Friday, February PAGE EIGHT ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Children Cry for Fletcher's 1 EVENTS FROM THE WORLD OF SPORTS The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been in use lor over 3U years, Has borne the signature of and has been made under his per-f-ftf-f- sonal supervision sineelts infancy. CUc44i Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of i Infants and Children Experience against Experiments What is CASTOR I A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jiareotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys. Worm and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, ail Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy nnd natural Sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (Bears the Signature of The Kind You Save Always Bought tn Use For Over 30 Years THI CINTAIJN COMPANV. N W VORK CITV. Natural Historically Correct. "No adults admitted," interposed the stage door keeper as the frenzied mother tried to break In on the child ren's fancy dress hull. "But I must ro in. Sty little ftlrl's In there, nnd she's forgotten part Of her costume. She has gone on .is a butterfly without her wings. I want to put the wings oil her." "Can't help it mum; my orders is to let no adult pass. You'll have to let your little goil go as a caterpillar." lng, also clipped off a toe. Quick as thought he remembered to clap the severed members bask to their places, but, in his excitement, he placed the toe where the nose was and vice versa, Iloth reunited to the throbbing flesh and adhered until healed. The only inconvenience the patitnt suf ftred was that whenever he sntezod he had to take off his shoe! Indemnity. New York, Feb. 27. On the world's tour of the New York Giants and Chi cago White Sox which came to an end j at London yesterday, so far as com petitive baseball is concerned, the ! American league representaties re- I turn home winner of a majority of the 50 games played. Since the tour began at Cincinnati i a little more than four months ago 4S games have been played between the globe touring teams and four with 1 : native teams in Japan and Australia, i The White Sox won 2 4 games against the Giants. McUraw'l iuch won 20 i asd two ended In ties t 1-js Angeles Cat., on November 9 and at Cairo on I February 1. In the games against I native teams the Giants won their ; twp enrnes. the White Sox w on one j and a combination of players from I ; both teams won the other. Of the 50 games played SI were ; played in the 1'nited States and 1? In cluding the four games against na tive teams, were played abroad Financially the tour has exceeded j the expectations of the promoters, tt was announced when first arranged jthat an even break would be con-1 Isidered satisfactory but the games In I the I'nited States brought in almost $100,000 at the gate. A few days aso; announcement was made that the re- j ceipts were almost $75,000 above the expenses. Lady Lytton Wins. Philadelphia. Feb. 27. Lady Lyt-1 ton, woman reoquetts champion of, Oreat Britain defeated Daniel Hutch- i lnson, 3rd. a star player of the Phil- j adelphin Racquet club in straight sets j here yesterday. The score was 6-0, 6-4. Lady Lytton came to this country a few days ago with her husband, the Hon. Neville S. Lytton. amateur champion of Fngland. who Is here to practice with George F. Covey, the professional champion, preliminary to Covey's match with Jny Gould, for: the world's title. BROOKLYN FEDERALS AFTER SAM CRAWFORD Good Surgical Work. I low many remember the famous! old tale of the man who was shaving' while barefoot one hot summer day?! By an unfortunate stroke lie cut off! his nose, and the keen blade, in fall The annual leatli rate to each thou sand in the ranal .one, including both employes and civil population, for a recent month was 19.66. The total for 1907 was 31.67. In Ihe preceding year, 1906. it was as high as 4:1. :12. VICIFS PneX& SALVE FOR'ALL COLD TROUBLES Columbia. S. C, Feb. 27. John j Montgomery Ward, business manager of the Brooklyn Federal League club has made the announcement that his club would make a strong effort to Secure the Bftrvlcefl rs manager of Outfielder Sain Crawford, of the De troit Tigers. Crawford is in England j with the world tourist players. I -Mr. Ward is here considering this ; city as a spring training camp for his club and announced this afternoon i that the facilities here for such a ' camp "look good" to him. OT TD XT Af A Vl A A AyfDC BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME MAKE YOUR STORE ATTRACTIVE MORE LIGHT FOR LESS MONEY FACTS AND FIGURES IS The ordinary carbon lamp in general uss consumes more current and gives less light than The MAZDA ELEC TRIC LAMP. The Mazda Lamp will give you more candle power without increasing your light bill, or will give you the same candle power in your home that you now have (if you uss carbon lamps) and reduce your light bill hence their growing popularity where household economy is praticed. EXAMPLE 1. TWICE THE LIGHT AND USE ONE FIFTH LESS CURRENT A 16 candle carbon lamp consumes A 32 candle Mazda Lamp consumes You get twice the light and use 10 per hour. 50 watts per hour 40 watts per hour, watts less current EXAMPLE 2. GET 4 MORE CANDLE POWER PER LAMP AND USE ONLY ONE HALF THE AMOUNT OF CURRENT A 20 candls Mazda Lamp consumes 25 watts per hour, A 16 candle carbon lamp consumes 50 watts per hour. You get 4 candle power more of light per lamp and use only half the amount of current. These figures show you the difference in candle power and current consumption of the ordinary carbon lamps as compared with The MAZDA LAMPS. 25 watt Mazda Lamps, price 25 cents 20 candle power 40 watt Mazda Lamps, price 35 cents, 32 candle power. 60 watt Mazda Lamps, price 45 cents 48 candle power 100 watt Mazda Lamps, price 65 cents 80 candle power, 150 watt Mazda Lamps, price $1.00 . . 120 candle power! 250 watt Mazda Lamps, price $1.50 200 candle power 20 watt Carbon Lamps only give you , 4 candle power 30 watt Carbon Lamps only give you 10 candle power. 50 watt Carbon Lamps only give you 16 candle power. 80 watt Carbon lamps only give you 32 candle power. DON'T YOU THINK IT WILL PAY YOU TO BURN MAZDA LAMPS ? ASHEVILLE POWER AND LIGHT CO. PHONE 69 Try A Gazette-News Want Ad. They Bring Results. Front and Back of Chemise The scallops should be padded and C wrf JnTk closely buttonholed. The flowers, f"L . J TlJfL leaves and ribbon are worked solid &fr JrV with the dots and ovals as eyelets and t iL ) tne stem ln ihe outline stitch. The LL v -. M scallops should ho continued under S ' lne arm as far as necessary. Mercer- n, yL y j J Jr I O O " 1 o

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