Friday, February n , PAGE SIX THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS A Staple Medicine for Every Family No Self Respecting Group of People Should be Without A Good Family Laxative. It 1b Inconceivable In this day of general intelligence that any family would be without a simple remedy for the minor Ills of life, for cften by giving such a remedy in time a seri ous disease can be frustrated and a life saved. For example, if at the first sign of a cold a simple laxative tonic like Dr. i tildwell's Syrup Pepsin were giv en, the beginning of a serious lung affection of a typhoid fever might be avoided. And also in headaches, ner vousness, etc., a small dose of this remedy would relieve the congestion and replace distress with comfort. Mothers give it to tiny infants nmi little children, and grown people take It with equally good effect. Thousands of good American homes are never without it, among them the home pi Mrs. t" A. "Wright, 18S1 Pasadena Ave., Long Beach. Cat. She had considerable trouble raising little Ijawrence, three years old. but after regulating his bowels with small doses of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin he began to thrive and she has had no further trouble with him. They use it generally .in her home. Syrup Pepsin saves the health of the family, and it saves doctor's bills. It is a guaranteed cure for any form nf stomach, liver and bowell trouble, constipaton, indigestion, "biliousness. gmmmrjanrjoDrTmnc leocjAL li esse: IE Q HAPPENINGS 1 1 jgg t rrirTTTirTTnnnnnnrT-in i i iTnrrf Page-Iong. Miss Onida Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Page of Bartow. Fla.. well known to Asheville society through many seasons visits here, was united in marriage recently In Bartow with Matt Long of Roxboro. N. C. The wedding was to have been s summer affair set for the coming season, hut following a recent visit to Florida, made by Mr. Long it was decided to consummate the romance Immediately. The wedding was a beautiful church affair of much plea sure and interest to a wide circle or admiring friends. Following a wed ding trip. .Mr. and Mrs. Long will be nt home to their friends In. Roxboro. ! R The Asheville friends of Mrs. Georrte W. Vanderbilt will be interested in the following from the Washington rosl: The entertainment to be give, r,., ...,.,; . i. !.. ,. Thursday night for the benefit of the Diet Ritchen will take place at the Playhouse, instead of at Rauscher's. as originally announced. The entertain ment, which will be given under the ftttfiiptceil of Mme. Dumba, Mrs. George Vanderbilt, anil Mrs. Edward Row land, wil bring together one of the smartest assemblages of the winter. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson will occupy one of the boxes, and official and diplo matic circles will be represented in the audience, and because of the transfer, they will be limited to 200. A number of leaders in smart young circles will appear In the tableaux and dances. The proceeds will go toward the In fants' welfare work being carried on by the Diet Ritchen, which was or ganized several years ago by Miss Gwynn. and whic h helps all who ap peal, regardless of race or creed. r Mrs. .1. W. Foreman entertained tin members of the Womans Guild at the first of the Lenten sewing meetings yesterday afternoon at her home on Soco street. The next meeting will be held on Thursday of next week at the home of .Mrs. I-Yank Hewitt on Mont- lord avenue. The guild this year lies particularly undertaken sewing for the Associated Charities and for indi- vidiial caes of need known to the members and are making a snccialtv of Infants' garments. This ortranlyji. 1 lion hnv vo.-irlv dune an w..rb ' along this line anil much practical Special Gem Sale CORUNDUM, a nearly pure alumina mineral, is fcund in many colors, the gems being called Oriental and taking names generally according to the color thus the red is called Oriental Ruby, the blue Orient al Sapphire, the Yellow Oriental Topaz, the purple Oriental Amethyst, with other colors taking differ ent names, The prefix Oriental meaning that it is corundum. The hardness ranks next to the diamond. Many of these beautiful fancy colored Corundum Gems are included with the Spinel, Zircon, Hyacinth, and Chysoberyl Gems we are offering at the unusual prices of S 1.00, $1.50, $2.28, $2.50 and $3.50 each. Y6u will be surprised and delighted with them and wond er how they can be sold for the price, but please bear in mind that the price is made to close them out. Arthur M. Field Go. IHhSh Sfl LAWRENCE A. WRIGHT. gas on the stomach, headaches, drow siness after eating, etc. Have no hesi tancy about giving it to any member of the family, however young or old, for it contains nothing injurious to the youngest person. A bottle can be obtained at any nearby drug store for fifty cents or one dollar. The latter size is more economical and is bought by those who have already convinced them selves of Its merits. Syrup Pepsin users learn to discard pills, ski Its ca thartics, and purgatives, generally as they are too great a shock to any average system. Families wishing to try a free sample can obtain it postpaid by ad dressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 419 j Washington St., Monticello. ill A pos tal card wilh your name and address on it will do. good results each season from the Lenten sewing. R A tea-dance will be given at ihe Bat tery Park hotel tomorrow afternoon, to which the management extends a cordial welcome .to those Asheville people previously bearing cards to the hotel. This evening, as usual, the reg ular Friday night dance will occur and a pleasant time is anticipated for the guests of the hotel and town peo ple attending. It is reported that J, P.. Tate, man ager of the Asheville club, who slip peil and fell in front of the Club I Wednesday afternoon, is very much improved. It was thought at first that Mr. Tate was seriously injured but examnation by physicians showed thnt .... ..... .. 1. ,,i . m i. ...... ' ' R The Athenean Literary society will meet tonight in the High school audi torium. An Interesting and important meeting Is anticipated as details of t banquet to be given shortly and other matters of equal import will come up. All interested persons are invited as it is understood that new members are desired r n Miss Ethel Ray will entertain the . , l, ; . lit t Vi I 1 , i, i . at lnp reuli,r: ' " " ,' ' , """"' ailT-l. V.ll llim OV.rt.-IUII IIIUI delightful papers will be given, among this number being one prepared by Mrs. William LeRov Dunn. t Miss Sadie McBrayer of Asheville and Miss Kate Ieak of Wadesboro were guests of honor at a recent de lightful George Washington tea given by Miss Priscilla Dodson, daughter of Dr. Dodson, at her home in Greens boro. X K Miss Annie Martin of this city has arrived In Norfolk for a visit to her BE WISE SEND US YOUR LAWN, mower early and have It sharpened so that It will be ready when you need It. We also sharpen all kinds of edire tools unri iln all kinds nf rr. nuirinv wri o n . r-.. i i 3. M. HTF.ARN CO. Batterj- Park Place Phone t IK brother Judge William Martin and his family. Miss Martin has since Christ mas time been spending some time in the south visiting relatives, having been a guest of her niece, Mrs. J. C. Caldwell, formerly Miss Annie Ten- nent of Asheville, at her home in Hawkinsvllle, Ga and having also visited two other nieces, Mrs. Charles J. Metz and Mrs. Edward I. Holmes. In Atlanta. It X Dr. Louise Anderson Merrimon has returned to her home on Chestnut street from a recent trip to Florida, Cuba and Jamaica. Dr. Merrimon took this delightful trip In company with Mrs. M. E. Child, Miss ElWa- beth 'Williamson, and H. D. Child of this city. Mr. Child will return to Asheville on Sunday, and Mrs. Child and Miss Williamson will remain ! away until the last of March. j R R Charlotte News: , Dr. E. Reid Russell of Charlotte j and Asheville. arrived in the city yes-1 terclay afternoon, and leaves for : Asheville this evening. After attending the meeting of the Tri-State Medical i society in Wilmington, he stopped in Rockingham to meet his father, then A Cascaret tonight will make you came to charlotte. Dr. Russell has a : feel great by morning They work host of friends in Charlotte. i while you sleep neer gripe, sicken R R j or cause any inconvenience, and cost Charles Mercer of 105.1 Marbridge only 10 cents a box from your drug building. Herald square. New York, is ; gisl. Millions of men and women take in the city in the interests of the i Cascaret now and then and never have Frank Iea Short open-air dramatic Headache. Biliousness. Conted Tongue, productions. This company may come j Indigestion, Sour Stomach or Constl to Asheville some time in May and are ! pated Bowels. Cascarets belong in presenting this season "Pomander Walk.'' "The Merry Wives of Wind sor," "Robin Hood," and "The Ro mancers." Langren hotel arrivals: George E. Bauer. Philadelphia; W. L. Gibson, Knoxville; B. W. Strain. Knnxville: J. L. Reed, Columbia; K. W. Wil kins, Roanoke; C. E. Rose, Atlanta; u Calais. Chattanooga: .1. B. Rein er. New York: James Cofteld. Vir ginia; C. L. Vaughn, 'Washington; X. H. Miller. Richmond Charles Lewis. New York. R R C. E. Waddell. who left the flrsl of the week for Washington and New York, was joined in the former city by John Finney, formerly of St. Louis, who is a prominent electrical engineer well known In Asheville. and with him meeting of the American Asso the meeting of the American Asso ciation of Electrical Engineers. K The Asheville friends of Miss Ida Hamilton will be interested in hear ing that she was among those pres ent at ihe fancy dress ball at the Ho tel Astnr in New York on Ihe twen tieth, when the architects of the city gave a magnificent Venetian pageant. " R Mr. Wyt he of New York, formerly f Greensboro, who is editor of the Story Tellers magazine and the origi nator of the Story Tellers league, is in the city and is a guest at the home of Mrs. A. A. Featherstone oh Woodfin street. -R R Mrs. ,T . A. Brand!, who left recent ly for New Orleans to attemi Mardi Gras. will spend six weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fischer ' nn that city, belore returning to her , Home in Asnevnie. served. R R On Tuesday, February 24, was held Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of Howe. Tnd.. a "riclprocity day" with the United who en route from Florida, have ; Charitle. The meeting was at Ca been visiting Mr. Cooper's sister, tawba heights and about 15 delegates Mrs. Nash, nt her home on Liberty from ail parts of the sate were prese street. will leave today for their home'ent. besides the 30 or more members in Indiana. ! of the Morganton United Charities. H Mis. Perry, wife of Captain Perry, ; is again able to be cut after a re- j cent severe fall. The many friends of j n j win neat oi ner recovery , with great pleasure. ' 1 ! The two small children, Frances j ,,, ..i.e.. i, Bianu- daughter of Bishop Whipple, will leave about Easter to visit their ma-lhad err ,1 m r, , V, I n TV ., D la I K Mrs. James Arnold has returned to her home in Waynesvllle, after a visit at the home of Chief Justice and Mrs Walter Clark in Raleigh. ft ft Mrs. R. C. W'tlhams and daughter of Montreal, are among the promi- j nent Battery Park hotel guests of I I recent registration. ft ft Miss Opal Rrown of Asheville is the guest of Miss Helen Huck. nt her j home on Elizabeth avenue Charlotte ft ft O. A. Elward of New York was; 1 among yesterday's registrations from I the east at the Battery Park hotel, ft ft 1 Mrs. S. J. Barnes has returnVd to her hnmi In Greenville, S. ('.. from a visit to Asheville and Greensboro, ft ft Mrs. J. W. Mount of Philadelphia, arrived yesterday and Is a guest at the I,angren hotel. ft ft Miss Annie txgan is expected In the city next week from Florida. ft ft The Misses Williams have returned GERMAN EARTHEN COOKING WARE Makes foods twice as delicious ami natural flavors, and you serve them , tlelr de-Mi ion- hrown crust unhrciken ITW 111 I I--UI-M IIIL TRY THIS " " I' mpt e ven the poorest appetite. Put some frcithly mashed iHitoloes Inone of these dishes (com 23c and up) with it hi lump of hutler on top. and place In a hot oven mull broun thin serve oteamlng hot with butler still lullng on delicious brown crust thai melts in your mnulh. inn M i l minimum. DEPT. J. H. LAW Monarch Canned Pumpkin Makes must delieious pies and no trouble to vou as il lias the seasoning in it. 15c per can. Yates & McGuire 37 Haywood St. We have a yn line of Fresh I'hone 334. BEST LAXATIVE FDD BOWELS -CASCflRETS When Constipated, Headachy, Bilious, Breath Bad, Stomach Scur. c,ri a 10-cent box. Are vou keenlnv vour bowels, liver, I and stomach clean, pure and fresh with Cascarets. or merely forcing a passageway every fen ilavs with Salts, Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil or Purga- tlve Waters'.' Stop having a bow el wash-day. Let Cascarets thoroughiv cleanse and reg- ulate the stomach, remove the sour and fermenting -food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carrv out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. every household, to lake them. Children just love to their home on Liberty street from a visit to Charleston R Hall W. Schenk of Greenville ar rived yesterday for a visit and Is a guest at the Batterv Park hotel. R R William Redwood is out again af ter a recent acute illness resulting from blood poisoning. R R J. W. Cowan of Atlanta arrived yesterday and is a guest at the Bat tery Park hotel. R R William R Champlin of Province arrived yesterday at drove Park inn for a stay in Asheville. It R A. C. G. Hupsel of New York arrived yesterday and is a guest at Grove Park inn. r 9 W. s. Brown of Salisbury is in the city. (Additional Social on Page 9). Morganton Note. Correspondence of The Gazette-News. I One the' evening of Friday, Febru ary 20, Mrs. Leland entertained very delightfullly for her sisler, Mrs. Le land. Those present were:: Mr. and Mrs. Millner, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ave ry, Mrs. Dr. Leslie; Misse Janfe. Lu cille, and Marie Pearson, Mary Mor- an and Ruth Diekev A dainty candle for the guessing stick was the prize contest Delicious refreshments were Miss Fries, the president of the Wo- men's Federation of Clubs In North Carolina, made a charming address and several of the chairmen of the committees oi tile reiteration were present and made most interesting re- ports. The delegates arrlvd on the midday train and were carried in! .Lauiasco nun auiuuiuuiira lataw-t ha heights, where the United Charlies assembled. A delicious course j luncheon wa served. After this many of the town ladies came out to enjoy ih bb aw i m tm eia I In 1, 2 ud 3 lb .,Mifhl tin cut only LB""1 ground or pulrtriMd. Never told in bulk. I IT'S GOOD TO DRINK It MUST be for it' nol only the finest coffee that grows, but it is the pride of our factory the I very apple of our eye our business reputation is staked its superb quality. DON'T WAIT ORDER IT NOW I DWINELL --WRIGHT CO. riin iifni caw tin. - cmcaco. appetizing hjr retaining their rich the uhle Hi the tame dish with wlUi none of the Irnulilesoiue pm i i i i i imp intii Phones 1715 and 1716 veKtnhlei in the market X the program, wihich was as follows: Address of welcome: Mrs. A. l C Avery. Jf, Response: Mrs E. F. Reid. Address: Miss Fries. Vocal Selection: Mrs . Dorma" Thompson. Five minutes discussion of club work by club presidents. Open discussion. Music: Miss Swift. Immediately after the adjournment the visiting delegates, the members of the United Charities and the presi dents of the Morganton Book Club were entertained at a reception given by .Mrs. Fd. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan l-ayams en- tertained with a delightful dinner on Tuesday evening, February 24, In i honor of two of the delegates to the "reciprocity day" meeting. Miss Fries, president of the federation in I North Carolina, of Winson-Salemn anil Mrs. William Wallace of States ville, formerly Miss Whltlock of Ashe ville. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Abernethy, Jlr. and Mrs. A. C. ; Avery, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Leslie, Mr. and Mrs Isaac Avery. Dr. and Mrs. Gayle. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kistler have moved into their beautiful new bung low on West Union street. The YVomans' Auxiliary of Grace church met with Mrs. J. Pearson on Ash Wednesday. In Ihe absence of a minster the ludies will hold a meet ing either of the guild or the Auxil iary every Wednesday afternoon dur ing Lent. Wilson Tale has purchased a house on Avery avenue and expects to make: Morganton his home again. S. E. Pentiss, former rector of Grace church, left Tuesday for Colon ial Beach, Va where ie has accept ed a call. KING GEORGE WATCHES CHICAGO BEAT GIANTS London. Feb. 27. The Chicago American league baseball team de- feated the New York National leas - uers yesterday at Chelsea grounds by a score of a to 4. Ring George was a : spectator and shook hands with John j McGraw, Joseph Farrell, James J. ; Callahan and Charles Comlskey when, Introduced by Ambassador Page. Members of the American colony made a holiday out of Ihe occasion, while numerous English sportsmen attended to take sharp notes of the game. I Score: l: IT. E. S 0 9 4 Chicago . New York 4 i SCAXTLV CI.A1) GIRLS ARK DRIVEN FROM SCHOOL FIRK Gambler. O., Feb. 27. Many girls cailtly clad were rescued in zero weather yesterday when lire parti ally destroyed Lewis Hall, the dormi tory of Harcourt seminary. The ffre was discovered shortly before 3 A. M. and had already gained considerable headway when brigades of male stu dents began the work of rescue. Temperance Worker Dead. . Los Angeles, Cal.. Feb. 27. Miss Amanda M. May, 86 years old. noted temperance worker and collaborator with Neal Dow in the campaign which made Maine a "dry" state, died at her home at Writtler Wednesday. Only One "BROMO QUININE." To get'lhe genuine, . all for full name, j LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look i for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a ('old in One Day. I5c. lilt- innnnui unsaiuii ill ibciju- 'sin found that the city of Milwaukee can save nearly $50,000 a year by making a contract for street lighting with the public utility company, In stead of building a municipal plant. NOTICE ! Those not having received souvenirs of Poole Bros, may leave their cleaning at our branch office at Mrs. Denoon's Art Store. 41 Patton avenue anil get one. orders are especially solicited from those who have not. as as yet, had work done by us.' POOLE BROS. PHOTOGRAPHS Our pictures of men LOOK like men. Thev show the force energy and character of the sitter. They are portraits that really tell some thing of the men portrayed. Telephone 776 today for u-n appoint ment. PELTON & HIGOASON, STUDIO NKVT TO PRINCESS THEATEIl I BUY A GOOD uRAtlV : , j "JJ UKA1JJS scut auu Rumford Baking Powder in it then you will know you have pure, wholesome breads otherwise you do not. DANCE RECORDS Tango Turke Trol Heatlallon. on, Mep. Two Hlep. r . A ad. vertlned In haturday Kvenlng Port. PAUL'S rtlUSIC HOUSE FILMS DEVELOPED ,10c MAI', OR ROBINSON'S "TIZ"-- JOY TO SORE. TIRED FEET "Tis" For Aching, Burning, Puffed-up Feet and Corns Or Callouses. "TO swans myfe.t Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling (feet, tired feet. j Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions land raw spots. No more shoe tight ness, no more limping with pain or drawing up your face in agony "TIZ" is magical, acts right off. "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet. Use "TIZ" and wear smaller shoes. Use "TIZ" and forget your foot misery. Ah ! how comfortable your feet feel. Get a 26 cent box of "TIZ" now at any druggist or department store. Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year's foot com- j fort guaranteed or money refunded 1 . MASTERS OF MEN. Go forth into the busy world and love it, interest yourself in its life, mingle kindly with its ioys and sorrows, try what you can do for men rather than what you can make them do for you, and you will know what it is to have men yours better than if you were their king or master. Brook Herford. Xo one seriously interested in our civic and industrial problems should fall to hear Geo. H. Gocbel at the court house on Tuesday night, March 3. He is a flbent. forceful speaker, a member of the National Kxeeutive committee of the Socialist party, and has represented the party in the Inter national Congress. He pleased a largo audience in Asheville some five years ago. - a Roys join Y. M. C. A. today. 12-.1t Removal Notice H, E. BOWLES, Piiint St oro is again located at 28 X. Main Street. PHONE 407. ROLLER SKATING TODAY AND TONIGHT ADMISSION FREE SKATES 25c per Session The OLYMPIC PAVILLION SKATING DANCING Corner Peniand and Walnut Streets fllP DT ATM mnnn t . UF PLAIN FLOUR. Put yOUr f.IZES BRINO FILMS TO KODAK STORE 9s Oris Shoe The name means imiPKl cause it 'has always iiUlue j with thousands of loot $4.00 or $5.00 snenthera, more than that much wsai,; Still some snappy m left in our Bargain Anne Nichols Shoe Cash Shoesters - On the! OH YOU KODAKER Do you want better prints ( nave ever gotten at same priH THAT S US ! MCGARRY'S STUDlj Pack Square ... xcxt chjj CLEARANCE SAL On l.i, Trimmed lints 1 Sproat's Millinery PARLOns On les Bldg. Pack Soi RUGS 25 Cents Per Weed 15 So. Main St. MANICURING Shampooing and Chiropody At and all diseases of the skin tr by expert marlnello operator. Complete line of the latest etyln HAIK GOODS. Miss Cruise's Shop 2.1 HAYWOOD ST. - - - I'HOXE Watch for importatttB uouncement in Saturday! Gazette-News. THE CALL m "Walk a BlM'K am'. Sac a llollirl 17 South Main Street Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES: H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23 25 South Main Street Phone 887 AUTOMOBILES FOR H Kates reiisonalile iilsu ( al Repair work. LYERLY MOTOR CO. Filmic No. 1031. No. to W. 1 "H a CHICHESTER S PILLS , THE IHAMONn IlltANU. A U4lil Afc Jar Uraczkltoi Cbl-afcaa-lar IMaed HeM I'll ! In H ana uola rmtuiKV twin. Mled with lllue Kilboi.1 hiaYn II BAND PII.tS.VH SOlDBYDRUOOISTSEVfRWHtf W. A. WARD ANYTHING ELECTRlCAl" 12 Bnttery Purk Place Phone 449 It' il n (Lhiow VOU WM - .V ... .. ........ , Buy a "BUCK'S" j BURTON & HOLT nn: sqi-aiu: Flower Seeds I We are prepared to aul'P'f J he aiandurd flower ri,,,,,.3 few aui-h SWEET NASTURTIUM. MORNl!2 GLORY and COMOB e e2 supply In bulk. All new Grant's Pharmacy DRUGS AXD SEEDS HAT WOOD rr. AlHCVILUt. N. C,

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