January 31, 1914 THS ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE FIVE RF! MFN DF MODERATE Hi and will take the Greensboro fran : chlse for the North Carolina baseball I league Attorney Retained. t New York, Jan,31. That the Irish- American Athletic club will do all lit I Its power to prevent the Amateur Ath- i ! Kolehmalnen and Abel Klvlat, Its two ; great runners, la shown In the club's ' action in retaining John T. Dooling as special attorney to look after the boys' interests, announcement of which was made today. Mr. Donlinar was instructed tn nn- bu will often see a man who ful- , Dear wlth VIviat and Kolehmalnen your Ideal of a man In almost t before the local registration commit- TREAT CHOLERA IN HOGS WITH SERUM Read This HUHPICIDE; particular. He may have a good fine physique, perfect manners, itteresflng personality and bear kit with the distinguished air of htlemau. His linen Is immaculate pis clothes faultless as to cut and Mai. But all the pleasant first lesions are ruined when you dls- the collar and shoulders of his covered with loose hair and ti of dandruff. , I. Is an Indication of personal ssncss, not te say unclean lincss. eel like telling him to get a bot- Newbro's Herplcide, and If you real friend to him you WILL lim. This remarkable remedy in a short time- remove every of dandruff from his head, stop lair from falling and prevent becoming bald. Bald-headed men t look old, whether they are or idruff is due to a germ which the scale-like accumulation. Id's' Herplcide, used Intelligently this accumulation, prevents lir from falling out and stops rightful itching of the scalp al hstantly. It has a most dellght tjr. liclde Is the Original Remedy, lestroys dandruff. There Is jig in the world .lust like It, hrtrr tVin let "Inot AO ttrt " UI U H flKl JJ iiue 111 ,WU tlllUf l.UU la uiu uv rtii-vt.iin nnu pc uai - i . . .i .. ti . v. . i . . i i j t t j i. LU flu uii iiia.L is ( muiiru. ii 1IUI Bllllllll M'MI MllMlfJ' Will ana oooKiet to j ne i-ierpiciae CT.I If li.tl-.il i i tee when they are tried on February 1 and If the runners ore suspended by the committee to appear before a Su preme court justice an argue""for an Injunction restraining the A. A. U. from keeping two athletes out of competitions. Department of Agriculture Is Doing Much to Eradicate Disease. I elent serum to treat an average hun-! i dred pound hog costs about thirty i cents at a liberal estimate. The treat I ment is by hypodermic injection. The department In initiating its campaign against the devastating hog ' j disease has only been able to com mence in a few of the districts where ; the cholera was the most widespread ! and where the active co-operation of the state was offered tn enforcing the ordinary' quarantine measures etc. SOLD SHOE LACES AND ACTED AS "LOOKOUT" INDIGESTION, GAS OR SICK, SOUR STOMACH Time "Pape's Diapepsin !" In Five Minutes All Stomach Misery is Gone. SEVEN PRISONERS ARE BY Hazelton, Pa., Jan. SI. In the W ashington, Jan. 31. The depart-'. double role of deaf and dumb mendi ment of agriculture, during the past j cant and "lookout" for a gang of year, has been conducting campaangs i postof fice robbers. Michael Scanlon in Indiana, Missouri, Iowa and Ne-j stationed himself in front of the post- braska to control the contagious dls-i office at Conyngham, near here yes- ease of hogs known as "hog cholera'' Really does" put bad stomachs in i order "really does" overcome indi-j gestion. dyspepsia, gas. heartburn and ! sourness in five minutes that Justi that makes Pape's Diapepsin the lurgest selling stomach regulator In j the wj&rld. If what you eat ferments I into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food terday and sold shoe laces and i... .... n I .1 , ; m Ii.iu U'tiitu Vila pnm tin n Inns l.ii.n u, memo ui m.-,.u8 ui4 iu... - ,,,, .!,,. ha,i ia ,,;,,. nri n,hPS: open tne sare ana escaped with sever- ! " .- - . - al, hundred dollars. Scanlon, who ! th '!h f"0.? COa'ed,: '"r " later was arrested when he lost nia 8ldes fllled w th b"8 and lndiB?lbe waste, rememuer ine. muraeui iaiie Diapepsin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. I t's truly astonishing almost marvel - Most of Them Old and Dis abled Conditioned on Good Behavior. NTS FRflM THF OF Spocial to The Gazette-News. Raleigh, Jan. 31. Seven and farm quarantines. In one county Pettis county, Missouri) where there was a loss of 18 percent in 1911 and 36.6 per cent in 1912 of all hogls raised, there was only a loss of 14.7 per cent up to November 1913. This decrease waa due to the use of the serum, which although not used there by the department's agents until Au- I gust, 1913, materially reduced the loss. About 80,000 hogs were raised i dnrlng the past year and of the 10, 000 that died of the hog cholera only ! about 1,000 wer lost after the active use of serum and quarantine meas ures were inaugurated. In every county where these meas- way coming from Conyngham to this ' city, confessed his part in the rubbery and implicated two other men known as "Philadelphia Slim" and " Phila delphia Whitey." Roth the latter are wanted in other parts of the country for similar offenses, according to the local authorities. He said he become separated from the other men after an exchange of shots with the post master, who was awakened by the noise of the explosion. SPORTS elirh. .Tan. 31. A charter wn The capital Is $10,000 authorized $660 subscribed by Julius Cone, Clary, Paul C. Ltndley, M. C. ui. u. .1 i i i .1 i . i , . r-iH.in null IcKnlght. The corporation has ures were employed, even though be pardons.gun after the disease had continued were granted yesterday by Governor : t ravages for some time, there was Craig, one on account or newly dls-1 ieSB loss from hog cholera than In covered evidence that the trial Judge I either of the two preceding years, advises the governor would have! in addition to its great function as cleared the prisoner Is presented at a preventive, it has been found that his trial; and the other six being to ; the antl hog cholera serum would convicts who have served long terms cure a large proportion of hogs in and are now disabled. the early stages of the disease and Ed Moore, New Hanover county, render them immune after recovery, serving one yeai" for assault with a j However, if hogs are not treated by- deadly weapon, is pardoned because! this serum from 75 to 100 per cent of newly discovered evidence. of all affected herds, die. This serum A. E. Ingram, Cumberland county, j so far as is known, is the only thing serving four years for bigamy. He Islthat will prevent the disease, an epileptic and weak minded. I of hogs actually sick when treated, William Morris, Edgecombe county, I the departments inspectors lost but serving twenty years lor burning a 25 per cent during the past summer, barn. He was hurt accidentally in Of well hogs in diseased herds, 2.8 railroad construction eight years ago. I per cent died after being treated and Alex Landers, Uuilford county, of hogs exposed in herds less than 1 serving fifteen years for second de-j per cent died after being inoculated gree murder, is old and totally dls-; with the serum. In an infected herd abled and paralyzed. there is always a certain proportion Ramsey Jackson, Haywood county, of hogs that are'well. serving ten years for highway rob-: The inspector examines the hogs bery, Is old . and totally disabled and ; when he arrives, takes the tempera nearly blind. ! ture of all hogs in the herd and sep- Kelley Montgomery, Surry county, I arates the sick from the well. The serving ten years for second degree j temperature is an indication of the murder, is old and totally disabled and ' sickness. The temperature of a sick has been in the consumptive ward for j hog, unless the hog Is' near death, will eigne montns. Jim lalson, Pender county, serving as high as 107 degrees or 10S degrees FIREMEN HURT IN PIANO FACTORY ililE ousr and the Joy is its harmlessness. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin will give you a hundred dol lars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. It belongs in your home should always be kept handy in case of a sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stom.tch doctor in the world. New York, Jan. 31. Three firemen were hurt, one seriously, in a fire which destroyed the Walters Piano factory at 236 East Sixty-third street early today. The firemen were on the ot William Morris. secona noor wnen a varnish vat be-1 side them exploded. The flames reach ed a public school building adjoin ing the factory but were checked be fore much damage resulted. The property loss Is estimated at $300,000. play a number of brilliant comedy scnes as well as startling dramatic situations and it is enacted by all- English company, under the direction on filarche Close S P. M. Jonight Special Values for Joday In manv of our departments we will offer excep tional values today, Saturday. Jn Our tfeckvtear Dept. We are Bfaovmg some very good specials in the way of fichues, dainty collars, sets, and bows that sold for 25c. to $5.00. Special 15c, 48c, 98c, $1.48 and $2.98, Jin Our Muslin Underwear Dept. A few garments are left, and we will thank you to call in and see them on sale today. They will be- found in our Muslin Underwear Department on the second floor. Lot 1, 10c; Lot 2, 15c; Lot 3, 25c; Lot 4, 50c; Lot 5, 75c; Lot 6, $1.00. Sn Our Ready -to-is)ear Dept. Only a very few suits left at Half Price. We call your attention to the ajjove fact and assure you that you will get good service out of a Winter Suit bought at this time at such a small price. Also Women's Coats at Half Price today. about spectacle," "Honey Boy" Evans' Minstrels. With a company of minstrel favor ites embracing such players as John King. Sam Lee, Vaughn Comfort, Com my Hyde, James Meehan, Eldon Durand, William H. Thompson, Joseph Gillespie. I'd. Lindeman, Will t'awley, "Rags" heighten, Master Paul Van Dyke and others. George Evans will be seen at the Auditorium on Monday, February 9th. giving matinee and night performance. A new program of up-to-date min strelsy in an all pew scenic frame and Atlantic with an all new wardrobe embellish- Atlanta ment will lie offered. Of course, the singing corps will offer new J Ti WEATHER TEMPERATURE Lowest Ashevillc City last night . ... 42 . . ..40 .. .. 38 Birmingham 34 songs Boston 32 ten years for burglary, in the second degree, has been In the tuberculosis ward for two years, is old and totally disabled. All these pardons are conditioned on I treatment to preserve its quality and future good behavior. a qualified man to produce it. Suffi- "Everywunian.' The term "dramatic which 13 used by Henr W. Savage to, and the. bis orchestra of the company Brownsville describe his production of "Every- under the skillful baton of Eddie Cu- Chicago .26 woman," which will be seen here' pern will be found fulfbnd satisfying. Denver 24 shortly, means n panoramic series of These yearly productions of high class Galveston 42 beautiful stage pictures with a plentl-1 minstiely which "Honey Roy" Evans Helena 28 ful nrimivriire of onern. musii-nl cumd. buy sn masterf ullv manaired to nro- Knnvtl!e 3fi run above 104 degrees and sometimes d aml drama. The company num. duce have been found really excellent : Mobile 38 bers over one hundred and fifty peo- in character and enjoyable to the j Montgomery 40 pie and three car-lpftds of scenery and i lover of this time honored amuse-! New York, 36 electrical effects are transported from ! ment. The little minstrel star him-j New Orleans .. i. .. .18 city to city on the tour which Farenhelt. Some states are engaged in the manufacture of serum to cure this ....... ti.... ........... .. ..: t..i I UUflTMDi x ill: Clt-Illlll irUUllfS Hlltl lal Innao l", ,,,, i-iiuof tit i,uinl nniAirccc Aim ru a v fK INLUl AN J 1111. AA TODAY DONT MISS THESE EXCELLENT PROGRAMS PRINCESS "The Fireman's Conscience" Biograph Drama "The Windfall" Lubin Comedy Drama "The Somnambulist" Melies Drama PRINCESS ORCHESTRA GALAX "Birds of Prey" PATEPLAY "Grist to the Mill" (In Two Parts Essanay Drama "Pathe's Weekly" Current Events GALAX ORCHESTRA LICENSED PHOTO - PLAYS ' SHOWN EXCLUSIVELY "Ttiti Blindness of Virtue." Founded on a subject that is now 1 j being discussed In every civilized ; home in which there lire children, t'osmo Hamilton's (Treat play, "The. Blindness of Virtu re." will he present ed" at the Auditorium at an early date, ' by Wlllltlm M6rr!s' All-Kngllsh com-j Jtalty, direct from their sensational engagement from the Little Ihcaler, (London. The organization is In this, i country for only a short time. Ac-' cording to reports there can be no 'doubt tht'.t Cosmo HamUton has bit upon a. theme greatly in need of von ; illation and one that is row being! : seriitttsly agitated by all right-think-j ling people. Tile "Blindness of Vir-: lue" Is said to contain behind its veil- jot brlllant comedy and thrilling dra Jmati'' situations, a sermon of ;rTat lvalue and a thrilling indictment of j (the fashion of permitting children Flo grow up In Ignorance of certain Im- 1 I pulses ni.il conditions. "Th - Blind ftlCss of V ! 1 IK-'' tells the stcv of the j ; daughter of n lector of a si;all par-, isli near I.ondi n. A young man who; t ha been sent d wn from b ! K itci und Oxford - nd regarded with dc-j spnlr by his tMVr Is srn study, with the vicar a final reaort. "fell youth and the daughter of the vl ar i fall In love v. 'lh each bitter The I girl in I i'M'r standing c-.vtoln in- i waid Impulses throws he:sif It a compromising fit V) lion wit i the stu- I ' nt. The re '.or appears i.i-l HI onee i falsely accuses the young man when i the daughter frequently demands to know the meaning of the accusation the father .ers what might have been ' the result through his daughter's ignorance and begins to understand that the blame for the whole affair rests upon himself and his wife Cpi mo Hamilton has written into the ; self is always delightfully entertaining Portland, Ore. 42 and the monologue moments with St. Louis 24 "Honey Boy" are a sure tire case of Salt Lake City 22 unrestrained laughter. , San Francisco 4R Washington 42 Normal for this date: Temperature,! 36. Precipitation. .14 Inch. Forescasts for Asheville and vlcin-; ity until 8 P. M. Sunday: Fair and much colder tonight; Sunday fair. For North Carolina.: Fair and much colder tonight; Sunday fair, colder in east portion, high southwest toil Highest I northwest winds. yest'd'y j General Conditions (past 24 hours) 6 3 There has been a rapid change In 56 weather conditions since Friday j morning, the storm that was over the j northern Rocky Mountain region hav i Ing moved to the Ohio valley. This , ' storm in connection with the slight disturbance that was over the Gulf i States, the middle and south Atlantic states, the Ohio valley, Tennessee and j Arkansas and snows in the lake reg j ion. Temperatures are lower in the north Atlantic states. The following heavy precipitation (in inches) has been reported during the last 24 hours: Chicago, 1.08: Birmingham, 1.00; Cincinnati, 1.06; r,nulsvllle, 1.04; Nashville, 1.00. Fair weather is indL cated for this vlcntty tonllght and Sunday with much colder onlght T. R. TA LOR. Observer. 70 70 62 60 30 54 48 36 66 GS 71 ' U. S. Department of Agriculture. 30,nru jWEATHER BUREAU. 3 Saturday, Jan. 31, '14 j g EXPLANATORY NOTES! ohwrvttlons inken tt 8 a. m.Tttth mcridltn time. Air pressure reduced to set level. . Isobars (conttnuout llaes) pass tbroatb Polntt of equal air pressure. Isotherms idotted linos) piss tnrougu points 01 equal usmporaiure; arawu amy iui iru. ireenug. ana lor. O clear Q partly cloudy; cloudy; rain; snow; report missing. Arrows fly with the wlpdFlrst figures, temperature; MKund DreclDltailoo of 01 Inch or more for pai.tiit hours; third, maximum wind Yeloclty.RI aJalWt mC", Mutt Never Had an Ounce of fiumor By "Bud" Fisher VU MAMS Tt) H.UV4 on eAVrr qckck