page ten THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE -NEWS I COAL And the Coal of First Quali ty, the Ooal that never dig appoints, the Coal 'with fewest ashes, the BKST COAL M. W. INDIAN COAL The very best hot Stuff in Am erica, and that has stood the test for more than a decade in Asheville. PHONE 130 Carolina Coal & Ice Company 60 Patton Avenue Km hum Building REMOVAL NOTICE Wo have moved from 22 Patton Avenue to the store formerly occupied by the Ashe ville Paint and Glass Co., on North Main street in Langren Hotel building. The I. X. L. Dept. Store. 14 North Main St. Phone 107 NO ACTION WAS TAKEN ABOUT C0NViGT FORCE Commissioners Hear Request Of Citizens About Fair view Road Adjourn. Asheville Is No Exception. Asheville People Gome Oat as Frankly Here as Elsewhere. Warm Feet Guarantee Shoes mean Warm Feet in any kind of weather, and always COMFORT in l)ig letters. All leathers, best quality, perfect workmanship, nifty styles. Up to $5. Guarantee Sou 4 South Main St. The board of county commissioners adjourned yesterday afternoon after being in session since Monday morn ing and while several matters of im portance have been transacted Blnce the board first met, nothing more than minor business was taken up by the board yesterday afternoon. Representatives from the board of trade and several citizens from the Fairvlew section appeared before the" board and requested that the convict forces now at work on the road be tween Minehole and Hickory Nut gaps, be kept there and not divided as was considered by the board. Owing to the great stress of other business be fore the board, no action was taken on the matter yesterday, ut it is expect ed that :ie board will act on it at the next meeting, which win be held in about two weeks. A great deal of the time of the board was taken up in hearing the claims of Henry Bartlett and A. P. and D. A. Walker about the building of a cart road over part of the Walker farm. It is claimed that Mr. Bartlett has no outlet to one part of his farm except over a mountain or through part of the Walker place and he wants the commissioners to build the cart road through the place, while it is stated Mr. Walker wants the road built over the mountain. The board left the matter open until the next meeting. It was announced yesterday that E K. Roberts, instead of J. A. Gwaltney, had been appointed captain of convict camp No. 2, as was announced at first. Mr. Gwaltney was made steward of camp No. 3. Mr. Roberts takes the place made vacant by the resignation of Captain J. W. Rice, who resigned Monday after being in the service of the county for sever U years. Ill health was given as the reason for the resignation. Asheville people publicly recom mend Dean's Kidney Pills. This paper Is publishing Asheville cases from week to week. It is the same every where. Home testimony in home pa pers. Roan's are praised in ' thirty thousand signed statements, published in 3000 communities. Asheville peo ple are no exception. Here's an Ashe ville statement. Mrs. M. P. Lee, teacher of art, 30 Asheland avenue, Asheville, N. C, says: "I suffered Intensely from pains in my back and sides and the action of my kidneys was irregular. I often became nervous and had dlziy spells. When I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a supply at Smith's drug store. They fixed me up all right in a short time and I continued using them until I was well. As I stated when I first gave a statement recommending Doan's Kidney Pills, I believe them to be the best of all kidney medicines." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. The Chalmers Company Announce A Light Six at $1,800 AND WE EXPECT OUR FIRST CAR DURING THIS MONTH This car has many of the features found in the Master Six and is made in TWO STYLES BODIES a Five Passenger Touring Car and a Two Passenger COUPELETTE, a semi-closed car. Ask us for the an nouncement catalog. Asheville Automobile Co. Sales Room: 18 and 20 Church St. Garage: 15 - 17 S. Lexington Ave, Slushy wet streets will be with us for weeks. Remember that! snow, rain or slush cannot rWh the feet in Dr. A Keed's Cushion Sole Shoes 5 & $5.00 Geo. W. Jenkins, 18 South Main Street. A RETURN E OF "THE THIRO DEGREE" "OUR SOUTHERN HIGHLANDERS" "A corking good book" says one reader. Fine description of South ern conditions and pecularlties of the mountain folk. $2.50. Drop in and look at it. ROGERS BOOK STORE. 89 Patton Avenue. - - Rogers Press. - . 59 Patton Ave. - - Phone 64 A SANITARY TRIUMPH Send Us An Old Blanket .Ynl get back a new one. Special process that raises tile nap and makes old blankets BOFT And FLUFFY ! The NICHOLS WAY (in laundry work load, for all household and personal work. PHONE 2000 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. 95 College Street. "Not since the science of heiilins opened its doors to the science of pre vention have physicians scored a greater victory in their tight against disease and death than on the Isthmus of Panama." Thus reads part of the concluding paragraph of the chapter on Sanita I tion in "The Panama Canal," by Fred- eric J. llaskin. It proceeds: "Not only did they j help to build the canal; they demon jstrated that tropical diseases are cap able of human control and thereby opened up a vista of hope undreamed of to all that sweltering and suffering mass of humanity that inhabits the Torrid Zone." Perhaps this chapter OH Sanitation is the most interesting In this most interesting book. Save the coupon printed in another pan .of today's is sue and get a copy at cost. Popular Klein Drama to be Shown at Princess Theater Next Friday. TJvnr TITT1ZC Tomato, Clam, Celery and French XTv 1 llVll JYi3 Bouillon, Vigoral, Beef and Ginger Tea Our Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream Is extra good. CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE NEAR POST OFFICE. PHONE 1 10. HAYWWOD STREET UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. At the request of numerous patrons, a return engagement of "The Third Degree," recently shown at the Galax theater, has been arranged and this remarkable pictorial representation of Charles Klein's great dramatic mas terpiece will be presented at the Prin cess theater on Friday, March 6. The unfavorable weather conditions which prevailed when the picture was previ ously shown here undoubtedly pre vented many seeing it who wished to do so and the management of the Princess Is affording another opportu nity to witness this sterling drama to all who have as yet failed to see it. As enacted by the Lubin players, this "silent drama" has been said by many critics to be superior to the stage version and certain it is that wherever shown it has been trrceted by crowded houses. It is expected that Asheville patrons who appreciate haat In nnitinn riirtnres will crowd the Princess Friday to see the linal ! showing of this photoplay, which, in dramatic form, proved a great success at the Hudson theater in New York, Something New in Cheese Bluehill Cream Cheese with Green Chilli, -warm not sizzling. Try just one package. Price 15 cents. As large as three cream cheese you have heen buying. E. C. JARRETT Pack Square and City Market Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine -Jewelry. Watch Repairng my Specialty. No. 8 Pack Square. Use MONARCH Coal It is the cream coal of the JELLICO field the very last word in fuel goodness. Try a ton of MON ARCH, it will do a ton's work. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 - - - - 10 N. Pack Sq. v J Wednesday March COLD WEATHBi MADE WARM By use of M. & ty COAL PHONE 40 Asheville Coal Ca square P. M. WEAVER, Mgr. PRICE SALE Overcoats, Clothing, Hats and Uncle'Sam's Pawnshji 30 B. Main Street SPECIAL SALE of Men's, Youths', and ftnifo onrl rilTllKfinni. kjvubo buu vcii;uoia now 08 on. Gem Clothing Store, 6 Patton Ave. , Laundry Phone 70 A trial is all we ask. Wo treat your laundry white. House Wired ? No ? Then the electric iron that re quires no stove and saves time and labor Is not one of your conveniences? Then you tire yourself out ptdal ing the sewing machine when you might have electricity do if for you at the trilling cost of a half cent an hour? Then you rant have light In (hat dark closet or turn the .witch and light a porch from the inside ? Why not enjoy the convenience and economy of electricity ? It's a simple matter to wire a house and our prices am very reasonable. much it will cost. Then to. satisfy yourself, phone us for an estimate. No obligation whatever. Construction Department PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. 04 PATTON AVE. Opposite P. O. Don't miss the Y. M, C. A. circus, Friday, March ti. Reserved seats 25c. 16-51 VICIFS PSBiSai SALVE FOR ALL COLO TROUBLES WANTS IH'STLESS IHSTKRS Free, one dustless duster with each $3.00 order Tor frrooerles, Monday and Tuesday. March 2nd., 3rd. . D. ALLISON, Phone 1643 22, Mcrrlnion Ave. 13-7t ! 20 lbs. .lap Rice , $1.00 25 lbs. Sugar 1.26 20 lbs. Brown Sugar 1.00 2 lbs. large Prunes 25 2 lbs. Stewing Figs 25 S lbs. Evaporated Peaches 25 G. D. ALLISON, Phone 1643. lL'-int NORTH CAROLINA GETS WILEY APPLE MEDAL Special to The fiazettf-News. Raleigh, March 4. The "Wiley'' silver medal, the biggest prize that the National Pomologies association oilers for apples grown in tills coun try, Is now on exhibition at the state department of, agriculture, having been captured by the exhibit rrom this state at the last annual session. This is ti "sweepstakes" prize thai gives first place to North Carolina apples in competition with the Whole apple growing region at this country. state Horticultural W. M. liutt la trying 0U( successfully an inexpen sive iceless refrigeration system for keeping apple all winter so that tiley can be mnrketed as the market Is shown to be the most advantageous. The test of the system Is being made at Mount 'Airy and Is believed to be a complete success. GUINEAS TURKEYS FRYERS BROILERS Roasting Fowls Choice Poultry From Our Poultry Yards Freshly Killed HILL'S Kitchen Cabinets OF THE McDOUGALL AND Green Castle Makes Are Universally Popular oecauire in points oi sajiitary values tney art superior, therefore more desirable. Every pjrt Is thoroughly cleanable and are so designed and constructed that they give a life time of sad. factory service. " All we ask is your Inspection and compari son, they do their own selling they do their own talking. J. L. Smathers & Sons MAMMOTH l'TRNTTTRiE STORE 16-17 N. MAIN STREET Either Knowledge or Judgment DEMAND ARAB HORSE FEED REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS $ Get Our Prices ll Pays Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Co. PLUMBING, HEATING, GAS FITTING Z. V. CREASMAN. Prra't. L. A. CREASMAN. Mr. BUY A GOOD GRADE OF PLAIN FLOUR. Put your : salt and Rumford Baking Powder in it then yon will know you have pure, wholesome bread; otherwise yon do not. Come and Hear The New March Records For the Victrola p. at Dunham 's Music House FrBh Comb Honey, 0c. Home made Sorghum. Pure Fruit Jellies and Preserves, at a bargain. O. D. ALLISON, Phone 164.1. 12-10t Special price on canned goods, Jellies and preserves. Call and see me, or phone G. D. ALLISON, Phone 164 3. 12-10t WANTED You to bring your grind In to the Asheville B. S. Co. We grind and sharpen cutlery of every description. 23 N. Main St. HPKCIAL this week, while they last: SSc Wood Fibre Pall 20e 11.00 Hand Saw (6c Brown Hardware Co. 10 North Main St. WASH BOILERS Made of HEAVY BLOCK TIN Walter E. and Robert W. Patton to Laura I, Porter, tracts of land lying on the waters of the Swannanoa river; consideration $1333. .1. A. and Emma Lance to .1. L Walker, lands located In Black Moun tain township; consideration $.'.;r,. It. Oi Alexander and wife to R E. j Anderson, certain parcels of land sit- j tinted In Black Mountain township; j consideration $90, Dave C. Frady to Mary M. Lannlng, i pieces of property located In Lime stone township consideration $10 and other valuable considerations. ' 0t Alexander and wife to J. E. Morris, pieces of land situated in Black Mountain township; considera-! tlon $76. R. 1). Alexander and wife tt J. E. Cordell, parcels of land lying in Black Mountain township; consideration $70. R. O. Alexander and wife to J. H. j Bartlett, certain parcels tif lund lying; In Black Mountain township; consld eratlon $210. Harriet E. Rhea to Kelly C, Steven son, parcels of land lying In gwanna- noa township; $10 and other valuable consldeiatlons Matt Burleson and wife to Q. W. Mc Mahan. property In Harnai dsvllli . consideration $80,0. O. F. Williams and wife to Mrs. M B. Elliott property In the city or Asheville; consideration $1600. J. D. Psnland to E. I . Fullam, pieces of land situated In Biltmore park; consideration 110 and dlvtra other considerations. Native Canned Blackberries Those Berries were carefully selected. Carefully canned and will make delicious pies. 2 Cans for 25 cts. Stradley & Luther PHONE 1902 - 1 and 3 E. Pack Square AGENT FOR BILTMORE DAIRY .11 ST KKCl.lVKl) IK KM I SHIPMENT. NICE. FAT IRc Knell a For Iftc r?Ti lie r.i?in?i nnnr. all iapm riWTlO ULj V LLUfLL UIZES iucroll KAITi OR BRING FILMS TO ROBINSON'S KODAK STORE HAYWOOD 1ST ssrmrvil.l.R. tt T D ir.iiMcr.T o riA sheet meta! i. r. jvnmaun tx vjVJ. works ALL KINDS OF ROOFING Galvanised Iron Cornice, Skylights, Ventilators, Metal Ceilings, Blow H Work, Etc. 69-71 South Main St. Phone SALT MACKEREL ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY CITY MARKET PHONES ISO. 2B-tl5. PRICE .... $1.00 While They Last Brown Hardware Co. , Stft NORTH MAI . at. PHONE 01 CASTORIA For Iniantt and Children lnUM ForOrarSOY Alwars burl the of PHOTOGRAPHS Our pictures of men LOOK like men. They show the force, energy and character of the sitter. They are portraits that reaUy tell some thing of the men portrayed. Telephone 77 i today for an appoint ment. PELTON & HIGGASON, STUDIO NEXT TO PRINCESS THEATER Get your Y. M. C. A. circus tickets now. Reserved seals tic. It-M ' LsROTeth's loss at Grant's Phamwv. t Chaiiati a) Wearer, Livery, Phone II Great Variety of note lias for all orvaskms. Gifts for old young for the kiddles. Anything for pn lal. IMnnrr MN-oratkns. Favor. Masks far any l la) can tie gotten from us on nlvirl notice. 400 view poet cards of Asbevtlle and vicinity at 10V per eVnea. BLOMBERG'S SPORTING GOODS AND TOY 8TORE 17 Patton Avenue DANCE RECORDS Tango, Turkey Trot, Hesitation, One. step, Two Step, etc. As sV, tertlsrO In Saturday Evening Post FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE Citizens Transfer Compan JULIAN WO ODOOCX. Owner. Wat arfwnt mnlint AHI arnAalasl aHsnllA. smsbb OMOflt teat man le city. Prompt baggage t ransfer service. Endorsed by 0. tt and T. P. A Phonf tt. 41 Patton Avenue. CHOICE TENDBB FRENCH LAMB CHOPS AND Roasting Chickens j QUALITY VARIETY SERVld STAR MARKET PH0NE3. 1917, 1918, 1919. )JlnLZ