Friday, February 27 PAGE TEN THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS HOME OOMFORT AND M. & W INDIAN COAL Mean one and the same thing. Cold weather ban ished in the home. Ig nites readily. burns steadily; fewest ashes, no clinkers, just the BEST FTEL. PHONE 130 Carolina Coal & Ice Company 80 Patton Avenue Durham Building REMOVAL NOTICE We have moved from 22 Patton Avenue to tho store formerly occupied by the Ashe ville Paint and Glass Co., on North Main street in Iangren Hotel building. The I. X. L. Dept. Store. 14 North Main St. Phone 107 Dry Feet Are those shod with the per fect fitting and perfectly niado GUARANTEE SHOES All leathers; all sizes; for men and ladies. Up to $4 and $5. Guarantee Itore 4 South Main St. YOUR WASHING Done in the most perfect manner, washed perfect ly clean; starched prop erly; ironed without wrinkle, returned in neat package that will satisfy the most exacting. PHONE 2000 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. 95 College Street. A JOINT MEETING IS BEING PLANNED Arrangements For N. C. Fores try and Appalachian Park Ass 'ns. to Meet Here. An attempt Is beinpt made to have a Joint meeting here on April 8 and 9 of the North Carolina Forestry asso ciation and the Appalachian Park as sociation. The former association has already announced its annual meet ing in Asheville on these dates and it is hoped that a joint meeting can be arranged that will greatly add to the interest of the gathering. The Appalachian Park association has only been In existence since liist summer, dating from the meeting of tile Southern Appalachian Good Roads association, but since Its pur pose is to promote the purchiise of larger areas lor I'nited States forest reserves in the Southern Appalach ians for the establishment of a na tional park, to open the section to the people of the country for recreation, pleasure and health, interest In Its ultimate success has grown apace. Since both the Forestry and Park associations have in view the ultimate conservation of the forests of the sec tion, besides having other things In commos, it is believed that a Joint meeting here this spring would be beneficial to both In arousing a great er Interest In the question of conser vation. The Forestry association has the support of the leaders of the state in conservation, while the Park associa tion has a wider scope, being of di rect isterest to the people of the entire eastern section of the United States. It is believed therefore that a Joint meeting of the two associations would serve to bring together men of promi nence from many states and thus ma terially advance the interests of each organization. There seems little doubt but that this Joint gathering will be arranged and the railways will be asked to put on special rates for the event, since It is expected that such a gathering would attract many hundreds here for the two days' session. IN FIVE MINUTES You Breathe It If your head is all stuffed up from a cold or catarrh, you suffer with dull headaches and seem lacking in vital ity, or are constantly sniffing and coughing, you need a remedy that will give the quickest, most effective and lasting relief possible some thing that will go right to the spot, clear the head and throat and end your misery. Surely use Hyomei all druggists sell it. It is Just such a remedy, and Is entirely harmless and pleasant to use you breathe it no stomach dos ing. The antiseptic oils of HyompI mix with 'he air you breathe Its health giving medication immediately reaches the sore and Inflamed mucous membrane you feel better In five minutes. It is practically impossible tot use Hyomei and not only be re lieved but permanently benefited. Smith's Drug Store will refund your money if you are not satisfied. Ask for the complete outfit $1. 00 size. Ti lull Mil mill II I Mil Powerful Electric Lights "HON AND THE MOUSE" IT THE GALAX TODAY The CHALMI R ELECTRIC LIGHTING SYSTEM has sev eral exclusive feature' his Improvements over the ordinary motor car lighting. It Is a most powerful lighting system that can be put on a car and the old fashioned side lights have been elminated. Each head light having a small and a large lamp in it, which you con trol from the seat to suit your needs. Come in and let us tell you more about the 1014 Chalmers Six. A Asheville Automobile Co. Sales Room: 18 and 2(1 Church St. Garage: 15 - 17 S. Lexington Ave. Slushy wet streets will be with! us for weeks. Remember that snow, rain or slush cannot reach the feet in Dr. A Reed 's ! Cushion Sole Shoes $5 & $5.50. Geo. W. Jenkins, 18 South Main Street. "Conquered Hate" at the Prin- -Both Advertised as Big Features. "OUR SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS" "A corking good book" says one reader. Fine description of South ern conditions and popularities of the mountain folk. $2.50. Drop in and look at It. SOGERS BOOK STORE. SB Patton Avenue. - - Rogers Press. . - SB Patton Are. - Phone 2R4 cess- WTTH HIPPEJJ CREAM REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS George Douglas Miller and wife to Mary Cary, Mountain Meadows inn property; $10,000 and other valuable considerations. W. D. Hess and wife to George T. Harrow, tracts of land situated in Huncombe county; consideration, II, 600. W, C. Moody and wife to Mattie E. Brooks, property in West Asheville; $10 and divers other considerations. Mattie E. . Hrooks and husband to J. O. Chapln. parcels of land lying in town of West Asheville; consideration $250. Mrs. Mamie Irons and husband to -V. J. and Amy B. Warner, tracts of land lying on Chunn street; considera tion, $3000. C. H. Shope to J. H. Bradshaw, pieces of land lying In French Broad township; consideration $"u. Weaverville Kieotric company to J. P. Jarvis and wife, property located south of Nfewbridge station; consider-! ation $180. House Wired ? No ? Then the electric iron that re quires no stove and saves time and labor Is not one of your conveniences? Then you tire yourself out pedal ing the sewing machine when you might havo electricity do if for you at the trifling cost of a halt cent an hour? Then you rant have light In that dark closet or turn the witch and light a porch from the inside ? Why not enjoy the convenience and economy of electricity ? It's a simple matter to wire a house and our prices are very reasonable. Guess how much it will cost. Then to satisfy yourself, phone us for an estimate. No obligation whatever. Construction 1 Department PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. 61 PATTON AVE Opposite P. O. WANTS nrsTLEss dusters Free, one tlustless duster with each SS.00 order for groceries, Monday and Tuesday. March 2nd., 3rd. . D. ALLISON, Phone 1S4.1 225 Merrlmon Ave. At the Galax theater today will be shown the Lubin production in flVtl parts of "The Lion and The Mouse" by Charles Klein, author of "The Third Degree." By many critics this pictorial presentation has been pro nounced superior to the stage version of this masterful drama. "The Third Degree," which was recently shown at the Galax, made an excellent impres sion and all who saw it are looking forward to "The Lion and The Mouse" with the certainty that another treat is in store for all lovers of the best in motion pictures. The Lubin company have invested this production with all accessories of a perfect picture and the cast of char acters was chosen with care from among the leading stars of this com pany. George Soule Spencer, as the money king; Gaston Bell, as the lover; Bartley McCullum. as the Judge; and F-thel Clayton, as the maid who is loved, are all said to score heavily in their roles and the remaining roles are In capable hands. It Is expected that large audiences will witness this pro duction. The headliner at the Princess today Is a two-reel Patheplay entitled, "Con quered Hate." It Is stated the scenes are all hand colored and advance no tices of this Interesting novelty prom IM a strong story. It deals. It is said, with the romance of a Parisian artist: and his beautiful model, who is a fam- ous operatic star. The scenes of the Paris opera and of the Parisian art ; world alone make this a picture of unusual moment and the passionate) love story is characteristic of the I French. Gina, the model; and Rene, the artist, are portrayed respectively! by Miss Robinne and Mr. Alexander of! the Comedle Franealse. An Essanay I comedy, "A Foot of Romance," feat-1 urlng in the leading roles, Wallace Beery and Beverly Bayne, will also bo shown and It is said to he both clever and amusing. Another comedy, reported very funny, "Dishing Dick's Dishwasher " Pathe players, will add merriment to tho program. HOT CHOCOLATE s CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE NEAR POST OFFICE. PHONE 110. HAYWWOD STREET UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Something New in Cheese Bluehill Cream Cheese with Green Chilli, warm not sizzling. Try just one package. Price 15 cents. As large as three croain cheese you have been buying. E. C. JARRETT Pack Square and City Market Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. HILL'S PEERLESS PRODUCTS. HILL'S PEERLESS PRODUCTS Hickory Cured HAMS All-Pork Sausage Hickory Cured BACON Home-Rendered Lard THEY ARE ALL THAT THE NAME IMPLIES Phones 4 and 359 ASK YOUR NEIGIIROR HILL'S PEERLESS PRODUCTS. HILL'S PEERLESS PRODUOT8 J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairng my Specialty. No. 8 Pack Square. - -.svbbbbsssi i Use MONARCH GOAL Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 - - - 10 N. Pack Sq. M. & yi COAL The kind for winJ weamer; tne luel of j highest standard of J ity; tested through than a decade ot time-1 , t ' m . ' ' ways unnorm. PHONE 40 Asheville Coal " ' N. Pack Square V. M. WEAVER, MCT. PRICE SALE Overcoats, Clothing, Hats and Uncle Sam's Pawnsli 30 S. Main Street SPECIAL SAL of Men's, Youths', and Suits and Overcoats now i on. Gem Clothing Store,' 6 Patton Ave. Children's Chairs ROCKERS AND HIGH CHAIRS 35c on up to $7.00 Youths' Dining Chairs $3.50 This chair Is built especially for tho Browing child who Is too large f.r a high chair and too small for a regular dining room chair CASH OR SATISFACTORY TERMS J. L. Smathers and Sons Mammoth Furniture Store - - - 15-17 North Main St 1 J-7t It 11m. Jap Rice $1.00 II lbs. Sugar 20 Ilia. Brown Sugar 1.00 2 His. large Prunes 1 lbs. Stewing Figs . , It : lbs. Evaporated Peaches 25 U. D. ALLISON. Phone 1643. 12-10t Freah Comb Honey, 20c. Home made Sorghum, Pure Fruit Jellies and Preserves, at a barf In. O. D. ALLISON, Phone 1643. 13-10t Special price on canned goods. Jellies and preserve, Call and aee me, or phone O. L ALLISuN. Phone 1643. 12-101 Knabe Ampico The Perfect Player Piano Come and henr lliii Wonderful Piano Dunham 's Music House WANTED You to bring your grind ing to the Asheville II. S. Co. We grind and sharpen cutlery of ovary description. 23 N. Main St. SEEING THE H CANAL Only a very few Americans ever will aee with their own eyea the great canal at Panama. Nearly all of ua have seen maps that show, in black and white outline, the course of the great waterway. Fortunately, there U a type a map which Is not the dead, flat outline, but which comes a. nearly as may be to giving one an Idea of how the oa nal looks. This is a bird's eye view of the whole canal made under the direction of the National Qeorgraphle Society. This map, printed In four colors, forms the frontispiece of "The Pann ma Canal." by Frederic J. Haskln the book that has the O. K. of Col onel Ooethals. See the coupon on front page of this ISMie for Information as to how to obtain this book at coat price. ELMER DUCKETT SPECIAL THIS WEEK While they last Onyx enamel double cereal boiler 45c. tl.00 Clark expansion hit 1 Inch to S Inch for 50c. Brown Hardware Co., 26 North Main Bt. Phone (7. it y WAGH BOILERS Mad of HEAVY BLOCK TIN fREEDf Funeral Services Tills Afternoon Over Remains of West Ashrtlllc Man. SHEET METAL I WORKS T. P. JOHNSON & GO. ALL KINDS OF ROOFING Galvanized Iron Cornice, Skylights, Ventilators, Metal Ceilings, Blow Pip I work. Etc. 69-71 South Main St. Phone 325 A LENTEN MENU OF SLAECT FOOD An assortment that makes selection easy. Our of fering is gathered from the coasts of eight different states. WE AWAIT YOUR ORDER LOBSTERS, SCOLLOPS, KING MACKEREL, SPOTTED TROUT, COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON HALIBUT, SEA BASS FRESH WATER PERCH, ROE SHAD, BUCK SHAD, ROE JACKS, HERRING, SMELTS, RED SNAPPER, N. C. MULLETS, BONELESS COD FISH, BLUE POINT OYSTERS, CHESAPEAKE OYSTERS. ASHEVILLE FISH CO. PHONES: 289, 290, CITY MARKET 315 Great Variety of novelties for all occasions. Gift for old yourur for tin kiddles. Anything for specials. Dinner docoratlons. Favors. Masks for anj play can be gotten from us on short notice. loo view post cards of Asheville and vicinity at 10c- per dozes. BLOMBERG'S SPORTING GOODS AND TOY STORE 17 Patton Avenue HAMS AND BACON COUNTRY Qg HICKORY URED SMOKED DISTINCTIVE IN FLAVOR STAR MARKET PHONES: 1917, 1918, 1919. $?ZggTuXl PR1CF. .... $1.00 Wlill They Last Brown Hardware Co. IS NORTH MAIN T rtlONK h; The funeral services will he held this afternoon' over the remains of Elmer Ducket!, aged 17, who died yea terday morning at 11:55 o'clock at th horn of his parent, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Duokett In West Aahavill. after an Illness of about three weeks. The Interment will follow at Jarrett's cem etery In West Asheville The deceased had been employed for the last two years In Ihe Ijtshly green house In West Asheville and was well known to a large number of friends, who will learn with sorrow of his piisn-Ink A bill has been Introduced In Ihe leglslstur of Manitoba to prohibit the employment of white wutiin and girls In any factory or place of buslnea owned or managed by Chines or Japanese. Sliced Dried Beef Sliced from the choice cuts of the beef. AXb 15 cents. Vzlb 30 cents, lib 60 cents. Sliced as thin as paper. Stradley & Luther PHONE 1902 1 and 3 E. Pack Square Agfa i foii hii i moiu d iihv Hoys Join Y. M C. A. Today. II-It. Citizens Transfer Company sTUAN woodcock. Owner. Isndrrlha Sml si Oranl'. Ittarmaci. W glvt moving our special MteMlon. Lsrgsat vans snd -noat oomp- "i fc "i. ri"mi usk wnir servir. Kndorsed by CJ C t Chambvri Weaver, Livery. Phone II i sad T. F. 4. Pkoa 21. Ititoa Avsau 4 "It Is Always the UNEXPECTED That Happens" Frederick Rutledge, General Agent for the Girard Firi and Mar1?.. Insurance Company of Philidel-'iia, and thfJ City of New Ycrk Fire Iuurance Company of Net Ycrk, has just received mtice of a big loss on the City Hall in Winston-Salem. N. C, r.hich was occupied by tht:. Firs Department, Market House and Armory. It hi been thought by many Oty Officials that it would be impossible for a City Hall building of brick or stone co! struction to burn, owing to the fact that wiiuc i pied by the fire depirtnun J Frederick Rutledge & Co. j J

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