Gap, Tenn., after a visit to his sister, Mrs. H. E, Walter, at her home in this city. 9. If Reuben McBra.xer has returned to Philadelphia to the Culversity of Pennsylvania, after spending the holi days with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. B. McBrayer. at their home in the. city. V Henry Collins leaves tojav !'or the ; Georgia School of Technology. ! , n i Winthrop Collins and Reeve Uut ! ledge havo returned to the Episcopal I High school of Alexandria, after i spending the Christmas holidays in the citv. 9 I W. T. Selden of Richmond i. a ter. Miss Edith Moore, will return to the Asherille School for Girls, where she will remain during her parents' absence. 9 9. J. P. Patton of Richmond arrived yesterday and is a guest at the Bat tery Park lintel. 9. 9 Miisa Moore and others left yester day for Hickory to attend a dance given by Miss Gladys Reed of that place, and will join the other Asheville students leaving today for their re spective schools. and colleges in the eastern part of the state. i 'A Mrs. Robert Sites of New York city, daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mis. A. B. j Sites of this city, is Ihe guest of rel i tttives in Knoxville. Mrs. Sites was formerly Miss Margaret Milligan. A it H. B. Fowler of Charlotte is a suest at Grove Park inn. 4 Miss Sallie Walker has returned to her home on Ashland avenue from Charleston, where she bus been the guest of her brother and his fami'.y during the holidays. Clifford Arborgivst nnd Houston bogast left last night for Flshburn Military academy at Waynesboro, Va., START THE XEW YEAR ItlGirr Send in your typewriter and let us;s,nlre Donegnn. whose strong.) forte expert mechanics go over it tlior- nv( taklll(? olTI,.e has PPn reunltlntT , otigly; clean, oil and adjust it; order (.llu,,u.B whcHW tniirin ,ows liai failed" any new pans that may be ne-esary,i and put it in first ehiss shape. Tray a DU-R-V-BUL ribbon. You'll , ! sin prised ut the quality and quan- : Ity ot work you c n do with ore. J. M. II EARN & CO., Phone 418. flattery Tark l'luce. . PEEVISH. GONSTIPATED CHILDREN LOVE "CALIFORNIA i Harmless "Fruit Laxative" j Cleanses Stomach, Liver And Bowels. Look at the tongue, mother ! u I coated, it is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bowels I need a eentle. thorough cleansimr ut I : once. j ' When peevish, cross, listlss. pale, j doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or ilren 0 f all nges, and for grownups is fereish, stomach sour, breath bad, I plainly on each bottle. Beware of has stomach ache, sore throat dlarrh-j counterfeits sold here. Get the genu oea, full of cold, give a teaspionful 1 ino, made by "California Fig Syrup of "California Syrup of Figs," and in Company." Refuse any other kind a few hours all the foul, constipated with contempt. after spending the holidays with their! perents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Arbo gast. at their home on Montford av enue. . I!'''. F. A. .7. Millard Of New York arriv ed yesterday and is a guest at Grove Park inn. , ' "' ''' W, P. Forbes of Richmond is a guest at Grove Park inn. . ' 9 Charles E. Wadell has returned from a business trip to Charlotte. 5 9, 'Miss Marv Moore Wooldrldgo leaves todav for Wilmington, where she will join her mother, Mrs. Thomas J. Wool dride, as the guest of her brother-! in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. WII - liam Augustus Wright. 'm 4 S. E. Gates of Statesville and Miss Corinne Lfindes of Durham were dinner guests last evening nt Grove Park inn. H X Miss telsie .Alexander" lea es for Raleigh to continue her studies at; St. Mary school, utter spemlluit th' holidays with her parents. Mr. and; Mrs. James L. Alexander, n! their i ! home oh Montford avenue. 1 9 . Mrs. Neil B. Wilson is ill with the j grip at her home on South French Broad avenue. . , 9 I W. C. Ruble is a guest at the Bat-' tery Park hotel from Newport, Tenn. ; V. J, Battery Dodsoii. is registered nt the Park hotel from Jackson- ville. 9 9 J. D. Wilier is in Asheville from j Jackson, Miss. ! 9, 9 ' Mrs. T. W. Walter is a gueHt at tho 1 Battery Park hotel from Alabama. . 9, 9. I H. L. Vest is registere d at the Bat-1 ti-ry Park hotel from Richmond. 9, 9, (Continued on page 9 EARS IIAXTAM WITT. Six Foot Giant lrpfi-rs .Tail to Lire With Irate Little Mate. A hurried marriage four months ago, which ended in Squire Donegun'e court nere, nere, orougiu 10 ngiu B business, lawsuits, separations, di remarkable case of oi erpowerlng by . v01.,.et. ...j speculations, telling you a strapping 6.2-foot husband weigh ing 210 pounds of a wee wife weigh ing not over 95 pounds and nieasur- ,HiB nuniL t a uu iies m neiSni. Jonn turnoK, an engineer, who said happy marriages; give good luck; de he was 19 years old, all the while velop a Becret vnu should know the furtively glancing at his wife, and i power 0f Control. without a trace of shame, told Squire' J Parlors quiet; business confidential. Uonegan that he dared not remain I ?pecia! low price this week only, with his wife Betty, because she wa!jjourK 5,) a nl-- to 8 p. m. , in the habit of administering corporal l , - n Ar-:,nat t,ho woulfl eventually kill him. l'ile in anger. j i Cubick was arrested for desertion on a charge made by his frail little- -iwlfe, who rteelnres thst he had left: 'here several weeks ago, and had1 tsint't. rpfiispil to rirovirle fop lir. I in 1 DRINK BETTER COFFEE AND SAVE ONE-THIRD WE SELL THE CELEBRATED MAKE MANNING BOWMAN QUALITY WE HAVE THE IX ALL SIZES 1 PIXT SIZE (2 cup) 3 I'IXT SIZE (G Cup,) 4 PIXT SIZES (8 Cup-; & PINT SIZE (10 Cup,; ti VARA TEEI TIIKSE PERCOLATORS ARE Gl'AH ANTEEH TO MAKE HETTER AMI MORE HEL1CIOVS COU'EE THAX BY ANY OTHER PltWl'SS. J. II. LAW, 35 Patton Ave. Blankets, Comforts & Heaters WOOL RLANKETS It to lift pair COTTON BLANKETS, good values IJ.ftO MIXED HT.ANKETS at ' M.OO and $.MJ COAL HEATERS from .., t ...... S3 to tiiO.OO BEAUMONT FURNITURE COMPANY 27 South Main Street. The Home c: Furniture Values. COME t and avoid X VEGETABLES and FRUITS Yates & PHONE 334 X Phones 1715 and 1716. SYRUP OF FIGS" waste undigested food ana som- wie i peuuy moves out vi 110 1111.10 uuri I and you have a well, playful child i again. I You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless fruit laxative; they 've Its delicious, taste and it always makes them feel splendid, Ask your druggist for a 60 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, chil- to work as guarantee, tried In a kind ly way to persuade Cubick to return the little woman, but the big engi neer refused to listen to such a plan. Trembling violently, he protested that he was "afraid." j "She will kill me, squire, when she I gets in one of her 'tantrums," d'eelar I ed Cubick. "You don't know her. She ; is little, but she is a wilcat when she's ! mad. She's beat ine up several times : with different things, and I know j what she will do if she ever gets me i tn that house ugaln. The last time Islie hit me with a shovel and opened P'P m-v ,lpna- sir' wro; sena me 1 Jull.'.'TH glady go; but you are noi- KnK t me alone wltn Bettle ftS Ko lree..M ! "All right," said Squire ' Douegan. "Its ! for you,, and you can stay mere as long as you wisn. Thanks," said 'Cubick;' "but please make my wife leave here before you take me."- Dispatch to Philadelphia Record. School Hygiene, ' Should lunches be provided -by the public schools? Shall the open-air class room replace the closed room? Clairvoyant and Palmist Are You Willing to be Convinced? PROF. CHEIRO HAS RETURNED j BY SPECIAIj 1SKQCEST 1 I do hereby agree and guarantee to ' make no. ohefrgea if 1 fail to tell you "your name, occupation, and what you call for. I promise to tell you whether ' husband, wife or sweetheart is true lor false; tell you whom and when you I will mnrry; in fact, tell you every j hope, fear or ambition of your life j giving truthful advice on matters of what business, or profession you are suited fr; what to do and where to 'go to bring success. I reunite the sep- i nrated, restore lost affections, cause FRUITS, CANDIES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO j ' BUiOW KRW1X & JAS. R. HAKE 21 X. Main Street. EARLY the rush. fcve our FUES1I 1 McGuire CITY MARKET ? 37 Haywood Street 7, Should school janitors be trained san- Itariariana? Do we need dental clinics for all school children? These are a few of the many phases of health supervision discussed pro and con In a bulletin on school hygiene Just issued by the ITnlted States bu reau of education. Tho bulletin is a report of a re cent international congress of school hygiene, and 'therefore practically amounts to a symposium of health matters by leading physicians and ed ucators. Dr. MacMlllan of Chicago describes some of the factors that prevent normal growth in school children; Dr. Knopf of New York of fers brief practical suggestions on health; several well ' known school architects question the need of the present expensive ventilation appa ratus used in American school houses; while -one New York architect, deep ly impressed with the force of the open-air propaganda, describes a spe cial open air school building con structed on a much more elaborate scale than those now in use. Brief statements on this, and other phases of school hygiene by 60 school men and physicians are included in the bureau bulletin. , The work of the dental clinics in Philadelphia, Hartford, Boston, Cin cinnati, Cleveland and other cities; how children's eyes can be cared for during the period of school attend ance; the psychological clinic and the spread of the movement for mental classification of children; the 'effects of athletics on health: these and many other features of the health supervision movement are discussed in the bulletin. I GI.TXFjSS and wisdom 'Homely" People Not KcreesarUy More Intelligent Than . , Others. , . ' A correspondent, presumably him self not a habitual competitor in beauty contests, credits another who had noted the liking of "homely" peo ple for freBh air with accuracy of ob servation, but charges him with fal lacy of dedution. The unfavored of nature, declares the critic, have not, as stated, greater need than others for fresh air, but, being more sensible than the others, they better realize its benifits and seek It more persis tently, Passing over the lamentable, but probably Irremediable, misuse of the word "homely" by both of theso dis. putants, one turns with interest to the interesting question whether the unbeautiful aro or are not more in telligent than the beautiful. That there exists, and always ,has existed, a somewhat widespread, al most general, impression of belief of that sort Is true, but perhaps It rests on nothing better than the fact that, the more or less ugly folk vastly out numbering the really good looking, they have blown their own horns lon ger and louder than the minority, and 16 Patton Avenue Asheville, N. C. At This Clearance Sale The most phenomenal opportunities ever offered in high class apparel for women await you here. The Price Reductions Embrace our entire stock of handsome Tailored Suits, Gowns,, Coats, Furs and Fur Coats. . New Stock Each Season It Is our Inflexible policy to start each season with a brand new stock therefor we adopt this stringent method of disposing of all winter garments at quick selling clearance prices. YOUR INSPECTION Baltimore Dental Rooms Over Nichols Shoe Store Phone 1541. KANTLEEK Water Buttles, two (jiiurt, at 11.60 and Kantleek Fountain Kyrlnges, two quart, at It rep. resent splendid values. This value Is still further enhanced by a two years guarantee. We have cheaper goofs but advise purchasing the Kantleek us In the end they will give the most satisfactory service. Graafs Phannscy Drugs andr Seeds. i TA Quickest, SimpUst Cough Ritnedy Easily C-aly ata ait Heme. SaveelfBUtt. Tliis plsn nukes a pint , of oougb nvrup enough to last a family a long time. You couldn't buy as much or -at eood cough syrup for $2.50. Simple at it is, It gives almost In stant relief and mually conquers an ordinary cough in 24 hours. This if partly due to the fact that It is slightly laxative, stimulates the appetite and bas an excellent tonic effect. It if pleasant to take children like it. As excellent remedy, too, for whoomns cough, spasmodic croup and bronchial asthma, ..... ... Mix one pint of eTanulated sugar with Vi pint of warm water, and stir for i minutes. Put fiV4 ounces of Pinez (flftj cents' worth) in a pint bottle, and add the Sugar Syrup. It keeps perfectly. Take a teaspoonful every one, two 01 three hours. . . , , . Pine is one of the oldest and ben irnown remedial agents for the throat momhranra. PineX is a most valuable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract, and is rich in uuaiscol and other natural healing elements. Other preparations will not work in tbiE combination. The prompt results from this mixture have endeared it to thousands of house wives in the United States and Canada which rxplains why the plan has bees imitated often, but never successfully. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. Your druggist hai Pinex, or will get it for you. If not send to The Pinex Co., Ft, Wayne, Ind half convinced the latter, as well as themselves, that they the ugly ones have a consolatory superiority. Per haps, again, stern necessity has com pelled the ugly, to get along at all, to cultivate brain more assidiously than it has been necessary for the beautiful to do. Theoretically, however, beauty is the result of and dependent on so much more than a mere superflcal ac cidentis 'so much more than skin deep, as the silly proverb says that doubt as to the correctness of the common supposition is fully justified Beauty: means health and lineage properly called good. It therefore de serves all the admiration it receives, and those who make degrogatory re marks about beauty and its po saes- sors would every one be glad to ac cept it, with all it srisks, if they could. New York Times. Houses In Japan. Nearly all the dwelling houses In Japan are of one general shape and two stories high. They are put to gether by a curious method ot mortis ing, at which these people are adepts, no nails being used. 'The Store For Women Who Know." IS ALL WE ASK Park & Tilford Fresh Candies 60c to $2. per pound. C. Sawyer FILMS DEVELOPED s lOelo" ' WAIT, OH BRING FILMS TO ROBINSON'S KODAK STORE Haywood rr. Amirim-, M. c Trial to all i ask. W THE KELLER AND SON'S PIANO , has been sold to about 100 customers In Western North Carolina and la undoubtedly the best medlum-vrtcad PIANO on the market. It Is sold at 1271 on the small paymenta of M.OO A MONT1L Tou cannot get as good a piano for leos monny a ic where. FALK'O MUSIC HOUSE Water-Proof Shoes-Rubbers Don 't take that cold and ;ret sick for the need of a pair i RUBBERS or good Heavy Shoes, with "Water Proof Soles. "We are ready for snow trouble? if you come here. Rubcera 60c to $1.00. Cheaper Grades in Bargair Annex.'';: Nichols Shoe Co. And Our Bargain Annex Cash Shoester - - On the Square Shampooing, Hairdressing. Facial Massage and Chiropod MISS CRUISE'S SHOP Phone 16 - - 23 Haywood St, MANICURING- YOUR PHOTOGRAPH Nothing will add more to the : Xew Year pleasure of friends and kin folks at home. MoQarry'8 Studio Next to Cltr HaU, Pack Square JTEW FIREWORKS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Latest shipment of Sweet Florida Oranges 40c peck, 10c to SOo dos. lest than lc each. New crop nutu 20c lb. Cranberries 10c. quart. Candy from lc to 6O0 lb. PHONE jonr order to 1631- 41 E. College . . . B. M. SHEPHERD Lyerly Motor Co. AUTOS FOR HTRI kj the day, trip or hour. Reasonable fiatei PHone 1651 10 W. CoUew Si AMER1CATWJ UNDERSLUNQ 1( "AMERICAN CJfDERSLVNG" Two passengers. Motor. 4 cylinder; SI horsepower. Wheelbase, 1)6 Incbea; tires, S6.SH all around on Q. D. de mountable rims. FULL EQUIPMENT IKCLTJDE3: ISO Warner 40-mlle speedometer; handsome plate glass windshield; pos itive self-starter; fins mohair top, tcp boot and storm curtains; full nickel trimmings; eleotrto lighting outfit complete with generator; dual Igni tion system with high tension magne to, storage battery and single unit coll; ona extra rim; horn; Jack: tin pump; complete tool kit and tire re pair outfit BLUE RIDGE MOTOR CO. IS Bo. Main St. Phone ISM 80 Per Cent off On ALL Trimmed Ilatf Sproat's Millinery PAHLOR9 Oatca HI rig. Pack Square CHICHESTER S PILLS VCv . THE tmuoND RaARB.r & Lfl.tat.AIWMl SOll BT KTliGGlSTS mmUfRf Laundry Phone 70 roar uusdrr wfeH. S 1 - aim kiMM. W I ff prwv A.Mt7iiV7ii-Tra I Jf bi.aan aaK riLIs. m Phone your "wants" to 102. y f