Wednesday March 4, 1914 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE THRU INTERESTING WR DAYS RELIC HERE S. 0. Bradley Has an Issue of Vicksburg Paper Printed During Seige. WALL PAPER UTILIZED TO ISSUE JOURNAL Two Days Later City Was Cnptured- Contcnts Portrays IJfo in the Besieged Town. S. O. Bradley, a native of Mississippi, put who has made his home in Ash eville for a number of years and is prominent in the business circles of the city, is the possessor of what is probably one of the most unique rel ics of the war of the states in ex istence here. It is an issue of The Daily Citizen of Vicksburg, Miss., of the date July 2, 1863. The age of the issue is by no means remarkable, but the fact that the publication is printed on the reverse side ot wall paper makes it a relic of interest. The sheet is about 12 by 16 inches and is printed on only one side, the the other being handsomely decorated with pink roses in a delicate design for the walls of an ante-bellum man sion. It was doubtless valuable wall paper, but Vicksburg was then under siege and there was no other availa ble. This was the last issue, however for which wall paper had to be used, ... i .i . . ...... i ., I U . t... 'nt' . iiiuiiirri ' . i . . . . ... . tiie i"iiy uc- fore the paper was distributed on July 4. thus opening up an avenue where by I lie ordinary white paper could oiid. more be obtained. As stated above, this issue of the was dated July 2, and among 111. fill nrst paragrapns noteu was me i wing: "I'urter is enjoying a season of rest, j hd his men are doubtless obliged to pirn lor his kind consideration for Ihelr welfare. On Tuesday he llred a ' few shells from his Parrots, and kept hi." men tolerably busy sharpshooting across the river, with no other re sult than might be expected. The mortars have not been used for near ly forty-eight hours. Poor fool, he might as well give up the vain as Uration he entertains of capturing our city or exterminating our people i and return to his master to receive! the reward such 'a gasconading dolt will meet at the hands of an unap- i preaeiating government at Washing-. ton." oiiM iivn um.vh laifr. iteiore me is ue was distributed, the following note was inserted in the lower right and corner: : "Two days bring out great changes. Tho banner of the union floats over Vicksburg. Gen Giant has 'caught the rabbit;' he has dined In VIcRs urg ami he dfd bring his dinner With him. The 'Citizen' lives to see it. For the last time it appears oft 'Wall Paper." No more will It eulog ize i he luxury of mule meat and fricasseed kitten urge Southern warriors to such diet nevermore. This la the last wall paper Citizen, and Is ttceptlng this note, from the types ns we found them. It will be valu alile hereafter as a curiosity." Relative to the mule meat which WITHOUT DOSING K you have tried external nicdl- pu's and find that your head Is still jfepped up, throat inflamed and chest aoiv. we want you to try the external treatment Vick's ,"Vap-0-Ilub" Croup and Pneumonia Salve. Apply hoi wet Uiwels over throat and rnest to open the pores, then rub Vick's In well and cover with a warm flan nel . loth. The body warmth releases healing vapors that are Inhaled all nigh! long, and. In addition, Vlck-s 1m absorbed through the pores, taking out the soreness. Sold by all dealers on thirty days trial try a 2Dc Jar tonight. Relief for Agonizing Backache No need, friend, to imfer from the frightful pain of acute back ache, lumbago, rheumatism or sciatica. Just get a bottle of Sloan 'a Liniment lay it gently on (no rubbing required) and tee how quickly it soothes and quiets, bringing rest and ease to aching, twinging nerves and muscles. Bui be sure to get the right lini ment there- no substitute for Sloan' I. SLOANS Liniment is alio Croup or Colic Coughn Bronchitis Barns I "1.111- I uuuisidi am Wat SBH Pw; Uneeda Biscuit Nourishment fine fla vor purity cmpness wholesomeness. All for 5 cents, in the moisture-proof package. Baronet Biscuit Round, thin, tender with a delightful flavor appropriate forlunch eon, tea and dinner, io cents. Graham Crackers A food for every day. Crisp, tasty and strengthening. Fresh baked and fresh de livered, io cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that name the edlor refers to as eulogizing, precceding paragraph sets it forth as "Confederate beer': "We are Indebted to Major Gilles pie for a steak of Confederate beef, alias meat. We have tried it and can assure our friends that if It Is rendered necessary, they neei have no scruples at eating the meat. It is sweet savory and tender, and as. long as we have a mule left we are satis lied our soldiers will be content to subslRt on it." The tale of the fricasseed kitten is told in another paragraph under the caption, "Victimized": "Wo learned of an Instance where in 'a knight of the quill' and a 'dis ciple of the black art', with malice in their hearts and vengeance in their eyes, ruthlessly put a period In the existence of a venerable feline that has for a time, not within the recol lection of the 'oldest Inhabitant', faithfully discharged the duties to be expected of him to the terror of sundry vermin in his neighborhood. Poor defunct Thomas was then pre pared, not for the grave, hut the pot and Beveral friends Invited to par take of a nice rabbit. As a matter of course no one would wound the feel ings or another, especially In these times, by refusing a cordial Invitation to dinner, and the guests assisted In consuming me poor animal with a relish that did honor to their epicu rean taste. The 'sold assure us the good for Hsadarhe Neuralgia Hosrsenru Parnlyala La Grippe Stiff Neck. etc. Mr. J. W. Stewart, Itlf Chapel St., rinrln sall. U., wrltea: "I hail hrrii angi-rms wltfe sciatic rheutnatkam for f.. tiiteen muuihi and hail uaxj r vi r 1 1 1, in ( , hrard ot. I la-fan to think then van no help ft'tne. hut sparine of Sloan a IJiilnwiit. houflit ...... Mc. laittla, waj.1 II. ami rot rrhrf In tliraa ilaya. I havs nar.1 thivr IMtlra and liarrr felt lttoj In my lift)." Stops Backache Mr. John Patmon, ffs BiiMit St.. Atlanta, fa., wrltra: I fell ami hurt my back ami It paiiif-d a rood dml. 1 uaM on bottle of your Moan . I liilnxmt ami It alofipoU tha pain. It la tin- imt I . - r used." ma avatars. Prtsa. Its., let. as ! WimS.ttOM.lae. meat was delicious, and that pussy must look out for safety." Along with the levity in the "sheet" there is considerable war news, and the jabs at the "Yankees" outside the city are exceedingly pointed in some of them. One follows: "The federal Gen. McClernand, un til recently outside the rear ot our city, has been superceded. He and Grant could not run in the same har ness. He was for splurging and Grant for gassing. Both got logger heads. So poor Mac has to leave, and ' Grant has it all his own way." A short reference to the federal soldiers outside the city and their condition, the Citizen says: i ne lanks outside the city are considerably on the sick list. Fever dysentery and disgust are their com panions and Grant their master. The bays are deserting ' daily and are crossing the river in the region of Warrenton, cussing Grant and aboli tionists generally. The boys are down upon the earth delving, the bad water and hot weather.'!' There Is no spirit of discourage ment shown In any part of the pub lication, even though the supplies were fearfully low. The whole is a relic of interesting history. EIS FOR ASHEVILLE SCHOOL Candidates For Baseball Team Will Begin Practice On Next Tuesday. The students of the Asheville school are anticipating one of the most suc cessful baseball seasons this year that they have had In several years. The candidates for the team will begin practice next Tuesday. Following that there will be hard practice every day and it is hoped to have the sipiad in good before the opening of the season on April 8. Among those who will go out for the practice this spring are: Dowd, Hidden, Grandln, Wing, Herty, Wel ler, Garrett, Atkins, Bailey, liuswell. Cone, Day, Hambley, Latham, McLan nahan, Morse, Whigham, Smith and Capt. Garrett. Buswell, Dowd, Morse, and Smith are nevV men. The schedule for the coming season has been partially arranged and is as folows: April 8. Weaver college. April 11. Catawba College April 15 Oak Ridge institute. April 18 Mars Hill college. April 22. King college. April 25 .The D. and D. school. April 29. Kutherford college. May 2. Farm school. May 6. Farm school May 9. Carson and Newman col lege. May 13. Piedmont High school. May 16.nThe D. and D. school (at the institution.) May 20. Waynesvllle school. May 23. Christ school. May 26 and 27. Lincoln Memorial university. May 30. Elon college. THE TWO ORDEALS" AT THE GALAX ON FRIDAY Second of ''Kathlyn'' Picture Series Announced For This Week. Next Friday at the Galax theater will be "Kuthlyn" day, when the sec ond of "The Adventures ot Kathlyn" series, entitled "The Two Ordeals," will be shown at that popular house. This wonderful series of pictures by the Sells company has caught the country, according to reports, and many of the largest cities enthused over the production. These remark able jungle pictures are full of ex citement and each succeeding adven ture is said to be more Irfterestlng and thrilling than the preceding ones. The first picture, "The Unwelcome Throne," was shown at the Galax last Saturday to crowded houses and made a strong Impression. The second of the series to be exhibited next Friday Is expected to attract even more ad mirers of the beautiful Kathlyn Wil liams, who portrays the role of "Kathlyn." Additional pictures of this great series will appear henceforth every other Friday until the series Is com pleted. MRS. PAULINE FRENCH IS GRANTED DIVORCE .Newport. R. I March t. Mrs. Pauline Leroy French has been grant ed a divorce from Amos Tuck French, .New York banker, by Justice Har rows In the Superior court. All the testimony was by depositions. Neg lect to provide I t alleged and no defense was madi. by Mr. French. The plaintiff sworn that she left her husband 'In August, 1911, sfter he had told her that he never would live with her again. Mrs. Ficm. n was formerly Miss Pauline Leroy and lived here where tht two were married on December 2, lstt. They have five children and maintained residences hi Tuxedo, N. Y and In this city. FUNK CASE WITNESS FOUND NOT GUILTY fhlrngii, MMrch 4. Mlaa Alleen Heppner, accused of perjury In con nection with the llennlng-Kunk alien- Don't mlaa tha Y. M 0, A. cirrus, Friday M.i,ii S. Rtr-.ed seat) I'M KM QUIT MEAT WHEN KIDNEYS BOTHER Take a Glass of Salts If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Troubles You. No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by j flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well known medical authority. Meat forms uric acid which excites the kidneys, they become over worked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the waste and poisons from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trou ble, nervousness, dizziness, sleepless ness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about Tour ounces of Jad Salts from any pharm acy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and In a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with Iithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes Irritation, thus ending bladder weak ness. Jad Salts Is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful efferves cent llthia-water drink which every one should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. ation suit has been found not guilty. Miss Heppner was a witness in the suit of John C. Henning, a bell boy, against Clarence S. Funk, former general manager of the International Harvester company for alleged alien ation of the affections of Mrs. Hen ning. The Henning suit fell through and ELY'S CREAM BALM NOSTRILS AND Instantly Clears Air Passages: You Rreatlie freely, Xasty Discharge Stops, Head Colds and Dull Heatl- aclie Vanish. Try Get try it 'Ely's Cream Balm." small bottle anyway, Just to Apply a little In the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head j trils closed, hawking and blowing, will open; you will breathe freely; . Catarrh or a cold, with Its running dullness and headache disappear. By ! nose, foul mucous dropping into the morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or ' throat, and raw dryness is distressing catarrhal sore throat will lie gone. but truly needless. End such misery now! Get the Put your faith just once In "Ely's small bottle of "Ely's Cream Ralm" at Cream Halm" and your cold or ca any drug store. This sweet, fragrant tarrh will surely disappear. Majestic Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday JOHN McCASLIN "Prince Henry" A MUSICAL FARCE COMEDY EXTRA VAUDEVILLE ACT Thompson and Carter Comedy Singing, Talking and Dancing Act. E WASHINGTON.D.C. I I A jjjtfhkfe) Army & Navy Headquarter! M nL AD the comforts of a home, iM combined with all the tin- jjnB nries of a modem hotel. At the New Ebbitt yen HaHnj are nearest to everything h31 in Washington. m I axaata, AaaOTtasa, sTSm m i. n o im . mm mm DT. Par Day. WM r. ICHBTT. ri'laa. T resulted in a vindication of Mr. Funk. Later conspiracy charges were filed against some of the participants in the alienation suit and Daniel Dona hoe, attorney for Henning. was found guilty. Miss Heppner testified she saw Funk and Mrs. Henning in a Chicago hotel. In the conspiracy trial, Mrs. Henning testified she had never met Mr Funk. JUDGING PAINTINGS. Expert Advice on How to Go Through a Picture Gallery. I should recomuiend you to go through a picture gallery as one seek ing the face of a friend in a crowd and to let yourselves be led on by your sympathies. If you admire the work of a uiau. Hud out all you can about him; see his work as much as you can, especially his beginnings. In our times a distinction is made be tween painting which is decorative and painting w hich is pictorial, which is. I think, an unfortunate distinction, und one which should not exist, for all pictures should decorate the walls or I places on which they are placed. That this distinction should exist is perhaps our own fault in forgetting as we do sometimes that a picture should be agreeable to the eye in its color and masses the good old painters never forgot, that. It seems to me thnt taste in a pic ture is something like natural good manners iu man. uot depending on the elements the clothes of the picture, but on the temperament it displays and the measure of its harmony with our acknowledged standards, for a man's picture reveals his outlook on the world and is in that sense a part of him. If we choose a person for a friend, we like him, let us say, to be simple and natural, reliable and with out swagger. Whether he is rhji or poor, grave or guy. does not ri-attei' so long as we can depend on him. And it seems to me that a picture to be in good taste must have analogous qualities that it should, like our ideal friend, tie in accord with the best .standards. It should be in harmony with the best we know. From "Royal Academy Lectures on Painting," by f leorce Clausen. It. A.. R. W. S. OPENS CLOGGED HEAD - CATARRH GOES balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the in flamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty dis charges and a feeling of cleansing. I soothing relief comes immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nos Presents The utmost cf STYLE and SERVICE can be found only in MALLORY HATS. Re gardless of cost, no other hat is CRAVENETTED to with stand wear as are these Union Made Hats we sell at $3.00. A. D. G. $2.00 HATS are a revelation to the men of Asheville, and small won der when you consider that twice the price has never bought more "class" and wear than can be gotten in our "Special Headgear" at $2.00 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY FOR STYLES COME IN AND EXAMINE THE QUALITY It takjes but a minute to BUY one; six months to learn just how good they are. TWO DOLLARS ! The Asheville Dry Goods Co. THE STORE FOR MEN FIREPROOF ASHEVILLE, N. 0. GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 P. M. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 P. M. Visitors to Asheville, although not guests of GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect the building. Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Parties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 P. M., 8:00 to 10:00 P, M. Rates: $5.00 per day and up. Phone 3000. Battery Park Hotel K THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. Famous Everywhere J. I,. ATjEXA THE ST. JOHN Hendersonville, N 0. Commercial Tourists. The Modern, attractive, big hotel of the town. Every Convenience. Every Comfort. Large Sample Koora. Located in Business Seo tion. The St. John remain s open through out the. Year. SUYETA PARK HOTEX, Open year round. Modern and convenient for commer cial and tourist. Steam heated. Under new management. Address WM. SCHAUFFLE. JR. Waynesville. N. 0. SwannanoaBerkeley Hotel COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST American $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 European 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 HARRY L. LANGEL, Prop. CANTON, N.C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M. GEIER, Prop. FREE SMPT,E ROOMS STEAM HRATRD HOTEL REGAL, murphy, ' J. L. BM AT Hot and Cold Water. Telephone Heat. Iirite Sample Honma, Special Attention to Travellnf Men RATES: S2.00 and S2..-.0 per day. Special Rates by the week. Haaulqnarters for TT. O. T. and T. P. A. BRYSON HOTEL- - - - ANDREWS, N.O. COMMERCIAL HEADQUARTERS - A refined homelike hotel, where you will enloy stopping. The ppo!nt ments are up to date and the service and cuslur all that personal atten tion can make It. RATES per day. A. R. SPEARS, Proprietor. HOTEL ENTELLA snvnov cm Headquarters for traveling men and lumberman. Rates 12 psr da-y Special rale )y th month. Path mom. Free ammpla rooms. Rsll'oad eating houaa (reeling Souther depot Llvsr In mi. ln. W. W. WIIEEI.ER A P. E. FRY, Proprietors. Made It Pout. Rne-Dnn't you think I hare a prettt nx'tith? H (absentmlndedly) - Y dsrllaf Ha simply Inmenae AHHEV,bi;, N. O. NDER. Prop. ETiECTRIO IJORTff IK 1 I BATHS RATES 2.nn. north caromma. HERS, Owner and Proprietor In Every Room. Private Baths. St THE OLD FORT INN Old Fort, N. 0. Conveniently located, near depot. Accommodation by day, week of monih. .latss reasonable. L. J. Spley, Proprietor. THE JARHETT SPRING. HOTEL Commercial Bad Tourist. Rales 11.00 per day. Hot and cold Baths. Special Rates by the Week o Month. R P. JARRETT Phnne your WANTS to t

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