Friday, February 27, 1914 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS PAGE I Opening Announcement OF PISGAH CAFE The neatest and most sanitary Cafe in the city, will be open to the Public Saturday Morning Under the Management of P. R. Moore PISGAH CAFE 22 PATTON AVENUE Opposite Bon Marche CANAL EMPLOYES BEING GRADUATED Winding up Course in Practi cal Canal Building and Preparing to Leave . SEASON SOMEWHAT LIKE COMMENCEMENT IF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER BOTHER Take Salts to Flush Kidneys And Neutralize Irritat ing Acids. Satisfaction expressed That Chief Engineer Will Remain on Job For Some Time. New Tones. Wool crinkled crepe for tailored suits Is new, also wool "cascadeuse," a Japanese like- material replacing tussor. It comes In all the latest colors in vogue absinthe Japanese green, brass yellow and nut brown. Alligator crepe is reversible; the crepe Is flat tened so that Is reminds one of an alligator's hide. Coat linings are of "crepe Chinese pompadour." It has bright stencil fig-, ures on a contrasting crepe ground and has something very Chinese in Its character, as its name indicates, iu spite of the pompadour color combi nations. Topaz is the novelty color of the spring season, returning to fashion, after long absence, with the jewel of that name. It runs from dark to light in the whole gamut of tones. Those darker are desirable for women who wish the utra-fashionable color used for their spring suit. It goes best with a creamy complexion. Saddle brown Is one of the newest tones of brown; all tones of brown, however, are In vogue, and it is expected that it will lie the most popular color this spring. Flame color, a beautifuj glowing red is especially lovely In golflne. New York Herald. Boys join Y. M. C. A. Today. 12-3t. THEY COME! THEY SEE! THEY BUY! Suits and Overcoats 12 PRICE, During This Midi-Winter CLEAN-UP SALE Come Cet Your Share of Real Bargains at a Real Sale Inspection will convince you that this is a genuine money in you pocket event. GEM CLOTHING STORE 6 Patton Ave. 'The Little Store With the Big Values" Panama, Feb. 27. It Is, In many respects, very much like a college commencement season on the Isthmus just now. From the thousands of men who have been taking long courses in practical canal building classes are being graduated almost daily, a commencement season which will probably continue for many months. Men who have put in the full course might be believed to welcome release from the tropics, but on every hand there is a sort of alma mater sentiment expressed by many in the hope that they will return to the scene of their engineering triumphs for further service of some sort, A majority of the men who are laying down their books and shovels are go ing away with no other diploma than pride In having participated In a monumental work. That Is enough to bind many men together and It may be no surprise that some such or ganization as the Canal Diggers Al umni association is an outgrowth of this common pride. There is general satisfaction ex pressed that the chief engineer will stay until the last, and overlap for a time at least as the civil governor of the canal zone. But this appointment of- Colonel George W. Goe.thals as governor Is practically the only defi nite answer which the bigger men of the canal work have been given as to what next for a big job. With .Colonel Goethal's appoint fent Richard L. Metcalfe, who bad been In charge of the civil adminis tration, and Joseph Bucklln Ulshop, secretary of the canal commission, are winding up their work. Mr. Met calfe will probably return soon to the United States, but he declares that re ports that he Intends to enter the race Kidney and Bladder weakness re sult from uric acid, says a noted au thority. The kidneys filter this acid from .the blood and pass It on to the bladder, where it often remains to ir ritate and inflame, causing a burning. scalding sensation, or setting up an Irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sen sation and Is very profuse; again, there Is difficulty In voiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks call it, because they can't control urination. While It is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this is really one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your pharmacist and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three days. This will neu tralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and urinary organs which then act normally again. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts Is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. Here you have a pleasant, efferves cent lithia, water drink, which iiuickly relieves bladder trouble. Our Ready-to-Wear Department Is Receiving by Daily Express Exceptional Values in Spring Coat Suits, Dresses and Coats A splendidly Tailored or Fancy Suit that We Sell at $20.00 would cost you ordinarily up to $30.00 Beautiful showing of Dresses in all the newest Silk Fabrics and Styles. . From $17.50 to $35.00 Elegant line of Spring Coats now on Display "TrfE STORE THAT ?AVC YOU HONEY7 AIHCVILLC, N,C. TODAY OUSTX-Ty AT THE GALAX THEATRE A Photoplay Masterpiece "THE LION AND THE MOUSE" By Chas. Klein In Five Parts Enacted by tha Lubin Players ADMISSION 20c CHILDREN 10c 00MINQ TOMORROW ! "The Unwelcome Throne" First Picture "Adventure of Kathlyr." Series. AT THE PRINCESS THEATRE A Distinct Novelty "CONQUERED HATE" IN TWO PARTS PATHEPLAY A Tale of a Parisian Artist and His Beautiful Model Mile. Robinns and Mons. Alexander of Comedie Francase In the Leading Roles HAND COLORED SCENES TWO OTHER 000D REELS for the governorship of Nebraska are erroneous. He asserts that it is not his present intention to do so, leaving his future an open question. It is generally understood in the zone that Begretary Bishop will be appointed by President Wilson in the capacity of official historian or the canal. It is Intimated that this is the wish of Colonel Goethals who be lieves that the official history of the canal should be compiled while the undertaking is fresh In the minds of those who took part In it, and by a man who was as intimately associated with It as was Mr. Bishop. The sec retary will probably remain here un til the official opening, or the water way, set for January 1916. Among the division engineers who have lately been relieved of their du ties Is Lieutenant Colonel William L. Sibert, the "concrete man." He was in charge of the construction or all concrete work on the riatun locks, dam nnd spillway. Where he will go when t ho isthmian canal commission reuses to exist on April 1 is another open question, but in some quarters it is believed that the construction of the projected Alaskan railway may furnish ii suitable field for his activi ties as It will for many who have finished their work here. Everyone believes that Colonel Wr. C. Oorpiis. the sanitary expert who rid the isthmus of the yellow fever pes-ts. and who Is now engaged In a great sanitary work In South Africa, VIII be the next surgeon general of the army. . H. 11 ItosseSu. the naval engineer who has always been regarded, as Col CJoethals' right hand man. will proba bly remain on the Isthmus until the finishing touches have been given all he docks atid shops at both ends of the canal. At Bnlhoa this work, In his charge, has only been begun nnd notwithstanding the headway that Is heln made daily It Is apparent that It Will be at lenst another year before the building which will serve as the future lii a'louarters of the canal force and the navej shops nnd dry dock will be ready to turn over to other hand' I nch with this done It la be lieved that Col. (Inethals will find further need of his "right hand man In connection with the canal opera tion. Lieutenant Colonel M. V. Hodges. I'nlted fntes corps of engineers. Is another of the constructors Jf SV" great wnterway whose ser Ices will he required until st hat the end of Htr present year. Ills work has been in looking after the Important le Moal Installation st the three great locks and In providing for the aids U navigation through the canal. It la exnecled that this work will be completed before the end n' the pres ent year Then the canal will b raid to be real'v In condition fr tbe amf passage of ocean going vessels and not before. Home anxiety Is manifested by Wal ter F. I'eyer nsslstant engineer In charge of aids to navigation In the ennnt Itself, over the spnearanre of large nuantttleg of water cabbage and Water hvaclnfh 'hat are growrig rap Idly and spreading over the Af the canal Thse nlsnts n-e form ing In leraa. and small floating la lands nnd It l feared will prove a hi- ' nee to nvlatn Wit bin f brief period after the closing of the -ntiatir riatun spillway tbe water cabbaga began (rowing along the banks of the lake that was formed. Now they have spread all over the surface of the lake and are floating about in, great islands that are becoming very dense. These plants have very long roots and in shallow water become anchored fast to the bottom. Recently the water hyacinth made its appearance and like the cab bage is floating about in large islands. The growth of the latter is much faster than the cabbage and forms in masses of great density. It is feared that ships will hiive considerable dif ficulty in piercing these masses. Al ready means are being considered for their control so they will not obstruct the canal. The danger from the plants is said to be greatest where the canal is nar rowest because they will there rind anchorage and gradually overspread the entire waterway. The danger is regarded as not so great in Gatun lake because they have a tendency to remain near the shore. FIREPROOF ASHEVILLE, N. C. GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 P. M. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 P. M. Visitors to Asheville, although not guests of GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect the building. Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Parties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concsrts 3:00 to 4:00 P. M., 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. Rates: $5.00 per day and up. Phone 3000. PUBLISH TREATMENT FOR "BLIND STAGGERS' Washington, Feb. 27. Because of the widespread prevalence of "blind staggers" disease fatal to thousands of horses, the department of agriculture has outlined methods for combatting it. Urgent appeals for assistance have been received froiu 16 states, including Georgia, North and South Carolina and Virginia. The disease, the department says, can be controlled effectively only by a total change of feed and forage. "It is quite obvious" It declares, "thnt there Is a direct connection between tire green forage, exposed pastura" and newly cut hay or fodder whlyh the horses eat; and this cerebro-splnal meningitis, as the disease Is known to scientists. Eating of such forage when contaminated is undoubtedly the most Important cause." Battery Park Hotel N THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Famous Everywhere -T. L. ATjEXA NDER. Prop. THE ST. JOHN Hendersonville, N C. Commerc'al Tourists. The Modern, attractive, big hotel of the town. Every Convenience. Every Comfort. Large Sample V,oom. Located in Business Sec tion. The St. John remain s open through out the Year. A green fruit law amendment by the Florida legislature prescribes that oranges shall not show more than 1.30 per cent of gold and grapefruit not more than 1.7a per cent when shipped before .November 5, Boys Join Y. M. C. A. Today. 12-3L SUYETA PARK HOTE.L Open year round. Modern and convenient for commer cial and tourist. Steam heated. Under new management. Address WM. SCHAUFFLE, JR. Waynesville. N. 0. Majestic Today and Tomorrow VERNON MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY PRESENTING MUSICAL FAROE COMEDIES Majestic Swannanoa-Berkeley Asheville 's Most Modern and Up to Date Hotel Hot and Cold Running Water or Private Bath in Every Room FRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner and Proprietor CANTON, N.C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL . M. OUTER, Prop. Fill I SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED RVTES $2.00. ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE BATHS HOTEL REGAL, mlrphy. north Carolina. ' . I HMAIIItKS, Owner and Proprietor Hot and Cold Water. Telephone In Every Room. Private Rathe, Stag Unit. I,. me Aamplt Rooma, S pedal Attention to Traveling Men RATES: $2 no and S2..-.0 per day. Special Rates by the week. ll"Milqtiarler for '. V. T. anil T. IV A. BRYSON HOTEL-- -ANDREWS, N.C. COMMERCIAL H E AD QUARTERS A refined homelike hotel, where you will enjoy stopping. The appnlnt menla are up to date and the, Hcrvlee ami cualne all that personal atten tion can make It. RATES S2.00 per day. A. R. SPEARS. Proprietor. Illl .1 lilt I IT SPRINGS HOTEL Commercial and Tonrtet. Rates 12.00 per. day. Hot and cold Hatha Special Rates by the Week or Month. R P. JARRKTT Manager DIUsboro. W. a Hot Springs Mineral Baths And Mountain Park Hotel Hot Springs, N. C. Now Open. Thu h0,eI for ex clusive people. In the heart of the "Land of the Sky" Modern with a homelike atmosphere, GOLF, TEN NIS, RIDING, SWIMMING POOL open Throughout the Year Write for booklet . II. W. Koae. Mgr I Phone your WANTS to tot. HOTEL ENTELLA BRYSOV CITY Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Rr.cea 12 per dy 8peclnl rates by the month. Pith room, free sample rooms. RaJl-oad sating house treating Souther., depot. Ller. In eonm -rlo. W. W. W IIEEIiEH A P. B. FRY, Proprietors). THE OLD FORT INN Old Fort, N. 0. Conveniently located, near depot. Aerommodatlnn by day, week eg month. ..t reasonable. L. J. Epley, Proprietor.