Bit MeMlle fette TBS QAZBTTK NKWa BAB TBS MOST szptsarvM associated pbmbs um- rice IV TBS CABOUMAM. VOLUME XVIII. NO. 309 ASHEVILLE, N. O, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 7, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS J 1 V-ti 4? 4) Weather Forecast lTm.1 I -1 Ml'CH COLDER SUNDAY. MEXICAN PLOT RBHOR EH MANNING MURDER I PUZZLING POLICE TUk Til Report of Conspiracy Against Huerta Results in Placing Of Guards Around Palacs. ACTUAL OUTBREAK IN GUADALUPE REPORTED Young Woman Who Called at Home of Mrs. Harriet Man ning and Shot Her Drops Entirely Out of Sight Deceased Husband Arrested and Released. Sending of Troops to Village Probably Responsible For Rumors of Conspiracy All Quiet. Newark, N. J., Feb. 7. The young customed to take their meals at the woman who called at the home of house but Mrs. Manning received f ew Mr Harriet Manning here last night j callers not well known to her family, and shot her dead, had dropped en- The theory that Jealousy might: tlrely out of sight today and the po-! have prompted the murder was ad lice admitted they had no positive i vanced by the police. Mrs. Cobb gale 1 clue to her identity. Charles I. Man- j her daughter was friendly with sever- j nlng, the victim's husband, who men who took their meals at her! been separated from her for two i house, but she did not know that any ! years, and a young woman arrested in of these friends could have caused Montclair whom Manning admitted he j the shooting. One of the boarders and knew, were released from custody i Mrs. Mannang were very good friend, early today. j she said. She did not know where' Manning and the young woman left ! the man lived and the police have j police headquarters together but j started a search for him In hope that ; neither would discuss the murder. The i he may be able to disclose some mo woman was heavily veiled and her j tlve for the shooting. Identity could not be learned. The woman who shot Mrs. Man-1 Manning conducts a garase at V'er-' nlng left two clues, the revolver, i ona, near here. After the Mannings ; which she threw to the floor as she separation the wife went to the home backed out of the house, and a black ! LOST IN ICE Navy Aerials Searching By Wireless For Vessel Which Went to Rescue -of Fishing- Schooners. Mr. Rockefeller Defies PftlfJ WMIf Q 1 tie Kjmo utnormes Leaves For New York Without Listing His Taxes in Cleve landTime Allowed For Voluntary Listing Has Expired Action to Be Deferred. MINE ERST STEAMER ALSO ASHORE BUT IN NO DANGER Two Separate Areas of Depres sion Move Toward Coast Storm Warnings For Vessels Displayed. Helen H Off Nags Head Doubtful Whether It Will Be Pos sible to Float Her. Cleveland, O., Feb. 7. With John I legal iisht over trying to make him U. Rockefeller in New York where he1 pay taxes In Ohio is not expected to i went from here yesterday, deputy Iconic until next December when the I state tax commissioners said today j tax " ,be due- , , . . , , . , ., The county authorities contend that j they would take no action to list Rock- under a neW sUlt0 ,aw Mr, Rockefeller efoller'8 $900,000,000 personal prop- j wll0 haa naa. ms citizenship In New ' erty on the county duplicate here until York has become liable for taxes I Monday. Today marks the expiration , amounting to over $12,000,000 on his of the time provided by law for Mr. ! entire personal property. Mr. hook- his j efcller maintains that his residence in Ohio was prolonged by illness and that j from VariOUS Sections UOlllC he is not a citizen of that state. He has refused to list his property for j taxation. Penalty for this may be a 00 the duplicate. The prospective prison sentence. ZERO WEATHER IN THE PLAINS STATES Rockefeller voluntarily to list Benfirlip.t, Arrrnnnd property here in compliance with tn I I .. J l..c VI demand made upon him last Monday. Thfl commissioners plan to place all 1 hie oil king's securities they can lind Mexico City, Feb. 7. The federal ;apital was quiet today. The autln Titles had feared that cou ipirluors against the administration vould attempt an armed uprising but no outbreak occurred. Mexico City, Feb. 7. Troops guard-j cd the palace, arsenal and artillery barracks throughout the night after the circulation of reports that con- j spirators had planned a coupe d'etat; in the shape of a new revolt against the Huerta government. For a time lost night excitement was caused by the activity of the soldiers and by a report that nn out- j break had actually occurred in Guada-1 lupe, a suburb several miles northeast I of the capital. Telephone messages early today , failed, however, to confirm the rumors of fighting. It was thought that the of her mother, Mrs. Harriet Cobb, where she had lived since with her parent and a sister, Mrs. Mary Riley, who is also separated from her hus band. Several persons have been ae- umbrella. The only knowledge of her identity is the statement she made when she asked for Mrs. Manning, de claring she was "an old friend from Philadelphia." REPORT NO 0 FOLIC T E IDE Reports of Winter Records Broken and Quick Fall Of The Mercury. II WILD CHASE AFTER SDN OF MILLIONAIRE Car Knocked Man Down A Factories in N. C. Employ 572 Dozen Shots Were Fired At the Tires. People and Give Support To Nearly 20,000. Washington, Feb. 7. Wireless calls ; were hissing out from the navy tug Potomac lost in the ice after an un j successful attempt to rescue the crewa of the fishing schooners Hiram Lowell and Frances Williard. The heavy ice packs in the bay of islands turned the sturdy Potomac back from her work of rescue after days of futile smashing at' the frozen fields that hold the Lowell and the Williard prisoners; so she left the bay for North Sydney Thursday night i and shoud have put into port yetter-! day. When the tug was not heard from CITY JAIL DIVIDED toaay navy omcers saiu mere was no cause for alarm but ordered the wireless to cai! for her They thought she merely had been delayed on her way through the heavy ice in the straits. The ,1am probably will be the sal vation of the cr.'wr: of the impris- ML an ordinance of this nature relative to the handlers of fruits. The matter was referred to the board of health for consideration. A resolution of thanks, drawn by I Washington, Feb. 7. With the the members of the fire department, movement eastward of two separate in which the fire committee was areas of depression, cold wave warn thanked for its recommendation that i inga were displayed today in the Caro the salaries of the firemen be raised linas. Georgia, extreme north Florida 1 I and accident insurance carried on them; also thanking the board for its Committee AskS More Time tO favorable action on this reeommenda- I tion, was read and filed. The following building permits were granted: C. F. Christopher, Southside ave nue, garage: 5 la. John K. Davis. Hillside street room residence; $500. Sue Ray, Peach street, four room residence; $800. Investigate Points of Law Involved. INTO FIVE SECTIONS four street. fact that troops had been hurriedly sent to the suburb In accordance with ! New- York, Feb. 7. Wallace W. Raleigh, X. C, Feb. 7. Cotnnils military plans to te in readiness tor uuuue, son oi a millionaire merenant sioner or i,aiior and fruiting M. I,. ! oned Ashing schooner Officials here a. possible uprising, was responsible I of New Haven, Conn., was locked upiShipman made public, his annual! are not concerned for their safety, for the Guadalupe reports. I in a pollicc station here today charged summary of the wuolen mill Industry I saying If their ships are crushed iii General Blanquet, minister of war. w'ith felonious assault after he had in this state as It will appear in his! the pack the' crews easily can make and others of the military officers in been captured by a policeman In a ' forthcoming annual report for the de-1 their way to shore over the .Ice. command In the capital were in con-1 wild chase up Madison avenue dur-! partment shows seven mills withj llluli anil Ury. ference during the night. It was as-j lng which more than a dozen shots ! $405,00 capital stock and giving cm- Norfolk, Va,., Feb. 7 With the timed that military activity that en-1 were (Vred at the young man's racing j ployment to 572 employes and aup-jxew Haven sRftxioner Helen II. Hene sued was an outcome of their talk. car. ' ... ; porting nearly 20,000 uuopie. TJi-ty-diet from Perth a mho ' t. i-wiwii. Accompanied by a friend Malley ; mill have 17,300 spindles, 275 looms, j dina, high and ry on the beach, at was nnving up manison avenue wnen ana it caras. xne mills use l.OaiXags Head N. C. where she struct Separation 61 Prisoners i Provided Uy Svato Law Is Ordered by The Aldermen. captured the speeding motor after chase of more than 10 block?. Malley later gave ball for examina tion In police court Monday. Ofllelally, It was denied, however, that the meeting considered any plot. According to some reports, 2500 po lice In the capital were Involved In a plot ami had pledged themselves to revolt with certain of the troops. The revolt, according to the reports, was fixed for February 9, the anniver sary of the beginning of the ten days bombardment of the capital by the rebels last year, which was followed by the death of President Madero and the assumption of the pro' Isional pres idency by General Huer'.a. First Hand Impressions. Vashington, . Feb. 7. Thomas H. Hopler, British secretary and charge d'affaires at Mexico City, arrived here today from New York to be a guest at the British embassy with the purpose of getting first hand impressions of the state of feeling and the attitude of public men toward tho Mexican problem before resuming his duties. Having already established official Case Decided Against Him in relations with the Huerta government In Mexico, before his departure on leave of absence for England, It will be unnecessary for the charge to pre his car knocked down and severely j horse power, The raw material used I early yesterday morning the revnue as-uuu on injured John Mahoney. The police I by the mills is about 2,(122,500 pounds I cutter Onoduaa today stood bv now- Yob Lo,e last, wf say im youmg man um nut stop nm ami me value oi unisneu products cries to assist The wind was todnv macnine out mcreasea us speca. lie-; i Yu.uuu. blowing 22 miles .in hour li-Jiueti Biiois meu m me ure laiieu ei u is learned ncre mat mi. oittcers , wci with lii -h Tho we ithei stop him. Finally the police com-; of the North Carolina Woman's Surf- waa 0t against the Benedict today Mi.iiiueejcu a iiuwiiig luunne car unu ; rage league are preparin gto miiugd- but she is so far op on shore that it was expected that a report would be submitted at the meeting of tire board of aldermen last night by the police committee relutlve to the uives ugation conducted this week in the cases of Patrolman Snyder, charged with dereliction of diny in connection with the assault on M. 1,. Uoth by Patrolman Mc Lean, charged with assaulting a pris oner in the city jail while taking him and the interior of Virginia. Marked reductions in temperature have taken place In the east gulf states, freezing conditions have gripped the Texas coast, while zero weather is general throughout the plains states. On the Atlantic coast storm warn ings have been displayed from Dela ware Breakwater to Eastport, Me. Cold at Dallas. Dallas. Tex., Feb. 7. Ten degrees above zero was registered here today, three , The cold covered the entire state i ranging from 4 degrees above zero at five room Amarillo to freezing temperature at Galveston. The freeze in south Texas Bartltt was not believed to have damaged se riously the strawberry and other spring garden crops. Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 7. Ther mometers at the local weather bureau early today registered 14 degrees above zero, the coldest of the winter. This is a fall of 4 8 degrees t-lnee noon yesterday. 20 Abvoe at Nashville. Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 7. Tlrer'- . , , , j. i mometers here at lfUf this Nfw t?lj Tte 7 Mr- a"d lrB' I morning registered 20 degrees above Frederick W. Vanderbllt and their ; a fa of 4fi degrees trom ye(j. party Including Duke and Duchess of ; terdav-s iRhest, ,, was growing Manchester, whose yacht W arrior i'--j Rteadilv (;oldcr. A light snow wai E. P. Ingle. Seney room residence: $70. E. F. Scott, Pearl street, residence; $1,500. Reynolds and Bledsoe, street residence; $1,750. Samuel Tannehlll, Panola seven room residence; $3,250. street. VANDERBILT PARTY ARRIVES IN NEW YORK cently stranded on the Colombian coast, reached New York today on the a rate very soon a strenuouj campaign STAPLES MUST CHINEE HEIGHT OF BILL IIS doubt Is now expressed as to whether she can ever be floated, tine advant- to increase the following of the league. To this end Mrs. P. P. Clax- ton, wire or tne united states Com-mf tho i,e,wh at th nnim ,vi,r n,o missioner of Education Claxton, and Benedict lies. This vill enable sal Dr. Anna Howard Shaw are to come : vers to work close in shore, lint for io me siaie ior speecnes in a num-1 the fact the Benedict was without from the ,0 a (.el,; Jllllltor ,-mckwell, charged Almirante, the Fnited Fruit steamer tnai removed mem lrnrn meir im perilled craft. Latest reports indicated that the yaeht remained stranded and that all out 10 of the crew had been taken with placing a woman in the wrong cell in city Jail; and Janitor Williams, charged with locking a man in the j same cell with this woman; but no falling. Zero at St. IjOlliS. St. Louis. Mo., Feb. 7. Zero tem perature was recorded In St. Douis this morning. The sky was clear and high winds which prevailed last night had nearly died down. rumiH i.i) Iht, fiiwlliii'U , n iriaiip Ai. age to wreckers will be the stepney j ddrman ,.llttersoI1, a member of the otf. committee, in the absence of Chair riian Francis, stated that certain points of law relative to the matter ber of the principal cities. Mrs. Archl-: cargo and went easily on the beach ' are ,,ow unUer cons,,'era,,on, bald Henderson nf ci,nni um i S" A' " " ent , ta" on ne '" n asked that the committee be allowed Aviator Dies. Imports npcroased. Meridian. Miss.. Feb. -F. M. Bell, London, Feb. 1 statement of the 7. The January board of trade bald Henderson of Chapel Hill, is she would have been beaten to pieces president of the North Carolina ' in the seas of vesterdav and bud night. league. PLANT RY'S. REQUIRED TO PAY DEMURRAGE stent any fresh credentials when he relieves Sir Lionel Carden. Brier lie pur I. Washington, Feb. 7. Only a brief report of the train wreck and destruc tion of Cumbrc tunnel by Mexican bundits has been made by American consul Edwards. From Acapulcu new uprisings ar Police Court Former Case Recalled W. J Chicago, Feb. 7. With a view to ' Hroniiillir nt'iirlv 100 nlnnl rnllnravo from membership and thereby forcing i hem to pay demurrage Instead of per uiem rates for the use of cars belone:- ; lng to other lines, officials of the I AKtn..n ,i..:t . .... hill hnr,l' mnn ,"",r"'-"" ,uul"' " ",ult Captain Torrey and crew arc still standing by on the beach. They suc ceeded in boarding the vessel with a ladder this morning. Manasouan, N. J., Feb. 7. Off her course today In a fog, the British tramp steamer Queen Louise went aground early today about a quarter Qf (h8 CMllll ui a iniii' uii siiure nere ano it. ap peared she woultl remain fast until another week to make its report. The request was granted. Mr. Patterson alsu statetl ihat Chief of Police Lominac desired to tali the attention of the board to Section 04 of the city code. This section, which was only referred to by .Mr. Patter son, reads as follows: "Whenever any female shall be ar rested or Imprisoned for any violation ordinance of said city she shall, while under arrest or during such imprisonment, be kept. a aviator, who fell 300 feet here while i shows a decrease of $16. 12(1.000 In Im glvlng nn exhibition flight, died todayjports and an increase of $1 1,800.00(1 from his Injuries. I in exports. high tide late this afternoon. A heavy ex,.c(l wh(. unuer , ln lh(. cuslUy niA nitiM. mm un oa ra mun . z aLi m,. ... v '"v - iin i,nn,,,..l i. ..... 1 i ...... i ..... t tn..! i '-nictj ttiiu im: jnii n in ni wrui. mi ilm . . .... .i i. u-a. rrol..rl v..torH,,v nflernoon ,,n "l "u.u ....oi.Haiv . 10 me COIlirol OI Sllltl ooaitl " j j cm,, I 1 no. wh nh ,niii..i.,inl , t ...... I ... .. ai,t Haiti IUMI!"HI W tl S I'tll UatlKI'l - us common carriers. ous' At a meeting of the committee on Asa precaution the Manasouan life relations nmunic railroads last week, "avers shot a breeches buoy line charges of maintaining bill boards in lliu Cliv i,, ari l in iiie riuuiiu iiiiui w-vj inches. His case was called ln Police. ....nn iiiiiri, in' kii, uni.r inn ,v . --' , -, . . . . . .. repurted on both cnasts and frequent Y " V ' . i ' " t.7 iJ ulant railways were barred from anoarti aim two ooys or ine vessels eunlllcts of guerrilla bands occur. . " " I ' h I Partlclpatlns in the per diem afro- crew Wer Tt legi-aphle and railway communl eatlou betneen Monterey and Nuevo LArcdO have b -cn destroyed. Judgment wus continued until March 7, upon the condition that Staples would repair all bis boards so as to comply with the law. About two years ago Staples was convlctod in Police court of tho same charge. He appealed to Superior court and tho case was decided In his favor. The city appealed to the Supreme W ashington. Feb. 7. Secretaries ! court or North Carolina and this court Bryan and (larrlson were In confer-1 upheld tho decision of the Police nice today over the settlement of i court. The case attracted considerable CONSIDER CLAIMS OF PANAMA LAND OWNERS brought ashore. The others ment of the association. Such action '" l"'' numbering abou' 20, prevents the ocials of the small lines Including Captain David McDonough, from obtaining passes on the various j elected to remain on board, railroads throughout the country. The revenue cutter Itasca and the reeking tug Merritt stood by. ami miller the management, subject f alder men, of some reputable female cm ployed by saitl board of aldermen for that purpose, in some separate prison or reformatory, by It therefor pru videtl, and If a convict, she shall be required, under such ciitn ' and management anil subject to u. i n und regu hit ions therefor present by said board of aldermen, to work GRAND UNION HOTEL TO BE TORN DOWN IIMHi1 11 QriMliT UUUM T IIUULU IILIVIU1L .MULL isetl and the costs at a rate of wages laid board "f abler- New York, Feb. 7. The fate of the old Orand Union hotel, opposite the claims of private land owners In the attention at the time and was hard Orand Central depot on Forty-second Panama canal xonc. A commission of , fought tnrougnoui. two representative of each country .1. Frailer (Bonn, who was corpor- wiih named to settle tho claims and j atlon counsel at tho time or the tirsi while their decision Is final, there has ' 'rlal of Staples, and who represented been complaint over the method ofl'he city in tho different trials of the settlement. In many Instances claims ! e- morning represented Staplos huve been odjudloated without giving and held that he was not guilty of tho United Stutes a chance to be lhe charges against him. Mr. Olenn ! unl . took the stand that It was the duty The head, of the two departments!0' th e, ''ulldlng Inspector to see I early 80'.. It was one of the first New think something like thn nrnc.iW.. 1 that the boards compiled with the city ! York hostelrles to occupy an entire Street Is sealed by a decision of the ptlblio service commission which i n o - , vldes for connection hctwceii the ; STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM i P resent subway and the Lexington ; Oghfimfl 8fl.VR Tt KhnnlH Ho avenue line building. It has been de- U8Dorne Bays 11 OlOUlfJ Be Done Before Any of The elded to condemn all the property necessary south of Forty-second street which Includes the hotel. Tho Grand Union was built In the Fond is Spent. merely accepted the report of Inspec tors without a hearing. ROOK ISLAND AGAIN UNSETTLES SECURITIES Irotcctlon for Mourners. of a court should be followed giving lcoae novernlng same. block front and It. rooming capacity both side, a chance to be heard. Up! 11 w" neU1 ,n,lt wnere ,he uo"-rdiof 500 was considered enormous. to this time the commissioners havel'orm 'ru, or or 'elites, mat i iney aiu noi violate inn cu iw, uui where they, were erected alone and not farther from the ground than 14 Inchea the law waa violated. Mr. Staples aald that he would begin at once to arrange the board., about three or four In number, mi a. to , .nn 1 1 1 v with the law. New York. Feb. T. Weakness In Hit Rook island sec ur It leu again tin- ONE FHOTKHTANT AtiAINHT settled the .tock mrket today. Com- INt'IlKARKD FIlKKillT KATKS men and preferi-tj share, and thai collateral truat bauds fell to new rec- Wellington, Feb. 7 --J. F East ords. Helling of the securltleg profc- representing the Farmers Msnufac i.l. It originated chiefly with the bear turing company. Norfolk, and the (lament which ha recently resumed Virginia Manufacturing company of an nttltude of aggression , Buf folk, . Va.. wa the only protest At lhe office of lhe Rock Island , against the proposed five per cent In. e. mpnny It waa ld thnt the i ,,,. n eastern freight rate, on ernl plana o f proposed remsanlsatlon wooden boxes, bsrrels, pslls tub. ami Were still under nonslderstlnn snd like insnuraelures at th Inlei.tatr Ihi.i no tWnnlle anion was Ikely to cummeree tommlstlon'l hearing to- o. Mil. for some time. , day. out any fine impi of the prosecution prescribed by the f men." loiter iluring the meeting a resolu tion was offered ami adopted, provid ing for the separation of the cells In the city Jail Into five apartments for tb" incarceration of male and female rlsoners, separating them by color ami sex, anil tot other prisoners. Such a separation, t'orporallou Counsel Bernard advised, would be according to law The law relative to this point Is a state law applying to Common Jails In all counties In the state. On arguments In Police court this week It was contended that lhe law does not apply to city prisons, which are con trolled by charter provisions, and on this argument Janitors Plackwell and Williams uere drclared not guilty on the charges preferred against them relative to the lucking of a woman and a man together In lhe game cell New York, Feb. 7. Jame. W. Os borne, liovernor Glynn's graft Investi gator, In a formal statement today said he would recommend the re moval of the whole state hlghwav sys- Loi.won, Feb. 7. The borough 1 tern from the field of party politics, j In city Jail, council of the aoutheaeern suburb ofj "It ought to be done," he declared, I There were several other matters Camberwell passed a resolution today "before we spend a dollar of lhe new before the board at the meeting lust lo make the Camberwell cemetery fifty million fund. Many millions of night, but none of any great Import- "more attractive lo customer. bydolsrs have been all but wasted am e. A communication was read from erecting marquees over the open through the alliance of eonlractora the management of the Mission hospl when the weather is Inclement thu.iand politician.." In I In which It was naked that a fire affording protection to the mourners."' alarm box be placed In front of the M l PINTS SI SPF.MtUt BEO.M HK Institution nr tin structure Is of wood. Rev, Calvin II. Waller will deliver TIIF.Y H.Wt'KR TIIK TANOO tb. telephone Is not alway. In order; two special sermons at the First H, imtlenls nn: nlwny. present who llaptl.t ohurch tomorrow, using a. his Gettysburg, Ps., Feb, 7. Haceuaae cannot help themselves In case of morning theme, 'The Christian South- of their failure to comply, with rulei. fire. The matter was referred to the land," a message of special Interest to prohibiting the dancing of the tsngo. fire committee with power to act. southerners. At the evening hour. Mr. sis student of Gettysburg '"liege have There was also a communication Waller will uae for hi subject. "Pn- been .u.pended for two week. At a from th. Clvte Heilermetit league, In Covering Sin." or "Life's Bham under dance January 14 the committee of which It was asked that an ordinance God' x-rays." with reference to "In- the six fralernltlea having dance hall, be passed carrying provisions that M'Stlgatlona" throughout the land A In chargr failed lo adhere atrlcklU to will force Ihf bakeries In the city tn spatial musical ISrVlfe will Ite- con- lW0 slrps und The young 'wrap the bread t akes and nlher pru ducted at 7:30 by Mr. Ilub. , "nimlltci nr-n were suspended. din I. to protni thi in from dust, also The story of American wo men making American homes in the tropics is fascinating. Get this book and read about it. sCOUPONa 2 Save it ibr a Copy of THE fMAT I iy Frederic J. Haskin iy Frederic J. Haskin Author of "Th. luiliu C re" Gazette-News, Saturday Feb. 7 Colonel Goethals says: Accurate and Dependable" HOW TO GET THIS BOOK On account of the education value and patriotic appeal of this book. The Gaiette-New. haa arranged with Mr. Ha.kln to distribute a limited edition among us reader, for the mere cost of production and handling. It Is bound In a heavy cloth. It contain. 400 pages. 100 II luitratlons and diagram., an Index, and two mapa (one of them beautiful bird's-eye view of the Canal Zone In four colors). IT 18 ACTUALLY A $2.00 VALUB. Cut the above coupon from alx consecutive Issues of the paper, present them with 60 cent at our office, and a copy of the book Is urs Fifteen rent extra If sent by mall. OUR G UAH ANTER: This Is not a money-making ncheme. Tie Gaiette-New will not make a penny of profit from thl. campaign. It ha undertaken the distribution of this book solely because of It eduottlonal merit and whatever benefit there I. to be derived from the good will of thoje who profit from our offer. The nicette-Nw will cheerfully refund the price of the Look to any purchases who la not satisfied with It Present Six Coupons of Consecutive Dates I II ll.l N IMS I T.TRA IK NKVr lV MAIL