-day, January 10. 1911. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE - NEWS. PAGE NINE MIIIII1CIAL tocks, Bonds, . Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Mon eyNew York, New Orleans, Chicago and Foreign Market News. SEW YORK STOCK LIST. Close. ;amated Copper ........ . Beet Sugar ........... . . Cotton Oil ........ Smelt & Refining Sugar Refining......... r.Tel, & Tel... onda Mining Co. . ....N.. son ... ttic Coast Line. more & Ohio klyn Rapid Transit....... dian Pacific . . apeake & Ohio ........... ago' & Northwestern ..... ago, Mil. & St. Paul...... rado Fuel Iron........ rado & Southern........... ware & Hudson er & Rio Grande........ ral Electric ... ......... t Northern pfd. ........ .. t Northern Ore. ctfa...... ils Central ............ . . borough-Met. ... ....... borough-Met. pfd ........ r Harvester ............ svllle & Nashville........ 72 24 38-H 83 104 H 119 . 34 94 116 89 88 207 - 60 128 100 Vt 30 26 lfl 16 :28 141 126 33 107 i 14 60 106 134 25 ourl Pacific . , Kans. & Tex. 18 149 !gh Valley tonal Lead .......... r York Central . ... . folk & Western . . . . . rthern Pacific, ex div. . nnsylvania. .......... ople's Gas .. illman Palace Car . . . . adins ...... ck Island Co. ick Island Co. pfd. . , . . uthern Pacific! ........ ithern Hallway ...... ion Pacific .......... ted States Steel ted States Steel pfd.. bash . . . rtern Union ... . . . . . v Haven ... 45 89, 100 109 110 123 162 169 13 20 91 23 157 69 107 8 59 76 COTTON FUTURES OPENING. New York. Jan. 10. Cotton futures or ned steady:' J uary J ch, Si , Ji y ...... .. .. .. .. .-. 0 ober 12.09 12.40 12.30' 12.2 11.60 LIVERPOOL. COTTON Liverpool, Jam 10 .Cotton spot ill business; prices Arm middling r 7.67; good middling 7.83; mlddl - 7.05; low middling (.81; good or- ary E.81. Sales 3,000 Including 2, 9 American and 300 for speculation 1 export. Receipts 28,000 including 27,600 lerlcan. Futures closed, quiet and ady. City News Rev. A. E. Brown, the well known iperlntendent of the Mountain :hool for the Southern Baptist con entlon, will preach at the Blltmore aptlst church at the If o'clock ser Ice Sunday morning. All are invited o avail themselves of the opportunity f attending this special service. i There1 will be a call meeting of the Pastors' Association at "10 o'clock Monday morning at the Y. M. C. A, to hear the report of the committee on "Sunday amusements." It is desired hat each pastor Bhall bring with him an representative layman from his :hurch. f Rev. Calvin B. Waller, pastor of the First Baptist church, will use as his iheme tomorrow morning, "Entering in .roy or Thy Lord"; andat night '"A Tale That Is Told." a story of the record of human lift. f Blltmore Baptist church Rev. Wil 'Ham II. Moore, pastor. Preaching ev cry Sunday at 11 a. m. and at night prayer meeting every Wednesday night; Sunday school every Sunday at i a. m., M. W. Hamrlck, superin tenaent Ceeil Rhodes' Egg. Cecil Rhode used to take a coop of bens on board to provide fresh eggs oa bis numerous voyages between Eng land and Soatb Africa. But tboso wort three weeks' Journeys, and not a mere Ave day crossing of tu Atlantic. Hence another promioent South Afri can personage was asked why bo did not follow Rhodes example and pro vide blmself with the luxury of new laid eggs at tea. "Oh, I don't bother to tako coop of fowls on board." bo replied, "but I tip tbo bos'ua who looks after Rhodes bona, and I get abodes' eggs. ( The Count's Hdg. Tbe Hsgua was originally M oners anting station of tbo coasts of Hol land. Its nam freely translated meant "the count' bed ire," The tit tle town Brut ros to Importance In 1527, wben It was mads tbo teat or tbe supremo court of Holland. In 1(184 It became tbe place of isaembly of tbo states general and tbe residence of tbe tadtholder. tine wbep.lt bas been the diplomatic conference plac of Eu rope. Diesel lent. "PtiarlM Aar" aalll .Alinf sirs. Torkina, "tb cook Ji tbo I going to ie. "Whet torF ' 'She says the Welib rabbits w mile In tbo rhaflng dUh glv ber getlon." Washington Star lodl TO SAVE r.IILLIOUS 111 ROAD WASTE ogan W. Paga JMes Tests cf Materials. BUILDS MODEL HIGHWAYS. Director of Publio Road dives Advioe to Farmer and Other Who Wish to Make Transportation of Crops Easter, .Durability of Material Differs. In an effort to prevent waste of mil lions of dollars annually la tbe distri bution of funds for construction of public roads Logan Waller Page, di rector of the office of public roads of tbe department of agriculture, - bas been making scientific tests to deter mine wbat materials should be put Into the roads designed to meet differ ent kinds of traffic. It bas been found tbat more than $1,000,0$) a day is spent ou construction of roads. No estimate Is made of tbe portion of these funds ' tbat- la wasted, but it is believed to mount into tbo millions. Efforts are being made to teach the country tbat the expenditure of large stuns of money on certain types of roada may result almost in a total waste. A road built of materials which fee '1 . AM XXAKFUD OP A OOOD BOAD. ' would be Ideal in ouo-locality may not serve the purpose elsewhere, and tbe money expended may bring scarcely nny result in reducing the cost of haul ing or making it eaaler for tbe farmer to get to the shipping point with bis crops. , : i . -: - '. . To aid the farmers who want to build tbeir own roads and assist com munities that desire to Improve roads near by, the offlc of publio roads of tbe department of agriculture bas em ployed experts to test all materials and study their usefulness on roads sub jected to certain traffic conditions. Tbo office of public road Is acting in an ad visory capacity to many states and counties. giTing practical form of national aid. On roads where there is heavy traffic It bas been found that certain kinds of materials are better than others and that while one kind of binder may not servo the purpose, nnotber kind pro serve tbe road indefinitely. Millions f dollars doubtless have been wasted because of the absence of tbo scientific knowjedge. "There are two way in which tbe engineer may avail himself of tbe in formation necessary to proper selec tion of road material," say Director Pag. "Tbo only certain one is to make an actual service test on tbe material coder observation and nnder tbe same condition of traffic and cli mate to which tbe proposed road will be subjected.. This method is imprac tical except in rare instance, due to tbo laps of time before definite re sults can be obtained. Tbo second method is, by means of short time lab oratory testa, to approximate the de structive agencies to wblch the mate rial will bo subjected on tbe road, sup plementing this knowledg by study of the results obtained in practlc on material ot similar nature." oooooooooooooooooooooXjoooo I MIREDI BT OEORQB T. PAUL. Tbt iliaila of tight were falling N faat When through a eouatrr. vilisc Puh4 A veuth, who bore tbraush sluia sod slop A srptt iwacpar an a mop. Eio.litorl Th shads of nt(ht f.ll Ilk a lo. Th.y rouMd th cricket and tli do II floundered through th ruts so daep, And at b. stopped h twor a heap. Excelaler! He tired but ee. aille from (own, Juet where tbe Hollow road slope down, Tet when at last he reached th place Lens whleker covered all his fao. Kact'llorl ( Ne more he venture lata town , To act the mud beepattlred down. He' anting there; be wall and walla Till mud drl en the pearly gal' ' Excelalorl oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Children Cry for Ffotchcr's 5Che Kind Ton Have) Always Booght, and which bas been In use for orer 80 Tears, bas borne tbo siamatore of ana nas oeen maae nnaer nu per frf-f-j2- tonal supervision slnceHts Infancy. Y S-CtCcAtAiZ Allow no one to deceive you In this. , All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-ffood " are bnt Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless snbstltnte for Castor On, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic? substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. ' , The Children's Panacea Tbe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THK OIWTAUH COMf.AIMV. WBW VB.K CITV. Why On Man Just Had to Rub El bows With a Conjurer. Ambition takes men very diUerently. One would enter purliiiinent and one would have a play accepted at tbe court; ou would reucb tbe uonb pole, and one would live ut Chiselhurt while a fifth would be bnppy If only bo bad a motorcar. Speaking for my elf. my amliltlou bas always been to have a conjurer perform under my own roof, and It has Just happened. I obtained blm from tbe stores. 1 buve never been so near magic be fore. MUe all great men, when one comes closely In touch with them, be was quite human, quite iiko ourselves; so much ho indeed that ip addition to his fee he wanted bis cab fare both ways. H Is very human to. want 'things both wny. 1 have been wondering bow long it would' take me to leurn to be a con jurer and If it Is not too late to begin. I don't wunt to be a flulsbed conjurer. 1 merely want to do three tricks wltb reasonable dexterity. Of course If one can do three tricks one can do thirty, but it is three, and three only. I bare In mind flint, I want to borrow a wntcb nnd put It in a nextle and niortnr and grind It to powder aud then fir a plBtol nt n loaf or bread and find tbe watch whole ngalu In tbe midst of the crumbs; second. I want to borrow a tall hat and throw in flour and break eggs Into it nnd'titlr It all up and bold it over a spirit lamp for a second and then 'produce a beautiful warm cake; third. I want to find bens' eggs in old men's beards aud little girls' hair. - . Trick wltb cards and money and so forth I don't mind about, because 1 would always rather see tbem done tbHn do tbem, thero Is such fascination in th clean.- swift movement of the conjurer wltb cards, bis perfect mas tery of bis fingers, the supple beauty of bis bands. And tricks with machin ery I would gladly forego. kly conjurer most popular trick was, of course, tbat wbicb call upon tbe co-operation of a rabbit I wrote to blm In advance to insist on this. No man wbo at a children's party pro duces a live rabbit particularly wben It Is very small and kicking and also black and wblte. is making a mistake. No matter what ba gone before, this apparltiou will seul bl popularity, Tbe end crowns tbe work (as I could say in Latin If 1 liked). It was not only to the children that this trick was welcome, bat to an eld erly lltorary friend of mine wltb whom I. have collaborated more than one tnd into whose life I hoped to got a little brightness by Inducing blm to bring the tall bnt wblch th wizard bould borrow. Tbe thought filled blm wltb excitement It was bringing ra diance indeed into bis II f to know tbat tbl old bat wblch bad dou nothing mor romautlc tban keep bis bead warm all tbes yean, was toSo nsed for magical purpose and bave a real rabbit extracted from It From "Character nd Comedy," by E. V. Lues. "Our Wretched Bon." Bow can we w wbo have gained for ourselves health and comfort and knowledge bow can wo stand patient ly by and see our brother diseased and tn Intra hie and ignorant T now can wo bear our luxuries a loug cblld I growing up in savngery whom wo might bav saved, or a womas I drooplug from sorrow and overwork wbom wo might hav cbsrished and helped t W ar not oor own wo r part of th whol. Generation of worker bav tolled for o In th past and w ar la return to carry our wretched bono off to our oilserabl corner, sharing nd giving nothlngf Wo anos us tf w do. Mr. Hum phry Ward la "Th nory of David flritv.". I l' rv i i I f 1 u Signature of LOSING MONEY DAILY - BUT STILL Sill Asheville Merchant Says, ' Should Worry" Look at The Fun We Are V Having. The man who ha only a limited amount or money to spend for cloth ing and furnishings, has caused to feel wealthy when he sees what great pur chasing power a dollar has at the auc tion Bale now going on at the store of I. W. Glaser, 18 Patton avenue. Bargain sales may come and bar gain sales may go but the Bargains to be had -ut Glaser's action sale will be remembered forever. Cost marks have been forgotten and profits thrown to the winds in an effort to turn a store full -of seasonable merchandise Into cash by January 21st, when Mr. Glaser closes his doors and discontinues busi ness. ' People wbo know the cost of mer chandize and realize that it is being sold at a loss, have been heard to re mar, "that to look at Mr. Glaser as he and Mr. John Sugg action off the goods you would think he was having' the time of his life and was enjoying the loss of money." But Mr. Glaser If like any other man he don't enjoy th loss of his bard earned cash but he I enjoying the loss of business worries, cares and responsibilities, which he lias been carrying for the past 23 years, since he has been a merchant In this city. He is looking forward with pleasure to a long rest and a well earned vaca tion, which will be- the first one he has ever taken In his life, and a ht continucs to sacrifice his stock and people express their regrets at his re tiring from business in Ashevli laughingly remarks, "I should worry, look at the fun we're having." adv-lt COURT UPHOLDS GERMAN ARMY (Continued from iftura 1) convened to hear the appeal of Lieu tenant Baron von Forstner of th same regiment against a sentence of four days' Imprisonment for having sabered a lame shoemaker in Zabern. It transpired in th testimony thai Lieutenant von Forstner had been condemned to 60 days' confinement In barracks for having used the word "rowdy" In referring to Alastlans. Owing to the great interest taken In ilhe two court martlals, the police ot i Strassburg took the most extenslvt precautions to prevent disorders. Im mense crowds of people gathered out- ,id9 tne pollci line in the vicinity of the court NOTICE OF TRVSTEE SALE. State of North Carolina, County of Buncombe. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust made and executed by Mary E. Ingle and John E. Ingle, her husband, to W. K. Shuford, trusts to secure to B. D. Hall and A. H. Brook the indebtedness therein contained, dated th 20th day of February, A. D. 1911, duly recorded In deed of trust book 80 at page (07, In the Register of Deeds office for Buncombe county, N. C, to which ref erence Is hereby made for all pur pose and by reason of default having bean mad In th payment of said In debtednesa secured by aaid deed of trust whereby the power of sal has become operative and upon th re quest of the owner and holder of said Indebtedness to exercise such power of ale, the undersigned will on the 11th day of February, 111, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auction, to the last h, ItRIMSif'iaiiwnia WANTS FOE HINT FOR RENT Kooms rumlshed for light housekeeping; ga for cook. Ine. Apply 76 No. Mbln St . , 17-tf FOR RENT Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping. $8.00 month for two or' $6.00 single. Water and lights. 19 North Ann St. (285-lt) FOR RENT Five room furnished cottage, piano, $40 month. Six room ' furnished bungalow, on car line. $46. month. 3even room house furnished, view $66 month. Ray-Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood, Phone 1281. (tfy FOR RENT Unfurnished 3 rooms on third floor, of Gazette-News building. Two of which are large front rooms, the other a small room, all connecting, steam heat and light furnished; rent $20.00 month payable In advance. Apply Gazette-News office. . 279-tf. FOR RENT Three room cottage. partly furnished; close in. Apply to Mrs. G. A. Mears. 137 S. Main St. - : 284-6t FOR RENT.- -3 unfurnished rooms to 3rd floor Gazette-News (tf.) gentlemen, building. CONNECTING ROOMS First and second floor, furnished for house keeping, 18 Grady street Phone 839. .' 270-tf. CLAIRVOYANT CLAIRVOYANT-'-Chelro, if you want to know facts, how to succeed, be nanny. raln your ambition. If you are in doubt a'bout business family or money matters. If you have troubles of any nature, Cheiro Will i help you. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Office 16 Spruce street. (281-7t NOTICE. By virtue of an order of the clerk of the Superior court made on Decem ber 20th, 1913, In the case of W. E. Shuford, Adinr. o Louisa Erwin against Mamie Delliser and E. Martin heirs at law of Louisa Erwin, I will on February 2nd, 1014, at 13 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Bun combe county, North Carolina, sell at publio auction for 20 per cent, cash and balance in six months the fol lowing described land, situated In Asheville, Buncombe county N. C, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the North side of a street running North of Armstrong's brick yard, said stake being the Southwest corner of a conveyanve made by u. Hildebrand and wife to James Gwyn November 1, 1882. registered in book No. "42 on page 461 of the record of deeds of Buncombe tjunty, N. C, and runs with the line of said conveyance North 16 deg. West 123 1-3 feet to the South margin of Hildebrand street; then North 75 deg. East 50 feet to a stake on said South margin of Hilde brand street; then South 15 deg. 128 feet more or less to the North side of said first mentioned street;then with the North margin of the same to the beginning. . W. E. SHUFORD, Administrator and Commissioner. This January 2, 1914. NOTICE. District Court of the United States. Western District of North Carolina. In the Matter of J. L Sams, Bankrupt. Notice. To the creditors of J. L. Sams of Asheville In the county of Buncombe, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the first day of January, A. D. 1914. the said J. U Sams was duly adjudicated i bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the U. 3. court room, Asheville, N. C, on the 20th, Instnnt at 11 a. m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their clulma, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt and transact such other business a may properly come before said meeting. This January 10, 1914. F. W. THOMAS. Referee In Bankruptcy, 33-34 Ameri can National Batik building, Ashe ville, N. C. It county courj: house door In the city of Ashuvllle. Buncombe county, N. C. the land and premises described and conveyed by said deed of trust to wit: Situate, tying and being In said county of Buncombe and In the town of Vet Asheville, and being a, part of thfl Green and Thrash lands, sold to Mattle E. Brooks, and sub-divided In to 14 lots, and registered in the Regis ter's office the register for Buncombe county In Book 164, page 72. Beginning at a stake being lots Nos. f, 10 and 11 on said plat of 16 lots,! said stake la located In the South mar gin of Rich street where said straet Intersects the West margin of Ector street runs thence with the West mar- gin of said Ector street South 3 deg. ; West 200 feet to a stake the North eat corner of lot No. 12, thence with, the North line of No. 12. North IT deg. ' West 125 feet to a etas in th East margin of a new street; thence with the East margin of aaid street North I deg. East 200 feet to a stake in the South margin of Rich street; thence with the said margin of said street South 78 deg. East 125 feet to the be ginning. This lth day of January, 114. W. E. SHUFORD. Trustee. V 8 if "Ml P. I II J WANTS WANTED J. H. MoOINNISS, S. 44 Market street. Tailoring, steam dyeing, cleaning and repairing. Phone 1880. ' tf. CAT PAW rubber heels. 48c Soles sewed, 50c, 76o and $1.00. Work called for and returned. Gilmer Bowden, tl East College, phone 1817. : 7-tf DRESSMAKING and Children's Sew ing by the day or at home. Mrs. John B. Jarvis, 63 North St. 283-3t WANTED-You to bring your grind ing to the Asheville B. S. Co. We grind and sharpen cutlery of every description. 23 N. Main St. CHARLIE MONROE Builder and carpentei- ready to build your houses for cash or on time. Work guaranteed. No. 118 Ora street. ' 270-26t. GRADUATE NURSE attends patients by hour, $1 first hour, 60 cents each u!Cedlng. Phone 1344. 219-tf LADY DESIRES POSITION as day comoanion or reader. Miss E., 77 Montford Ave. 285-lt I GOVERNMENT Railway Mail Clerk and other Civil Service "exams" everywhere soon. Get prepared by former U. S. Civil Service Secretary Examiner. Free booklet E 57. Write NOW today. Patterson Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y. 285-lt. A YOUNG lady in good health desires light work in a family; can give good character references from former employers; only well people need answer. Address Theresa Schalble, No. 50 Asheland avenue. 285-tf. NEW CLASS In shorthand begins Wednesday the 15th; also the fol lowing office situations are on file. Steno and bUV.pg, out-of-town three. $10.00 to $15.00 per week; also light place In the city, pref. for a lady over 27 yrs., mainly to keep office open. Call at the A. B. C, Pack Square. ' PIANO TUNING High grade tuning and repairing. Twelve years' expe rience In Western North Carolina. Can please you. Best of reference. J. P. Stewart, Falk's Muslo House. Phone 206. 286-26t. WANTED The Asheville French Dry Cleaning company cleans and presses suits for ladies and men perfectly, and absolutely odorless. Quick and best service. Phone 389, J. q. Wllbar. HELP WANTED WANTED Two experienced colored hotel maids no other need apply. Must supply recommendation from past employers, for flv year. Grove Park Inn. 235-tf LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED No canvassing or soliciting re quired. Good income assured. Ad dress National Co-Operative Realty Co., V-12S5 Marden Building, Wash lngton, D. C. WANTED Sober, married man for general farm work; must be abta to milk. Address E. S. Allls, R. F. D. No. 2. 258-tf FOR NOTARY PUBLIC WORK ap. ply at Gazette- New offlc. S8tf LOST LOST About December 20, a black seal skin muff. A liberal reward will be paid for Its return. C. E. Rudd, Grove Park. 282-7t LOST White female setter, black ears and face; M. J. Garren, Arden, N. C, engraved on collar, Llheral reward. Phone 672. 284-3t ffOTICE. I hereby give notice that I will make application to the Governor of North Carolina, for the pardon of Homer McKee, who waa tried and convicted of larceny at July Term, 1913, of tne Superior Court of Bun- como county, and sentenced to a term of nine months on Buncombe' county chain gang. TENNIE McKEE. GROVE PARE INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:20 p.m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p, m. , Visitors to Asheville although not guests ct GROVE PARE INN, ar invited to dine and Inspect the building. ' Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Par. ties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m 7:30 to 10: CD J Phone Your Wants to 202 WANTS FOR SALE FOR SALE Choicest building lot in Asheville; 70 feet front by 175 feet deep; good view, on paved street; sewer, cement sidewalk, southern . exposure. Terms 1-3 cash, balance in one and two years at 6 per cent; price $1700. Lot located near Grove Park. Best of neighborhood. Houses nesr: this lot cost from $3000 up to $15,000. For particu lars address P. O. Box 364, Ashe ville, N. C. 282-tf. FOR SALETen room house; hot water : heated; garage; servants' house; large lot, 85x260; best resi dence section, Mtontford avenue; get price. D. S. Watson, Exclusive Agent 263-28t FOR SALE Good cirnn newspapers, 60 for 6 cents. Apply at Gazette New office. FOR SALE Evening Areas ooat and ve"t for young man, six of coat about 82 chest, almost new. Ad - dress Post offlc Box S64, Ashe ville, n. c m-tt FOR SALE Two choice and desira ble bulldlnr lots in Canton. Sise of both 60 by 141, being lots Nos. B7 and 68, part of F. K. May property Justoff of North Main St, with good View. Will sell same for $175.00 spot cash. Apply to J. R. L., Gaz ette New office, for particulars. 8tf FOR SALE Good Investment, for $3750.00; now paying 10 per cent. For particulars write W, care. this office. 282-7t FOR SAL?; 7-room nous. Stams avenue, V-CvOO; worth $8500. Moale V Chiles, Real Estate and Insurance. - ISt-tf. BOARDERS WANTED THE KNICKERBOCKER, No, 77 Col lege street. Phone 153. Delight ful situation, central location, -large shady grounds, appointments com plete. Terms according to loca- tlon of room. tf. LYNNHUR ST, 65 College street Se lect board, near in. Mrs. P. J. Cor coran, formerly of Rock Ledge. ' 252-62t. BELLEVUE 143 North Main street Boarders wanted; no objection to sick people. Miss Belle Burnette. 263-tf. a " MISCELLANEOUS J. U. MeULNNESS, T; ior New MX and winter sample now on display. Maaonlo Temple, 44 Market street tf WOMEN sell guaranteed hosiery to waarer, 80 per cent profit. Quick sales, . repeat orders. Make $15 dally. International Mills, S038 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. GOVERNMENT . POSITIONS ar easy to get My free booklet T 191 tells how. Writ today NOW. Earl Hopkjn. Washington, D. C CLAIRVOYANT Madame Regtna, ,95 Haywood. True life readings revealing present past and future.. Nothing Is 'hidden from thl won derful woman. Consult her, she will advise you for the best in all love, business or private affairs. Trial readings 60 cents. 264-26t START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Resolve that you will let no mor preciou day slip almslessly by. Resolve to secure a training which will prepare you to tand shoulder to shoulder with, the successful business men of today. With the most complet curriculum of any Business College in th South a splendid corps of well-trained, intel ligent teachers, the Emanuel Buslneas College is perpared to give you a train trig which will enable you from the very start to earn an Independant salary. . Call or write for catalog and terms. 48!, Patton Avenue. Thono 1100. i Phone Your Wanta lo 202. and highent bidder for cash at th I