4 yriday, February 27, 1914 PAGE NTNEj 1 ' n THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Fiiii.111 Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Mon eyMew York, New Orleans, Chicago and Foreign Market News. NEW YORK STOCK LIST Close nalgamated Copped 78 H her Beet Sugar . ... , 22 Cotton on ..a. 43 tier Smelt & Refff ... aer Sugar Refg .... ... fiO 106 120 35 96 123 31 92 212 63 134 aer Tel & Tel . . to. haconda Mining Co i. ... . tchison i lantic Coaet Line . . . . . . Utimore Ohio .. ....... .oklyn Rapid Transit .v, foiadlan Pacific .... ..,., besapeake & Ohio . . . . .. btcago A, Worth Western Bcago Mil & St Paul 101 orado Fuel & Iron ... , 31 klorado ft Southern .. i. . ... 24 lawarn & Hudson .. ... 152 tnvcr ft Rio Grande ... i. ... IS fie - -neral Electric .. . . . .... 148 rea t Northern pf a . . 127 86 109 14 59 103 135 24 17 149 49 "9 104 112 111 121 154 164 5 9 95 25 160 64 Northern Ore Ctto ... Is Central . . (ter Met . . .., i ter Met pfd .... .. .-. . . ter Harvester . . buisvillc ft Nashville ,., ,. sjssouri J'acmC . Eseouri Kansas & Texas fehlgh Valley - . ... stional Lead .... Y i 'cntral . . . . . . 1 brfolk & Western . . on hern Pacific pnn.sylvania .. r. . i. ioplos Gas . . 1. . . . . Iillman Palace Car 1. .... leading he -W-i Island Co . . ... .... . lock Island 10 pfd .... i . . . butlicin Pacific .. r. . i-. f. hutheru Railway .: niori Pacific .. .. ...... S Steel . . ... f. . . :-' Steel pfd .. i.. t. mV. 1 109 , 2 F abash . . -. ...... estrrn Union ttint " lew Haven G MIH'AOO GRAIN QUOTATIONS. WHEAT Open. Close. lay . . ; l.l r ' - .94 94 89 67 66 40 40 ..89 ,.67 ..66. ..40 .40 I CORN lay . .. . v' - My i oATS Ifly . v my mess ror.K, per bbl. lay ..2167 2157 2172 2165 LARD, per 100 lbs. lav 1 1080 1080 uly 1100 1097 SHORT rtlBS, per 100 lbs. ay 1160 1155 luly 1172 1167 NEW YORK MONEY. New York, Feb. 26. Call money eady, l(T'2; ruling rate 1; Clos- k i2. Time, loans firm; SO days 2; 90 sjs ?,: six months 3yM . Mercantile paper 3(f4. Sterl- Bg exchange stoady: 60 days 483.75; emanrt 4 86. 90. Commercial bills S. Rir stiver 67. Mexican dollars flnvernment bonds steady. Rall- Osd bonds steady. NEW YORK COTTON New York, Feb. 27. March notices Stlmatcd at 50,00 hales Were Issued the cotton market today. They GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 P. M Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 P. M. Visitors to Asheville, although not guests of GROVE PARK INN, are invitod to dine and inspect the building. Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Parties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 P. M., 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. Rates: $5,00 per day and up. Phone 3000. "THE MACHINE WAY IN SHORTHAND" Mr. Employer: Miss Stenographer: When yon consider that this wonderful little machine, weighing less f hjn nine pounds, invented by an expert reioi'tcr, laks any vocabulary, at top speed, writing noiselesely, a word at a stroke, in plnin type letters, in a code easy ,to learn, easy to write, perfectly legible to any stenotypist today flr years lience, is it any wonder that 11,000 progressive young people have taken up. Stenotyppy in the past eiffhteen months and progressive erpployere everywhere are calling for STENO TYPISTS t Which do you want: the 2 4pago booklet, or a demonstration T 'Phone, or call at our office, and take the matter up with ua. ' . EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 48 V3 Pattoa Avenue 'Phono 1100. Most complete ourriculum of any Business Oolleg in the South. seemed to cause no nreur. how ever, and the opening was steady un changed to six higher with March leading the advance. Later months met considerable selling by brokers w"ho -were buyers of March. But the reception of the' March notices seem ed to steady the general list, and pric es ruled 1 to 11 points higher during the early trading. COTTON FUTURES OPENING. New York, Feb. 37. Cotton futures opened steady: March .. . , . ..... ... ,. .... .... 12.22 May .. ... .. ... , , n 97 July .- 1 , 11.91 October , , . 11.51 December 11.54 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago, Feb. 27. Hobs: 2 4,000; slow; bulk of sales 8.0 8.80; light S.. 60 8.82; mixed 8.60 $8.82j; heavy 8.45(98.82; rough 8.450)8.55; pigs 7.608.65. Cattle; r. celpts 2,500; steady; beeves 7. 15 9. 75; Texas steers 7.00 8.10; stackers and feeders 5.50X 8.00; cows and heifers 3. 65 ($8.50; calves 7 .00! 0.76 . Sheep: receipts 17,000; best steady, Others weak native 4. 85 6. 45; yearlings 5. 85 7. 35; lambs native 6.8538.00. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Feb. 27. Cotton spot, moderate business, prices steady; mid dling fair 7.72; good middling 7.44; middling 7.08; low middling 6.72; good ordinary .5.90; ordinary 6.40. Sales 7000 Including 6500 American and 500 for speculation and export. Receipts 7000 including 6400 American. Fu tures closed quiet: February 6.68 February-March 6.68 March-April ' 6.68 April-May 6.68 May-June .. .. 6.62 June-July fi.fi 7 July-August 6.53 August-September 6.43 September-October 6.30 October-November 6.22 November-December ... , December-January .... January-February 6.18 6.17 6.17 CONFERENCE ON UNEMPLOYMENT (Continued from Page One) I employment exchanges, which ought i to be run by the state." Already, ac- cording to Dr. Andrews, eight cities have established free employment, ex changes. MAKES AN APPEAL FOR EMBARGO (Continued from Pace One). furnish Iraiisnnrtntinn nTirt arrnmmn. dations for all of them. Perceval hi EI Paso El Paso Tex Feb. 27. George C. Carothers 'today admitted that he had postponed tln departure for Chihua hua and while he was silent as to his reasons, it was assumed that the ar rival here of the British emissary, Charles Arthur Perceval, to partici pate in the Benton investigation and tho receipt by Carothers of a dispatch from Mexico accounted for the delay. Important Developments. The presence of Perceval, who came here from Galvesan, was be lieved to mark the beginning of im portant developments in Ihe Benton case. General Hugh L. Scolt, Carothers and Perceval maintained complete ; reserve as to their plans. Pereev i.1, , who received a bulky packet which he said contained his Instructions, ex pected to be guided by General Scott In his' official actions. It wis believed, however, that when the commission to examine Benton's body departs for Chihuahua where General Villa says It Is burled, the British official would accompany the investigators. MRS. CHRRLES STEWART LEFT HOSPITHL SUNDAY Woman Shot by Husband Last Fall Has Improved in Condition. Mrs, Charles Stewart, who was shot and seriously wounded by her husband 011 Thursday afternoon. October 16. in roC!tn8 woous "par the Grove Park inn, while it is claimed that she was re monstrating with him, left the Mission hospital last Sunday afternoon and was taken to the home of her sister, who lives on Sunset mountain near Locust gap. She has been in the hos pital since the afternoon of the shoot ing and nearly all the time her life has been apparently hanging by a thread, Utile hopes being held out for he.- recovery. Recently she has shown some improvement and it is believed by those who have had charge of her that she is as well now as she will ever be, although she is still 1 na helpless condition. It will be remembered that about 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Octo ber 16, last, she was found by George Jones, who says that he found her on the ground, groaning and saying the.t her husband had shot her. He notified' several neighbors and they succeeded in getting Iter to the home, when Mrs Prltehard and Anderson were called to attend her. She was removed to the Mission hospital at once. She was shot twice, each shut taking effect in the abdomen. It is clafmed that th gun was loaded with squirrel shot therefore causing all the more serious wounds. Stewart's version of the shooting is that he was going out hunting to get a squirrel for supper, when his wife told him to stay at home; he refuse 1 to do so and, starting to leave, he step ped through the back door on a rock on which some water had been thrown; that Just then his wife struck at him, his foot .slipped on the rock and the gun was discharged, wound ing her. He denies that he shot her Intentionally and insists that it was an accident. Stewart has been held In the , county jail since Ihe shouting, lie will probably be given a preliminary hearing some tini" next week.' LITERARY SOCIETY MEETING TONIGHT The second meeting of the Y. M. G Literary society will be held in the ' association building tonight at 7:30 I " ' lock. As this is a called session, at which many things of great import anee to the society will be thoroughly discussed and settled, it is desired that all members be present and on time. A cordial invitation Is extended to nil who Intend to become members of this organization to be present at this meeting so as to become members In time for the real work which is ex pected to start very soon. The hoys' governing boar l will hold the usual Friday evening prayer meet ing at,6:10 o'clock, and extends an in vitation to all boys of the Y. M. C. A. to come and bring a friend." City News Services were held yesterday after noon over the remains of Robert Chec ly Praytor. the two years old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Praytor of 240 Southside avenue, who died Wednes day night. The Interment waa In Riv erside cemetery. The deceased had only been III a few days and his death came very suddenly. Major Eugene h. Glenn of the field hospital corps, N. C. X. (I., has issue. I an order culling for a meeting of the nu mbers of field hospital corps No, t, to be held tomorrow night at 8 o'cloiiit In armory on North .Main street. In the absence of Major K. J. Clemenger, who Is In London, Major Glenn has clrirge of the corps. It is stated that either Sergeant Gill or Sergeant Ties ter will be here to Instruct the mem bers and the Inspection will be In Id on March II by Major Page of the M. C, V, 8. A. Boys Join Y. M. C. A. today. 12-31 ASHE CD. AUTHORITIES DENY SHEPPARD STORIES Tales of HI Treatment by In sane Woman Absolutely Denied. Sheriff C. F. Williams received a letter veterdav afternoon from T. C Howie, an attorney at Jefferson, Ashe county, which was In answer to one that he sheriff had sent to the sheriff of the county in regard to Mrs. Phoe be Shepard, who was taken from a train here on February 9 In a help less condition and who has since been held at the Mission hospital. Mrs Shepard stated to the sheriff tha she had been sent to Morganton, to the state asylum for the insane from Ashe county and told many stories about ill treatment at the hands of the of ficials of the county. While all the satements that she made were not believed it was thought best to write the sheriff of Ashe county and find out just what wa? true. Mr. Bowie says that he hs.s examined he records In the cast', at the suggestion . of the sheriff of Ashe county, and finds that the wo man was sent to the asylum at Morg anton in March, 1908, but was sent back to Ashe county in 1909 on pro bation. He says that she left the county, with her mh, in 1910 and has not been there since. He states that she has not been in the cusody of any officer of Ashe county since 190S. Deputy Sheriff Gay Williams left here this morning with the woman for Morgantou, where she will be placed in the asylum again. She is In a helpless condition and had to be taken to the station on a bed made in an automobile. HAD A GOOD MEETING Officers Return From Gastonia Meeting Those Who At tended Meeting. The Asheville officers of Ihe North Carolina National Guard association who attended the meeting held this week in Gastonia, returned to the city yesterday and report one of the b 'St meetings he'd since the association v.is formed severaFyenrs ago. Those from Asheville and western North Carolina attending were:- Captain C. I. Bard, commanding company K; Captain .1. II. Koott, commanding com pany K; and Captain Robert R. Rey nolds, commanding troop B Colonel John C. Mills, of Ruthorfordton, of the judge advocate's department; and Crii'aius If. V. Ladd and Lloyd M. Dodaniead, of the coast artillery re serves. The meeting was the annual one held by the association and after the business had been disposed of the fol lowing officers were elected to serve for the coming year: Captain F- L Black, president; Major York Cole man. first vice-president ; General Lawrence W. Young, second vice president: Captain It. II. Morrison, of I Mooresville. secretary and treasurer; j Captain Robert R. Reynolds, assistant secretary and .treasurer. Several entertainments were plan ned for tne visiting omcers at me meeting and all of those returning re port a very enjoyable time and helpful meeting. ft- H It K K ft n . W R u n It ! ADDITIONAL SOCIAL AND X. PERSONAL NOTES. H It ! itttttitntittiititvttit:ittt(t (Continued rrom page six.) There will be a meeting tomorrow j afternoon at I o'clock of the Story Tellers' league at l lie Sarah Garrison kindergarten on East street, when a game festival will be conducted. The festival will bo ed by Mr Wynne of the national league. All interested parties arc Invited to be present. P. (t A musical p rest ran) by the seventh and eighth grades o! the Home Indus- trial school will be given tomorrow I evening at 8 o'clock In the Oakland I Heights Presbyterian church, under lie direction of Mrs. McKlnstry. TliCj en , i i.i of ljucen Esther will be ren dered and the girls will dress in or iental costume. All friends of the school nrc invited to attend. X K The lade s of the Maccabees will I i hold an important business meeting i tonight at o'clock, after which a so cial mealing will le held. A full at tendance Is requested. It Dr. C. P. Ambler leaves this after noon for Savannah and Charleston and, before returning to Asheville. wUI visit his family at Daytona Reach. Fla. Phone 202 for vour wants. NOTICE ! In todays i sne of the fluzcttt -New occurs u large njinowcewient of the Asheville liiminesB College, to which we ask your specl.il consideration. There are si way U large num.. or of vouug people who i mild take I course In March, and ns this Is the best month, perhaps in which to begin, the college will accept notes for tuition payable In the latter part of the fall. Thl will give ample lime to complete anil earn the money before tho mile Is due. This Is a splendid offer, nnd only business i nib m'h that sustain the best reputation for placing Its trained yu ing men end women mid feels per fectly Willi ml. il III milting tin of. for. WANTS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOIt SALE New four room bunga-1 low, with bath and electric lights, $1,400, easy payments. Ray-Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood. Phone 1281. 13-3t FOR SALE Two hotels one forty room ten miles out, 40 acres land one 30 miles out 22 rooms 30 acres; $8,000 each. Terms easy. Take 1 vour choice, both at railroad sla-1 Hon. John M. Campbell, phone 829. ll-6t WHEN you go hunting around for a "For Rent" sign to place in the window of that house it shows that you are not In a hurry to secure a tenant. When you get in a hurry you will advertise It! A CANCER Is easy to cure If you be gin at the right time before it be comes a cancer. A want is easy to fill If you advertise it while It Is yet a want before It becomes a ca tastrophe. t'UR SALE Eight room house with five and a half acres of land In the heart ot Wcaverville. Good barn. Terms. J. R. Reagan, care Gazette News. 308-tf. FOR SALE Here is your chance to get five desirable building lots on a paved street at. a real bargain. See Ray-Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood street. Phone 1281. 304-tf. FOR SALE A very desirable lot In Lenox Park. Street on each end, side walk, water and sewer. Room for two houses. B. T. Tiller, 23 N. Main sttrcet. 304-tf , I TENANTS outnumber landlords ten to one; and the one landlord ran find the ten tenants through ten I want ads. FOR SALE Choicest building lot In Asheville; 70 feet front by 175 feet deep; good view, on paved street; sewer, cement sidewalk, southern exposure. Terms 1-3 cash, balance in one and two years at 0 per cent; price $1700. Lot located near Grove Tark. Best of neighborhood. Houses near this lot cost from $3000 up to $15,000. For particu lars add resa P. O. Box 364, Ashe ville, N. C. 2S2-tf. FOR SALE Two choice and deslra I ble bulldim lota In Canton. Size of both 0 b 141, being Ms Nos. B7 i and 58, part of F. K. May property ! lustoff of North Main St.. with good j view. Will sell same for $175.00 spot cash. Apply to J. R. L, Gaz ette- News office, for particulars. 88tf FOR RENT FOR RENT March 1st f!nt of 3 un furnished rooms, hath; modern con veniences; 5 minutes of square, on cur line, good location. No sick or more than one child taken. For in formation Phone 181 13-;;t. FOR RENT Three furnished bed rooms at reasonable price. No. 44 Philip street. Telephone 254 4. i::-:it. THREE ROOMS furnished for light housekeeping. .Modern convenience" rates reasonable. No invalids. 1TB Flint street. (7-tf) WANT ADS give you cumstanccs" In a stances In life out and cne. 'control ol clr thousand In of a thousand FOR RENT Koorns rurnlshed for light housekeeping; gas for cool ing. Apply 7C Lj. Mcln St. 17-tf CONNFCTIN'O ROOMS First nnd econd dor. fumlihed for house keeping. 18 Oradv street. P'rton Sin ITOtf. CLAIRVOYANT PBOF. EDWARDS. THE GREATEST LIVING CLAIR VOYANT, SPIltlTl'AI.IST MEDIUM AND PALMIST MASTEK tl STRANGE POWEIIS. There are strsngi' and mighty ' forces by which men and women can be secretly influenced at a distance to' do the will ot the one who knows the secret of using such forces, I'l me tench you the true rond to financial success wltlch awaits yon If marriage, deaths, change. rsv- . els. sepa rat Ions. lawsuits, huslncs" transactions, wills, deeds, morlssges. lo;t or absent friend Interest you von desire to be more successful you desire lo have your domestic troubles removed, your lust lovo re turned, your bitterest enemies turned Into stanch 1 1 lends In word, what ever may be your troubles, suspicion or desires. i'iiMK, 1 WILL HELP vor. NO CLIENT HAH EVEH LOST A DOLLAR THROUGH MY ADVfCB, OF W illi II FACT I . AM BOTH PROUD AND .lEALOI'S Hours I II dallv Special readings. 60c. Private Parlors. 41 HPKL'CE HT. It WANTS HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable woman for maid I and to assist with children; must ! be willing to stay in house. Apply 20 Biltmore road. 1 3-3t. j South, SALESMAN For North and Carolina, by established clothing 5 linn, one with following preierrro side-line, excellent opportunity, i j Cohen Sons, 171 Canal street New York. 12- WANTED of every Detective investigations nature handled every where. Family troubles a specially. Strictly confidential. Rates reason able. Box 508, Asheville, N. C. 12-3t THE FACT that, today the right man did not road your want ad Is no reason why he may not read It if 1. .. .......... .Wol tnmiirrnw and ll L .',,. 1. 1 r,-v and fails to I reply It Is no reason why he may not reply to It the next day it-It is there as a reminder for him. GOT TO RATSE some money by next! r month? Thinking ot selling that dp a WANT AD won t sell it, it's r lot? THIS MONTH is the right salable. time to advertise it. That's what's meant by "taking time by the Tore lock." Use The Gazette-News for sale ads. WILL PAY reliable man or woman $12.50 to distribute 100 free pfcgs. Perfumed Borax soap powder among friends. No money required. Ward Rorax Co., 216 Institute PL, Chicago. ' HELP WANTED Male Railway Mail I clerks wanted. Steady positions. Free; trial examination booklet, and how to qualify. Apply Liberty Insti tute, Dept. 667., Rochester, N. Y. ' WANTED Two experienced colored hotel maids no otners neea appiy. Must supply recommendations rrom past employers, for five years. Grove Park Inn. SALESMEN WANTED $75.00 pr month and all expenses to begin. Experience not absolutely necessary. Take orders from dealers for cigar ettes, cigars, snuff, smoking and chewing tobaccos. Penn Wholesale Tobacco Co., Station O, New York. St. T. 287-OOt WANTED WANTED To buy, sell, store or ex change furniture. Asheville Furni tur Co.. 29 South Main Street. Phoud 1851. i:'.-2iU WHEN y i want cleaning and press ing call Sartor Tailoring and Press making. Work called fgr and de livered. Phone 1461. i:l-26t Oatcs THK big 400 Pressing Clut I luilding. cor. College and Market streets. Suits cleaned, dyed, pressed and repaired. Phone 2231. ll-26t : WANTED Your orders for maple ; flooring, poplar bevel siding, oak and chestnut house trim. Phone S2 I English Lumber Co. 1 1 -not j WANTED Your Notary work. Carl H. Messier, Rank huiUlin 6 American National i Phones 682 or l!2SH. 10-61 1 WANTED Your rugs, curtains and , port le i s to be dry cleaned. The only plant in the western purl of state to : dry clean these articles. Perfect satisfaction. Phone ;!89, .l.'C. Wll- I bur. GRADITATF, KUHSE attends patient! by hour, $1 first hour. 50 cents each succeeding. Phone H44. 211-tf WANTED Plain sewlna. Ann St. Telephone SOU. South i 302-tf. B. A. V1NIARSKI. 3 W College St.. be?t work at prices to suit ever -body. Shoes rslle.. for and re turned. Phone 1641. JOO-IR-t- V' ANTED Py young lndv. posit Ion aa stenographer. Has knowledge of bookkeeping, rhnne 2435. i OS 't ran rent Desirable 7 room bonne on Char lotte street ; also H room bouse on Philip street. WKSTI ItN ( Mini. IN 1(1 tm CO, 10 N. V CK SJl Mil J. V. Wolfe. So r, AL Tress. . Phone i7i ALL DAY TEACHING AT THE ASHEVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE You can secure private or (l-iss In- If striK'tlon any time during the ay at If the A. 11. C Our teacher dc oles IvT entire lime In giving private lesion, or hearing (lu'Ses In shorthand n ml to giving attention to students of t l.-r. ruing. Wo also give a apoclel course In office bookkeeping liul'id lllg Shorlli.uid and I y pcwrll lug for girls. This course doss nut cost as much :ii somo of th mher cone. bill it l a splendid course lor girl? and i scour tltlMUoM rcmily fori .rr.'idmiles. Mm i Ii second in a good time to T nt art. iii Mil . mum ki.i.v Principal ( . Urge :li .1 floor No. Ph. k Square Phone Your Wants to 202 WANTS FOB SALE FOR SALE Good second hand fte showcase. Apply (" South M. street. 13- NATIONAL CASH REGISTER for naiP cheap. Address N. Gazette News. 12-lit pREE FERTILIZER Until March 10th we will give away, lor tne moving, a quantity of spent lime, ! because we need the room for a new I building. Hans lives' Sons Tannery. 12-It. FDR SALE Rose Comb Rhode island Red Eggs for setting from thorough bred stock, $1 per dozen. Carl H. Messier, 162 Charlotte street. Phone 22S0. 10-6t. NICE SWEET ORANGES 50c pk. To natoes 2 ibs. 2c. 1011 can always find fresh groceries, fruit and can dies at 41 Collage street. B. M. Shepherd. Phone 1631. 10-30t FOR BALE A good portablo saw mill outfit complete. Dally capacity 15, 000. in first class condition and rc pnlr. S. F. Chapman, Asheville, N. C. 310-26t DRWIN & HARE, 54 N. Main. Fruits Candies Cigars, Tobaccos. J. Rullow Ervin, James R. Hare. 303-26t THE WANT ADS even bring you neighbors. Probably that family that moved in next door the other day secured the house through these classified ads. FOR SALE Wood and kindling in $1.00 and (11.50 loads delivered promptly. Hayes Wood Yard. Phone 2599. 305-261. IIS-tfPOR SALE Good cie.-.n newspapers. CO for 5 cents. Apt)ly at Gazette- NaWg office. BOARDERS WANTED BELMONT 57 Spruce street, steam hent, large rooms, excellent table. Phone S'in. ll-30t THi; COLONIAL, 68 Haywood ?t.. near postofficc and Auditorium A place with home like atmosphere and good accommodations. Whore people who are compelled to board may feel they have a home. 306-1 f. .THE OZARK, 76 North Main street, I Excellent board, largo airy rooms. Terms on application. 298-tf. i FEW Messages that are deliv ered to thonnnMilM full to interest sonic. That's why want ads pay. TIIH KNICKERBOCKER, No. 77 Col lege street. Phone 153. Delight ful r:tuat!on, central location, large shady grounds, appointments com plete. Terms according to loca tion of room. tf. LYNNHITRBT. 5li College street. Se lect board, near In. Mrs. p. J. Cor coran, formerly of Ro.k Ledge. 307-16 MISCELLANEOUS IIFBBEH HEELH -Sc, 4 .".tic; half sobs. .'.(V, T.'ic and 11.00. Parcel post packages delivered in Z4 hours. Chumi i Shoe Hospital, S Govern ment street. Phono 7;'4. lj-tf. THY Ml't.TM'.ltAPIIED I.KTTBR for vi'iir tpiing advertising. We multigrnph letters. postal cards, prli e lists, etc. Public stenographic service, envelopes' addres(d, copy lug. The loiter Shop, 52 American National Punk buildbiR, Phune 2SU7. 13-61. P.M! POST , harg' s paid "one way hoes repaired by ai. Gilmer ii. ".1 East College street. I0-J0t. IT MUST hove been something st nge Indeel that happened to you If a want ad will not set It right. CAT PAW rubber heels. 40c. Sole ewd. ,'.0c, 7Rc and 11. P0. Work railed for and returned Gilmer Bowden, II Eaat College, phone 1817. 117-tf FOB NOTARY PUBLIC WORK ap ply at Uaiette- New office. III! THEATRICAL managers and poker player are not the only people to v. bom a lull bouse" Is Important It I important to the man who keep bourdei or lodgers FOR PIK .1- IT .mi ihv moral: Uee The (Jazette-Nuws want column J II. MrillNNESB. T . ,r fTw rail and winter stuple tim on display. Ma, nic Temple. 44 Market street tf OOVEPNMHNT POSITIONS, are eaoy to get. My free booklet T IIS telle how Write today NO'V. Itarl Hopkino, Washington. D. C IL McQIWD.1. .o. 44 Market tre. Tailoring, earn dyeing, (loaning and reratrint. Phone 1110. it i I