J I Saturday, January 10, jgjj PAGE SIX THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS. s " l I' ll f r M inn H J J-JDDDDDUUUUULXJUUC OOCIAL 5 HAPPENINGS TTTTTTTTTnnnnnrTTTTTTTTT Informal Dance. The guests of the Knickerbocker en tertained last evening: with an infor mal dance which proved a delightful ufCair. The large parlors and hall of Mrs. Harris' residence were thrown into one and with some of the holiday decorations still remaining formed a pleasing setting for the event. Inspir ing music .was furnished by an orches tra, and at 11 o'clock punch and cake were served. The guests attending; were: Mrs. Reed, Miss Lamond, Mrs. Sohwejpart. Mrs. M. H. Harris, Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. S. II. Davis, Mrs. Joy Wellford, Miss Emily Glenn, Miss Dorothy George, Miss Billy Ball, Miss Margaret Graham, Miss Eu pronia La Comp, Miss IJllte Tryon Meriwether,,. Mrs. J. A, Glenn, Miss Gladys Blair. Mrs. Bateman, and Mr. McClellan, Edwin Gudger, Mr. Southerland, Fred Gates, John Car roll, Albert Low, Elbert Chambers, Stevens McHenry, Alvin Glenn, W. S. Dickson! Mr. Kins, J. K. Dickson, and J. R. Law. S . . Ardcn Note. ,-, , . ., I Correapondence of The Gazette-Ne s. I Arden. Jan. 10:Arnong the- yo-ung; people home for the Chrlatmu ; hoi - .w m. nni- iciuiwcu hi me., "'- ous schools and colleges are Miss Susannah Wetmore. Miss Dorothy Harris, Don Harris and Wnodtin Clay ton, Mr. and Mrs. Murk Garre'n have moved to their new homo at Craggy. Christ school opened on lin a boouiv numut-r in pupus. aim ...... , Miss Adams opens lior private school next Monday. Mrs. Justice and Miss Duulop enter tains the next , meeting of the Book club. William Justice is visiting his aunt. Mrs. Sumner at Fh-tcher. V t AVIiite Mouses. In white blouses a color note is struck that is decidedly novel. This Is lone by introducing little ornaments , th or without dangling fringe pend ints, of the new, bright colored beads, such as we have been wearing as chains strung on tasselled cords. Be sides thlf, little inset corners of Ori ental and persian embroidery are in troduced, and these strong colors, against the white crepe or goltine, give a toumh that is both new and inter esting. Sleeves are both long and short, but there are more long than short ones. The short ones stop just above or just below the elbow. New York Herald. . The many friends of Mrs. Thomas Wetmore of Christ's school, Arden, and her daughter. Miss Susanna Wet more. will be interested In hearing mm. me L.uee m-iskb un tne am u..- tlve calendars being sent out byi,,,w Ratlm. ppl. ,,i ' : (Christ's school are the original com- j position of Miss Wetmore. Much fa-i vorablo comment has been heard upon I Miss Wetmore's work. I The McDowell Music, club will en-i tertaln with a recital this afternoon at the Asheville School of Musical Art i W. A. Hildebrand has returned j from a stay of several weeks in Flor ida with Mrs. Hildebrand and Mr. and! Mrs. B. C. Goodwill. j Mrs. Kope Elias is visiting her niece. Miss Kate Robinson, at home in Franklin. r. The Advisory hoard of .the her i Asso- elated Charities will meet on Monday at 11 o'clock. As this Is an important! meeting it is hoped that as many members as possible will be present. n v. Langren hotel arrivals: W. L. Phil lips of Atlanta; E. G. Sprinkle of Ital-j i Do you always uajnviiw SILVER NAPKIN RINGS are made in a variety of styles and sizes and there is always a place for the engraving of your initials or name. SILVER OBLONG NAPKIN RINGS, that will not roll, engraved, plain and with English bead edge, cost from $1.25 to $4.25. SILVER ROUND NAPKIN RINGS are made ornate by the art of the en graver or chaser, while some are left per fectly plain. The prices vary from 90c to $4.00. SILVER NAPKIN HOLDERS or Clips, slip over the edge of the folded nap kin. They are generally made in pierced designs and cost from 90c l6 $1.25. Arthur M. Personal Mention, Meetings of Societies eigh; John Simpson of Greenville, S. C; Mrs. Maxwell Curtis of Ohio; U Blum of Baltimore; F. R. Bailey of Chicago: C. C. Willey of Savannah; W, Willis of New York: K. M. Hof nelly of Greensboro; 11. F. Watchurst of Louisville. Miss Beatrice Fullam and I Miss Annie Laurie Merrill, who have been the guests of Miss Mamie Williams in Rutherfortlton, have returned home. K Mrs. Fred Seely will give a dinner this evening at Grove Park inn for Mrs. Nellie Peters Black of Atlanta. Mrs. Lewis Ellas anil her. throe small children, who have been the guests of Mrs. Melvin Carter, Mrs. Elias' mother, at her home in Ashe ville during the holidays, have re turned to their residence on All Souls' Crescent in Biltmore. A tango tea was eivf-ri vi'rdav afternoon at the Battery Park hotel I for the guests and a number of town ' pcopie. i no tea was the first of a ovm-a ueuig inaugurated ana was suc- cessfu, and enJoViVblp. Tne nff.llr tot,k pat.e ,n tne ba room of , , an hour of uanelna;' to excellent music beino: followed hv the ten ! Utimbougli West. News has been received in the- rily of the 'marriage, of Lieutenant Wil liam Whitehead West of the Culled Htnt.''C Hl-mvr ,i,l MJ..j L,.,V,. , , . ..1. "o-.. . ,. iiuiiiuimKii, s A an(j si!(tt;r (lf Lieutenant j ly itumhniic i .it' v.,rt n;i ej". ivnii'il o; i curred on ednesday at the home of -(the bride in Kansas. Lieutenant West! is the son .of . Mr. and Mrs. W.'.IV.! West of Asheville and spent his buy-! hood in this city at the home of his. parents. Campobello on Chestnut street. He has many friends and I leiuuws in mis city ami rcuadeiphiu h i,., ., m ,.-. i.i. ., , . i ...... ..... tirai Mini puMMtlie OL HIS wedding. The event had been post- poned from time to time during the j fall on account of the Mexican situa- i tion which caused tlv groom's trans fer to the border. The wedding was attended by the groom's sisu-r. Mrs. Roland Sletor Morris of Philadelphia and Asheville, who was formerly Miss Augusta B. T. Uhlpuen .West and who went to Fort Riley "from her home in Philadelphia for the wedding. Other members of the family were unable to be present. The bride is said to be a charming and attractive young lady, ! tujujiiiK mucn popularity in army clr- cles. Lieutenant West, who is of a; ,! iiuonii aim uismiguisnea iamuy, has met with much success in his profession. . Mr. and Mrs. William Hallinger of Keokuk, lowa. arrived yesterday fur n vi ,t t 4shf vlll., unrl nra ,t. m. ! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Langhrun will el'.e a birthday party for their small daughter, Margaret on Monday af ternoon, in honor nf her seventh birthday. 4 4 Mrs. B. Dowling has returned, after spending the holidays at Green Covu Springs In Florida. , 4 4 Lancasteh W. W. of Spartanburg nr.RA-ui t itinnuNs excel all others because of our spec ial inking process. The ink Is not merely put on or soakd Into the cloth, but is squeezed through and Into every bit of the ribbon until it is in integral port of It we want you to give DL-ItA-BUL; RIBBONS the hardest test you Tcnow the results will prove their worth. J. M. HEARN A CO., Phone 418. Battery Turk riace. j use your own Field Co. i i I ML m GREAT CHANGE IN TWENTY YEARS Shaw Lady Looks Younger In stead cf Older With Lapse Of Time. Shaw, Miss. Mrs. V. N. Smith, of this city, ment of makes an interesting state lier experiences, as follows: "Twenty-nine years ago, I contracted a serious form of womanly trouble. We called in our family physician, and he treated me for it, but it seemed to do no good. It went on into other bad troubles, and I commenced taking all kinds of medicines to see if I could get relief, but to no avail. I suffered with that trouble up until eleven years ago, when I read about I Cariltii, the woman's tonic, and bought a full treatment. It relieved mo at unce. and after taking the full treat ment. I am now well and stout. 1 sent my brother, whom I had not so'en in twenty years, one of my 'photo graphs, and he wrote me that I looked younger than when ho last suw me." For more than 50 years, Cardui has been relieving women's sufferings, and building weak women up to health and strength. No other tonic gives the samo results as Cardui. No other woman's medicine has the long record of success In treating cases of woman- weakness and disease. Cardui will surely help yuv Try it. N. is, Write tu: Dept.. Chattanooga Ladies' Advisory Medicine Co., for "Special In- Chattanooga, Tonn., . ,, , ,. , , . , structlons, and M-page book. "Home Treatment for Women." Sent In plain! wrapper, on request, . I i : j Park hotel.: jonc to At- weeks to! ' ; Isa guest Mrs. P. lanta for friends. at the .Daltery H. Mears has a visit of two 4 Miss Laura Carter, ho has been the guest of her sister Mrs. Theodore F. Davidson, for two weeks, has re- turned to Dobbs Kerry. 4 Crawford W. S. Xew York ar-l rived yesterday and is a guest at the I Battery park hotel . j m. a ' Miss Eleancr T. Wood and Miss N'i- na Taylor of Kurlington, N. Y ar- rived yesterday and-are guests at the linttn- Park l.orol .. mm Little Miss Bertha Stevenes was given a birthday tifternon by her mother, Mrs. S. M. Stevens, at her home on Cumberland avenue. A num ber of the small friends of the little guest of honor were Invited in for the occasion, which was much en joyed. ' j The following program will be given by the Urore Pari; tnn orchestra to morrow evening, under the direr tion i of C. F.dwjn White: j March, "The Commando" Selection. "Ad-le" ...Carter Briquet Lend of Klein Suite of five, " The Birds" la I The Canaries, (b) The Robins, tc'i Th Eagles, till The Ku-nlliittri. j Fadcrewski ... .Thomas' ! e) The MghtlnnuU-. jjmuei OveiturJ, 'Havniond ' (Continues on pago t) BATH ROOM MIRRORS . VK.KV BKST ItKVF.I.KU K I) ti E PLATE til.ASS MinitORS Fit AM F.D IX XR'AT WHITK MOULDING. BIZKH WITH riUCEB lUx , 73 tii li.on 1UI3 $1.23 11x12 $145 16UJ .50 20x11 $2.50 28x11 $2.75 Children's Rockers CHAIRS AND TABLE CHAIRS AT SPECIAL RE DUCED PRICES. 50 PER CENT. OFF. BEAUMONT FURNITURE COMPANY 27 South Main. Street. The Home oi Furniture Values. ii Just Received . Ani.'elotof HOME GROWN CELERY. Yates & McGuire City Market H. M. Warren, Mgr. - -. . - . Phcno 334 USEFUL AND PRETTY. Just What the House wife Will Like COIIK BAG OK BtiCK LiNLN. Corks lire one of the little things one can never find wtion there is use for tuem. This little cork bag is the clev er idea of un Ingenious housekeeper who believes in "a . place for every thing uud everything In Its place." The bag is built of blue linen, witb a band of cietonno as a decoration To the eud of the bag is attached a nwl-o W,nr eorwstrtw. Homemade Flowerpot., Flowerpots of any size or desliju Iu!'y l wnde of plaster of parls in the following way; First secure a mold ol the desired size, lit must be smooth upon tbo outside and the top a little larger than the bottom. Grease thi mold nnd cover it with paper. Ml:, plaster of purls one part, water twi and one-half parts, and Into this sola tlou dip Inch wide strips of mtisliu. invert the mold and cover the hot torn with it square of muslin that ha beet) dipped in the plaster mixture. j Tben. tipou the rami' plan that asm j sou employs to adjust n plaster rnst i begin to wind (llugoiiall.v, around unc around, vvur k!inf from bottom to to and then back agitiu, smoothing out j the creases and keeping the strips j even. Wheu the last layer is in plait- add a generous coating of the plaster nibbing it level, by the hnnd. Set In u stroni; current of air, and In a short time the mold can be removed. . The strips of uiusllu sliuul'd be about ten inches long to manage easily, and the size of the pot will govern'tbe number used, ns a lnrgi oue will re I quire more in order to product) a beat i lur article. 1 TUt' last coating can he 'stamped . tvlth any ornamental Impression oi ' beautifully marbled by dusting u lit tie powdered lye upou it before tlnlsli i '"I,- Soon Gets Over It. "What Is the honeymoon. paV "Well, the honeymoon Is the only period in a man's life during which lit considers it funny to come home and find that his ticnr little wife linsu't ; dinner ready In lltne." 5s J. 5 ? w 1 H S S S " a a a R t1 Y H S ; . J B f- 2 A ? a 7 3 jS - m S , 3 H, -' JnF'M$- ' i NEVBRQ'S HERPIG1DE SAVES SAVES If you want to free your head of dandruff and stop falling hair, you must sooner or later resort to New bro's Herplclde. By using Herplclde first you save yourself worry, which Is desirable, you save money, which is a consideration, and save your hair, which Is the most important of all. Why not profit by the experience of Mrs. S. A. Lee, of 110 South 4th Street, Richmond, Va., who writes: "Four years' residence In ' India ruined my hair until it was but two inches long and very thin. I tried everything In Europe and America without benefit until I was Induced to use Herpeclde. My hair Is now long, soft and silky and natural color, while before It was quite gray. My friends never tire of admiring my hair." ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS R. Pinckney Taylor and wife to E. N. Atkinson, parcels of land on Rags dale creek; consideration $75. S. 'P. Bryce and wife to B.- P'earl man, tracts of land looated on Buxton street; consideration $900. 16 Patton Avenue Asheville, N. C. At Our Present Reduced Prices You can well afford tlie purchase of an extra Suit, Dress or Coat, The class of garments we handle you all know to be distinctive in style and of the highest grade materials and workmanship the prices though are lower than ever before. Your Inspection, is all we ask. v The New Offerings Corteccnl silks for three cents a, spool; Rlrhardon's Embroid ery silks Ave skeins 10 cents; two papers Milliards Needles for 5 cents. These aro Just a few lu-ms that will Interest every wo man in Asheville. lUbbons, Embroideries, Laces, Edlnra, Cord and Lace Fancy Trlnunlngs, Vndcrvear, and the small amount of yard good. In fact, everything left over from the old Mum power Mock except Shoes, Hosiery and Men's Dress Shirts, will be .Im sold at about 23 per cent, less than wholesale cost. Every price bon llde, every statement in this ad true. We will soon have In a line of tino Shoos for Men, Women, Children, and a complete line of Men's Furnishings ALL HIGH UBADE, at POPULAR PRICES. CALL SHOE CO. 17 South Main St. Baltimore Dental Rooms Over Nichols Shoe tftor Phone Ifttl. KANTLEEK Water Bottles, two quart, at f 1.50 and K&ntlek Fountain Syringes, two auart, at 12 rep resent splendid values. This value Is still further enhanced by a .two years guarantee. W . havs chsapsr goods but .idvtee purchasing th Kantleek as In the ond they will give th most satisfactory servlct. Grant's Pharmacy 'Drugs and Seeda 1'ilRY, HHY, SAVES THE ill Mrs. Lee's story is a typical history of hair troubles. After everything else fails Newbro's Herplclde brings relief. It would be just as effective If used first. Newbro's Herplclde makes the ac cumulation of dandruff Impossible and prevents falling hair. It stops Itch ing of the scalp almost instantly. io matter what the claims of others, Herplclde is the only "genuine lrigln nal dandruff germ destroyer.'' Newbro's Herpeclde in 60c and $1.00 sires is sold by all dealers who guarantee U to da all that is claim ed. If you are not satisfied your money will be refunded. Applications at good barber shops. Send 10c for sample bottle to the Herplclde Co., Dept. R., Detroit, Mich. Smith's Drug Store Special - Agents. Methodist Colony company to Lon A. Mallonee, lands situated in -Black Mountain; consideration $1009,:'" J. L. Owens and wife to M. A. Bolch, property on Adams street; V0. and other valuable considerations. V B. Pearlman and wife to S. P. Bryce, property located on Park ave nue; consideration $2350. , "The Store For Women Who Know." Store Has for Ladies Phone 1916, Asheville Park & Tilford Fresh Candica 60c to $2. per pound. C. Sawyer FILMS DEVELOPED if 10c Uiir. nit ROBINSON'S t HATWOOD BT. V Trial la all w ask. W THE LELLER AND SON'S PIANO has been sold to about ttO customers In W(ern North Carolm and Is undoubudly the bent medium-priced PIANO on the market It Is sold at 1271 on the small payments of gS.Ofl A MONTH. You cannot get as good a piano for lens monoy an-iwhere. TALK'S MUSIC HOUSE V Iran At 10 off for 10 Days BARGAIN ANNEX OF TBI Nichols Shoe CoA On the Square - - Cor. Ji. Mala S, CHILDREN CHANGE rapidly grow up and leave home hh fore you know It A photograph every once in t while and you will always have them. MCGARRY'S STUDIO Pack Square - - - Next City Hit NOTICE ! We wish to call the attention of the i ladies of Asheville to the opportultsj they have of having their skin treat-! ed by an expert Marlnello operator. Supefluous hair removed -without J pain by the electric needle, Miss Cruise's Shop 23 Haywood St. - - - - Phone is f NEW FIR E WORKS' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . - J Latest shipment of Sweet Florida Oranges 40c peck, 10c to 30c doz. lea i. than lc each. Xew crop nuta 20c It. r Cranberries 10c. quart. Candy from 8c r to 60o lb. PHONE your order to 1631 41 E. College - - - B. M. SHEPHERD Lyerly Motor Co, AUTOS FOR HIRI ky the day, trip or hour. Seasonable Gates Phone 1651 10 W. CoUew St AMER1GATWJ UNDERSLUNG "AMERICAN UNDERSLtTNG" Two pxssengers. Motor, 4 cylinder; i 85 horsepower. Wheelbase, 1)5 Inches; tires, 80x8 all around on Q. D. de I mountable rims. PULL EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: ' $50 Warner 0-ml!e speedometer; I handsome plate glass windshield; pot ; Itlve self-starter; fine mohair top, top : boot and storm curtains: full nickel ! trimmings; electrlo lighting outfit complete with generator; dual Ignl tion system with hrh tension magne to, storage battery and single unit coll; one extra rim; horn; Jack; tlrt pump; complete tool kit and tire r palr outfit BLUE RIDGE MOTOR CO. j I So. Main St . Phons 18M SO Per Cent off On ALL Trlmmel Hau Sproat's Millinery PARLORS Gates Bldg. Pack Square A Crushing Come Back. "I started to tell my wife about s woman wb$ made her own gowns." "Well?' "She capped my story witb one ahput a man who made a million dollars."- ! Louisville Courier-Journal. CHICHESTER S PILLS .THE MAHOND HaAKD.r A immiiIM, ftUktt. Alvwrt smD Br ORunnrsTS fvt mum ALL 1A ' PER R0LL RRTVd rrrva rr KODAK STORE AJHETTLIJI. H. C. Laundry Phone 70 your latisdrv wtv 4oia. .. 'IIU la IU4 ld t.-14 JV V. JI blAMuSB IIBAM riLI.(U aaaw mm m r h Phontt year wants" to 19J.