Friday, Fbmry 27, 1914 PAGE FIVE THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS COME UP INTO THE Northern ' Pacific Country This northern" tier of states offers a healthful and invigor ating climate; the best crop records and, in all respects, the best opportunities in the west. Another season of low fares is at hand. Low One Way Colonist Tickets On sale, daily, March IS to April 1 5 to many points in West ern Montana, Idaho, Washing ton and Oregon. If you are interested in this Land of For tune address any Northern Pa cific representative state what locality you are interested in and literature will be promptly sent. Two trains daily from Chicago, three daily from St. Paul-Minneapolis and Duluth-Superior, and one daily from St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha and Denver to and from the North Pacific Coast and Puget Sound Country, and to and through the territory to which these fares apply. V. '. Xcal. T.P.A 1 N. Pr.vor St.. Atlanta, lia. Y. M. G. A. BASEBALL ! L"VZm Y MOUNTAIN MEnOOWS TO BE SURE IT'S THE CONTRACTS READY All Joining During Present Campaign to be Eligible Fcr Coming Season, If everybody who sufrors or is , threatened with Lung Trouble would; I investigate Hie many coses where re-1 icoveries were brought aboul through ' the use of K, kman's Alterative, a remedy which has stood the test for 1 nearly fifteen years, h strong opln- j ion in favor of it would be the result, i I What it has accomplished for others, it may do for you. Read this: 145 F;. t2ii St.. New York. "Gentlemen: Last December "1 took a sudden cold which developed into j Pneumonia. The doctor did all he possibly could for me, but could not BE GREATLY IMPROVED 'AUBURN HAIR H Miss Tempe Harris Retains She Represents Parisian Sage An Invigorating Hair Tsn- Managsment; Will Open The Inn April 15. ic. Quickly Removes Dandruff. The Mountain Meadows Inn prop erty formally changed hunds yectar- i-pec-lal Interest is nelng taken In i.. . . j... , ..... the junior membership campaign oflmonlal in one of the' papers tellnsr i dai - w'h!-n a deed was filet! In the office ln oaij. ,..., I of the enod result. mnn h-rt from i OI register 01 aecus in wnicn Air. ana : . .. . : Mrs. Oenroe rionslas Miller tru.ns- ibwhb r.cKinan s Alterative lor - -- .-T "Vm. h.h .i,,n ,..) ilfl. .In not if Rich- span lonow tne example 01 oincm dav of the , tm.u i.. . . . in! The ommiriVra t ion nameil wns whoso hair you aUmire giv Ypu can use nothing better than Parisian Sage to make the hair soft, Huffy and abundant. It stops itching head, cleanses, cools and invigorates and removes dandruff with ation. If your hair is getting thin, or Is de- atteiuion. A 1 borough it daily brushing and the Asheville Y . M . C. A of the fact that all tinva who into th. . ... ' : trouble of the lnnos I heftan tnklnc- it association belore March 7, the last ; r- ,.,. .,? .... , daughter. Mrs. Mary Cary tllipaign. Will be eligible ben-sin to clear no Dnit I hnnn to rnin ,.. i ... ... . . ..i... . . . . .. . 10. 000 jtml other valuable consider:. tort, in i ne nssoc anon linso ha in sirenum aim was soon wen enoilK l . . .. ...r ,, t.r ik ..... ,,,...i. r ... i lions. i ne exaci ainoi i i in no; pui - ' ' v i " 1 ' '"-! ,,.takP.".",V W,".k Rin. ' Bm lni chase mice is not known well nibbed into the. scalp will Ho tract, for the league this year have "" ncatin now tnan i nave Been . trmUt f the v ,ji, wonders. . . . j at any time. 1 am now a missionary ul1, " it ,.l i,,,.., ,i,i,nfr it is because already been drawn and these will be ..-!,.,. , & v u' u.(, not effect the management of the Inn. If u "w daiuliuff t is oecauM j , . ... . i i I h,i ai-j 1 1 1 c 1 firv a 1 1 ( I I l;l I t u i, 'Nourish the SO ft I p with TarLsiau axr IviiKuc, whirl, open's Ai.uil IE PALMA WINS RACE, DEFEATING OLDFIELD worker for (he New signed up immediately after the close Homeless and Friendless Hoys." of the campaign. (Affidavit) ERNKST P. WILCOX According to the contrast, this! (Above abbreviated: more on re league Is conducted for the purpose qrest. ) ' of "providing helpful recreation and' Kckman's Alterative has been prov clean sport among the young men j en by many years' test to be most ef and boys of Asheville, under proper , for severe Throat and lung supervision, ami to organize and con- Affections. Bronchitis, Hronchial Asth Juct a series of games among the , ma, Stubborn Colds and in upbuilding oung men and boys of the city; said the system. Corrtalns no narcotics, young men and boys, being members poisons or habit-forming drugs. Fold of the Y. M. c. A." There will proh-jby leading drugglws. Write the Bck ably be four classes In the league this man Laboratory, Philadelphia. Pa., for Near, each class to have four teams. booklet telling of recoveries and ad There will be a president of eaehjtlonal evidence. class and a captain of each team. Thni presidents. logether with the physical I director and general secretary of the!npxt tn rank to the one which player iHAiaiim. ,.m..ic,n ,v, f pi - l"o mi e i' 1 v belonceil. The president re- cers of tlie' league. ' living this player shall then turn j the bi6 crowds that are expected The league will be conducted, as: 'he player over to the team In his! A Dri btVt , In the oast, along the general lines of own league, which, according to the vOAST (jrUAKiJ OlLIi ! the big leagues of organized baseball. ! opinion of the president, needs mm In so far as the personnel of the dif- j most. I ferent teams Is eoncersed. while spe-1 12 Captains liave the right to cial rules are laid down for the con-'trade players, subject to the approval duct of the player?, with the general! of their president. nti, v-j.. nnn ciooo anom-h i 13 The presidents shall meet once ... v.. i.:,... .m.. '., r..ii in week in net on ,i rnft a. wolvem Hi saving service I1SV.U1VB. i nc i i cp, Miui.n . , i Vn kmnktnn n.iowetl on the ti'aoes, to settle disputed points, ami -v. according to statements mad It has been conducted for the past five years by. Miss Tempe Harris of Ashe ville and Miss Harris will again retain the management during the comlmj' season. Under Miss Harris' management the Inn has grown steadily in popularity. This year it will open for the season on 'April 15. Miss Harris slates that ; number of important Improvements will be made and everything arranged for the better comfort of her Ernests There will be amusements for those j Store if you are not .visiting the popular resort, as well as more conveniences. The road to the inn is likewise to be improved. A bit; season is anticipated and all arrange ments will be made to take care of and dandruff disappear". When the hair splits, is dry. brittle and .thin, soften it up. make II grow. Surely use Parisian Sage it supplies hair and scalp needs. II Is faintly perfumed ami free from crease ami i stickiness. Parisian Sage really rioesi make the head feel line the scalp, perfectly healthy ami gives the hair j that eviahlc ploss and beauty you dc-j sire. Money back from Smith's Drug: tat isfJed, The "Girl With the Auburn Hair" is on every ."i0 cen't bottle. Sold at drug and toilet counters, everywhere. Try it now you will surely like Parisian Sage. gon Marche Qotx Marche Friday and Saturday Specials TheW fin' " lnindretl articles that you need and tturt ;irc nffprwi hero at wricea tliat arc reasonable. A lew are mentioned in connection with our Friday and Saturday Specials. 50c to $1.25 Hats for Children are -going to be sold tuxjav and tomorrow, closing them out at 19c Stamped Gowns, for ISmbroiderrag, are priced at 50c New line of 50c Ladies Neckwear, some are made of Shve .Marquisette, White. Embroidered in Light Blue, Orange and Pink, priced at 50c i FAVORABLY REPORTED THE WEATHER l- Washington,. Feb. 27. favorable report on Senator Townsend's bill cre ating a coast guard by combining the and the revenue has been agreed to by ! .i,. u !..,. .,, iQ, tip: senate commerce couiiuuiee. lie- allowed for admission' to the league. ' KuarH would operate under the i 14 Failure to recognize and abide treasury department, under ordinary circumstances, oui as a pan 01 li ra V: Mahogany Finish, Glass Kott mis d pric-$1.25 Tht' new Caseation Silk, latest and most fashionable Silk out, is made of heavy Silk Crepe, with large flower pattern, in Tango, Copenhagen, Navy and Brown grounds with contrasting colored flower, pattern of five yards, 42 inches wide, priced at $16.50 Spring Suits and Coats for Aadies and Misses navy in war times, life saving service Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 27. TJe- ting Barney Oldfield by a trifie tore than a minute in a ZH4 mile grounds. Ind. Kalph De Palma, participant 2 No chewing of tobacco scores of hard fought motor co n- i nn the Erounds. Is. yesterday won his second Van- 3 v0 profane language. "X tne rules 01 tne league win ne 101 rbilt cup race on the Santa Monica 4 Nn player will be allowed to j lowed by dismissal from the league. 1.1 !. I.a ....... 9-5 . 1 I - r1A .. . . . . 1 T. )',, l nli or must xin ft enn UISC. 111a nine o uiu- tfanslfr iron! OHO lentil IO atlOLIieii ...... .- - Id's 3:55:01. :,i.i,i (ho ,.m,.nt of the officers of i tract and agree In live up to the rules lento n. Lu.i(.uim. s Sixteen cars entered and only five the league. I both in spirit and letter. isnea. 1.1 u 1 irom me eignieenm lap 5 t anv time the tegular play- the finish It was a contest solely I ers 0r a team find It impossible to tween De Palma and Oldleld. De play when their game Is scheduled. ! ima won necaum- ne uiu noi nave , aubstitutes may be secured, provtueo stop once in all the thirty five laps iv,e nlavers are acceptable to the of- the eight mile course. Oldfield lost ! ncprg 0f the league. s chance when he Was compelled to ,; ThP president of each league shal appoint his umpires. 7 All players must abide by the I decision of the umpires. No disputing' umpire's decisions, except on question . "Arteam:Usro::y,op,ay1MrS. Bickett cf Tampa Takes within 15 minutes after the hour set for the game. Failure to be ready at that time will constitute a forfeit, nn TEMPERATURE Lowest Highest last night yest'd'y I lop and change a wheel in the thir- 1 -fourth lap. losing nearly a minute. pher drivers who remained in the Ice were W. H. Carls, of San Diego,, arl Cooper, who started a favorite, 1 lid (Jeorge Ceriman, who finished 1 the order named. NO BAD RESULTS RFTER II FAST OF FORTY DAYS Men now in the would be tran.-i- trades In' the coast guard, superintendents becom ing commissioned officers. Keepers be coming warrant officers and surfmeil becoming enlisted men. The committee decided to report Senator Bankhead's hill to appropriate $900,000 for four new revenue cutlcis. MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR WIRELESS HERO Asheville L'.t tO Augusta iS Oi Birmingham 32 40 I hurlesloii :U 44 Charloitc 44 Denver Is 34 .lacUsonville :'.s 4 s Knoxuille 34) 49 Mobih . . S4 4 Montgomery H it Phoenix .. 42 70 alelgh .'. 1 2S 44 Salt Lake City 21! :'.S San Krancisco is 'i'i Savannah 'l 4 4 Tampa tT2 5n Tampa 4 2 hi Washingtiin IX 12 Wilminglon 2S ! warmer tonight and Saturday except rain Saturday in extreme west por lion. moderate and variable winds. (General t'omiitions (Pust Honrs). Ven Huttsn'a Misery. Very slid was the fate of Ulrich von less agreement is entered into by the lutten. one of the greatest writers captains to postpone. A ITnoii aa i 1 1 1 ll rfnii 1 rpfi t n iJerman.v has ever produced. Unable furnl!tn' Us own mUs. bats and. iaaks. 10 earn a bring, lie was reduced tc;aso bnlls for practice. The asuoWa ramplriK I lirough the country, begging Hon will furnish the balls for the food slid shelter from the ' peasants. 1 ,,,,p , , , , L I 10 Teams will he allowed to draft line inner winters ingot notn were re- This Method of Curing Stomach Trouble. used, and next morning lie was found rozen stiff and cold In the drifting snow outside the village. "The only Ihing he died possessed of besides the lags he wore." says his biographer. Eiringli. "was a " " players from the lower leagues, pro vided the drafts meet with the ap proval of tne officers of the league. 11 Captains may at any time ask for waivers on a player. Should all teams waive their rights to this play- TaTrrpn. Fla.. Feb. -87 I what she claimed to be ! days fast. Mrs. Minnie Bickett of St. I Petersburg this morning resumed eat 1 ing, without any bad results. Her fast .was self I imposed. She had stomach trouble and having cured a similar at I tack at another time by fasting 24 ; days concluded to extend II lo 40 days I this time. She lost 24 pounds weight. New York, Feb. 27 Memorial ser vices In honor of Ferdinand Kuehn. the young wireless operator who lost his life on the steamship Monroe niter giving up his life saver to one of the women passengers, will take place In the auditorium of the Kaslside branch of the Voung Men's Christian associa tion Sunday afternoon, l.lohn Kottomley. vice- president of forty j ,hr Marconi Wireless Telegraph com pany 01 America. ni iirumww t'1 tribute (o the bravery of Kuehn on behalf of the company, and other speakers will be members of the crew of the Monroe. Normal lor this date: Temperature 41 degrees. Precipitation .15 inch. Forecasts until R p. m. Saturduy for Asheville anil .vicinity: Kair ami warmer tonight; Saturday rain warmer. Kor North Carolina: Kaid A storm of considerable energy is centered over southwestern Canada where the barometer Is 29.30 inches. The tliftuence of this storm is felt over lite northern portion of the country from the northern Plateau district lo the Lake region. Ka.ln in eastern North Carolina. Itain has occurred In eastern North Carolina and the Pacific states and snow in Colorado, New York and South Dako ta. It is some'.vhat warmer in the eastern and southern states while it is colder in the Rocky Mountain region and the northern Plains states. Fair anil warmer weather is indicated for this vicinity tonight and rain warmer Saturday. GROUP RELIEVED IN FIFTEEN MINUTES No need li dose wtib anil T. I!. TAYLOR, Observe! nauseous an(j drugs or alcojiolic syrups. Simply rub nun' 1 11 iv s v h'p-u-rvu n croup aim Pneumonia Salve' well over tho throat and chest. The vapors inhaled loosen the tough, choking phlegm and ea-e t lie difficult breathing. One ap plication at bedtime, covered with a a warm tlniinel cloth, is a sure pre ventive. Yick's is quicker than in ternal medicines for all inflammations and ojf the air passages, from head colds and catarrh asthma anil bronchitis a m: Boys ioin Y. M. C. A today. down to deep chest colds aod pneumonia. Try a Jar now -25c, 50c, 12-3t and $1.00. at all dealers. -rinding er, satu player shall Ulen he turnen 1 " ' .... ner liouaenuin voii raiiu niu not, com plain of extreme weakness. Mrs. FORMER MRS. FIELD LIABLE FOR INCOME TAX U. S. Department of Agriculture. 2&c vrcAinCK pUKfcAU. over tn the president of the league. WED NOSTRILS OPEN AT ONCE, Pickett says when she feels unwell she simply stops eating until her "sys tem catches up" with the work she has been giving It through her stomach. HEAD COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH London. Feb, 27. The court of ap peals today decided that Mrs. Maldwln Drtimmoitd. formerly Mrs. Marshall j Field, lr.. is liable for the payment of j 1 1 1 ome taj ill England on money re mitted to her from the I'nlled States anrornwin irrmxx ! under ihe provisions of the will of bet. LASlARS SrRICK.J!iN W1TJKM late husband for the education of her TERROR DESERT POSTS !,nr''' children. The suit was brought by the Hritish collector of taxes In reference In a specillc sum of $50,000 j Philadelphia, Pa., Feb 27. Terror ; remitted to Mrs. Drummond in l0S, StrKjken M the sight of snow and Ice lout the effect nf Ihe judgment Is lo In One Minute Your Stuffy Nose anil balm dissolv es by the heat nf the encountered by the Herman steam-. render her liable for the payment of Head Hears, Snoeaing and Nose nostrils; penetrates and heals the In-; ship Ockenfels off the New Found-1 income tax on all mints remitted to her it,,, ,. .... ...,..... flamed, swollen membrane which 'land banks, the crew of F,8 Iascars under the w ill of Marshall Field, jr. Hn.mlng (case. Hull Headache (.,,0 th( ?M h(,ad,. , parjl ,,,,, tllfir powU HI)d fol. four uays! lh air passages: stops nasty dls- refused In leave the engine room of ' Moving Pioturs Films Tr "Kly's Cream Bnlm." jchsrges anil a feeling of cleansing, Ihe vessel. Assisted only by the mess iet a small bottle anjway. Just to soothing relief comes Immediately. le ys and Book, the officers of the lne vra"e "v of lin is flghl Pry itAr,py a mtle in the noatrlls Don't lay awake tonight struggling ' ship were obliged to do all the sea- months. If the stiajk (eclluloidi on snd instantly yntr clogged nose and for breath, with head stuffed; nos- men's work as well as navigate thel which it is printed Is Hior or an incotn Mopped-up air passages of the head ! trlls closed, hawking and blowing : vessel on the v oyage lo litis port. pptent operator mishandles' it during gill open; you will breath freely: Catarrh or a cold, with lis running The cold was . Intense, according! ' , dullness and headache disappear. By nose, foul mucous dropping Into the lo the ship's officers, that waves froze lir(,Jwl'"U It UMIJf be Utterly worthless Berning! the catarrh, cold-ln-hcnd or' throat, and raw dryness is distressing into solid Ice almost as soon n.s they fllr fmn- months owing to cratcbea catarrhal sore throat will be gone. I but truly needless. broke over the rails of the vessel. The uptl bud Joins. With careful attention r nil such misery now! tiet the Put vour faith lust once In "Ely's steamer arrived here todav trrnii u 1... 1.. .. mall Imiil. ..,-1 . Tl ,. . r, , .. 1 I j ,.. . I " "V '" COUSIHIU UC I Of IWCIVf 1 ",p r,i n , rrnm Mann ai ' leein hHini 11 no voit cniri or ca- ,-va -vik. weueii. wnii a nia'u 01 roll. -V ISJ .fe w vfcK.-1-' Iny drug store. This sweet, fragrant tarrh will surely disappear. uioiitlia Loniliiii fit'dje. .r--.9 : "S zp-r Op r 1' ), Friday, Feby. 27, 1914 i U 0 cm& v.-7:r ys&& m&i 32. ate OftafJ ' 4 , Lhcfo blitCv38 W 30.1 ii,tj,ii'iAvmf S2T lf tV Josm- 46 EXPLANATOR'P NOTE JBT ihwrvttlons taken t m . T5th meridian time. Air pressure reduced to ses level, 'Isobs's (cenrrnnmis Hnss) pus tbrench nelaij of squil sir pressure Isoiherms idolled lines) ptss through poinuor eoutl tempersture: drswh only for saro. frsailnf, Hf. snd f. O clear Q partly cloudy: cloudy: rain: fj) mew: (g) report missing. ArrowaflTwlththssrlad.' First Afurs. tsnpsracars; aernnri. rrecipluion of .01 Inch or more for patt'21 hours; third, maximum wind velocity, hwt aj Tt- That's What You Get for Not Having a College Education By "Bud" Fisher , . ' ' 1

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