Saturday. February 7. 1914 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS PAGE SEVEN I 1 M llll... J.I. I . ' ITALIAN SONOHRTC cFihc SAN CARLO GRAND OPERA COMPANY TO APPEAR HERB. iSMX f .... HHHMB efflfflll ff ML m WS iNnmngBBBK:, WW JOto- 'I IIIIIWTm ' JHS'"'" I- HIM SOPRANO i i i i PI - i ' - -', - rr. : - - - X V! r r r,v r rir r i- r cents and $1. Children 25 cants to any neat. Tickets are now soiling tit Allisons. COMING ATTnACTIOXS. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 9. Matinee and Night "Honey Hoy" Hyena' Minstrels. wr.n.vKsn.AY. FE&nUARY It, The San Carlo Grand Opera i 'onipuny In "l.uoia do Larnincrmoor." 13, THURSDAY, PEBRUA R y Matinee, Th" San I'avlo Grand Opera Company In '('avalkrla Rustirana." TIUJRSUAY, I'KBIUWIiY 1!, Night. The San Carlo Grand Opera Comtiany In "Rlgertetto." m k w M n w It H M M K M K 9 Kit it it KM It Mt ll UK R ft r B "Honey Hoy" Minstrels. Vaughn Comfort will again be found in the interlocutor's chair when llW curtain rises on the new minstrel pro gram which- tieorgo lSvnns' Honey Boys will offer at the Auditorium on nrxl Monday, matinee and night. It is doubtful It' there is another man in minstrelsy bo (Sell fitted for t Him Im portant position. Comfort is a past master in the art of directing Hie 'Tom I'art" program, lie Ih one of the principal soloists as well, and an iik peri siujto Homager who Kpows all the lin ks r value In vocal shading ami dire, ting. There Is probably no other one man in this style of theatricals so important as the interlocutor. From him the leader of the orchestra, the electrician, the stage crew, the end men. Hie singurs and in fact all con cerned In, tills opening scene. lulie their cue. Hy a loo!; or movement of the. head, possibly only a glance, aft) things directed, and in the past visits of this favorite organization the smoothness of the performance hits been a noteworthy feature. Vaughn Comfort has been the Interlocutor with "Honey Hoy" Evans for the past live years and Hvah managerial ucu men is shown by the re-i pgagoment of thin competent master. The night Prices are from 50 cents to 1 1.50. The matinee prices arc CO cents, 7ii The San Carlo Grand Opera Co. Signer Antola. the eminent baritone. 'ho "ill be heard lo re on next Wed nesday' evening with the San Carlo Grand Opera company at the Audito rium, has been written about and sin gled out as an artist whose attain ments leave little to be desired in op eratic stardom, firstly, ho is of' most commanding presence, Secondly. In his lid lit to character, lo sav noth- , splendid voice! powerful and Socialist Columns. These columns arr published every Saturday, and controlled by the BOCttlls! Local of Ashcwllo. Which alone is responsible for the opinions ex pressed. The Ashcvllle Socialist Local meets every Sunday at 10 ft, in., in its reading room. Central Labor Union Hall. All Interested are Invited. A Kansas Cilv Kansas City is said of potatoes Inc ringing. His cone e)rt ion of the oper atic singer s province includes a thor Bttgli iiiiderstunu'.na of .the character to be assumed, to attain which be de votes much study not only of the line: but of the historical original. If such there be. and of the period In which he nourished. Alltola is not so well Known in America, having spout most o( his time since his debut, in Spain. There Is scarcely u city or town in the land of I he Hops where he has not sung Madrid, Barcelona, Cadi. many oth ers. For eight years he uos Ihe moat popular baritone in the country. lie made his debut In Pavla, Italy, in ItlO.'l, after which he sung steadily throughout liurope, appearing in the loading cities of Portugal, Italy, Spain and Bohemia, oven singing in Africa, lie created numerous ruins' ;i nil sung in many premieres, In Portugal, where he attained great success as I'I'onio, in ri'a.Kliacoi." bis perform ance is said lo hOVe been so reallsti jlhal be was o,,. usually greeted oa Mie streets by children, und even tmwii persons who bud witnessed the opera, with, "Hello, Tonlo.' Since reaching America a few weeks ago be has scored ina.rl.ed success In the role of Ueifry Ashlon 111 "iaieia di 1-aniinermoor". The repertoire for tho opera company on next Wednesday and Thursday will be as follows: 'tin Wednesday evening "l.ocia ill l.ntn ineriimor," on Thursday, matinee, tho double bill of "Cavnllorla ItUStlcana" and "I'l'iinliacci," and on Thursduy evening "Rlglctto," Tin, maliiiee prices will ratlgu from fit) cents to 11.50, The night prices from :0 cenls lo 2, Tickets for the entire engage Itteilt will be placed on sale Monday morning at Allison's. situation. to have 1 '.',, cars rotting on ihc tracks. Great business. That is enough food to quiet the hunger of Kansas City's poor for many weeks or months. How ever It won't be used for that purpose. The laboring people of Kansas City have not yet been sufficiently starved Theh to realize I hat potatoes are not brought from tile producers 111 inch ! quantities so that they may have j enough lo stay tie hunser. Those po tatoes will lay there and rot unless. Somebody can make some profit out of them. Then when tin y have rolled they will be dumped somewhere so near thai the decaying matter will bo ia kooiI disease breeder lor the poor ' who either can't or are too Ignorant I to prevent sickness. Great Is capital I Ism! Socialism would not lie good lor you. Blind Justices Joseph c, . Robin, the skyrocket I financier, sentenced to serv e one year 111) Hlackwell Island penitentiary, 'ai; j ideal vd a few days ago without ever LhavihK served a single day of actual prison lite lor too larceny m ?. i .,m, from Ihe Washington Savings Judging from the press reports he must have manifested extremely "good" behavior while under sentence, us be was required lo servo but live months, and was permitted lo leave the prison every morning tit nine to catch the nine o'clock boat, to remain at business in Ihe city until Ihe four o'clock bout and then resume . his place in the penitentiary during the Itlght, While nominally a convict Kob l Is said lo have "made betwuon 18110,000 and J 1 (10,000 during his daily trips to .ew York." The Privileged Classes, The privileged classes of mankind being maii and that ihe laboring po pie are Ihe backbone of the church. The P,ec. Edward liegafferelly of ihc Christian church said that he re alized thai minister are not what they should be. but that Ihe laboring men should not condemn ih - church for what a few ministers do. The ItOV; W. A. Cooper, hanvlllo, presideul of the conference, said thai ihc worklngmen had lusi faith and confidence in the eliuivh because ihe -illdv Ihe eomli'ilom nsses and preach on h. lie ioid the mitt- nut ministers of the working e them often eiiou Isters Ihm if ih .meeting of a labor uiii find Dial tile laboring uld I tend ,i n I hoy would inn looked o i ii the subject of ry iloes not ail- Hasket bail Monday iiir,hls. V. M. C. A. vs. lego. Reserved seats and Tuesday Tusculum Col- Mm m'rm HI MM li i:, thi; minsthi l man who always i-lnys tiii: "Iiiai. UAH NIGflKIl" WITH HONRY HOY M VAN'S' MINKTRELf, TO 1115 SliKN AT THE At IHTOHU m MtlKUAY MATIN KU AND Mt.Hl, IHHH AKY I. haye no conscience i their privilege. Ilisl dtieu one Insunce in which a nobility j or eysn a monopoly entrenched in precedent und custom has aver volun tary made restitution to society of the lights of which she had been deupoil ted. The iron jaws which close on the I marrowy bone of privilege never relax i ulrtll they are broken. So long as the laboring people, anelent or modern. lunc restricted their organisations lo mere pleasure religion und frugality, hey do not appear to have been harshly dealt with, bill just as soon as they ventured lo consider anil act upon the subject of pi, lilies, which of all others, was most necessary to their welfare, they have become, and ihli is true In oor time, the objects of hate, abuse and repression. John Clark Rid path. Success of a New Co-OpcralHc. The Seminole Co-i iperatlve Mer, au lllc company, inc., of Stanford, I'lorulu in tho first two mouths of Its exist ence cleared l3 i C OrocotiOS sold at (0 per cent ad vance mer cost willi freight added, Yet the co-operative Is able to under- i scdl Us competitors. ! The monthly sule.i average IL'.jOO. Two delivery wagons are constants In use. The housewives of Sanford have in i n circularised w ith an appeal to buy one or more shares of stnc. nt 110. JO a share, and to purchase "rrotfl a first class grocerj store, capitalised and run by Ihe pcoph not for prolit." Labor Official Says Church Has Ih-scrtt'd Labor. That tho church bus deserted labor and become Hie defender of wealtn was the eburgu by II. T. t'olun. sec retary "f the Virginia Federation 0( Labor, Ills remark threw the stale conference of charities Into an up roar, and brought a number of glfflR men to their feet, mostl) to deny, but some to admit thu ehsrite Coivin's statements were ulso affirmed by K. C. Davidson, president of the Vir ginia Uedvratlon of ljibor Oplvtn referred tu the recent meet ing of the Bplecopal bishops of ,ew York, at win, i the bishops refused to Indorse the law aaalnst ohlld labor, und then said that the bishops sat down to a dinner costing 1 0,000 while hundreds of men and women and children were lMerully starving In t lie streets of New York city. The Rev, T. C, Durst, uu Episcopal minister, defended the bishops' meet ing In New York and denied that they bud rut down to a 110.000 dinner as i banted, while Dr. Welford entered n I genera! denial that the church of to I day lu for the rich man. lie declared 1 lhat Ibv church is a friend o( Ihe la- them with suspicion, fearing that (hoy herd come i o spy for i lie riehi He advised that ihc pasturs and the laboring men gat Closer together and thai the ministers: find mil the true conditions and cllrieai'oi' to aid and lift up ihc worhinguien r ml better their conditions. Drn-Yhci Kates. .lust prcvloitu to i''el:ruary I several of ihe larger iffjiVing companies in Ashrvlllc notified their customers that rates for hauling merchandise would be advanced from sixty lo as high as one himdrtnl eJjg.'eut oTeettitlii kliidt of goo'ds. Tin' notii e-i "iverc sent out Sim ultaneously by Ihe companies and the rates demanded Wet's uniform. As an excuse for tile raise. I hey gave the shorter hours secured by ihe recently organised iruckmens' union and the Increased cost of feed and other sup Ill lee, A careful cxainination.of I lie books of these companies would probably show that only a vers small per cent of thiii raise was justified. The truck men have secured a ten hour day In stead of a daylight lo .quitting time Schedule, but the experience or every employer is lhat reasonable hours of work and a definite quitting time se CeUre better net results than Indefin ite hours. Tile cost of horse feed is other little trusts in this town; ihc town will grow and the i; i";; will grow. Ultimately, a few fortunate ones will be aide o make swollen profits, and the remainder will be put out of business. As Karl .Marx pointed out, long before the present industrial era. competition lit Variably ends in combination, A linn or corporal ion like a. tree, must grow to live. The advocates of competition have always mentally defined It IS "competition for others, combination lor us." The sole solution of the trust problem is the socialist co-operative commonwealth, When established, it will provide ample opportunity tor the lab nls now devoted to keeping aliv e our senseless cmmerolal system and will pay honestly for all services ren dered lie community. Itcason, Rhyme and Rol. The details of the Judge 'Spoor ini peachimMil case must stick in tin ..ran nC cvorv thinking American. Whenever a public servant is exalted to a tin god, corruption and Ineffi ciency follow as a malter of coui-sc. Itecall ihc Judges! Zephyr skirts show which way the wind .blows, but one bare fuel proves 1 Hi,' high cost ol living can oe ,d. Parisian ladies, so dispute lies . are discarding stockings, hlcago is lo finance and operalo a Where goods win oe soiu ai con, cdy people vouched for by the if. Most likely tnese win ispectlve voters lor Ihe lilltlij and Bftth-house Johns, but socialism BUeh a store would v benefit every man, woman SCHU35S THEATRE CIRCUIT MATINEE AT 3:30. Monday February NIGHT 8:30 9 the etori COlllllV be pi Dtnkl undei dlrcc and child in the city. The people of these moiinlnins will I i. .,,i io learn thai J. B. iui' is 'thinking of purchasing Ihc F.nglish , itato el' Lord Crewe for a trile of a half a million dollars. After being .1..!...., ,,,o ,.r i.iisiiicss. vcars. o.v Ihe Here Conies "Honey Boy" With the Best Show He Ever Had GEO. EVANS HONEY BOY MINSTRELS ALL NEW THIS YEAR COMPANY OF 60 John King. Sam Lee, Vaughn Com fort, Kldon Durand, Tommy Hyde, "Rags" Leigh ton. Will Caw ley, James Meehan, Win. H. Thompson, Joseph Gillespie, Joe Wesley, Ed. Llndcman, .Master Paul Van Dyke Concert Rand und Orchestra Ktlunrd Y. Cupero. Hircctor. Till'. HLACKV1LLK I5ALL( MIX ATICS" "Honey Roy" as "Sweetie .lones" Mnttnec: ,r)0c, 7Sc, S1.00; Children Scats Now Selling at Allison any scat, ifac, SI. 00, Sl.oO. Drug Store. Xlghl, 60c, this superintendent was dropped on the plea that his salary was more than the school could afford. He Wai getting seventy dollars a month. Said Hans to frits, "It gifs mo fits To see dor way things go; 1 vorks each day; I draws mine pay; 11 melts away like snow. if not as high ami gUSolIni As a matter well equlppt little, and I raise rates, perfunctory is sore, or at Ing an espei Ills ox is being stead of Ihe one oral public. campi ontpetl t in It w '.s two years a i only a trifle hlghe fact, the d, fear c .iving had the pow lid so. Their excusi Kvery merchant in IraJt every one not inll.v favorable con gored ''lis tlm ichmging to tin s are i but er to s are town t . Ins gen- ,ut ICCO trust, it is still their Ivpmble privilege t mtribute aoouii iwo cents In ev ery live pen lor. to-1 liacco, towards providing comforts ofj this kind for Duke and his associate! Count Thomas fortune Ityiin. How profit stands in the way of. progress is aptly Illustrated by a tnle.Der grocer gets half of it trom London. Ky. A Methodtel Indus- Rer rest all Vant a she ,..i..i .-.,i,..i ii, re,, hnd mi exnerlmenl- Dey come around on pay ul farm ami managed il in conjunc tion with the state agricultural col lege. They hired a superintendent who mil to be a BOClallSt, .Many ol elshborlna farms and farmers were poor and he arranged for the latter to get fertilizer on a co-operative basis at cost. The merchants of the town protested and before long from inside Ills head out, Ho chust so well might schwa p h! i head ,f"or another one of kraut. So soon he learns election ihr; Is der time to make a kick, il'nd votes for socialism. He gets it better quick." N. V. I In a way dot Istl lay School at Night. nice. tppe So glad, mine wife, when dey arc irnne She wipes away a tear, Und hides der lust one nickel Dot 1 might buy a beer." Said Hans, "Der corking Bakket ball Monday ami Tuesday Ighta Y. M. C. A. vs. Tusculum Col ge. Iteterved seats 33c. Fritz to man s Cot more vol he can hear. Itut mill, some day. tie dinks he may llecome a millionaire. I'ntll he gets dot foolishness Pupils In the Dlckerson high school, Jersey City, went to school from 4:8(1 in the afternoon to 10 o'clock at night on one occasion lately, in order thai Ihc adult members of their famillef might see the school plant In opera tlon. liver 16)000 citizens took gvde vantage of tho opportunity offered Superintendent Snyder to see what the high school was actually doing.i The school program was carried out in the regular order, including the serving of tho school luncheon aboutl the middle of tho session. AUDITORIUM NEXT WEDNDSDAY THURSDAY MATINEE Thursday The Musical and Social Event of the Season THE AN CARLO COMPANY RETURN ENGAGEMENT UNDER LARGE GUARANTEE World's Famous Singers. Grand Opera Orchestra. Increased Chorus. Complete Scenic and Property Effects. Wednesday Evening, "Lucia di Lammermoor" Thursday Matinee, "Cavalleria Rusticana" and "I Pagliacci" Thursday Evening, "Rigoletto" NIGHT PRICES. 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 AND $2.00 MATINEE PRICES 50c, 75c. $1.00 AND $1.50, In order that patrons may occupy same eats for the entire engagement, tickets for the three performances will go on sale Monday morning at Allison's.